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Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six


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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: Okay, here's another chapter for you. Thanks for the reviews, enjoy!

Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six.

Chapter Twenty-Two

The next day dawned early for Ginny. She woke up feeling the most rested she had in a long time, all thoughts and worries concerning the OWL's forgotten, at least for now. Her date with Draco had been every bit as great as she had fantasised, except for the little incident with Dean. She really wanted to slap that idiot boy. However, despite all that (not to mention her concern over Ron's reaction) she still felt amazing. Sure, it was going to be a hassle explaining to everyone why she was dating (am I?) a Slytherin, never mind that that Slytherin was Draco Malfoy, but Ginny didn't care.

Ginny was floating on the wind, flying higher than she had ever before, and all of the world sparkled before her like it had been polished over night by one energized hoard of house elves (or would that be World elves?). Nothing could dampen her mood. She was dating Draco Malfoy, the sweetest and nicest guy she had ever met.

Ginny wasn't an idiot though, she knew how people would react. It didn't matter though. They didn't know the real Draco Malfoy. Only she did. They could stare at her, laugh at her; they could do whatever they wanted. Ginny didn't care, because she was in love.

With a spring in her step, she bounded down the stairs into the Gryffindor common room, noticing how everyone's eyes immediately darted to her, and not caring. She noticed Dean across the room, sitting with her brother, and smiled at him with a sickeningly sweet smile as he got up and made his way over to her. This time, Ron was behind him.

"Ginny!" he said, pushing past an idling first year, practically knocking the poor kid over. "Explain! Right now!"

"Good Morning to you too," Ginny said pleasantly, still grinning.

"Good...what?" Dean was clearly baffled.

"Move it Dean," Ron said, speaking for the first time, roughly shoving the boy out of the way, "I'll handle this. I've already written to mum. I'm sure she'll love to hear how you've been knocking around with a Malfoy."

"I don't care," Ginny said, "I was going to tell her anyway. I'm not ashamed, you know. I'm dating Draco and if you don't like it then it's just tough luck. Nothing you can say will change my mind."

"You're being stupid," Ron said, going red in the face, "you know that, right? He's just using you. He's a Slytherin Ginny - they're all evil."

Ginny laughed. "Right, whatever you say."

"I know!" Dean said, coming forward again. "I know what's going on. She's been put under Imperious or something, no - a love potion. Yeah, I bet it's a love potion."

"Do you two actually hear the words coming out of your mouths?" Ginny asked, squinting at them mockingly. "I'm tired of this already. See you."

And she brushed past them, ignoring their shouted retorts and orders to 'get back here this instant!' without a thought. She excited the common room and started down towards the Great Hall.

However, as she traversed Hogwarts, she began to notice that every student she passed seemed to stare at her avidly. It wasn't all that surprising, but surely they had something better to be doing? Sighing, resigned to the fact she would have to put up with their eyes for a good part of the future, she entered the Great Hall.

The moment she entered the huge dinning area all eyes turned to her, almost in synchronization. Geez, was there a memo? She thought sarcastically.

The Slytherin table was a mixture of gleeful leering (from the males) and angry glares (from the females). The Ravenclaw table was regarding her as if she was an interesting puzzle. Hufflepuff just looked confused. Ignoring them, she started towards the Gryffindor table, which for the most part seemed to be ignoring her.

She noticed Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil sitting close with their heads bent towards each other, pointing at her rather obviously. One of the girls she shared her dorm room with was giving her a scandalised look, like she was a piece of trash that the wind had blown over. Ignoring her, Ginny cast her eyes around the table, looking for a safe place to sit.

"You can sit here if you want," a soft-spoken voice said.

Ginny startled, having not noticed the person sitting just behind her, and turned around to regard the slightly bushy haired girl she knew was called Hermione Granger.

She knew who she was, of course. Hermione was the smartest girl in her year - even Ginny knew that, but aside from that, Ginny didn't really know all that much about her. She was a very isolated girl. She always had been, as far as Ginny knew. Either way, Ginny smiled and sat down, grateful.

"Thank you," she said, genuinely.

"Your welcome," Hermione replied.

"You don't mind sitting next to trash?" Ginny asked jokingly, jerking a finger down the table at the few students still looking at her as if she was a big clump of dirt.

Hermione laughed dryly. "No, I don't mind," she said.

"You'd think that's what I was," Ginny went on, "the way they look at me, huh?"

"I guess," Hermione replied, "ether way, it doesn't matter. They're the ones loosing out. You seem like a nice girl to me."

"Thank you."

"You're really dating Draco Malfoy then?" Hermione asked hesitantly, after a brief pause.

"Yeah," Ginny said loudly, giving everyone around her a significant look, "I am dating Draco Malfoy."

"Do you mind if I ask why?" Hermione continued, still hesitant.

"Hey," Ginny said, smiling at Hermione, "don't be afraid to ask. I know it sounds weird, but you don't really know the real Draco. No one here does, except me."

"I'm sure Harry does," Hermione said.

"Harry?" Ginny gave Hermione a quizzical look. "On first name basis with Potter, are you?"

"What?" Hermione flushed, shaking her head frantically. "No way. Of course I'm not. How could I be?"

"Merlin," Ginny gasped, amazed, before leaning forward and whispering, "You are, aren't you? How?"

"I'm not," Hermione mumbled, embarrassed.

"Don't lie," Ginny said, still whispering, "I can tell. Why else would you have gone all defensive like that? It's a dead give away. So spill, how do you know Potter?"

"No one is supposed to know," Hermione whispered, ducking her head down, "so please don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Course," Ginny said, shrugging, "you think I'd subject anyone else to this?"

Ginny nodded her head in the general direction of everyone else.

"I hope not," Hermione said, smiling faintly, "I understand what Harry was saying now. I don't think I could cope if it came out that we"

Ginny eyes bugged out. Dating? She thought. She's dating Harry Potter?

"Dating?" she whisper shouted, eyes wide. "You're dating Harry Potter?"

"Yes," Hermione admitted, blushing.

"Wow," Ginny said, emphatically. "We need to get out of here," she nodded towards the double doors leading to the entrance hall, "so we can go girl talk. Come on."

"Okay," Hermione said with a nod, getting up and leaving her forgotten potato pie behind.

They spent the rest of the morning talking about their respective boyfriends, comparing notes, so to speak. It was the first time Hermione really had a girl friend to talk with, and as the talking progressed, she grew more and more open and confident with Ginny.

It was the start of a great friendship.


Harry was following Blaise, heading towards Horace Slughorns dungeon classroom, and to his first Slug Club meeting. It was a pain in the ass, but he had to do it. He hadn't made any progress in getting the memory, so maybe if he played along with old Sluggy, he would be able to convince the Potions Master to give him the unaltered memory.

"So how come you changed your mind?" Blaise asked, turning around and walking backwards so he could talk to Harry.

"Figured I might as well try it out," Harry said half heartedly, as if it was all just a whim of his.

"I guess," Blaise agreed, "but to be honest, it really is a pile of shit. I only come because of that hot little Ravenclaw minx Grogen. Damn she has a fine tits." Blaise blew out his breath in a whistle, and then smirked. "What do you think?"

"About?" Harry asked.

"Are you even listening?" Blaise laughed. "I'm talking about Grogen's fine tits and all you can do is stare at dust motes?"

Harry shrugged and Blaise laughed again, turning around and walking normally again. A few seconds passed.

"I prefer ass," Harry said, deadpan.

Blaise cracked up, laughing like a hyena.

"You're one weird guy," Blaise wheezed, "you know that?"

"I do now," Harry said.

Blaise just shook his head again and continued to lead them down the corridor.

"It's a pity we can't drag Malfoy with us," Blaise commented, "that'd be classic. But I doubt Sluggy would let a Death Eater's son into one of his little meetings, huh?"

"Probably not," Harry agreed.

"Well," Blaise pulled himself up to his full height and straightened his robes, smirking at Harry, "ready?"

"As I'll ever be," Harry said, and together they stepped into the crowded classroom.

In retrospect, it was amazing the amount of people actually came to these things, but Harry didn't have time to think that now. He was too busy being hailed jovially by Slughorn.

"Well if it isn't Harry Potter!" Slughorn bellowed, emphasising the 'Harry Potter' sharply. "Finally decided to take me up on my offer, did you? Oho, of course you did. Couldn't resist, could you?"

"How could I?" Harry replied sarcastically, motioning to the amassed students and the horribly tacky decorations Slughorn had summoned up, but the sarcasm was lost on Slughorn, who just laughed good-naturedly and slapped Harry on the back.

Blaise sniggered.

"And Mr. Zabini," Slughorn said, turning his attention to the dark skinned wizard, "so good to see you again."

"Yeah," Blaise said dismissively, his eyes searching the crowd, landing on a rather large breasted seventh year girl (Harry assumed this was Grogen, whoever that was), "if you'll excuse me."

And he disappeared into the crowd.

"Strange kid," Slughorn said, watching Blaise leave with a puzzled look, "comes here every meeting, but all he does is sit and stare into space. He must have issues, poor guy. It's a shame."

Harry chucked. "Yeah, such a shame," again, the sarcasm was lost on Slughorn.

"Well then Harry," Slughorn said, his voice back to its usual cheerful tone, "let me introduce you to everyone."

What followed was an agonizing hour for Harry, as he was passed around the room like a large trophy, for everyone to goggle at. Most people didn't goggle, though, but rather viewed him with their usual precariousness. Slughorn didn't seem to notice.

When it was over, Harry tried to corner Slughorn and question him about the memory, but the old codger obviously saw him coming and quickly called an end to the meeting, practically shoving everyone out the door and bolting it shut behind him.

Outside the door, Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair in irritation.

"Well that was a waste of time," he muttered.

"Should have joined me," Blaise said with a smirk, "I certainly didn't waste my time."

Harry just shook his head and started back towards the Slytherin dungeons, Blaise trailing after him with a wistful look on his face.

When they arrived back at the dungeons they found Draco sitting alone by the fire, the common room empty around him. Obviously, everyone else had gone to bed. Harry looked at his watch, noticing for the first time that it was rather late. Sighing again at the wasted night, he plopped down across from his silver haired best friend. Blaise stood behind Draco's chair and leant over, quickly putting his arms around Draco and whispering breathlessly in his ear:

"Oh Draco, come to bed with me?" Blaise did his best to imitate Pansy Parkinson, and pulled it off rather successfully.

Draco startled, having been lost in his own world, and jumped out of the chair, clapping Blaise around the head.

"Fuck off prat," Draco snapped, flushing.

Harry smiled slightly at the exchange, but then he remembered something he had been meaning to ask Draco about and his face turned serious again.

"Hey Draco," Harry said, getting the blondes attention.

"Huh?" Draco turned his attention away from the cackling Blaise to Harry.

"I heard you're dating Ginny Weasley now," Harry said, raising an eyebrow, "that true?"

Draco shrugged. "I guess. "

He obviously didn't want to talk about, so Harry decided to press him for more information. After all, it wasn't every day Draco decided to date a Gryffindor.

"So what's the catch?" Harry asked, propping his feet up. "I mean, I didn't think I'd ever see the day you'd date a Gryffindor, much less a Weasley."

Blaise was still laughing in the background, but he grew silent to listen to the exchange.

"It's none of your business Potter," Draco said testily, his cheeks turning even redder. That was never a good sign with Draco.

"Oh come on," Blaise intoned, grinning from ear to ear, "why don't you tell him Draco?"

"Shut your mouth Zabini!" Draco warned.

"Come on Draco," Harry said, becoming more worried by the second. "What's going on?"

"It's a bet," Blaise said suddenly, leaning over and ruffling Draco's hair annoyingly, "or rather, the consequence of a bet." And he burst out laughing again.

"Blaise you fucking bustard!" Draco tried to leap over the chair to get at the laughing Blaise Zabini, but Harry had grabbed his arm, preventing him.

"Calm down Draco," Harry said, and - motioning to the chair - continued, "sit down."

"Not until I kill that ugly fucker." Draco said, glaring at the still laughing boy.

"Blaise -shut it," Harry said forcefully, and Blaise instantly shut up, but he looked slightly put out, "Draco, sit."

Draco sat down with a sigh and Harry let go of his arm.

"So this is a bet then?" Harry asked, trying to sort everything out in his head.

"Sort of," Draco admitted. "I lost to Mr. Pissing-his-pants-Zabini here and therefore had to seduce whichever Gryffindor he chose. He chose the Weaslette, so..."

"You didn't tell him the good part," Blaise piped in, placing his elbows on either side of Draco's head and leaning forward, "so I'll do it for you. She completely shot him down, over and over again. It was kinda sad, really, but anyway, now Draco is going to get his own back. He's finally convinced the girl that he's a 'nice sweet boy' and as soon as he gets her in the sack, he's going to break up with her in public and totally humiliate her." Blaise cracked up like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard.

Harry frowned. "He's not serious, is he?"

"Yeah," Draco said, his eyes narrowing, "the little bitch deserves it for turning me down, right? I mean, come on, she's below me and she has the nerve to treat me like I'm dirt? She's a bitch Harry. She deserves this."

"Don't do it Draco," Harry said, sighing.

"What?" Draco and Blaise asked at the same time.

"You'll just end up causing trouble," Harry said, "and most likely, it'll come back to bite you in the ass."

"You sound like a Gryffindor," Blaise accused, "it's not good on you. Come on Harry, it's just fun."

Harry shrugged. "I can't tell you what to do," he said, "but that's my advice. Don't do it. It's up to you to decide now Draco."

Blaise just shook his head and left, heading towards the sixth year dorm room. Harry sat up; his feet back on the ground now, leaning forward.

"Listen Draco," Harry said, "don't listen to Zabini. He's got a few screws loose, I'm sure. Just forget this whole thing."

"I can't," Draco said, his fist clenching his robes into scuffs.

"Look," Harry said, meeting Draco's eyes with his own, "Ginny Weasley has always been nice to me. While everyone else thinks I'm a loony just waiting to blow up and become the next Voldemort, she doesn't. I'm not going to act like I know the girl, but from what I've seen, she's a nice girl, and she doesn't deserve that Draco."

Harry stood up and left then, letting Draco think it over. He'd done all he could; it was up to his best friend to figure it out now. If he'd have stayed around and listened, he would have heard the last words out of Draco's mouth before he got up and followed:

"I know."

