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The Accord by jardyn39

The Accord


The Accord

by Jardyn39

Part Five and Conclusion to "The Apprentice Piece"

Chapter 5 - Meteor

Harry walked hurriedly towards the Hospital Wing, fearing that that all his hopes for house unity were forever in tatters. He couldn't believe that only last night he'd been so optimistic.

As he approached the entrance doors, his way was blocked by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Come, on," he said, "out of the way. I was invited here, you know?"

Crabbe and Goyle just stared at him menacingly, flexing their muscles.

Harry wasn't remotely impressed, but he knew that if he used force against any Slytherin, even these two idiots, he would just make things even worse.

The Hospital Wing doors opened.

"Get of the way you two," barked Pansy impatiently. They started and moved at once. "Potter, get in here now," she ordered abruptly.

Harry followed her inside. As soon as the doors closed she held out an arm to stop him.

"Sorry about that," she whispered apologetically.

"I understand," he replied quietly, "It's no problem. Do whatever you need to. We have to fix this."

Harry followed Pansy towards a screened off bed at the end of the ward.

Draco Malfoy was in a terrible state. He certainly wasn't faking his wounds this time.

"What happened?"

"What does it look like, you idiot," snarled Malfoy.

"Draco and I were out patrolling last night after the lecture," explained Pansy. "We'd just got halfway along the first floor west corridor when we were attacked from behind. We were both stunned and dragged into a classroom. I was left alone but Draco was bound, blindfolded and revived. You can see what they did to him then."

Harry nodded.

"I still don't understand why anyone would do this."

"Oh, sure," said Malfoy sarcastically. "You've been wanting to do something like this for ages. You're just jealous of my family's money and my talent. And you've been wanting revenge for what happened in the Great Hall."

Harry just managed to keep a straight face at this remark.

"I wouldn't feel the need to tie you up and blindfold you, though," he said flatly.

"Draco, I brought Potter here so you could tell him the truth," said Pansy sternly. "Either you tell him or I will."

Malfoy scowled at her but remained silent.

"Very well. Draco here has been spreading a few rumours. He's been taking credit for what happened to Granger, Weasley and Longbottom."

Harry considered this for a moment.

"No, I don't think he could have attacked them," said Harry.

"I know," agreed Pansy. "He was with me the whole time that evening. We were trying to tutor Goyle for his Transfiguration test. It took hours."

Harry decided not to enquire about Malfoy's involvement in the Great Hall attack.

"Have you any idea who attacked you?"

Pansy shook her head.


Later that evening Harry addressed the assembled DA and Rebels. This was now just about everyone except most of the Slytherins.

"I'd like to speak to you about the attack on Draco Malfoy."

He paused to let the murmur die down.

"Malfoy was stunned, bound, blindfolded and then tortured. He's not faking his injuries this time. Malfoy was stupid enough to try and take credit for the attacks on Hermione, Ginny and Neville. He actually had nothing to do with the attack. No student had anything to do with it, but it is pretty clear that someone took it upon themselves to take revenge on Malfoy.

"That person, or perhaps people, have started something far more serious than they know.

"Hogwarts needs to be unified, especially now. When we all stood up at the end of Lieutenant Davis' lecture, I thought for the first time that unity between all four houses might be possible. The Slytherins were there with us. They are just as concerned about what is coming as we all are. We must all stand together if we are to prevail. It's high time this stand was made.

"Of course, that's going to be difficult now, isn't it?"

Harry paused a moment.

"To those that were involved, and I'm sure some of you are here tonight, I urge you to come forward," he said, barely managing to maintain his temper.

"To the rest of you, I must apologise and ask you to be strong. Slytherin will, even now, be planning reprisals against all of us. They know how pitiful Malfoy is, but a Slytherin was attacked. I must urge you not to seek revenge for what is bound to happen. There will be many injustices, I'm sure. Soak them up. Please don't invite more reprisals. This thing is bad enough now. We really can't afford for this to escalate.

"There is a reason why I'm begging you to do this, and it's something more immediate than Voldemort. I can't tell you everything I know, and I don't know much of what is about to happen.

"Please be strong and tell us if you hear anything. Anything at all.

"Finally, please be very cautious around those two visitors to the school. I haven't seen them for a couple of days, but they are up to no good."


Over the next few days, Slytherin took every opportunity they could to get even. Inevitably, just as Harry had feared, some retaliations had taken place.

At first he had been hopeful. He was pleased to witness Rebels just walking away after they'd been ambushed between lessons. He had intervened in a couple of skirmishes, as had many students.

Unfortunately, things were now getting worse.

Injuries were becoming more serious and much more spiteful.

"Have you any idea who attacked us?" asked Pansy as she, Harry and Hermione packed up after another practise session. Unfortunately, Hopkins had decided his loyalties lay with the other Slytherins and had stopped attending.

"No," admitted Harry sadly. "I think it must have been Gryffindors, or at least having a Gryffindor leader. The trouble is I kind of believe everyone I've questioned about it. The Rebels really have no idea, and I think it had to be someone in the upper years. Some of Malfoy's injuries were caused by some quite advanced magic that I've not taught to the DA nor the lower years."

"Even if we found them," said Hermione, "I'm not sure it would do any good. People aren't fighting about what happened to Malfoy any more, are they?"

Just then Crabbe came blundering into the room at a run. He shot a scared look at Harry and then said to Pansy, "Trouble. Great Hall."

The three of them ran down to the main hall closely followed by Crookshanks. They left Crabbe to follow.


The Great Hall was packed and it looked like most of Slytherin was squaring up to the other three houses.

Harry charged through the crown, not worrying who he barged into. He could hear Hermione and Pansy running behind him.

At last he got out in front. There, surrounded by a group of triumphant looking Slytherins, was a group of three people. They were bound and gagged.

Malfoy, with a truly sadistic look on his face was standing over them. His wand was pointing directly down at Ron's chest. Ron was looking up at him with a mixture of loathing and fear.

"NO!" shouted Hermione.

Pansy ran forward and jerked Malfoy's arm away just as the spell erupted from the end of his wand. Malfoy winced in pain, his injuries still hurting.

To Harry's horror, the spell hit Hermione on her shoulder.

For a moment there was a stunned silence as he dived to catch her.

Hermione was shaking with pain but was still conscious.

She looked up with anguished eyes as Harry became aware of hundreds of wands being levelled at each other.

"We can't let this happen," she mouthed. "I need to get up."

Just at the moment when he was sure everyone would open fire, a deafening roar erupted around the hall. It was Crookshanks, and he looked livid.

"Get me up," demanded Hermione.

Against his better judgement, Harry pulled Hermione to her feet.

"Crookshanks!" shouted Hermione sternly. "Come here at once!"

He obeyed, and still snarling at everyone he approached her slowly. The crowd quickly parted to make room.

"Enough of your noise," Hermione said as Crookshanks sat upright in front of her and just glared at everyone.

"Now, listen to me," began Hermione loudly, addressing the Hall. "Put your wands away," she demanded angrily. Crookshanks roared again and everyone obeyed her.

"We must stand together. This stupid fighting must end. There are more important things than petty squabbles to settle here. There are also more immediate things than Dark Lords to worry about."

There was a murmur of disagreement.

"If want proof, look above you!" she shouted, pointing upwards.

Like everyone else, Harry looked up at the enchanted ceiling. Hermione was pointing at what looked like a fiery meteor headed right towards them. It was still a very long way off but clearly visible in the evening sky.

"That is Aedon, a very powerful wizard. He's coming to challenge Nicholas Flamel. Dumbledore will probably see one of his oldest friends die in combat tomorrow when Aedon arrives. After that, who knows what Aedon will try? I suspect Dumbledore will resist him. He'll be fighting for Hogwarts and probably much more as well. Dumbledore needs our support. I'm going to stand by him, although I know that won't be enough. He will need everyone, including all of us, to stand together behind him."

Hermione stopped a moment to draw breath.

"I'm sorry, but I'm just too angry with you all to speak to you now. Go to bed now and reflect upon what I've told you. Remember, we are all responsible for our own actions."

Some people started to ask questions but another roar from Crookshanks sent them packing.