Author's note: - Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Friendship Getting Stronger
"Hermione, wake up." Somebody shook Hermione from her deep slumber
"What is it?" Hermione said groggily, trying to pull comforter over her face.
A soft laugh ricocheted thought the room.
Hermione removed the comforter from her face and realized that it was her cousin, Romilda, who was trying to wake her up.
"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked bluntly bringing herself into sitting position.
"Good morning to you as well, dear cousin, and I came here to wake you up. You better hurry up or we won't be able to catch the bus on time." Romilda said teasingly.
Hermione could do nothing but stare, as her cousin left the room breezily.
"What has gotten into her?" Hermione mumbled getting up from her bed.
Romilda usually never liked to come in her room, let alone wake her up. However, today she had not only come into her room, but she had awakened her up as well.
This just strengthened Hermione's suspicions towards her cousin's motives behind her friendly behavior. It had been just a day since Romilda had started behaving like a caring cousin and she was acting as if there had been nothing wrong between her and Hermione in the past.
"She's surely up to something." Hermione grumbled making her way towards the bathroom to get ready.
Hermione was already dressed and she was putting on her shoes, when her mum knocked on the door.
"Hermione," Jane said from other side of the door.
Hermione opened the door of her room "Yes mum," She said
"Harry's on the phone." Jane said with a secret smile and left.
Hermione looked surprised, but quickly composed herself and followed her mum out the door.
"Hello," Hermione said picking up the receiver.
"Hey Hermione, Good morning," Harry spoke from the other side of the phone.
A smile crept over Hermione's face. "Morning Harry,"
"I wanted to ask you if you could help me with my project today." Harry asked.
Hermione contemplated for a moment, and then spoke.
"Can you come over my place in the evening?" She asked.
"Your place?" Harry asked nervously.
Hermione just laughed at his reaction. "Yes Harry, my place. It would be easier to help you as all my study material is here." She said.
"Will your father…I mean your parents are okay with me coming over? I am your boyfriend after all." Harry said. Hermione could hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah, last night I asked mum about it. She said she has no problem as long as the only thing we are doing is study." Hermione said with a laugh, her face turning red.
"Really. What does she think we would be doing other than the study?" Harry asked teasingly.
"Oh shut up, Harry. You know what I mean." Hermione admonished lightly.
Harry just laughed. "Okay," He said, "So what time will suit you?"
"I'll be back from the school around 3:30. Will you be able to come by 4?" Hermione asked, "I mean your practice gets over by 6, so even if you come after 6 I have no problem with that." She added hastily.
"I can come by 4. I don't have the practice today." Harry replied.
"Ok then, see you at 4." Hermione said. She checked the clock on the wall.
"Well, I better get going or I'll be late for the school." She said.
"Okay, bye," Harry said.
"Bye," Hermione replied and put down the receiver.
She turned around and almost shrieked. Romilda was standing there just few steps behind her.
"Romilda, what are you doing here?" Hermione asked nonchalantly, trying to control her fast beating heart.
"Err…Nothing. It's just that it's almost time for us to leave." Romilda replied.
"Ok. Just let me get my bag from the room, and then we can leave." Hermione said.
"I'll go and get your bag. You should go and have your breakfast." Romilda said a little sternly and without waiting for Hermione's reply, she left to go upstairs.
Hermione just rolled her eyes and walked towards the kitchen where her mum and dad were already having their breakfast. Hermione joined them and during the breakfast, she informed her parents that Harry would be coming over to study. While her mum had no problem with Harry coming over to study, her dad was not happy with this.
However, Hermione managed to convince him that she and Harry would be only studying, and that Harry needed her help and she had promised him to help with his studies. After a little scowling and grumbling, Robert at last agreed.
After having a toast and a cup of coffee for the breakfast, Hermione left the house with Romilda to go to the bus stop to catch their school bus.
In the bus, Romilda sat behind Hermione and had a pleasant chat with Hermione throughout their ride to the school, even though Romilda was the one who spoke most of the time. She even behaved nicely with Luna whom she usually ignored.
Luna's dreamy look had disappeared somewhere after the moment Romilda addressed her. During the whole trip to school, Luna had a shocked look on her face. When she looked at Hermione for explanation, Hermione simply shrugged her shoulders in return. She grinned inwardly at Luna's shocked face, as there were very few things that could actually shock Luna.
"Here we are," Hermione said as bus entered the school gates.
Once Hermione, Luna, and Romilda were out of the bus, Romilda turned to speak to her cousin.
"Well, I'll see you in the class then." Romilda said.
Hermione merely nodded and Romilda left to find her alleged friends.
"What's wrong with her?" Luna said loudly, looking bewildered. Other students around them gave strange looks to Hermione and Luna. Hermione gave an apologetic smile to them and dragged Luna along with her towards the school building.
"So what's wrong with your cousin?" Luna asked again, once they were inside the building and walking towards their class.
"I have no idea. Yesterday she apologized to me for the way she has been treating me all these past years." Hermione said adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder.
"That's odd." Luna commented, going back to her dreamy voice.
Hermione nodded. She told her best friend about what had happened at Harry's place, about how Romilda was talking nice things about her.
Hermione also told Luna about the conversation she had with Harry who had told her to be careful around her cousin. Luna completely agreed with what Harry had said about Romilda.
As they reached near to their first class of the day, they stopped their conversation and walked inside the class. Romilda was already there with Cho, Lavender, and Parvati. Romilda waved at Hermione as she and Luna walked inside the class. Hermione just gave a fake smile and sat at her seat next to Luna.
In the lunchtime when Hermione walked in the cafeteria with Luna, many students waved at her gesturing her to join them on their table. However, Hermione steadily ignored them all and looked for an empty table. Luna tugged at her hand and gestured towards an empty table on the side opposite to the entrance.
After taking whatever they wanted to eat, Hermione and Luna walked towards the table.
Hermione could feel people staring at her. She held her head high and ignored everyone's stares.
"Everyone's staring at you." Luna commented casually as they both sat on the empty table.
"Of course, who wouldn't want to see the girlfriend of famous Harry Potter?" Hermione said sarcastically.
She was being fed up with the way people behaved around her. It was really starting to freak her out and she was seriously thinking about telling those staring at her to back off.
She had no idea why Cho craved so much for everyone's attention and how she was able to handle being the center of attention for the whole school.
`Well, right now she's not the center of attention for everyone.' Hermione thought with a cheeky smile, which went unnoticed by everyone including Luna.
Hermione felt Luna nudging her, bringing her out of her thoughts.
"What?" Hermione asked unaware of what was happening around her.
Luna gestured towards the door of the cafeteria where Cho, Romilda, Lavender, and Parvati were standing.
Cho and Romilda were talking to each other in low voices with furious expression on their faces. Four of them were blocking the way, stopping other students from entering the cafeteria.
Just then, Cho shouted loudly.
"How dare you say that, Romilda?" Cho screeched.
"Well, I'll say whatever I want to." Romilda replied loudly.
By now, almost everyone was staring at Cho and Romilda. They all were quiet looking at the spectacle unfolding before their eyes. Even Hermione was shocked.
"You are nothing but an attention seeking spoiled brat." Cho retorted, "That's why you became friends with me. Isn't it? You did it to have everyone's attention by associating yourself with the most popular girl of the school." She finished arrogantly, flipping her hair over her shoulder.
Romilda smirked in return. "Look who's talking." She commented, "And you are not the most popular anymore, it's Hermione now."
Hermione just wanted to vanish away from there as everyone turned to look at her including a smug Romilda and a fuming Cho.
Romilda winked at Hermione and turned back to face Cho. She was about to say something but Cho interrupted her.
"It's officially over. You are not a part of my group anymore." She said haughtily.
"Fine." Romilda said with a disgusting look on her face.
Romilda glared at other students who were gawking at her and Cho. Everyone turned back to whatever they were doing earlier and light chatter filled the hall.
Hermione too turned back to look at Luna who just shrugged in return.
"Who would have thought…" Luna started but trailed off as she gestured Hermione to look behind her.
Hermione turned to see that Romilda was coming towards them.
"Hi," Romilda said nervously as she came and stood in front of their table.
"Hi," Hermione replied.
"Can I sit here with both of you?" Romilda asked tentatively.
"Here, with us?" Luna asked looking surprised.
"Yeah," Romilda replied.
Luna looked at Hermione who just shrugged in return.
"Sure, why not," Hermione said to her cousin. Relief was visible on her cousin's face as she sat down next to Luna and in front of Hermione.
"I got into a fight with Cho." Romilda said, even though neither Hermione nor Luna asked her anything.
"Everybody saw it." Hermione stated nonchalantly, even though inside she was dying to ask the reason behind the fight.
"Yeah, quite the public display of aggression it was. Isn't it?" Romilda said smiling sheepishly.
Hermione returned the smile a little awkwardly, not sure, whether to show happiness or sadness for disintegration between Cho and Romilda.
Hermione offered Romilda to eat with her and Luna, which Romilda politely declined, saying that she was not feeling hungry.
As Hermione and Luna continued eating, Romilda spoke to Hermione.
"Hermione," Romilda said, "I know you don't trust that I have changed. But I have really changed and I want to amend things between us. Will you give me a chance?" Romilda asked with a pleading look in her eyes.
Hermione didn't know what to say. She was having conflicted thoughts in her mind. It was hard to trust someone who had mistreated you for so long that you didn't even remember when it all started. But then, everyone deserved a second chance, especially if they were willing to put things right with those they had hurt in the past.
Finally, Hermione looked at Romilda.
"Okay, Romilda, I am willing to change things between us." She said with a smile.
"Oh, thanks a lot, Hermione." Romilda said smiling sweetly.
Then she quickly got up from her seat.
"Well, I better get going. I have to ask Mrs. Walter (History teacher) about something. I'll see you in the class." With that, Romilda left, giving a small wave in Luna's direction as well.
"Are you really going to forgive her so easily?" Luna asked Hermione.
Hermione sighed and looked at her best friend.
"I don't know Luna, but I don't trust her. Even if she seriously wants to change things between us, I am not sure I'll ever trust her." She said resignedly.
"Then why…" Luna trailed off.
Hermione just smirked at her. "Just because we would be civil with each other doesn't mean that I have to trust her. Also she wouldn't get off my back until I say yes." She said.
"Do you think Wrackspurts are making her brain go fuzzy?" Luna asked looking at Hermione dreamily.
Hermione just shook her head and went back to finish her meal.
It was time to go home. As Hermione came out of the school building with Luna, she was astonished to see that Harry was waiting there for her standing next to his car. When his eyes fell on her he waved at her. Luna too saw him and nudged Hermione bringing her out of her trance.
Both the girls walked towards where Harry was standing.
"Hey," Harry said with a warm smile as Hermione and Luna came closer.
"Hi Harry," Luna replied with a return smile.
"What are you doing here?" Hermione blurted out.
However, instead of answering her question, Harry smiled at her sheepishly and leaning forward he kissed her.
"Cho is looking towards us." Harry whispered in her ear, before pulling back from her.
Hermione simply nodded and smiled. She was getting used to Harry's kisses and this time instead of feeling shocked at being kissed by him, she just felt warmth spreading throughout her body.
She looked at Luna who was smiling and looking back at her and Harry with a knowing look in her eyes.
"What?" Hermione asked, puzzled.
Luna just shook her head. "Nothing," She said with a smile.
Three of them were silent for next few seconds, and then Harry decided to break the awkward silence.
"I came here to pick you up, so that we could go off to your place together." Harry replied answering Hermione's question.
"Oh, okay." Hermione replied feeling a little disappointed for some unknown reason. Maybe because he had not come to meet her, but to work on his project, or else he wouldn't have come at all.
"Well, I better get going. Buses would be leaving shortly." Luna said.
"Are you not coming with us?" Hermione asked.
"I am not going home. I am going to Aunt Linda's (Luna's mother's sister) place, so I'll be going in another bus." Luna replied.
Hermione nodded in understanding. "Ok," She said.
Luna turned to Harry. "It was nice meeting you, Harry." She said.
"Same here," Harry replied with a smile.
After saying goodbye to both of them, Luna walked towards the bus, which would drop her in that part of London where her aunt lived.
"Shall we leave then?" Harry asked Hermione taking her school bag from her. Hermione was surprised by his action but didn't say anything.
"Should I ask Romilda to come with us? After all we are on good terms with each other." Hermione said the latter part mockingly.
"She's your cousin. You can do as you wish." Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders.
Hermione rubbed her forehead tiredly. "I don't want to." She said.
"Then don't," Harry said palpably.
Hermione simply rolled her eyes in exasperation.
"Ha…Ha…Easy for you to say," She said sarcastically.
Before Harry could say anything, Romilda joined them.
"Hello Harry," Romilda greeted cheerfully.
"Hi Romilda," Harry said politely shooting cautious glances in Hermione's direction.
Romilda didn't seem to notice it, but even if she did, she didn't say anything.
"So what are you doing here?" Romilda asked with genuine curiosity.
`Doesn't she know that Harry is my boyfriend?' Hermione was fuming inside, `Of course he's here to meet me. Ok, not exactly to meet me, but she doesn't need to know that. Oh, and she is behaving like she's very happy for me and Harry. I am sure she is up to something. But, what if she's not. What if she really wants to change? But then she might back stab me.'
Hermione frowned at the last thought. That was definitely a possibility. Girls like Romilda could only be good with someone when they would gain something from them in return. Hermione had learned this lesson about her cousin long back.
"Hermione, are you alright?" Hermione heard her cousin.
"Huh?" She said disoriented.
"Are you alright, Hermione?" Harry asked softly. Hermione looked at his face, his emerald green eyes staring back at her with concern. She slowly nodded. For some mysterious reason, she knew that it was a genuine concern on Harry's part, rather than just pretend.
"Yeah, I am fine." Hermione reassured him, "Sorry, I was just sort of lost in my thoughts."
Harry just nodded looking a little relieved.
Hermione turned back to Romilda.
"Romilda, Harry and I are going home. Would you like to come with us?" She asked.
"Oh, no, I'll go by bus." Romilda said, "With you two I would feel like a third wheel." She said with a laugh.
Harry and Hermione shared a look at this.
"Okay then, I'll see you at home." Hermione said.
Romilda nodded. "Bye," She said looking at the couple in front of her and left, but not before giving a playful wink to Hermione.
"Let's go then." Hermione said looking at Harry.
Harry simply nodded and opened the door of front seat of the car for Hermione.
"Mam," Harry said with a slight bow.
Hermione just laughed at his antics.
"Thank you," She said sitting in the car. Harry just smiled at her teasingly. He handed back the bag to her and closed the door. Then he came and sat next to Hermione in the car and started the engine.
On the way back home, Harry and Hermione talked about Harry's project. Harry told her about the topic of the project, and how much progress had had made so far. Harry did most of the talking and Hermione asked few questions in between. They didn't even realize when they reached to Hermione's place.
They both got out of the car. Hermione walked towards the front door of her house as Harry opened the door of backseat of the car to get his bag.
Hermione took out the extra key of the front entrance lock from her bag and opened the door.
"Nobody's at home." Harry asked uncertainly.
"No, mum and dad are at dentistry and Romilda has not reached home yet." Hermione replied entering into the house. Harry followed her inside, and after that, Hermione closed the door.
"Wouldn't your parents mind that we both are alone here?" Harry asked.
"I had already told mum in the morning that you would be coming over. She was okay with it and convinced dad as well." Hermione replied. Harry just nodded with relief.
Hermione led Harry to the living room and motioned him to sit. As Harry made himself comfortable, Hermione walked towards the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.
"You must be feeling thirsty." She said and handed the glass to Harry. Harry smiled at her gratefully and gulped the water down his throat. He didn't even realize until that time that how thirsty he was.
"Thank you," Harry said handing back the glass to Hermione.
"I'll be back." Hermione said.
She walked back to kitchen. After putting glass back in the kitchen, she called her mum and told her that she was home with Harry.
Jane apologized to Hermione saying that she and Robert were not able to come back home for lunch, so she wasn't able to prepare something to eat for her and Harry.
Hermione assured her mum that she would manage, with a promise that she wouldn't burn down the whole kitchen.
Hermione walked back to the living room.
"I am going to order a pizza. What would you like to have?" Hermione asked.
"Why are you ordering? Don't you have anything at home?" Harry asked looking confused.
"I haven't checked in the kitchen. But, I just called mum and she said that she didn't come home for lunch, so she was not able to prepare anything to eat. And before you ask anything, I am a horrible cook." Hermione replied, "And don't you dare laugh at me." She added the last part a little threateningly.
However, Harry still laughed at what Hermione had revealed, making her glare at him menacingly.
"If you want I can prepare something for us." Harry said looking amused.
Hermione's jaw dropped at this. "You cook?" She asked, her eyes wide.
Harry rubbed his neck nervously and looked at Hermione.
"Yeah, sometimes," He replied.
"You can cook anything?" Hermione asked.
"Not everything," Harry replied.
"Will you cook for us?" Hermione asked again.
"Only if there's no problem with me using your kitchen." Harry replied.
"Then what are you waiting for. I have no problem as long as you don't incinerate the kitchen." Hermione said excitedly, taking Harry's hand and pulling him with her towards the kitchen, "I am sure we can find something in the kitchen from which you can prepare the food." She said.
"You are free to use the kitchen the way you want." Hermione said as they entered into the kitchen.
Hermione helped Harry in finding the ingredients. They had found one unmade pizza and spaghetti among other things. While Harry worked on preparing the food, Hermione took out a jar of homemade sugar free biscuits from one of the cabinets in the kitchen. She offered them to Harry, but he refused and continued working on the meal.
Hermione sat down on the dining table and started eating the biscuits. She stared at Harry as he removed his jersey and tie, rolled up the sleeves of his school shirt, washed his hands and started working.
Harry's back was towards Hermione so he couldn't see her staring at him. Hermione was so lost in gawking at Harry that she didn't even realize that Romilda wasn't home yet, but then who really cared about it. She had even stopped eating and continued staring at the lean and sexy body of her fake boyfriend.
"Do you need any help?" Hermione asked once she was sure that her voice would not give away the state of her mind, where she was thinking about snogging the hell out of Harry Potter.
"Oh, no, I'll manage." Harry replied turning around and smiling at Hermione. Suddenly she remembered what her mum had said yesterday morning. And I hope Harry knows how to cook.
All of a sudden, Hermione started laughing thinking about what her mum would say if she would come to know that Harry could cook. Harry turned around and stared at her curiously.
"What?" He asked his voice filled with amusement.
Hermione just looked at him for a couple of seconds as she controlled her laugh.
Now, she knew that she definitely couldn't tell Harry about what her mum had said. He would surely freak out and would never want to meet her ever again, and she couldn't let that happen, at least not yet.
"Nothing, I just remembered something." She replied with a smile. Harry just shrugged his shoulders and turned back to what he was doing earlier, and Hermione went back to what she was doing earlier, staring at Harry.
After sometime meal was prepared and they both sat down to eat. They both ate relatively in silence except one conversation started by Harry.
"Hermione," Harry said.
"Yeah," Hermione replied.
"I want to ask you something, but it'd be oaky if you don't answer it." Harry said hesitantly.
"What is it?" Hermione asked curiously.
"It's just that you always tell everything to your mum and dad." Harry said.
Hermione nodded. "Yeah, I don't like lying to them." She said in a serious voice, realizing where the conversation was heading.
Harry was feeling very nervous for what he was about to say next, but he needed to know about that, to understand Hermione in a better way.
"Umm…So why didn't…" Harry started, but Hermione interrupted him.
"That why didn't I tell them about the bet." Hermione said.
"Yeah," Harry said looking at Hermione.
Hermione stared at him for next couple of moments. Harry was surprised to see that there was no trace of anger in her eyes.
Hermione broke her gaze and her shoulders slumped in defeat.
"I'll tell them someday. I just hope they won't be angry with me. I do not like it, you know, lying to them. You know, mum seriously believes that something is going on between us." She said.
"You know if you want to, we can stop this fake dating thing. I don't want to be the cause of any kind of problem between you and your parents." Harry said.
"Harry, at first I had agreed to help you thinking about getting back at Cho. But I think that reason was gone long back. Now I am helping you because we are friends and friends help each other. I would be happy to see you win this bet. But yes, from next time onwards I am never going to let you get into any sorts of bet. Got it Mr. Potter?" She said last part playfully evaporating all the tension between them.
"Yes Miss Granger," Harry said in a fake sad voice. Then he grinned at Hermione roguishly and next moment they both burst out laughing uncontrollably.
After they finished eating, they put the food for Romilda on the kitchen counter. Then they washed the used dishes, dried them, and then went back to the living room.
"You are an excellent cook Harry." Hermione praised wholeheartedly.
"Thanks," Harry replied, feeling happy that Hermione liked his cooking.
"Let's go to the study room." Hermione said picking up her bag from the couch where she had dropped it earlier.
"Aren't we going to your bedroom?" Harry asked innocently.
Hermione stared at him looking stunned. Looking at Hermione's reaction Harry had to stifle his laugh. He took a step closer to Hermione.
Running a finger on her arm seductively, he spoke. "We both are alone right now. Nobody is here to disturb us. So you know we can do…you know…in your bedroom." Harry said with a suggestive look in his eyes.
Hermione simply gaped at Harry with wide eyes, too shocked to say anything in return. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. Instead, she squeaked loudly and immediately closed her mouth.
Harry couldn't control himself anymore and all of a sudden, he burst out laughing. Hermione almost fainted hearing him laugh so generously.
"Harry Potter, how dare you do this to me?" Hermione said looking incensed as she stared at Harry with narrowed eyes.
"You should have seen your face. It was just so funny." Harry said mirthfully, feeling pleased with himself thinking about how nicely his joke had paid off.
Hermione gave him a dangerous smile, wiping away all the traces of laugh from Harry's face.
"You know, I think it would be very funny for me to see you working on your project on your own. Isn't it?" She said in a calm voice.
Harry pouted. "You know, I was just joking." He whined childishly. Hermione just laughed at his expression, which made him look very adorable.
Hermione gave him a look of sympathy. "Oh, poor big baby," She said in a mock sensitive voice.
"Poor big baby!" Harry said incredulously.
"Yup! You are not so small anymore." Hermione replied.
They both stared at each other for some time and then they burst out laughing.
"I think we better get start working on your project." Hermione said as her laugh subsided.
Harry nodded and followed Hermione as she led him to the study room in her house.
Hermione brought her study material from her room and then sat down with Harry to help him with his project.
It'd been just over an hour from the time Harry and Hermione started studying, when the doorbell rang.
"I'll be back in a minute." Hermione said and made her way out of the room to open the door.
It was Romilda.
Hermione didn't ask her anything. She told her that if she was feeling hungry there was some food kept for her in the kitchen.
Hermione purposely forgot to invite Romilda to join her and Harry in the study room.
It was close to 7 by the time Hermione's parents returned from the dentistry. Harry and Hermione had managed to almost finish the project. Also, Harry had started to yawn, making Hermione swat on his arm lightly to make him concentrate on the project.
Robert had come to check on Hermione and Harry or more like to check whether his daughter and her boyfriend were studying or doing something else. Harry didn't say anything except few words of greeting when Robert was in the room, he let Hermione handle the situation. He also saw Robert throwing suspicious glances towards him, but he just ignored them.
As soon as he left, Harry told Hermione that they could finish the project next day. Hermione simply nodded as Harry quickly packed his bag. She had to suppress her laugh at this.
Soon Harry left after saying goodbyes to Hermione and her family. Jane invited Harry to join them for the dinner, but Harry declined it with a sincere thank you.
This was how their study sessions started. After Harry completed his project with the help of Hermione, they both had decided to study together for other subjects as well.
Hermione's final exams were scheduled for May and Harry's exams were scheduled for June. Hermione had insisted that they should start studying, to which Harry had agreed reluctantly. Only thing that convinced Harry for this was that he could use it as an excuse to see Hermione almost every day.
Harry and Hermione had also asked Ron and Luna to join them in their study sessions. Hermione had prepared the study schedules for four of them. They had decided, or more like Hermione had decided that they would study together at least two hours each day during the weekdays and at least 8 hours during the weekend, so that they won't lag behind in their preparations of the final exams.
Hermione had got three different reactions from Harry, Ron and Luna, Luna had just smiled dreamily and agreed, Harry just agreed with after showing little unwillingness (Ron had called him whipped for this), and Ron, he had just said Bloody Hell! Are you crazy? Exams are months away, and then he agreed with some persuasion on the part of Luna.
When Romilda found out that four of them were studying together, she asked Hermione if she could join them. Hermione albeit reluctantly had said yes. Other than the fact that Romilda was trying to get along with Hermione, another reason why Hermione had said yes was that when Romilda had asked her, Jane was also present there.
Studying and spending time together, that's how friendship and trust between Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna started growing stronger. They were slowly becoming best of friends.
Hogwarts had been the most prestigious and the best school in the whole England for last 250 years, and the current Headmaster of the school was the best headmaster whole England had ever seen.
Students who had graduated from this school were working at the best positions in their respective fields across the world. If you had done your schooling from the Hogwarts, it means that you were eligible, without any doubt, for taking admission in best colleges and universities anywhere in the world.
Hogwarts had the best teachers a school could ever ask for. Yet right now two students in the school were trying not to sleep in the class.
"Do you know what's happening with you?" Ron murmured glancing sideward at Harry, as he tried to smother a yawn coming out of his mouth.
Harry glared at him. "Nothing's happening with me." He spat.
They both were sitting in the History class, getting sleepy due to the tedious lecture of their History teacher, Prof. Binns.
Ron did not say anything back for the rest of the lecture.
Once they were out of the class, "You know it's no use denying it." Ron said as he and Harry made their way to the Great Hall, cafeteria for the lunch.
"What are you talking about?" Harry asked getting annoyed by his friend's vague implications.
"You and Hermione of course," Ron said as if it was quite obvious.
"What about Hermione and me?" Harry said irritatingly.
"If you are going to repeat the same nonsense about me having feelings for Hermione, as you have been doing for last couple of days, then spare me. I am in no mood for all this." Harry said with a frustrated voice, as they reached Great Hall.
Ron didn't bother saying anything as his thoughts were distracted by the smell of delicious food in the Great Hall.
Hogwarts student population was divided in 3 houses i.e. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Therefore, there were three house tables in the Great Hall, one for each house. Harry and Ron were in Gryffindor house.
They both collected their plates and after filling them with the food, they sat on the Gryffindor table.
"Oh, so I am telling nonsense for last couple of days. What about you, huh? Do you think I don't see how you look at her whenever we are studying together?" Ron said taking a bite of his burger. He raised his hand as Harry opened his mouth to protest.
"Don't say that it's just pretending you do in front of Romilda." He added rolling his eyes.
"Will you be clear-cut about what are you trying to say?" Harry asked looking annoyed.
Ron smirked at his best friend. "You like Hermione, I mean really like, you know, not just pretend." He said with raised eyebrows, daring him to deny it.
Harry ignored what Ron said and started eating.
"You are not even denying it, mate." Ron said with a chuckle.
Harry groaned and gave an irritated look to Ron.
"Why don't you just concentrate on your food, rather than my love life?" Harry snapped and started getting up from his seat.
Ron touched his arm. "Relax Harry, I was just joking." He said stopping Harry from getting up. Harry gave a curt nod in return and sat back on his seat.
Ron started again. "So, I was saying that you like Hermione and…" Harry just looked at his best friend with bewilderment as Ron unaware of Harry's bewilderment, continued talking about Harry's feelings and gestures towards Hermione.
Harry just shook his head, tuned out what his best friend was saying, and lost himself in the thoughts of his new friend and source of secret fascination, Hermione Granger.
He wasn't sure if his feelings for Hermione were becoming obvious in front of others. However, if Ron had noticed the change in his feelings towards Hermione, then he was surely becoming noticeable about his feelings.
Ron was right, Harry did like to watch Hermione during their study sessions, not that he was going to admit that in front of Ron.
He liked watching her, the way she would read the books, with full concentration, unaware of any other thing around her, the way she would bit her lower lip whenever she would be solving some problem, the way her chocolate-brown eyes would lit up whenever she would achieve a right answer, the way she would explain the things to him, the way she would smile at him, the way she would get angry and frustrated with him, the way she would blush and many other small actions she would do. The most endearing thing was that she had no idea how beautiful she was.
Man, she was making him crazy. Was she doing it on purpose? Maybe she had no idea about the kind of effect she was having on him. Otherwise, she would not tease him mercilessly, despite knowing that how much he liked her and wanted to be with her.
For Harry, time surely flew by. He didn't even realize when February was gone and March had arrived. Only one month was left for bet to be over officially. So far no one had suspected that Harry and Hermione were not the real couple, that they were just pretending to be a couple.
It was during the first week of March. Harry and his friends had gathered at Seamus' place to watch a football match between two popular clubs, Manchester United and Barcelona, as Seamus' parents were not at home. It was the half time in the match and they all were talking about the match being played so far and enjoying the snacks.
Seamus had gone into the kitchen to bring some drinks (nonalcoholic). Harry had followed him to the kitchen to help him in carrying the drinks.
"So how are the things between you and Hermione?" Seamus asked teasingly as he started taking out the drinks from the fridge.
"Good," Harry replied. He looked a little distracted.
"It looks like I am going to lose the bet." Seamus said with a good-natured laugh as he handed some bottles to Harry.
Harry didn't say anything in return as he was lost in his thoughts.
Seamus picked up the remaining bottles and started walking out of the kitchen.
"Seamus," Harry called suddenly.
"Yeah," Seamus said turning around.
"I want to say you something about the bet." Harry said.
"What about bet?" Seamus asked looking curious.
Harry was quiet for a moment. Then gathering his courage he finally spoke.
"Let's call the bet off." Harry said with a glint of determination in his eyes.
Author's note: - So what do you think of this chapter? Please REVIEW and tell me.