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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks


Wow, I can't believe I wrote this chapter even though I am dead tired… forgive me if there are more errors… I think this story may now be 5 or 6 chapters… actually I shouldn't say that cuz the number always changes *grumbles*

But the good news is a few people have emailed me willing to be betas for me….^^;;;

I'm really happy for that. It is summer and I'm sure everyone has things to do and places to be… But thanks! But I think they have their work cut out for them!

Also this chapter, I guess is more of a filler…. Perhaps, because well I'm dead tired… I'll make it up tomorrow!

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

I watched as Hermione set out a tray with crackers and cheese on the coffee table. She then set down her plate of delicious peanut butter cookies. She rushed back to get the cups and drinks. I waited patiently as I heard her open the cabinets.

I quickly rushed on top of the coffee table to sneak a cookie. I know it's not very mature and becoming for me, but those cookies are so darn good!

As I pawed one and reached down to pick it up, Hermione came back.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione cried, startling me, "Those are for Ron and Harry!"

I mewed grumpily, as I leaped off the table onto the sofa. Hermione placed the cookies back in their original positions. I watched her, feeling grumpy that I couldn't sneak one.

'Where are my cat skills? I'm supposed to be sneaky.'

Hermione grabbed a cookie in the middle and gave it to me. I mewed as I took the cookie and started eating it. Hermione smiled as she scratched my back.

Ah. The cookie was heavenly. Only a bit of catnip would make this the perfect day. After I finished the cookie, I waited patiently for Hermione to give me another one.

"Sorry Crookshanks," Hermione said firmly, "Remember? You're on a diet."

I growled, grumpily. 'I don't need a diet.'

"Remember what the vet said?" Hermione said, "You need to limit the amount of cookies you eat. It's very unhealthy."

I glowered at her.

Ron can eat a whole tray of cookies and that dolt isn't overweight. I eat 2 and the vet says I'm ballooning. Life isn't fair.

There was a knock at the door and Hermione went to answer. It was probably Harry and Ron. It's been awhile since the trio hung out together, with having busy lives. Hermione was really looking forward to spend sometime with her two best friends.

Since she was answering the door, I decided to take this chance to sneak a cookie.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione called out to me from the door, startling me, "I know how many cookies are on the plate!"

I frown and jumped back on the couch.

'That witch can be too smart sometimes.' I thought, grumbling.

Hermione came back to the living room with Harry. They were chattering about each other's day. But Ron wasn't with Harry.

"Ron's right now stuck with Ginny, Mrs. Weasley, Luna., Fleur and Draco." Harry told Hermione, as he took off his coat, "Wedding plans."

"He'll come by in an hour or so," Harry continued, as the two sat down on the sofa, "He's still trying to make amends with Ginny for their last blowout."

"When Ginny announced her engagement?" Hermione asked, confused.

Harry shook his head. "No. They got into another blowout 2 weeks later. Ginny wants to get married within three months. Ron blew up over that. And now he's sorry, so Luna forced him to go help with wedding plans."

'That dolt.' I thought, laughing inside, 'Why does he even try?'

Hermione laughed, "Poor Ron."

Harry laughed and reached for a cookie.

"Wow and Draco was willing to help with the wedding plans?" Hermione asked as she grabbed a cracker.

"No," Harry said with a smile, "Ginny forced him."

They both started laughing.

"Well he is the groom." Hermione pointed out, still chuckling.

"But still, weddings are all about the bride," Harry insisted, "It's the bride's special day to shine!"

"True." Hermione said with a smile.

Hermione ate her cracker and looked deep in thought. She was thinking about her own personal life again. Harry must have felt it too.

"So," Harry started, nervously, "Have you…sent in… another…letter?"

Hermione blushed at his question, but nodded.

"Yes, I sent a new one in."


I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time. That dang personal ad. Hermione had finally sent it in.

"Did you receive any notice?" Harry asked, blushing.

Hermione nodded, slightly wincing, "A few….They were…alright."

I sniffed at her answer. They were so NOT alright.

There was guy number one, he was really tall and skinny, with a bad dandruff problem, and he kept looking around nervously. A bit obsessive compulsive. He wasn't a smoker or drinker, but I noticed he was a bit afraid of me.

"I was bit by a cat when I was young." He told Hermione, nervously.

Hermione went on a date with him, but I didn't like him, so I scared him away. Besides, he may be able to cook, but I wouldn't cook anything he made. Because I would be eating pasta with his dandruff.

Guy number two was a ministry worker. He was heavily into politics and talked to Hermione in great depth about the new legislations that were passed. He seemed a bit arrogant, but not too bad. Until he and Hermione debated about rights for House Elves, Werewolves, Vampires and other second class citizens. Apparently he had similar views with Dolores Umbridge. In fact he was an intern for her a few years ago. Hermione went on one date with him and never call him back.

I hated guy number three. He owns his own company and is really successful, but such a playboy. After the first date, he wanted to go to bed with Hermione. I remember he kept ogling Hermione and staring at her chest. I would bit and scratched the crap out of him, if Hermione hadn't chucked him out. Seeing her punch that guy out and throw him out the front door was a proud moment for me. I had taught her well.

Hermione would have had more dates, but she refused to meet ex-convicts and divorcees. After each date I noticed she grew more disappointed.

See, I knew it was a bad idea. I mean it's hard to find the right guy even without the help of a personal ad. And Hermione deserves the perfect guy. Maybe. Hopefully, she can meet the perfect guy through this silly ad thing soon. Although I highly doubt it. But just in case, I shall observe each guy she meets.

"Really?" Harry asked, surprised, "they were alright?"

"Umm yeah." Hermione said, giving Harry a fake smile.

"Liar." Harry said, quietly.

Hermione frowned at him. "Well I have no choice really. I need to do this."

Harry shook his head, "You have a choice."

'Yes' I thought.

Hermione shook her head, "No."

Harry was about to disagree with her when Hermione cut him off.

"I'm 26 years old, Harry," Hermione said sadly, "I haven't had a boyfriend in years."

'That's not old.' I thought frowning.

"That isn't old, Hermione!" Harry said, reassuring her, "You have plenty of time.

"NO." Hermione said firmly, "I don't."

"I wish I did, but I don't." Hermione said, bitterly.

"Do you realize that every one of our friends, our age are either married or engaged?" said Hemrione.


"Lavender and Parvati are engaged!" Hermione continued, angrily, "Neville is MARRIED! So are Luna and Ron!"


"Even the twins are married!" Hermione continued, angrily, "They even have kids!"


"And now! Ginny and Draco are getting married!" Hermione said, angrily as she started to cry, "And I'm the ONLY ONE NOT!"

"Everyone has their own family now!" Hermione cried, "There so happy and in love! They're content! And me! I'm alone! And old! And my only companion is a cat!"

'Hey! I'm not just a cat!' I thought.

Hermione was crying and Harry was reassuring her. I just sniffed, still a bit miffed at her comment.

Harry rubbed her back and kept making soothing noises.

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Harry said, still holding, "You've accomplished more in your career than all those girls put together."

Hermione sniffled, still holding onto Harry.

"And besides, 26 is still young. I mean the only reason a lot of people got married so early was because of the war," Harry pointed out.

"Besides," Harry said, "You have your family and your friends who love and care about you deeply. And you have a wonderful cat, who's been more than just a cat , but a true friend. And I think you hurt his feelings."

'Damn straight.' I thought, as I watched Harry holding Hermione.

Hermione sniffled a bit.

"I'm just tired of focusing my career." Hermione said quietly, "I want to find the perfect guy and get married. I want a family."

"My career doesn't matter," Hermione said quietly, "At the end of the day, I come home to an empty house, with only Crookshanks. No one to hug and kiss or snuggle with. No one to share my bed with or share my life with."

'Hey! I do that!' I thought a bit miffed.

But she does have a point. I may be a close friend of hers, but she needs someone who can cherish her and love her forever. I mean I know I won't be around forever. My time here is much shorter than hers.

Harry just hugged her again. He closed his eyes as he held her.

"Well you'll find him, Hermione." Harry said steadily, "You will."

Hermione smiled at him as Harry reluctantly let her go. Hermione stood up and excuse herself to the bathroom to freshen up.

Harry watched her leave and then just sighed. He looked deep in thought. I crawled over to Harry's lap. I was feeling a bit blue and I could tell he was too.

Harry smiled at me sadly.

"She didn't mean to hurt your feelings, Crookshanks," Harry said, comforting me, "I guess she's been really stressed out about this. You know she loves you."

I mewed. 'Of course, I know she does."

But does it really make her unhappy to be single? I mean, I'm just happy and content with the way things are.

Aren't I enough?

Harry reached for a cookie on the table and handed it to me.

Harry gave me a small smile, "You better hide and eat this before she notices."

I mewed.

The boy knows how to cheer me up. He certainly was good at cheering Hermione up.

Maybe this change won't be so bad. Maybe Hermione dating and finding a guy won't be so bad. I guess I would have to share Hermione with the guy, but if it makes Hermione happy, then it's totally worth it.

Besides, I won't be around as long as a wizard would. She wouldn't be lonely, when I'm gone.

Maybe it is the right thing to do.

I grabbed the cookie and hid behind potted plant to eat it.

'Yes, it is the right thing to do' I thought as I nibbled on my cookie.

I'll find her the perfect guy then. Someone who can make her happier and feel more loved than I was to her.

I shouldn't be insecure. I'm a cat. Independent and self-sufficient.

I know she loves me and will always love me.


I watched as Hermione put on her earrings and bracelet. She was meeting guy number four today, he was going to take her out to dinner.

Hermione had received a call from the agency, saying they found her the guy. He had corresponded with Hermione for over a week, before he asked her out.

Apparently, from the letters, he seemed to be a good guy. Hermione smiled when she received a letter of his. Seeing Hermione so happy makes me hope that this guy can be the real deal.

I still think it would be very hard to find the perfect guy for Hermione through a personal ad, but who knows. Maybe this guy is it.

I watched as Hermione raced back to her bedroom to get her purse. She seemed really nervous. Actually I was too. I just had a feeling that he would be good.

Hermione jumped as the doorbell rang. She hurried up to the door, and then fixed her hair and dress. Then she calmly opened the door.

"Hermione Granger?" I heard a deep, male voice ask.

"Yes. That's me." Hermione said, nervous, but smiling, "And you must be John."

John nodded as Hermione ushered him in. He was medium height, pretty handsome too. He had deep blue eyes and dark brown hair. He was wearing a crisp blue shirt that exentuated his eyes and black slacks. Hermione blushed as he gave her a bouquet of flowers and a book.

"You said your parents were dentists, so I figured you would want a book instead." John said, smiling.

Hermione blushed even more as she thanked him. She went to put the book and flowers away. I watched John as he calmly sat on the couch surveying the room. He noticed me in the corner. And he smiled.

"And you must be Crookshanks?" John said politely.

I just stared at him, trying to figure him out.

"In Hermione's letters she mentioned you a bit." John said, with a twinkle in his eyes.

Hermione dashed out with her coat and purse. John stood up ready to leave as he open the door for her. Hermione blushed as they headed out.

I watched as they left and was a bit surprised when John turned around and smiled at me. "Goodbye. I'll bring her back safely."

Hermione blushed at his comment and I felt…honestly impressed.

Could this be the guy? I watched from the window as he opened the car door for her and he got in the car. I saw Hermione and she looked nervous, but happy.

He seemed like a good guy. John. His name is pretty simple too. John and Hermione. He seems like a good guy for Hermione, but I don't know.

Maybe I'm being a bit overprotective and paranoid, but something was off about him.

I just shook that thought out of my head as I went to the couch to take a nap.

I'm just being overprotective and insecure. He seems like a nice guy.

'Hopefully he's the one.' I thought as I feel asleep.


Part 3 completed

AN: I would have made this chapter a bit longer, but I am sooo tired from the exam and pulling an all-nighter, but it was worth it for I think I did well! ^^:::

Constructive Criticism and comments are ALWAYS welcome.