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Must Be Approved By Crookshanks by plumgirl

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks


Oh vey! Those plot bunnies have been having too much fun! ><;;; Now it's looking at 8 or 9…. 9 tops!!!!

*sighs* This was originally going to be a two parter….. *sighs*

Anyways, thank you all for reviewing and commenting…. Interesting theories about John! ^^;;;;

Anyways, don't get upset at me for this next chapter…..><;;;

It has to happen!

And someone makes a special appearance…someone adorable that makes Crookshanks even more adorable!!!!

Must Be Approved By Crookshanks

By: Plumgirl

Summary: Hermione maybe successful and thriving, but she still hears her biological clock ticking. Being one of the only few women her age to still be single, Hermione takes drastic measures that Crookshanks is determined against…

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

Hermione gave me a kiss on top of my head and then handed me to Ginny.

"I really appreciate this." Hermione said, her cheeks turning pink.

Ginny grinned. "Anything for love."

Hermione turned bright red. I rolled my eyes. 'Love'

"I'll drop by with Crookshanks, tomorrow in the afternoon!" Ginny said, with a sly grin, "You can have a nice breakfast with him in bed!"

Hermione blushed.

I sniffed as Hermione said goodbye and left.

Hermione, Harry, Mrs. Weasley and Ginny were stuffing envelopes with wedding invitations. I just watched them while lounging on the Weasley's couch. The Burrow was packed with decorations, envelopes, the newly made bridesmaids' dresses, and cookbooks filled with cake designs. I just eyed the frilly white streamers with distaste.

As Mrs. Weasley went to the kitchen to take out her baked cookies, Hermione kept giving Ginny looks. When Harry got up to help Mrs. Weasley and perhaps swipe a cookie, Hermione quietly called out to Ginny.

"I need your help." Hermione said, quietly.

"What?" Ginny asked, as she stuffed another envelope.

"It's…about John." Hermione said quietly, while glancing towards the kitchen to see if they were coming back yet.

Ginny gave Hermione a sly grin. Hermione blushed.

"I'm thinking about maybe taking the …next step…" Hermione said with a blush, while fidgeting with the envelope.

Ginny let out a small squeal.

"You don't think it's too soon, do you?" Hermione asked, slightly panicked.

Ginny shook her head furiously, "No. No. It's not. It's just important whether you and John are ready. Well most importantly you."

Hermione gave Ginny a smile.

"I think I am." Hermione said softly, with a smile.

Ginny squealed again, "Then go for it! Go jump John when you go over to his place!"

Hermione shook her head. "He's never invited me over to his place."

"Really?" Ginny asked, surprised.

I was actually wondering about that too. Why hasn't John let Hermione come over to his place? Not that I want her to go. I can't monitor him there.

Hermione nodded.

"But it's been three months" Ginny cried quietly.

"I know." Hermione said with a sad smile, "Maybe he's not ready."

"Or maybe he's just a really messy person," Ginny said, "Or he has a messy roommate."

"Maybe." Hermione said, "But I would have known about it by now."

"He could just be embarrassed." Ginny insisted.

"Perhaps." Hermione said, fiddling with the envelope.

"Yeah," Ginny said, smiling, "So you should invite him over to your place!"

Hermione turned red. "I…don't. I don't know."

Ginny gave Hermione an exasperated sigh, "Just invite him over to your place and do it! I mean you said you were ready!"

I cringed at the thought. 'I do NOT want to monitor that!'

Hermione nodded, "I guess."

"But," Hermione said, "I don't want Crookshanks to be… you know disturbed by our…you know…"


Ginny just waved her hand, "It's alright. I'll take Crookshanks for the night."


"Really?" Hermione said, looking hopeful, "You wouldn't mind?"

Ginny smiled, "I don't mind. Besides, it's all for love!"

I glowered at Ginny.

Hermione smiled, "Thanks."

Ginny gave her a sly grin, "And I want details!"

Hermione blushed. I sniffed.

'Hermione better change the bed sheets.' I thought grumpily, 'There is no way I'm going to sleep on those sheets!'

I glowered at Ginny as she set me down on the floor of the Burrow. Ginny saw my glower.

"Come on, Crookshanks!" Ginny said, trying to cheer me up, "It's not such a horrible thing!"

I sniffed and stalked away onto the couch. This could not get worse.

The door burst open and Ron came in with a cage. It was Pig.

"Hey Gin!" Ron said, "You wanted Pig to mail the invitations, right?"

Ginny nodded, "Thanks Ron!"

"No problem!" Ron said. He seemed to be a bit too eager to give Pig to Ginny. Ron said goodbye and he apparated and left with a 'pop'.

'I spoke too soon.' I thought, cringing at Pig.

Ginny smiled at Pig. "Hi Pig! It's been awhile!"

Pig hooted eagerly. 'Pig! Pig! Pig!'

Ginny giggled as she let him out.

'Oh god!' I thought, glowering at the freed Pig who was now twittering around Ginny's head.

'Pig! Pig! Pig!' Pig hooted happily.

Ginny smiled and gave Pig a bunch of invitations. "Can you send these out, Pig?"

Pig hooted excitedly as Ginny attached the letters to him.

'Pig! Pig! Pig!' Pig hooted excitedly. He kept hooting as Ginny finished. Pig then floated around the room once and quickly flew outside. Ginny and I watched as Pig excitedly flapped his wings.

"Pig! Watch out for the fence post!" Ginny cried.

'Pig! Pig!' Pig hooted as he flew away.

I sniffed. 'Thank goodness he's gone.'

Ginny smiled as she shut the window. She quickly made a pile for the rest of the invitations. After she was done she sat down next to me and held me in her lap.

"Hermione's probably getting ready for tonight." Ginny said, stroking me.

I sniffed. 'Don't mention it.'

Ginny sighed as she continued to stroke me. "She looks so happy."

I snorted. 'Yeah I guess.'

"I hope he's the one." Ginny said, smiling, "I've never seen her so happy."

I frowned. 'I guess…'

It's true that I've never seen her so happy, except for the time she got her perfect NEWT scores and when she graduated from Hogwarts.

Maybe he is the one.

'But what about Harry.' I thought with the frown, 'I can't help but be partial for Harry.'

I mean he's known her longer than I do. He's able to cheer her up, when she's sad and make her laugh. I know he's a good guy and he'll take good care of Hermione. He could make Hermione happy.

'But John's making her happy.' I thought with a frown.

John maybe alright, but I really don't know much about him. He could be a serial killer or rapist. But I didn't get those vibes from him. He seems to true care for Hermione. Even though I still get a weird vibe from him.

I shook my head, 'Maybe I'm just being silly.'

There was a tap at the window. It was Hedwig. Ginny set me down on the couch and opened the window. Hedwig flew in as Ginny greeted her and gave her an oatmeal cookie as a treat. Hedwig grabbed the cookie and flew to the table to eat it. I scampered over to her and sat on a chair.

Ginny gave me a dish with milk.

"I know you're on that diet." Ginny said, watching me eye Hedwig's cookie.

I frowned.

Ginny left the room and I watched Hedwig, who was oddly quiet. The owl hadn't made fun of me for the diet. She hadn't said a word. I watched Hedwig as she finished her cookie. She seemed a bit grumpy.

'Menopausing?' I meowed to her, jokingly.

Hedwig glowered at me.

'What's eating you?' I meowed to her, with a frown.

Hedwig just glowered and flew to a perch. I frowned at her.

'Fine.' I meowed, 'If you're going to be that way.'

I sniffed as I got on the couch, preparing to take a nap.

'That DOLT!' Hedwig hooted, angrily, 'That ungrateful Dolt!'

I frowned at her. 'What are you talking about?'

'Harry!' Hedwig hooted angrily, 'Stupid, insensitive Harry!'

I was a bit confused. 'What'd he do to make you so mad?'

Hedwig ruffled her feathers.

'He's been sneaking around me!' Hedwig hooted, angrily.

I frowned at her. 'Really? Harry?'

'Probably with some younger owl.' Hedwig hooted, grumpily, 'After all my years of faithful service!'

'Are you sure?' I meowed, still confused, 'Maybe it's just your imagination.'

'No!' Hedwig hooted, getting upset, 'I've caught him a couple times!'

'What do you mean?' I asked, confused.

'He's been using another owl for his letters!' Hedwig hooted, angrily, 'I've seen him sneak away with letters in his pocket!'

'Maybe they're out of the country?' I meowed, 'Maybe he doesn't want you to strain yourself.'

Hedwig sniffed. 'No. I'm in fine shape! Besides it's not out of the country, it doesn't have the sealing.'

I frowned.

'He's been sneaking around me for almost three months!' Hedwig hooted, miserably.

That's not like Harry. What was going on?

'Maybe you should give him some time?' I suggested.

Hedwig sniffed, 'I've given him time. Three months!'

I watched Hedwig as Ginny came back to us. She grabbed the stack of letters and headed over to Hedwig.

'Hermes and Pig are out delivering the letters too." Ginny said, "These are the rest."

Hedwig gave Ginny a dignified hoot as she stood still, while Ginny attached the letters. I watched as Hedwig gave Ginny a hoot and flew out the window. Ginny let out a sigh as she left the door open for Hermes and Pig. She sat down on the couch with me.

'Most of the preparations are done with!' Ginny said, smiling.

I was still in deep thought about Hedwig and Harry. 'What was going on?'


'Pig! Pig! Pig!' Pig hooted as he flew around the room, annoying me as I tried to take a nap.

It was evening. Hermes and Pig returned awhile ago. Hermes, the smart owl, quickly flew outside to his perch. He had successfully avoided Pig.

Since I couldn't fly to a perch outside, I was stuck with Pig.

The Weasley clan and Draco were eating dinner. I heard laughter from the twins as Molly scolded them for their pranks.

"Let's have a civil dinner for once!" I heard Molly say.

Fred and George laughed, "We've never had one!"

With Pig flying around and the Weasleys having their loud dinner, I was not going to get any sleep. So I decided to go outside, through the kitty door Mr. Weasley had made.

"Look, Molly!" Mr. Weasley said, excitedly, "A kitty door for our cats!"

Molly frowned, "We don't have any cats, Arthur!"

The kitty door was genius. I crawled through the kitty door and scampered into the clearing. I heard a noise behind me. It was Pig. He had gone through the kitty door as well. It must have hurt because Pig was dizzy and walking funny.

I ignored him as I walked to the pond.

I heard Pig hoot, 'Pig! Pig! Pig!'

I ignored him as I tried to fall asleep by the pond. I heard Pig hooting, but his hoots got fainter and fainter. I looked for him and found him flying to the woods. 'Stupid owl. He'll get eaten for sure.'

I grumbled as I tried to go back asleep. But I couldn't. Of course my kitty conscience was keeping me awake.

'Go save Pigwidgeon!' It was saying.

I frowned as I tried to ignore it. But I couldn't, so I finally got up and scampered into the woods.

'Stupid owl,' I thought, grumpily, 'Making me go on a goose chase to save his tail feathers!'

It was pretty dark. I scampered and meowed, calling his name.

'Pig!' I meowed, 'Where are you, you little featherhead!'

I scampered deeper into the woods. Calling out his name. Finally I heard a faint hoot.

'Pig! Pig! Pig!'

I growled as I went towards the clearing. Pig was huddled by a stump.

'Pig! Pig!' he cooed.

I crawled towards him.

'Come on! Let's get out of here!' I growled to him, 'You're lucky something didn't maul you yet!'

I turned to leave when I heard Pig hooting. He was still on the ground. He was hopping around, trying to fly, but his wing was at a weird angle.

I frowned. That dolt had got himself injured.

'No wonder.' I thought, 'He is Ron's owl.'


I slowly crept into the woods, trying to get back to the Burrow.

'Pig! Pig! Pig!' Pig hooted, sitting on top of my back.

I glowered.

'Pig! Pig! Pig!' he hooted cheerfully.

'Can't you say anything besides 'Pig'?' I asked him grumpily.

'Ron! Ron! Ron!' he hooted cheerfully.

'Figures.' I grumbled.

We kept walking with Pig hooting, 'Ron! Ron! Ron!'

After awhile I got sick of hearing it.

'Can't you say something else besides that dolt's name?!' I meowed angrily.

'Dolt! Dolt! Dolt!' Pig hooted, happily.

'Well,' I grumbled, 'I guess that's better.'

As we reached the front door of the Burrow, I let out a loud meow. After a few moments the door opened. It was Bill.

"Hey, it's Crookshanks and Pig!" Bill cried, letting us in.

"Hey! Pig is hurt!" cried one of the twins.

"Oh dear!" Mrs. Weasley cried.

Ginny quickly came forward and gently took Pig from my back.

"We should bandage his wing." Ginny said.

I watched as Mrs. Weasley and Ginny take Pig to the kitchen table.

'Dolt! Dolt! Dolt!' Pig hooted happily, enjoying the attention.

I watched as Bill went to the kitchen with some bandages. I just sighed and went to lie on the couch.

"Well Crookshanks here is a hero!" the twins declared.

"I think he needs a treat, George." Fred said with a grin.

"I agree, Fred." George said with the same grin.

I perked up at the mention of a treat. 'Cookies?' I thought hopefully.

Fred opened his pouch and opened a purple wrapped treat. It had a WWW label on it.

"Here you go Crooks!" Fred said, with a wink.

I glowered at him.

'I'm not stupid.' I thought and scamper away.

'They should give it to Ron,' I thought, as fell asleep on a chair, 'He'd fall for it.'


Ginny knocked on Hermione's door with a grin on her face. I rolled my eyes as Ginny squealed. John had opened the door. He was in his boxers. When he saw Ginny and me, he blushed.

Ginny's grin grew wider as she greeted him.

"Hi!" Ginny said, offering her hand, "I'm Ginny, Hermione's friend. You must be John."

John smiled still blushing and shook her hand. He let me and her in. Ginny let me go as she turned to get a good look at John. Hermione rushed out in her robe. She was blushing.

"Ginny!" Hermione said, with a blush, "I didn't know you'd come so early."

Ginny gave her a sly grin. "It's the middle of the afternoon, dear."

Hermione and John blushed. Ginny laughed.

"Well I must be off!" Ginny said, with a smile.

Ginny said her goodbyes to John and Hermione. As she walked out the front door she stopped and turned.

"I hope you can make it to my wedding, this Saturday." Ginny said with a smile.

"Well," John fumbled, "I have …to check my schedule."

"Please come!" Ginny insisted, "That way you can meet all of Hermione's friends!"

"It'd be nice." Hermione said, giving John a shy smile.

"Well…we'll see." John said, evasively.

Ginny smiled and left. I watched as the door closed and Hermione gave John a kiss.

"It'd be really nice if you can come." Hermione said again, giving John a kiss on the cheek.

"Well," Jon said nervously, "I might work that day..."

Hermione gave him a small smile.

"Please?" Hermione said as she snuggled, "I really want you to meet all my friends. You have to meet Harry and Ron."

John gave Hermione a nervous smile.

I watched as John and Hermione sat on the sofa. They were still cuddling together. John gave Hermione a soft kiss. Hermione smiled.

"I love you." Hermione said, softly.

John gave her a smile. He looked at her intensely.

"I love you too." John finally said.

Hermione smiled as she gave him another kiss, "Can you please try to come. If not for the wedding, then for the reception at least?"

John sighed as he held her tighter.

"I'll try." John said deep in thought, "I really will."

I watched as the couple kissed again. I scampered into Hermione's office, so they could have some privacy and I could take a nap.

But I couldn't fall asleep. Somehow, this doesn't feel right. She's so in love with him, but John seems to be hiding something.

'And what about Harry?' I thought, frowning.

I sighed as I tried to fall asleep.

'This is getting all too confusing.' I thought as I drifted to sleep.


Part 5 Completed.

AN: *ducks at the flying objects thrown towards me* I know! I know! But I must say again…It has to happen….though you may strongly disagree… AT least I didn't elaborate on it…

Anyways, wasn't Pig cute? And Crookshanks cuter? I wasn't intending on putting Pig in the story, but a reviewer suggested that I should…. It would be a more in-depth look into the animal world…

Constructive Criticism and comments are ALWAYS welcome.