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Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six by Piccolo999

Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six


Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, it belongs to JK Rowling, etc etc.

Authors Note: It's only short, but I just wanted to deal with the aftermath of the Cave chapter. Hope you all like. Thanks for the reviews.

Harry Potter and the Alternate Universe: Year Six.Chapter Twenty-Eight

The news that Harry Potter had dragged a nearly dead Dumbledore back to Hogwarts during the middle of the night quickly spread throughout the school the next day. The entire castle was a buzz with the information. Most of the students could be found huddled together with friends, repeating the tale over and over again, and saying how they always knew Potter was no good.

The Hufflepuff Justin Finch-Fletchley would tell anyone his theory that Potter had dragged Dumbledore off in the middle of the night, most likely luring him away with false information, and then somehow ambushed him. Nobody seemed to question the giant holes in his story, as everyone was quick to jump on the Potter is the next Dark Lord wagon. Justin could be heard telling everyone:

"Everyone knows that You Know Who feared Dumbledore the most, so it's obvious that Potter would want to get rid of him as soon as possible."

Overhearing this, Hermione scoffed and quickly stood up, knocking over her Pumpkin Juice in an attempt to leave the Great Hall as fast as possible.

"What's her problem?" One of Justin's friends, Hannah Abbot, asked.

Hermione had just about had enough. Everywhere she went, all she could hear was people laying into Harry, as if they knew him. They didn't know a thing, and it was all she could do not to stand up and shout it to the world.

It was common knowledge that Dumbledore was still in the Hospital Wing, as he had been confined there since last night, and no one was allowed inside except the staff Hogwarts. Argus Filch, who was standing watch at the door with his cat at his heels, quickly sent anyone who even approached packing.

But Hermione had had enough. She wanted to know what was going on and she was sure that Harry was in the Hospital Wing, as she hadn't seen him yet today, and he wasn't in any of his usual hiding places. Well, he wasn't in any she could get access too. She supposed that he could have been in Slytherin's chamber, but she didn't think so. She rounded the corner and, as expected, Filch was standing guard outside the door. But what caught her eye was the flap of a black robe slipping through the door when Filch was examining his fingernails.

Harry, she thought with a grin, before approaching the hospital wing.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Filch asked scathingly once she reached him, Mrs. Norris hissing at his feet.

"I'm going in there," Hermione said, staring at him unflinchingly.

"Oh you are, are you?" Filch shot back.

"Yes I am," Hermione said, and before he could stop her she barged right past him.

As she opened the door ("Hey, get back here!") she heard Professor Snape's voice, raised and obviously angry:

"Potter, I demand to know what happened here!"

But then the door slammed shut behind her and everyone looked over her way. Hermione stood in the doorway, Filch behind her and red in the face, and felt her determination leave her. Everyone was staring at her, including Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, Professor Hagrid and even Harry. She felt her face flush and was just about to rush out of the room when McGonagall spoke:

"Miss Granger," she said, tartly, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry Professor," Hermione mumbled, and was about to go when Harry spoke.

"Hermione," he said, walking over to her, "are you okay?"

"Oh," Hermione gasped, surprised that he was actually talking to her. She had been expecting him to act as if he didn't even know her name, but here he was, talking to her in front of everyone. "I'm fine. I was…worried about you."

"I'm okay," Harry said, reaching her and taking her hand, "don't worry. You can stay, come on." And he led her back the staff of Hogwarts, who all had varying degrees of surprise written on their faces.

Professor Snape looked as if he was sucking on a lemon. Professor McGonagall had her eyebrow arced, which meant she was very interested, and judging by the tiny (really tiny) smile on her face, she was pleased as well. The only one not surprised by all this was Hagrid, who had, obviously, known about them for quite a while. On a side note, he was quite pleased with himself, having not blurted it out yet.

"Potter," Snape finally said, his flaring nostrils giving away his anger, "who do you think you are? Get your…girlfriend…out of here. This is not something to be discussed in front her."

"Actually," Harry said, "the only way I'm going to answer anything is with Hermione here. If you don't like it - then tough. She knows about everything anyway, so it's not like it matters."

"Potter," McGonagall said, interrupting, "I have to agree with Professor Snape here. This conversation is…well…"

"Go ahead Professor," Harry said; having mercy on the flustered witch, "you can say it, you know. It's for members of the Order of the Phoenix only, right? Well, consider Hermione officially a member of the Order, as well as myself. I'm the one that's going to have to do it in the end, aren't I? So as far as I'm concerned, I call the shots and if you don't like it, then leave."

"Harry!" Hermione scolded.

Harry smiled at her and then turned back to the stunned Professor's. "No disrespect intended."

"Now listen here Potter," Snape started, "I've had enough of your cheek. You're a student in this school and you should damn well act like one. I will not tolerate being flung across the room," here Snape touched the back of his head, "nor will I tolerate being bossed around by an arrogant brat!"

"Then the doors over there, sir," Harry said, pointing.

Snape looked ready to burst, so McGonagall spoke up before he could.

"I think we should concentrate on the matter at hand," she said, "before we deal with Potter's insolence. Now, what happened last night?"

Harry sighed. "We went on a mission," Harry said, "to get something important. I can't tell you more than that. Professor Dumbledore told me because he knows, and values, what I'll have to do. Why he hasn't told you, I don't know. Anyway, he ended up having to drink an unknown potion, and that's what out him in this condition. He's been unconscious since he drank it. The potion was green and it gave off a very bright glow."

"Severus?" McGonagall said, wordlessly asking him if he knew of such a potion.

"I'm unfamiliar with a potion like that," Snape replied, scowling, "but I'll have a look through my books and see what I can find."

"Then I suggest you do that now," McGonagall said, giving him a look, which clearly said she would brook no argument. Snape nodded curtly and left, giving Harry and Hermione a scathing look as he went.

"Sorry for any disrespect Professor," Harry said, "it wasn't directed at you, really. Professor Snape isn't high on my list of buddies, if you get what I mean. I don't trust him."

"I am aware," McGonagall said, nodding. "It seems I'm not as uniformed as you though, doesn't it Potter?"

"I'm sorry Professor," Harry said, and Hermione could tell her meant it, "I really meant what I said though, I didn't mean to disrespect you. I just can't talk freely in front of someone I don't trust, no matter what Professor Dumbledore thinks."

"I agree," McGonagall said, "you made the right decision. I also do not fully trust Professor Snape. You may speak openly to me though, I am sure? I give you my word I will utter them to no one, as I'm sure Hagrid will do as well, correct?"

"Righ' you are Professor," Hagrid agreed.

"Thanks," Harry said, before taking a seat on one of the beds. Hermione hopped up along side him. "But before I do, where is Professor Dumbledore?"

"He has been moved to his quarters in the Headmaster's office," McGonagall answered, conjuring a stiff looking chair of her own and sitting.

"I suppose that's best," Harry said. "Did he show any sign of life other than a slow heartbeat?"

McGonagall shook her head sadly.

"Harry," Hermione said, getting his attention, "what happened?"

"We left to find an object of great importance to Voldemort," Harry began.

"The Horcrux?" Hermione asked, putting it all together.

"Wait a minute," McGonagall said, sitting even further upright in her chair, if that was possible. "A Horcrux? You can't be serious."

"I'm afraid so," Harry said, "it's what Professor Dumbledore has been doing this past year or so. We think Voldemort split his soul into seven pieces, meaning he has six Horcruxes out there. We've managed to destroy a few, like the Diary that Ginny Weasley had in her first year and a ring that used to belong to Salazar Slytherin. But that leaves four more. Last night we went to get another, and to get to the Horcrux Dumbledore had to drink that potion. I managed to get us back here, but it was hard work."

"And the Horcrux?" McGonagall asked.

"It was a fake," Harry said, "I looked at it last night."

"After you gave Professor Snape a concussion." McGonagall observed tartly.

"He tried to read my mind and I blocked him," Harry said, "I certainly didn't intend to send him flying across the corridor. Hell, I don't even know how I did it. Not that I'm really complaining."

"Harry!" Hermione said, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

"Well I can't help it if I don't like the man," Harry said, holding his hands up in defence. Hermione glared at him, though she wasn't really angry.

They both noticed how quiet it had got in the room at the same time, and turned to face their audience in sync, noticing how McGonagall was smiling widely and how Hagrid had tears in his eyes.

"You remind me so much of Lily and James," McGonagall said softly, "how long have you been seeing each other?"

"A while," Hermione answered. "Harry didn't want many people to know, cause it'd cause too much of a scene. You know how he is. At first I was a little put out by it, but I kind of agree with him now."

"Yes," McGonagall said, "I can see how it might cause a bit of trouble. But, though it's none of my business, I must say I do not object. I've always admired you Miss Granger and I couldn't think of a better girl for you Potter."

"Thank you Professor," Hermione said, blushing. Harry squeezed her hand and she turned to him, grinning. Harry grinned back and gave her a quick kiss, before turning his attention back to the head of Gryffindor.

"So," Harry said, jumping down from the bed, "I think I've told you all that's really needed. Do you mind if we get out here?"

"Certainly," McGonagall replied, "I'll contact you if we need anything else. Have fun you two."

"We will," Harry said, smirking and tickling her when she jumped down as well, making her shriek.

"Ah," she gasped, giggling, "Harry, stop it!"

"Behave now children," McGonagall scolded, but Hermione could tell she didn't really mean it.

It was odd, Hermione mused as they left he Hospital Wing, that she had never even suspected Professor McGonagall could be so human. She'd always been so strict and imposing, Hermione had never even considered that deep down she could be such a kind and motherly person. It was nice to see that not everyone viewed Harry with distrust. After all, she could tell that McGonagall really cared about Harry.

