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Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six


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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: And here we have the next chapter. Not much to say, but I think my Draco/Ginny arc gets a bit more interesting in this one. At least, I think it breaks away from the cliché a little. As far as I know. Anyway, thanks for the reviews, I hope you enjoy.

Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six.

Chapter Fourteen

Thing had only been getting better for Harry and Hermione since he had taken her to the Shrieking Shack. They spent a lot more time together, sharing tender kisses, and not so tender, passionate kisses. After their first kiss, Harry had continued to tell Hermione about his life. He told her about living with the Dursleys and then living with Sirius. He told her everything - everything but the prophecy.

That was one thing he was hesitating on telling her. Despite her assurances that she would be with him no matter what, Harry wasn't so sure she would stick around after he told her about his be or be killed situation. He was still going to tell her; of course, he was just waiting for the opportune moment.

So the days passed, turned into weeks, and Harry found himself sitting in the Slytherin locker rooms, waiting for the call to summon them onto the Quidditch Pitch. Draco was giving the team a last minute lecture, but Harry was hardly paying attention.

Crabbe and Goyle sat across from him, clutching their bats with their muscle bound arms. The three Chaser sat next to Harry, staring with rapt attention at Draco as he went on and on about some new tactic. Draco was changing things up quite a bit for the Slytherin Quidditch team.

Normally, the Slytherin team employed a ground and pound style that wasn't all that impressive, but with Harry as Seeker, it got the job done. Just about. However, since Draco had been made captain, he had put more of emphasis on Skill. Crabbe and Goyle had returned to the team as the only part still the same, other than Harry, who was irreplaceable, and obviously, Draco, the new captain. The three new Chasers where the most impressive Slytherin had to offer, and the most impressive the team had seen in at least a decade.

The first new team member was Kristy Swithin, a lithe looking second year girl with short messy blonde hair. The second member was a foreign student named Albert Anselm, who was quite large for a Chaser, but was actually one of the fastest Harry had ever seen.

The third new member was the most interesting, as he was none other than Travis Grimsby, the suspected Death Eater behind the recent attack on the Gryffindor Katie Bell. Grimsby was sitting at the far end of the room, looking surly. Harry cast his eyes down the row at the older boy, wondering if his fellow teammate was secretly a Death Eater. He had tried to sneak a peak at the boys arm when he was changing, but he suspiciously kept it out of sight, only fuelling Harry's belief that he was Voldemorts new recruit.

"Right then," Draco sat, clapping Harry on the shoulder to get his attention, "time to go kick some Gryffindor arse."

"Yah!" Albert Anselm roared with his rough English.

Draco shook his head, but led the team out onto the field, Harry right next to him. The roar of the crowd was deafening, and as usual, the crowd was in heavy support of the red and gold Gryffindors. Harry didn't care; he just straddled his Firebolt and waited. Draco clashed his fist with Harry's shoulder as he passed and Harry smirked at him in return.

Harry felt himself go into the zone, tuning out everything else. He dimly heard the whistle blow and then he was off, shooting into the sky as a green and silver blur. He came to a stop high above the field, his eyes already searching for the tiny golden Snitch that would end the game.


Draco had given the best rousing speech he could muster; internally laughing when he noticed Harry wasn't listening. Typical. Then he'd led the team onto the field to a rousing chorus of boos. Draco tapped Harry on the shoulder as he passed, before coming to a stop before Madam Hooch, the referee.

Draco looked around, assessing his opponents. The new Gryffindor players looked nervous, which was only good for his team. Draco noticed Ginny Weasley eyeing him coolly and he winked and blew her a kiss. She flushed and turned away from him.

Draco had just shouldered his broom when Madam Hooch got his attention, and he turned to come face to face with Ron Weasley, the Gryffindor Captain. Weasley narrowed his eyes at him and Draco had to wonder if he'd seen the interaction between himself and his sister. Either way, Draco didn't care; he just smirked at the Weasel.

"Ready to lose Weasel?" Draco taunted.

"Screw you Malfoy," Weasley shot back, "you're the one that's going to lose."

"Boys," Madam Hooch warned. She put her whistle in her mouth, and then signalled for them to shake hands. Draco offered his first, and Weasley took it regretfully. They shook roughly and then separated, each mounting their brooms. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and the game began.

Draco rose into the air and took his position at the goals quickly. He scanned the field, spotting Harry already searching for the Snitch. His eyes then sought out the rest of his team, but ended up landing on the other Weasley, the even less pleasant one that was currently his target. Ginny had somehow got possession of the Quaffle already, and she was streaking towards him, dodging Bludgers and bodies as she went. Draco hardly had time to think before she shot, and had even less time to attempt a save but he did. His fingers brushed the Quaffle, but the ball ended up going through the hoops anyway and he cursed.

"Ooh, ten to nothing already," an annoying voice called out the commentary, "Gryffindor in the lead!"

Ginny rounded out her broom and smirked at him, blowing him a mock kiss. Draco only smirked back and pretended to catch the kiss. Ginny shook her head and took off down the pitch again.

When she next came at him, holding the Quaffle under her arm and with fire in her eyes, Draco managed to save the shot, and took great pleasure in flirting with the upset Gryffindor. But the match had only just begun, and it would only be the second of many similar encounters during the game. It was a battle of wills and skill, with Ginny trying to prove she was better than him, and Draco trying to prove the same. In fact, they almost forgot about the entire game all together, too caught up in their own little one.


Meanwhile, overhead, Harry had spotted the Snitch. He shot towards it at great speed and was soon joined by Ron Weasley, the opposing Seeker. Ron was only on a Cleansweep though, and Harry had significant advantage. Unfortunately, a well-placed Bludger by Katie Bells replacement, Dean Thomas, distracted both Harry and Ron long enough for them to lose sigh of the Snitch.

"You won't get this one Potter!" Ron shouted at him. "I can't prove you killed my dad, but I'm damn sure going to prove I'm a better Seeker than you!"

Harry ignored him, taking to the high field again, beginning his search anew. He was diverted when he spotted Hermione bellow him, sitting with her friend Neville, and wearing a red and gold scarf. He was a little angry with that, he had to admit, but what should he have expected? She was a Gryffindor. Though, it would have nice to see her supporting him, her boyfriend.

Shaking his head, Harry banished those thoughts. They would only distract him. He needed to concentrate on the game, not his extremely pretty girlfriend. He smiled at his own thoughts and then began scanning the pitch again. Dodging a stray Bludger, he swerved around and flew down, scanning the grass. He was sure he saw a flash of gold. Then it came again, and he saw it clearly this time, hovering near a particularly long patch of grass, which almost obscured it from view. He quickly dove for it.

"The score is sixty to forty in favour of Gryffindor!" the commentator called. "This match is extremely close and I think it's going to come down to whoever catches the Snitch first! Speaking of which, it seems Potter has seen something! Yes! He has! It's the Snitch! And Weasley is on his tail!"

Harry spun to avoid a Bludger aimed his way by one of the new Gryffindor Beaters and stuck his hand out, using the other for balance. Weasley came down right in front of him, and he had to swerve to avoid a collision, almost losing sight of the Snitch. Harry's eyes widened when he saw Ron reach out to snatch the Snitch, so he quickly swerved back in and forced Weasley to the side, out of the way of the Snitch, which was now shooting up into the air. They where neck and neck now, racing towards the tiny golden ball, and then WHAM!

A Bludger struck Weasley just as he was reaching for the Snitch, sending him tumbling from his broom. Harry snatched the Snitch and spun his broom around, whipping out his wand.

"Slytherin wins!" the commentator boomed, but most of the crowd had gone deathly silent, except for the Slytherins, as Ron's body hurtled towards the ground.

Wingardium Leviosa! Harry cast the Levitation Charm and Ron came to a stop with a jerk, just inches from the floor. Harry slowly set him down as the crowd let out a sigh of relief. Harry came to a stop and hopped of his broom, landing beside his Gryffindor 'rival'.

Ginny Weasley came flying down and dropped to her knees beside her brother, hugging him close. She looked up at Harry with tears in her eyes and mouthed a 'thank you'. Harry just shrugged and started to walk towards the celebrating Slytherins as the rest of the Gryffindors rushed down onto the pitch to see if Ron was okay.

He stopped when Hermione caught his eye and gave him a secret smile, and he couldn't help but give her one back. Neville looked with confusion between the two, being the only one to spot the exchanged smiles. Harry saw him start interrogating Hermione before he strode away.

Harry joined Draco and the rest of the Slytherins, who instantly drew him into a group hug. Harry shrugged them off irritably and started back towards the changing rooms. Draco caught up to him.

"Nice catch Harry," he said, in greeting, "but why'd you save the Weasel. It'd been funny to see him hit the ground." And Draco guffawed with laughter.

Harry chuckled, knowing Draco was only kidding. "Yeah," Harry dismissed the comment, "whatever you say Malfoy."

"You okay?" Draco asked.

"Yeah," Harry sighed, "I guess I'm just stressed about this whole student Death Eater business. I'm sure it's Grimsby - I just can't prove it. Did you see how careful he was about not showing anyone his arm?"

"Yeah," Draco agreed, "talk about suspicious."

"I'm going to start learning Legilimency," Harry said, as if he'd just thought of the idea, though it had actually been festering in the back of his mind for a while now, "as well as Occlumency. I want to know that goes on in his head."

They had reached the changing rooms, leaving the crowd behind.

"Count me in," Draco said, "Legilimency sounds like a nice little skill. Plus, I kind of already know the basics."

Harry rounded on him. "What?"

"Yeah," Draco shrugged sheepishly, "my father told me a bit about it and said I might try learning it. And when I met my Aunt Bellatrix last year after she and the rest of those Death Eaters broke out of Azkaban, she told me a bit about it and even gave me a impromptu lesson."

"And you didn't tell me this because?"

Draco shrugged again. "I didn't think it was important. I figured, you had your plate full with learning Occlumency and everything else, and you didn't seem interested in the Legilimency bit, so...?"

"Right," Harry ran a hand through his hair, "well, we'll start tonight, okay?"

"Fine by me."


As the Gryffindors bore the unconscious Ron up to the Hospital Wing, Ginny Weasley followed, looking worried. The Bludger that hit Ron had almost cracked his skull open, and it if wasn't for Harry Potter, Ron would probably be seriously injured, if not dead.

Ginny, like a lot of girls at Hogwarts, had always viewed Harry Potter with an air of ignorance, until she met him, that is. She, like most girls her age, hero-worshipped him. She had believed he was a Hero and a great wizard, after growing up hearing all about the Boy Who Lived. But then she had come to Hogwarts, and when she saw Harry for the first time, withdrawn, mysterious, and as she learnt in her first year, a Parsletongue, she quickly changed her opinion.

Everyone in the wizarding world viewed Harry with anxiousness, as if waiting for him to suddenly go berserk and slaughter innocent. She had heard many a tale about how Potter resembled the young He Who Must Not Be Named - both with power beyond their years, both mature beyond their years, both Parsletongue, the list goes on and on.

However, at the end of her first year she saw Harry in a different light all together, when he and Draco Malfoy came into the Chamber of Secrets and rescued her from the young You Know Who. She could hardly remember what really happened, her mind having blurred it all together in one horrible nightmare, but she had been told.

She dimly remembered Harry battling a large snake and how he had destroyed the Riddle Diary with the snakes tooth. She remembered soft arms around her, holding her tight. She remembered a Hero saving her life.

From that day on, Ginny didn't put too much stock in what people said about Harry Potter. Sure, he was a little mysterious and sometimes he could be pretty scary, with his aloof nature, as if he didn't have a care in the world, like he wouldn't care if the world suddenly exploded, but Ginny knew differently. She knew that when push came to shove he would stand up and fight for the right side. So what if he was in Slytherin? He proved himself to her when he rescued her from Riddle and he had once again done it earlier that day when he saved her brother from his life-threatening fall.

Ginny watched the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team set their captain on the Hospital Bed as Madam Pomfrey started blustering around, angrily demanding everyone leave her Hospital Wing and patient alone. Ginny hung around longer than everyone else, watching as Madam Pomfrey worked. When the old witch stopped and turned to give her a reassuring smile, telling her simply that her brother would be fine, only then did Ginny leave the hospital wing with a relieved sigh.

She came to a stop just outside the double doors, staring at Draco Malfoy, who was leaning against the wall and smirking that sexy smirk at her. She felt her anger rising and started to storm away. He followed.

"Hey Weasley," Draco drawled, "What's the rush?"

"Leave me alone Malfoy," Ginny said through her nose, as Draco jumped in front of her, "I am really not in the mood for you!"

"Well we don't have to talk." Draco quipped, wagging his eyebrows.

"Screw you, you pig!" Ginny snapped.

"Took the words right out of my mouth," Draco shot back, grinning.

Before Ginny even contemplated what she was doing, she pulled back her hand, ready to slap the taste out of his mouth, but he caught her hand and pulled her closer. Ginny squirmed in his grip until he kissed her. She felt his tongue try to force its way into her mouth, and, with heat and anger rising, she lifted her knee up into his groin. Draco gasped and fell backwards onto the floor, clutching his manhood. Ginny balled her fists at her side as he lay on the floor at her feet, his eyes now narrowed to dangerous slits.

"I would never, ever, go out with someone as vile, as disgusting, as you!" Ginny declared, practically snarling.

Draco glared back up at her.

"You're a pig!" Ginny said, breath coming in ragged gasps. "Nothing but a disgusting pig. If you ever bother me again, I will Hex what's left of your balls to a million pieces, got it?" She shouted the last part, before storming past Draco, leaving him on the floor, holding his bruised manhood.


Blaise was laughing, tears of mirth in his eyes, pointing at a red faced Draco Malfoy, who sat nursing his balls and his pride in one of the many chairs in the Slytherin common room. The few remaining Slytherins in the room kept glancing at Blaise as if he was crazy, but the boy kept on laughing; now clutching his sides.

"She...she...kicked you..." and he was off again, unable to get any more words out.

"Shut your mouth Zabini," Draco snapped, his humiliation flushing his normally pale face with colour, "you look like a hyena."

"And you..." Blaise chuckled, gasping. "You really thought that stupid Gryffindor would ever open up to you that way, damn your stupid. This has got to be the most entertaining bet I've ever made. I can't believe you. Keep it up Malfoy and I'll die of laughter."

"Yeah," Draco snarled, "mainly because if you don't shut up I'll kill you myself!"

That set Blaise of with another round of raucous laughter. Draco just shook his head and went back to nursing his injured pride. He'd been made to look like a fool, and that was one thing he hated more than anything else. It reminded him all too much of how his father treated him. No, things where going to change.

It was personal now, Ginny wasn't just some bet anymore, it was personal. She had humiliated him. Draco grinned. He was going to humiliate her, and he wouldn't hold back, not one bit. It was time for a different tactic.


Hermione found Harry sitting alone at their table at the back of the library, and quickly claimed the seat next to his, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek in greeting. He grinned at her in response.

"Hey," Harry said.

"Hi," Hermione returned, "congratulations on the win. You were amazing. I've never been to a Quidditch match before, well, expect for the first one during first year. I didn't like it. But you looked great."

"Thanks," Harry said, genuinely touched that she had come to the game to watch him. His earlier thoughts proved false, Harry realised Hermione had been at the game to support him after all, just not openly.

"I thought you'd be celebrating," Hermione observed, "how come you aren't?"

"Oh," Harry shrugged, "celebrating isn't my thing. It draws me into the spotlight and I don't like that. I have enough of that being the Boy Who Lived." He said the last bit with great distaste. "The only reason I play is because I love flying. Otherwise..."

"Right," Hermione nodded, "I understand. Look, I'm just going to say this, because I really don't know how to bring it up. Remember when I asked you if I could tell my friend about you?"

"I figured you'd ask me this," Harry said, sitting up straighter in his chair and turning to face his girlfriend, "he saw our little exchange and started interrogating you about it huh?"

"Yeah," Hermione admitted, "I didn't tell him anything. But I want too Harry. I promise you, he won't tell anyone. Please?" Hermione batted her eyelashes at Harry and he laughed.

"Trying to woo me with your good looks?" Harry asked playfully.

"Is it working?" Hermione returned ruefully.

Harry grinned. "Okay," he sighed, "I guess you can tell him. But he has to promise not to tell anyone about us."

"Oh thank you!" Hermione gave him a tight hug. "Thank you Harry." She said in his ear. "I promise you Harry, he won't tell a soul. Thank you."

"Anything for you Hermione," Harry replied.

She pulled back and smiled at him, resting her forehead on his own. "You're the greatest."


Hermione laughed and pulled back. "Do you want to meet him?"

"Your friend?"

"Yeah," Hermione said, "I'm sure you'll get along, and having you as a friend might really help him. He has confidence issues."

"Neville Longbottom, right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," Hermione nodded.

Harry looked thoughtful, seconds turned into minutes, and Hermione was going to give him a nudge to remind him she was their when he looked up and caught her eye. She saw resolve again in his eyes.

"Okay," Harry said, "if he wants too he can come study with us sometimes."

"Thank you Harry," Hermione said, kissing him on the lips chastely.

"No problem."

