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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks


I was so surprised by the amount of reviews I got! ^^ I'm so glad most of you guys liked a Crookshanks centered POV… I know some of you have been complaining about the pov's… After this story, I'll write one in third person, but I have to admit, it's fun writing in first person…

I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter… it might be something not encountered in a fic… but seeing as how this is Crookshanks' pov, I thought I should enlarge is point of view… It might seem a bit silly, but remember in POA? Snuffles and Crookshanks communicating? That's where I got the idea….

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

After Harry was done with his errands, we went to his place. He let me down on the floor of his living room as he went to close the door. I sniffed around the living room.

For a guy's place it was actually pretty tidy. There was a little bit of a mess, like his training manuals and an empty pizza box on the coffee table. I looked around until I came to his television. On top were a couple picture frames. One of his parents and him when he was a baby, a group photo of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and a picture of Ron, him and Hermione when they were at Hogwarts. Hermione looked so happy then.

It seems like these past couple of days Hermione has been a bit sad and listless. She only got out of the funk when she saw the advertisement for the personals column in the Daily Prophet. It kind of snapped her back to her regular self.

Maybe I was too harsh by taking the letter away. I mean she was doing better when she wrote the letter. But still, a personals ad? It just doesn't seem like Hermione. I mean any sick weirdo can reply to her ad.

And frankly, I think it would be hard to find the perfect guy in the personals column. I mean, isn't that usually for people who are desperate?

Harry hurried into the kitchen to put the groceries in the kitchen. It was only a little after lunchtime and I was starving.

Harry noticed me standing in front of the refrigerator.

"Hungry, are you?" Harry asked, smiling.

I mewed.

Harry smiled, then it vanished.

"Sorry Crookshanks. I don't have any cat food." Harry said, apologetically, "Umm do you want some … milk?"

I hissed.

I had milk for breakfast. And besides, milk really isn't that filling. I need meat.

Harry opened the refrigerator.

"Ummm I have juice, yogurt and some fruit. And leftover meatloaf." Harry offered, rummaging.

I hissed again. I'm not too fond of juice or yogurt. Fruit is a big no-no and I am partial to meatloaf, but it doesn't look so good. It was green.

Harry cringed as he pulled out the leftover meatloaf and threw it in the trash bin.

Harry stood, while mulling over what to serve me, when there was a tap on his kitchen window. It was Hedwig. And she had a package.

Harry quickly let her in and took the package while thanking her. Hedwig waited for Harry to give her a treat, but Harry was busy reading the note. Hedwig waited grumpily. She then noticed me sitting on the floor.

'What are you doing here?' Hedwig asked, hooting at me.

'Hermione got a little upset with me.' I meowed.

Hedwig hooted in laughter. I hissed at her.

'She almost hexed me!' I meowed back, angrily.

Hedwig kept hooting in laughter.

'You probably deserved it!' Hedwig hooted, 'What did you do?'

'I didn't do anything wrong!' I meowed back grumpily, glaring at the snowy owl.

'Sure you didn't!' Hedwig hooted back.

Hedwig had that superior owl look on her face. 'Maybe she got tired of you. You are a bit old. A couple white cat hairs, I see.'

I hissed. 'Well so are you! You have so many white feathers!'

Hedwig hooted at my lame comeback. 'Funny cat! I am a snowy, white owl.'

'Oh go clean your feathers or something!' I meowed back grumpily.

I watched as Harry smiled at the note, then open the package. He grinned at the contents of the box. A very good smell filled the kitchen. The smell of cookies. Freshly baked cookies from Mrs. Weasley, no doubt. She knows how to bake.

"Hedwig, Crookshanks. Cookies from Mrs. Weasley!" Harry said grinning.

Hedwig hooted and walked closer to Harry. She nipped at Harry's fingers. She obviously wanted a cookie. So did I. So I crawled in and out of Harry's legs, mewing. Harry gave Hedwig and me a cookie. It was a pretty huge one. Oatmeal too. My favorite. I started eating bits of the cookies while Hedwig at her cookie on the kitchen counter top. Harry sat down on the kitchen table with the rest of the cookies and started eating one.

"Man. I've been craving Mrs. Weasley famous cookies for awhile!" Harry said, smiling and eating.

After Hedwig had finished her cookies, she flew to her perch, and faced the wall where her water bottle was hanging. I had finished my cookie, so I watched Harry eating, hoping he would give me another one. He didn't notice so I mewed. Harry just got out of his chair to pour himself a glass of milk. I mewed again. Harry finally noticed me.

"I thought you didn't want milk." Harry said to me, as he poured himself a glass. He then got out a small bowl and filled it with milk. He set it down on the floor for me.

Well milk may go with cookies, but I want more cookies.

I mewed at Harry again. Harry was too busy drinking. I mewed again.

Hedwig flew from her perch on top the kitchen table. She hooted once and Harry hand her another cookie. Hedwig hooted at me with laughter then ate her cookie. I hissed at her.

Darn Hedwig, she can be a bit annoying at times.

But we do get along most of the time.

We usually go hunting for mice together when Hermione and I visit Harry. But it usually gets competitive. We always compete for who catches the most mice. Sometimes I win and sometimes she wins. She thinks she has the advantage because she can fly, but she walks slower than a tortoise. I could totally beat her in a running race. But she usually counters back by saying she can beat me in a flying race.

Well of course she can, she has wings. She can fly. But I don't have wings, and I can't fly. She, however, can walk and so can I. So I'm better.

I finally jumped onto Harry's lap. I mewed and pawed at a cookie. Harry chuckled and finally handed me one. I grabbed it and jumped off to eat it with my milk. Hedwig hooted at my efforts, then finished her cookie and went back to her perch. I watched as Harry rummaged through his refrigerator and pulled out an orange. He started eating it. I had finished my milk and cookies, so I was full.

I noticed the pink letter in his jacket pocket.

I still had to destroy it.

'But it will be pointless.' I thought grumpily, 'She'll probably make another letter and send it out.'

But just in case, I had to destroy this one too. I waited for Harry to sit back down. I jumped onto his lap and grabbed the pink letter. I then leaped off him and scampered to the living room. It took awhile for Harry to realize that I took it again. He rushed to the living room and saw me tearing at it.

"Crookshanks!" Harry cried as he grabbed the letter from me. He frowned at the tattered, but still mostly intact letter.

"Crookshanks you shouldn't do that again." Harry said, scolding me.

Hedwig gave me a disapproving hoot.

'So that's what you did!' Hedwig hooted. 'Your tore up her nice letter!'

'It wasn't a nice letter! It was horrible!' I meowed back.

I watched as Harry read the remaining pieces of the letter.

"Must have good knowledge of politic and current events in our society." Harry read aloud, "Decent cook…no sports fanatic… steady job…"

'What is that he's reading?' Hedwig hooted at me curiously.

I glared at the letter. 'An abomination, An utter abomination.'

'What is it?' Hedwig hooted.

"Non smokers…light drinkers..." Harry continued.

'It's for a personals ad.' I meowed grumpily, 'The letter is a submission for that Love Spell Connection rubbish, to find a boyfriend or husband."

'A husband? Hermione?!' Hedwig hooted.

"Kind and compassionate..." Harry continued, "Must like half-kneazles and other pets…"

Hedwig hooted in laughter. 'Did you beg her to put that in?!'

I hissed at the snowy owl.

'…but certain breeds of owls are restricted." Harry read on.

'Hey!' Hedwig hooted in protest, 'What's wrong with owls!'

I glared at the snowy owl. 'I'm not talking about you! I'm talking about that small, flying, Pig thing of Ron's!'

Hedwig hooted, understanding.

'That tiny owl does not know how to act like a proper owl.' Hedwig hooted indignantly, 'He has no decorum.'

'And he's so small too. And annoying..' I meowed grumpily.

'Kind of like Ron.' We both agreed. Hedwig hooted at our statement.

"Must be approved by… Crookshanks?" Harry finished, looking a bit incredulous, "The men need your approval?"

I hissed at him. Hedwig hooted in laughter.

Of course they need my approval! After all the man will be sharing my life with Hermione!

Harry chuckled at me. I glowered at him.

It's not funny.

Hedwig hooted and Harry smiled at me. He went to grab me gently and hold me in his lap. I fought the urge to bite him.

Because 1. I need a place to stay for the night, 2. I might crave another cookie later and 3. Hedwig would nip me like crazy.

Harry scratched my back.

"I guess they would need your approval," Harry finally said, surprising me, "I mean you'll have to live with the guy too."


"And besides, you're a good guy detector," Harry added, still stroking me, "You won't let the bad ones stick around Hermione for long."

Exactly! The boy knew me.

I just snuggled into his lap

'I disagree.' Hedwig hooted, jokingly.

'Aww go clean your feathers!' I mewed back, purring in Harry's lap.

They definitely need to be approved by me.

'I just hope Hermione knows what she's doing.' I thought as I doze off in Harry's lap.

Maybe if I had been awake a little longer, I would have heard Harry softly say, "So do you approve of me?"

That would have saved me a lot of time.

And Hermione from heartbreak.


I hissed and tried not to bite Harry as he tied a cute, red bow on my head. I settled for scratching him. Harry hiss in pain.

"Come on Crookshanks!" Harry said, "You want to look cute for Hermione, or else you might spend another night at my place."

I meowed grumpily and let him tie the bow on. Thankfully, Hedwig was out delivering some packages. That owl would have never let me live this down.

Harry smiled at me after he was done.

"Now Hermione will definitely not hex you when we go over to her place!" Harry said with a grin, "You look a bit cute, but definitely funny. Hermione will laugh! Ow!"

I gave Harry a nasty scratch. He deserved it.

Harry winced then smiled. "Okay we better get going,. I don't want her to worry."

Harry held me and we went outside of his apartment. I squeezed my eyes shut. I hated apparating.

Harry had jokingly suggested that we fly on his broomstick, earlier today. He got a nice scratch on his ankles for that joke.

I guess apparating is better than flying. Harry quickly apparated us to Hermione's place with a 'pop'.

I waited, feeling a bit dizzy, as Harry held me and knocked on Hermione's door. After a few moments, Hermione opened the door. She blushed when she saw Harry and me.

Harry felt awkward too so he held me towards Hermione.

"See, Crookshanks is very sorry." Harry said, breaking the ice, "He let me put a bow on him."

I mewed in agreement.

Hermione gave both of us a small smile.

"Really he let you?" Hermione asked with a small smile, "Willingly?"

"Well… he did scratch me a couple times," Harry said nervously, "But he didn't bite me!"

'That's right!' I mewed, 'I didn't.'

Hermione chuckled and let us in. As she went to close the door, Harry handed me the shredded letter. He gave me a look. I was tempted to tear it up, but I knew what I had to do. Besides, Harry's place is alright, but it isn't my home.

I glowered at the letter he put in front of me and I carried it in my mouth. Harry called to Hermione and then poked me.

'Give the letter now,' I thought grumpily, 'and scratch him later.'

I slowly crept towards Hermione and set the tattered letter at her feet. I gave her the cutest meow I can produce and just stared at her, giving her my cute (yes! cute) kitty look.

I heard Harry snicker at my actions. 'I'll bite you later.' I thought.

Hermione gave a small chuckle at my appearance and behavior. She looked at Harry and blushed, but slowly got to her knees and took the letter.

"Thank you." Hermione said to me with smile, and then she grabbed me gently and held me in her arms.

I gave her a small purr as she stroked my back. It was good to be back in her arms. She smells nicer than anyone else. Like vanilla. Although the new magical lineup of catnip could give her a run for her money. But Hermione still smells the best.

Harry grinned at us as Hermione stood up with me in her arms.

"So is he forgiven?" Harry asked, with a smile.

"Well he seems sorry," Hermione said, "And he wore that adorable bow…"

'That's right!' I thought, 'I wore the stupid bow."

"I'll forgive him this time." Hermione said, cuddling me.

"See the bow worked!" Harry said, laughing, "You looked funny!"

I just purred.

'I'll bite him later,' I thought, snuggling into Hermione's arms, 'Really hard."


Part 2 completed

AN: I know Hedwig seemed a bit OOC, but maybe that's just how Hedwig appears to be from Harry's eyes… Maybe she's differently view from other animals and pets….

You know how I said 2 or 3 parts, well now I'm looking at 4 or 5… *grumbles* Darn those cute little plot bunnies….. Driving me nuts….But they are cute…

Thank you for all the encouraging comments and for those who pointed out some of my grammatical errors! ><;;;

I don't have a beta, the one I had kind of bail on me… plus I usually write a chapter within a day or two of the previous… In order to get it edited, the person would have to work really fast… So maybe I'll just try doing a better job of editing my work….

Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.