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The Original I Know That You Sleep With My Boyfriend by cosmopolitan411

The Original I Know That You Sleep With My Boyfriend


Chapter XIII: Phase VII: Flirting


Extreme ways that that help me
Help me out at night
Extreme places I had gone
But never seen any light
Dirty basements, dirty noise
Dirty places coming through
Extreme worlds alone
Did you ever like it planned

-"Extreme Ways" by Moby




"So I've made a decision," Lily announced as she walked into James's room.

"What?-bloody hell Lily, why are you here?" James asked, all the while trying to regain consciousness after Lily had woken him by barging into his room so loudly.

"Oh good, you're awake, I was afraid you'd be asleep or something, so glad I didn't disturb you."

"I was asleep, Lily it's five in the morning, what are you doing here?"

"No need to be so moody, it's not like you're entertaining or anything," she said with a scoff, hiding a smile at his aggravation.

"You're a bloody bitch, you know that?"

"You don't mean that," she told him as she lay down on his bed, resting her head on his shoulder.

"You woke me up."

"Oh get over it, will you? You've got to man up Potter."

"I hate you. - here, you must be cold," he gruffly told her as he offered her his bedspread.

"Thanks," she said as she joined him under it. "Hm, I always did think that you'd be a boxer man, good to know that I was right."

"Congratulations," he muttered as he closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"It's really amazing what an all-in-one package I am."

"That's one word for it," James yawned.

"Are you falling asleep? I can't believe you!"

"Oh come on it's five in the morning and you're annoying, what do you expect?"

"Fine, I'll make it quick."

"Thank God!"

"Shush you, now as I was saying, I want too kick it up a notch with the flirting in class."

"Fine, whatever can I sleep now."

"Don't you want to know how?"

He turned to her, looking at her wearily, "how?"

"I was thinking we could play footsie in class, it's discreet, but not so much so that Benjy wouldn't notice it."

"Fine, just don't get too close to James Junior, I don't want to have a stiffy during class," he told her sleepily.

Lily laughed, "Deal," she said, not moving from her place.

"Aren't you going to go now?"

"I'm tired now, I think I'm going to stay here, you don't mind, do you?"

"Whatever, just be quiet."

"You should learn to be more of a gentleman James."

"And you should learn to be less annoying," he told her as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"No wandering hands, you hear me boy?"

James just mumbled something incoherent as she rested her head on his chest and the two fell asleep.


She's an extraordinary girl
in an ordinary world
and she can
't seem to get away

-"Extraordinary Girl" by Green Day


"It's nothing to be ashamed of Jamie," Lily told him as the two took seats by Alice, Elle, Remus, and Sirius, at the breakfast table.

"Shut up, and don't call me Jamie."

"Yeah, I reserve that right, it belongs to me and only me," Sirius told her. At that moment something else got his attention, "if you'll excuse me mate, I see a Ravenclaw that has done a lot of growing up this year," he told them with a salute before heading off in the direction of the girl.

"He's such a man whore," Alice laughed.

"I think that the more important subject is why James shouldn't be embarrassed," Remus commented.

"Don't you dare," James warned Lily.

"Oh it's not that big of a thing-well actually it was rather big, so I guess I should say congrats."

"Okay, now I'm interested," Alice laughed.

"But seriously James, every guy wakes up with a stiffy on most mornings, it's nature."

Everyone burst out in laughter at hearing that comment, "Prongs, I must say that I'm appalled by the fact that you couldn't even hide it from a girl with whom you don't even share a room, that's pathetic mate."

"In my defense she was in bed with me."

The group seemed simultaneously pause at that statement. Remus looked at him in confusion, "what?"

"Not like that, you pervs," Lily assured them. "We didn't shag, we were just up late talking-"

"In other words she woke me up at five in the morning to talk."

"Sorry mate," Remus said sympathetically.

"Hey, what's so wrong with talking to me?!" Lily asked.

"Nothing sweets, just get on with the story," Elle told her.

"Well I just didn't feel like getting up once we finished so I spent the night there."

"That's very innocent," Remus said, his voice laced with obvious disappointment.

"It's boring is what it is," Alice said.

"At least he got a stiffy out of it," Elle laughed.

"You know, we were supposed to leave the stiffy for class when we play footsie," Lily whispered in his ear with a smirk.

"You're evil," was all James said before leaving.

"I think we may have hurt his ego a bit," Lily commented.

"Just a little," Remus laughed.


You are the sun,
You are the only one,
You are so cold,
You are so rock and roll

Be my, Be my,
Be my little rock and roll queen

-"rock and roll queen" by Kasabian


"I come bearing gifts," Lily told James as she handed him a cup of coffee before taking a seat by him in transfiguration.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad, my ego may have been bruised by it, but I got over it."

"Good to know."

"But it better not happen again, my ego is very fragile at the moment."

"As long as you don't get a stiffy again," she teased him.

"Well that'll be heard when you're around," James told her huskily.

"Um-well-" Lily stuttered in astonishment, never having experienced a James in flirtation mode-and as much as she hated to admit it, she could definitely see the appeal.

"Calm down Evans, get your flirt on," he whispered in her ear with a wink as his hand ran up and down her thigh.

Lily yelped slightly, eyes widening in surprise as his hand grazed her skirt, it was at that moment that she noticed a note lying on her desk.

Oy horny ones,

Everyone's staring at you two.

All I can say is that better be part

of the plan because you're bound

to get a detention for this one.


"She's blunt, always straight to the point, got to give her props for that," Lily laughed, trying to ignore the hand that was slowly rubbing circles on her thigh. "People really are looking."

"We go to a school full of gossips, what do you expect Lils?"

"Not for it to be this easy."

"Well you're in luck then because it is."

"Mr. Potter," McGonagall called on him. "Care to inform me what's so urgent that you have to talk to Ms. Evans about it in the middle of my class."

"Of course, I'd be delighted to Minnie. I was just telling Lily here how sexy she looks in that little skirt of hers." Then in a conspiratorial stage whisper he added: "to tell you the truth I think I'm beginning to wear her down."

She looked at him with a glare, obviously not believing a word of what he had said even if the students fell for the show, "Potter, out of my class."

"No need to be so bossy, you could have asked nicely," James told her as he collected his things. As he was about to leave he leaned down and whispered in Lily's ear: "how's that for obvious flirtation?-I reckon Benjy will hear about it by the end of class."


Who's to say
I can
't do everything
Well I can try
And as I roll along I begin to find
Things aren
't always just what they seem

-"upside down" by Jack Johnson


"hey, sorry you got kicked out of class," Lily apologized to jams once she found him in the Heads" common room.

"Don't worry about it, I got to work on a ton of pranks and anyway, transfiguration is my best subject-- already knew today's lesson and Minnie was aware of that, it's the only reason she let me leave rather than just separating us. Really, it was no problem at all, so don't fuss about it or anything."

"Thanks for everything; you were really great in class. They weren't even able to settle down for the rest of the period after hearing your little monologue and seeing what you were doing to me; McGonagall had to let us out early since we weren't going to get anything done."

"So that's why you're here so early."

"Yep- so, do you really think that I look sexy in my little skirt?" she asked him with a small smirk.

"Lily we may be mates and all, but that doesn't change the fact that any guy, me included, would be honored to shag you."

Lily laughed, "That's awfully romantic of you."

"What's with you girls and romance? That's about as romantic as guys get, you really have to lower your standards."

"You are so-odd."

"Better than being normal, and admit it Evans, you love it."

"For some reason yeah, I really do."

"Told you."

"Oh, bloody hell, I was supposed to meet up with Benjy by the lake five minutes ago, see you," she told him, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before running out of the room.

"If he knows you at all he won't be surprised by the fact that you're late," James called after her.

"Fuck you," were Lily's only departing words after that comment.


When I met you I was just a kid,
't built up my defenses,
so I gave my heart completely,
Vaseline over the lenses,
memories don
't go away,
I remember every day.

-"requiem for O.M.M" by of Montreal


"Hey, sorry I'm late," Lily apologized as she approached Benjy.

"No problem, it was worth the wait," he told her before pulling her to him, but as he was about to deepen the kiss Lily pushed him away. "What's wrong?"

"You know I hate doing that in public Benjy."

"Right, sorry. Didn't mean to upset you, forgive me?"

Lily smiled at him; she'd never been able to deny him, "okay."

"So, I was wondering if I could ask you something."

"Sure, anything."

"What's with you and Potter, because I heard some interesting rumors today."

"Oh that? He was just teasing me; don't think anything of it Benjy."

"How am I supposed to ignore them? He called you sexy in the middle of class, and some people even said that he had his hand up your skirt."

"Benjy, he has a bit of a thing for me, but trust me, it's totally one sided, my feelings for him are purely platonic- honestly how could you possibly think that I would let another guy put his hand up my skirt," she told him with a small smile that all the guys she had dated in the past had told her was sexy, praying that it would work on him all the while.

"Stop hanging out with him Lily."

She sighed, "Don't make me choose between you two, if you do I'll pick him just to spite you because you made me choose."

Benjy let out an aggravated sigh, able to see that he was fighting a losing battle, "fine, but promise me Lily, if he tries anything-"

"I'll stop it, you have my word."

"Good, now come over here," he told her as he pulled her onto his lap.
