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Harry Potter and the Darkness before the Dawn by madscientist

Harry Potter and the Darkness before the Dawn


Harry Potter and the Darkness before the Dawn

All characters belong to JKR, with the exception of those I made up of whole cloth. Have fun

Chapter 1, Of Heartbreak and Nightmares.

*******************Number 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging*******************

July 31, 2004

12:01 am

In a tiny bedroom at the top of the stairs in an incredibly average middle class house in Little Whinging, a young man with messy black hair tosses fitfully in his bed. Horrific images flash before his minds eye at a quick pace. Images, of a giant snake towering over him, a red-headed girl laying lifeless on the ground in front of it. Of a boy, obviously her brother, trying to pull what look to be brains off his body, then a flash to a much younger version of the same boy laying lifeless on a giant chess board. Of a…a thing rising from a caldron surrounded by figures in black, of a man with longish black hair falling through an dark archway and not returning. And finally and most horribly of a young brown-haired girl laying frozen in an old hospital bed, a shocked expression on her face and then the same girl, older, laying seemingly dead to his shocked eyes. He snaps awake with the last. This is always the image that he wakes to. Even more than Sirius's apparent death, this image is one that shakes him to the core. It's just because I've known her so long isn't it. I mean, I've probably been friends with Ron longer, but…Harry trails off in his conscious thoughts, still not sure exactly what the order of the images mean if anything at all. All he knows is that while the nightmares change around they always end the same. I guess it's because I just couldn't take it if I lost Ron or …Mione. The last thought gives him a feeling of a lead weight dropping to the pit of his stomach. Harry sits up and runs his hands though his messy hair it has grown longer over the summer, the act reveals a lighting bolt shaped scar that had been hidden by his bangs. He gropes for a second on a bedside table and finding a pair of black round-frames glasses, he slips them on. The glasses frame a pair of shocking green eyes, which are filled with pain.

As he looks up he sees familiar shapes framed in the moonlight on his windowsill. He crosses to the window and opens it carefully so as not to awake the Dursleys, in whose house he currently resides in under protest, both his and theirs. "Hey girl," he whispers to a large snow-white owl, who hoots back at him in a seemingly carefully muted manner, almost as if she knows that she should be quiet. Hedwig is bearing a package for him with a letter on top. Harry smiles at the address written on the letter, the pain easing from his eyes, at least in part:

Harry Potter, the smallest bedroom, #4 privet Dr.

The Letter was in Hermione's neat handwriting. For some reason over the years, Hedwig has always known to go to Hermione for a letter or package to Harry, That is weird now that I think about it, maybe Hedwig knows that Hermione doesn't have an owl of her own? Hedwig having delivered her package gives him a light affectionate nip and hops up to perch on his dresser. The next entrant is far from quiet or sedate, a small fuzzy tennis ball with wings shoots in the window and caroms around the room almost knocking off lamps and books to Harry's horror. OHHH, shit that damn owl of Ron's is going to wake up Vernon. But Harry's fears are waylaid, as Pig flies too close to Hedwig, she slaps him with one of her great wings, knocking him out of the air into a pile of clothes. "Thanks, Hedwig" Harry says to her in a whisper, and gets a muted HOOT in reply. Harry walks over to Pig and grabs him, pulls a letter from the tiny owl and tosses him back out the window to Ron, I have to talk to Ron about that damn owl, Errol would have been better, he would have just ran into the wall or something.

As Harry gets ready to open his package and read his letters, one final messenger arrives. In a bright silent flash, a beautifully red and gold plumed bird appears. He is holding a note in his golden beak, which he drops into Harry's waiting hands, and then vanishes as he came. Well a note from Dumbledore, this may be…interesting. Harry sets the package and letters on desk. However when he looks down at the desk he sees another pile of letters on the desk, and with a snarl he sweeps those to the floor. As they fall one can see Harry's name and address on them in a feminine hand, however that handwriting is not Hermione's.


******************Chudley Cannon's Stadium***********************

July 24, 2004

Harry, Ron, Alastor Moody and Remus Lupin have just found their seats, in the massive Chudley Cannons Quiddich stadium. Today the Cannons are playing the Tornadoes. The day is sunny and hot. The end hoops are gleaming in the sun and the mascots are cavorting on the green grass of the pitch. Harry had received tickets from Cho Chang, an ex- or maybe current girlfriend who would be entering her 7th year at Hogwarts in the fall, but had been drafted early for the league. This was a little annoying to Harry as he knew in his heart that he was better than she, however he would just be a 6th year this year and he was only 16. Cho however was 17 and of age in the Wizarding world so that may have had something to do with it. Last year, Harry and her had become close; Harry had even received his first real kiss from her. Well there are those kisses on the cheek from Hermione, but those don't count right? He wondered to himself.

Cho spotted them and gave a little wave. Which Harry returned and the match began with a quick goal by the cannons.

"This is cool of Cho" Ron exclaimed happily to Harry after the score had been tied up at 50-50, "and thanks for letting me come too Harry."

'You're welcome, you should also probably thank my babysitters back there," Harry pointed a thumb over his shoulder at Mad-Eye and Moony, and Dumbledore too I guess as he allowed me to come, and persuaded the Dursleys to let me back in the house for a few days after the game." Harry finished with a grimace.

"That bad mate." Ron asked concernedly, never taking his eyes off the game.

"Not as bad as some years thanks to Mad-Eye again, but bad enough, Anyway you should also thank Mione." Harry said reflectively as he watched a cannons chaser get knocked flying by a bludger.


"No offence mate, but I originally asked if she wanted to go, she said that she had some stuff with her folks and to ask you." Harry replied, as he watched the Tornadoes score a goal.

"I will thank her in a week or so." Ron replied, does this mean Hermione likes me, surely it does.

Right as they finished this conversion, Cho grabbed the snitch ending the game 200-50 Tornadoes, the catch was ok but Harry knew that he could have topped it. Harry stood up and waved, but Cho never even looked up, she grounded her broom, walked up to the Tornadoes keeper who had also just landed, threw her arms around his neck and proceeded to snog him right there on the sidelines. Harry was shocked for a second, then he just looked green, then he turned to Lupin. "Remus can we go, please."

Lupin saw the scene on the pitch and just nodded, "Sure Harry, sure." Damn that girl's a bitch, it was a setup this could be bad. And producing a parchment from his pocket, he taps on it with his wand, "portus". They all touch the parchment and disappear.

*******************Privet drive****************************


Harry shakes off the memory, though he knows that he may have to deal with Cho this year, after all she will be in her last year. He grabs the letter from Hermione first; he has an odd feeling that it will cheer him up a bit. He's right.


I have missed you so much. I was at Grimmauld place for a little while then I went with my parents for a while, now I'm back at headquarters, I am fully recovered from our escapade this summer, so DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF It would make me mad and I'm sure you don't want that.

No Hermione, I don't want you mad at me, but I…don't want you hurt.

I have been harassing Dumbledore and Lupin as to when we will come and get you, and they finally agreed to get you by noon on your birthday. They should have never made you go back there at all.

If only I could never come back here, Mione, but until Voldemort is in the ground I have to come back to this shithole, someday I'll tell you why.

Thank you for inviting me to the Quiddich match, but my parents were insistent that I spend time with them, and I'm sure that Ron enjoyed the game in my place. I have sent your present with Hedwig; it's amazing that she always seems to know when I have a message for you. I tried to get to come and get you but Dumbledore refused, forcefully, damn he does have a good full body bind. I will see you at headquarters tomorrow.

Happy Birthday



You too, Mione…WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM. Harry wondered

He opened the neatly wrapped package and found, as usual a pair of books, the first was titled An Moron's Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts, How to Run Away Real Fast. Funny, Hermione, We'll see what you get in September, how about, Hogwarts, the History for Know-It-Alls edition. He thought with a grin. The other book was pretty cool, it was a book on advanced Quiddich strategies. There was another note attached.

Harry you may need this, Dumbledore has already told us when he stopped by earlier that your ban was lifted.

I missed you on the pitch Gryffindor needs you.


Thanks Hermione

Harry next grabbed Ron's note, but it was pretty short.


Screw Cho, she's a bitch anyway. Anyway mate; I only had Pig, so I'll just give you your present when I see you at headquarters. The place is already clean so we don't have to do that again. Happy Birthday, mate.


Unfortunately Ron I was kinda hoping for the experience in the physical sense not in the metaphysical. Harry replied, slightly annoyed.

Finally, Harry picked up the note from Dumbledore, Harry had spent the last year progressively getting angrier at his Mentor, maybe-former Mentor as he didn't know if Dumbledore would care to speak to him after his performance last June in his office. Harry had been angry, rightfully so, but that was no excuse for his behavior.


I apologize.

What for, I'm the one who screwed up?

Right now you are asking what for, It is as I said I messed up I did not trust you enough to make your own decisions with the proper information. I forced you to operate from the seat-of-your pants as they say and make up decisions as you go. I should have explicitly warned you about Unbridge, and I should have taken steps myself in that situation, instead for forcing you and your friends to work in secret. You will be glad to know that she is currently in Azkaban for her attempted use of the Cruciatus Curse on you.

I am not able to appoint you to prefect at this time, as I already have two fine ones from your year, however I feel that you will not feel left out on this matter, as I have come up with something else to fill your time, I am sorry to say. Starting this year, you will begin full combat training with Alastor, Remus, Nymphadora and myself, You should have begun this years before, I fear that once again an old man has let you down. Your friends will not receive as much training as you, however I feel that Miss Granger's skills, intelligence and loyalty to you as well as Mr., Weasley's bravery will help them though any trials. The additional training that you were forced to look for on your own last year for yourself and your friends will not be needed this year I hope as I have found an excellent defense against the dark arts professor to fill in for next year. I am sure that he will concentrate on practical, effective skills with little reading per say. I know that will annoy Miss Granger, however when you relate this letter to her, please let her know that I am sure that a sufficiency of homework will be assigned in the class.

How did he know that the first person I would share this letter would be her? And I wonder who this new DADA teacher will be.

Harry, in an effort to try and repair the gap that I fear I have caused between you and me, I will promise two things to you, First starting when we meet at Headquarters tomorrow, I will tell you what I can about things that concern you. If I am free to relate the information I will. There are obviously limitations to that as knowledge that I have promised to keep secret I must, and for that I am sorry. Also my office is open to you once again as it should have always been. The password for this year is "Sugar Quills" if you need to speak to me, speak to me there, as I am reasonably certain that that is the safest place. Finally, however I must insist that you restart your studies of Occlumency. Severus has been spoken to, and he will moderate his tone, additionally I will sit in on the sessions occasionally, and will teach them myself when needed.

Happy Birthday Harry

Albus Dumbledore.

Ok, that was interesting. I really don't want to start Occlumency again, but I know what that lack cost last time. I wonder what Dumbledore said to Snape.

"Ok Hedwig lets get packing, it looks like we escape at noon." Harry muttered to the snow-white owl that had been watching him expectantly the whole time.

11:58 am

Harry sits on his trunk in the foyer; Hedwig is in his cage on top, with the Firebolt leaning against it, she just stared at Vernon, almost like she would like to tear his eyes out. Vernon has finally stopped glaring at him, though Harry still hears occasional mutterings of "Damn Freaks". Harry doesn't respond he is just glad to escape this prison to return once again, to his true home. This last month at the Dursleys has been rough, for the most part Vernon has remembered the threat from Moody, but there are a couple of incidents that Harry still carries bruises from. The days weren't so bad; it was the nights that were hell. The constant images of his loved ones falling, and the nightmares, it was those that had woken Vernon, and had brought on his wrath. Harry had stayed quiet in his letters, as he didn't want another person on his conscious. He knew that Moody would have cheerfully used Vernon's intestines for garters. It didn't matter he was gone now; hopefully he wouldn't have to come back again, though her knew that he probably would.

The other two occupants of the house were less aggressive in their dislike of Harry. Actually Dudley had more or less ignored Harry, which was an unstated truce that Harry was happy to keep. Aunt Petunia was actually non-hostile, not nice or even civil really, but at least she wasn't actively cruel. Harry did notice that she seemed to be more non-hostile when her husband wasn't present.

At precisely noon, the doorbell rang and Harry ran to open it. It was Tonks and Moody, and for a change, they both looked more or less normal. Today Tonks had long red hair, a shade darker than Ginny's but was otherwise unchanged, from her natural appearance, she looked for all the world like a taller, older sister of the youngest Weasley. Moody was more or less unchanged, his electric blue magical eye was still whirring about, his nose was still missing a chunk, and from a CLUNK as he bumped his leg on the doorframe Harry could tell that he still had a false leg. Both of them seemed to be in some sort of uniform, Harry figured that it must be the Auror dress uniform; it was a dark blue jacket with a high collar. The uniform jackets were more or less void of any markings except a British flag on one shoulder and a subdued patch with crossed wands on the other shoulder. A small rank insignia was also present on each, a Lieutents in Moody's case with Tonks' being a Sergeant.

"Nice threads" Harry said as way of greeting.

"Don't start," Growled Moody. "We had to go into the Ministry this morning, we're reinstated as Aurors since we're back in favor with the Ministry, and junior here got kicked up a rank."

"Back in favor?" Harry asked confused.

"Yeah, I'll explain in the car."


"Yeah, like I said we're no longer persona non gratis, ready?" Moody asked, almost dancing in his impatience to go, after all standing still, just meant that you were an easier target.

"Yeah, lets go." And Harry and Moody grabbed his trunk while Tonks grabbed Hedwig's cage and the Firebolt. "Bye," Harry yelled to silence in the house. The Dursleys never even look at him, though inside he was sure that they were cheering.

The three walk to the curb where a large black SUV waits, from the way it sits, it's probably armored. Alastor and Harry toss the trunk in the back and Tonks placed the Firebolt on top. "Alastor, what's with the light escort this year, last year you brought a herd?"

"Look up boy." And sure enough when Harry looked up he saw occasional flashes of movement, which were probably disillusioned wizards and witches.

As the three get on the road to London, with the invisible overhead cover, Harry asks, "Ok we're in the car, what's with us being back in favor, I thought Fudge still hated us," as he looked about the luxurious appointments of the VIP vehicle.

"Don't you get the Prophet?" Asked Tonks.

"No, I stopped after they kept calling me insane for saying Voldemort was back and printing things like Hermione was my girlfriend." Harry missed the quick look that flashed between Moody and Tonks.

Tonks glanced in the rear view mirror where she was driving, Alastor was riding shotgun, with a wand. "Harry, there's a new Minister, Dumbledore was reappointed by a vast majority to the Wizengamot, and their first act was to call for a vote of confidence in Fudge, he lost big time."

Harry could tell that Tonks wasn't telling him everything. "Then who is the new Minister of Magic, Dumbledore?" It probably is and we'll get some dufus as Headmaster or something.

"No," she replied with a grin her eyes alight, "Arthur Weasley."

"What, Brilliant." Harry exclaimed. "Wait" as a thought crossed his mind, "what about Percy he was working for Fudge." Did Percy try to kiss up to his folks now that Fudge is gone?

"We'll let Ron explain if you don't mind, Harry" Tonks replied hastily as she swerves to dodge London traffic. Harry is convinced that he should have drove by now, Tonks drives the vehicle like it was a broom, and it's a little too big for that.

The rest of the trip was spent in comfortable conversation. Harry had been lacking news of his real home, the wizarding world, for a month now and was dying to catch up, on things like the Quiddich standings, the latest wizarding bands, and since he was looking to become an Auror, he took advantage of the fact that he had two with him in the car.

"Oh there are actually different groups, or branches to the Aurors Harry." Tonks replied to one of his questions. "I mean everyone is trained the same, and everyone has the same basic skills and legal powers, but Aurors are grouped into one of three divisions based on their specific talents. For example, Alastor and I are field investigators; we investigate crimes by dark wizards and track them down. We also have the intelligence and research division, where Aurors use informants and spies and other techniques to provide the field agents with information on suspects. Finally there is the long term strategy division where agents try to anticipate rising threats, unfortunately it was the last that Fudge cut the most, the few agents that were left, weren't able to piece together the threads of information that might have allowed us to stop Voldemort's reawaking." Tonks finished almost looking embarrassed."

"Thanks Tonks." Harry replied gratefully, that was much more information than the 5th year brochures had contained.

"I'll get ya a book to read up on Harry." Moody growled, then "were here."

Harry looked out the window; saw # 11 and #13 Grimmauld place and his stomach sank. He had not thought about it the whole ride but returning to his godfather's house was hard. Sirius had been his connection to his parents, his guide through the storms of the last two years, even if Harry hadn't always followed his advice. Harry thought about the loss of Sirius everyday and standing here in front of his house was almost too hard to bear. Tonks came around the car and opened his door. Seeing the look on his face, she immediately figured out what was wrong. "It's okay Harry, your friends are inside waiting for you." This was the only thing that could get Harry out of this car and to the door of the house. He got out of the car at the curb and walked up to the narrow gap between the two houses and thought about the note Dumbledore had given him last summer. Suddenly a door appeared out of nowhere and Tonks knocked on it with her wand. The door opened to display Mrs. Weasley, who greeted them with a great smile and a hug.

"Harry dear, I'm so glad you are here. Come on in come in." She said releasing him. "Ron, Hermione and Ginny are in the parlor waiting for you."