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Voldemort's Heir by Konflickted

Voldemort's Heir


~Chapter Three~

Heir of the Snakes

The boat ride was unremarkable as the weather was calm. Rayleigh, Lily, Hugo, and Jack had climbed together in a boat and rode across the water with the other first years. Hagrid had been thrilled to see the youngest Potter climb aboard the boats and had waved his large, dustbin sized hand at the group.

"That is Hagrid, he teaches here," Lily whispered to Rayleigh, who was looking at him rather concerned.

"He's part giant, then?" Rayleigh asked with her eyes wide.

"He's good people," Hugo told her glancing over the side of the boat, tipping the boat slightly. Rayleigh grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"I can't swim, so let's not see how quickly I will learn," Rayleigh told him. Hugo laughed.

"I could swim plenty enough for the both of us," Hugo teased. Rayleigh smiled at him uncertainly and watched the castle appear into view.

"Wow," Rayleigh said. Hugo nodded.

"It's pretty amazing. We have all been down since before our birth," Hugo said waving to the other in habitants in the boat. "My mom was muggle born, but we are all pure bloods."

"Oh," Rayleigh said, looking down at her feet.

"So, are your parents of magical folk or muggle born?" Hugo asked despite Lily's scowl.

"Um, my dad left before I was born, I know he was a wizard, a coward," Rayleigh murmured. "My mom was a squib and a shameful embarrassment to her father, so I have been told. When I was born, my mother gave me her father's last name, as hers held little weight in this world, just in case I was indeed magical myself."

"Well, there is nothing wrong with that," Lily said as the boats bumped the pier. The children began to whisper nervously as they piled from small boats and headed up the walk way to the castle.

The first years huddled together as they entered the Great Hall to see the sea of expectant faces of the other six grade levels looking at them. Lily found Rayleigh's hand and held on tight. The Head Mistress stood behind the rickety old three legged stool and placed on its seat a ratty, tatty old hat.

One by one, each child's name was called. The child, shaking and trembling, would walk up to the stool; place their bums on the seat and the hat on their head. The hat in its infinite wisdom would place the child in his or her house, and the Great Hall would cheer.

"Lily Potter," The Head Mistress called loudly over the din of the Great Hall. Cheers erupted from three of the four tables as Lily nervously walked toward the chair. She placed the hat upon her head, sitting on the stool.

"Hmm…" The hat pondered, only loud enough for Lily to hear. "Another Potter-Weasley Child…good things I see in here… loyalty and friendship… oh yes… I say `Gryffindor'." The last word was echoed across the Great Hall. Albus and James rose to their feet and cheered the loudest. They were thrilled to have Lily in their house, and needed only to get Hugo in their house, and they would be complete.

"Rayleigh…Rayleigh Riddle," The Head Mistress called out, faltering on Rayleigh's name. Much like the twenty-something years prior when the famous Harry Potter's made the walk to the sorting hat, the room was a buzz with whispers and gasps. The teachers all leaned forward to get a better look at the rumored heir of Slytherin.

The Head Mistress hesitated as she placed the sorting hat on Rayleigh's head, uncertain. There was silence in the Great Hall, as if all were hoping to catch a glimpse of what the Sorting Hat would see inside Rayleigh's head. Rayleigh was trembling, swinging her feet back and forth, and being one of the few whose feet were too short to reach the floor.

"Ah… Riddle… I knew your grandfather well… very powerful wizard… I see his power in you… yes…Slytherin… oh the heir has returned…," The Sorting Hat practically hissed into her ear, unheard by any who watched. "What's this? Your father is talented, I see, interesting. Though never taught at my school, he was brilliant in his own, and his brilliance in you. I can see this, dear."

"Please, not Slytherin, not Slytherin, Mr. Hat," Rayleigh begged silently, hoping the hat could hear her thoughts.

"Are you sure? You could be great, and Slytherin can help you forge your way?" The hat taunted. Rayleigh thought of Lily Potter and Hugo Weasley. The final face of Harry Potter slipped into her mind. "As you wish, my dear… I say `Gryffindor!'."

The Great Hall was a buzz with whispers as Rayleigh made her way blindly to an empty seat next to Lily. The teachers were half heartedly clapping, casting each other questioning glances. Lily was one of the few students that had clapped for Rayleigh. Rayleigh was still shaking, unable to stop. Lily wrapped her arm around Rayleigh tight and hugged her.

"We are going to be all right," Lily told Rayleigh as Hugo was declared the last Gryffindor. "We are Gryffindors!"

The Gryffindor table erupted into a loud and raucous cheer at the statement Lily Potter had made, and they dug into their hearty feast. Hugo, Lily, Jack Longbottom, and Rayleigh Riddle were thrilled to be together, and they made up the newest addition to the Gryffindor house. Once well fed, the Head Mistress Minerva McGonagall stood to address the Great Hall, commanding attention from the students. Most of the students quieted, but James continued to goof off and caused the four little first years at his table to giggle.

"James Potter!" The Head Mistress snapped. "Only your father got detention quicker than you."

"Sorry Professor," James apologized as he flashed her one of his dazzling smile.

"I want to inform the first years that the Forbidden Forrest is still forbidden," The Head Mistress said.

"You would think that they would eventually give us permission," James quipped. The first years laughed.

"James!" The Head Mistress chastised, calling him out in front of the school. "Your dad knew what he was doing when he named you after your grandfather. Detention, one week."

"Yes, ma'am," James replied, rolling his eyes. He winked at Rayleigh. She glanced to Hugo and Lily, both who were looking not at James but up at the head mistress. Rayleigh blushed.

Once dismissed, the Gryffindor students headed up to the portrait of the Fat Lady. The password, Rebirth, allowed the first year students access to the Gryffindor common room. The head boy and girl shuttled the students off to their dorms.

Rayleigh was pleased to find her trunk was placed by the bed next to Lily's bed. The girls were thrilled beyond imagination that they were going to be room mates. The immediately made short work of unpacking their clothes into the dressers and wardrobes provided. Lily told Rayleigh all about Hogwarts.

"There used to be more students, but over two decades ago there was a war that broke out right here at Hogwarts! My dad fought and won the war, and so now there is peace in the land!" Lily bragged. Rayleigh smiled and nodded.

"So, there used to be more first years each year?"

"Yup, it is just hard for parents to let go of all that old stuff, so less and less student choose Hogwarts over the other schools. This year the school had its poorest admissions ever," Lily said. "I think that this year, they will have all first years together, where as in previous years, the classes maybe had two houses sharing it."

"Wow," Rayleigh murmured as she nodded. It makes perfect sense.

"So you know, I am not going to ask you about your last name," Lily told her firmly. She grinned at Rayleigh. "If you ever want to explain it to me, I will listen, but a name is just a name."

"Thanks!" Rayleigh said as she hugged her new best friend.
