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The Accord by jardyn39

The Accord


The Accord

by Jardyn39

Part Five and Conclusion to "The Apprentice Piece"

Chapter 4 - Camp Fire

When Harry finally got to bed, he immediately entered the Quidditch stadium in the dream world. He was feeling such a range of emotions; he didn't dare fall asleep normally. At least he would be safe here from Voldemort.

He had every intention of just summoning his Firebolt and flying as fast as he could. He just wanted to empty his mind of his troubles.

He didn't understand why, but Harry found flying with his Firebolt was much more comforting than flying on his own inside the stadium. He knew this was illogical, after all this entire place was, for him, just a dream.

Several laps later, Harry was still worried but far less angry.

He slowed a little, determined to calm down further.

On a particularly high circuit, Harry noticed a light from what looked like a camp fire outside the stadium. It was right in front of the castle. Curious, Harry landed and exited the stadium.

Harry flew over to the castle entrance.

He had been correct. There was a camp fire and a small simple tent next to it. He wondered what Hagrid would say when he found out someone had started a fire in the middle of the wide lawn.

Harry moved closer to see who it was. Being invisible and silent to the waking world, Harry didn't trouble to conceal himself.

Sat in front of the small fire was a man. He looked middle aged and wore conventional wizard clothing.

"Good evening," said the man, smiling up at him. "Come and have a warm by the fire."

Harry froze. Was this man really addressing him?

"It's been a while since I've been here. Is that the new school uniform?"

Harry looked down and snorted.

"No, these are my pyjamas," he replied, approaching the fire. "You can really see me?"

"I'm afraid so," he replied with a grin. "You know, it is possible for people to see into the dream world. Of course, they are usually suffering from concussion or the effects of certain drugs. I won't be rude and ask which one of us is concussed or on drugs."

Harry laughed and asked, "Um, are you here for a particular reason?"

"Me? Oh, no, I'm not here. I mean, this place is somewhere I dream of sometimes. I'm actually quite a long way away."

Harry nodded.

"Do you ever dream of entering the castle?"

"I like it out here," the man replied, stoking the camp fire. "Do you ever go in?"

"Yes, sometimes. Not tonight, though. I just came out here to relax."

The man smiled and nodded.

Harry stood and said, "I'm sorry, but I really need to get some decent sleep. It's been nice to talk to someone here. Thanks."

The man nodded and asked, "Do you often meet people here?"

"Oh no," replied Harry. "You are only the second."

"I've only ever met one other person too," he admitted. "That was many, many years ago."

They bid each other goodnight and parted.


"How is Hermione?" asked Pansy as they packed away the practice mats.

"She's fine. They all are but Madam Pomfrey wanted to keep them in another night to be sure. I'm going up to see them in a moment."

"I could come and say hello too, if you'd like."

Harry sighed.

"Haven't you wound Hermione up enough?"

Pansy laughed and said, "Me? I don't know what you mean!"

"She'll set Crookshanks on you if you're not careful."

"He's too busy chasing Draco. He almost got him again this morning."

"So I heard. What's Crookshanks got against Malfoy, anyway?"

"I imagine it's something to do with the fact that Draco tries to give him a kick whenever he sees him, provided Miss Granger isn't in sight, of course."

"That would do it."

"Are you coming to the evening lecture? It's day after tomorrow."


"Yes, it'll be in the Great Hall at eight. The Slytherins have invited Lieutenant Davis to give a couple of lectures. He's starting with military planning."

"I didn't know anything about it."

"Well he actually made the offer to some of your Rebels, but I thought if we organised it we might get more Slytherins to take part."

"Thanks, Pansy. That's a great idea. Hermione has been worried that Hogwarts would never be united after what happened."

"Well, from what I've been able to find out, most of the aggressors were just taking the opportunity to have a go at the other houses. They weren't fighting for the Dark Lord as such. In fact, I know many regret their actions."

Harry raised his eyebrows. He supposed it was possible.

"Did you have any trouble? I mean, after fighting on our side."

"Well, yes, I did get some stick," she admitted. "I just told them I couldn't help myself. After all, my darling Harry was hurt. I just had to help my baby." She was grinning widely now.

Harry just rolled his eyes.

"Well, if we're done, I'll bid you goodnight?"

"What, no kiss?"


Harry stopped on his way to meet Hermione in the library as he crossed the courtyard during morning break. Perenelle was sitting alone in a corner looking lost in thought.

"Hi," he said gently sitting down next to her.

Perenelle jumped.

"I'm sorry," said Harry apologetically. "I didn't mean to shock you."

"It's okay," she said smiling.

"You look worried."

"I am," she admitted. "Nicholas is in no condition to defend himself. I just can't see how he'll survive. I've never even considered the remotest possibility of him not being there."

The sat in silence for a moment, Harry desperately trying to think of something encouraging to say that didn't sound cold or callous. He knew full well that Flamel was unlikely to survive a duel.

"Nicholas reminded me yesterday of the fuss I made when Dumbledore took you from me," she continued with a watery smile. "I swore at the time that I'd never recover. We'd never been blessed, and I wanted so badly to keep you and protect you. It was probably for the best. I always wondered if it was the fact that they both caught me trying to teach you a duelling hex."

"Really?" asked Harry laughing.

"Oh, yes. Well, I wanted you to be ready. Those pre-school playgroups can be rough."

"Thank you for caring," said Harry gently. "Try not to worry about Nicholas. I'm sure Dumbledore will do everything he can to keep him safe."


"Crookshanks, you can't expect everyone to stop and give you some attention," Hermione said briskly. "You're making people late for their lessons."

This was the third day that Crookshanks had taken to following Hermione everywhere, including sitting in on all her lessons. Harry was sure Crookshanks was worried she might be attacked again. He was also convinced that Crookshanks was waiting for an opportunity to settle things with Portier, although Harry hadn't seen either of the visitors since the night of the attack.

Hermione had just about given up trying to send Crookshanks away by now, although no-one else had objected. Crookshanks may now look fearsome, but it was clear that none of the students and teachers had anything to fear from him. Harry noted that even Malfoy, whom Crookshanks loved to chase, catch, terrify and then let go again, hadn't received so much as a scratch so far.

At the end of their Transfiguration lesson, Harry waited while Hermione tried to persuade Crookshanks out of the large comfortable basket that Professor McGonagall had transfigured especially for him.

"Hermione, we should just leave," said Harry smiling. "He'll follow you like always."

"Yes, I suppose," she said absently, wiping her eyes.

"You look tired," said Harry gently.

"I'm fine, really," she replied smiling. "I haven't had much sleep since I got out of the Hospital Wing, that's all."

"Is anything wrong?" he asked with concern, placing his hand on her arm.

"No, it's just that Crookshanks here rather hogs the bed. It's not a problem, I've transfigured a nice cot to sleep in. It's just that he does like to swish his tail while he's dreaming. It wakes me up when he brushes me with it."


After dinner, it was absolute pandemonium in the Great Hall. Professor Dumbledore had stacked the four house tables to the sides in preparation for Lieutenant Davis' lecture.

Unfortunately, before the seating was provided, someone introduced a large, brightly coloured ball into the cleared area. This proved absolutely irresistible to Crookshanks, who kept charging and pouncing upon it to cheers and screams from the assembled audience.

From the frown that Professor McGonagall gave the Headmaster before they both left, Harry was sure it had been Dumbledore.

Lieutenant Davis stepped up at the front of the Hall and as Crookshanks made is last pounce, the ball disappeared to be replaced by a generous chunk of meat. Crookshanks carried his prize off to loud cheers and applause while rows of seats appeared ready for the lecture to begin.

Nobody appeared to mind the sound of gnawing and crunching bones as they listened intently to Lieutenant Davis, many people making notes as he spoke.

At the end Pansy stood and thanked Lieutenant Davis who then invited questions.

As they all stood and applauded Lieutenant Davis in thanks, Harry looked around. For the first time he began to think that unity between all four of the houses might actually be possible. It had been a very good turn-out this evening, and all four houses were well represented.

He turned to see Hermione beaming at him as she clapped.

Clearly the same thing had occurred to her as well.