It was already October by now. Days so far for Hermione have been uneventful. Between school, studies, and friends (more like friend, Luna), Hermione had finally started her working life. She had started working on a part time job in a book shop known as Flourish & Blotts for 2 hours each day but 6 hours on weekend.
But Hermione had no problem working on weekend in book shop. For her nothing was better than sit and read a book on weekend, that too in a bookshop where she was to be surrounded by books and books only. As not many customers come at the shop on weekend, Hermione spent her free time reading books. Being a god-natured man, manager of the shop allowed Hermione to read the books at shop if she was free from the customers.
She was getting 3 pounds as pay per week. She was happy to become an independent citizen now. She was glad that now she would not have to depend upon her parents for her every small expense. She even gave a treat to Luna with Pizza. Luna absolutely loved Pizza.
But her first weekend wasn't as good as she had expected. She got most unexpected guest on the shop. They were none other than Cho and her gang.
'It would be first time they would have set their foot in a book shop. I'll bet my life if they could tell the difference between a book and a fashion magazine" Hermione thought, rolling her eyes.
'As if they don't make my life like hell enough at school ...they have to come here as well.' She continued her musings, when Cho interrupted her train of thoughts.
"Look who's there girls...our dear bookworm Granger." said Cho egoistically.
"Ooooh...Granger...what are you doing here?" said Lavender frivolously.
'Can't they speak normally...or rather have forgotten to speak normally.' Hermione thought.
"Hi Cho, Lavender, Parvati and Romilda. Do you want something?" Hermione asked trying to sound professional.
'Bet they won't even know that it's a book shop.' Hermione thought with an inward smirk.
"It's a book shop...Isn't it? Of course we are here for books...Girls come on let's see for the books in there." Cho said arrogantly.
"So finally you realized it's a book shop" Hermione said in a mock surprised tone.
"Don't cross the line Bookworm." Parvati hissed with a smirk.
Hermione started sniggering "Do you even know where that line starts and ends Parvati?" She asked.
"Of course we do." Lavender spoke with a bit of uncertainty.
'It's just so easy to baffle these dumb-asses...Next they would start searching for that line.' Hermione thought with a smirk.
"Really then tell me where that line is drawn?" Hermione asked trying to have serious questioning look on her face but inside she was just laughing.
"It's in school of course. After all that's where we all gather each day...where you are a bookworm and we are prom queens." said Cho snickering at Hermione.
Hermione just rolled my eyes. "Well it's obvious you can't seem to think beyond that...School….where I beat you in almost every class and have better IQ than all yours put together." She retorted back.
Romilda was completely quiet.
'Look like she doesn't want to be between her cousin sister and so called friends...quite an opportunistic she is.' Hermione thought bitterly.
"What's the use of these brains Granger if it can't get you a boyfriend even? Tell me have you ever been kissed in your whole life...Huh! I am sure, even your loony friend would have gotten her first kiss...she may be crazy but looks a lot better than you...And coming from me it's a compliment for her." Cho said loftily.
Hermione got angry when Cho called Luna 'Loony'. This time she didn't held back anything.
"Don't you dare call Luna that. She is far better and intelligent than you lot. I don't expect you to understand that there are more important things in life than just a stupid kiss. Your life and mind doesn't seem to think beyond kisses, boyfriends and proms...So I don't think you have anything to do here. Leave." Hermione said angrily, finally getting frustrated with their efforts to humiliate her.
Cho and her gang were speechless for a moment. Cho, Parvati and Lavender started retorting back calling Hermione with bad names. But Hermione just tuned them out.
After sometime Cho walked out and rest of her gang followed.
"Ahhh…Finally they left." Hermione said to herself.
Christmas was approaching faster than Hermione expected. Her parents had made some new friends outside their work and were planning to invite them at family Christmas Dinner Party. It was going to be the time when whole Granger family would gather at one place. Generally no one outside family attended the dinner party but these friends of her parents seemed pretty special.
Hermione and her family had a big house and a huge backyard. So almost all the Grangers in London and around celebrated the Christmas every year together at their place and this time their family tradition was going to change as some outsiders were going to join them.
Winter holidays were going to start from first week of December. It was already last week of November. This time there wasn't much of the homework to do for Hermione so she decided to finish whatever little homework she had to do in first week of holidays. This time Luna wasn't going to be in London, she and her family were going to states.
Hermione's parents were planning to take leave from their work during Christmas week. So Hermione was going to spend her time alone at home with her insufferable so called cousin.
'CRAP' Hermione mused.
It was the last working day of school before holidays. Hermione, Luna and Neville had already exchanged their gifts. Hermione had given a book on mysterious beings to Luna and a book on rare plant breeds in Asia to Neville.
Luna gave Hermione a locket which would have kept Hermione safe from some kind of creature called Wrackspurt which was probably one of Luna's imaginary and invisible creatures. But Hermione knew that Luna meant good for her. Neville gave Hermione the book 'Grand Design' by Stephen Hawking. Hermione was also, absolutely in love with Astronomy other than Library.
At last last working day of school ended, and holidays started.
'Finally I have got a whole month to myself, without Cho, Lavender and Parvati to humiliate me. Now I think I can bear Romilda without them.' Hermione thought as she was on her way to home.
Hermione was glad holidays were starting. She never liked to get up early in the morning, though exam times were an exception. She had already told her mum not to wake her early. To her disbelief her mom agreed to let her oversleep, at least for beginning of holidays, later they were going to get a lot busier. Her mom had already started planning about preparations regarding Christmas and dinner party.
Holidays had already started. Weather was very cold. So after having a good oversleep first day. Hermione got her shock of the day.
This shocking revelation was about Romilda. After few weeks of joining the school she went to a party with Cho and her gang. There she met one of the most popular guy from Durmstrang; Draco Malfoy. And they were dating now.
Hermione lived in western part of London. Beauxbatons was one of the top schools in this part of London. Two other top schools were Durmstrang and Hogwarts. Durmstrang and Hogwarts were known for their rivalry.
Even though Durmstrang was one of the top schools in London, it was never known for its good reputation. Their headmaster Igor Karkaroff was a criminal in his early part of his life and it was said that illegal practices took place in that school. Also Malfoy's father was a real prick. He and Karkaroff were well acquainted since their younger days and were known as good friends in society.
'Like father like son' Hermione thought.
As compared to Durmstrang Headmaster, Hogwarts' Headmaster Albus Dumbledore was a great headmaster and had a very good repo in whole England.
Hermione's parents had already left for the dentistry. And Hermione was in her room. There was a knock on her bedroom door. Hermione knew who it would be. It was Romilda. She was all dressed up to go out.
"What is it?" Hermione asked looking a bit surprised.
"I am going out. I have a date." Romilda replied haughtily.
'Girl definitely knows how to get a date quickly.' Hermione thought.
"Ok" Hermione said "What should I say if Mom or dad calls?" she asked.
"Tell them I am out with my friends. There's no need to tell them about my date. It's not your place to tell them. And I'll come back before they come home." she replied in same haughty tone.
Then door- bell rang. Hermione looked at Romilda "Your date?" Hermione asked raising her eye-brows.
"Go open the door. I have to give the final touch to my make-up." with this Romilda hurried towards her room. Hermione just rolled her eyes and went to open the door
"Yes" She asked while opening the door.
A boy with silver blond color hair and cold grey eyes was standing at the door. "Romilda lives here." he asked in a drawling voice.
"Yes" Hermione replied.
"I am Draco Malfoy. I have a date with Romilda" he said coldly. Hermione just nodded and motioned him to come inside. 'What a prick....' Hermione thought as she led Draco to living room. They both took their seats.
"Aren't you from Durmstrang?" Hermione asked trying to make a casual conversation
"Yes" he said curtly and possibly more cold voice. Hermione was glad she didn't have to converse with him any more as finally Romilda came down and left with Draco Malfoy.
Hermione was happy to have whole house to her until the evening. Only lack she felt was that she didn't had any friends to invite over and have fun as Luna was in States.
Her Mom and Dad never called. Romilda came back on time before Hermione's parents arrived. Hermione wanted nothing more than to call her parents and tell them about her cousin's escapade. But she knew it wasn't her place to tell them after all.
Hermione's parents arrived home by 7:00 PM...
"How was your day love?" Robert asked Hermione kissing her on forehead.
"I had lots of fun Dad. Read a lot without any interruption." Hermione replied looking at Romilda who was avoiding her gaze.
"And yours Romilda?" Jane asked in caring tone.
"Oh it was fine Aunt Jane. How was yours?" Romilda asked very uncharacteristically, being polite.
"It was great dear." Jane replied warmly.
Hermione's parents had brought Chinese. Hermione just loved it. They all sat to eat and rest of the time passed quietly. After sometime Jane told them that from next day Christmas preparations were to be started.
"Tighten up yourself." Jane said with a smirk which made Hermione and Robert roll their eyes. Jane knew how much they both detested working for these preparations.
Finally Hermione made her way towards her bedroom where her soft and comfortable bed was waiting for her. And fell into a dreamless sleep.
Author's Note: - So what do you think of this chapter? Please tell me through your reviews.
(Rare plant breeds in Asia is not a book title. It just shows what the book is all about.)