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Sorcerers' Nook by JanieB

Sorcerers' Nook


Authors Note

Hmm…can't think of anything totally fascinating or devastatingly witty to share this sunny (if cold!) Monday morning everyone so I'll just say: happy reading! Janie xoxo


By JanieB


In which Harry talks to Ron (after breakfast, of course), Ginny goes to Diagon Alley and then there's lots of walking - Hermione goes for a walk, Harry goes for a walk and Ginny goes for a walk…and then they all walk home again…

After asking at the reception desk which room Ron was in, the small, neat, middle-aged desk-witch (whose only sign of recognition of her famous inquirer was a slight widening of her brown eyes behind her spectacles), briskly informed him that Mr Weasley and his colleagues had not long entered the dining room, presumably to have breakfast. Harry thanked her, but groaned inwardly when he realised that of course Seamus and Colin would be with Ron. He stood for a moment, wondering whether he should go in or wait until Ron finished eating, when his stomach decided for him by rumbling and reminding him that hangover or not, it wanted breakfast if he didn't mind.

`Harry!' cried Seamus when he spotted Harry enter the dining room. Harry looked around and spotted Ron, Seamus, Colin and - Luna? What's Luna still doing here? Harry wondered. He could see Ron was saying something to Seamus and smiled. Ron knew better than to yell out to Harry in a public place because even his first name made people do precisely what every occupant of the dining room did when they'd heard Seamus: their heads turned this way and that until they found "Harry" just in case it was that Harry, the Harry…Harry Potter. And when realisation dawned on them all that it actually was the Harry, a collective but polite gasp could be heard, followed by a second's silence, and that was followed almost immediately by a surging hum of low, urgent whispers. There he is! Oh my, it really is him! Look, it's Harry Potter! Harry Potter!

Harry was all too familiar with the whole process and simply kept his eyes on his friends, not making eye contact with any of the other diners. As he sat down at the table next to Ron, a young waitress began making her way across the room. Harry turned and stared for a few moments at Luna.

`It's rude to stare, Harry,' said Luna with a smile, `as you should know.'

`Sorry, I just didn't expect to see you and I was surprised,' said Harry apologetically, feeling a momentary kinship with the staring occupants of the dining room.

`She turned up the night I came to Dean's birthday do and she's been with us ever since - I think we're stuck with her for the duration now!' said Seamus good-naturedly; he liked Luna and enjoyed her quirky sense of humour even when much of it was unintended.

`Harry! It's good to see you again!' said Colin enthusiastically.

`No photos, though, Colin, right?' said Harry, giving the camera hanging around Colin's neck a wary eye. He must sleep with that thing, I'm sure! Harry thought to himself.

Harry was sure he caught a flash of disappointment in Colin's eyes, but the young photographer happily agreed not to take any photos of the man who still remained his hero.

The young waitress, who had a very long, thick braid of chestnut brown hair thrown over one shoulder and hanging almost to her waist, arrived at the table, her blue eyes wide and fixed on Harry. `Good morning, sir,' she said in a very breathless voice, `I'm Sian, your waitress this morning. What would you like for breakfast?'

Ron caught Seamus' and Colin's eyes and tipped his head towards Harry, mouthing `Watch this!' at them.

The three of them looked on as Harry smiled up at the young girl, politely ignoring her furious blushing.

`Morning, Sian. First I'd like a glass of Salveo Valens potion and -'

`Feeling a bit under the weather, Harry?' asked Seamus, chuckling.

`So he should,' said Ron, grinning at Harry. `He smelt like a vat of stale Ogden's when he arrived at four a.m. this morning and on his broom, no less - all the way from the Nook!'

Seamus whistled in surprise but there was admiration in his eyes. `Well done, Harry!'

`Harry, it's very dangerous to fly when you've been drinking,' said Luna, frowning at him, while Colin looked as though he was working very hard at not taking some snaps of Harry across the table - his fingers kept twitching, reaching automatically for his camera so that he had to keep pulling them away..

Harry held his hand up. `All right you lot, we can discuss all this after I've had my potion and my breakfast. By the way, what have you all ordered?' he asked.

`Full breakfast,' said Ron, who then spoke to the waitress, `Can we have all our meals brought out together?'

`Certainly, sir,' she answered without taking her eyes off Harry.

Harry looked up at her once more as he said, `I'll have the full breakfast too, thanks. And tea, please.'

`Oh, my pleasure Mr Potter,' she said, unable to stop smiling, quickly adding, `sir!'

`Just "Harry" is fine, thanks,' said Harry, ever uncomfortable with the formality of "Mr Potter".

`Certainly, sir - er - Harry -'

`Poor girl looks as though she's gonna turn into a puddle on the spot,' Seamus whispered in an aside to the others.

Unable to say any more, the waitress nodded and turned, almost running as she left to fill the order. She was back in less than two minutes with the potion Harry had ordered in a tall, crystal tumbler.

`There you are, sir…Harry.'

Harry thanked her and she once again almost ran as she left, blushing furiously but with her eyes sparkling; she was the envy of the other two waitresses working that morning, both of whom were begging Sian for a chance to take something, anything, to Harry's table..

`Does that always happen when you're in restaurants and such?' asked Luna curiously.

`Unfortunately, most of the time,' sighed Harry and while it all left him in no doubt as to the fact that he was a continuing source of fascination to the wizarding world, he could never truly understand it; he really did think of himself as just an ordinary person.

`Well, you are special,' said Luna almost off-handedly.

`Oi!' said Ron, putting on a hurt look.

Luna smiled at him and patted his cheek. `But not as special as you, Ronald,' she assured him.

Harry laughed at the satisfied look on Ron's face and realised he felt happy for his best friend, while at the same time he was envious of him because he was with the woman he wanted and who wanted him.

The potion Harry drank worked almost immediately and he was more than ready for his breakfast when all their meals arrived. After they'd finished, Seamus and Colin left, as they wanted to attend the Harpies' morning training session to arrange their schedule with the team for the week. Ron had told Luna that Harry needed to talk to him and she'd said that since she wanted to visit her father, she would Floo home for the day and be back in time for dinner.

After Seamus and Colin left, Harry, Ron and Luna returned to Ron's room which was quite a bit bigger than Harry's. `Not much available on such short notice at four in the morning,' said Ron wryly when Harry commented on this fact.

Shortly afterwards, Ron went downstairs to the public fireplace in the hotel's reception area to see Luna off. When he returned to his room, it was to find Harry sitting on one of the two chairs at the tiny table on the small balcony with a bottle of Gillywater. Grabbing a bottle of the same for himself from the sideboard, Ron joined Harry and told him how word about his presence in the hotel must have spread like wildfire, because there was a crowd at the front desk wanting to know about Harry and whether they could see him, or at least leave a message. The poor, harassed desk-witch no longer looked so neat, and her spectacles were sitting crookedly on her nose as she tried to deal with this unexpected chaos.

Harry groaned as he shook his head. `I wasn't thinking clearly when I came here - I'll have to make sure I go and see her and apologise.'

`Harry, mate, you weren't thinking period!' Ron told him with a lopsided grin. `I mean, you did a good job of proving how much of a git you can be by flying here. But it's not your fault people go a bit potty over you!'

Harry stared at Ron who was grinning hugely. `Potty?' groaned Harry, `That's the lousiest pun ever!'

Ron chuckled. `Sorry, mate! You know, at least at home everyone's gotten used to you - well, except maybe for Esmerelda. But I think we should stay right here in my room for now, I reckon you'll cause a bloody riot if you appear down there at the moment.'

`I suppose you're right,' conceded Harry, running his fingers through his hair in dismay.

`So, to what do I owe this chaos-causing visit?' asked Ron, his voice light, yet serious.

Harry hesitated. `I'm not sure I want to talk about it now,' he said quietly.

Ron straightened in his chair. `Harry, you were babbling last night about disasters, catastrophes and not loving Ginny and your life being in ruins. You're talking whether you want to or not - or else.' His tone brooked no argument.

Harry put his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands, groaning softly. So I did say something last night, damn it!

`Come, on,' said Ron firmly, `out with it.'

`Ron, it's really hard. This is your little sister I'm talking about - and I feel as protective of her as if she was also my little sister.'


`Ron, I realised last night that I don't love her - Ginny - I mean I do, but not in the way I'm supposed to - I mean, it's not that I'm not supposed to love her the way I do, which is -'

`Harry, stop! You're giving me a headache already - try going for a simple explanation, please mate.'

Harry sat up, took a deep breath and turned to Ron. Just say it! he told himself forcefully.

`Ron, I've fallen out of love with your sister. I love her as a sister, as a friend - but that's it. I haven't told her yet and the last thing I want to do in the world is hurt her, because I love her, if that makes any sense. I don't know what to do. And that is why I woke you up at four a.m. this morning. That and because I was totally pissed. For which I apologise, by the way, now that I'm sober,' finished Harry, not a little sheepishly.

Ron sat perfectly still, staring at Harry who had no idea what was going on inside the mind of his best friend. His best friend who was the brother of the woman he used to love.

Ron, for his part, was trying to absorb what Harry had told him. It was only because he'd been through a similar experience recently himself that he had any understanding at all of what Harry was feeling.

When he spoke, his voice was low and even, as though he was carefully considering each word. `Harry, it's only because I discovered not too long ago that I'd fallen out of love with Hermione that I know what you're talking about. And I know you don't want to hurt Ginny because you still love her in the way I still love Hermione. But you need to tell her, for her sake and for yours. I know that if Hermione and I had had our talk sooner, things would've been better and easier for both of us.'

`Except that in your case,' said Harry heavily, `you both fell out of love with each other. Ginny still loves me, as far as I know.'

Ron nodded thoughtfully. `Oh, yeah. That does complicate things somewhat.'

Harry dropped his head into his hands again and groaned. `I think I'd rather face Voldemort again than tell Ginny I want to break up,' said Harry in a pained voice.

`Do you want me to talk to her first?' asked Ron, anguish in his eyes. `I mean, I'm sorta torn here - this is my little sister we're talking about and yet you're my best mate! Argh!'

Harry shook his head. `You don't have to do that, honestly. This is something I owe Ginny - I should be the one to tell her. And I don't expect you to do it for me - much as, well, you know…'

Ron looked relieved. `As much as you wish you didn't have to, right? I'm so very glad, mate, but I did have to offer…'

Harry gave him a half-smile. `Yeah, I know what you mean. But what am I going to do to make sure she's all right after I tell her?'

Ron shrugged. `Easy! Just get Hermione in on it - she's Ginny's best friend, she'll help you.'

For a split second Harry thought he was going to break out into hysterical laughter. Hermione? Tell the woman I love I no longer love her best friend so she can comfort her? Oh, dear Hades, the irony!

`Actually, I think you have something there,' Harry managed to say. He did feel as though some of the weight had been lifted from his shoulders now that he'd talked to Ron. He was also glad he'd been the one to tell his best mate; now he just had to return home and face Ginny.

`Speak to Hermione first,' Ron advised. `Make sure she's around when you tell Ginny. And I guess I'm going to have to tell Mum and Dad, too.'

Harry began to feel miserable. He'd been right last night if, as Ron said, he'd called this situation a disaster, because he was sure Mr and Mrs Weasley would be upset and perhaps even a little angry at him for hurting their only daughter. Harry began to wonder if he was doing the right thing and said as much to Ron.

`Harry, one thing I do know is that no one can live that kind of lie. It might be hard and people will be hurt and maybe even angry, but it will pass - life goes on. Ginny will eventually find someone else and so will you. I'm lucky Luna was so determined - I mean, that I have Luna and I'm sure it won't be long before Hermione meets someone, too.'

Harry stared at Ron. `What?' asked Ron, when Harry remained silently staring at him.

Harry shook his head in astonished admiration. `That's very understanding of you. Didn't know you had it in you.'

`Hey, I'm not a fifteen year old school boy any more, you know. And I learnt a lot from Hermione.'

Harry nodded in acknowledgement as he stood up, Ron following suit.

`You going?' asked Ron.

Harry nodded. `You're right, I can't live a lie and I need to do this today, before I lose my nerve.'

Ron grinned, clapping Harry on the shoulder. `Harry! You lose your nerve? No way!'

Harry gave Ron a rueful grin. `This feels more nerve wracking than anything I had to do in the war, believe me.'

As the two friends walked inside, Harry asked, `Do you think by now those people downstairs will be gone? I want to Floo home rather than fly - it's much quicker.'

`Maybe,' replied Ron. `There's one way to find out.'

They made their way across the hall to pick up Harry's broom from his room before heading down the stairs. When they reached the ground floor, they could see a young couple at the reception desk but the crowd Ron had encountered earlier had cleared. Taking out his wand, Harry conjured a bouquet of flowers, then he and Ron made their way to the desk.

The desk-witch looked happier now that things were once more under control, and after wishing the couple at the desk a safe journey as they headed for the fireplace, she turned to Harry and Ron, smiling.

`Good afternoon,' said Harry politely, having glanced at the clock on the wall which read a few minutes after midday.

The desk-witch's smile faltered and her eyes widened. `Oh, Mr Potter, how can I help you?'

Harry held out the bouquet of flowers. `These are for you. I'm sorry about that commotion earlier. Ron - Mr Weasley - told me about it. I'm sorry you were put to so much bother.'

`Oh, no bother, Mr Potter, honestly!' said the now blushing desk-witch as she took the flowers. `But thank you, how lovely!'

`My pleasure,' said Harry, smiling as he said, `I'm leaving now and I'd just like to pay for my room and buy some Floo Powder, please; I left mine at home.'

`And he won't take any of mine,' said Ron, giving Harry an exasperated look.

With his receipt in his pocket and a small vial of Floo Powder in hand, Harry and Ron turned to head for the fireplace when the desk-witch exclaimed, `Wait! Mr Potter - your messages!' She picked up a thick roll of various parchments tied with a silver ribbon from behind the desk and held them out to Harry, who thanked her.

Harry and Ron shook hands as they stood in front of the large fireplace.

`Thanks for everything,' Harry told him. `I'm really sorry about the early morning wake up call.'

`Any time, mate,' Ron said. `I know I could do the same to you if I needed to!'

`Absolutely,' Harry assured him, laughing. Then, broom and messages in hand, Harry tossed a pinch of Floo Powder into the flames, quickly stepping in when they turned green, his voice firm and clear as he said, `Sorcerers' Nook!' and disappeared.


`Hedwig's back!'

Hermione heard Ginny calling out from Harry's flat - both front doors having been left open. Hermione quickly jumped to her feet and ran across the hall. Ginny was standing next to Hedwig's perch, unrolling the note she'd just removed from her leg. Hermione came up beside Ginny and read over her shoulder.

Dear Hermione and Ginny, I'm with Ron in Holyhead, Wales. I'm sorry I left no note - it was a last minute decision. I'm perfectly all right but I'm not sure when I'll be home - I'll let you know. Please forgive me - I forgot about Diagon Alley. Love, Harry.

The two women looked at each other in mutual amazement, Hermione speaking first, `He flew to Holyhead in the middle of the night, drunk? What was he thinking?'

Ginny shrugged as she shook her head in disbelief. `I can't wait to find out! I hope he comes home today.'

`I'm sure he will,' said Hermione reassuringly. `He was missing Ron, I think. And now that everything's okay and Harry's all right, I'm going to make myself a picnic lunch and my book and I are going for a walk along the stream. You'll be all right, won't you?'

`Of course,' Ginny assured her, `now that I know Harry's all right. And since Mum's meeting me there, I might just as well go on to Diagon Alley anyway; I really do need to buy a few things.'

Shortly afterwards, Ginny was about to head downstairs to Floo to the Leaky Cauldron while Hermione was making her lunch.

`I'm guessing I'll be home for dinner,' Ginny told her from the doorway, `since Harry may not be back. Will you be here tonight?'

Hermione nodded. `Why don't we see if Neville and Dean want to come over for dinner? And maybe we could do something with them?'

`Sounds great,' said Ginny. `I'll see you about five, then.'

Hermione waved as her friend left, humming to herself as she wrapped the sandwiches she'd made. Looking over at Crookshanks, lying idly in his basket, Hermione chuckled. `Don't suppose you want to come for a walk with me?' she asked, laughing when she received the expected look of total disinterest.

Hermione packed her sandwiches, some fruit, a couple of bottles of Gillywater along with a blanket and her book in a rucksack, humming happily as she did so. Then she changed her jeans for some dark blue shorts which went well with her white shirt, as well as some socks and her trainers. Finally, she pulled her hair back into a loose ponytail before pulling on the rucksack; before leaving, she went over to Crookshanks' basket, bending down to give him an affectionate scratch behind the ear. She stopped on the next floor down to slip the notes she'd written under both Dean and Neville's doors, inviting them to dinner that night.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Hermione heard the familiar rustle of robes and the tapping of Esmerelda's shoes as she emerged from her office, spotting Hermione almost immediately.

`Hermione, my dear, you look lovely! Going on one of your walks, then?'

Hermione nodded, then thinking of Harry, she added, `And Ginny's gone to Diagon Alley to do some shopping. I'll be home about three and Ginny'll be home about five or so. Would you let Harry know if you see him?'

`Of course, I will. You have a lovely time, dear,' said Esmerelda merrily and Hermione couldn't help but grin at just how much Esmerelda would let Harry know if she saw him.

Waving as she said, `Thank you, I will!' Hermione pulled open the front door and went out. It was a perfect summer's day and she decided she hadn't felt this happy for a long time, as she passed under the archway through the hedge and walked down to the banks of the stream, veering left and heading upstream.


An hour or so later, Harry stepped out of the fireplace at the Nook and immediately spotted Esmerelda giving Frewin some Doogle's Deluxe Owl Treats.

`Harry! Good afternoon!' she cried, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her favourite tenant.

Groaning inwardly, Harry managed a smile. `Afternoon, Esmerelda, how are you today?'

While rubbing her hands together to brush off crumbs, Esmerelda said, `Very well, very well, and you?'

`Not too bad, although I'm rather tired. I've just come from Holyhead in Wales - I went to visit Ron.'

`How is he going?' Esmerelda felt about her tenants rather like a mother hen did about her chicks. `And that lovely Seamus, he was there too?' She'd met Seamus a number of times when he'd come to visit.

Harry nodded. `They're both fine - it's more like a long holiday than work, I think.' Harry desperately wanted to get up to his flat and fall into bed for a couple of hours but as he tried unsuccessfully to stifle a huge yawn, Esmerelda repeated what Hermione had told her.

Realising this was the perfect opportunity to talk to Hermione before he saw Ginny, Harry regretfully put aside his vision of some much needed sleep.

`Thanks for that, Esmerelda,' Harry said quickly before she could launch into some story of hers. `I actually need to talk to Hermione so I'd better hurry. I'll see you later!' Harry gave Esmerelda a big smile as he turned and almost ran up the stairs, congratulating himself on escaping so easily for a change. He dropped the roll of messages on the table then he returned his broom to its special cupboard in his bedroom. As he headed back downstairs, he hoped fervently that Esmerelda wouldn't be about, and felt relief wash over him when he reached the front door without seeing her.

Once down at the stream, Harry hesitated, wondering which direction Hermione had taken that morning. He studied the soft, moist ground for a minute and was sure he could see some impressions left by a light footfall. Must be Hermione, he told himself as he headed off to his left.

As he walked along, occasionally having to duck under the trailing branches and leaves of the weeping willows along the banks, Harry could feel the nervous tension growing in his stomach with each step. This was the first time he was actually going to see and speak to Hermione since he'd come to know he loved her, and he was deathly afraid that somehow he'd give himself away. His anxiety about keeping his true feelings from her conversely made him feel exposed and transparent; he was scared she'd see right through him and that his love for her would be completely obvious.

After walking for about twenty minutes or so, he was stopped in his tracks by the sound of light, happy laughter not too far ahead. He proceeded at a slow pace, not wanting to frighten Hermione by barging out of nowhere, since she didn't know he was coming.

He reached another of the old willow trees and sensed he was very close now to Hermione. He stopped at the trunk, keeping mostly behind it with one hand resting on the gnarled old tree. As he gazed at the sight before him, he felt sure his heart was stilled for one breathless moment before it began beating so rapidly he thought it would leap out of his chest.

Hermione had spread her blue, grey and white chequered blanket on the stream's edge just in front of another of the old weeping willows. She was lying on her stomach, resting on her elbows with her chin cradled in her hands; her book was open, propped up against her rucksack although she wasn't reading it at the moment. The stream narrowed here and was only about eight foot wide, and as he followed her gaze, he spotted the reason for Hermione's laughter - a little water vole was clearly visible on the opposite bank, sitting on its haunches as it nibbled delicately at some of the waterside grasses.

`Hello, Ratty,' he heard Hermione say softly. `Where's Mole and Toad? And Badger? Are they all up at Toad Hall?'

The child-like delight and joy in her voice made Harry's heart swell and as his gaze returned to Hermione he couldn't prevent his eyes from sweeping along the enticing curves starting from her shoulders all the way along her slender form to her bare feet. Harry shifted uncomfortably and cursed his newfound susceptibility to Hermione's physical charms. He felt hesitant about interrupting her peace and solitude, but thought this would probably be his only chance to speak to her alone before Ginny returned home.

He quietly retraced his steps for about three yards, then turned and walked back in Hermione's direction, trying to walk as noisily as possible and calling out her name.

As he neared the spot he'd just left, he heard Hermione call out, `Harry? Is that you?'

He ducked under the low branch of the willow and smiled broadly at Hermione as she pushed herself up to a sitting position, her knees to one side. `Harry! You're back! How are you?'

`Hope I'm not interrupting,' he said as he reached the blanket and stood looking down at her, his hands pushed into his pockets.

Hermione patted the blanket. `Of course you're not! Sit down - I'm dying to hear what happened and why you went flying off last night.'

Harry groaned at the memory of his reckless flight before sitting down, then laying back, propped up on one elbow. `It's not a good story, actually,' he said, his voice low.

Hermione was immediately concerned. `You are all right, aren't you?' she asked anxiously

Harry nodded. `Mostly. I have no idea how the hell I made it to Holyhead without falling off my broom, though, considering the state I was in. Just sheer luck, I suppose.'

Hermione shook her head. `Harry, what were you thinking, flying when you were drunk? It was madness!'

Harry looked down at the rug, picking at a loose thread with his free hand. `I know, I know! Trust me, I don't have to be told.'

Hermione sighed. `So, what made you get drunk in the first place? It's not like you!'

Harry continued playing with the thread as he said in a low voice. `I'm afraid I'm in rather an awkward position as of yesterday, Hermione, and I need your help.'

`Of course, what is it?'

Harry lifted his eyes to meet Hermione's; she was taken aback by the sorrow in his green gaze and moved, closing the short distance between them. She put her hand over his, which was continuing to unconsciously twiddle with the thread. Harry froze at the contact, his eyes dropping to their hands, unable to think with Hermione sitting so closely beside him. His eyes were riveted on her hand as it rested on his - the smooth, soft skin and neatly manicured nails. Also in range of his vision were the tops of her legs below her navy shorts and her bent knees; yet more enticingly smooth skin crying out to be caressed. Harry knew it would be impossible for him to talk to Hermione whilst sitting the way they were, so he gave her a quick, grateful smile as he pushed himself up to a sitting position then stood up, running his hands through his hair. Filled with apprehension and concern, Hermione stood also, her eyes fixed on Harry. She was getting a distinct feeling of déjà vu - Harry's manner reminded her strongly of how he'd been the night at the fair.

Harry pushed his hands into his pockets and turned to gaze across the stream; the little water vole had gone, no doubt frightened away by his intrusion. He cleared his throat, wishing it was all over. Come on, Potter, he admonished himself, get on with it for crying out loud!

`Hermione, I'll need your help - well, actually, it's Ginny that's going to need your help.' He took a deep breath and since he could think of no other way of saying it, he simply said, `I realised last night that I'm no longer in love with Ginny. I need to tell her, it's the right thing to do. But I do love her as I've always done - as a friend, almost like a sister - so I don't want to hurt her, although I'm sure telling her this will.'

Hermione's mouth had dropped open as she listened to Harry. When he'd finished, she continued to stare at him, dazed.

Harry glanced up at her and winced at the sight of Hermione's shocked and horrified countenance.

`Harry,' she whispered. `What are you saying? How - why - when did this all happen?'

Harry went back to gazing across the stream; Hermione's nearness was disturbing enough without having to see the look in her eyes.

`Now that I know, I can look back and see it's been a gradual process, but one I just wasn't aware of while it was taking place. That is, until yesterday.'

`Why yesterday? What happened?'

Harry couldn't think of an answer that would make sense - except the truth, and he certainly wasn't about to tell Hermione that.

`It doesn't really matter, honestly - it just did. The main thing now is that I have to tell Ginny. I spoke to Ron this morning about it. He helped, actually. When I wasn't sure if I could go through with telling Ginny because it would mean hurting her, he told me it was the right thing to do. He said we'll move on and be much happier than if we were living a lie.'

`He's right. And so are you, Harry - this is going to hurt Ginny, all right. You want me to be there for her, don't you?'

Harry nodded, still unable to meet her gaze. `I don't want her to be alone.'

`When are you going to tell her?'

`Tonight. I can't leave it.' Or I may just lose my nerve, he thought grimly. The way he felt was definitely worsening as the afternoon wore on and he was now dreading the confrontation with Ginny.

Hermione studied him and her heart went out to him. She knew he must be feeling something similar to what she'd felt before she'd spoken to Ron and she sympathised with him, even while her heart was breaking for Ginny. Glancing at her watch, she made a swift decision since there was nothing else either of them could do right at that moment about Harry's predicament. Taking one of Harry's hands, Hermione tugged on it, causing Harry to jerk around at her touch, his eyes wide as he looked at her.

`Harry, it's all right. It's hours before Ginny's due back. Let's just sit down, maybe have something to eat a little later - I made some sandwiches - and just rest. We can talk - or not. It doesn't matter. How does that sound?'

Harry, feeling electrified by Hermione's touch, nodded, not daring to speak. He was grateful that at least Hermione would attribute any unusual behaviour on his part to his distress and nerves.

They moved the blanket back so that it was right next to the trunk of the old willow, giving them something to lean on. Neither of them felt hungry at that moment, but they did drink some of the Gillywater Hermione had packed. Harry couldn't help but yawn and Hermione insisted he use her lap for a pillow. `I'll just be reading,' she said briskly, `you catch up on some sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to go.'

Harry decided he couldn't refuse without making a fuss, so he happily resigned himself to the luxury of having his head cradled in Hermione's lap. As he closed his eyes, he found it easy to imagine that everything was right with the world and that he and Hermione were here together - that he was free to show his love for her and that she loved him in return. He didn't think he could possibly sleep as he lay there, smiling to himself. He heard Hermione occasionally turn a page of the book she was reading and without even realising it, he slipped into a deep, dreamless sleep.


While Harry slept and Hermione read, Ginny was in Diagon Alley picking up various supplies. She had things on her list like Floo Powder, Mrs Scower's Magical Mess Remover and Sleekeazy's Hair Potion for Hermione as well as a number of other potions and solutions they were low on. As arranged, she met her mother for lunch at the Leaky Cauldron, and while Ginny had planned on shopping for some new robes for work afterwards, Molly said she wanted to get home early as Bill and Fleur and Charlie and Cordelia were coming for dinner, Ginny then decided she'd wait to buy her robes and so she ended up returning home earlier than planned.

Esmerelda poked her head around her office door when she heard Ginny's footsteps on the stairs.

`Afternoon, Ginevra!' she called out, Ginny pausing on the stairs in response. `I thought it might be you, dear. Hermione asked me to let you know that Harry's home. He arrived just over an hour or so ago and he's joined Hermione on her walk, in case you're looking for him. Hermione did say she'd be back around three.'

`Thanks, Esmerelda!' Ginny called as she continued up the stairs. She glanced at her watch and saw it was half past two. Leaving all her packages on the kitchen bench, Ginny changed her shoes for her trainers, having decided she'd also go for a walk and meet up with Harry and Hermione.


Harry murmured contentedly in his sleep and Hermione glanced down from her book. She smiled to herself at the almost boyish innocence that Harry's sleeping countenance held and felt a soft tenderness for her long-time friend. As she went back to reading, her free hand absent-mindedly began playing with Harry's hair. Even in his sleep, Harry appeared to be aware of Hermione's touch and a dreamy smile lifted the corners of his mouth.

And so Ginny came upon them, having seen Harry's larger, heavier footsteps in the soft, damp earth of the stream's banks and following in the same direction. She paused in the same spot Harry had when he first saw Hermione in the dappled sunlight. At first she wasn't disturbed at what she saw, but something made her hold back from announcing her presence and she watched for an endless minute as Hermione read, slowly and tenderly playing with strands of Harry's hair, although it seemed she was so engrossed in her book she was doing it entirely unconsciously. She could tell Harry was asleep from his deep, even, breathing and yet still he smiled at Hermione's touch. They presented a tender, peaceful and loving tableau beside the old tree and Ginny felt her throat constrict with some unnamed emotion. Like everyone that was close to them, Ginny was aware of the very special bond between Harry, Ron and Hermione and as she'd grown up with it, it had never bothered her. At this moment, however, it struck her that there might be something more than their usual special bond present this day, although she wasn't sure just what. Then she chided herself for being so imaginative and creating situations that didn't exist, giving herself a mental shake as she stepped forward.

It was lucky Harry was asleep when Ginny appeared and called out a greeting, because he wouldn't have been able to prevent his guilt at being caught with Hermione like this from showing on his face. Hermione of course, simply looked up and smiled, completely guilt-free.

`Hi Ginny! You're home early - everything all right?' asked Hermione as she put her bookmark in place and closed her book, laying it down beside her.

`Fine,' she said as she sunk down on the blanket next to Harry's sleeping form.

Hermione suddenly came to herself, having been deeply engrossed in her book, and recalled what Harry had told her. Her smile faltered and she glanced at Ginny who was smiling down at Harry. `How long has Sleeping Beauty been asleep?' Ginny asked.

`Oh, probably only about half an hour or so.' Hermione looked at her watch. `It's nearly three - we'd better get moving,' she said, putting her hand on Harry's shoulder and gently shaking him as she repeated his name a few times.

Harry slowly came to, feeling very groggy from being woken out of a deep sleep. He squinted at both the faces swimming above him and wondered for a few seconds where he was and what was happening.

`Hermione? Ginny?'

Ginny poked him playfully in the side before standing up. `Come on Sleeping Beauty, up and at `em!'

Harry dragged himself up to a sitting position, turning and murmuring his thanks to Hermione for the "pillow", desperately pushing away the awareness of how close their faces were as he did so - close enough to kiss… This thought startled him fully awake and he rose quickly to his feet.

`My pleasure,' Hermione replied, as she too got to her feet.

With everything packed back in the rucksack, Harry shouldered it and the three of them headed home, single file.

Harry was last, behind Hermione, with Ginny in the lead. They held a desultory conversation as they walked, mainly about the weather and Ginny's shopping trip. Ginny was unaware of Harry's growing tension as they drew nearer to home. He was dreading having to tell Ginny, while at the same time desperately wanting to get it over and done with.

As they reached the girls' flat, Harry dropped the rucksack on the kitchen table and gave Hermione a frantically anxious look. Hermione knew what Harry was thinking, and while Ginny put the kettle on and Harry emptied the rucksack except for Hermione's blanket, Hermione announced she needed a shower and a nap. `So I'll leave you both to it,' she finished, picking up her book and rucksack. `Feel free to eat those sandwiches if you're hungry, by the way.' She gave Harry a reassuring smile and headed for the hallway and her room.

Harry sat down at the kitchen table and stared glumly at its polished wooden surface. As she sat down with a tea tray, Hermione's sandwiches now set out on a plate, Ginny gave Harry a puzzled look.

`Something's wrong, isn't it?' she asked. `And last night - what on earth happened, Harry?'

Harry looked up and as his darkened green eyes met Ginny's bright brown gaze, she saw something in his expression that frightened her. But Ginny hadn't been in Gryffindor for nothing and she was a Weasley. So she put on a brave smile and said, `Tell me everything, Harry.'


Author's Note

And in case you were thinking of asking about the next chapter: Chapter Nine will up bright and early Thursday morning and to whet your appetite, here's the summary snippet:


In which Harry tells Ginny everything, Ginny guesses Harry's secret, Dean goes to the Burrow for dinner and Hermione has a few too many glasses of wine, while Neville ponders his chances with her…
