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Harry Potter and the Lions of Gryffindor by madscientist

Harry Potter and the Lions of Gryffindor


Chapter 30: A Trap for a Sneak
******************Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office************************

February 25, 2006.

Harry and Hermione, along with the natural-born Weasley children, all six of them, Luna, Neville, and the six adult members of the Order that Dumbledore, had trusted, minus Arthur, were crammed into his office on a Saturday afternoon. It had been a week since Harry woke up, a day after Hermione did in the infirmary, and both were now more or less hale. All of them, with the exception of Dumbledore, had been summoned early this morning in a flash of fire and a note drifting slowly down to their hands as if from mid-air. Over the course of about the last hour every one had drifted in, and now the cast was present, though of them all, only Dumbledore, knew why he had sent for them.

Even Dumbledore's huge office was not really large enough for sixteen people, three or four familiars, and enough seating to hold them all. For some reason even Dumbledore couldn't remember, the room couldn't be expanded by magic, so they all perched, or sat, or stood where they could. Dumbledore, of course sat behind his desk, peering over the top of his half-moon glasses around at the assembled students and faculty and Aurors, or combinations thereof scattered about his office. Harry was sitting in a now familiar perch, on the edge of Dumbledore's desk with Hermione squeezed in beside him, much to the displeasure of at least one of the portraits overlooking the desk. The old witch in the picture, Marguerite Holcomb, had been headmaster in the early 20's and she had been known for whipping the female students if they showed an ill-turned ankle, the sight of Hermione basically sitting in Harry's lap on the Headmaster's desk had almost sent her into apoplexy. After about thirty seconds of her complaining, Dumbledore had cast a silencing charm on her portrait, to scattered applause from the rest. Of course the fact that she had been berating Dumbledore and McGonagall the very night before about the length of the girl's uniform skirts that they were not only above the knee, but also in some cases well above the knee, had not helped her case.

Ron and Luna were both squeezed into one of the large chintz armchairs next to the desk, with Tonks sitting next to them. Remus was leaning on back of her chair. Moody was sprawled across another, next to them, wooden leg sticking out straight, sure to trip anyone walking by, his electric blue eye spinning rapidly to look at everyone in turn. The rest of the Weasleys and Neville were scattered among or around two other couches, with McGonagall, filling a final armchair opposite Ron, completing a circle of sorts. Crookshanks and Spooky, Ginny's gray kneazle, were curled together at McGonagall's feet, while Fawkes and Hedwig, were perched on top of a bookshelf behind Dumbledore's desk.

"Albus, now that we are all here," began McGonagall, in her customary burr, "why are we all here on our Saturday, dragging us away from our leisure, or our homework?" She finished, looking directly at Ron, who turned slightly red and hurriedly looked away from her.

"Unfortunately, Minerva" Dumbledore spoke with barely suppressed humor in his voice, "as much as some here may need to complete assignments," an eye flick to Ron, who just sunk lower in his seat, "I'm afraid that I need to discuss matters of importance with you all." He waved his wand at the desk in front of him, and a glass sphere appeared, an exact copy of the one smashed almost two years ago in the Ministry of Magic debacle. "To this day, Tom does not know the prophecy of his final conflict with Harry, or," with another wand wave, "of this second one. He only thinks he got the actual prophesy from Sybil last year, he does not know that she, in her somewhat tenuous grasp on reality, modified it in her own head. He did not take the time to dig deep enough to ascertain the truth, he just took her surface thoughts as fact."

"A second, why didn't I, we..." Harry looked stunned, he turned to Dumbledore, as to confirmation of what he had just heard.

"Because Harry, it's not one..." Dumbledore replied with a shrug.

"A false prophesy" Hermione breathed, already flashing forward to what must be Dumbledore's plan.

Dumbledore turned to the girl that might as well be his own granddaughter by now, with a slight grin. "Well actually not, Hermione" Hermione raised an eyebrow at this apparent contradiction, but waited for the actual explanation. This better be good.

It was, "The rememberall does contain a prophesy, it has to as there are certain spells that can detect if one is present or not, the prophesy however cannot be heard of course except by those it mentions or those who heard it originally. This prophesy however, while also by the imitable Professor Trelwany, concerns Fawkes, and how many Phenoci his mate will deliver next year." At that explanation at least half the humans present turned to look at Fawkes, who just preened for the audience.

With a look around at all of them, Dumbledore returned to business. "I propose to call a meeting of the order, this Wednesday. In this meeting, I will reveal that a record of a second prophecy, regarding the location of our final conflict with Tom has been discovered. I will ask for volunteers to guard this prophecy, as obviously I do not feel that that the Ministry's repository has proven safe. I also propose to tell Severus that this is a trap for Voldemort, that we are looking for a mole..."

"But if he's the spy, he'll tell Voldemort," Ron snapped, incredulous at this apparent blunder by Dumbledore.

"Be quiet Weasley, let the man speak," McGonagall glared across to him, the tone of her burr showing her irritation.

At least two of those present have already figured out Dumbledore's plan. Of course it didn't hurt that one of them was related to him and that they could read each other's minds. "Brilliant" Harry and Hermione spoke as one, their eyes meeting as they did. They both twisted to look at Dumbledore fully from their seats next to him.

"Well you two, since you have already figured me out," Dumbledore said with a nod almost as if this were a class and they had their hands up, "please explain." Dumbledore hid a smile behind his hands as Harry surreptitiously motioned for Hermione to answer. This was serious, deadly so, but he couldn't help it at Harry's letting her answer first.

Hermione glanced at Harry, almost as to ask for confirmation, than she turned to the room as a whole, the back of her head to Dumbledore and Harry, after all they already knew. "You are going to tell the other Order members, in the hopes that they volunteer to help guard it, and if the prophecy disappears on their watch, it's probably them. You are going to tell Snape,"

"Professor Snape, dear" Dumbledore automatically interjected at the omission.

"If Professor Snape" Hermione continued in almost the exact same tone that Harry would have used in being reminded of the same faux pas.

Merlin, they have the exact same attitude towards him, Severus better hope he's retired before I get any new grandkids. Dumbledore thought with an inner smile, careful to keep a neutral expression.

Hermione finished her explanation, "tells Riddle, no one will take the prophecy, as he will know it's a trap."

"Basically correct Hermione, with the exception that if our trap is sprung, it may very well blow his cover, as the muggles say, and if he has not been able to leave before then that failure could prove deadly to him. It's a risk but I feel that we should take it. And it is my decision, I will take the responsibility if this goes wrong." As Dumbledore said this, he looked each of the members in the eye, finally settling on the two perched on his desk.

"What about Professor Snape, in the event it does go badly?" Harry asked hesitantly, Snape and him will probably never be close friends, but Harry was tired of bodies on his conscience, and he did not want to sacrifice him if at all possible.

"Alastor is attempting to arrange additional help if needed for Severus. Harry," Dumbledore looked at him directly, abandoning any pretence that he didn't know of Harry's and Hermione's and Ron's and most of the rest of the school's actually, feelings ranging from distaste to full on hatred of the Slytherin head. "If Alastor succeeds in his goal to acquire a certain item, Severus will have a one-time link to a two-way portkey that I can create, as you know Tom has placed every protection on his lair, though I know it is Riddle mansion, we cannot currently find it physically, or magically. I need to know right now, and I hate to ask this, if I have to go and get him out will you come with me? Harry, even with the prophesy, no one knows, if your going to Tom's lair will be the cause of your final conflict with him, or we may get away without any contact with him at all, a outcome that, if it becomes necessary to retrieve Severus, I would much prefer. You may have to face him in the end, but it doesn't have to be soon." Moody nodded at Harry's glance confirming several answers at once.

Mione, you know I have to. Harry thought to his companion.

Hermione could feel the mixed emotions in Harry's thoughts, she knew that in the end, he would go in an instant if he thought he was needed, especially to help save a friend or ally, however disliked. I know that I'm coming too right? The silent response wasn't a question really. She answered for both of them. "Yes, we will" Her tone utterly flat at the prospect.

"If Harry and Hermione go then I'll" Ron started then at an elbow from Luna, "We'll go." A rumble of similar comments went around the room. Ending at Minerva, who just turned to Dumbledore, with a petulant expression that would do most of her teenage female students proud, "You never let me go anywhere Albus." The room cracked up at that comment and the pact was set.

******************Hogwarts, Harry and Hermione's Common Room*************

March 3, 2006

The meeting that Dumbledore had called has passed. Almost all of the members that could have attended did so. Arthur Weasley sent one of his sons as a proxy as he couldn't arrange to get away unnoticed on short notice, however as he was one of the trusted few, he already knew of the plan, and had Aurors secretly on standby, though he didn't tell them why.

Ron, Luna and Ginny came up to Harry and Hermione's separate common room to hang out, the main common room was full of fifth years theoretically studying for their OWLs but last time Harry had struck his head in, very little studying was going on. Harry had just shook his head and left, At least they're staying out of trouble, though his definition of that phrase was very different from how many Professors would have defined it.

"So Harry," Ron began, looking across the table at his friend. "Are you going to move into Grimmauld after graduation?'

"Are you asking to live with us Ronald?" Hermione shot back with a half grin, petting Crookshanks where he sat next to her and Harry on the couch, playing with a furry toy mouse.

"You mean you two are going to live together before you are married? The shame, the shame." Ron replied his eyes wide with false dismay. The two mentioned merely threw the nearest couch cushions at Ron's head; he caught them and flung them to the side with a practiced keeper move. "Seriously though," he asked glancing over at Luna, who gave him a smile. "If I actually do manage to graduate, and get my NEWTs, I'll be at the Auror academy with you guys."

"Yes, Ron, you can" Harry replied as Hermione and Ginny started laughing at him, "There are like ten bedrooms in that place, and anyway, Dobby might get bored with only the two of us to look after." Harry finished with a slight shudder as he thought of the things Dobby might think up if he was too bored. "Anyway, I expect that Mione and I will see all of you at the house, all the time."

**********************#12 Grimmauld Place************************

Outside a locked room, a bundle of rags stirred. I guess I am alone now. A wand extended from somewhere inside, and with a muttered, "Alohomora" the lock clicked open, and the rags shambled into the room. The crystal orb that Dumbledore had shown the group in his office several days ago, sat on an old rickety table on a little stand. From under the rags, a hand holding a glass sphere about the same size and weight as the prophecy orb appeared. The person replaced their wand from where it came from. He stood in front of the stand, and with a quick movement, he swapped the glass sphere for the Prophesy orb. Placing the orb inside his robes, he backed slowly out of the room and closed and locked the door.

"Nice try Mundungus," came a growl from over to his right. As he looked over, his hand darted for his wand, only to stop at a soft female voice from his other side.

"Don't even think about it Fletcher" Tonks growled, throwing her invisibility cloak off of her shoulders with her left hand, while her wand remained pointing at his heart. "Why?" She asked the traitor angrily, truly not understanding why one would take the dark path by choice.

"Money and power lass, why else," Mundungus replied with a shrug, as if the answer were self-evident. "The Dark Lord promised me control of the underworld after he won."

"And Dumbledore trusted you" Remus with an expression that looked as if he wanted to spit in his face, as he and Moody threw off their invisibility cloaks, "How long you shit?"

He knew he was doomed anyway so he responded, "Since before the Dementors went after Harry in Privet drive, you really think I would have left for some dodgy caldrons? That's small time." Mundungus sealed his fate with a sneer.

Moody reached out and grabbed him, "We'll see, maybe if we're lucky Dumbledore will let Harry or Hermione rip any information out of your mind." At the last Mundungus' composure finally crumbled as he realized what Moody had just said, his face grew white as a sheet under the dirt.

**********************Riddle Mansion***********************************

11pm (one hour later)

Voldemort paced back and forth. His spy had told him that he could acquire the prophecy, so recently revealed, by both his and Severus' chance overhearing of McGonagall and that female half-blood Auror in the hall. Mundungus Fletcher had stated that after this he would have to leave, as there could be no hiding if he stole it. Of course the mercenary had asked for even more money, which Voldemort was only happy to give him, it wasn't like he would still be around to collect it anyway after he delivered the prophesy here in any case.

The room, as was normal for any room Riddle inhabited these days was sparsely lit, the old greeting parlor of the mansion had seen better days, but for now it was adequate for his purposes, his trusted Death Eaters, Lucius, Bellatrix, McNair and Severus, watched him from the opposite wall where they were standing. Between them and Voldemort, Voldemort's giant snake familiar dozed near the fire. An ancient clock struck eleven times, the hour that Fletcher had promised he would deliver the prophecy. Snape carefully did not meet Voldemort's gaze, but merely waited for his master's bidding. Five then ten minutes went by. As Voldemort scanned the room once again, he happened to catch the eye of Severus for just a second, but that was enough. A single bead of sweat gave the game away, one that Severus has been playing off and on for almost seventeen years.

Well Albus, it seems that you have caught my spy and I have yours, however I don't think that an exchange will take place this time. Voldemort stopped pacing suddenly and with a flick of his wand, that he had been holding behind his back as he paced, Snape's wand flew across the room from his pocket to Voldemort's waiting hand, at the same time the giant snake's eyes snapped open and she hissed menacingly at Snape. "The whole seventeen years, Severus? And why would one such as you partake of this insanity?"

By now the other Death Eaters had caught on, and had pulled their wands on Snape. Severus for his part kept his hands in his pockets where they had been, a thumb stroking a luck stone, that he sincerely hoped would be lucky this evening. Severus for the first time, glared at Lord Voldemort defiantly, the repressed anger of seventeen years pouring out in his response. "You killed my sister, and Lily" Snape responded angrily, all traces of subservience gone.

"Ahh, I thought it might be something like that." Thomas Marvolo Riddle replied, his voice dripping with scorn. "CRUCIO"

Snape dropped to the floor screaming, the pain was unbearable, so intense, that even if he wanted to he couldn't cry. Voldemort stopped and repeated this process several times. After the first couple of times, Bellatrix had an oddly orgasmic face on, with Lucius just looking on stonily. It was on his recommendation that Snape had been accepted as a Death Eater so many years ago, and he was afraid for himself, his wife, and rather distantly for his son. His wife in particular, was currently still a hostage to his and Draco's "good behavior, more or less" though far more so to Draco's as the boy had not proven reliable. Finally Voldemort grew tired of this game. "McNair, take this piece of dung to my dungeon, I will think up a proper punishment tonight. Lucius, I believe that you have an appointment? Bellatrix my dear" and holding out his arm for her, he left to his chambers, the Lestrange on his arm.

McNair grabbed five or so of the general Death Eaters along the wall and they dragged Snape away, only semi-conscious, never bothering to search him, after all their master had already taken his wand.

*******************Head's Common Room, Hogwarts****************

Harry was still sitting with his friends, it was Friday night after all; it wasn't like he had to get up early though he and Hermione probably should go on rounds to check on things sometime soon. They had in the end, agreed to let both Neville and Ron stay in a pair of the spare bedrooms in Grimmauld after graduation until they could get an apartment, both Ron and Ginny were thankful, Ron because he could stay without his mother pestering him every minute like she would at the Burrow, and Ginny because she could more easily meet Neville there, as she still had school here for another year.

Almost at once several things happened. Harry's scar started burning heavily, and Hermione's head snapped around to his, meeting his eyes, her hand flying to her forehead in a sympathetic reaction as she felt the pain though their link. And second later, with a flash of light and a single golden feather, a note fluttered down into Harry's lap.


Its time, come to my office now.


Harry and Hermione, who read the note over his shoulder, stood up immediately, she asked Ron "You coming?" Ron and Luna both immediately understood the question and just nodded. Ginny also stood, but to her disappointment Harry waved her back.

"No Gin, too many people would just get in the way. If we need a lot of folks, we're dead anyway."

Ginny glared slightly at them; then sighed. "Come back safe, I'll come after you if need be so don't make me come after you guys."

Harry gave her a look of understanding; "Accio sword" his sword shot out of his bedroom into his waiting hand. Hermione, glanced around at them, and with an odd quick flip of one of her wands and a muttered incantation, their clothes transformed to the field gear of the order, their black cloaks hanging down over their clothes like the folded wings of a bird of prey. Hermione pulled a couple of rubber bands out of a pocket and flipped one to Luna. Tying back her hair, she turned to Harry.


"Ok" Harry and Hermione each grabbed one of their friends. Their hands met and with a blue flash in their eyes, all four of them were instantly in Dumbledore's office to find Dumbledore and Remus waiting on them in similar attire. The hilt of a sword that Hermione had only seen once before, in the aftermath of last year's Hogsmeade battle, poked out from under his cloak at Dumbledore's side. In his right hand, he held the sheath of another sword that looked very familiar to them all. It was almost identical to Harry's with the exception that instead of the rubies that were inset in the handle of Harry's sword, this one had one ruby with a sapphire on either side, poking from under the cord wrap.

"I believe this is yours dear," Dumbledore said handing her the sword, which she slung on her back, not taking the time to look at it, as she had a feeling that she already knew what it would look like. "We don't have time to go into everything now, but the traitor has been caught at Grimmauld, and it looks as if that action has resulted in Severus' discovery. He activated the beacon a few minutes ago. If anything happens, we get out right then. The same as the safehouse raid last October, Harry, everyone else, we are not going to fight Tom, but to bring one of our own home." Dumbledore held out a large silver ring about the size of a tuna can. "On

***********************Dungeon Riddle Mansion**********************

Harry and the rest felt the familiar snap-tug behind their navels and with a rainbow fall of color, they were suddenly in a dark, musty dungeon. The iron smell of fresh blood permeated the walls. A torch lit the corridor every twenty or so feet. As he stretched out his senses, Harry felt a weird sensation in his scar, almost like when he and Mione...Oh GOD, that's sick. Harry glanced over at Albus, slightly green, "Riddle's uh occupied right now. I think if we hurry we can ruin his night." Harry finished, not wanting to complete the thought. Hermione glanced over at Harry with a disgusted expression too; sometimes it really sucked having your boyfriend being able to feel the emotions of your archfiend when he was close enough, especially when you were in his mind too. Harry just mouthed "Sorry" in response.

Fortunately Dumbledore got the idea instantly and Ron didn't decide that this would be a good time for questions. Using hand signals Harry silently led the rest of them down the passage, staying in the shadows until he could just see the five Death Eaters standing outside of a cell, though the bars set in the door, Harry could just barely see the shadow of another Death Eater standing in the cell. From the outline of the great axe the Death Eater held, Harry figured it was McNair, the same bastard that had tried to kill Buckbeak, and that they had captured at the Ministry, only to escape with the rest three months later.

Harry pulled back from the corner, and whispering as low as he possibly could, he addressed the rest. "We can take out the five outside easy enough with silent stunners, but you have to be a pretty good shot to take out McNair though the bars with a reduced power stunner." Harry figured that he or Dumbledore would end up doing that job.

Luna whispered back, her voice as serious she could make it. "I can do it" though a touch of her usual dreaminess leaked though.

Harry made a snap decision, looking at Dumbledore as he whispered back, "It's yours" Harry waved them to the corner, where he, Ron and Remus dropped to the floor and inched around the corner, leading with their wands. Their black cloaks, causing them to disappear in the dimness away from the pools of light cast by the touches.

It wouldn't have mattered much anyway, the Death Eaters were half asleep and they were standing in the pool of light put out by a torch next to the cell door. NOW Harry snapped out a thought strong enough for Ron, Luna and Remus to "hear" it, to Hermione and Dumbledore it was probably like he yelled in their ears, he'd apologize later. The five out front, fell silently in five flashes of red light, the younger members' endless practices under Dumbledore and Moody having paid off. McNair dropped a fraction of a second later, as on seeing the flashes out of the corner of his eye, he turned and Luna shot him between the eyes, straight though the bars.

The six rushed to the cell door, skidding to a halt. With a quiet "Alohomora" Ron unlocked the cell door and fanned out to cover the approaches to the cell. Dumbledore, Harry and Hermione rushed into the cell stepping over the form of McNair to find Severus half conscious, on a cot, blood staining his robes, his large nose broken. Harry could tell from experience, that several other bones were broken from the way he was laying, plus the Cruciatus curse aftereffects were painfully obvious. Hermione summoned a bit of water from her wand to rouse him.

The water hit Snape in the face; he looked up and saw Hermione in the dimness. "Granger...I don't suppose that Voldemort captured you as well?" He asked in a mixture of hope and annoyance, but with an undercurrent of something else she had never heard from him, she couldn't identify, thanks maybe?

"Hardly" she snapped back in an undertone, and then with Harry's help they got him to his feet.

Snape saw Harry on the other side helping keep him up, " night is complete, uggh...just because you are rescuing me, don't expect an O in class..." He broke off coughing, a bit of blood leaking from his lips.

"Ron, Remus, Luna, come here!" Dumbledore snapped, and held out the portkey. They could hear footsteps pounding down the hall, but too late, as the first Death Eater reached the cell door, they vanished, a green bolt passing though where they had been a fraction of a second before.

**************************Infirmary, Hogwarts****************************

The group, now plus one ported into the Infirmary, where Poppy seemed to have been waiting for them. She just pointed to a bed in the deserted room, and Harry, Hermione and Remus gently eased Snape down.

After several moments she backed off, and went to get some additional potions from her office. Harry and the rest, turned to leave to go to Dumbledore's office, when they were stopped by a voice from behind.

"Harry, Hermione, Ron" the three musketeers of Hogwarts turned back to Snape, shocked that he had used their first names. Luna was in another room, where one of Pomfrey's assistants was fixing up a cut on her hand, the only casualty among the rescuers of the night. He looked fixedly at them, obviously fighting to stay awake to say this, "Thank you" and with that, the Hogwarts potions master fell unconscious.

************************Hogwarts, Headmaster's office**********************

March 4, 2006
3 am

Harry and the others who went on the raid staggered back to Dumbledore's office after a quick detour to change into normal street clothes. You could transfigure your clothes back, but for some reason if you did that too many times they tended to fall apart. So as per long ago advice from Tonks they changed. And anyway, Hermione had wanted to drop off her new toy at their room. Harry collapsed in a huge armchair facing his grandfather's desk; Hermione flopped on his lap, to the accompaniment of his slight grunt. Ron grabbed the next-door chair, but Luna seemed ok with just setting on one of the arms. Remus just leaned against a wall, as he has already heard this, he was at the capture of Mundungus several hours ago after all, and unlike the rest of them, he was still in his gear from tonight. If you looked closely you could still see some of Snape's blood on his black shirt from where he helped carry him into the infirmary.

The four students were experiencing that weird post adrenalin crash/hyperness/exhaustion state so they all just sort of stared at Dumbledore, waiting for him to speak. "Earlier this night, Remus, Nymphadora, and Alastor caught Mundungus Fletcher in our trap at Grimmauld place." Dumbledore got right to the point, he too was tired. No one said a word for several minutes, Harry accepted a cup of coffee from Hermione; she had conjured a pot as she sat down. He took a long slip, mostly to gather his thoughts, but also to let the caffeine try to deal with the exhaustion at least.

"Why? And since when?" The question was short, the answer important. Harry looked over the top of his glasses; they had fallen down his nose, an unconscious imitation of Dumbledore. The answer to Harry's question was also very important to the rest of the people in the room.

Remus answered for him from across the room, bitterness laden in his words. "I just got off the floo with Nymphadora," it was a sign of the seriousness of the subject that no one smiled at his use of her hated first name. "From what we got at the scene, and from what Moody and her got from him at the Ministry after we left to go get Severus, he's been in the employ of Voldemort since at least before the Dementors attacked you 5th year. That was supposedly an attempt to deny you and your friends and the training you need, he claims that Lucius put the bug in Umbridge's ear to send them after you," Remus shrugged slightly, "as to why, the almighty galleon, Voldemort was paying him and promised that he would get control of the underworld after he took over."

For a long, long moment Harry sat staring into the depths of his coffee, as if trying to divine an answer from the black liquid. At the same time he held a silent, hushed conversion with the witch in his lap, both of them keeping their thoughts so quiet that only they could "hear" them. My god, Mione, that bastard, he's...Sirius, your...everyone else; it can all be traced back to him at least in part.

I don't know either, love... I just can't comprehend somehow, and somehow I am almost glad I can't, I'm afraid that if we did...God help him.

A palatable tension filled the air as Harry and Hermione silently tried to sort out just what they should be feeling, rage, pity or hatred? But as they tried to sort out their feelings, Ron suddenly exclaimed. Dumbledore's eyes had understandably been looking at his great-great-great grandson and his lover, both of concern for them, and out of a sight sense of caution, as he knew from experience quite well what would happen if either or both truly lost control.

However it was Ron that lost control so early on this Saturday morning. He jumped up causing Luna to crash to the floor, unnoticed by him in his sudden rage. Just that act, especially the fact that he had knocked her down without knowing, was enough to send a shock though everyone there, not just the pain that Luna suddenly felt in her bum as she fell to the floor. Ron upended the coffee table that Hermione had conjured the service on earlier, coffee flew everywhere, even splashing as far as some of the papers on Dumbledore's desk. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Ron yelled spinning to Remus, "He got Percy and Sirius killed for MONEY? And I thought he was a friend, He helped George and Fred get stuff for their shop and..." He stopped suddenly, looking around confused. As he spotted Luna, still on her bum in front of the chair looking up at him, he sunk to his knees in front of her "Oh bloody... I'm sorry Loony, I..."

"Its ok, honey" she replied softly as he sunk into her shoulder crying softly, "Its ok, you can let it out." Harry and Hermione just looked on silently, in a bit of shock, Ron was their best friend, but they hadn't realized the impact that Percy's death had had on Ron. They had noticed Ginny and Molly's tearful reactions obviously, but had not noticed that Ron was stoic, too stoic throughout the ordeal. Of course it wasn't as if neither of them had been able to focus on Ron either, considering that Hermione's parents had been killed at the same time. Without looking up, Luna addressed them, her voice totally absent of any dreaminess; it had been replaced with sudden concern for her fiancée. "Harry, Professor, I'm going to take him up to bed ok?"

"Sure Luna, in fact," Harry glanced at Dumbledore as if to ask permission, he got an incremental nod in response. "Take him up to"

"My room Luna" Hermione interrupted It's actually clean Harry, unlike yo...ours. After all we sleep in yours remember?

Fine with me Harry thought back, "And stay with him tonight Luna, Remus can you help them up to the tower? Assuming that is ok Professor?"

"Certainly Harry, Luna you heard them, I'm sure Harry and Hermione will be across the common room if you need them." Remus, Luna and a silent Ron left, leaving Harry alone with the other two.

"What else did they get out of him?" Harry asked, his tone flat, if he were one of the lions that symbolized his house, or in his animagus form, his ears would be flat and his fangs would be showing. For her part in this drama, Hermione just stared at a point on Dumbledore's desk, just shy of him. If one caught her eye, he might imagine, an invisible tail, twitching back and forth as if ready to pounce on something or someone.

"Nothing really" Dumbledore said reluctantly as if he were afraid of the consequences if he stayed silent or if he talked. "Nymphadora and Alastor have had him at the Ministry's interrogation rooms for almost five hours now, besides what he told them initially he hasn't said much of consequence. And even if he did talk, I'm not sure what information he would really have."

Mione? Harry asked sensing her troubled thoughts, a mirror of his own. He's the one that...he's probably the one who told Riddle when the guard would be weakest.

Yeah, I know, but he didn't actually fire the spells that killed them, I just don't know anymore, I'm tired of it Harry. She thought, her utter exhaustion braking through her thoughts. As a counter point to her thoughts, a storm that had been threatening all day finally broke over the castle, eerily reminding them of the night so recent in the past, that they had to fight for their lives in their dreams.

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door, with no voice behind it. Who the hell could that be at this time of night? Harry thought incredulously, the only ones who would have known the password and would be up this late would be teachers and or Order members, and they would have said something at least. In response Harry got the mental impression of a shrug. Dumbledore closed his eyes for an instant almost as if he was seeing an image in his mind. He snapped them open and looked sharply at the head students.

"Harry, Hermione, I need to ask you both of you a question, and I need the honest truth, if I ask it, will you take absolutely no action, unless I ask or unless you for some reason need to defend yourself, no matter who is behind that door," Dumbledore urgently asked the pair, his expression almost pleading with them. Fawkes turned and looked at them as if he too was awaiting the result, and a curious hush fell over the room.

"As long as those conditions are in place, yes I guess we can," Harry replied for the both of them. He didn't know what to think, from what Dumbledore had just asked he was almost concerned.

'Thank you, Harry and Hermione," Dumbledore replied, his voice as if he had just been given a great gift, which unknown to them, he had. "Then if you please, I would like you two to come over to this side of the desk," as bidden the two got up and walked to his side of the desk where he motioned them to take up positions to one side of the desk. Hermione hoped up on the desk sitting barely on the edge. Harry for his part chose a position slightly behind her, his hip leaning on the desk, both of them facing the two chairs they along with Ron and Luna had sat in moments before. With a wave of Dumbledore's wand the two chairs became one as the second vanished to limbo, or at least a closet somewhere. "Come In" Dumbledore said firmly to the door.

Damn Mione, do you think we will ever get any sleep tonight? Harry thought tiredly to her.

Lord I hope so, we can get ven...OH SHIT, Hermione's mental retort was cut off suddenly as both Harry and her caught sight of a shock of platinum blond hair. As one they instinctively grabbed for their wands, only to have Harry stop them both by gently forcing Hermione's wand down as he lowered his.

We promised Hermione. Harry reminded her gently, silently to keep their conversation covert. She just nodded and leaned back into him slightly, though both of their eyes never left the newcomer, and their hands didn't replace their wands into their jeans.

That was close, Dumbledore thought to himself. At one time he would have been stunned at the depth of the animosity that grown between the two camps, but not anymore. Even in James' day the lines had not been drawn so clearly. With the noted exception of a few Slytherins that kept their heads down out of self-preservation, you were either on the side of light, or you were in Slytherin. Or that was how the majority of the school saw it, anyway. "Draco, please sit." He called to the Slytherin prefect, as he motioned to the chair.

"One moment sir," Draco said softly, with a hint of respect for Dumbledore that he often did not show. He turned slightly to Harry and Hermione, who were still half standing/half sitting on the side of the great Headmaster's desk. "Potter, Granger, please hear me out, here" He said softly, drawing his wand with exquisite slowness with two fingers and tossing it though the air to them. Hermione plucked it from the air one handed, her eyes never leaving him. "If you still want to after I've said my piece, use my own wand on me, it'll be fitting somehow." Draco crossed to the chair and sat facing the Headmaster squarely, "Where do I start?"

"At the beginning is often a good choice" Dumbledore replied evenly, the humor that was so much a component of him leaking through just a touch.

Draco nodded slightly and cleared his throat, and began softly so that all of them had to strain to hear. "I would apologize to both of you, as with the exception of Weasley, you two have been my target for the majority of my malice. However, during the last seven or so years that we have known each other, there was a line I would not cross, a path that I did not take. My being here tonight, is probably my death sentence." Draco paused as he dropped that bombshell. No one said a word; they were waiting for the rest of his tale.

"Before I go on, I did not try and cause Hermione to fall to her death in last year's Quiddich match with Gryffindor nor was it done with my knowledge, I do believe that was one of my housemates, acting on orders from the Dark Lord however. The closest I have come to that was last year, when I used my housemates to ambush yours and Harry stopped me, I was angry to all of you for your part, in the capture of my father, and for other reasons. Voldemort has or has had my mother hostage to my good behavior, and in part to my Father's, or so I believed until tonight. This afternoon I received a message that I was to receive the Dark Mark upon my successful completion of an initiation rite." As Draco said this last bit, he stared at his own hands, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes in the room.

Harry spoke for the first time, his voice dripping with curiosity; he couldn't help it, "Rite?"

In response, Draco once again dug into his pockets and very slowly pulled out a small talisman, inscribed with a snake on one side and a lion on the other. He flipped it onto Dumbledore's desk as he continued, a slight look of distaste evident on his face. "My initiation was to use an suffocation curse on random Gryffindors as they slept. I have until tomorrow to accomplish this task or as anyone else who failed or refused the mark I will be killed. That talisman is supposed to get me past the Gryffindor security, including the girls stairs and the security on the Head's rooms." Malfoy gave a small shrug.

In a hiss replete with menace, Harry asked, "Just when was that to happen, tonight correct? And just how were you planning on escaping, I can tell you right now that charm would not have worked on many of us, and just where were you going to hide when I..."

"We..." Hermione interrupted, her eyes slightly glowing, her tone flat.

"When we hunted you down, Draco." Harry finished calmly, but with an air of utter assurance.

"It was" Draco replied softly, his face coming up to meet Harry's. "However about three hours ago, I refused the assignment."

"WHAT?" Harry and Hermione replied as one. Dumbledore just looked over his glasses at the Slytherin obviously deep in thought.

"My father had charmed a feather on my owl to act as a portkey to meet. At around midnight I met him, he was to give me the talisman, I was then to immediately carry out the assignment and escape to him. However I refused." Draco replied hotly, sweeping a mug remaining on the table to the floor, where it shattered with a crash. Malfoy looked at the broken mug on the floor and laughed bitterly, "A cheap cup, smashed on the floor such a metaphor for me, don't you think?" He said wearily and gave the rest of his tale. "My father however insisted, I again refused, and in response he brought my mother out. She for her part also commanded me to do the deed. When I refused again, she spat on me and said if I did not commit this act I was no son of hers and I would be disowned. Just as I was to respond to that last threat, both of them had their marks activated. The Dark Lord had commanded them to return instantly, something had happened I suppose. My father just repeated one last time for me to not fail, or the consequences would be grave to me. For years, I have believed that my mother was a hostage to my behavior, however after tonight it was apparent that she was no more a hostage than my father. So by this time tomorrow, I will be disowned and probably dead or marked for death. As Voldemort and my father both punish treason with death." Draco finished with a sigh and stared at Dumbledore, like a deposed king of old waiting for the headman's axe.

Harry and Hermione had carefully not exchanged a look when Draco had mentioned that his parents had had to return suddenly to Voldemort's side, Dumbledore however finally broke his silence that he had held since Draco started his story. "Mr. Malfoy, you come here tonight, with a tale that on the surface seems sincere, however there is one question that must be answered before, I, we can do anything with you, why? Why did you walk away from the path that you seemed bent on, and on your family?"

"Because there are limits to what I will do sir, If the order was to fight Potter, or Granger there or perhaps one of the others, one on one or even in an ambush again such as I instigated last year, the outcome might have been different, then even in an ambush they would have had a chance to fight, I might have died in the attempt, but it would have been honorable at least. I will not kill children in their beds...or in a candy shop. I did not know about the Hogsmeade attack either, I was just commanded not to go to the town by my father, I expected some sort of attack on the Gryffindors, Harry's age, but not what happened. Never what happened." Draco replied his drawl strained almost to the point of incomprehensibility.

Dumbledore nodded and stood up, "Harry, Hermione a moment, if you please." motioning to the door of his quarters, "Draco stay there." Harry and Hermione walked slowly over to the indicated doorway, both subconsciously taking turns watching Draco out of the corner of their eyes.

As they huddled together, Harry felt a curious sensation, almost like a knock on a door, instinctively he knew that it was Dumbledore wanting entrance into the link that he and Hermione shared, with a flashed warning thought to Hermione he let her know what he was doing. And that he'd close the door after Dumbledore was done, it wasn't that they didn't trust Dumbledore, even though Harry and Hermione as well, still had some buried issues over the whole fifth year. But there were thoughts that passed between them routinely that he didn't need to hear. With the mental image of a key turning in a lock, Ok, come in.

Thank you, Harry, Hermione, I'm sorry to intrude but this is the only way to be secure. Dumbledore replied grimily. What do you two think; it does however confirm certain things, that Severus found out before he was in turn found out.

What, we already knew that Voldemort might have Draco's mother hostage to his behavior. Besides we know that he was the one that gave Harry and my relationship up to the Death Eaters, I know you never told me, but I am in Harry's mind as much as he is in mine, Albus She snapped in her thoughts to him, Harry, love, I know that you were trying to protect me, but we have had this conversation. She finished, though she knew damn well that he'd keep trying to protect him even if she threw him out on his ear, much like she would do for him, no matter what he said.

Harry just gave her a knowing smile and replied to Dumbledore's original question, No offence, Grandfather, but at this very instant, your record of accepting former evil-doers is fifty, fifty, Severus in the end, I admit, proved himself to us both at least as to what side he is on, though we still don't really like him or him us, but Mundungus...I do not believe Draco's story, at least in total, he is probably just more scared of us than Voldemort at the moment.

Yes, I was afraid that Mundungus would color this; but there have been signs over the years that Draco did not necessarily approve of the path that he had been on. With a thought directed at Harry, though Hermione of course "heard it" And to be honest the main reason that Draco is your enemy, is that seven years ago a hat, followed your request and placed you into Gryffindor, Yes Harry I knew of the hat's original intention. In many ways you two are much alike, you are both loyal to your friends as long as they are loyal to you. As to the behavior of his mother, it may confirm that she had gone from being a hostage to Malfoy, to a favorite of Riddle's much like Bellatrix is.

Harry and Hermione both shuddered at that mental image, after a second Harry responded, Ok, just what do you want to do with him? Use him to replace Snape as our spy?

Exactly Harry, Dumbledore responded to him, I know that you were joking, but if his attack were foiled, by means beyond his control, then he could claim that he was attempting his task, but was stopped. The main problem is that he is not skilled in Occlumency, if Tom were to suspect at all, he would kill him instantly; he would not repeat his mistake with Severus. We would have to use him to pass erroneous information to Tom without leaving the school.

Hermione looked at Harry, and with just that look they agreed to something, they didn't even need their conscious thoughts to communicate with each other after all they had been doing it for six years before they awakened their link. Ok, then Albus, we will agree, I assume that you want Harry and I to just happen on Draco, right before he manages to do any damage besides, perhaps some carefully staged property damage? We agree on one condition, he claims that he never purposefully tried to kill us directly, but...

Dumbledore just nodded, he didn't even need her to complete her thought; he just walked back over to his desk, breaking up the group. Harry closed their link to Dumbledore, as he had been the portal, and turned to Hermione, I'll back you Mione, either way.

I know, Harry, let's go I...we have to know before we can trust him at all, or if he leaves this office alive. With this last the both of them marched to the front of Dumbledore's desk.

"Draco, look at me." Hermione commanded, as his eyes met hers, "LEGILIMENS". Suddenly a flash of images, flooded hers and though their link, Harry's mind, images of a eight year old Draco, being beaten for playing with some muggle children, of his father torturing someone unknown to either of them, of Draco watching the two of them together on the train, a touch of envy filling his thoughts. With practice gained with Harry, Hermione then influenced the replay, to two particular thoughts. There were two betrayals that Draco could have had a part in that neither of them could forgive, the first was easy, memories of Draco being told by his father that Sirius had made a mistake coming out to the platform at King's Cross, that a Death Eater had recognized him from descriptions given by Wormtail. So he didn't know before hand. The second took a second longer than the first, Draco was standing in some parlor room, similar to the one at Grimmauld Place, but not.

******************Flashback/Draco's Memory***********************

Malfoy Manor
August 1, 2005

Hermione was looking around a well-decorated room though Draco's viewpoint. The room was in a wizarding home, she could tell instantly from the green flames still burning in the fireplace where someone has just recently flooed. As she, and through her Harry, relived the memory, she noticed that only Draco and a familiar girl were in the room. From the sumptuous appointments, the polished marble floors, the dark oak paneling, she assumed that the locale was Malfoy Manor, even though she had never been there.

"You did WHAT?" Draco yelled to Pansy Parkinson, he was pacing back and forth in front of her, where she sat on the couch. He was holding an ice pack to his head that the new house elf had brought him when he came in from his confrontation with Potter and his friends. Damn Gryffindors stick together like a pack, my damn mates run off as soon as they think they might loose. He thought bitterly.

"I sent a note to your father about today, since you didn't have time. Why worry about that anyway, we have the whole house to ourselves since both of your parents are with You-Know-Who, lets have some fun." She finished by getting up from the couch, and after walking saucily over to him; she reached for his belt buckle...

"NO damn it Pansy, do you ever THINK?" Draco snapped at her, backing away hastily.

In a pout, Pansy responded, "Your father would have wanted to know about Potty and his little mudblood bitch, so he could arrange an example." She was confused, the vanity mediwizards might have improved her looks, but her brains were the same.

GAWD, sometimes I'm actually jealous of Potter, at least his girlfriend can add two plus two and actually get four. "Pansy" Draco began with strained patience. "Two things, you tell my father something before I have a chance, and it's bad for me, and two, It may be a large mistake personally for us to inform him anyway, because if we do, he will inform Voldemort, damn it Pansy stop flinching at the name, Voldemort will attack, at the Potter's weakest point which may be her, and that could get us killed you stupid cow."

"But why Draky?" Pansy replied even more confused.

It's like teaching a kneazle to tap dance, just can't be done. "Don't call me that," He replied absently, "Pansy, I know you were there today...did you not notice, Potter's eyes glowing and shit flying around, just what do you think would happen to us, if he thought we were involved with harming a hair on her head. My grandfather may have been an evil bastard, rest his soul, but he taught me at least one thing, you can mess with a man, and the worst you may get is beaten, usually, but you mess with his woman or his kids, you better be sure and kill him first, as he's going to do his damnest to kill you. Potter's a do-gooder at heart, as long as I just go after him or Weasley, he'll just retaliate at my level, his honor would allow nothing else, but I hurt her, all bets are off." Glimpsing her still confused face, Draco, just waved at the fire, "Go home Pansy, I'm hurting too much anyway." With a slightly hurt look, she did as he asked, walking to the fire, muttering her home, and disappearing in a burst of green flame.


"Finite" Hermione muttered, snapping her and Harry out of Draco's memories. She exchanged a silent look with Harry before she turned back to Malfoy.

"Get what you need Granger?" Draco asked, without the usual sneer on saying her name, just resigned.

"Yeah" Hermione replied to him at the same time snapping a thought out to Harry, It was fucking Pansy, that bitch? "So Malfoy, all those times you accosted us since then?"

"Were on the direct orders of Voldemort though my father, as I said before, I believed that Voldemort had my mother hostage. Would I have picked on you otherwise, yes probably, but only to the normal house vs. house stuff." Draco gave back with a shrug, no excuses just the facts.

Harry glanced over at Hermione, she shrugged, "So what do you want Malfoy? Forgiveness?" Harry asked softly, actually curious to hear the answer.

"No, I'm sure that I've done too much for that, but a chance to redeem my family's honor would be nice. " Draco muttered in reply so softly, that Harry had to lean close to hear the response.

***************************Gryffindor Common Room*********************
One hour later.

A young man in dark robes approached the portrait of the fat lady. It was now very late, or very early depending on your point of reference, she had briefly woken a bit ago to let in the two Head Students, but now she was fast asleep. Instead of a spoken password, or an action to wake her up, the man pulled a shiny object from somewhere in his robes and waved it in her direction. The portrait swung aside silently, the occupant still fast asleep, and he slipped silently into the room. As his robes swung around one could see a coiled serpent emblazoned on his chest.

Draco crossed directly to the stairway leading up to the girls rooms, only pausing long enough to slash great cuts in the couches and chairs as he passed. He once again took out the talisman and waved it over the entrance to the stairs, and started up. In the dimness he saw what appeared to be sweater or something else lying on the steps. As he passed, it he stepped on what seemed to be a fuzzy sleeve.

"MERROW!" Crookshanks bellowed and he froze, just now realizing what he had thought was a random piece of discarded clothing was a familiar, a very pissed off familiar as it stood, all its hair on end, hissing very loudly. Draco immediately turned to escape, before any people came to look in on the very loud, very annoyed cat.

It was too late however, Draco froze as a female voice rang out, "Crookshanks, damn it be quiet, people are sleeping." Hermione muttered, annoyed, as she came down the stairs from her common room. She was dressed for bed; Harry and her had finally gotten to bed, and had already planned on sleeping until noon. Her hair was tousled, and she rubbed her five minutes of sleep from her eyes, to see, "DRACO," she yelled incredulously reaching for her wand. Draco didn't even try to out draw her; he just ran for the door, if he stopped to duel, he was caught even if he beat her. It didn't matter in the end; "IMPEDIMENTIA" she cast and the jinx stopped him in his tracks, only to have him fall from...

"STUPEFY" Harry hurried down the stairs, having heard her shout. About fifteen seconds later, roused Gryffindors came running down their various stairs, like a swarm of angry bees. As Hermione rushed over to check on the stunned Slytherin, Harry glanced around to shortstop this gathering riot. Spotting the Weasleys he made a snap decision, they don't know the truth and he and Hermione couldn't risk telling them here. "Ginny, go get McGonagall, Ron get this herd back to bed." Harry snapped, in an unmistakably commanding voice, and the two prefects sprung into action. Ginny gave a quick wave to show she understood as she ran to the portrait hole. Ron for his part didn't acknowledge his words; he just started sending the rest back to sleep, recruiting Neville to help without asking.

"Alright get your arses back to bed. Nothing to see here." Ron shouted to the crowd running them back up the stairs, though most didn't go easily.

"Its fucking Draco," Pavarti hissed to Lavender as they headed up the stairs, having finally submitted to Neville's badgering. On the other side of the room, Ron finally had to summon one of the Creevy's cameras from his hands, to stop his pictures. Just as the room finally cleared, McGonagall burst in, her face red and out of breath followed closely by Ginny and a visibly, still hurting, Snape.

Harry looked at her, and knowing quite well just how good the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes Extendable Ears were, and that most of the Gryffindors at least, were habitual customers, raised his wand, "Impervious." A flash of light lit the walls and doors for a second and he turned to look back at his house head; who gave him a brisk nod of thanks. Even so, she and Snape probably didn't know the story yet, unless Dumbledore had told them in the last hour, but with the brief chance they had, Harry would bring them up to speed. He trusted McGonagall, and curiously even Snape, now, though he still didn't like him. As McGonagall opened her mouth to start in, Harry quickly beat her to the punch. "Professors, everyone, listen up we don't have much time and we have to carry this out, I assume that Dumbledore hasn't had time to talk to you in the last half hour?" Snape just shook his head, though from the dawning light in his dark eyes, he was rapidly figuring it out. Ron, Ginny and Neville just stood there, at this point, in their tenure at Hogwarts, nothing really surprised them, though Harry's heart was breaking at Ron's utterly exhausted expression, after the surprise mission and the revelation of Mundungus' treason, he probably couldn't take much more. Mione, go help Ron. Hermione glanced at him and then over at Ron, and from her horrified expression she shared his evaluation, she rushed over and began to talk quietly to Ron, her hands on his shoulders, setting him down gently.

McGonagall could not take anymore of this; she had to know just what the hell was going on. In a very annoyed burr, "NO HARRY, I have not spoken to the Headmaster since just after Dinner, yesterday evening." She finished correcting herself on the fly as she remembered that it was four am.

"Ok quick version then, ma'am, about ten, Dumbledore's trap to catch the traitor was sprung, Mundungus was caught red handed." She raised an eyebrow at this, but said nothing just indicated for him to go on, out of the corner of his eye, Harry caught Ron flinching at the reminder, almost like he used to do when someone said, "Voldemort", though Harry was pretty sure that the reaction was out of rage and not of fear this time. Sorry mate, "Unfortunately this compromised Professor Snape and Dumbledore, myself, Hermione, Lupin, Ron and Luna, went and got him back, but only after he had been beat on for a bit." McGonagall looked over at her fellow Professor and noticed for the first time the half-healed injuries that he was barely hiding. She turned back to Harry, still not understanding, not really, but Harry took that as a sign to finish his explanation. "After Ron and Luna left Dumbledore's office after we got back, Draco knocked and wanted to talk, he explained that he had been commanded to do something he could not stomach, but was threatened with death if he didn't do it. Namely attacking the Gryffindors as they slept, with the help of this to disable the security charms." Harry reached down and picked up the talisman from Draco's sleeping fingers. "Oh, yeah, ENEVERATE" Harry revived Draco, having honestly forgot until just then. "So we staged this..."

"To replace me" Snape finished for him, figuring it out in a flash. "Draco, do you know what you are doing, this may very well get you killed, even if Voldemort, or your father accepts your excuse of being stopped before you could accomplish your goal, they might still kill you as an example of failure, I've seen him do it before." Snape stared at his student, silently imploring him to back down. "And what will you do when he makes you take the mark?"

Before Draco could reply, Harry faced the Slytherin head and dropped any pretence of them not being equals, or even tilted the other way, "Severus, both you and I know quite well, a scar or a mark on the skin, are not marks on the soul, even Riddle can not take that from you." As Harry spoke he brushed hair out of his eyes, an act that coincidentally showed the infamous scar, as if to prove his point.

From the floor Draco looked around at everyone in turn, and resolutely looked at his head of House, but before he could speak, Dumbledore appeared in the room, having once again done the impossible. "I see that you wasted no time, Draco, and that you two kept the illusion going for long enough. Draco, I am proud that you have finally shown the qualities I saw in you when I allowed you to become a prefect two years ago, though I am sorry that it took you so long, and that I will have to strip your status from you permanently this time." Draco just nodded, if that was the worst that ended up happening then so be it.

"Sir," Draco addressed Snape primarily though the rest were here, "I may never be welcome among anyone again, my friends or my foes, but I could not do as was asked of me, even if my mother's life was really on the line, which as I'm sure you know quite well was merely a trick to keep yet another agent in the school." Everyone here could hear the pain in his drawl, and even if they hated him, which most in the room did to a degree at least, they felt a slight pang of sympathy for him.

"Yes, Draco," Severus confirmed softly, "you are correct, while I believe that your mother was being held hostage to you and your father's behavior at first, following the events of last June, both the...acts of your father, since then and the, uh hem, actions of your mother have changed her status from hostage, to one more similar to your cousin's." Snape had paused; at the reminder that Lucius had both killed or help killed Hermione parents, and Vernon, along with so much more. Almost everyone in the room blanched at the implication of Narcissa's new status, but Draco, actually became paler than his hair in response to actually hearing the thought out loud.

Dumbledore spoke to cut off further discussion, "Severus, take Draco back to his dorm, and make sure you act appropriately for his supposed offence, even though any of your actions are now suspect from Riddle's perspective."

"Really Albus, the fact that he wants me dead, might have something to do with that" Snape muttered under his breath, Harry read his lips and smiled slightly, at the remark despite himself, only to immediate drop the smile as Dumbledore continued.

"Everyone please return to bed, I'm sure some of you," looking specifically at the Gryffindor Trio, "would like to sleep." Then specifically to Ron, "Ronald, while I am certain that Harry, Hermione, Luna and the rest of your friends and family will do their best, if you wish I am available if you wish to talk about Mundungus." Ron nodded at the Headmaster, but just kept quiet, not trusting his voice. After McGonagall and Snape left, dragging Draco along for show, with Dumbledore sauntering in their trail, Ron just followed Harry and Hermione up the stairs to the head's common room, where Luna was still probably sleeping, after seventeen years, Ron has finally found someone who is a deeper sleeper than him.

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