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The Kemmynadow Betrayal by jardyn39

The Kemmynadow Betrayal


The Kemmynadow Betrayal

by Jardyn39

Chapter 18 - Fire

At long last, Harry reached the entrance from where he'd unwittingly begun his tour of the labyrinth. It felt like ages had past since he had become parted from the others.

He walked along the corridor, back towards the bridge. It was slightly lighter here, but Harry could still see Scenariste clearly floating beside him close to the wall.

From ahead there came a stifled cry and then a loud scream of agony.

Harry, knowing at once that someone was being tortured using a Cruciatus Curse, ran forward. Scenariste dashed fearfully into the adjacent rock wall.

He could just make out the outline of a figure, their wand pointing down into an alcove.

Harry fired before the attacker had the chance to repeat the curse or do something worse. He had been several yards away and running, but Harry's curse hit them. Sprawling backwards, the figure fell hard onto the stone floor.

He reached the alcove and saw the victim.

Anger surged through him as Harry raised his wand again. The Death Eater's eyes widened behind their black mask.

The screams of the Death Eater echoed around the corridor as Harry turned his attention entirely back to the alcove.

"Are you okay?" he asked, watching the flames licking the writhing Death Eater reflected in two enormous watery eyes.

Harry ripped his short cloak from his back and wrapped it around the trembling house elf.

"What are you doing here?" he asked gently.

"Dobby wanted to help Harry Potter."

"Yes, but I forbade him to come."

"That is why Kreacher came instead. Master did not forbid Kreacher from coming."

"I didn't think I needed to, actually."

Kreacher suddenly looked up at Harry in alarm.

"What is it?" asked Harry as Kreacher shrugged off the cloak.

"Master must be careful not to give Kreacher clothes."

"Don't be ridiculous. You're freezing. Put this on."

"No! NO! NO!"

Harry wrapped Kreacher in the cloak and picked the whole struggling bundle up.

Ignoring the kicking and screaming, Harry shouted, "Scenariste? Come on!"

Kreacher continued to protest loudly, shouting. "No! No! No! Master needs Kreacher. Kreacher wants."

Now well past the bridge, Harry set Kreacher down and asked, "What did you say?"

"Master needs Kreacher."

"No, the other bit. What does Kreacher want?"

Kreacher stamped his feet, trying not to answer.

"Alright, Kreacher, you don't have to answer that. This place has been breached by Voldemort and I've lost the others. Now is really not the time or place to have a tantrum, so let's agree to settle this some other time. Agreed?"

Kreacher became still and nodded.

Harry looked around for Scenariste but there was still no sign of him.

"How did you get down here, anyway? Can you Apparate down here?"

"No, but Kreacher is sneaky," he replied with a smile. "Kreacher came down the staircase that led to the great chamber. There were many men there, but Kreacher wasn't seen."

"Great chamber? I suppose that could be the reservoir."

"Yes, Kreacher saw a water level gauge."

"There were no staircases that led to the surface on the plans. I wonder if we could get out that way? Kreacher, you haven't seen Hermione or Ron have you?"

"Kreacher has not."

"Climb up on my back and I'll carry you. We need to hurry and find the others."

Kreacher looked up at him most indignantly.


Harry peered cautiously around the corner. They were at the end of a passage that led into a large lantern lit chamber, the far end wall of which was entirely covered in black curtains. Four Death Eaters were standing guard and three of them were engaged in conversation.

He had no idea how he knew, but he was sure Voldemort was here in person tonight.

More than that, he was sure the Voldemort was waiting for him somewhere behind that very curtain.

"Kreacher, you are to go another way around," Harry whispered. "Don't follow me. Try to find your way out of here to safety. Try to help the others if you get the chance. Okay?"

The house elf nodded reluctantly as the Death Eaters' laughter reached them.

Harry turned and made to walk out into the open when he felt Kreacher's hand grab his arm.

"I'll be fine," whispered Harry. "Get yourself to safety."

Kreacher looked quite distraught, but Harry knew he had no time to find out what his problem was. Harry made no attempt to shake Kreacher off him and waited in silence for what seemed an age for the house elf to let go.

Harry smiled and stepped out of the passageway. Casually he strolled towards the four Death Eaters, who looked a little unsure what to do.

Harry decided to help them make up their mind. He fired quickly and confidently. Stepping between the unconscious guards, he approached the curtain with growing apprehension.

He hesitated, suddenly uncertain why he was going in there to face Voldemort.

Instantly, the image of Dumbledore came into his mind bringing with it a feeling of renewed purpose.

"All of this has been planned by Dumbledore," he thought to himself. "Dumbledore intended for this to happen."

What was more, for one last time Dumbledore's protection was extended to him. Dumbledore's Kemmynadow curse protected him against attack from Voldemort, or at least it would today. Unless, of course, it had already been too long.

"No. Trust Dumbledore."

Even so, Harry knew there was still an element of risk.

"I mustn't allow myself to be goaded or provoked. I must not attack him."

He needed to remember that Dumbledore thought the risk was worth it. Harry knew he was intended to gain something from this encounter that had nothing to do with the Phoenix egg.

"Whatever the real bequest was, it certainly isn't the egg. Let the egg go if you need to. There'll be another time."

As Harry reached out to open the curtain, it occurred to him that both he and Voldemort had been manipulated as easily as chess pieces across a board.

"Dumbledore's moves aren't over yet," he mused to himself.

Harry stepped confidently into the darkened chamber beyond.


"Harry," said a cold cruel voice from the shadows. "How nice of you to come."

Harry spun around as lanterns on golden standards lit all around him to reveal Voldemort standing in a heavy black robe before a small pedestal. No one else appeared to be there.

"How are you, Harry? It's been ages."

Harry walked towards the pedestal and Voldemort followed.

Something unseen appeared to sweep around the room as they got closer. The black and red tapestries covering all the walls moved slightly as if a light breeze had passed through.

Harry wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but there appeared to be a presence in the room with them. He realised it must be an effect of the Kemmynadow curse.

They both looked down at the small golden egg. Harry hadn't seen it clearly before, and he couldn't remember seeing any object that was quite so beautiful. The surface was covered with swirling lines that formed patterns within patterns.

"He was a great wizard, Harry. I've always said so."

"The greatest," said Harry firmly, not troubling to look up at the sneer he knew would be on Voldemort's face.

"Tell me, Harry, do you know anything about the Kemmynadow?"

"I know a little."

"Hmm," said Voldemort thoughtfully, still gazing down. "Well, I suppose you had better just take it."

"It doesn't work that way. You have to give it and I have to receive it. If I just took it the Kemmynadow would attack me."

Voldemort's lipless mouth stretched into a wide smile.

"Oh, that's right," he said laughing softly. "So, you do know a little about it. How interesting. I must admit, I've been trying to think of a way not to give this to you for some time now. You see my dilemma?"

"Yes. Anything Dumbledore wanted me to have must be bad from your point of view."

"Absolutely! Giving you this egg is entirely out of the question."

"Won't you have to? I mean, unless you've figured out a way around the Kemmynadow."

"Well, I've been giving the matter some thought," said Voldemort conversationally as they both began slowly circling the pedestal. "If I keep it, then the Kemmynadow would indeed attack me. Strong as I am, I would be foolish to allow that. In addition, the egg has its own inherent dangers."

Harry smiled.

"Ah," said Voldemort softly, "I thought you'd have some connection. I suppose you can hear things in the egg's vicinity?"

"I can see things too," admitted Harry. "But only sometimes."

"Oh, shame. I suppose you know I've been feeding you false information about my intended targets."

"Not at first, you weren't."

"True. How does the connection work?"

"I'd rather not say. You might decide to begin a new campaign against the egg."

Voldemort chuckled and said, "I might at that."

"So, are you going to give it to me?"

"I thought I was clear on that point. No, Harry, I will not give you anything Dumbledore wanted you to have. He had fun, taunting me with an object that is both immortal and charmed never to leave me. I admit, he was clever. He knew I would be distracted by this thing. He was right, and," he added menacingly, "he has already given you something you needed so badly."

"What was that?"

"Time, Harry. You need time."

"Well, thanks to the Kemmynadow I can admit that," said Harry with a cold smile.

Voldemort laughed a high unnatural laugh and Harry waited calmly, watching him closely all the while.

"Yes!" cried Voldemort, clapping his hands with glee. "We won't be able to kill each other today. Perhaps another?"

"I look forward to it."

"You know what the terrible irony of all this is?" asked Voldemort with a mischievous glint in his red eyes. "I had no intention of duelling with you yet. Dumbledore has wasted both his and your time; certainly not mine. We will fight, Harry, but not until Lord Voldemort is ready. The preparations must be perfect."

"Whatever," replied Harry, in an indifferent and very annoying tone.

Irritation flashed across Voldemort's features for a moment to Harry's immense pleasure.

In that instant, Harry knew. He knew what Dumbledore had intended by arranging this meeting. As the immensity of it threatened to overwhelm him, Harry fought to keep himself calm and focussed.

Voldemort closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he was calm and back in control of himself.

"Harry, don't you want to know how I'm going to get around the Kemmynadow?"

"I don't think you are, actually."

Voldemort picked up the egg and held it in the palm of his hand.

"I can't tell you how much I've grown to hate this thing."

"No, it isn't hatred you're feeling; it's fear," said Harry calmly, knowing that this was one time when Voldemort couldn't attack him and risk the wrath of the Kemmynadow curse. "You're afraid."

"Afraid? Lord Voldemort is afraid of nothing."

"Really?" said Harry derisively. "Then why did you kill all those loyal servants the night it was delivered to you?"

Voldemort snarled.

"You are afraid," pressed Harry. "You're afraid of death, you're afraid of me, you're afraid of that egg and you're absolutely terrified of what will happen when it comes to me!"

"What do you imagine will happen, boy?" Voldemort span angrily. "Do you imagine powers to rival Dumbledore?"

"No, I already have everything Dumbledore intended me to have."

"Then why do you want it so badly?"

Harry laughed loudly and said, "Because it was a gift from Dumbledore. That's all. It's just an egg. It is only of sentimental value to me and a continuing danger to you. Even so, I would still accept it, even if it meant I would have to save you from the Kemmynadow."

Harry had spoken the entire truth just then and Voldemort knew it.

Voldemort looked down at the egg, and for the briefest moment, Harry thought he might actually hand it to him.

Voldemort pocketed the egg.

Harry sighed and said, "It's a good job Dumbledore isn't here. He'd probably die laughing. He always rather enjoyed your bigger mistakes."

"The Kemmynadow curse is an ancient magic, Harry. There is no way I could defend myself against it and keep the bequest from you," said Voldemort lightly, "unless," he added in barely a whisper, "I somehow got you to betray it first."

Harry's face dropped as Voldemort smiled widely.

"Oh, but Harry," he added with mock concern, "I'm keeping you from your friends."

A red satin curtain swept back to reveal a large stone arch leading to a short tunnel where there was bright light. There was a sudden roar that sounded like a hundred thousand people cheering.

Harry looked back. Voldemort and the egg had gone. He grabbed his wand from his pocket and ran out into the Arena.


As Harry hurried down the tiers of stone steps that had been provided for seating all around the Arena, he took a little encouragement from the fact that he had vastly over estimated the number of cheering Death Eaters. He supposed that the enclosed space of the old reservoir caused them to become amplified.

This was, however, probably the only good news.

Harry vaulted the low stone balustrade and dropped the six foot or so directly into the centre of the Arena where his friends were fighting. All around the Arena were black banners emblazoned with gold runic lettering.

The fighting area was simply vast in size and brightly lit from an unseen light source. He ran full tilt towards the very centre, passing the bloody remains of one full size Giant. Half his head had been blown off.

Unfortunately, there were three more Giants now attacking the group.

Seeing the others concentrating their fire towards the largest, Harry joined in as well. Peppered with bullet wounds, the Giant was screaming with fury. Bateman ran up and threw a grenade up towards the Giant's head and Harry guessed that was the way they had killed the other one.

This Giant either knew better or had faster reflexes, though. He instinctively batted the grenade away with his arm. The grenade flew off and exploded high over the crowd, killing and injuring several.

Harry ran behind and pointed his wand at an area of bare skin behind the Giant's knee. It was one of the few parts of his body not protected by armour. At first, Harry thought his bone melting curse hadn't worked at all.

Then, with a pitiable scream, the Giant collapsed in a heap.

The remaining two Giants howled with rage and advanced at once to renew their attack.

Harry looked around desperately.

"Where's Hermione?" he shouted.

"Got separated," Bateman shouted back. "Hope went with her to find the Archive."

Harry looked down. Smith was lying still on the ground, covered in blood. He couldn't see Carlyle anywhere, but the others were all on their feet and fighting. Ron was also doing his best to patch up injuries between shots. Most of the injuries appeared to be caused by the Giants throwing things; their favourite thing being stone blocks pulled out of the Arena wall.

"I'm almost out!" shouted Careem.

"I'm out!" shouted Duke throwing down his machine gun.

Bateman swore loudly as Voldemort stepped out onto the low balcony covered with a black silk shade.

"Impeccable timing," muttered Bateman through gritted teeth as he ejected an empty clip and patted down his pockets.

The Death Eaters cheered madly as Voldemort and several Death Eaters made their way past the seats to a clear area at the very edge of the Arena. Then he held up his hands for silence.

"Harry, can you get him from here?" asked Bateman.

"No, I can't attack him and he can't attack me. If either of us tries, the Kemmynadow Curse will attack us."

"My friends," began Voldemort's amplified voice, but he was interrupted by one of the Giants who yelled out, clearly hadn't realised that he was required to be quiet. There was a flash of green light from the balcony and the Giant fell dead. The remaining Giantess then decided to withdraw and keep quiet.

"That's better," said Voldemort silkily, lowering his wand again. "I do hope you've enjoyed the entertainment so far. As you can see, my special guest Harry Potter has joined us for what will hopefully be a memorable main event.

"First of all, let's acknowledge the efforts of Harry's Muggle friends. Unfortunately, their ammunition, as I understand it's called, is almost exhausted."

As the polite applause mocked them, Bateman raised his riffle and fired his last full clip directly at Voldemort.

Voldemort flicked his wand and three members of his audience flew out of their seats and into the path of the bullets.

As their bodies fell to the ground, Careem fired an anti-tank missile directly at Voldemort. At the last moment the missile veered off course and exploded in the middle of the crowd on the other side of the Arena.

Debris from the explosion rained down on them as Bateman threw down his gun.

"I believe that was your last?"

As one, they all withdrew commando knives.

"Excellent!" said Voldemort. "We'll get to you in a moment. Please, catch your breaths while Harry and I resolve a small personal matter."

Voldemort turned and made a beckoning signal to someone behind him.

"What is this about?" asked Bateman quickly.

"It's a trick. He's going to try and trick me into making the Kemmynadow Curse attack me."


"I don't kn-," began Harry. His final word caught in his throat as Hermione was led out beside Voldemort.

On the ground, Smith stirred. Ron rushed over with Hagland to try and help him.

Up on the balcony, Hermione's hand bindings were freed. She immediately removed her gag, looking terrified but resolute.

Voldemort smiled and withdrew the golden egg from his pocket. Everyone was watching as, looking directly at Harry, he played with it in his fingers for a long moment before lazily allowing it to topple out of his hand.

Harry shouted, "No!" as soon as he realised what was happening. Hermione had instinctively dropped down and had caught the egg just before it hit the ground.

Two Death Eaters next to her reacted quickly and pointed their wands directly at her, presumably fearing she had lunged to attack Voldemort.

Anger flashed across Voldemort's face.

"What did I tell you about not interfering?" he spat.

Instantly both of them fell forward, limply falling off the balcony.

Voldemort's smile reappeared as he turned to face Harry.

Hermione was now crouched, holding the egg in both her hands. Tears were forming as she realised what she had just done. She had taken the egg. The Curse would never allow that.

Without realising it, Harry had begun to walk forward from the moment he saw Hermione being brought out.

He stopped a few feet away from the low balcony and felt the unseen presence of the curse brush past him. The silk canopy began to ripple and the banners were being blown about.

Hermione slowly stood upright as her robes began to billow.

"Harry," she said shakily. "I'm so sorry. Please don't do anything. I know you'll win in the end; it's just that I won't be there with you to see it."

Voldemort moved slightly, making sure that Hermione could see clearly as he ever so slowly raised his wand.

"Remember, Harry. He wants you to attack him. He wants you to intervene."

"Hermione," said Harry, raising his wand.

"No, Harry," she pleaded, clutching the egg to her heart. "I love you."

As Voldemort began to say, "Avada," they heard a strange sound.

"I love you," gasped Harry as Voldemort paused, frowning now as someone behind him asked, "What was that?"

"Oh, my," exclaimed Hermione, her hands flying apart.

Just as Voldemort quickly uttered, "Avada Kedavra!" a green flash emanated from his wand. In the same instant there was the briefest flash of golden light.

Hermione was utterly still. It was as if time has stopped. Harry was frozen with terror and grief; any moment now she would fall down dead.

Voldemort was looking intently at Harry. He was clearly waiting and allowing Harry to soak up every part of the terrible moment.

To Harry's amazement though, Hermione looked around, stooped down to scoop something up at her feet and then jumped down from the low balcony before anyone realised that she wasn't actually dead.

Hermione had to shake Harry to get him to move.

"You're not dead," he said blankly.

"Well, obviously. Harry, please can we go now?"

The crowd of Death Eaters appeared to notice that things were not quite going to plan before Voldemort did.

"Kill them! Kill them all!"

Dragging Smith along, they all ran to the far side of the Arena.

Harry, though, stood his ground.

"Remember, the Kemmynadow is still in effect, Potter," growled Voldemort.

As the remaining Giantess advanced towards him, Harry fired a well aimed Conjunctivitis Curse directly at the Giant's eyes. Howling with pain, she turned and continued to trample several Death Eaters who had ventured down into the Arena.

Harry felt he was standing in a gale that only he and Voldemort could feel. Their robes alone now were being pulled and blown by the invisible presence. Voldemort looked concerned but defiant.

"You're the only threat to me here," shouted Harry. "I still want that egg, but this is your last chance. After this, you'll have to take your chances with the Kemmynadow. If you ever hope to face me, you'll need to give up the bequest."

As Voldemort considered, Harry struggled to remain on his feet. He was now quite convinced that something malevolent was passing close to his skin. He could something that felt like talons or claws being drawn across his skin as it passed.

The moment lengthened and Harry began to feel cuts being made all over his body. His only comfort was that Voldemort was feeling the same thing. As the pain increased, Harry felt a trickle of blood fall down his arm.

Then Harry realised something. The Kemmynadow wouldn't kill either of them, but it would induce increasing amounts of pain and suffering. Voldemort had no fear of death, but might be less keen on spending his remaining life in constant agony.

Voldemort picked up the delicate golden eggshell and muttered, "Relinquo!"

The remains of the egg flew out and landed in Harry's outstretched left hand.

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Yrfelaf eall geoffrian ond clyppan!" before placing the delicate eggshell fragments carefully in his pocket.

The presence seemed to vanish at once, leaving Harry to wish the pain he was in had vanished as well.

Suddenly a shot rang out and Voldemort recoiled back. He looked around in shock as two more shots were fired in quick succession.

At least one of the bullets fired by Terri Hope from high up in the stone tiers had struck him. It was almost deserted up there with most of the crowd surging forward to see better. Voldemort hadn't been seriously hurt, and had been dragged away to safety before he could be hit again.

Harry looked around as the sight of mere Muggles wounding their invincible leader began to sink in with the Death Eaters.

The balcony was deserted now; all save for a lone figure that now lifted his hood. Harry was curious to know who this was who remained; and who wasn't at all dressed like the other Death Eaters.

Ollivander was grinning down at him. Harry raised his wand to fire but Ollivander didn't flinch at all. All he did was wink and nod once to draw Harry's attention to something behind him.

Harry turned just in time to see a side door slide open on the far side of the Arena. He turned back at once but OIlivander had now gone.

He ran back to join the others. They too were clearly aware that something very nasty was about to come out of the door into the Arena. Bateman had them formed in a defensive circle a few yards from the opening.

Terri stood to the fore, aiming directly into the wide open doorway. She was the only one with any ammunition left.

There was movement in the shadows and suddenly Carlyle came running towards them from the doorway. Terri jerked her rifle upwards, cursing that she'd almost shot at him.

"Where have you been?" demanded Bateman.

"You are not going to believe what they've got in there!" shouted Carlyle. "I'm clean out of ammo. Who's going to lend me some?"