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The Original I Know That You Sleep With My Boyfriend by cosmopolitan411

The Original I Know That You Sleep With My Boyfriend


Chapter XV: Deviating From the Plan


Last week I had the strangest dream
That everything was exactly how it seemed
Where there was never any mystery
Of who shot John F. Kennedy
It was just a man with something to prove
Slightly bored and severely confused
He steadied his rifle with his target in the center
And became famous on that day in November

Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in . . .

-"Sleeping in" by the Postal Service




"You will not believe this, but Frank finally asked Alice out," Elle squealed as she took a seat by Lily at the breakfast table.

"Must you be so loud?" asked a noticeably agitated Lily.

Elle frowned, disappointed by her mate's unenthused reaction, turning to the boys she asked, "What's with her?"

While Sirius and Remus just shrugged in response, James was the only one to answer, "She hasn't had her morning coffee yet and the elves haven't restocked any."

"Wow… well congrats on making it through, sans-coffee Lily is about as bitchy as they get," Elle laughed.

"Gee thanks," Lily sarcastically said. "Oh, bloody hell yes, Ravenclaw has coffee. I'll see you later," Lily announced before running off in a distinctly happier mood.

"Her addiction truly is pathetic," Remus told Elle once Lily was out of ear shot.

"Yeah," Elle sighed, "but she'd be the first one to tell you that, so at least she realizes it."

"Well it looks like she'll be held up by Fen-Prick, he just came in as she was running over to his table," Sirius noted.

"Damn, I was hoping for some quality gossip time once she got coffee into her system," Elle pouted.

James rolled his eyes, "Fine, I'll gossip with you."

"Really?" Elle asked, brightening up at the prospect.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh.

"Okay so I don't know where he got the guts to, but-"

"I convinced him to, Lily was complaining about it a few days ago so I went and talked to him," he told her, silently wishing he hadn't when he heard the loud shriek Elle emitted.

"Why didn't you tell me-us this?!"

"Because I was avoiding this," James muttered to himself as Elle continued reprimanding him for not having enough decency to give them proper notice.


But you got no relief from the pain in your head
And it's hollow and greased and it says that you're dead
But you make fun and tease and the things that you said
They always stab your back
And I've been holding out for love ever since I had a heart

- "How good it can be" by The 88


"Hey love," Benjy greeted Lily.

"Hey," she smiled at him, pecking him on the lips.

"So I was wondering if you'll be coming to the game on Saturday."

"Of course, but just a heads up, you shouldn't expect me to cheer you on when you're going up against my house-the Gryffindor pride always comes before the boyfriend."

"Not even for me?" he asked her with a pout.

"Sorry, can't, but if you're lucky maybe, just maybe, I'll put aside enough of my pride to congratulate you if you actually win by some divine miracle."

"What? Of course I'm going to win!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that if I were you, I've seen the practices James holds and they're tough, he's keeping them in amazing shape-best team we've had in ages."

"Well I'm a hell of a lot better than him!" Benjy protested.

"Well I guess you never know, you might get lucky," she teased him with a smile.

"Luck?! Is that a challenge Miss Evans?"

"Why yes, it is Mr. Fenwick. So what do you say?"

"What are the terms?"

"If Gryffindor wins you take me out to lunch after the game for a celebratory Gryffindor-rocks meal, and if Ravenclaw wins, well then I'll let you pick the terms for that one."

"Okay, when my team wins you have to congratulate me, properly," he told her with a smirk.

"Deal-anyway, I should go now, Elle had something to tell me. See you later," she told him as she gave him a chaste kiss goodbye.

"Bye love, I'll see you later."


I've seen the one to take my eye
She's my Sunday best
She'll blow my mind rob me blind
Then she'll take the rest
Another drink in ya sink
Down a drunken well
Chasing stars catching cars
To the moon again

Girl you got me going
Don't you wanna fly?

- "Girl" by Stereophonics


"James you have to win on Saturday," Lily told him in transfiguration.

He just turned to her, taking note of her obvious panic over something and asked her, in a bored tone, "What did you do now?"

"Well-okay, so I may be a bit overly competitive-and well… I sort of screwed myself over," Lily desperately stumbled for a way to make herself seem less pathetic.


"I made a bet with Benjy that he and I would shag if you lost the match."

"Wait why would that be a term? I mean wouldn't he get that either way?"

"Do you seriously think I've been having sex with him while he's been with Rachel, who knows what STI's I might get?"

"So you haven't had sex with him for three weeks?" he asked her incredulously. "Is that why you randomly get so bitchy?"

"Oi! You don't just go asking a girl that," she smacked his arm. "And honestly, why do you think I made up all those excuses?"

"Oh right, forgot," he grinned at her sheepishly. "It's hard to keep track of all those plans you three came up with. Anyway, I don't get it, why'd you agree if part of the plan was this whole celibacy thing?"

"I told you," she said with an exasperated sigh, "I'm a competitive bitch."

"So basically that leaves me with one option."

"Well pretty much-oh and as extra incentive, if you don't win I swear I'll beat you with a stick," she smiled sweetly at him.

"What nice options I have."

"I'd like to think so-anyway, let's get down to business. Teach me, my transfiguration God."

"God, huh? Well you know, I'm one in other ways as well," he told her with a wink.

Lily rolled her eyes at his words, "So that's what you're like when you get your flirt on- a randy pervert?"

"The nice guy routine is so lacklustre-plus you wanted it to be obvious."

"Whatever just teach me the spell already," she said, rolling her eyes at him.

"You know you're pretty hot when you get all bossy like that Evans," James winked at her.


don't want you to try and save me,
No I don't want you at all,
If we're through, then you don't blame me,
"Cause that won't do at all

If you talk too much my head will explode

- "If you talk too much (my head will explode)" by People in Planes


"Lily, seriously, what's with you and James?" Rachel asked her once she caught up with her after transfiguration.


"Oh don't be so vague, the boy obviously wants you-"

"We're just friends."

"So you don't want him?" Rachel asked her sceptically.

"I have a boyfriend Rachel, remember him?" You know, the horny bastard you're currently shagging behind my back.

"Well that doesn't mean that you two can't be attracted to other people," Rachel told her with a wink."

"What do you want me to say?" Lily asked her with a defeated sigh, bored of the conversation, as well as the person to with whom she was speaking.

"Just admit it Lils, you like him."

"I honestly don't understand why you care so much."

"I don't-I just-well it'd really hurt Benjy if you were attracted to another guy when you're with him."

I'm sure you'd find a way to console him, Lily thought to herself, allowing her inner bitch to come out once she hear that statement and became witness to the audacity of her former friend.

"Well he has nothing to worry about," Lily told her resolutely.



"So then you won't mind if I ask him out?"

"If you want to then there's no stopping you- go ahead."

Rachel smiled at her and Lily could tell that she had some plan forming in the recesses of her mind at that moment, "Okay, I will."

"Good, now I should go, bye Rachel," Lily told her before walking away.


Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party

I had the blankest year
I saw life turn into a TV show
it was totally weird
the person I knew
I didn't really know

- "The blankest year" by Nada Surf


"I hate Rachel," Lily announced as she took a seat by James during lunch.

"I thought that was a given," Elle asked, confused by the outburst.

"Did you catch them shagging again?" Alice asked, obviously bored by the conversation.

"No, she was trying to be supportive of my pseudo feelings for James by telling me that it was unfair of me to do that to Benjy."

"What's wrong with that? She was just trying to be a good friend," Sirius told her, enjoying the rise that his words would get out of her.

"Very funny wanker."

"I have an idea," Remus announced.

"What?" Lily asked, but her hesitation was obvious.

"Let's go get totally pissed tonight."

"I don't know," Lily said.

"He's right, it's the perfect solution to any problem," James agreed.

"Lily's just hesitant about it because she tends to be a randy drunk," Elle told them.

"You never were when you and I got pissed."

"I was mad, but when I'm not I have a tendency to loose self control in that department. I always have to bring a mate to restrain me if I plan on getting drunk."

"A Lily getting drunk story is always fun to regale the morning after," Elle laughed.

"I'd say that's the worst part," Lily sighed.

"Forget what they say, just come Lils, it'll be fun, leave your fears behind," James told her with a smile.

"Well, I do like my alcohol."


When someone said count your blessings now
'fore they're long gone
I guess I just didn't know how
I was all wrong
They knew better
Still you said forever
And ever
Who knew

-"Who knew" by Pink


"Hey Alice," Lily called after her as she walked out the great hall after lunch.

Alice stopped and turned around to face her, a tight smile on her face, "You rang?"

"I- I know it's not easy for you, I understand that you hate that I can still love him even when I deserve more. I get it, I do, and if the roles were reversed I know I'd feel the same, but Alice, I need you. Please, just don't give up on me."

Alice's face softened at her words, "I'm not, even if I wanted to I couldn't Lils."

"You did though, you walked away. For the first time you left me Alice, you-you've never done that before and I can't loose you Alice. I can't have us stop being friends because I need you too much to allow that to happen," Lily shakily told her, leaning her body against the nearest wall for support as she tried to keep her tears at bay. "You're my rock Alice-and I know you don't need me half as much as I do you, but I'm okay with that, you're the stronger one and I've accepted that because that's something that has saved me so many times, you've helped me grow. Plus, I mean- come on. Combined we create one normal person," she told her with a weak smile.

Alice laughed, "I won't give up on you Lils, I promise; I just-I need to know that all of this wasn't worthless… I have to know that you realize what an arse he is, that he's a liar and the risks you're taking by being with him. I want you to promise me that you're going to think about it all, take in all the factors for once because sometimes that romantic rubbish you hear really is just that, rubbish. You can't just follow your heart all the time… it screws you over, you have to let the mind make its appearance every once in a while Lils."

Lily let herself slide down the wall until she was sitting on the ground, "You know it shocks me when I see that I had it wrong all along by thinking that he may have been too good for me-it just surprises me, so much so that I tend to have mood swings when one second I'll think I'm the one that deserves more and the next where I defend his actions by blaming Rachel. It's all just such a shock to me now that I have this new perspective and I don't know what to think or say about it anymore. I just-I hate feeling like I'm in a constant state of PMS and feeling lost like this."

Alice sat down on the ground by Lily, pulling her into a hug. "You still love him," she didn't have to ask, she knew Lily well enough so that questions were never really necessary between the two.

"Yeah, I-I can't help it. It's pathetic I know, but when I fall, I really fall," she cried as Alice held her.

"Yeah it is-"

"Alice!" Lily cried shoving her lightly.

"I'm brutally honest Lils and it's why you love me, that's not going to change. Now as I was say, yes, it is pathetic, but I'm here for you to help you through it, help you make the right choice, I promise."


Alice looked down at her sniffling friend, "yeah, it's you and me, always has been and always will be. You're stuck with me."

"Thank God because I really don't know what I'd do with out you!"


'Cause all I wanna do
is get closer to you
'Cause all I wanna do
is make a mess out of you

-"Doorman" by Stereophonics


"Wait, but I thought that you told the prick that you had and STI and couldn't do the dirty," Elle said once Lily finished recounting the terms of the bet with Benjy that evening.

The group was seated together at a table in the back of the club and had been taking intervals between drinking and dancing for the past hour, but throughout that time everyone had taken note of Elle's increase in cursing with the more alcohol that she had throughout the evening.

"Well I wanted to confront him about it yesterday so I mentioned how I got it treated and asked if he did as well-"

"Wait, why are we just learning about this now?" Alice asked.

Lily shrugged, "Forgot. Anyway, I asked and he said that he got it checked, but he didn't have one."

"Damn, now he knows it was codswallop, or he might actually try to get you to buy that air born STI shite he was spewing," Elle said.

"The funny part though, is that I checked the Rotan's records for the hospital wing, because I was curious to see if he actually did go, but she never treated him."

"That fucking liar, he really needs to get his dick crucified or something, I swear the nerve to cheat and then lie as well- what a tosser."

"Have I mentioned that I love drunk Elle?" Alice asked.

Lily laughed at Alice as she fell off her chair after making the announcement. "I think it's time you took a break from drinking, don't want to make a fool of yourself or something," Lily told her.

"What, no!"

"I'll take her back, I have a test early morning tomorrow anyway, you guys stay and have fun," Remus told them as he collected their things and picked up a protesting Alice and pulled her out the club.

"Is she always like that?" Sirius asked with an amused look as he watched Alice try to kiss Remus as they made their way through the crowd.

"We usually don't let it get this bad. She adores the taste of alcohol so she can go a bit overboard. We weren't as careful this time, but yeah, she usually needs to leave the party after an hour if she's drinking or she'll most likely make a fool out of herself," Lily told him.

"I think I like drunk Alice, she seems like fun," Sirius said with a wink at the innuendo.

"I wouldn't speak too soon mate, she tends to throw up a lot after about two hours." James grimaced at the thought.

"Yeah, she does doesn't she?"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! I love this song," Elle exclaimed, jumping out of her seat and making her way onto the dance floor.

Lily turned to Sirius, "Go after her, I don't want her dancing with some pervert."

"Gladly," he obliged with a smile.

She watched the pair dance for a while until she felt James looking at her, "What?"

"Nothing Lils, I was just wondering."

"And what were you thinking about Potter?"

"Why you've drunk the most out of all of us and don't seem drunk at all."

Lily shrugged, "I told you, when I'm sad the alcohol hits me hard, but when I'm not-when it's all just for fun, I tend not to show it. I'm a horny drunk-- act on impulse and have little memory of night's events the next morning, and all the while I come off as totally conscious."

"That's pretty-odd?"

"Well, there are various forms of drunks. Now come on, enough talk, this time it's my song that's playing," she told him with a smile as she pulled him onto the dance floor.


If you want to take my body tonight
then you got to be somebody tonight
Use me just to make your body feel right
if you want to take my body tonight

- "God killed the queen" by Louis XIV




As she turned in bed her head came in contact, causing her to fall off the bed in surprise. As she slowly woke up, remaining on the floor rather than forcing herself to get up, she didn't notice that her body tangled in sheets was naked underneath until she remembered that her bed wasn't actually up against a wall as it had been last year.

Author's note: so I have a ton of mid-terms this coming week and because of that I decided to post this chapter early (since I'd forget during the week) and I won't be able to update for a week and a half after that (if I do I'll let myself procrastinate even more so than I already do and seriously fuck my self over with these exams). So yeah, the Wednesday after next you'll have your next update with this fic (sorry for the wait, but I really can't do any better than that, and usually I `m pretty good with this stuff, so please forgive me)

Anyway, one more note, on my profile I have posted links to the banners for all my fics that I've written and have made a poll for my next fic for anyone interested in what I might write after this fic.

Please review (I wasn't too sure about how I wrote this chapter so any opinions would be greatly appreciated)
