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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks




Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Remember when you took me to that local carnival and rode all the rides twice there?" Hermione asked Harry, as she looked towards the frozen lake.

They had decided to get some fresh air and walked to the park. I couldn't understand why. It was still late and the weather was freezing.

'Why not just talk things out in front of the fireplace.' I thought, grumbling, 'Why do I have to hide behind the bushes, in the wet dirt?'

'They better talk things over fast.' I thought moodily, as I tried to shake off the wet dirt from my paws.

"Yeah." Harry replied.

"It took you ages, but you finally managed to win me that stuffed bear at one of the game stands." Hermione said, smiling at the thought, "you might as well have just bought the bear. It would have been cheaper."

"But where's the fun?" Harry said with a small smile, "Besides I wanted to win it for you."

"Yeah I know."

"I ate so much that night." Harry mused, "Too many hotdogs."

"You ate 5." Hermione said, with a chuckle, "I was so worried that you might get a stomachache."

"It was good." Harry said, a bit defensively, "and I've never had carnival food before. I wanted to try everything."

"It was a good night." Hermione said, with a smile.

"One of the best I've had." Harry said with a sad smile.

Hermione smiled as she thought more about the first date she had with John, well Harry.

I remember her returning from the date.

Hermione smiled as she said goodbye to John and closed the door. I scampered to Hermione, noticing a stuffed bear in her arms. She smiled as she saw me and she put the bear, gently on the couch, and then held me.

She looked a bit flushed and gave a little girlish squeal as she spun me around.

'Stop! Please!' I thought, feeling queasy.

She just laughed and cuddled with me. I just glowered at her for making me queasy.

That was not necessary.

"He was so sweet, Crookshanks!" Hermione said with a smile, "I thought we were going to a fancy dinner, but he took me to a carnival!"

I looked at her warily. A carnival?

Hermione just laughed at my expression, "It was so much fun! At first I was surprised and a bit hesitant, but I really enjoyed myself!"

I watched Hermione's brown eyes sparkle as she sat down on the sofa with me.

"I've never had that much fun on a date before." Hermione said with grin, as she started scratching my back.

I purred at her.

'Well good for her.' I thought, 'she's happy then I'm happy.'

"He was so sweet, Crookshanks," Hermione said with a smile. "He wasn't rude nor arrogant and he was smart."


"He was a complete gentleman." Hermione said, "Well maybe not complete…"

I watched Hermione as she turned pink. I examined Hermione's face. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes were sparking with happiness. Then I noticed her lips were slightly red.

'He kissed you?!' I thought with a frown, 'On the first date?!'

Hermione noticed my displeasure. "Oh Crookshanks, don't be upset. It's not the middle ages! And it was consensual."

Hermione turned pink at her own words and wore a goofy smile.

I just sniffed at Hermione's behavior.

'How could this one guy affect her like this?' I thought, frowning, 'Especially when they just met?'

I saw Hermione turn pink. She must have been thinking about the same thing.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, looking a bit worried, "You look a bit flushed?"

Hermione turned red at his words, but assured him that she was fine.

"You want to go back inside?" Harry asked, still worried.

"No." Hermione firmly said, startling Harry and me.


They were silent for awhile. I was getting impatient.

"I was just thinking about that night. And how much fun I had." Hermione confessed.

"It was a good night." Harry said, agreeing.

"I think I fell for you then." Hermione said, abruptly.

Harry looked at her, a bit startled.

"After our first date, I knew." Hermione said boldly, but turning pink, "You weren't a casual thing. You were the real deal."

Harry turned his head away, towards the frozen lake. He looked pained and guilty by her words.

"And each date after that confirmed it for me." Hermione said, her voice slightly shaking. She turned her gaze from him and focused it on the frozen lake.

"You were smart and fun. You were funny and kind. You were sweet and compassionate," Hermione said, smiling.

"You took to me to history museums, because you knew I loved going there, even though it wouldn't be very fun." Hermione continued.

"You let me spend hours and hours in the bookstore, just browsing with me."

"You wouldn't mind just staying in and eating at my place. We even just stayed in and read together."

"Even simple dates like a walk around the park, were fun with you."

"You once took me on a date to the library and we had a picnic in a nearby park while reading to each other."

Hermione's eyes glisten with tears as she turned to Harry, "you made me so happy. Everything you did. The little things like just giving my hand an occasional squeeze while we watched a movie or brushing a strand of hair from my face while you watched me read. Everything you did made me fall in love with you."

Harry looked at her with a guilty look.

"I'm sorry, Hermione." Harry said, with tears in his eyes, " I didn't mean to-

Hermione just shook her head, "Don't."

She looked at him, "just tell me again."

"Were you happy being with me as I was with you?" Hermione asked. A tear fell down her cheek, but Hermione ignored it. She just stared at Harry waiting for his answer.

Harry just nodded, trying to hold back his tears.

"I loved every moment of the time we spent together." He said, "Every moment."

Hermione nodded and took a deep breath. She wiped her eyes and turned to face the frozen lake.

They didn't say anything for the longest time. All I heard were Hermione's sniffles.

I wanted to go to Hermione and jump in her arms, but I knew I shouldn't. There's only so much I could do.

The rest was up to her. And I have faith in Hermione.

"I could say so many things right now to you." Hermione said, "But all of them would be the wrong things to say. And pretty redundant. You've read my letters. You know what they are."

Harry nodded.

"And what you said to me that day, when I saw you, answered all my questions." Hermione said, as she looked at her hands, "it wasn't what I had expected, but you answered them nonetheless."

Hermione stood up and look at Harry. She pointed her wand at him. Harry looked at her in surprise.

"I could yell at you, kick and scream at you and leave you right now." She said angrily, shaking, "but I don't want to."

"I could hex you and curse with the most powerful and painful ones I know," Hermione said, trying to stifle a sob, "but after you told me your reasons why, I don't want to."

Harry watched as Hermione's body shook with her sobs.

"I don't want to." She said, shaking her head, "I don't."

"I tried not to understand and I tried to forget you, but I couldn't!" Hermione said, crying.

"Then I realized I didn't even want to forget you! I couldn't let you go!" Hermione knelted on the ground, crying.

Harry was crying, surprised by her confession.

"I'm still mad at you! I still hate you!" Hermione cried, "but I miss you more."

"I love you more." Hermione said, quietly, as she dropped her wand and buried her head in her hands, sobbing.

Harry knelted in front of her, in the snow. He slowly reached for her hands. Harry shuddered as he held her hands and removed them from her face.

Hermione looked at him, crying. Harry slowly reached for her and held her. Hermione just cried as she wrapped her arms around him. They both knelt in the snow, holding each other, crying for awhile.

It was early morning, and the sun was barely rising.

They both calmed down and just held onto each other. I heard them both sniffle and cough. Finally they pulled apart and stood up. They were both a mess and their pants were wet from the snow.

I watched as Harry wiped a tear from Hermione cheek. She just closed her eyes at his touch.

"What do we do now?" He asked, looking into her eyes.

Hermione just took a deep breath then opened her eyes.

"I'm still mad. I'm still hurt." She said, looking at him sadly.

Harry looked at her sadly, "I know."

"Things won't ever be the same." Hermione said.

"I know."

"But cutting you and everyone else out of my life is not a change I want."

Harry looked a bit relieved and sad.

"15 years of friendship is something that I cannot erase." She said, firmly, "I don't want to."

"So what do we do?" Harry asked, looking drained, but hopeful.

"We start over." She said firmly, "We can try to salvage our friendship, but rather than dwelling on the past, we should look at the present, towards the future."

"Can you really do that?" Harry said, hopefully, worried that they might not be able to.

"Yes." Hermione said firmly. "It'll be hard, but it's what I want and what we need."

Harry nodded.

"We made mistakes." She said, "but it's time we stop wasting time and work to rectify it."

"I thought what you did was unforgivable," Hermione continued, staring at Harry, "but I've realized now that it isn't."

Harry looked unsure and guilty.

"You are a big part of my life, Harry Potter," Hermione said, her voice shaking, "You were my best friend. You broke my heart and hurt me, but I still love you."

Harry's eyes filled with tears.

"Because I love you and still care for you, I can forgive you." Hermione said, as she started to cry, "I want to forgive you."

Harry held Hermione as they both started to cry again.

I watched them with a small smile then slowly crept from hiding place back towards Harry's house.

They were going to be fine. Everything was going to be fine.

Things won't ever be the same, but it was going to be fine.


"Where the bloody hell have you guys been?!" Ron asked Harry and Hermione as they came through the front door.

Ron eyed both of their appearances. Harry and Hermione had blotchy red faces from the crying, and their eyes were all puffy. Ron noticed that they both had wet pants, but didn't comment on them. He just watched the two of them as they took off their coats.

"You guys better change." Ron finally said.

Harry and Hermione nodded as they headed for their rooms.

"And take some pepper-up potion!" Ron said, " The last thing Billy needs is a cold!"

I just sniffed as I watched Ron scratch his head and smile.


Things changed a lot afterwards.

Hermione and I didn't move back to London immediately, but we did keep in touch with everyone. Hermione still worked at the daycare, but decided she wanted to rejoin the wizarding community.

Mrs. Tibbles was overjoyed.

Hermione didn't want to return to her old job. She remembered all the stress she felt. And she didn't have the same passion for the job like she used to.

She wasn't sure what she wanted to do exactly and that kept her from moving back to London.

Mrs. Tibbles got a bit annoyed and everyday would bring by the Daily Prophet, circling job ads. Hermione got a bit annoyed at Mrs. Tibbles' pushiness, but didn't say anything.

"Why not train and become a healer, Hermione?" Mrs. Tibbles asked, as she rifled through the paper, "you'd be very good at it. Don't you think so Harry?"

"Ermm..Yes." Harry said, but made no further comments, when he noticed Hermione's peeved look.

"But Hermione should find a job she loves." Harry said, as Hermione sat down at the kitchen table with them, after serving cups of coffee to them.

"Yes, I suppose." Mrs. Tibbles said, smiling at Harry, "Hermione's happiness is important."

I saw Hermione give Harry a look of thanks as Mrs. Tibbles finally changed the subject.

Harry came to visit once a week. Usually on the weekends. In the beginning it was a bit awkward, but Hermione insisted that they continue to meet.

"We have need to get over this awkwardness, and the only way that's going to happen is if we continue to meet and make the effort to get rid of it." Hermione said, after Harry asked her on visit if his visits were too uncomfortable.

And Hermione was right, after a few visits, things got better between them. There were still touchy subjects, but 15 years of friendship made it easier to start their over friendship.

And I liked seeing Harry. After the holidays, Hermione slept better and ate better. And lately, when Harry visited, I noticed that Hermione reverted to a similar version of her old self. She reverted back to her bossy, organized worrywart self.

The cottage looked much cleaner. She had gotten me on a strict diet. I wasn't really pleased about this, but I managed to lose a few pounds. She smiled more often.

She even invited Ron and Ginny to the cottage a couple of times. Ron came occasionally, but Ginny was usually busy or feeling under the weather to visit. She was 4 months pregnant.

Needless to say Ron wasn't thrilled with the news, but he dealt with it.

I watched as Harry snuck a cookie in his sleeve, when Hermione wasn't looking. My ears perked up and I slowly trotted towards him from my spot on the sofa.

I smiled as Harry quickly handed me the cookie, underneath the kitchen table. I quickly ran with the cookie to the sofa and ate it.

I'm glad he was back.

After I finished the cookie, I heard tapping from Hermione's kitchen window. It was Kipper. Mrs. Tibbles stood up.

"Oh I must be going!" Mrs. Tibbles cried, "Poor Kipper must be hungry! I almost forgot it was her lunchtime!"

Mrs. Tibbles quickly rushed to the front door, saying goodbye to Hermione and Harry.

Harry just chuckled and shook his head and Hermione let out a sigh of relief, once Mrs. Tibbles was gone.

"She's getting more and more on your case." Harry commented.

Hermione just sighed, "I know. Now she asks me everyday, 'Hermione did you find a job?' 'Hermione, I think you might like this job!'

Harry laughed at Hermione's imitation of Mrs. Tibbles' voice.

"I love the dear lady, but she's driving me nuts!" Hermione said with a groan.

"You know what would stop her." Harry said, thoughtfully.


"If you found a job." Harry said, with a chuckle, but it died when he noticed Hermione's glare.

"Not helping." She grumbled.

After the tasty cookie, I was thirsty, so I went to Hermione. I meowed as I rubbed against her leg.

Hermione gave me a small smile, "Thirsty?"

I mewed. 'The witch knew me well.'

Hermione opened the refrigerator and got a bottle of milk. She poured it in my bowl and set it in front of me.

"Here you go," Hermione said, scratching my head.

I meowed my thanks and was about to drink, when she grabbed my face. I was startled by her actions and growled. Hermione frown as she examined my face. Then leaned down to sniff my face. She then glared at me.

"Crookshanks! You had a cookie!" Hermione accused me.

I just froze, not doing anything; I just look at Harry who was surprised. Hermione noticed my look and glared at Harry.

"You gave him a cookie?" Hermione asked, glaring at Harry.

Harry looked nervously at Hermione, "Well…I-

Hermione just groaned.

"You know that Crookshanks is on a diet!" Hermione said, glaring at me, "He's not supposed to have any sweets."

"One cookie can't hurt him." Harry said, looking at me sympathetically.

Hermione just glared at him. "It's not helping him."

Harry didn't say anything more, just gave me a sympathetic look.


"I've been thinking of opening a daycare center." Hermione said as she handed Harry the pitcher of pumpkin juice.

It was dinnertime and Harry had graciously made pasta. I watched longingly at the food.

"A daycare?"

"Yeah, but I was thinking maybe a wizarding one." Hermione said as she buttered a bread roll, "It would make things much easier if I could use magic."


"I don't know. It's just an idea."

"It seems like something you would enjoy." Harry said, "I know you like working with the kids at the daycare."


"So what's stopping you?"

"Well I need to find a facility and workers. I'll need to advertise for it too."

"Then do that."

Hermione scoffed, "I don't have enough money. Even if I rent a place."

"I'll help."

Hermione dropped her fork.

"What you think I wouldn't?" Harry said, looking at her oddly.

"Well it's a lot of money, Harry."

"So? I have a lot of money and it's just sitting there, rotting."

"But still-

"I want to." Harry said, seriously, "Please consider my offer. Don't feel bad."

Hermione just gave him a weak smile.

"And if it means that you'll be coming back to London sooner, then all the more reason to." Harry said, with a smile,

Hermione didn't say anything as she reached down to pick up her fork.

"Just please consider it." Harry said, seriously.

Hermione just nodded and gave him a nervous smile, "I will."


Five months later Hermione and I were back in London. Hermione and Harry found an available facility in Diagon Alley. With weeks of paperwork, renovations and advertisements in the paper, Hermione finally managed to open her magical daycare. Only 6 kids enrolled in her daycare, but Hermione was still pleased. She figured it was best since she still needed to hire extra workers, but for the time being she had Mrs. Tibbles who was glad to help her out.

I spent my weekdays at the daycare with Hermione. I would usually just take a nap on one of the pillow cushions, but lately the kids have wanted to play with me. I really didn't want to, especially since one of the boys had a tendency of pulling on my tail, but I know Hermione would appreciate it.

"Crookshanks! Come and play with us!" one of the girls said, "We want to play Mediwizard and you can be our patient!"

I eyed them warily, but slowly made my way towards the group of three little girls who had on Healer costumes and fake wooden wands.

As the girls brushed my fur and examined me, I watched the other two boys huddled around the third boy, who was carrying a plastic animal container. The two boys were laughing as the third boy opened the container.

"Wow this place look awesome, Hermione!" It was Ron who was carrying an unusually quiet Artie.

"Hey Ron!" Hermione said, brightly, as she ushered them in.

Ron looked around, admiring the brightly color room. There were a few plastic tables with chairs on one side and a huge blue carpet in the middle of the room. One wall had a magical chalkboard, while it's opposite wall had had cubbies and a coat rack. There were toys and shelves with books crammed on one wall and huge, bright magical posters all around that had common magical nursery rhymes.

"Look, Artie," Ron said, "Doesn't this place look fun?"

Artie who had his face in Ron's chest, just shook his head, refusing to look at the room. He just clung onto his father tighter.

"He's just a bit nervous." Ron said, sheepishly.

Hermione just nodded, understandingly, as she calmly put one hand on Artie's back.

"Artie," Hermione said, in a comforting tone, with one hand on his back, "would you like to play with the other kids?"

Artie just shook his head no. Ron gave Hermione a helpless look.

"I gotta go, I have a meeting in an hour, " Ron plead, to Hermione.

Hermione just gave him a reassuring look. She thought for a while then called to me.

The girls let me go and I gratefully scampered to Hermione. She knelt in front of me and gave me a knowing look.

I stood there and watched as Hermione stood up to talk to Artie.

"Artie?" Hermione said.

Artie just held onto his father tighter, not removing his face from Ron's chest.

"I think Crookshanks wants to play with you." Hermione said, rubbing Artie's back, "Would you like to play with Crookshanks?"

Artie thought for awhile then nodded and turned to look at Hermione.

"Do you mind letting your papa go?" Hermione asked gently.

Artie didn't say anything then slowly shook his head no.

"Please." Ron begged.

I just sniffed. Then mewed at Artie to get his attention. Artie looked down at me and gave me a shy smile.

"See, Crookshanks want to play with you." Ron said as he bent down.

I just mewed and let Artie pet me.

Artie smiled, "Kneazy!"

"See! Why don't you play with Kneazy?" Ron said, smiling, "I won't be gone long, Artie, I promise."

I glowered at Ron. 'Artie can call me Kneazy, but you can't!'

"Please?" Ron asked.

Artie just continued to pet me and nodded. Ron smiled brightly and gave Artie a kiss.

"I won't be gone long, Artie." Ron said, "Have fun!"

Ron turned and gave Hermione a kiss goodbye and then left.

Artie and I played for a few minutes, before the other boys asked Artie to play with them. Artie look shyly at me then Hermione, who gave him an encouraging look, and ran to join them.

Hermione smiled at the group of boys then bent down and scratched me between my ears.

"Thanks, Crookshanks."


The afternoon passed without any troubles and it was almost time for the parents to come pick up the kids. Mrs. Tibbles had already given their snack of milk and cookies and was reading a story to them on the big, blue carpet.

Kipper was munching on her oatmeal cookie, while I looked with distaste at my diet treat, which looked like a rock.

I gave a pitiful look to Hermione, who just gave me an apologetic look and shook her head no. I just grumbled.

'Stubborn witch.' I thought moodily, glaring at my rock treat.

Hermione was cleaning up the tables, when Harry greeted us with Hedwig on his shoulder.

"Hey!" Harry said, brightly, "Having a good day?"

Hermione smiled as they started chatting. Hedwig flew towards me and Kipper. She eyed Kipper with suspicion. Kipper just gave Hedwig a friendly hoot as she went back to her cookie. Hedwig kept eyeing Kipper, particularly the red beret that she was wearing.

I just watched the two owls.

"That's an interesting hat." Hedwig finally hooted, looking a bit curious.

"Thanks!" Kipper hooted, cheerfully, "I saw these muggles wearing it when I went to deliver a package in France. I thought it was cute."

"How'd you get it to stick to your head."

"My owner charmed it."

"Oh interesting."

"Kipper likes to dress up." I meowed, "She's very fashion conscious."


"I'm really partial to ribbons. Love them really."


"They would look nice on you too. You have such pretty feathers."

"Oh well. Thanks." Hedwig hooted, flattered, as she began to warm up to the eccentric bird.

I just scoffed.

"Something funny cat?" Hedwig hooted, glaring at me.

I just gave Hedwig a smirk.

"Crookshanks looks nice with ribbons too." Kipper hooted, "white ones."

Hedwig started hooting with laughter. "Ribbons on Crookshanks!!!"

I just hissed at Kipper. She didn't seem to notice, as she was in deep thought.

"Although you look better in bonnets." Kipper hooted, still musing.

Hedwig flapped her wings frantically as she tried to control her laughter. "Bonnets!!!"

"Zip it, Kipper!" I hissed.

Kipper just gave me an odd look, "What you do. Especially that yellow one you wore. That looked really good on you."

Hedwig just fell to the ground, rolling around, trying to control her laughter.

The kids and Mrs. Tibbles watched with fascination at a snowy white bird that was hooting uncontrollably and rolling on the ground.

"What's wrong with that bird?" one of the little girls asked.

"Is it hurt?" a boy asked, looking more fascinated than worried.

"I'm not sure." Mrs. Tibbles said, looking perplexed.

Harry picked up Hedwig, who still hooting uncontrollably, and apologized, looking embarrassed.

One of the little boys gasped and pointed at Harry.

"I know you, you're Harry Potter!" the little boy declared.

'Harry Potter!"


"Who's Harry Potter?"

"He's the strongest wizard in the world!" the same boy said, "He defeated that one really evil wizard."

All the kids started at Harry in awe. Harry looked a bit embarrassed. He noticed Artie amongst the kids and said hello to him.

"You know Harry Potter?" the same boy asked Artie, incredulously.

Artie just nodded, looking a bit confused.

"Wow!" everyone said.

Mrs. Tibbles just chuckled as the kids ignored Harry and focused their attention on Artie asking him questions. Hermione just laughed as Harry gave a sheepish grin and set a finally calm Hedwig on a perch.

As Hermione was teasing Harry, Ron entered the daycare and greeted the two.

"Hey guys!" Ron said, brightly, then turned and called for Artie.

Artie smiled as he ran to give his father a big hug.

"Did you have fun?" Ron asked.

Artie nodded with a smile.

"Artie are you leaving already?" one of the boys asked.

Artie looked at Ron, with a pleading look.

"He can stay for a few more minutes." Ron said, very pleased that Artie had made new friends.

"Good." The little boy said, "It's his turn to hold Fillmore."

Artie ran to join the boys, as they made their way to the plastic animal container.

"Wow, Artie looks like he had a great time!" Ron said, smiling at Hermione, "You're really good at this!"

"Well it was mostly Crookshanks!" Hermione said, modestly, scratching my ears, "You know how Artie adores him!"

"Who doesn't?" Harry said with a smile.

"Of course! Little Kneazy!' Ron said, laughing.

'Don't call me that, dolt!' I hissed at him.

The name is Crookshanks. And Artie can call me Kneazy.

'But you, Freckle-head,' I thought, glaring at him, 'can't."

"Hey! Fillmore's missing!" the little boy shouted, "Where'd he go?"

Hermione looked worried and went to the group of boys. And sure enough it was empty.

"Where'd he go, Miss Granger?" the little boy asked, looking ready to cry.

"Don't worry, Bobby, we'll find him." Hermione said as she pulled out her wand to cast a locating spell.

"He couldn't have one far." Mrs. Tibbles said, as she looked with the other kids on the ground.

"Fillmore?" Ron asked as he and Harry searched under the table, "Is he someone's rat?"

Hermione turned white as she gasped. She looked nervously at Ron.

"Now, Ron, don't panic." Hermione said, steadily, "Bu-

"There he is!" Bobby cried as he scooped up Fillmore from a cubby hole.

"He was hiding in the cubby hole!" Bobby said, smiling.

"Oh good you found your rat!" Ron said, smiling brightly.

Bobby looked at Ron oddly. "Fillmore's not a rat. He's my pet tarantula."

Ron shrieked and jumped up on a table as Bobby move towards him to show Fillmore. Harry tried to hide his laughter by coughing and the little kids just watched Ron in amazement.

"Get that thing away!" Ron said, turning white.

"Fillmore's harmless!" Bobby said, looking at Ron, oddly, "he won't bite!"

Bobby started petting the furry, brown tarantula. I sniggered as I watched Ron flinch at the site of the overgrown spider.

"See? He's friendly." Bobby said as he cuddled the furry tarantula against his cheek.

Ron flinched at the sight.

"Now that's enough, Bobby." Hermione said, ushering Bobby away from Ron, "why don't you put Fillmore back in his container."

Bobby just looked at Ron oddly and followed Hermione's orders. Hermione gave Ron an apologetic look.

"Why do have those things in a daycare?" Ron spluttered, once Hermione came back to apologize.

"Sorry." Hermione said, feeling guilty, "It's Pet week and I asked that each of the kids bring their pets (magical or non magical) on a certain day. Today happened to be Bobby's."

Harry just laughed, but stopped when Ron gave him a dirty look.

"Spider's are not meant to be pets!" Ron hissed.

"Tell that to Hagrid." Harry said, smiling with amusement.

Ron just scowled.

"I am sorry." Hermione said, looking truly apologetic, "I totally forgot."

"Well as long as he doesn't bring that thing again." Ron said with a shudder, "besides I should get going with Artie."

Hermione nodded as she called to Artie. Ron made an odd squacking noise when he saw that Artie was holding the tarantula.

"Artie, You better give Fillmore back to Bobby," Hermione said eyeing Ron nervously, "it's time for you to go."

Artie just calmly handed the tarantula back to Bobby and went to Ron. Ron just stared at Artie in disbelief.

Harry nudged Ron to shake him out of his stupor. And Ron quickly said goodbye and rushed out of the daycare with Artie.

Harry just shook his head, chuckling.

'Dolt.' I thought, snorting.


Mrs. Tibbles and Kipper had to leave early that day and couldn't help Hermione clean up, so Harry offered, while she filled him in on the daycare's progress.

"A lot of the parents seemed really pleased with the daycare." Harry commented, as he helped Hermione straighten the books.

Hermione nodded, "I think I'll be getting more kids. The parents have been spreading the word and referring me to their friends."

"That's great!"

"Yes. But I need to hire more workers then."

"Then do it."

Hermione scoffed, "Not many witches or wizards seem to be interested in babysitting little children."

"But you do more than that." Harry said, with a frown.

"I know, but most people don't see that." Hermione said with a shrug.

"Load of rubbish." Harry said, with a frown, "You're work is just as rewarding as being a healer or an Auror. You're nurturing children at a very young age into becoming wonderful wizards and witches. That a pretty important job."

"Well." Hermione said, with a blush, "Not many people see like that."

"Miss Granger! Miss Granger!" Bobby said, tugging on Hermione's dress robes, "When's my mommy coming?"

Hermione gave him an apologetic look, "your mother owled me and said she would be a little late. She'll be her soon. Don't worry."

Hermione gave him a kiss on his forehead as Bobby looked reassured.

Harry smiled at the sight. Hermione blushed under Harry's stare.

"What?" Hermione asked curiously.

"You're really good with kids." Harry commented. Hermione smiled at his compliment

"You just realized that now?" Hermione asked, playfully.

"You'd make a wonderful mother.' Harry said, with a serious smile.

"Oh." Hermione said, blushing, "I don't know about that."

"You would." Harry said, giving her a meaningful stare.

Hermione just stared back at him, smiling.

"It's almost Fillmore's dinner time!" Bobby declared, making the two break out of their gazes.

"What does he eat?" Harry asked, curiously, still watching Hermione, who was blushing.

"Crickets. Flies. Bugs." Bobby answered, "but he really likes lacewings."

Harry crinkled his nose in disgust. Hermione just rolled her eyes at him.

"What do you expect a tarantula to eat? Cookies?" Hermione said to Harry, rolling her eyes.

"I like cookies!" Bobby piped.

'So do I.' I thought, wistfully.

"Just curious." Harry said, defensively, "We're not all brilliantly smart like you."

I watched Hermione turn pink and roll her eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" a pretty, young woman cried, as she rushed inside the daycare. It was Bobby's mother.

Bobby rushed to greet his mother.

"Mommy! Fillmore's hungry!' Bobby declared.

His mother smiled and nodded as she gave Bobby a kiss. She stood up to greet Hermione.

"I hope he wasn't too much trouble." Bobby's mother said, smiling at her son.

"Oh no. Bobby's always a joy." Hermione said, smiling.

"Hopefully some of the kids weren't scared of Fillmore." Bobby's mother asked, looking worried, "I told Bobby not to bring it, but he insisted."

"None of the kids had problems with Fillmore." Reassured Hermione.

"Except one father." Harry said, with a chuckle.

I grinned at the thought as well.

"Oh no"

"It was fine." Hermione said quickly, "The father was just surprised."

"He jumped on the table." Bobby said.

Harry sniggered. Hermione gave him a stern look.

"I am sorry." The mother apologized, looking embarrassed.

"It was no problem, really." Harry said, with a warm smile, "The kids really liked Fillmore."

Bobby's mother blushed.

"See!" Bobby said.

"Well thank you." Bobby's mother said, her cheeks still pink, her attention focused on Harry.

"Our pleasure." Harry said, with a smile.

Bobby's mother turned red as she gave Harry a shy smile back.

"Do you work here as well?" the mother asked.

"No. I just came today to help Hermione out." Harry said.

"Oh." The mother said, eyeing Hermione nervously, "Are you and Miss Granger dating?"

Hermione and Harry turned pink.

"Uh…no." Harry said, awkwardly.

I just watched as Hermione stiffened.

"Oh." Bobby's mother said, as she smiled brightly once more, "You seem to handle children very well."

"Err… thank you." Harry said, still pink.

"My ex-husband was never a fatherly type." Bobby's mother said, looking down sadly at Bobby.

The mother looked at Harry with a sly look, "You must get along well with your kids."

Harry sputtered as I saw Hermione tense up.

I looked at Bobby's mother with suspicion. 'What's her deal?'

"Uh no…I don't have children. I'm not married." Harry said, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh." The mother said, as she feigned astonishment.

I narrowed my eyes at the lady.

"You'd make a wonderful father." The mother said, with a flirtatious smile.

"Umm.. Thank you.." Harry mumbled, turning pink.

Hermione was just silent. She proceeded to clean up a nearby table.

"Well it was nice meeting you…

"Uh..Harry Potter."

"Oh!" the mother gasped, "I didn't recognize you!"

"Yeah." Harry stammered.

"You're much handsomer in person." The mother said, blushing.

"Err…thank you." Harry stammered.

The mother smiled at Harry, until Bobby yanked on her dress robes.

"Mommy! Fillmore's hungry!" Bobby complained.

"Well I guess we must get going." The mother said reluctantly, as Bobby tugged on her arm.

"It was nice meeting you, Mr. Potter!"

"Um…you too Mrs…

"It's Miss. Stanton."

I glowered at the lady.

"Uh yes. Miss. Stanton, it was nice meeting you."

"Likewise." Miss Stanton said, as she headed for the door, with Bobby.

"Goodbye Mr. Potter!" she said then added, "goodbye Miss Granger!"

"Bye, Miss Granger!" Bobby said as Hermione waved goodbye.

"Mommy, why are your cheeks red?" I heard Bobby curiously asked as the left.

Harry just looked around, uncomfortably as Hermione quietly continued to clean up.

"Well that was interesting." Harry said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yes." Hermione said in a forced indifferent tone.

'Drat. Darn that woman.' I grumbled.


Hermione was quiet throughout dinner, even though Harry tried to make light conversation. I watched as Harry tried and failed.

Hermione poked at her food. She seemed to be in deep thought, but her face was unreadable.

'Did that lady affect her that much?' I pondered.

"Ginny's due any day now." Harry said, pouring himself a glass of water, "Malfoy's excited."

"That's nice." Hermione said, with a sad smile.

"I feel bad for the bloke," Harry said, "Ginny's been extra moody lately. I heard she made him sleep on the couch once because she couldn't see her feet. She got all upset and started crying, blaming Malfoy, saying that it's his fault she's a huge as a hippogriff. Poor guy."

Hermione just nodded, as she poked at her food with a sad frown.

"Hermione?" Harry asked gently, "Are you alright?"

Hermione just nodded.

"I'm fine." Hermione said stiffly.

"You sure?"


Harry just watched her, not believing her.

"I'm just not feeling well." Hermione lied, pushing her plate away from her.

"Do you need to lie down?" Harry asked, worried.

Hermione just shook her head, "I'll be fine."

Harry watched her for a moment then stood up.

"How about I clean up and you go lie down." Harry said as he started clearing the table.

"No." Hermione said, shaking her head, "You already cooked, I should clean."

Harry just smiled as he made Hermione stand up and gently pushed her out of the kitchen.

"It's fine. I'll clean up." He said, smiling, "Go rest a bit. You've had a long day."

Hermione bit her lip, but followed Harry's orders and sat on the living couch. I just on the couch onto her lap, and she started scratching my back. She had a lost look on her face.

I mewed as I pawed her hand. She looked at me. She gave me a sad smile.

I cuddled my head against her hand. She gave me a small smile.

'Don't worry.' I stared straight back at her. 'Don't worry.'

She gave me a worried look, but I nudged her hand.

'You're doing fine. We're doing fine. We're going to be fine.'

She looked a bit reassured. I batted at her hand and mewed at her resume scratching my back. Hermione just smiled and complied with my wishes.


Hermione lit a fire in her fireplace with the wand.

Harry handed Hermione a mug of tea and sat down next to her on the couch. I jumped off of Hermione's lap to stretch my legs and get a drink of water.

'Besides. They needed some privacy.' I thought.

Hermione thanked Harry and they sat in silence, just watching the fire. Harry sensed something was wrong with Hermione. He knew it just wasn't her feeling under the weather. There was more to that.

"A sickle for you thoughts." Harry said, breaking the silence.

"I think they're worth more than a sickle." Hermione said, with a small smile.

"Two sickles?"

Hermione swatted Harry on the arm. Harry just grinned.

They sat in silence for awhile, just watching the fire.

"Are you happy, Harry?" Hermione asked, quietly.

Harry thought for a moment before replying, "I suppose. I'm content."

Hermione frowned at his answer.

"For three years of my life, I was miserable." Harry said, "I had lost one of my dearest friends. Hurt her in the worst way."

"And amazingly, graciously, I have her back now." Harry said, with a small smile. "I'm happy."

Hermione sadly looked at Harry.

"Do you feel like you've wasted a lot of time?" Hermione asked quietly.

Harry frowned at her question, "With you?"

Hermione shook her head. "With life in general."

"I've made mistakes. Spent time dealing with my mistakes." Harry said, in deep thought, "but with how things turned out. I don't think it's a waste."

"What about your dreams?"

Harry sighed.

"Have you fulfilled your dreams?" Hermione accused.

"Have you?"

Hermione sighed as she turned to face the fire.

"I didn't even know how to achieve my dream was for the longest time!" Hermione said bitterly.

Harry was silent.

"I thought it was my job. Getting promoted. Making a name for myself." Hermione continued, angrily, "I thought it was what would make me happy."

"Then I woke up one day and realized I was in my 20's, alone and unhappy." Hermione said, miserably, "I had my dream job yet, it didn't make me happy as I thought it would. It didn't make me happy at all. All I wanted was happiness. That was my only dream. "

"I had wasted time." Hermione said angrily, "I worked my whole life thinking that this one path would make me happy and it didn't. I saw other women like Ginny, Luna, and Lavender who had it all. They were happy."

"I hated myself for feeling that way," Hermione said, turning to Harry, "I thought maybe if I focused on my career more and got myself promoted, things would change. I would learn to love it. But I didn't."

Hermione tried to blink back her tears as she took deep breaths.

"Then I thought, when Ginny got engaged, I thought, maybe what I was missing was not something but somebody." Hermione said with a cringe, "So sent in that stupid ad in the personals column."

"That turned out to be a flop." Hermione said with a sniff, "Until John came along."

Harry stiffened.

"I'm not mad at you anymore, Harry." Hermione said, quietly, "Honestly."

Harry just watched her silently.

"I should thank you." Hermione said, quietly.

Harry's eyes widened in surprise.

Hermione just looked at Harry with a small smile.

"Those three months were the happiest I've ever been." Hermione said, with tears in her eyes, "Thank you."

Harry just blinked back his tears.

"You fulfilled my dream in those three months." Hermione said, as tears poured down her cheeks.

Harry watched as Hermione cry for a moment, before he pulled out a handkerchief. He gently dabbed Hermione's cheeks dry, and gave her soft kiss on the forehead.

Hermione's eyes widened at the gesture of affection.

"You deserve more than three months of having your dream." Harry said, with a sad smile, "Way more."

"You do too." Hermione said, quietly.

"I've learned that you've got to find what makes you truly happy." Harry said, looking back at the fire, "then you can make happiness from it. You can't make happiness out of anything."

"Being an auror was rewarding," Harry said, "but didn't make me happy. My friends do. You do."

Harry gently reached for Hermione's hand. "You make me happy."

"You do too."

"You haven't lost me, Hermione," Harry said, squeezing her hand, "I'm right here."

Hermione nodded as tears filled her eyes.

"So why are you crying?" Harry asked, with a sad smile.

"I want you to be happy," Hermione said, crying.

Harry smiled. "I am."

Hermione shook her head, "you're content. I want you to be happy."

Harry gave me a sad smile.

"I want to be happy too." Hermione said, as her voice quivered, "I want both of us to be happy."

"Why be content when we both can be happy?" Hermione asked, "When happiness is within our grasp?"

Harry didn't say anything.

Hermione reached for Harry's hands and made him look at her.

"Why not?" Hermione asked.

Harry didn't say anything and just look at her sadly.

"Because you don't deserve it?" Hermione asked, searching his eyes.

Harry didn't say anything, but Hermione knew his answer.

"Out of all the people I know," Hermione said, furiously, "You deserve it the most. What you went through as a child and teenager and what you did, makes you more than deserving!"

Harry shook his head furiously.

"One mistake that you made does not make you undeserving, " Hermione said, adamantly, blinking back her tears, "especially what I consider now a happy mistake.'

"Stop punishing yourself!" she said, squeezing his hand, "by punishing yourself, you'll be punishing me!"

Harry started crying and Hermione held him as he cried.

"You deserve to be happy." Hermione said softly, holding him tight, "We deserve to be happy."

I left them as they cried and clung onto each other. I made my way to Hermione's bedroom to finally rest.

I was waiting for this moment for a long time and now I was exhausted.

They can finally put everything behind them and move on. Together.


The two spent the night on the couch, just holding each other. When I crept into the living room, in the morning, I saw that the two were lying on the couch. Hermione was fast asleep on Harry's chest. She looked so peaceful and had a smile on her face. Harry was awake and watching her sleep.

I watched as he gently caressed her cheek and brushed a stray strand of her hair out of her face. He looked so happy just lovingly watching her sleep.

I quietly walked towards him and he noticed me. He gave me a small smile. I just stared at Hermione's peaceful face then at him.

I gave him a meaningful look.

'You made her sadder and angrier than anyone else.

You hurt her the deepest.

But you made her the happiest and you can make her happier than me or anyone else can.

You have that wonderful gift and opportunity.

You have a second chance now.

She gave you a second chance because she loves you.

So don't waste it.'

Harry always knew me well and he understood my thoughts and feelings.

He gave me a slight nod.

I gave him a look of approval then made my way to the kitchen kitty door.


I went outside and stretched my limbs a bit.

I saw that the sun was up, shining brightly. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful spring day. I heard birds chirping nearby in the trees and insects buzzing and humming. I heard a high pitch giggle and rustle coming from Hermione's garden.

I made my way towards the sound, getting ready for my daily morning exercise.

'I can finally relax now.' I thought, as I listened quietly for the sound and movements of the garden gnome.

I heard a rustle from the right. Then burst of giggles.

'Not only had things been resolved, but they are better than before,' I thought, as I pounced into the tall grass.

The gnome shrieked in surprised from my surprise attack and jumped out of the grass. I started chasing the little bugger around the house, while he giggled maniacally.

'She's not just going to be fine.' I thought, smirking as I almost caught the gnome, 'She's going to be happy!'



The End. (Stay tuned for an epilogue on Thursday!!!)

AN: *Ducks the flying objects* I know there wasn't that much fluff…there wasn't that much romance, and I am terribly sorry. I realized that I dug myself into a hole. Quite a predicament. So I had trouble resolving the issue, let alone have some good HHr fluffiness… the ending didn't make things better, I know…

I am sorry…But I will have an epilogue up on Thursday…(and yes for sure) it will be purely fluff as well…Although the tone of this story might not go well with it ><;;;

I really tried to make this last chapter tied and resolve everything, but somehow I am a bit doubtful that I did a good job…The ending for sure I have problems with, but I kind of just plowed through it…maybe I'll reedit and repost it someday…

But I had this epilogue in mind for a long time…Since the second chapter… I just didn't expect my story to go the route it did…

I am sorry that I made you guys wait so long, I know I promised I'd be done with the story by the end of winter break, but I had a lot of things that came up. One big thing was my mother, she was hospitalized around New Year's… that just put me in no mood to deal with anything, let alone write… but fortunately she is well now…

Thank you for being so patient and for being so encouraging and understanding. I plan to write more stories in the future… and I plan to work harder to improve my writing…I have a couple plot bunnies hopping around in my head….^V^

Thank you ever so much!

~Your grateful Plums.

Comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome.