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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks


I slept for 12 hours!!! My my! I was soo tired…. This chapter is a bit longer… I've realized that this chapter now is looking at 6 chapters… at least *grumbles* Darn the cute plot bunnies… But FORTUNATELY… Three awesome people have decided to be my betas!!!! *smiles*

They are really great and I'm really appreciate the fact that they are willing to edit my stories… I make a lot of errors ^^';; I noticed….

So thank you to Mr. Brookes, Joanie and Brit…. You'll probably cringe at my errors…

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Oh this is the perfect color!" shrieked Lavender as she pulled out a pink fabric.

Ginny, Parvati and Hermione nodded and agreed with her.

"Blush is a great color!" Parvati chimed, excitedly.

'Funny. It looks like pink to me.' I thought, as I warily watched the girls squeal over the fabric.

The four girls were shopping for bridesmaids dresses. Actually Lavender and Parvati had agreed to design and make the dress, so they only needed to find the fabric and color.

You'd think that would take only an hour or so, but no. It took 3 hours and various shades of pink until they decided on blush or blah or whatever that shade of pink was called.

I watched as the Ginny hurriedly paid for the fabrics. The girls now were deciding on which shoes they should buy. I glowered. That would be another 2 hours at least!

"Actually why don't you guys go buy the shoes. Ginny, you know my size." Hermione said.

'Yes!' I thought, cheering.

"I need to take Crookshanks to his appointment at the vet's." Hermione said, reaching for me.


The girls agreed to meet with Hermione for lunch as Hermione held me and left. I squirmed in her arms. Hermione just held me tighter.

"Do you want me to put you in a carrier?" Hermione said, warningly.

I stopped squirming. I hate that carrier. It's like a prison cell. I just glowered as Hermione walked through the street of Diagon Alley until we were in front of the vet. I glowered.

"Now don't panic, Crookshanks," Hermione said, "You're not getting your shots."

I just hissed.

'That's what she said last time, but I ended up getting one.' I thought bitterly.

Hermione must have read my thoughts. "I didn't know last time. Honest. But I made sure and asked her today."

We went inside and Hermione signed me in.

I hated this place. It smelled of fear and pain. And animal feces. I cringed my face as I heard a dog howling, 'Nooo!'.

I shuddered as we sat on a chair, waiting for my turn. Hermione just held me and stroked me. She was trying to comfort me.

"It's not bad, Crookshanks." Hermione said.

'Easy for you to say.' I thought, bitterly.

The receptionist called my name and we both went inside. The doctor greeted us happily.

'Crookshanks!' she cried, as she put on a pair of gloves, 'How have you been?"

I just glowered at her.

'Just peachy you evil demon.' I thought.

Hermione put me on the metal table as the vet started examining me. I just stood still, stiffly, still glowering at the vet. Hermione just looked at me sympathetically.

I decided to grin and bear it. Besides after this tore was done with, Hermione usually takes me to the bakery and buys me some cookies. I shall do it for the cookies.

The vet frowned at me and then put me on a scale. Her frowned got deeper.

'You've gained more weight, Crookshanks." She said.

'So have you." I thought bitterly.

"But he's been on a diet!" Hermione said, a bit confused.

"Hmm." The vet said, "what's his diet?"

"Well mainly low fat cat food and milk." Hermione said, "And a cookie occasionally."

The vet looked over me.

"Well I think you should stop giving him cookies at all." The vet announced, "Until he loses the extra fat."

I hissed at her. Evil woman! I need my cookies!

Hermione agreed as the vet gave her some more instructions.

"He needs to exercise more as well." The vet said, "Make sure he's outside for at least an hour. And not as many naps."

I would have bit the doctor, but Hermione held onto me tightly.

Hermione nodded in agreement as we left the vet.

'Evil woman. Trying to ruin my life.' I thought bitterly.

We passed by the bakery. I kept looking behind Hermione, as the bakery grew smaller and smaller as Hermione walked further away from it.

"Sorry, Crookshanks." Hermione said, sympathetically.

I frowned. Today was a horrible day.


Hermione walked into the diner where the other girls were eating. She greeted them as she sat down with me in her lap.

"What's wrong with Crookshanks?" Ginny asked, noticing my glower and my foul mood.

"Vet says he needs to be on a stricter diet." Hermione said, ordering her food, "No cookies."

"Poor Crookshanks." Ginny said, sympathetically.

"Well Crookshanks is a little plump." Lavender said.

Parvati agreed.

I decided right then that I didn't like Lavender or Parvati.

"Oh hush." Ginny said, "He's cute."

I mewed at Ginny.

As Hermione's order came, I just sat, watching the girls talk.

They were all gossiping and talking about their love lives. Ginny gave Hermione a sly grin.

"So how is John?" Ginny asked with a wink.

"John's fine." Hermione said, as she drank her soup.

"No." Ginny said, rolling her eyes, "How is John?"

Hermione choked on her soup.

The other girls giggled.

"Well.." Hermione said, blushing.

Lavender looked at her incredulously. "You mean you haven't slept with him yet?!"

Parvati gasped.

Ginny hushed them.

"Please it's only been two months!" Ginny said, chastising the two girls.

Hermione nodded, still pink.

"Although me and Draco we're well acquainted by then." Ginny said, with a dreamy look.

The other girls laughed.

I just sniffed. 'Girls.'

"Just get it over with!" Parvati said, "Just surprise him."

Hermione turned redder.

"Yes, wear something sexy and jump him!" Lavender said, smiling, "Oh! I have some sexy items at the shop!"

"Oh yes! You should totally come by!" Parvati said, agreeing.

"Well." Hermione fumbled, still red.

"Be aggressive!" Lavender insisted.

"Yes it has been two months!" Parvati chimed.

'Oh god!' I thought, cringing, I do not need to hear this.

"Oh hush girls!" Ginny said, "Let Hermione decide when it's the time."

Hermione just nodded.

The other girls gave an exasperated sigh.

"Come on, Hermione!" Lavender said, "When's the last time you had sex?"

"Well…" Hermione fumbled, still flustered.

"Don't you just have urges?" Parvati chimed.

Hermione turned redder.

"I mean a vibrator can only do so much." Lavender said.

'OH! I do NOT need to hear this!' I thought, as I cringed.

"Oh hush!" Ginny said, scolding the other girls, "Hermione's not sex-crazy like you guys!"

Hermione just looked at her soup. The other girls just laughed then sighed.

"I guess not." Lavender and Parvati said.

"Of course not." Ginny said.

Hermione was still staring at her food.

Lavender and Parvati, decided after awhile that they need to get back to the shop. They said goodbye to Hermione and Ginny, then left.

'Finally.' I thought, relaxing, 'No more dirty talk.'

"Well seriously," Ginny said, "Don't listen to those girls. They're being silly."

"I don't know," Hermione thought with a frown, "They may be right. It has been two months."

"Please," Ginny said, "don't jump the gun."

Hermione nodded.

Ginny just gave Hermione a curious look. "Is it serious with John?"

Hermione just smiled, still pink, "I'd like to think so."

Ginny giggled. "I think so. You have that dreamy look on your face!"

Hermione just smiled.

Ginny smiled then noticed someone enter. It was Harry. Ginny waved him over. Hermione was still pink.

'Finally no more girl talk.' I thought as I crawled onto Harry's lap.

Harry just scratched my back and smiled. "You guys finished with shopping?"

"Yes." Ginny said, smiling, as she pulled out her bag, with the shoes.

"We got the fabric to match the shoes." Ginny said, excitedly.

"Pink?" Harry said, as he ordered his food.

"No!" Ginny looked scandalized, "Blush!"

Hermione just smiled.

Harry chuckled, "It looks like pink to me."

'Exactly." I thought.

"That reminds me, here are your shoes!" Ginny told Hermione, giving her a bag.

Hermione looked in her shoes box. "These look great."

"I know!" Ginny squealed.

Harry just rolled his eyes and gave me a look. He knew I was bored with this kind of talk.

"I saw that look, Harry!" Ginny said, with a slight frown.

Hermione laughed.

"What look?" Harry said, innocently.

Ginny just gave him an exasperated sigh.

"Don't behave like that when you go shopping for your suit." Ginny warned him.

Harry paled. "Couldn't you just pick the suit for me and get my size."

Ginny shook her head, "You need to be there. Draco, Blaise, and Ron are."

Harry grumbled as Hermione laughed.

"Besides it's an important process, as groomsman you need to be there." Ginny insisted.

Harry grumbled.

Hermione smiled, "It's not so bad, and at least Ron and the others will be there."

Harry just sighed.

I just smirked.

"Oh and remember to get the bow and pillow made for Crookshanks." Ginny said with a smile.

I glowered. 'Why can't one of Bill's offspring be the ring bearer?' I trumbled.

"Yes." Ginny said, "And also you have to help out with the invitations. You too Hermione."

Hermione agreed as Harry just sighed.

"Fortunately we have the designs already," Ginny said, "They just need to be addressed and mailed."

"Do you think Hedwig would mind?" Ginny asked, "Pig and Hermes are sending them out too."

Harry grimaced at the mentioning of Hedwig, "I'm sure she would like too."

"And," Ginny said, turning to Hermione, "will you be bringing John to the wedding?"

Hermione just blushed. "I don't know he seems awful busy."

Harry didn't say anything as Ginny sighed.

"You guys have been going out for two months and we still haven't met him!" Ginny said, annoyed, "Make sure he comes! I want to see the guy who swept Hermione off her feet."

I watched Harry as he fidgeted with his fork.

'What's eating him?' I thought.

Hermione nodded. "I'll ask him."


Ginny sighed, as she relaxed in her chair. "I can't believe I'll be Ginny Malfoy in a month!"

Ginny had a dreamy smile on her face. Hermione smiled and Harry pretended to gag. Hermione smacked Harry on the arm.


"So what's going on with you and Hedwig?" Hermione asked Harry as she gave him a glass of juice and set down a plate of cookies."

Harry just flinched.

"She's been very moody these days." Harry finally said, "I think she's mad at me."

'Maybe she's going through menopause,' I thought, inwardly grinning.

"How did you upset her?" Hermione asked with a frown.

Maybe while they're talking, I can sneak a cookie.

"I don't know." Harry said evasively as he grabbed a cookie.

I watched him eat it.

Hermione gave him a sympathetic look. "Just do something nice for her."

I crept closer to the plate.

Harry nodded.

"Crookshanks! No!" Hermione scolded, startling me.

I glowered at her as she grabbed me and put me on the sofa.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, curiously.

"Crookshanks is on a diet." Hermione said, frowning at me, "No cookies."

I just glowered back at her.

"Poor Crookshanks." Harry said, sincerely.

"Well he needs to lose weight." Hermione insisted.

'Bah.' I thought, grumpily.

Harry watched me glowering at the plate.

"Do you mind getting me another glass of juice?" Harry asked, suddenly, giving her the empty glass.

"Sure." Hermione said, as she headed to the kitchen, carrying me.

Hermione handed Harry the juice and they talked about what's new in their lives. Harry noticed the book on the coffee table.

"New book?" Harry asked.

Hermione blushed. "From John. On our first date."

Harry didn't say anything.

Hermione just fidget then suddenly got up, "That reminds me. I should get him a book too!"

Hermione looked deep in thought. "What should I get him?"

"What kind of book did he get you?" Harry asked, quietly.


"Get him a poetry book too." Harry said.

"Maybe." Hermione said, still thinking, "Maybe I should get a book of poems by his favorite poet."

"That would be nice." Harry said quietly.

"Where's that book catalog?" Hermione said as she went to her room to go find it.

Harry just sat on the sofa, fiddling with his glass. Harry smiled at me.

"She must really like him." Harry said, with a sad smile.

Then it hit me. Harry likes Hermione. I watched as Harry stared at the book John got her.

I crawled towards Harry and sat down in his lap.

Harry just smiled at me and scratched me.

'Poor guy' I thought.

Harry smiled at me then dug into his jacket pocket. It was a cookie.

Harry quickly handed it to me.

"I know she counts the cookies." Harry said, smiling, "But she thinks I ate that one."

I mewed as I took the cookie from Harry and snuck into my corner where the potted plant was.

'I like Harry' I thought nibbling at the cookie. 'John's okay, but Harry's better.'

'But Hermione really likes John.' I thought with a slight frown.


Hermione gave John a soft kiss. John just smiled at her as Hermione went to go get her his present. I watched John, as he sat on the sofa and grabbed a cookie.

I must find something wrong with him. I mean I got that vibe the first time.

I need to find something wrong with him. I examined him from my corner. Something bad. That would make Harry better. Just one bad quality would make him wrong in my eyes.

But he's been pretty nice to me.

John called me.

I crept over to him cautiously. John grabbed a cookie from the plate and handed it to me.

"I know she put you on that horrible diet." He said with a wink.

I slowly took the cookie and scampered off to my corner.

'That's not making this easy.' I thought.

Hermione rushed back with the present and gave John a smile. She handed him the gift.

John smiled as he looked at the book. He gave Hermione a kiss and thanked her. Hermione just blushed.

They snuggle on the couch for awhile, not saying anything.

"I forgot to ask you." Hermione said suddenly, "I was wondering if you can make it to my friend's wedding. It's on the 15th."

John just stared at the coffee table. "I don't know. I'm pretty busy with work that day."

"Please." Hermione said, kissing him, "My friends really want to meet you. It has been over two months now."

John sighed, "I don't know."

Hermione just kissed him on the neck. "Please."

John just sighed and gave Hermione a small smile. "I'll try, but I'm not making any promises."

Hermione smiled back. "Okay."

I watched them resume their position on the couch. Soon Hermione fell asleep. John just held her, stroking her hair. I saw him give her a soft kiss at her temple.

I had a small frown on my face.

'He really cares about her.' I thought.

'Maybe John is the one for Hermione.'


Part 4 Completed

AN: I had a restful night's sleep… I'm so glad it's over, but I have more exams two weeks from now and 2 papers… *shudders*

Thank you once again to David, Joanie and Brit…. I'll probably email you guys again with the next chapter… also maybe ask you about some plot suggestions… at the rate I'm going, this might turn pout to be a long fic, and I really don't want it to be… I mean, long fics are nice… but still…I'd like to condense everything down rather than have it drawn out…

Comments and Constructive criticism are always welcome.