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Sorcerers' Nook by JanieB

Sorcerers' Nook



By JanieB


In which Harry and Hermione finally have some lunch, after which Harry reveals they have an unexpected ally in the fight against the Dark One. Dean drops in to Harry's for a visit during which there are some awkward moments and an "official announcement". Hermione sleeps over and in the morning, she has something to tell Harry which makes his day…

As Harry straightened from putting the shopping bags on the floor, he reached up and took his glasses off, a silent wingardium leviosa seeing them drift over to the table. Hermione was once more hypnotised by the passionate intensity she could see in Harry's eyes as he gazed at her. Then she felt his hands come to rest on her shoulders, and was very grateful she had the door at her back, certain her legs were about to give way. Harry ran his hands down her arms, encircling her fingers with his own. He lifted her hands to his mouth and dropped a warm, tender kiss on the back of each before raising them and placing them around his neck, running his hands back along her arms to her waist. As his grip on her waist tightened, Hermione could feel him close the small space that remained between them. She was intensely aware of how he felt pressed against her - hard and lean in contrast to her own softness. Their eyes had remained locked the whole time, and Hermione found herself immersed in a sense of wonder at how such a simple thing as the expression in Harry's eyes could be so arousing.

Harry surrendered himself to the completely incredible feeling of having all of Hermione pressed hard up against him. He could see the mounting desire in her eyes and knew it was mirrored in his own gaze. Hermione's arms tightened around his neck, drawing his head down, each feeling the warmth of the other's breath.


At the sound of Harry's voice, roughened by desire, Hermione felt infused with liquid warmth - or perhaps she was just melting…


`I need to know - you need to tell me - if you want - I mean, I can't -'

Hermione smiled. She knew exactly what Harry needed to know. What he was asking.

She answered him with a kiss.

The second Hermione's lips touched his, Harry's heart leapt wildly as a triumphant Yes! echoed in his mind.

As the kiss continued and their passion increased, Hermione reflexively moved her hips against Harry, sending a surge of raw lust shooting through Harry and robbing him of breath. He pulled his mouth from Hermione's, a sound that was half moan, half growl, wrenched from him.


That single, breathless word - his name - filled with longing, served only to increase his already desperate desire and need for her.

As he looked down at her, their eyes spoke for them, his pleading, begging - but needing her consent; hers assuring him her need was as great as his - saying yes

Turning so that her back was facing down the hallway towards her room, Hermione dropped her arms, her hands finding Harry's; she pulled them from her waist as she began to walk carefully backwards, drawing Harry along by his hands, which she held clasped in hers.

`What about being sensible? I mean, it's not too soon? Too quick?' Harry managed, needing to know for sure, not wanting to jeopardise what they had by rushing things.

Hermione shook her head, smiling at him, a sweetly provocative smile that had his heart turning in his chest.

`Do you know,' she said, her voice slightly husky, `this feels so right, so natural, I'm wondering if my feelings for you weren't always there, lying dormant, just waiting.'

`I know what you mean,' Harry replied automatically; this very seductive, non-sensible Hermione was playing havoc with his thought processes, amongst other things…

They'd reached the end of the hall, Hermione pausing in her bedroom doorway; she looked softly blurred to Harry's unadorned eyes.

`Are you sure?' she asked him, her mouth curving once more in a provocative smile.

Harry, his doubts and uncertainty now banished, felt a sense of his own power and strength return, making him extremely aware of his masculinity. Hermione sensed it too; it was an intoxicating force, highlighting her own femininity, making her tingle all over. She began moving slowly once more, still walking backwards and drawing Harry along, stopping when she came up against her bed.

Gently removing his hands from Hermione's grasp, Harry lifted them to tenderly frame her face, his eyes and his smile full of his love for her. Hermione felt tears well in her eyes as she understood fully, for the first time, the depth of Harry's feelings for her.

`I love you,' he whispered, before once more covering her lips with his.


Harry woke first, wondering drowsily at the deliciously languorous lethargy that seemed to have taken over his body. Then he remembered. And it was all he could do not to shout out with joy. He was lying on his back and he turned his head, a huge smile in place, and gazed at Hermione, lying there beside him. She was on her side, facing him, her hands tucked under her cheek, her hair tumbling around her in soft disarray. Harry rolled onto his side and up onto his elbow and just looked at her, the faintest of smiles now hovering around his mouth, his expression one of poignant tenderness; he wasn't sure how long he lay there just watching her, nor did he care.

When Hermione's eyes did finally flutter open, they focused slowly; Harry watched with tender delight as she smiled, the glow in her eyes warming his heart as she looked back at him.

`Hi,' she whispered.

`Hi,' he whispered back.

Hermione rolled onto her back, twisting and turning slightly as she stretched, her arms above her head. There was only a sheet covering them and Hermione's movements caused it to slide down just enough to expose her breasts. Harry realised he was staring at them when they suddenly disappeared from sight, Hermione pulling the sheet up, laughing as she did so.

Harry, with a bashful grin, muttered, `Sorry', only to get a playful push in the chest which was enough to send him onto his back; Hermione now the one up on her elbow as she leaned over Harry. She put her free hand on his chest, and looked down at him with a mock expression of outrage.

`Sorry? Sorry? You dare apologise for being utterly captivated by the sight of my bare breasts?'

Harry laughed and reached out, putting his arms around Hermione as he turned and rolled so that she was now lying beneath him.

`Then I'm sorry for apologising,' he said, chuckling. But his smile quickly vanished as he became excruciatingly aware of Hermione lying completely naked beneath him, those captivating bare breasts pushing enticingly into his chest. `You look so beautiful,' he whispered hoarsely, as he gazed down at her - at her glowing eyes and radiant face, framed by adorably dishevelled brown curls.

Hermione lifted her hands from Harry's shoulders to lovingly frame his face. `Thank you,' she whispered, `I am so completely amazed at how wonderful and natural it feels, being with you, like this; and do you know -' Hermione paused, her eyes sparkling with unexpected tears, `- I think I may love you too…'

Harry closed his eyes with a sharp intake of breath. I think I may love you too. Then he opened his eyes and looked at her once more. Hermione could see in his eyes what he wasn't able to find words for: just how much her words meant to him.

`Oh, Harry…' Hermione felt a surge of exquisite tenderness for Harry in that moment which any woman would understand; it was for many things, but most of all it was for his vulnerability. She exerted just enough pressure with her hands so that he dropped his head and their lips met once more. When their kiss ended, they couldn't help but smile at each other, Harry resting his forehead against Hermione's.



`I'm hungry.'

Harry's smile widened. `Not as hungry as me,' he said.

Hermione laughed, and so did Harry as he rolled over on to his back and sat up. He held out his hand and Hermione took it, the sheet dropping away as she pulled herself up into a sitting position.

`So, lunch?' said Hermione merrily.



He was staring at her breasts again.

`Even without my glasses they look perfect,' he murmured.

Hermione rolled her eyes, chuckling. `I'm glad you think so,' she said pertly, `now let's go and eat.' And she threw the sheet off and swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

Harry groaned and collapsed back onto his pillow.

Hermione turned to face him, her hands on her hips, trying to frown at him; the frown, however, lost out to another of her provocative smiles.

Harry groaned again. `You're torturing me!' he complained, his eyes roaming hungrily over her.

`You'll know what torture really is if you have to deal with a starving Hermione!' she replied with a grin.

Harry threw his arm over his eyes and said dramatically, `Then have mercy on me and get dressed!'

Hermione laughed as she bent over, picking up her jeans and top from the floor beside the bed and pulling them on. She took a few steps in the direction of the door, saying, `And I'd like to hear what Robards said to you in that meeting. Oh.'

Harry dropped his arm at that "oh". Hermione had stopped in front of her built-in wardrobe and was staring at one of the doors, which was slightly ajar. Then she looked over at Harry. `I sort of forgot about that,' she said softly, then shuddered. `It feels a bit creepy knowing someone - some stranger - was in here.'

Harry swung his legs over the side of the bed, bending down to pick up his jeans and putting his feet in them before standing up and pulling them on. He walked over to Hermione, wrapping his arms around her from behind. `I know,' he said gently as she dropped her head back to rest against his chest, `but I guarantee it won't happen again.'

Hermione nodded, then decided she wasn't going to dwell on unpleasant feelings, not at that moment.

`Thank you, Harry, I know it won't, not now,' she said, then turned in the circle of his arms and smiled up at him. `Lunch,' she said firmly.

`Yes, please,' said Harry fervently, taking a few steps back to the bed and picking his t-shirt up from the floor. He pulled it on as they made their way back to the kitchen, retrieving his glasses from the table with a silent accio. He noticed Crookshanks was sitting up in his basket gazing at him, and Harry's eyebrows shot up at receiving what he was certain was a speculative look from the shrewd cat. Hermione noticed this little exchanged from the kitchen and smiled to herself.

Shortly afterwards, seated at the table and having finished their chicken and noodle salads with fresh bread, Harry recounted what happened with Robards after she'd left.

`There was really only one thing he wanted to tell me, which is that it appears as though an undercover LEO has managed to infiltrate the Disciples. The LEO -'

`What?!' exclaimed Hermione, `Are you serious?'

Harry nodded. `Very. He'd been undercover for some months on another case and often came across Malfoy - or Rafferty, as he calls himself. It was not long after Malfoy's first trip to the cave that he began boasting about his "contacts". The LEO became curious enough about the "contacts" Malfoy kept mentioning that he began to stay close to Malfoy as often as he could. He ingratiated himself with Malfoy, his experience telling him he was onto something more important than his original case. Last Wednesday, he managed to make a report in person for the first time in over a month. He told Robards that a couple of weeks previously, he'd managed to get Malfoy a little drunk, pretending to drink as much himself. Malfoy was naturally boasting again about his "contacts", and with some expert goading and encouragement from the LEO, he told him about the Disciples and the cave. Malfoy said both he and the Disciples served a master that was greater than Voldemort and many things were being planned, although he wouldn't give any details. The LEO thinks it's possible that Malfoy didn't know the details, but didn't want that known.'

`Typical,' murmured Hermione.

Harry nodded. `We know only too well how good Malfoy is at boasting and lying. Anyway, the LEO practically begged Malfoy to let him come along the next time Malfoy went to the cave, and the ferret agreed. The LEO -'

`You don't know his name?' asked Hermione.

Harry shook his head. `Robards didn't say, and I didn't ask. So, a few days later, Malfoy took the LEO to the cave. He told Robards about the outer cave - he called it the Ante-Chamber - and that when they arrived, it was filled with kneeling Disciples, chanting. He and Malfoy knelt down in the back row and waited. He said it was a good half hour before the chanting stopped and the Disciples all rose to their feet. They then all left the Ante-Chamber, entering another cave off the Ante-Chamber. I told Robards there was no other cave when I was there with Dumbledore, so they must've created this one for themselves. The LEO said it was quite large and it's where the Disciples live. Malfoy told him he'd have to see someone he called the First-Disciple-To-Be. Turns out he wasn't there that day, but arrangements were made for another day. So, on his second trip to the cave, the LEO was taken before the First-Disciple-To-Be and along with Malfoy's vouching for him, he was convincing enough to be allowed to join as a Novice Disciple.'

`So who is the First-Disciple-To-Be?' asked Hermione breathlessly.

Harry gave her a rueful look. `We don't know. The LEO told Robards he always wears a Cloak of Concealment - at least amongst the Disciples.'

`Does Malfoy know?'

Harry shrugged. `The LEO told Robards he asked Malfoy if he knew, but Malfoy wouldn't answer; all the Disciples are afraid of him.'

`So, Malfoy is a Disciple?'

`Yes - but there are different classes of Disciple, apparently. Malfoy is one of their contacts with the outside world.'

`He runs errands and passes messages.'

Harry laughed. `A messenger boy! That's about Malfoy's level!'

Hermione laughed too, then they both grew serious once more and Hermione asked, `So, this LEO - was he able to give Robards any more information?'

Harry shook his head. `Unfortunately no, but he's under orders to maintain his cover and report whenever he can. Robards can't speak highly enough of him; he's really impressed that the LEO took the initiative to switch cases. Anyway, the LEO's managed to attach himself to Malfoy, who's a full Disciple, so he's usually with him and doesn't have to remain in the cave all the time. He'll report to Robards whenever he gets a chance, although Robards doesn't expect frequent reports - he doesn't want him to risk his cover; he's basically irreplaceable.'

`Well, it's good to know we have someone "on the inside", so to speak,' said Hermione. `But why did Robards want to see you alone to tell you? I mean, I can understand why he wouldn't tell me, but what about the others there this morning?'

`So far Robards has only told Cleaver and now me about this LEO.' Harry gave her a wry smile. `The less who know, the safer, he believes. He did say that since I'll probably be instrumental in ridding the world of the Dark One, I should know we have an ally in the enemy camp.' Harry gave her a wry smile. `I knew that defeating Voldemort would eventually come back to haunt me.'

Hermione acknowledged his attempt at humour with a gentle smile as she reached across and took Harry's hand in hers. `And you won't be alone in this fight, either,' she assured him.


After cleaning up from lunch, Hermione went around the flat and checked all the cupboards and drawers, Harry beside her.

`Nothing's missing that I can tell,' she said, closing the last kitchen drawer they'd looked in. `It's really strange - what on earth could they have been looking for?'

`We may never know,' said Harry.

Hermione sighed and looked over at Crookshanks who was busy grooming himself. `If only he could talk,' she said.

`He probably wouldn't be able to tell us a lot,' said Harry, putting his arm around Hermione's shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze. `I'm pretty certain anyone breaking in like that would be wearing a cloak with a hood or at least some kind of mask so that they wouldn't be recognised.'

Hermione sighed again. `You're probably right. I just wish I knew why.'

`Come on, let's cast the protective enchantments and then go for a walk down by the stream.'


That evening, Dean came to see them. He'd knocked on Hermione's door first, but when no one answered, he crossed to Harry's flat. After Harry let him in, he saw they'd been watching a movie which Hermione paused with the remote as he entered. Hedwig remembered him and hooted softly in greeting from her perch, Dean smiling as he greeted her quietly.

`Great set-up you've got,' said Dean admiringly after they'd all said hello; it was his first time in Harry and Ron's flat.

`Thanks,' said Harry. `What would you like to drink?'

`Just some water, thanks,' Dean said. `I only came up to fill you in on what happened with Ginny today.'

Dean joined Hermione on the sofa while Harry got his water.

`How is Ginny?' asked Hermione.

`She's better. She did get an owl from Robards this afternoon asking if she'd go in and see him on Monday. At least she didn't have to get cross-examined again today. We were a bit surprised, since we thought they'd be after Malfoy and would want to ask her about him. I mean, not that she really knows anything I guess, but…' Dean shrugged, then thanked Harry as he handed him a glass of cold water before sitting down next to Hermione.

Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance which Dean couldn't help but notice. `What is it?' he asked.

`I'm afraid I can't say, I'm sorry,' said Harry, `but I wouldn't worry about Malfoy anymore - and tell Ginny not to, either.' Harry wished he was free to explain to Dean that the Department knew all about Malfoy and were "using" him and that was why they weren't "after" him, but he knew he couldn't risk it.

Dean looked a little puzzled, but shrugged philosophically. `I'm going to the Burrow again tomorrow, so I'll let her know. By the way, I'll meet you at the Ministry on Monday morning; I'm going to pick up Ginny and we'll be going in together. Robards wants to see her at nine.'

`We'll probably be there about seven-thirty or eight,' said Hermione. `Why don't you both come in then? I don't think there's any reason why Ginny can't see the book as well. What do you think?' she finished, looking at Harry.

Harry shrugged. `I don't see why not. As long as you don't mind,' he said to Dean.

`Nope, not at all,' Dean replied. `I'll check with Ginny tomorrow. If, erm, she'd rather not, I'll just see her home after she's spoken to Robards and join you then.'

An awkward silence followed. They all knew that the only reason Ginny might not come to Hermione's department was because Harry would be there.

Dean decided on the spur of the moment to say something. He'd sensed something different about Harry and Hermione from the time he'd arrived, although he couldn't put his finger on just what that difference was.

`Look,' he said, taking a deep breath and looking straight at Harry, `I know things are a bit awkward at the moment because - well, because of your break-up with Ginny, but I'm sure that it'll be all right, eventually.'

`Yeah,' said Harry, `and I'm pretty grateful you're looking out for her.'

Dean shrugged, embarrassed. `Well, I guess it's no secret I've always liked her.'

`I think things will turn out for the best in the long run,' said Hermione. She and Harry exchanged another glance, Hermione giving an almost imperceptible nod, after which Harry put his arm around Hermione's shoulders as he said to Dean, `I think you should know that -'

`That you two are together?' interrupted Dean, realising as he spoke that the difference he'd noticed was a new closeness and intimacy between them, which was now very apparent.

Harry and Hermione both stared at him, surprised.

`Ginny told me - well, everything, I guess,' he said. `Although she wasn't sure that Hermione - well, she knew about your feelings for Hermione,' he said, looking at Harry, `but…' his voice trailed off and he looked down, embarrassed again, watching the remaining water swirling in the bottom of his glass as he span it around. Unbidden, the image of Harry and Hermione kissing sprang into his mind, making him feel even more uncomfortable; seeing that kiss, however accidental, was something he knew he wouldn't divulge any time soon.

`You're right, Dean,' said Hermione, `things will be all right, eventually. But I suppose it is rather awkward right now. If there's anything we can do to make things easier -'

Dean shook his head. `I think it will just take time,' he said quietly. He'd thought he was prepared for the confirmation that Harry and Hermione were a couple - but the heavy lump that had taken up residence in his stomach seem to belie that. Probably because I'll have to be the one to tell Ginny that it's official, he thought to himself. Harry and Hermione. He knew part of it was that underneath he was pleased - because it meant Ginny was free; but he felt a little guilty for feeling like that when it was something that would upset Ginny.

He swallowed the last of his water and stood up. `I'd better be going,' he told them. Harry and Hermione also stood up and they all walked over to the door.

`I'll, uh, let you know tomorrow about Monday, if that's okay, after I get back from the Burrow.'

Harry and Hermione nodded in unison. `That's fine,' said Harry.

`And give Ginny -' Hermione hesitated.

`Our best,' said Harry, and Hermione nodded, grateful for his intervention.

With a rueful grin, Dean nodded and waved as he headed for the stairs. `See you tomorrow!'

As they returned to the sofa, Hermione picked up the remote and said, `I don't really feel like watching any more,' and Harry agreed. After turning everything off, Hermione looked at Harry. `I felt strange, telling Dean. I mean - actually, I don't know what I mean.'

`I know what you mean,' said Harry with a smile as he put one arm around her shoulders and the other across her waist and pulled her closer.

`Then maybe you could tell me,' said Hermione with a soft laugh, draping her arms around Harry's neck.

Harry punctuated his reply with quick kisses on Hermione's forehead, cheeks, chin and nose.

`What - you mean - is - that - you feel strange - knowing everyone - will soon know - that we're shagging.'

Hermione gasped, shocked, but laughed nonetheless. `Harry!' she exclaimed, pushing him away and trying desperately to glare at him.

Harry grinned audaciously, then kissed her properly, before murmuring, `What?' against her lips.

Hermione sighed happily. `I think you're right. More, please.'

`Of course I'm right,' quipped Harry. `More what?'

`So now you don't know what I mean?'

`I hope you mean more of me.'

`Right again.'

`I'm always right. And since you said "please", you can have more than "more", you can have all of me.'

Hermione's retort was smothered by another kiss, and another, until she wasn't thinking of anything at all except Harry and how he was making her feel…


Hermione woke the next morning and for the first few seconds she forgot she was in Harry's flat. In Harry's bed. Naked. She was lying on her back and automatically looked left to see out the window, but instead she saw Harry, also lying on his back, still sound asleep, one arm bent with his hand behind his head, the other arm resting on his stomach. Pushing herself up onto her elbow, she gazed down at him, her lips curved in a loving smile as she gently ran her fingers through the untidy black locks scattered over his forehead. Her heart seemed to swell inside her as she watched him sleep, the first soft light of dawn filtering into the room and filling it with a warm glow. She felt suffused by that gentle light and in that sweet, peaceful moment, she knew. She loved him. Then the warm glow began to recede, slowly replaced by a growing desire which in turn became an aching need. With a smile that was almost smug, she leant down and kissed him, her fingers running over his cheek, enjoying the morning roughness. Harry stirred, but before he was fully awake, Hermione pushed herself up, throwing the duvet off as she turned, stretching her leg out and sitting astride him.

Harry's eyes flew open, but the second he saw Hermione he smiled.

`Morning,' said Hermione with a mischievous grin.

`Morning,' replied Harry, his voice still gruff with sleep, thinking he'd be the happiest man alive if he could wake up to the intoxicating sight of a naked Hermione every morning.

`I've got something to tell you,' said Hermione, while trailing her fingers teasingly over Harry's chest and stomach.

`What's that?' asked Harry as he placed his hands on Hermione's waist, his eyes fixed on her breasts, their taut pink tips mesmerising him.

`You have to look at me,' said Hermione, smiling indulgently at him.

Harry raised his eyes to hers, watched as her expression became serious, saw her eyes begin to glow with emotion.

`What is it?' he whispered, his heart beginning to race.

`I love you.'

Harry's eyes slowly widened. `You do?'

Hermione smiled again as she nodded.

`Say it again,' he asked her, his green gaze fixed on her.

Hermione leant down, her hands now on Harry's shoulders; he was intensely aware of the feel of her breasts brushing his chest.

`I love you, Harry,' she said softly before kissing him.

And just as Hermione had known that she loved him, so then Harry knew in that moment that his world was now complete, and always would be as long as Hermione was in it…


Author's Note

Perhaps not quite as "descriptively fluffy" as I've been known to write, for which there is a reason and I promise I'll get there, all in good time!

The next chapter is nearly ready and will be a nice, long, juicy one. I should be able to upload it next week, so look forward to seeing you then! Cheers dears, Janie xoxo
