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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks


*Ducks flying objects* ><;;;; I know I know I am terribly late in updating… I am so sorry, but I had a bit of writer's block and school did start again… I am very sorry…I know I received a huge number of messages asking me if I wasn't ever going to finish…. I will…I am now on winter break and can place my full attention on finishing…

It has been awhile so I apologize if my writing seems a bit dry or boring or if the style has changed. I desperately want the flow of the tone and mood in this story to be consistent and change naturally.

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

Mrs. Tibbles hummed Jingle Bells as she pulled out her tray of gingerbread man cookies out of the oven. The heavenly smell of gingerbread filled Hermione's kitchen.

I started purring as I wove in and out of Mrs. Tibbles' legs. Mrs. Tibbles chuckled at my affections and gave me a wink. She peeked a glance at Hermione who was fixated on Christmas ornaments she was trying to make for the kids. Mrs. Tibbles gave me a secretive smile as she quickly gave me a gingerbread man. I quickly took it in my mouth and ran to my corner behind the potted plant. The cookie was still a bit hot from the oven, but tasted so good.

'Ah, this is life.' I thought, as I dug into my cookie.

I heard Hermione groan, as she tried to untangle the tinsel-covered twines on an ornament. Her frown grew deeper as she struggled with the stubborn ornament. She finally huffed and slammed it down on the table. She blew a strand of her brown hair that had escaped out of her messy ponytail.

Mrs. Tibbles watched her with amusement and finally came over, handing her a steaming mug of cocoa.

"Take a break, dear," Mrs. Tibbles said, cheerfully, "Those ornaments can wait a bit."

Hermione sighed as she quietly took the mug and took a long drink.

Mrs. Tibbles chuckled as she sat down at the kitchen table. She surveyed the tangled mess of ornaments strewn across the table. She pulled out her wand and magically untangled them.

"Much better." Chirped the old woman.

I quietly crawled to the kitchen and jumped onto Mrs. Tibbles' lap.

She winked at me and then with her wand made the ornaments move and sing. The tinsel-twined snowmen and Santa Clauses all sang different Christmas songs. They proceeded to dance about on the table, still singing. Mrs. Tibbles laughed at their antics and clapped after they finished their songs and took bows.

'They were a bit amusing.' I thought as I purred at Mrs. Tibbles for a backrub.

Hermione just sniffed as she took a long drink. Mrs. Tibbles just smiled at Hermione.

"Too bad we can't show the ornaments doing this." Mrs. Tibbles said, "I'm sure they would enjoy it."

"Yes, but we can't perform magic, now can we?" Hermione said, with a slight frown.

"True." Mrs. Tibbles agreed.

Hermione sighed as she took her empty mug and put it in the sink. She frowned as she stared at the sink, then she turned around to face Mrs. Tibbles.

"You haven't asked me about him." Hermione said, staring at Mrs. Tibbles.

Mrs. Tibbles look at her with her eyebrows raised. 'Who dear?"

Hermione just frowned, folding her arms in front of her chest.

Mrs. Tibbles pondered for a bit as she scratched my back. Her eyes lit up as she remembered.

'Oh! You mean your young man, Harry!" Mrs. Tibbles declared, smiling.

I purred as Mrs. Tibbles scratched a particular spot. 'She has magic fingers.'

"What about him?" Mrs. Tibbles asked, as she chuckled at my purring.

Hermione looked taken aback for a moment.

"What do you mean what about him?" Hermione said, a bit frustrated.

"I don't know, dear," Mrs. Tibbles said, smiling demurely, "you're the one that brought him up."

"Well," Hermione spluttered, "you haven't asked me anything about him since he visited!"

I just watched Hermione's face as she began to look a bit flustered.

"I know, dear," Mrs. Tibbles said, still stroking me.

"I just thought it wouldn't be my place to poke or prod." Mrs. Tibbles said simply.

I nearly choked on my hairball at her words.

'Oh please!' I thought. 'You've made a huge effort to know ever single detail about him.'

Hermione just stared at her incredulously.

Mrs. Tibbles laughed at her. "That just kills you, does it not?"

Hermione looked confused.

I eyed Mrs. Tibbles with suspicion. 'Has she finally gone senile? Did Kipper get to her finally?'

"It's been weeks since he visited, dear," Mrs. Tibbles said, "and you've been…well…out of it since. And I figured I'll wait until you say something first."

"Oh." Hermione said.

"Besides I am a bit nosy and I tend to meddle." Mrs. Tibbles said, "So I've been restraining myself. I mean I've been dying to know, dear. But I really wanted to wait until you're ready to talk."

'Are you kidding me?' I thought.

"Oh.' Hermione said. She looked a bit flustered and started fidgeting with the sleeve of her sweater.

"And I suspected that you were struggling with your feelings since, and I didn't want to influence them in any way." Mrs. Tibbles said, seriously.

Hermione started to protest, but Mrs. Tibbles cut her off.

"Yes." Mrs. Tibbles insisted, "Even though he has hurt you and upset you greatly, he has been a part of your life for a great deal of time. He was your best friend."

Hermione didn't say anything.

"I also suspect that you are feeling guilty for hurting him and all your others friends as well." Mrs. Tibbles said, staring at Hermione.

Hermione looked surprised.

"Hermione dear, are you going to see your friends this Christmas?" Mrs. Tibbles asked quietly, "I think they miss you quite a bit."

She turned away from Mrs. Tibbles. Hermione was taking deep breaths, trying very hard not to cry.


Sometimes I wonder if this is how Hermione is going to live the rest of her life. Living life like a hermit in a muggle community. She's cut herself from the magical world. Hermione's never touched her wand in three years, except for when Harry came and she was furious at me.

I shudder thinking about that even now. That witch can be down right terrifying if she wants to be.

I curled up in front of the fireplace in the living room, worrying about Hermione. She hasn't been sleeping very much lately either.

'Then again, when has she ever had a proper night's sleep in three years?' I thought, bitterly.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard Hermione's bedroom door creak. I figured it was Hermione who was going to make a cup of tea and then go back to her room and read. She usually does that late at night, since she can't sleep very well.

I heard her prepare the tea in the kitchen. Moments later, she came out of the kitchen with her tea, but to my surprise, she did not head to her bedroom. In fact, she just stood there in the living room, holding her cup of tea.

She was staring at the closet door, with a torn expression. I watched her standing there, in the dark, just staring at the door.

Hermione moved swiftly across the living room. She had packed up everything and had it transferred here to the cottage.

She was still red-eyed and sniffling, but she moved her luggage with great fervor.

She stared at her pile of possessions. She had her suitcase filled with her clothes. There were boxes of her magical textbooks, her work briefcases, and a box filled with pictures of everyone. She opened the living room closet door and put everything in there except for her suitcase.

She then reached into her pocket and pulled out something small and brown. She enlarged it with her wand. It was her Hogwarts trunk. She placed it atop her boxes and opened the trunk. She stared at her wand for a long while then quietly placed it inside the trunk.

She then closed the door and took her suitcase to the bedroom to unpack.

She wanted to forget everything. It hurt too much.

It had been years since she opened the closet, except for when she tried to hex me when Harry was here. But she had been so angry that she didn't really pay any attention to the items in her trunk. She had just burst open the trunk, scrambling to get her wand to hex off my tail.

'Thank goodness she cooled down.' I thought, shuddering.


Hermione kneeled in front of the open closet as she stared at her Hogwarts trunk. Hermione ran her hand across the worn leather. She fingered the embroidered Hogwarts seal and traced the letters of her name on it. She was a bit hesitant, but she finally opened the trunk. Her wand clattered to the ground.

Hermione slowly picked it up. I eyed the wand with a bit of apprehension. Hermione noticed my stare and smiled.

"I'm not going to hex you, Crookshanks." Hermione said, softly.

'I know that.' I gave her a knowing look and sniffed.

Hermione just smiled. She carefully placed the wand next to her and began to rifle through her trunk. She smiled as she pulled out her yearbook. She smiled at the pictures of her former classmates and laughed when she came across a picture of Ron wearing a dress for Halloween. There had been a bet between Harry and Ron, and of course Harry had won. The dolt had to wear one of Hermione's dresses

I crawled into her lap and sniffed at the picture. 'Hermione looks way better in that pink dress.' I thought, 'It just clashes horribly with his hair and freckles.'

'Well actually,' I thought, 'Hermione looks better than Ron in anything in general.'

Hermione smiled as she came across Ron's yearbook message.

We did it! Hermione!



See you after your summer trip in France!


(Oh and bring me back something wicked)

I sniffed at Ron's message, then grin inwardly when I remembered what Hermione got him.

"Bread?!" Ron spluttered, looking at his present in shock, "you got me bread from France?!"

"Ron, it's a baguette." Hermione explained patiently, "I also bought you some cheese."

"Cheese?!' Ron exclaimed, "Cheese and bread from France?!"

"It's really good." Hermione said, with a slight frown, "Besides you like food."

"I know I like food, Hermione!' Ron said, exasperated, "But bloody hell! You went to France! Couldn't you bring back something else?"

"Like what?" Hermione said, with a glare.

"He means alcohol." Harry said, looking amused, "Wine is cheap there and I think Won-Won here, wanted to get wasted on it."

"Exactly!" Ron said.

Hermione just glared at the both of them.

"Fine then!" Hermione snapped, as she took back the baguettes and cheeses from Harry and Ron.

"Hey!" Harry protested, "I like my present!"

"Now Hermione, you don't need to take our presents away." Ron said, reaching for his baguette, "I'll eat it."

"No!" Hermione sniffed, as she pulled away from Ron, "Don't bother!"

"Aw Hermione!" Ron pleaded. Hermione just stomped away with the food, while Ron trailed her, pleading.

"I did end up giving Ron his baguette." Hermione said, scratching my back, "and he happened to say that it was quite delicious. He really enjoyed it."

I snorted. 'Dolt'

Hermione smiled as turned another page. She froze as she noticed the familiar scrawl. It was Harry's message.

It's been 7 long years and I'm glad that all three of us made it out alive.

I don't think I would have made it without you or Ron. Thank you for

being there with me, when you know you didn't have to. You would have

had a simpler, peaceful life if it wasn't for that troll. Although I doubt that

if the troll never happened you would have never been friends with Ron and

and me. Something else would have come along and pushed us together

A dwarf? An elf? A hippogriff? Anything really. I'm just so relieved that it's

over and we can go on and live our lives peacefully together. I feel like a weight's

been lifted from us, like were free. Free to do anything, be anything, but most of all

free to do all these things with the ones you cared about. That's why I'm so happy

that we all made it out alive because it wouldn't be the same without you or Ron.

Anyways, have a wonderful time in France with your family.

Love, Harry

I watched Hermione as she stared at the message. I pawed at her hands because she was so quiet and motionless. She wordlessly closed the book and put it next to her wand. She stared at the rest of her boxes in the closet. I jumped off her lap as she stood up to pull out a box. It was her box of photos.

She sat back down on the floor and began looking through them. I sat back on her lap as she pulled out a photo frame of her, Harry and Ron in their Hogwarts robes. Hermione was in the middle, linking arms with both the boys, frowning at Ron. Ron was grinning impishly and getting his hand smack by Hermione while trying to give her bunny ears. Harry was just laughing, amused by their antics. They looked so young and carefree.

Hermione smiled at the photograph, looking a bit wistful. She put it aside and took out another frame. She let out a small chuckle when she saw it. It was of the three of them after one of the boys' Quidditch matches. The boys were all sweaty and dirty in their Quidditch robes. Hermione was squirming and laughing in the picture as they were hugging her.

Hermione looked at her younger self in the picture. She looked so happy in the picture.

"I look so young." Hermione said quietly, as she scratched my head.

I butted against her head and gave her a look that said, 'You're not old.'

Hermione smiled at me. "I know, Crookshanks. But I have aged."

She sighed as she continued to pull out frames and photo albums and look through them. She chuckled and laughed as she came upon a few of them. For other photos, she just smiled wistfully as she reminisced.

I watched her as she tried out some simple spells with her wands for the first time in three years. She smiled as she managed to summon a book from one of her boxes. Her smile fell when she saw which book it was.

Being curious, I examined the book closely; it was a book of poems. It was the book that John, well Harry, gave her on their first date. Hermione looked at the book sadly. She stood up and strode over to her box of books and firmly placed it back. She then turned around and look at all of her photos and memorabilia. She sighed as she started putting the photos back in the trunk. Her hands shook as she placed her yearbook and wand back in the trunk.

I pawed at her feet and mewed. She looked at me with teary eyes as she picked me up to hug me. Her body shook, as she started to cry. I just mewed, as she held on to me tighter, still crying.

I wasn't sure of what I should do. I just wanted her to be happy. She wasn't happy back in London and she isn't happy here. Harry's miserable and heartbroken just like her.

'She's just running away.' I thought sadly.

Nothing has been resolved. Nothing is better. Only time has passed. Now she's alone with just me as her companion. She's even abandoned all her friends and family. What about Ron? Ginny? When was the last time she sent them a letter?

'It's time to change.' I thought, determined, 'Hermione does not deserve this and she surely does not want this.'

I meowed as I squirmed out of her hug. She looked at me surprised, but I just gave her a firm look. I took a huge breath as I leaped off her lap onto her trunk. I grimaced inwardly, but I had to do it.

I looked directly at her as I dug my claws into her yearbook. I managed to open the book with my paws and I began to shred the pages. I heard Hermione gasp.

"Crookshanks?!" Hermione, cried, "What are you doing?!"

I ignored her, as I continued to shred the pages.

"Stop!" Hermione cried, pulling away the torn yearbook, "What's wrong with you?!"

I just hissed and jumped into her box of photographs as I started shredding the photos. Hermione shouted as she saw me shred her pictures.

"CROOKSHANKS!" Hermione shouted angrily, "STOP IT!"

'She doesn't need them if she's going to be like this.' I thought, determined.

She tried to yank me off the box, but I dug my claws on the sides of it. I just hissed and yowled at her. Finally I just let go and she fell back with me. I leaped off her chest and grabbed the book of poems Harry had given her. She was red and panting as she got up. She froze when she saw me leap off the box with the book in my mouth.

I quickly ran around the sofa, away from her. Hermione chased after me, shouting my name. I stopped right in front of the fireplace. Hermione froze as she watched me stand by the burning fire, with the book in my mouth.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione protested, "Don't!"

I took a step closer to the fire.

"Please don't!" Hermione cried, turning pale.

I just glared at her. 'Why does this matter so much to you?'

Hermione fell onto her knees.

'Why does any of this stuff matter to you?' I thought angrily, 'You turned your back on it for three years! It's nothing but useless junk to you!'

"Don't do it, Crookshanks," She pleaded with me, crying, "Please."

I hissed at her. Hermione just cried silently, shaking her head.

"Please, Crookshanks." Hermione said softly staring at the ground, 'Don't burn it."

I watched her as she wiped her tears and looked at me desperately, "I don't want to lose it."

I just watched her as she pleaded with me again. "Please, Crookshanks. I don't want to lose it."


I watched as she cried silently on the floor.

I hated to make her cry, but she needed to wake up. It's been too long. She can't just shut off a huge part of her life anymore. Ron, Ginny, magic and Harry, especially Harry. He's been apart of her life for so long. They all have.

I slowly crept towards her with the book and laid it on the ground in front of her. She looked up and me with tears in her eyes. She carefully picked up the book and hugged it to her chest.

I watched her for a moment and then went back to her Hogwarts trunk. I grabbed her wand and went back to her. I handed Hermione the wand. Hermione gave me a watery smile as she wordlessly took the wand. She took a moment to gather herself and then stood up.

My brilliant witch had understood. I let out a breath I had been holding.

She noticed the time and saw that it was early dawn. She looked at me and quickly went to her bedroom to change out of her bedclothes. She came back dressed in a sweater and jeans. She had fixed her hair and tied it back. She examined herself in the living room mirror and cringed slightly. Her eyes were still red and puffy from the crying. She looked pale and tired. She turned from the mirror and surveyed the damage I had made.

I cringed as she pulled out her wand. She gave me a small smile when she saw my nervousness. She quickly repaired all the damaged I had done to her yearbook and photographs. She smiled as she finished repairing the final photograph that was of her and Harry at Ron's wedding. She traced the picture of herself and Harry with a small smile. Then she looked at me.

I trotted to the front door and waited while she went to put on her coat and scarf. She picked me up and went out the door.

It was still a bit dark, but Hermione just held onto me tighter as she walked to the nearest apparition point.

I grumbled a bit. 'I hate apparating.'

But I shall bear it for Hermione. I just closed my eyes tightly as Hermione pulled out her wand.


Hermione put me on the ground, as I wobbled a bit. 'I hate apparating.'

I watched Hermione take huge, deep breaths as she started walking up the familiar street. I quickly trotted after her. I saw Hermione look around as she walked in the neighborhood. It seems like London hasn't changed that much.

'It was still frostbitingly cold' I thought, grumpily, as I tried to shake off the dirty, grey snow from my paws.

We walked for a few minutes until we reached the front of his house. Hermione stood frozen on the spot, just staring at the door. I nudged her feet with my head.

'Come on,' I thought, grumbling, 'we made it this far.'

'Besides,' I thought grumpily, 'I didn't walk through the dirty snow for nothing.'

I finally trotted in front of her, up the walkway, to the porch steps. I turned back and just waited for her. She slowly joined me, looking more nervous and tense with each step.

She picked me up and held onto me tightly. With a deep breath and a small scratch from me, she knocked on the door softly, then a little more strongly.

Hermione bit her lip nervously, as she waited for the door to open. After a moment, I heard small scuffling noises and the doorknob jiggling. Hermione squeezed me tightly as the door slowly opened.

Hermione released the breath she was holding when she saw that a little boy had opened the door. He was wearing red, Hippogriff, pajamas and a Santa Claus hat. He was holding a stuffed kneazle doll and he looked at Hermione and me curiously.

Hermione didn't say anything, but looked surprised. I just watched the boy with suspicion as he continued to examine Hermione and me. He finally settled his eyes on me and looked at me with such utter fascination.

I was a bit unnerved by his stare.

"Um," Hermione finally said, "I'm sorry! I guess I came to the wrong place!"

She was about to turn back when she heard a male voice.

"Artie? Who is it?" the male voice asked in a tired voice. The man came to the front door and gasped when he saw us.


"Bloody hell!" Ron cried for the umpteenth time. He cringed under Luna's disapproving glare.

"Language, Ronald." Luna said, sternly, as she set the pot of coffee on the table. She handed Hermione and Ron a cup of coffee.

"Bloody hell! I need a drink!" Ron exclaimed.

"Ronald!" scolded Luna, glaring at Ron.

The little boy, Artie, giggled as he climbed to sit on Ron's lap.

"Sorry dear!' Ron apologized. He looked down at Artie.

"Now son, you shouldn't ever say 'bloody hell'" Ron told him.



Artie giggled as Ron turned red and squirmed under Luna's glare.

Luna just sighed and went into the kitchen.

Ron focused his attention back on Hermione. He just stared at her awhile, with an odd expression on his face. Hermione looked uncomfortable under his stare.

"Well." Ron finally said, "I just can't believe my eyes."

Hermione turned red as she fidgeted with her cup. I glared at Ron.

"It's been quite awhile, hasn't it?" Ron asked, still staring at her.

Hermione grimaced. "I know."

"I'm just still in shock that you decided to grace us with your presence after all these years." Ron said.

"It is quite amazing," Ron continued, "I mean there was no word from you for years, and now you're here!"

Hermione flinched at Ron's words. I hissed at Ron. 'That dolt.'

Artie laughed at me and smiled. "Kneazy!"

He waved his stuffed kneazle at me.

Ron smiled at Artie.

"Artie loves kneazles. Really fascinated by them." Ron said ignoring Hermione, he then grinned at me, "Dunno why though. They aren't that handsome."

'You take that back!' I hissed as I got up from Hermione's lap. Ron just laughed at me.

"Crookshanks, you're still feisty as ever!" Ron said, with a smile.

I just glowered at him.

Luna came back to the living room with freshly baked cookies.

"We should really have breakfast first though." Luna said, as she set the cookies down on the table.

Artie hopped off his dad's lap and grabbed a cookie.

"How have you been, Hermione?" Luna asked, conversationally, as she poured herself a cup of coffee.

"Umm." Hermione said, "fine."

Ron snorted as he grabbed a cookie. Luna gave him a look.

"It's a really nice surprise that you came by." Luna said, smiling, "it's been so long."

"Yes." Hermione said nervously.

"So why'd you come?" Ron asked, point blank, with a serious face.

Luna glared at him.

"Well…" Hermione started, "I…I thought that…"

"Thought what?" Ron interrupted, "That you might stop by because you missed us. It is the holidays after all and it's been three years."


"Well…"Hermione started, "I actually…"

"You actually thought that Harry lived here and you wanted to see him. And didn't really even think of me or Ginny." Ron interrupted, he said with a dark look.


"No!" Hermione protested, "I mean yes! I mean I did come to see Harry, but I missed you too! I planned on seeing you and Ginny!"

Ron looked at her suspiciously, "Really?"

"Yes, Ron!" Hermione insisted, "Really."

Ron stood up, "I don't believe you."

"Ronald!" Luna said.

"Really, Ron!" Hermione cried, getting up, "I came to see you all! I missed you guys!"

Ron didn't say anything; he just had his back to Hermione.

"Please, Ron!" Hermione pleaded, "I'm sorry. I know it's been so long!"

"Ronald." Luna pleaded.

Ron just let out a sigh and turned around. He was grinning.

"Well since you're sorry," Ron said, pretending to ponder a bit, "I guess I can forgive you!"

'What the heck?!' I thought, as I stared at him.

Hermione and Luna looked at him confused. Ron just laughed at their faces. He walked over to Hermione and gave her a big hug.

Hermione looked shock. Ron was still laughing.

"I've missed you so much, 'Mione," Ron said, grinning.

Luna just looked at him incredulously. She smacked him on the arm. "That wasn't funny, Ronald!"

"Oh come on, Luna!" Ron said, laughing, "I think I deserve to scare her a little bit!"

"After all," Ron said, staring at Hermione with a mock glare, "it has been three years!

Hermione looked embarrassed, but relieved. "Oh, Ron!"

"Three years with no letters or visits!' Ron complained, "Three years of no birthday or Christams gifts from you!"

Hermione laughed as Luna smacked his arm.

"You owe me six presents, Granger!" Ron joked.

"Oh, Ron!" Hermione said again, as she started to cry, "I've missed you so much!"


I watched Hermione laugh at something Ron said as they continued to catch up. Luna smiled, as she watched them from the kitchen, while mixing the pancake batter.

I was eyeing the cookies on the table and trying to sneak one without Hermione catching me. Artie giggled at my efforts and finally sneaked me a cookie.

I looked at him suspiciously as I took the cookie. He's the offspring of Ron. Could I trust him? He smiled as I ate the cookie. It was delicious.

Well he is also Luna's child. Maybe he's not so bad. I looked at him earnestly, waiting for him to grab me a cookie when I heard a cry from one of the rooms.

"Billy's awake!" Artie cried happily, as he ran into one of the rooms.

Ron grinned, as he excused himself and went to the room. Moments later, Artie and Ron came back with a baby in his arms.

"This is William Chudley Weasley!" Ron proudly introduced.

Hermione smiled as Ron handed her the baby. He had red-orange hair and bright blue eyes. He cooed as Hermione held him.

"He's a charmer." Hermione said with a smile.

"Just like his father." Ron said proudly.

'Oh please!' I rolled my eyes.

"But Chudley?" Hermione said, cringing her nose.

'What?" Ron said, "I think it's a great name!"

"Oh please!" Luna said from the kitchen, "It took me ages to convince him to have it as his middle name and not his first!"

Hermione just shook her head, laughing.

"What?!" Ron asked.


"So, if you live here, where does Harry live?" Hermione asked, once she summoned up the courage to.

"Oh?" Ron said, playing with Billy, "He lives here. This is his house!"


"Yeah! He lives here!" Ron said, as if Hermione had been asking the dumbest question, "He has since we graduated, 'Mione."

"But you-

"I was pulling one over you, remember?"

"Well...Well.." Hermione spluttered, " Well why are you here? And where is he?"

"Well Luna thought it'd be nice if the boys spend some time with him." Ron said, "And I thought it would be nice to spend sometime playing with Harry's Play Station."

"It's really wicked!" Ron said, eagerly, "But Luna won't let me get one."

"That's because you don't do anything BUT play with that toy!" Luna retorted.

"It's not a toy, Luna!" Ron said, defensively.

"It is!"

Ron just rolled his eyes, "anyways, Harry is out. He's usually out most of the day. Comes back late in the afternoon."

"Work?" Hermione asked.

"I dunno. Don't think so." Ron said, thoughtfully, "He's not in uniform or anything. Just goes somewhere and comes back late."


"But he's been coming home earlier these days to spend some time with Artie and Billy." Luna said, from the kitchen, "He should be home by lunchtime."

"Okay." Hermione said, looking a bit nervous.

"So." Ron started, giving Hermione a look.


"What are you going to say to him?" Ron asked.

"Umm… well.." Hermione mumbled, nervously, "I really…"

"Don't answer him, Hermione." Luna said, "It's none of your business, Ronald!"

"What do you mean?!" Ron said, "It is my two best friends! And I want to know if I should call St. Mungo's ahead of time, so they can come in a jiffy to pick up Harry's body and haul him to the emergency room."


Hermione looked flustered, "I'm not-

"Well I won't blame you if you do," Ron said, "Or if you don't"

"I just want to be prepared in the event that you decide to beat Harry to a pulp." Ron insisted, "I heard you gave him quite a beating to his package."



I peered at the Weasley baby as Luna strapped him to the high chair, to feed him breakfast. He gurgled as Luna kissed the top of his head.

Everyone sat at the kitchen table, while Luna set down the plates of eggs and pancakes. Ron and Artie dug in immediately. I eyed the plate of cookies on the table. I looked at Artie, but he was too busy with his pancakes. Hermione thanked Luna as she started eating as well.

I was thinking about a way to sneak a cookie when I noticed something fell on the ground near my tail. It was a half eaten pancake. The Weasley baby had been flailing it and it finally fell.

"Boo!" The baby said and then squealed with laughter as he proceeded to pelt me with the rest of his cut-up pancakes.

I glowered and hissed at him, bearing my claws. This one is totally a Weasley spawn.

The baby noticed my angry stare and stopped his actions. He stared at me with the most curious expression. Then his expression changed and his face crumpled. Tears poured down his cheeks, as he started wailing and pounding his fists on his high chair table.

Luna got up and picked him up.

"I think he needs his nappy changed." She said as she dashed out with the crying baby.

"Nah." Ron said, with a grin, "He just saw Crookshanks' smushed up face!"

Ron snorted as he continued to eat. Hermione just rolled her eyes.

'I hope he chokes on his pancake.' I thought darkly.

I held my head up high as I stiffly trotted out of the kitchen.

"Oh come on, Crookshanks!' Ron called after me, "you know I'm just joking!"

'I'll get him later.' I decided, as I settled on the couch, I was very tired from all of the events from last night and this morning.

I was about to settle in for a nap, when I heard the front door jiggling. It opened and a shivering man entered. It was Harry. He took off his scarf and coat and hung it on the rack. He was about to go into the kitchen, when he noticed me.

His eyes widen when he saw me sitting on his couch. I just observed him, not moving. He looked pretty much the same as he did when I saw him weeks ago. Pale and tired looking.

Before he could say anything to me, Artie scrambled from the kitchen and clung on to Harry's legs.

"Uncle Harry!" he cried happily. I heard Ron choke on his pancake as he got up.

Ron emerged from the kitchen looking a bit surprised to see him so soon.

"Umm." Ron said, nervously, as he looked at Harry.

Harry paid no attention to him or Artie and was still staring at me. He then looked around the room and towards the kitchen. That's when he noticed Hermione sitting stiffly at the kitchen table, gripping her fork tightly.


Part 9 completed.

AN: *Ducks the flying objects* I know I know… another cliffie!… ><;;; but I promise I will not make you wait very long for the next installment…

Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome.