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On Your Doorstep by papermask

On Your Doorstep


There's a fight scene in this chapter, and I'm totally horrible with fight scenes, so if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, please feel free to tell me. I appreciate it!

"Would you like to go for lunch, Luna?" Ron asked. Luna smiled and nodded her head.

"I am feeling hungry. Which one of these restaurants is your favorite?" Luna asked. Ron crinkled his nose as he thought. Luna found this absolutely adorable and let out a small giggle.

"Well, I do like this one over here. They have the best fish and chips," Ron stated.

"Alright, then we'll eat there," Luna said and smiled up at Ron. They walked, hand in hand, towards the chic little restaurant. Once they had been seated and placed their orders, Luna and Ron began to talk. They chatted about old memories from Hogwarts, creatures that may or may not exist, how family members were, and another wide range of topics. Ron found himself feeling happier than he had felt in the past few months. He loved Luna's outlook on life. Through her eyes, everything was so interesting and amazing. Simple items became unique, boring topics became fascinating. Nothing ever was old or unhappy - Luna always tried to look to the lighter side of life, and Ron adored her for it. Luna was also feeling happy. Nobody had ever seemed to hold such respect or kindness towards her. She felt that her opinions and ideas weren't looked down upon because they were unusual. Ron seemed to be genuinely interested in what she thought and what she had to say. She felt like she was appreciated, cared for, even loved.

After lunch, Ron and Luna began to walk back to Ron's home. Ron took a chance and clasped Luna's hand. Luna responded by leaning her head on his shoulder. Ron felt his face go red, but he didn't care. He had Luna, and she had him, and life had never been sweeter.

Once Ron and Luna reached Ron's house, he started to open the door, but an interjection from Luna caught him off guard.

"Oh, you know, I bet I have a load of mail at my flat, what with me not being there for the past few days. Would you mind if I popped over there for a few minutes?" Luna asked.

"Of course not. Would you like me to come with you?" Ron questioned. Luna shook her head.

"No, I'll be fine. I have to get used to going back there alone at some point. But thank you, Ronald," Luna said sweetly. Then, Luna surprised Ron and gave him a peck on the cheek, and with that, apparated to her flat. Ron smiled and went inside.

Luna appeared in her living room. Not exactly where she had planned to appear, but she could easily walk to the mail box. It was then that Luna felt an extremely sharp pain shoot through her back. She almost fell down, but caught herself. She spun around, wand in hand, only to be face-to-face with Rolf Scamander, whose wand was in her face.

"Rolf? What are you doing here?!" Luna shouted. Rolf smelt of alcohol. He smiled crookedly at Luna.

"Why, just waiting up for you, love. Tell me - where have you been?" Rolf said as he stepped closer to Luna. His wand was almost touching her nose.

"You stay away from me!" Luna shouted.

"Now, now, that's no way to treat your husband," Rolf began.

"Ex-husband, Rolf. I'm not married to you, I haven't been for months. Clearly I made the right decision," Luna shouted. Rolf's face contorted with anger.

"Expelliarmus!" Rolf yelled. Luna's wand flew out of her hand and into Rolf's. Luna took a step backwards.

"What now, Looney Luna? What defense do you have now? Don't spew anything about wandless magic, we both know you're not talented enough!" Rolf shouted. Luna's breaths were coming quickly, and her heart was going a thousand beats a second. She quickly turned to run towards the front door. She was halfway there when she heard Rolf cast a body bind. Luna fell to the floor.

Ron was beginning to get worried. It didn't take this long to check for the post. Should he apparate to Luna's apartment? He didn't want her to get the wrong idea...but what if Rolf was there? Ron sat up. Even if he was being paranoid, he was going over there. With a small pop, Ron was gone.

Ron appeared in Luna's living room. Things didn't look much different. The place was still a wreck. It was then that Ron heard sobbing from the corner. He turned around only to find Luna crumpled up against the wall, her head on her knees. She was sobbing.

"Luna!" Ron shouted. He ran over to her. She looked up at him. Her cheek was swollen and dark. Ron felt anger strike through his veins.

"Where is he?" Ron asked. Luna simply pointed towards the door. Ron turned around and ran outside. Rolf was walking down the stairs towards the first level. Ron pointed his wand.

"STUPEFY!" Ron shouted. Rolf's back went straight, and then he began to fall down the rest of the steps. Ron ran after him. Once on the ground, Ron ran up to Rolf's side and kicked him in the stomach. Rolf let out a loud, painful scream.

"You like to beat up innocent people, do you?!" Ron shouted. He kicked Rolf in the nose. Blood began to poor all over the ground. Ron lowered himself down to Rolf's ear.

"You leave Luna Lovegood alone. I don't want to see you or hear from you ever again," Ron whispered darkly. He then straightened up and spit at Rolf. Ron ran back up the stairs to Luna's flat. He hugged Luna in his arms and apparated back to his house. Rolf Scamander left England that day. He never returned.
