Let's make a deal
Disclaimer: - I don't own Harry Potter….
Anyone, who would have entered the room of the one Hermione Granger in the morning of January 1st, would have seen a Hermione, smiling radiantly in her sleep. And for Hermione Granger, she was busy in dreaming about a certain green-eyed wonder.
For the whole night Hermione had many pleasant dreams about Harry Potter. And this time instead of being scared or confused of these dreams, she embraced them whole-heartedly.
For the major part of the night she had dreamt about kissing him and sometimes about dancing with him on the clouds.
"Hermione wake up." Jane shook Hermione from her dream slumber.
"What is it Mum?" Hermione said groggily. She was a bit annoyed as she was pulled out of her wonderful world of the fantasies. She opened an eye and looked at her mum who was hovering over her.
Jane took Hermione's hand and gently pulled her into a sitting position. She sat next to Hermione on the edge of the bed, looking at her daughter with an amused look in her eyes.
Hermione rubbed her eyes and looked at her mum."What?" she asked sleepily.
"I want to talk to you about something. I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the kitchen. Get ready and come down fast and by the way, Happy New Year." Jane said as she got up to leave. She kissed Hermione on her forehead and left the room.
'What does she want to talk to me about?' Hermione wondered.
She pulled herself out of her bed and made her way to the bathroom. After freshening up and brushing her teeth, Hermione made her way downstairs to the kitchen.
She decided to go downstairs in her sleeping attire only and put on a woolen jacket, as it was very cold. She had decided to take the shower later. She wanted to know what it was that her mum wanted to talk about.
When she reached to the kitchen, she found Romilda sitting there on the dining table and eating her breakfast. Hermione made her way in the kitchen and took a seat in front of Romilda. Romilda looked up and gave her a look of disdain and went back to her breakfast.
Hermione ignored Romilda's arrogance and looked at her mum and said "Hey Mum, Good Morning". Hermione took a toast in her plate and started eating.
"Morning Hermione," Jane replied. She joined Hermione and Romilda on the table with a plate of pancakes. She poured some orange juice in the glasses for Hermione, Romilda and herself and took a pancake in her plate.
"Where's Dad?" Hermione asked, taking a pancake in her plate. It was a holiday at the clinic but she didn't find her dad in the kitchen with them.
"He left early morning with James and some of his other friends, for some kind of adventurous trip." Jane replied, rolling her eyes, remembering something.
"What? Dad on an adventurous trip? You must be joking." Hermione said with astonishment.
Jane just shook her head. "No, seriously, you should have seen him in the early morning. He was talking non-stop, about his trip with James. I think James is finally bringing out a side of your dad we all including your dad, were unaware of." Jane said with a laughing voice.
"Yeah, I think you are right. Dad on an adventurous trip. I just don't believe it." Hermione said in a dazed voice, but she quickly recovered.
"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Hermione asked, looking at her mum with a curious expression on her face. As Hermione was looking at her mum she missed the smug look that had came over Romilda's face.
Jane looked at Hermione with a thoughtful expression, making Hermione feel extremely nervous under her stare.
"What is it mum?" Hermione asked again, getting a bit frustrated.
"Was Harry Potter your date for the last evening's ball?" Jane asked, with amusement evident in her voice.
Hermione was shocked at this. She couldn't speak for the couple of moments.
"What the hell are you talking about? Who told you all these non-sense?" Hermione blurted out, though she had a faint idea that it was Romilda who would have misinformed her mum.
"Hermione, language," Jane said sternly. Her eyes shifted to Romilda for a second but she quickly looked back at Hermione. But it didn't go unnoticed by Hermione. It confirmed her suspicions about her cousin's treachery.
"What other lies did Romilda told you, mum?" Hermione asked angrily while glaring at Romilda.
"What lies? Everyone saw you dancing in the arms of Harry Potter. I just thought Aunt Jane should know about it. She should know what you do behind her back." Romilda said airily.
"How dare you? Who the hell are you, to talk to me like this?" Hermione yelled at Romilda. She stood up pushing her chair back.
"You have no right to talk about what I do and don't do. So from now on just keep your big nose out of my business. Got it?" Hermione said pointing her finger rudely at Romilda's face.
"Hermione, this is not the way to talk. Apologize to your cousin now." Jane reprimanded Hermione.
"A great cousin she is." Hermione said sarcastically.
"Hermione, now," Jane said in a threatening voice.
"But...I...I didn't say her anything that she didn't deserve." Hermione stammered a bit under her mother's angry gaze.
"This isn't how your dad and I have brought you up. Did we?" Jane asked, folding her arms across her chest.
Hermione's shoulder slacked a bit. "You know you don't play fair." Hermione said to her mum with a pouted face. Jane smiled at her daughter.
"Sorry" Hermione mumbled to Romilda who had a triumphant look on her face. Hermione scowled at her when Jane wasn't looking at her.
Hermione suddenly remembered something. "And mum I am not dating Harry Potter." Hermione said in firm voice, to convince her mum.
Jane just laughed at this and was about to reply when the doorbell rang.
"Now who is it? Hermione dear go and see, who's on the door." Jane said as she started collecting the plates from the table.
"Okay" Hermione said and left to open the door. Romilda followed her to see who it was.
Hermione was lost in her own musings as she went to open the door.
'Honestly why did the hell I agreed to dance with that Potter. Now mum thinks I am dating that arrogant prat.' she thought.
Hermione opened the door and all her musings stopped. Her mind stopped working. She felt like she had stopped to breath. Because the reason of all her tensions and musings, Harry potter, was standing at the door.
"Oh" was all she managed to say.
Harry Potter couldn't sleep on the first morning (night) of the New Year. His thoughts were continuously plagued by a certain brunette.
What bothered him the most was that he didn't know why she was having such an effect on him. Whenever she was around, he always had an urge to do something, but he didn't know what that 'something' was.
He kept tossing and turning on his bed. Sleep was far far away from his eyes.
Ron had stayed at Harry's place for the night. He was sharing Harry's room. He had stayed at Harry's place quite a few times. A bed was already set up in the Harry's room for Ron as well, so whenever he would stay there, he would share the room with Harry.
Ron could see something was bothering his best friend since Hermione Granger had left. He had never seen Harry like this before, for a girl. Finally a girl had arrived in the life of the playboy Harry Potter who could get under his skin.
"Harry" Ron called.
"What?" Harry snapped at Ron, while getting into sitting position.
"Will you just stop making odd noises and tell me what's bothering you?" Ron said calmly, ignoring his best friend's tone.
"What you mean?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes at Ron.
Ron didn't back down by his attitude.
"What I mean is that just because you are having trouble in sleeping, it doesn't mean that others don't want to sleep. So be out with it, what's your problem?" Ron said with a mock stern voice.
Harry's shoulders slumped a bit at this. He desperately wanted to confide his problems to someone. He wanted to talk to someone about what happened at the ball. Ron was his best friend and he knew he could trust him with his problems.
"I am in trouble." Harry mumbled.
"That much I surmised. Is it about Hermione Granger?" Ron asked in teasing manner.
Harry glared at Ron but nodded.
"I knew it. What did you do this time?" Ron asked with raised eyebrows.
Harry took a deep breath and started telling Ron about the bet.
"And now I am not so sure about this bet. That Granger girl is definitely a tough nut to crack. And more importantly, both our families are on the friendly terms. If mum found out about the bet, she would kill me." Harry finished gloomily.
Ron looked at his best friend with sympathy.
"You have really landed yourself in the deep shit this time, mate." Ron said.
"Tell me something I don't know about." Harry muttered.
"So what are you going to do about it?" Ron asked his best friend.
"Well I can't back off. I have a reputation to hold. I am Harry Potter after all. I had no problems with the girls before. This should be no different. I can have Granger as well." Harry said in an overconfident voice.
Ron just rolled his eyes at this. "And what if you lost?" He asked.
"No way, I am going to win this bet. It's not that I have to sleep with her. I just have to date her. I think she is already falling for my charms." Harry said the last part with a smug smile, remembering how he affected her, but then frowned, remembering that she was also affecting him in some strange ways.
Ron simply stared but then laughed, seeing Harry frown.
"What?" Harry asked frustratingly.
"Is she falling for your charm or it's the other way round?" Ron asked with a self-satisfied grin.
"What you mean?" Harry asked annoyingly.
"Nothing," Ron answered nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders. Harry eyed him suspiciously, but then let the matter go.
"Ok then, go to sleep." Harry said. He was feeling better after talking to Ron. He felt more confident about the bet now. He just had to find a way to win the bet. That should not be too difficult.
`After all it's just the 3 months.' He mused with a look of satisfaction on his face.
"Harry" Ron called.
"Yeah" Harry said in a distracting voice, drawing himself out of his wonderings.
"Harry, I don't know what would happen between you and Hermione. But it should not affect my and Luna's relationship." Ron said with a bit of light warning in his voice.
Harry looked at Ron with wistful expression. "You are really serious about this girl. Aren't you?" he asked.
To Harry's surprise, a blush painted across Ron's face, as red as his hair. He just nodded at Harry's question.
"I really like her. She appreciates who I am. She's quite adorable and intelligent in her own way. And I would say one more thing, Hermione is very important for Luna. So just be careful before you do anything." Ron said in a serious tone.
Harry didn't know what to say, so he just nodded.
After that, they both went to sleep.
By the time Harry woke up, Ron was ready to leave. Harry got out of his bed and made his way to the bathroom.
After getting ready, he and Ron joined his family for the breakfast. Throughout the breakfast, Harry remained quiet, thinking about how to pursue Hermione.
Finally, he decided to use one of his old tactics, which had worked on most of his girlfriends in the past.
After finishing his breakfast, Harry left the house with Ron. After dropping Ron at his destination, he decided to visit Hermione. It was kind of a safe chance, as Harry already knew that Hermione's father wouldn't be at home.
'He would have already left with dad in the early morning.' Harry thought with relief.
On the way to Hermione's house, he bought some roses for Hermione, thinking that she would like them.
So here, he was standing at the front gate of the Grangers. He was feeling very jumpy and tried to control his nerves. At last, he rang the bell. His heart was beating faster, with the anticipation of seeing Hermione again.
After a couple of agonizing moments, door finally opened. And the person to open the door was the foundation of all his problems, Hermione Granger.
Time and world stopped for Harry Potter.
Hermione stared at him for some time, and then said "Oh".
They both stared at each other for a couple of minutes, trying to comprehend what was happening. They both were shocked. Neither knew what to say.
First two times, when Harry had met Hermione, he had seen her all dressed up. He knew that she looked very pretty, in dresses she wore on both the occasions.
But today seeing her this way, in a simple black color T-shirt with grey woolen jacket and checkered flannel pajama pants, with messy ponytail and large chocolate brown eyes staring back at him, he had to agree she looked very adorable.
His eyes automatically fell on her slightly opened mouth. Her lips looked very soft. He imagined how it would feel like, to kiss those lips. He was just busy in stretching his imagination when a voice interrupted his thought phase.
"Who's on the door, Hermione?" Jane called from the kitchen.
Romilda, who had followed Hermione out of the kitchen, came and stood next to Hermione, by the front door. Her jaw dropped seeing Harry potter there.
"Hi Harry," Romilda said "Please come in." she said sweetly.
'Too sweet' Hermione thought.
"Hi" Harry replied awkwardly.
He entered the house and followed Romilda inside. Hermione closed the door and followed him.
As they reached the living room, Jane came out of the kitchen.
"Harry dear, what a surprise." Jane said who looked pleasantly surprised.
"Uh…Hello Mrs. Granger," Harry said nervously. He was still holding the roses in his hand. Jane saw the roses and raised her eyebrows with a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.
"Please sit down." Jane said, gesturing Harry to sit. Hermione and Romilda also took their seats without any interruption.
Harry hadn't expected to sit in the living room of Grangers. He had expected to have a direct interaction with Hermione.
`Oh really, what did you thought, that she would just look at you and jump in your arms and say yes to your proposal of asking her out.' Harry thought about his own stupidity.
"So Harry, what brings you here?" Jane asked in a gentle voice.
"Err...I…I" Harry stumbled, not knowing what to say.
'I should not have come here. Now what should I tell her, that I am here to ask her daughter on a date, that too because of a stupid bet, I have landed myself in. Argh! Option cancelled.' Harry kept talking to himself inwardly.
Jane chuckled at Harry's nervousness.
"Are those roses for me Harry?" Jane asked mischievously, pointing towards the roses in Harry's hands.
"Huh…" Harry said. He had completely forgotten about the roses. He looked at Jane with confusion written all over his face. Then he realized what she was saying. He threw a quick glance towards Hermione, which went unnoticed by rest of them, except Jane. She smiled silently.
"Err…yes. It's for you. Happy New Year," Harry said politely, giving the flowers to Jane.
"Oh! Thank you dear and Happy New Year to you as well." Jane said with an amused grin.
Hermione was confused like hell. When she saw Harry at her doorstep, she was about to faint. Of all the people she might have expected to see at the door, he was not on the list at all. He was there standing at her door looking as charming as ever.
She had to agree that even in the casuals he looked very appealing. He was wearing black jeans and pullover sweater layered up with a white collared shirt. His messy hair and piercing green eyes behind his round spectacles were just adding more to his allure.
And now he was sitting in her living room and she was just looking at him like a fool. She noticed that he had brought roses with him, which he gave to her mum.
'Is he here to meet me? No, it doesn't look like it. And by the way, why would he come here to meet me? May be he is here for Romilda.' The thought that Harry might be here to meet Romilda made her feel extremely jealous.
'But he showed no interest in her. Then why he is here.' Hermione pondered. She was feeling very frustrated with her thoughts.
'If I don't stop thinking about him, I'll surely go nuts. I better leave.' Hermione thought. She got up to leave.
"Where are you going Hermione?" Jane asked. Both Romilda and Harry also looked at her standing form.
"My room" Hermione mumbled.
"Why? You know it's rude to leave when we have a guest." Jane said with a little stern voice.
"Yeah" Hermione muttered dejectedly and sat back down on her seat.
Jane turned back to Harry. "So Harry, if you don't mind me asking again, what brings you here?" Is it something about the trip James and others have gone to?" Jane asked.
"Umm…No Mrs. Granger, I was here…" Harry stopped talking. He wasn't sure what to say anymore.
He was just feeling like a dim-witted fool, sitting there and not knowing what to say. He looked around. Others, except Hermione, were looking at him, waiting for him to finish his sentence. His eyes stayed longest on Hermione.
She was doing a thinking of her own. 'At least I am not the only one who's got a lot on their mind.' Harry thought.
"So Harry, you were saying something." Romilda interrupted in a sickly sweet voice.
Harry looked at Romilda. She was fluttering her eyelashes at him.
"Yes Harry, we are waiting." Jane chipped in, looking at Harry expectantly. She gave him an encouraging smile.
"I am here to meet Hermione." Harry blurted out all of a sudden.
There was a compete silence for 5 seconds before
"What?" Hermione said in a loud voice.
"Calm down, dear." Jane said, giving a private wink to her daughter.
"So you are here to meet Hermione." Jane said looking at Harry.
"Umm…yes." Harry said with a calm voice, though inside he was dreading Jane's wrath. Jane nodded. She had unreadable expression on her face.
"Are you dating with my daughter?" Jane asked.
Harry didn't know what to answer. He looked at Hermione. She scowled at him and looked away.
"No" Harry answered.
'I haven't even asked her out and Mrs. Granger is already asking me if I am dating her daughter.' Harry thought.
'Did this Hermione tell her mother that we are dating? Nah….she doesn't seem that type.' He mused.
"Mum! How many times I have to tell you, I am not dating Harry Potter." Hermione said with aggravation. She glared at Harry as though if everything was his fault.
"Oh come on Hermione. Why are you hiding it from me? Look at the poor boy. He even brought the flowers for you. Didn't you dear?" Jane asked Harry.
Harry suddenly smiled feeling relieved. He knew Jane was just teasing Hermione. He had good enough experience because of his own Mum. So he just decided to play along.
"Yes Mrs. Granger," Harry answered politely.
"See I told you Hermione, there's nothing to hide. It's just me. You can tell me everything." Jane said, smiling at her daughter.
Jane and Harry shared a smile. Jane knew Hermione wasn't dating Harry. But she could see the change in her daughter's demeanor whenever Harry was around.
"Fine," Hermione said loudly "And given that Harry is here to meet me, I am sure you guys won't mind giving us a private moment." Hermione said sweetly, too sweetly in Harry's opinion.
"Of course dear, but no naughty stuff," Jane said playfully.
"Mum!" Hermione exclaimed.
But before Hermione could speak further, Jane quickly made her way to the kitchen. Harry just laughed at this.
Romilda was still sitting there in a shocked state of mind. She frowned a bit, but then left after giving a disgusting look to Hermione. Hermione just rolled her eyes at her cousin's behavior.
'Some things would never change.' she thought with a smug smile.
"Your Mum's great. She is surely something." Harry said in an appreciative tone.
Hermione didn't reply. She just grabbed Harry's arm and pulled him along with her to the backyard.
"You know, you could have just asked me to follow you. But I know you can't resist touching me." Harry said in a cocky voice.
Hermione glared at him, which made Harry chuckle lightly. With each passing minute, he was feeling more at ease in Hermione's company.
"Is this your permanent expression? You seem angry most of the time or at least since I arrived here." Harry said in a teasing manner.
"Don't try to act smart with me. What are you doing here? And what was all that nonsense about coming here to meet me?" Hermione asked in infuriated voice.
"What nonsense? I am here to meet you." Harry said, trying to sound sincere and honest.
Hermione snorted. "Oh really, I am flattered. Famous Harry Potter has come to meet bookworm, nerd, mousy Hermione Granger." Hermione said in a false sweet voice.
Then her smile vanished. Her expression turned sour. "Joke is over. Now tell me why you are here?" Hermione asked, looking at Harry with an unreadable expression.
Harry looked exasperated at this.
"Why don't you believe me that I am here to meet you? I like you so I came here to see you." He said in an annoyed voice.
Hermione laughed at this.
"Do you actually expect me to believe that you came here because you like me? Grow up Potter. I am not as naive as you think of me." Hermione said sardonically.
"Why? What's wrong if I like you?" Harry said irritatingly "Do you think I am not good enough for you? And why don't you call me Harry?" Harry added as an afterthought.
'It won't be as easy as I thought.' Harry thought.
"Ok. So Harry, I know you are not here because you like me. Ok. Now that we are past this stage, tell me the actual story. You will save your time as well as mine." Hermione said calmly.
Harry looked at her with curious expression.
"Why do you think I don't like you?" he asked intriguingly.
Hermione just shrugged her shoulders. "I have my own reasons." She replied dispassionately.
Harry wanted to ask her about it but let it go. He just nodded.
"I don't think any of my lines will work on you." Harry said thoughtfully.
"Nope," Hermione replied.
"Ok." Harry said, nodding his head slowly.
"Then I think I have no other option but tell you the truth. Isn't it? Harry asked.
Hermione just rolled her eyes.
"Right, I am sure it would be a lot better than trying some stupid cheesy lines." Hermione said.
'May be it would be better to tell her the truth. Who knows, she might even agree to help me.' Harry mused at his options.
"Ok then. I am here because of a bet." Harry said.
"Bet?" Hermione asked in a confused voice.
"Yeah, I'll tell you everything. Just have a little bit of patience and hear me out. Ok?" Harry said.
"Ok," Hermione replied, nodding her head in understanding.
So Harry started telling her everything. He told her everything, from the talk between him and Seamus to how he landed himself in the bet. Though he missed some of the details like how he was feeling at that moment when he saw her in the ball and Seamus was talking about her.
Hermione was shocked. Two famous boys from one of the most famous schools in London were betting upon her. That too, wasn't exactly about humiliating her, this as per Hermione was a nice change.
"You guys put a bet upon me." Hermione said with an astonished voice.
"Yeah" Harry said nervously.
Harry knew he had taken a huge risk by telling everything to Hermione. He was hoping beyond all the hopes that she would help him, which appeared to be very unlikely at the moment.
"I…I don't know what to say. I know I should be angry and a part of me is angry with you, but that is a very little part. But I am also well…um…kind of thrilled as well. Don't take me wrong. I am not the type of girl who likes that boys get into a bet upon her. Usually others bet upon me to humiliate me in worst ways possible, so it feels kind of a good change. Well now I think I am getting nervous so I am blabbering. I should stop before I start saying something very foolish." With that Hermione finally clamped her mouth shut.
They both were quiet after that.
Hermione was controlling her fast breathing and Harry was staring at her with wide eyes. Her eyes were closed and her whole face was flushed due to continuous talking. Finally she opened her eyes and found Harry staring at her with a faraway look in his eyes. Harry quickly averted his eyes into the other direction.
It was Harry who broke the silence.
"So will you help me with the bet?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Help? What help?" Hermione asked in a puzzled voice.
"Yes help. You can help me in winning this bet. That's why I told you about it." Harry said as though if it was quite obvious.
"Whoa man! Just because you told me, it doesn't mean I am bound to help you. And why would I help you? I have no reason to. In fact I should just throw you out this instant." Hermione said casually.
Harry looked shocked for a moment.
`Did you actually think that she would help you?' Harry's mind told him.
He remained silent for some time until he was thinking properly again. Then an idea appeared in his mind.
"If I give you a perfect reason, will you help me?" Harry asked with a mischievous smile.
Hermione looked at Harry cautiously.
"What exactly are you on about?" Hermione asked warily.
Harry grinned at her widely, which she found very tempting for some reason, not that she wasn't going to tell him that.
"Whether you like it or not, being my girlfriend has its own advantages. It will give you an upper hand over Cho and her minions." Harry said smugly.
"Aren't you a bit full of yourself?" Hermione asked. Harry said nothing but smirked at her.
'An advantage over Cho. Wow I could use this opportunity to get her off my back.' Hermione thought with wonder.
"You like it or not, I am famous. Girls do all sorts of things to get my attention. If you become my girlfriend, Cho will be jealous. You won't be an unknown commodity of your school anymore. And also you are already a bit famous since your little encounters with Cho." Harry said with a knowing look in his eyes.
"This entire girlfriend-boyfriend story would just be a pretend, right?" Hermione asked, contemplating his offer. She was trying to sound more confident than she actually felt.
"Yes, why? Do you want to be my girlfriend for real?" Harry asked in a laughing voice.
Hermione raised her fist to hit him. Harry just stepped back in time and Hermione missed the shot by inches.
"Wow! Wow! Wow! Aren't you a bit feisty today?" Harry asked raising his hands in defense.
"Then don't test my patience." Hermione said with a huff.
"Calm down tiger. Calm down. So will you help me? And I don't think you will have any problems with your family. Your mum seems quite supportive of our relationship." Harry said with smile, thinking about what happened inside a few minutes back.
"Ok. So if I agree to help you, how are we going to act around each other?" Hermione asked.
Harry just shrugged his shoulders "The way a boyfriend and girlfriend do." He answered carelessly.
"You mean snogging and touching. No way. I am certainly not going to kiss you." Hermione said furiously.
Harry rolled his eyes at her.
`What's her problem; it's just kissing and snogging. Why is she making such a big deal out of it? It's not like she had never before kissed anyone. She sure would have.' Harry mused, seeing Hermione's reaction.
"Fine," Harry said" We will see, as it comes." He added.
"Look" Hermione started but was interrupted by Harry.
"Yeah…Yeah…I know you don't want to kiss me." Harry said taking a step towards Hermione. His eyes were fastened on Hermione's face. "I am not dying to kiss you either. We are just going to pretend. It won't be real. Besides we won't be together all the time. We will have our school and studies. So there are very minimal, almost no chances that we would get in any such situation." Harry finished his intense speech.
"Ok" Hermione mumbled. She didn't want to tell him that the reason for not kissing was not because she didn't want it but because she had no experience in that department. She knew if she tried to kiss him, she would just make a fool out of herself.
"So are we finally into the deal or you are having anymore objections?" Harry asked exasperatedly.
"Yes, it's the deal. And you know you can be a little nicer to me. You have come here asking me for help, not the other way round." Hermione said sarcastically while folding her hands across her chest.
"Sorry and thank you." Harry mumbled.
"Good and you're welcome." Hermione said with a smile. Harry returned her smile with a smile of his own.
"So deal," Harry said, bringing his right hand forward for a shake.
"Deal" Hermione said while shaking his hand firmly.
Author's note- So what do you think? Read and Review.