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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks


It's been ages I know….><;;; I am terribly sorry…but the end is so near!

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

I glowered at Ron.

"Oh come on Crookshanks." Ron said blocking the door, "They need some privacy to talk."

Oh please, I'm just a cat, (Well part-cat and part-kneazle) But still!

I deserve to be in the living room with the two!

"Crookshanks, it's their business, their problems." Ron said, firmly.

I hissed at him. 'Hermione's business is my business. Her problems are mine as well!'

How dare that dolt insinuate that this is none of my business!

"Ronald, could you help Artie get dressed?" Luna said, "I have my hands full with Billy."

Ron didn't move from the door. He stood stubbornly, waiting for me to back down.

"Ronald!" Luna said sternly, as she tried putting pants on a squirming Billy.

Ron flinched, but did not move. I just glowered at him.

"Crookshanks, how about you give them a few minutes alone." Luna said, "and then you can go check up on them."

I grumbled.

"Please, Crookshanks." Luna plead.

I ignored the smirking dolt as he watched me comply with Luna's wishes. I jumped on the bed and just curled up in a ball.

'Fine. I'll give them 10 minutes.'

Ron gloated as he immediately went to help Luna with the children.

'Dolt.' I thought, waiting.


Those ten minutes were the longest ever. But once they were up, I went in front of the bedroom door, waiting for them to open it. Ron seemed hesitant, but did after Luna shot him a glare.

I smirked at his freckled face as I crept out, swishing my long bottlebrush tail up high.

'Totally whipped.'

I noticed there was no talking when I reached the living room. It was empty. I went to the kitchen and they weren't there either. There were only half-eaten plates of pancakes on the kitchen table.

They must have gone outside. Although the pancakes looked tempting, I knew this wasn't the time.

'But they do look good.' I thought, a bit wistful, as I jumped on the table and leaped outside through an open window.

I landed in the wet dirt behind the bushes. I frowned as I tried to flick the dirt from my paws. I crept through the bushes and noticed a familiar snowy owl, flying towards me. It was Hedwig.

She hooted as she landed right in front of me on the snow.

"What are you doing here?!" Hedwig hooted.

"Came with Hermione." I meowed, eyeing the bird warily, "No warm greetings? No 'how have you been?' or 'it's good to see you?'"

Hedwig examined me for a moment before hooting, "You've gained weight."

"Bite me, bird!" I hissed, glaring at her, as I stalked away.

Hedwig hooted in laughter.

"Where are you going?" Hedwig asked, after she had calmed down.

I ignored the bird as I looked around, trying to find Harry and Hermione. Hedwig flew next to me and asked me again.

"I'm looking for Hermione and Harry." I finally grumbled.

"I haven't seen them when I flew back here." Hedwig hooted.

I grumbled. "Where have they gone?"

It's cold. I'm wet and hungry. I'm tired because I haven't taken my nap and I can't find the two.

"They're not in the house?" Hedwig asked, as she flew up higher.

"No." I grumbled, getting a bit annoyed.

Hedwig flew around the house and came back to me and hooted, "they aren't in the back!"

I grumbled, as I trudged through the snow, onto the road.

"Maybe he took her to the park." Hedwig hooted after a moment, "He's been spending a lot of his time there lately."

"Why?" I asked, grumpily, 'it's cold."

"That's what I said." Hedwig hooted in agreement.


Hedwig and I spotted Hermione and Harry sitting on a park bench, near a frozen lake, where a few young kids were ice-skating and playing. The two were just sitting, not saying anything.

I glowered at the sight and started walking towards them.

"Whoa, where are you going?" Hedwig hooted as she flew in front of me, blocking my path.

"To. them." I said slowly, "I didn't walk in the snow and get all wet and dirty to watch them NOT talk."

"Don't you think they need time?" Hedwig hooted, frowning at me.

I glowered at her. "They've had three years. I think that's plenty of time."

I stalked towards them, 'enough of this.'

Hedwig hooted in disapprovement, "and you think your interference will help things?"

"Of course." I retorted, trotting towards the couple, "Why do you think Hermione's even here in the first place?"

'Honestly Hermione maybe one of the brightest witches of her time, but she can be slow.' I thought.

As I made my way towards them, Hermione noticed me. She looked a bit surprised and a bit relieved. Even though I was happy to see her relieved at my presence, I felt a bit annoyed. 'Did they even get anything accomplished without me?' I thought grumpily.

Harry noticed her expression and then noticed me. He gave me a small smile as I went and stood in front of them. I just stood there, glaring at them. 'Well?'

Hermione called to me and opened her arms. I stood my ground, just glaring at her. Hermione turned slightly pink, under my glare.

I reverted my attention to Harry and glared at him. 'I expect this kind of behavior from Ron, but not you.'

Harry cringed a bit.

I just stood there waiting for one of them to do something. Say something.

"Mummy! What's wrong with that cat's face?" a kid asked his mother. The kid was a little boy, most likely 6 or 7 years old. He had on black winter cloak, and was tugging on his mother's sleeve, pointing at me.

I glared at the little kid. Kids these days.

The mother noticed me and Hermione and Harry. She flushed with embarrassment as she tried to shush her child.

"Mummy he's so fat!" The kid insisted as his mother dragged him away.

I heard Hedwig's hoots of laughter coming from a nearby tree.

'I hope you fall off the branch.' I thought darkly.

I noticed Harry trying to cover a smile and Hermione who tried to cover her chuckle with a pathetic cough. I glowered at them.

'Here I am trying to help them and they laugh at me.' I hissed as I turned to walk away.

"Oh Crookshanks, don't be mad!" Hermione said, as she walked to me and picked me up. I just sniffed and let her pick me up.

"I mean you did put on a little weight, Crookshanks." Hermione said, as she cleaned off my paws.

I glowered at her, tempted to scratch her, if she wasn't cleaning my paws.

Harry gave me an apologetic look.

"I think he looks fine." Harry offered.

"Please," Hermione said as she finished cleaning me, "He's gotten really heavy. He broke the plastic basket in front of my bike."

I heard loud hoots and shrieks of laughter from the tree. Then I heard a soft thud.

Hedwig had fallen off the tree.

'Serves her right.' I thought bitterly.

I jumped off Hermione's lap and sat on the bench between them. Still quite sore from the kid's and Hermione's comments.

I know I have gained a bit of weight, and I am working on it. I have been trying. 'But my mind has been on other things' I thought annoyed, 'Like your problems.'

Harry gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sure Crookshanks trying."

Hermione just gave an unladylike snort. I glowered at her.

"He was probably too busy worrying about his owner." Harry said thoughtfully, as he watched the kids ice-skate.

Hermione turned pink. She started fidgeting with the edge of her cloak. I gave her a smug look. 'That's exactly right.'

That boy knows me too well. But I nearly feel off the bench with his next comment.

"Wonder what lengths you had to go through to bring Hermione back to London." Harry mused.

Hermione turned red and coughed violently.

I looked at Harry in amazement. 'How did you know that?'

Harry just gave me a small smile and turned to Hermione looking worried, "Are you alright?"

Hermione just nodded, trying to calm herself.

"How did you know?" Hermione asked, once she stopped coughing.

"Just did." Harry said, reverting his attention back to the kids, "After all he was the one that sent me your letters."

"True." Hermione said, giving me somewhat of a hard look. I just sniffed, ignoring her look.

"I'm glad he did." Harry said.

Hermione's eyes widened. Harry turned to her with a small smile.

"Ron really missed you." Harry said, with a sad smile, as he returned to watch the kids. "I'm glad you finally came to see him."

"Right." Hermione said, with a bit of false brightness. She looked a bit disappointed and focused her attention to he kids skating.

'Ooh!' I thought, grumbling, 'So close!'

They were both quiet again. 'argh.' I thought.

"I can't believe how much Artie has grown up." Hermione finally said.

"Yeah." Harry said with a smile, "He's really smart too. Good kid."

'Seems more like Luna.' I thought, grinning inwardly.

"And little Billy." Hermione said with a sad smile.

"Yeah. He's a cute little bugger."

'That's definitely a Weasley spawn.' I thought darkly, thinking of the little evil bundle.

"I can't believe his middle name is Chudley." Hermione said, with a chuckle.

"Yeah. Took ages for Luna to convince Ron to have it as his middle name rather than his first." Harry said, shaking his head with a smile.

'Dolt!' I scoffed, thinking of the red frecklehead.

"Listen, " Harry said, turning to Hermione, "I won't interfere with your time with Ron."

Hermione looked surprised.

"I know he's been waiting so long to hear from you." Harry continued, with a sad smile, "And with our circumstances…I know it would make things awkward."


"We better get going." Harry said, as he stood up, "Ron and Luna are going to get worried."

Hermione looked like she wanted to object, but she didn't say anything. She looked at me helplessly. I just gave her a hard look.

'Don't look at me. There's only so much I can do.' I thought, staring at her, 'The rest is up to you.'

I hopped off the bench and followed Harry and Hedwig who flew to Harry when she saw him stand up.

'I know you can do it, Hermione' I thought.


Even though I knew he was curious, Ron didn't ask any questions about where Harry and Hermione had gone off. Artie clung onto Harry's legs and asked him to play. Ron quickly whisked Hermione away, wanting to catch up.

The next few hours were spent with Harry and Artie playing with Artie's stuffed kneazle collection and Hermione answering Ron's questions while occasionally peeking a glance at Harry and watching him with Artie. I had my attention split between the two groups for awhile, until I got tired of it and decided to join Luna in the kitchen, hopefully get some leftover pancakes, before she threw them out.


"I'll be careful, Luna." Harry said, reassuring Luna, "I would protect Artie with my life."

"I know." Luna said, with a smile, "Just be careful. Watch out for the wild nargles."

Artie giggled as his mother wrapped a scarf around his neck and bundled him up. Artie had begged Harry to take him flying and Harry had finally complied. It wasn't snowing, but the weather was still a bit cold and he didn't want Artie to get sick.

"Hold on to Uncle Harry tight, sweetie." Luna said to Artie, giving him a kiss.

Artie just smiled and nodded. He grabbed Harry's hand and quickly dragged him out the door.

"Have fun you guys!" Ron called out from the kitchen table, waving a cookie in his hand. Hermione, who was sitting next to him, gave Harry a small smile as they left.

Luna put on her cloak and then removed Billy from his high chair.

"Are you sure you want to take Billy shopping with you on your errands?" Hermione asked, as Ron got up to retrieve Luna's wand and purse.

"I'll be fine." Luna said, with a warm smile, "I need to stop by Molly's place anyways. I'm sure she'd be willing to spend some time with her grandchild."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked worried.

"It's fine." Luna said, smiling, "You guys have lots to catch up on. Plus Billy's a handful."

The demon spawn gurgled at the mention of his name. I watched him warily as Luna gave Ron a kiss and went to the fireplace. With some floo powder and a burst of green flames, the two were gone.

Ron smiled at Hermione as he sat back down in his chair and grabbed another cookie.

"Now where were we?" Ron said, "Oh yeah! You got promoted at the muggle day care you were working at."

Hermione nodded.

Hermione had been telling him about where she had lived for the past few years and where she worked. Ron Weasley was surprised that Hermione had been working at a daycare for the past 3 years.

"I still can't believe that you work at a daycare." Ron said, still amazed, "and a muggle one too!"

Hermione just gave him a small smile.

"How'd you make it without using magic in front of the kids?" Ron asked, "I mean, I know I would have slipped up!"

Hermione gave him a queasy smile. "I just managed."

I glared at Ron, who was oblivious to Hermione's discomfort.

"And you lived in a remote Muggle community?" Ron said, shaking his head, "that's crazy."

I just rolled my eyes.

Hermione just nodded, as she stared at her hands.

Hermione looked deep in thought for awhile then she turned to Ron.

"Look I'm so sorry, Ron-

Ron shook his head. "Don't apologize. You've done enough of that."

Hermione just nodded, looking a bit embarrassed.

"I'm not mad anymore." Ron said, seriously, as he toyed with his cookie, "I mean if you came back a year ago, I would have been. But I'm not anymore. Not even at Harry either. I guess I understand somewhat."

Hermione looked at him, a bit surprised.

Ron gave her a small smile. "What happened…was horrible. I was so pissed at Harry. What he did to you."

"I wouldn't talk or see him for the longest time." Ron continued, looking a bit ashamed, "I know he was feeling guilty for what he did to you, but I didn't care about how he felt then. But later I did. He hurt you, but I know he was hurting too."

Hermione blinked back her tears as she nodded.

"You know after awhile, I felt sorry for him." Ron said, sadly, "You left. And I know I pretty much deserted him too. It was a hard time for him and I made things harder for him."

"Did it really take you that long to speak to Harry?" Hermione asked, sadly.

Ron looked a bit ashamed, "Yeah, but that wasn't it. I mean I hated him for what he did to you, but there was another thing."

Hermione looked at him, questioningly.

"He wouldn't tell me where you were. Or go bring you back." Ron said, darkly.

"Well I did hide in a remote location." Hermione said, " I didn't make things easier."

"But he knew where you were." Ron said.

Hermione looked surprised.

I was surprised. 'Harry knew?'

"He did?" Hermione asked, turning pale.

Ron nodded, "he found out where you were a few months after you left."


"When he had come back, I asked him if he found you." Ron said, looking sad, "He said he did, but he didn't bring you back. He wouldn't tell me where you were either."

"I blew up." Ron continued, "I yelled at him to bring you back. I remember Fred and George trying to hold me back. I was trying to hit him. He wouldn't tell me where you were. He said he saw you. And you wouldn't be willing to see him."

Ron looked at Hermione, who had tears in her eyes. "He said you wouldn't be willing to see me or Ginny either."

"I didn't believe him." Ron said, "I didn't want to. But I just saw the look on his face and I realized he wasn't lying."

Hermione sniffled as she wiped her tears.

"I was so hurt." Ron continued, tears forming, "I knew you were mad at Harry, but why me? Why Ginny? We didn't know. We didn't hurt you. Why were you punishing us?"

"I'm sorry." Hermione said, crying softly.

"I was upset at you, but I took it out on Harry." Ron said sadly, "I blamed him for everything. I did that for the longest time. But then the months passed and you still didn't come."

Hermione looked at him guiltily.

"Yes, he hurt you, but you made the choice to leave. And never contact us. Never." Ron said, "I never did anything to wrong you, but you still took it out on me. Let us all hurt. I realized that it wasn't entirely Harry's fault and I saw how much he was hurting. We were both hurting and you were gone. I couldn't even be there for you to be your friend. I saw Harry and how much he needed you and me. So I came around. I had lost one best friend, but I wasn't going to lose the other."

"I'm sorry, Ron."

"I know." Ron said, with a sad smile, "I understand. It hurt, but I hoped someday you would come around."

Ron handed her a dishtowel that was on the table. Hermione smiled as she dried her eyes.

"I'm just glad you're back."

"Me too."

I watched the two hug. Still spinning from the bit of news that Ron gave us.


The rest of the afternoon was spent with Ron filling Hermione in on the lives of everyone.

"Ginny's still with Malfoy." Ron said, "They haven't had children yet."

Ron shuddered at the thought, "My gosh their kids would be have red hair, freckles and pointy faces!"

Hermione swatted Ron's arm at his comment, "I think they'd be gorgeous!"

Ron just shook his head at the thought. "I don't want to think about my little sister's …sex life with the ferret!"

"One time in fourth year and you're branded for life!" A voice grumbled, from the living room.

Hermione and Ron turned towards the voice.

"Holy shit! It's Granger!"

It was Draco. Well his head, in the fireplace. He had used floo powder. Ron just grinned at Draco's shocked expression.

"Don't tell Ginny." Ron said with a grin.

Then his smile faded, "Or should you?"

Hermione nervously looked at Draco then Ron.

"You think she'd be upset?" Ron asked Draco.

"I dunno. Maybe. Maybe not." He said, eyeing Hermione.

"Some husband you are." Ron muttered, folding his arms.

Before Draco could retort the front door open and a shivering Harry and jumpy Artie came in. Artie quickly latched onto Ron's leg, until Ron picked him up. Harry took off his jacket and put his broom on a desk.

"Malfoy?' Harry said, wiping his fogged up glasses.

I noticed Hermione's arm twitch to reach for her wand, but she stopped.

"Holy shit!" Draco said, "You still alive, Potter?"

"Yes." Harry replied warily, as he finished wiping his glasses.

"I figured Granger would have sent you in pieces to St. Mungo's." Draco drawled, with a smirk.

"I thought the same thing." Ron said, thoughtfully, as he handed Artie his prized stuffed kneazle.

Hermione just gave a small huff.

"She did kick… there." Harry said, grimacing at the thought.


Hermione just turned red from embarrassment, "About that, I'm sorr-

"No." Harry said, with a wave of his hands, "I'm fine now."

"So that's all you did?" Draco said in disbelief, "You just kicked him there? Damn you've gotten soft Granger."

I just rolled my eyes and watch as Hermione stiffened giving him a glare.

"What'd you want, ferret?" Ron asked, annoyed.

"Oh. Ginny wanted me to tell you guys to remember not to forget the trip tickets and be on time." Draco said.

"We wouldn't forget them." Ron said, defensively.

"You mean Luna wouldn't forget them!" Draco shot back with a smirk.


"Ron! Language!" Hermione scolded. Ron flinched. 'Dolt.'

"Is that all?" Harry asked.

"Yeah and… you better be there, Potter." Draco said, and then eyed Hermione, "You should too. Ginny and I…we have some news."

Hermione stiffened.

"Alright." Harry said, as Draco turned of the floo connection.

Ron kept looking back and forth between Harry and Hermione.

"You should go." Harry finally said, as he made his way to the kitchen, "Ginny and the others will be happy to see you."

"Yeah." Ron added, "Mum will be thrilled."

"Well…I don't know…" Hermione said uncertainly, as she turned to me, looking a bit helpless.

'Go.' I thought, 'Don't look at me.'

"If it makes you uncomfortable, I won't go.' Harry said, looking at Hermione.

Ron looked like he wanted to protest, but he didn't say anything.

Hermione shook her head furiously. "No. Come."

I gave her an encouraging look as she turned to Harry, "I'll be fine, Harry."

Harry looked unconvinced, but Hermione gave him a small smile, "We'll all go."

"Alright!" Ron said brightly, "It's settled. We'll all go!"

Artie giggled as he waved his stuffed kneazle doll at me, "Kneazy!"

"I guess Crookshanks can go as well!" Ron declared dramatically, causing Artie to giggle once more.

'Well thank you! Your highness!' I thought sarcastically as I glowered at him, 'I have your permission to go.'

'I'll bite him later.' I thought as I curled up on the couch, preparing to take a nap. I was dead tired.


"NO! NO! NO!" shrieked Billy, as Ron attempted to take a bite out of Billy's cookie. Billy squealed and threw the cookie on the ground.

Billy started screaming and flailing his arms. His face was a dark red color as he kicked and squirmed, while Ron tried to appease him.

Molly marched into the living room of the Burrow, where the two were and clobbered Ron on the head. Molly cooed at the crying Billy and took him into the kitchen.

"Honestly Ronald! Taking your son's cookie!" Molly scolded, as she handed the whimpering baby a fresh new cookie.

Luna just gave an embarrassed Ron a hard look as she continued to set the dining room table.

"He still hasn't grown up." Molly muttered, as she put Billy in his high chair.

'Very true.' I thought with a smirk.

Ron's ears turned bright red at his mother's comment while the twins and Draco sniggered. Hermione gave Ron a sympathetic look, but couldn't hide her smile.

"Little ickle Ronnikins! Still so little!" Fred teased as George made baby noises.

"Shut your gob, Fred!" Ron said still embarrassed.

The twins just laughed.

Ginny who had returned from the bathroom, resumed her seat on the couch between Draco and Hermione and started chatting with her again.

To Hermione's great relief, Ginny wasn't mad when she first saw us. She just burst into tears and gave Hermione a fierce Weasley hug. Then when Molly Weasley noticed Hermione it became a bawl fest as she hugged Ginny and Hermione tightly while sobbing. I was fortunate to jump out of Hermione's arms when I saw Ginny rushing towards us.

'I would have been suffocated' I thought with a grimace, as I watched the three hugging and crying.

"Dinner's ready!" Molly announced, then she opened the door and repeated her words.

Soon a flurry of red heads, young and old, tall and short, rushed inside followed by one messy darked-haired man who had Artie on his shoulders.

The younger red heads, scrambled to the table while the older ones went calmly. Arthur Weasley sat at the head of the table sitting by Bill and Charlie. Arthur rubbed his hands together as Molly set the turkey in front of him to carve.

"Oh you've out done yourself, Molly." Arthur said, smiling.

"Looks great, Mum!"

"Great, mum!"


"Cut it, Dad!"

"Let's enchant it!"

"Don't you dare Fred Weasley!"

"I'm Fred!"

"He's lying!"

"Draco, I'm going to be sick!"

I watched the Weasleys, Malfoys, Hermione and Harry settle around the dinner table, trying to eat. Hermione, who was sitting next to a queasy looking Ginny, and rubbing her back, looked happy and content. She smiled as she saw Fred and George getting scolded by Molly. Their wives just shaking their heads. She smiled as she saw Luna whisper something into Ron's ear and turn red. She smiled as she saw Fleur give Bill a kiss on the cheek as she sat down next to him and as Arthur laughed at a joke Charlie told him. She smiled at the myriad of red headed kids laughing and giggling while they ate. She noticed Harry sitting amongst them, entertaining them and telling them jokes. She watched him with a wistful glance and I noticed that her smile didn't fade.

I let out a breath I had been holding as I watched everyone else.

Hermione was going to be alright. Everything is going to be alright.

She was home.


The evening flew by and soon it was time to leave. Molly asked Hermione how long she was staying in town.

"Please come for New Years." Molly pleaded, as she gave Hermione a basket of leftovers.

Hermione just smiled and nodded.

Ron gave his mother a quick kiss and scooped up a sleepy Artie in his arms.

"I'll make sure!" Ron said, with a grin.

Luna mouthed a goodbye, for she was holding a sleeping Billy in her arms. Molly gave Billy a soft kiss on his forehead.

Harry shook Arthur's hand and gave Molly a hug as she handed him his leftovers.

"It's good to see you too, Harry." Molly said, happily.

"Do come by more often." Molly added, a bit worried, "you look a bit thinner."

Harry just gave her a warm smile and we all left for Harry's place.


I couldn't fall asleep that night. Not with Hermione tossing and turning.

Even though I do care deeply about Hermione and I know a lot is on her mind, a cat needs his rest.

I barely got any sleep and I only managed to take one nap earlier in the day. I growled lowly as Hermione pulled on the covers once more, making me move.

'You'd think she'd be tired, from lack of sleep.' I thought, grumpily.

I heard her sigh as she sat up. I looked at her blearily from the foot of the bed.


Hermione just gave me an apologetic look, "Sorry."

She slowly got out of bed and walked out of the guest bedroom, most likely to the kitchen.

I just sniffed and settled in my spot, grateful that it was finally silent. But I couldn't fall asleep.

It was that nagging feeling. I just grumbled inwardly as I tried to ignore it.

'She'll be fine.' I thought, trying to appease the nagging. 'I know she will be.'

It didn't work. So I hissed as I jumped off the bed and stalked out of the guest bedroom, to follow Hermione.

I made my way to Harry's kitchen when I heard Hermione's voice, from the living room.

"You still awake?" I heard her say.

"Couldn't sleep." A voice responded. Harry's.

I crept into the living room quietly and I saw that Hermione was standing in front of the couch, with a mug in her hand. Harry had been sitting on the couch. He was watching Hermione with a thoughtful stare.

Hermione blushed under his gaze as she sat on a chair. She fidgeted with the mug, while Harry continued to watch her.

I just glared at them, frustrated by their actions, or well, lack of.

"You've lost weight." Harry finally said.

Hermione looked up at him, a bit startled.

"So have you."

Harry just gave her a sad smile. "Not much of an appetite."

"Same here."

It was silent once again.

"Thanks for coming. Seeing Ron and Ginny." Harry said, staring at the fire that was crackling in the fireplace, " they really missed you."

"I know." Hermione said, sadly, "I was surprised that they were all so happy to see me."

"They all care about you and they love you." Harry said, "They wouldn't hate you."

"I know." Hermione said, guiltily. She stared into her mug.

I watched them sit in silence. Harry was just watching the fire in deep thought. Hermione kept fidgeting with her mug, occasionally glancing at Harry.

'Would things get better?' I thought. 'Was I wrong? Was I hoping for too much?'



"Is it true that you knew where I was the whole time?"

He didn't seem surprised by her question. He just nodded, still gazing at the fire.

Hermione was quiet for a moment, "Why didn't you-

Hermione stopped as Harry turned to look at her.

"You know why." He said.

Hermione nodded. She wouldn't have been ready. She wouldn't be able to handle seeing Ron or Ginny. She'd probably hurt their feelings, by asking them to leave.

"I'm sorry." Hermione said, looking sadly into her cup, "I know it made things difficult between you and Ron."

"It's not your fault." Harry said, softly.

"After all," Harry said, bitterly, "If I hadn't deceived you in the first place, none of this would have happen."

Hermione shook her head, "but I could have handled things a little better. Not take my anger at you out on everyone."

"You wouldn't have left in the first place, if it wasn't for what I did." Harry said.

Hermione didn't say anything.

"But thank you. For coming to see Ron." Harry said.

He stared at Hermione for a long moment. Then stood up.

"I'm going to be gone for a couple days, but your welcome to stay here." He said, "I know Ron would like that."

Harry turned to walk towards his bedroom.

"You don't have to avoid me, you know." Hermione said softly.

Harry stood still, not saying anything.

"Don't hide away, just because I'm here." She said, "I...Ron wouldn't want that."

"Things would be better if I did." Harry said, with his back turned, "you came to see him. Not me."

Harry took Hermione's silent as an admission to his statement, and started to walk towards his bedroom.

"No." Hermione said, her voice shaking, "I didn't come to see him."

Harry slowly turned around, looking at Hermione. She was pale and shaking.

"I came to see you."


Part 10 completed.

AN: *Ducks the flying objects* Yet another cliffie, but just click on the next button….^v^

Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome.