Author's Note: - Sorry for taking so long to update. I was not feeling well for last couple of weeks and was finding it very difficult to complete the chapter. However, now it's here, hopefully you would like it.
Apologizing in advance for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Disclaimer: - I do not own Harry Potter and anyone or anything related.
Hiding And Revealing
"What about bet?" Seamus asked looking curious.
Harry was quiet for a moment. Then gathering his courage he finally spoke.
"Let's call the bet off." Harry said with a glint of determination in his eyes.
"Harry," A 16-year-old boy with messy black hair, emerald-green eyes, and round spectacles felt someone shaking him.
"Huh?" Harry responded, disoriented. His eyes fell on the brunette sitting next of him.
"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked irritatingly.
"Me? Nothing," Harry said shaking his head, trying to look innocent.
"Really," Hermione said with raised eyebrows.
"Y...Yes," Harry said struggling to sound convincing.
"Okay," Hermione said, nodding, "Then, can you please tell me, what's happening in the movie? Because, to be honest, it's just going completely over my head." She said innocently.
It was Tuesday of the second week of March. Harry, Hermione along with Ron and Luna had gathered at Harry's place. Football practice for Ron and Harry was over before the scheduled time, four of them had gathered at Harry's place for the study session of the day, and Romilda hadn't joined them, as she was not feeling well.
Harry's parents were at work. Only adult present at the home was the housekeeper, Elizabeth.
Since Ron and Harry were knackered due to their practice, they had decided to watch a movie and relax for some time. Although Hermione wasn't very happy with the idea, looking at the pleading face of Harry she just gave in.
Harry had led them to home-movie-theater room in his house.
After telling Ron to take out a movie from the collection of various movies available in the room, Harry had gone to the kitchen to bring something to eat for four of them.
And that's where now four of them were sitting at the moment. Harry and Hermione were on the couch, keeping a safe distance between them, which was appropriate for friends. Ron and Luna decided to sit on the floor, cuddling.
"Movie?" Harry was just so lost in his thoughts that he had completely forgotten that they were watching the movie.
"Yes Harry, movie," Hermione said with an amused smile.
"Yes Harry, you know series of moving pictures with dialogues." Ron chipped in.
Harry was finally back into his element, as he glared at Ron.
"I know what a movie is." He growled.
"We know that you know Harry." Luna teased, something that she seldom did, except in case of Hermione of course.
The comment made by his girlfriend pushed Ron off the edge as he burst out laughing, and immediately followed by Hermione and Luna.
"You guys are absurd." Harry groaned getting up from his seat, but Hermione grabbed his hand and pulled him back on the couch beside her.
"Where are you going?" Hermione asked.
However, Harry wasn't following what Hermione was asking, instead his eyes were focused on their joined hands. For a moment, everything faded. Harry was overcome with a desire of holding Hermione in his arms as he looked at her face. Hermione blushed under his intense gaze.
They both knew something was bubbling under the surface, but none of them was willing to take the first step due to the fear of the undesirable consequences they might face.
"We should better get back to our studies." Hermione said with a nervous smile, dropping Harry's hand, and looking towards Ron and Luna who were sitting on the floor. She could feel her face getting warm, as Harry's eyes never wavered from her face.
Luna gave her a knowing smile, which went unnoticed by redhead sitting next to her as he was busy emptying the half-eaten packet of the potato chips.
Harry saw the unspoken exchange between Hermione and Luna, but didn't say anything. What could he say even? He knew Luna believed that something was really happening between him and Hermione, Ron had told him once.
Many times that particular thought had passed across his brain. How was it possible to have feelings for someone he had known for only two months?
However, feelings were there now, and it didn't look as if they were going to disappear anytime soon, not that he wanted them to disappear.
It was possible that these feelings emerged because they had been spending so much time together for last few weeks. It was possible that these feelings were just a passing infatuation. It was natural reaction for a human being that if you have spent a long time with someone of your age, (who's not your family) you would develop some kind of attraction to them.
However, Harry didn't want his feelings to be just that. He wanted more, he wanted explore these feelings further. He really wanted to make something worthwhile of these feelings. After all, not everyone would have a chance to meet someone like Hermione every day.
He liked spending time with her, he liked the way she carried herself, he liked the way she cared about others, he liked her passion, he could go on and on about the things he liked about her, but one thing which topped everything else was that he liked the way she had, unknowingly, made him want to be a better person for her.
That's what really led him to approach Seamus with an offer of calling the bet off, and to his surprise, Seamus had accepted it without any kind of hostility.
It'd been two days since Harry and Seamus had called the bet off. When Harry had spoken to Seamus about it, Seamus had showed his surprise over Harry's suggestion, not that he had anything to complain. Harry was clearly wining the bet.
Although Seamus was happy for saving two thousand pounds, he had told Harry that he didn't mind losing to him. However, Harry just told him that he didn't want to be a part of the bet anymore.
Seamus had teasingly asked him if he had really started to like Hermione. Well, Harry had denied it straightaway. After all, it was none of his business whether Harry had feelings for Hermione or not.
Harry had just replied that Hermione was a nice girl and he didn't want to lead her on when everything that happened between them was just based on a bet.
After that, things changed for Harry. Now his feelings for Hermione felt much more real as there was no compulsion on him to be her boyfriend. He was very much feeling like a true boyfriend, not that Hermione knew it. She was still playing the part of a fake girlfriend, and Harry just wanted to change her status from fake to real.
He hadn't told her about the cessation of the bet yet. He was running various scenarios in his mind about how Hermione would react to that piece of news. He knew that the moment he would break the news to her, everything, fake or real, probably would be over between them. If he told her about his feelings towards her, she would probably never believe him because of the bet.
They had become very good friends in last one month, but he knew they would not share those intimate moments as friends, they shared as a fake couple.
Although he would never admit, he was grateful that Romilda joined them in their study sessions. In front of her he and Hermione had to pretend to be a couple, they had to do things like holding hands, teasing each other, sitting very close to each other, greeting each other with a hug or kiss. They did many little things like those that a real couple would do, in front of Romilda so that she would not suspect anything.
Now Harry's mind was battling between two choices, first was, tell Hermione about cancellation of bet, and second was don't tell Hermione about cancellation of the bet.
If he followed the first choice, he and Hermione would break up and would perhaps remain only friends, and who knows, whatever was developing between her and him would just go away. He might lose any chance he had to become more than friends with her.
If he followed second choice, he would be somewhat dishonest with her, but he would also get to be close to her, intimately, not that he would take advantage of her. There might be a possibility that during that time Hermione will fall for him, like he had fallen for her, and that would be possible when he would behave like more than a friend and not just friend.
At least it would give him a chance to show his real feelings.
Being a fake boyfriend gave him an opportunity to be close to her, even if under the name of pretense. He knew his feelings were not fake, and something unknown was going on between him and Hermione, which definitely wasn't charade for both of them. It was real.
There were times they shared those little glances, which made him believe that something was happening, and his heart was telling him that he would be a fool if he let go of the opportunity of have something more than just friendship with Hermione, for real this time.
After going through brainstorming sessions with those two choices, Harry had finally decided not to tell her, at least for the time being. However, he knew he would tell her eventually. This was the last month of the bet, and he was hoping that by the time it would be over, Hermione would like him as well, and he could only hope that she would forgive him for hiding the truth.
While Harry wanted to be with Hermione in real sense, he had many other advantages of spending (or more like studying) time with Hermione. His grades had improved noticeably. He was able to answer the questions in the class, especially Chemistry. While other teachers were impressed by his improvement, to Harry's pleasure it infuriated his chemistry professor, Severus Snape, to no end.
Exams were approaching fast for both Harry and Hermione. Their timetables were released by their respective schools. Hermione's exams were scheduled in May and Harry's exams were scheduled in June. While Hermione was getting edgy and distressed with each passing day, Harry was actually feeling relaxed.
However, there was another thing he had to concentrate on. Football match between Hogwarts and Durmstrang was going to be held on 16th of April at Hogwarts' Football Ground. It was a very high profile exhibition match and Harry didn't want to leave any stone unturned. Team's preparations were going very well, even coach seem happy with the efforts whole team was putting in. Since January, team had been going through grueling practice sessions. However, despite their more than hectic schedule, Harry and Ron were still able to meet Romilda, Hermione and Luna everyday for their study sessions. Sometimes they would meet early mornings or late evenings (although Ron would miss early morning sessions sometimes).
They would gather either at Hermione or Harry's place, especially for early morning sessions. Even their parents were very cooperative towards their study time. Sometimes they would gather at Luna's place as well, however, they never went to Ron's place (as Ron's mother or more like his sister was not happy that Harry was dating Hermione).
Harry knew if it hadn't been for Hermione, his studies would have suffered badly. Thanks to her, he wasn't lagging behind in his studies.
Hermione had found it difficult to accept the way her life had changed so evidently in last two months. On surface, it didn't look like anything had changed. She was still a bookworm, a know-it-all and studies were still very important to her, and Luna was still her only friend at school (maybe apart from Neville).
However, with a new entry in her life, her life had changed considerably and furthermore positively. Things had moved pretty fast for her in last two months. On first day of the year, she barely new Harry Potter and after two months and two weeks to be exact, he had become a very good friend of her, just a little shy of becoming a best friend.
It sounded preposterous that she trusted him fully after knowing him just for two and a half months. But it was the truth of her life now. She could say that one of the biggest reasons to trust him was that he told her about the bet. Of course, she had to force it out of him, but in the end, he did tell her. He didn't lie about anything after that.
However, she wasn't so sure about that. She didn't know the real reason to trust him so explicitly. There was something different about him, something that made her put her trust on him. He gave you a feeling that you could trust him and that he wouldn't hurt you on purpose. When she was with him, she felt safe.
She remembered the conversation she had with Harry during the last week of February.
Harry, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Romilda were at Harry's place. It was Sunday. Romilda had left early. Ron and Luna had plans for the evening. They were going for a movie, so they too left some time after Romilda.
Harry and Hermione were sitting in the study room finishing some of their schoolwork. Hermione finished before Harry.
"Are you done?" She asked packing her bag.
"Almost," Harry replied, yawning.
Hermione chuckled at his response. "Tired?" She asked.
"Oh, you have no idea. Not everyone has your level of enthusiasm for learning or homework. You know, I don't think I have studied this much in my life before, as much as I have studied in last one month." Harry replied looking a little exasperated.
"Well, that's one of the advantages of being Hermione Granger's friend." Hermione said in a mock arrogant voice. She tried to suppress her laugh, but with no success, and next moment looking at Harry's flabbergasted face she burst out laughing.
"You are insane, girl." Harry mumbled and shaking his head and went back to what he was doing.
After Harry completed his work, he and Hermione made their way out of the house. Harry drove his car out of the garage to drop Hermione at her place.
"Hermione, can I ask you something?" Harry asked as they were on their way to Hermione's place.
"Sure," Hermione replied with an easy smile.
Harry hesitated for a moment before speaking.
"Why did you trust me and agreed to help me with the bet? I mean we met just two months back and you hardly knew anything about me." He asked looking serious.
Hermione's first instinct was to laugh at his question thinking that he was joking. What kind of person would ask these types of questions? However, looking at Harry's serious expression she stopped herself just in time.
She thought about what he had asked and what could be her reply. However, she had no idea.
"It's not just that. You have also told me many things about yourself, which I think not many people know." Harry's voice broke the silence.
Hermione chuckled at his question.
Harry looked a bit annoyed with Hermione, thinking that she wasn't taking him seriously.
"You know, that's a very odd question you have asked me." She said.
Harry frowned at this. "Why?" He asked.
"People usually ask that why don't you trust me and here you are asking me that why I trust you." Hermione replied feeling amused.
Harry just laughed at her explanation. "Well, that still doesn't answer my question." He said.
Hermione thought for a moment and decided to go with the truth.
"I don't know." She simply replied.
Harry looked flabbergasted. "What you mean you don't know?" He asked.
"I mean what I said. I don't know why I trust you. I just do." Hermione said feeling a little frustrated for not having a proper answer. Then, oddity of the situation hit her. She started laughing without any forewarning, shocking Harry for a second and almost making him lose the control of the car.
"What now?" Harry asked, befuddled, "You know, you should give a warning before you get into one of your laughing fits."
Hermione continued to laugh, ignoring the frustrated look Harry was giving her.
"You know, this is probably the weirdest conversation I have ever had in my life." Hermione said amusedly.
Harry too saw the ridiculousness of the situation and chuckled in response.
"We should perhaps leave this question here. Maybe someday you would be able to answer it." He said in a laughing voice, even though Hermione could hear an undertone of seriousness in his voice.
"You're right." Hermione simply replied.
That day something changed between her and Harry. It was hard to differentiate between pretend and reality. Sometimes Harry would say something or look at her in a particular way, making her heart flutter with excitement. Although Hermione was sure Harry was pretending when in front of Romilda, to her everything felt just so real.
With the arrival of March, her excitement of spending time with Harry was turning into dread. It was the last month of their pretend game. She didn't want it to end. She wasn't sure where things would stand between her and Harry after the game was over.
Various thoughts were swirling through Hermione's mind. Would Harry want to be her friend after the time of the bet gets over? How would he break up with her? How her mum would react to it? She wasn't worried about her dad as she was sure he would be very happy when she and Harry would break up.
The more Hermione thought about her mum's reaction, the more guilty she felt.
For last couple of days Hermione had been feeling as though if she was drowning in the pool of her guilt. Her mum was very happy with her relationship with Harry, and had given her full support to Hermione in favor of her relationship. She didn't know how her mum would react if she found out about the bet.
Hermione was feeling very bad. Initially she hadn't told her mum about the bet because she wasn't very serious about it. It was just a game for her, nothing too serious, just a little fun. But things had changed. Her mum had a very warm attitude towards Harry, and she had fully approved of Harry as her boyfriend. Things got more complicated when Harry's parents were involved in the things.
Hermione was introduced to them as Harry's girlfriend and in return, they had treated her very nicely. She had not only met Harry's parents, but had met his grandparents as well. To her surprise, Hermione had enjoyed meeting them, especially Harry's grandmother.
It was Sunday morning of the same week that Grangers had gone to Potter's place for dinner.
Hermione had taken a leave from the job for her exam preparations. She was at her home sitting in the living room. Romilda was not at home. She had left early morning saying that she had some important work as today there was no study session.
Hermione was reading a book, when Jane came into the room.
"Hermione," Jane said.
"Yes mum," Hermione said looking up from the book.
"Lily called a couple of minutes back. She was asking if you would like to go with her to the Potter Manor today."Jane said.
"Really," Hermione asked looking stunned. She had completely forgotten about it, and if she was completely honest with herself, she had never really thought that Lily Potter was serious about the offer to take Hermione to Potter manor with her to show their family library.
"So, do you want to go?" Jane asked.
"What do you think, should I go?" Hermione asked her mum, unable to make her own decision.
Jane simply shrugged in return. "It's your decision to make, but I think you should go." She said.
"B…But Harry's grandparents lives there. I don't even know them." Hermione said feeling overwhelmed.
Jane chuckled in return. "Oh, don't worry about them. They are very funny people. Trust me, I have met them." She said.
Hermione gave an odd look to her mum. "Besides, it would be rude to say no to Lily." Jane added.
Hermione thought for a moment and then nodded.
"Ok, I'll go." Hermione said hoping she would not make a fool out of herself in front of Harry's family.
"Great. She would pick you up at 10." Jane said looking at her wrist watch, "You have 45 minutes to get ready." She said looking at her daughter.
"But you haven't even called her yet." Hermione said looking shocked.
Looking at the sheepish look on her mum's face, Hermione spoke looking incredulous, "You said yes, that too without asking me."
"Well yeah…" Jane said frivolously, "But you said yes, so everything's settled. Now go and get ready." She said in a hurried voice as she pulled her daughter from the couch and started pushing her gently towards the door of the living room.
Hermione glared at her mum, before leaving the room.
Hermione got out of the bathroom and sped up the process getting ready when she heard the doorbell down the stairs. She decided to go with a simple v-neck long sleeve white t-shirt, blue jeans and black jacket.
"Hermione," There was a knock on the door of her bedroom as she heard her mum's voice from other side of the door.
Hermione quickly walked towards the door, tying her hair in a simple ponytail and yanked the door open.
"I am ready." She said looking a little breathless.
Jane smiled at her daughter. "Let's go downstairs. Lily's waiting for you." She said. Hermione simply nodded and followed her mum downstairs.
When Hermione entered into the kitchen, Lily was sitting on the kitchen table sipping something from a cup, probably tea.
Hermione greeted her and soon after that, they both left the house.
Lily was driving. On the way to Potter Manor, Lily and Hermione talked about many things. Lily asked Hermione about her school, the kinds of books she liked to read and many other things that she hadn't asked her about during the last time they met. To Hermione's relief she didn't ask anything about her relationship with Harry.
By the time, they had reached to the manor, Hermione and Lily had become good friends. As the car entered the Manor, nervousness crept upon her mind. She realized that she hadn't thought about Harry's grandparents even once throughout the ride from her house to the Potter Manor. Time just flew by for Hermione while talking to Lily who shared her interests. Hermione felt very comfortable in her company as though if she was a family member.
To Hermione's surprise manor looked even more beautiful in the daylight as compared to it looked on the night of the New Year Ball. As the car neared the building, Lily looked at Hermione who was fidgeting nervously in her seat.
"Hermione, just relax. There's nothing to worry about." Lily said soothingly as she stopped the car in front of the manor.
Hermione just smiled nervously in return. "Sorry, it's just that I don't know what to expect." She said.
"It's alright dear, don't worry." Lily replied squeezing Hermione's hand.
Hermione saw that a brown-curly-haired man, who looked he was in his mid-twenties, was waiting for her and Lily to get out of the car. That man came closer to the car as they both got out of the car.
"Good morning Madam," Man said taking the car keys from Lily.
"Morning Bernard," Lily replied with a warm smile, "How are you doing?" She asked.
Hermione walked to the other side of the car where Lily was standing.
"I am doing fine, Madam Lily." Bernard replied sincerely.
"Bernard, this is Hermione Granger." Lily introduced.
"Good morning, Ms. Granger." Bernard said with a polite smile.
"Hello," Hermione said feeling a little edgy.
"Well, we better go inside." Lily said.
Taking a slight bow, Bernard moved towards the car, and Lily took Hermione's hand and led her inside.
Walking through a large hallway, Lily led Hermione into the living room. It was a traditional and cozy living area with classic furniture and stone hearth. An old lady was sitting there reading something that looked like a magazine.
Age didn't seem to fade her beauty as she looked like a nice blend of elegance and beauty. She had a warm presence about her, which eased Hermione's nerves a little. She had shoulder length curly hair, a blend of white and brown showing her growing age. Her eyes were hazel and she was wearing a light blue jumper and white slacks.
"Lily," She said smiling brightly, when she saw her daughter-in-law entering into the room.
"Flora," Lily said excitedly as she dropped Hermione's hand and hugged her mother-in-law warmly. They both looked like long lost best friends instead of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
`Flora, nice name…must be a tradition in Potter's family to have such names. Lily, Flora…what would be the next?' Hermione mused. She was pulled out of her musings when she heard her name being said. She realized that Lily was introducing her to the senior Potter lady.
"Flora, this is Hermione. Hermione this is Florence Potter, Harry's grandmother." Lily introduced with a wide smile.
"Umm…Hello Mrs. Potter." Hermione said timidly. She was going to point out that earlier Lily had called the older woman Flora, but stopped herself in time realizing that it was a short form for Florence.
"Oh, please don't call me Mrs. Potter. It makes me feel like I am a great great great grandmother of Harry, instead of just grandmother." Florence said dramatically.
Hermione had no idea what to say. She just stood there transfixed as Harry's grandmother leaned towards her.
"You know, this `Mrs. Potter' thing is just for the old ladies like her." Florence said conspiratorially pointing towards the redhead woman.
"Hey!" Lily exclaimed, trying to look upset, "You are calling me old."
Then she broke into a fit of soft giggles and soon after that Florence too started laughing as well.
Hermione felt relaxed as a smile appeared on her face.
"You know, you can call me Gammy." Florence Potter said pulling the young brunette in a bear hug.
"It's very nice meeting you, Hermione." She said with a warm smile as she pulled back from a bewildered Hermione.
Hermione composed herself and smiled back. "Same here… Gammy." She said with a grin.
"You know, Harry's the only one allowed to call her Gammy." Lily said with a knowing look in her eyes.
Hermione looked at her, surprised at her insinuation. That was the first time Lily had said anything to Hermione, looking at her as Harry's girlfriend. Definitely, Harry's grandmother allowed her grandson to call her Gammy, so her grandson's girlfriend was also allowed the same.
"One the day she saw the movie `The Proposal', and next day she had been adamant that Harry called her Gammy." Lily added with a chuckle, pulling Hermione out of her thoughts.
"Hey, I really loved that character." Florence said in a mock upset voice, "Though I am not 99 yet." She added as an afterthought.
Lily just laughed. "Well, let's sit and talk." She said.
Florence went back to her seat where she was reading the magazine and Hermione and Lily too made themselves comfortable.
"You know, I am glad Harry stopped dating that Chang girl. I never really liked her." Florence said unexpectedly.
Hermione was once again stumped. The pace at which conversations were changing their tracks had just left her befuddled.
Lily opened her mouth to say something, but Florence interrupted her.
"Michael, what are you doing?" Florence said looking towards the door. Hermione lifted her eyes to see that a man in blue jeans and a black T-shirt. He looked very similar to James Potter, except his gray hair and blue eyes without spectacles. He was standing outside the room holding a golf club in his hand.
`He must be Harry's grandfather.' Hermione thought, feeling amazed at the similarities in looks of Harry, his father and his grandfather. Only their age showed the difference between them.
"Going to play golf," Michael said excitedly as he entered into the room.
Florence got up and moved towards the old man.
"Michael, how many times I have told you, golf is not your cup of tea." Florence said. She continued before her husband could interrupt her. "Remember, the last time you tried to play golf, you missed the shot completely, and instead hit the poor Vernon with the golf club right on his head. He was lucky that club was made of wood, instead of iron." She said in an amused voice.
"Oh, okay. But he deserved that." Michael grumbled looking dejected.
`Looks like Potter men are always whipped.' Hermione thought, as a smile appeared at her lips looking at the exchange between the older couple.
However next moment, "May be I can ask Remus. He knows how to play golf." He said, once again looking excited.
Florence just smiled and rolled her eyes at her husband. "Sure dear," She said kissing her husband on the cheek.
Michael's eyes fell on Hermione. "And who's this young lady?" He asked curiously.
Hermione stood up from her seat. "Umm…Well…Hello sir, I am Hermione Granger." Hermione introduced herself.
Michael simply stared at the young brunette. "Hermione Granger, you mean Harry's girlfriend." He blurted out.
Hermione's face turned white at the direct mention of her relationship with Harry, that too by his grandfather. Oh, if only the floor would open up and swallow her whole.
`Does everyone in this family know about my relationship with Harry?' Hermione mused. She made a mental note to ask Harry about it later.
"Michael, you are scaring her." Florence admonished looking serious.
Michael, realizing his mistake apologized to Hermione, "Sorry Hermione, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said with a sincere apologetic smile. Hermione, unable to say anything in return, simply nodded and gave a small smile in return.
After giving a hug to Lily, a handshake with Hermione, and a kiss to his wife, Michael left the room, saying that he had to call Remus.
The visit to the Potter Manor, which had a confusing start for Hermione, later became a joyful ride. Just like her and Lily, Florence was also an avid book lover. Potter's family library was huge, perhaps bigger than her school library. Hermione simply loved it.
All the nervous feelings Hermione had felt in the morning was gone by the time they were having lunch. Hermione had spent the whole day there, most of the time going through the books and talking with two Potter women.
Florence and Lily told her about the kinds of books they had, and the books they were planning to add to the collection. They also told her that they were planning to have a separate building for the books.
Overall, Hermione had a great time at the Potter Manor. Florence made sure that at the end of the day Hermione knew how much she was appreciated in the Potter family and welcomed in the Potter Manor.
When it was the time for Hermione and Lily to leave, Florence made Hermione promise that she would come back to the Potter Manor and have a good time with her, and Hermione gave the promise without any kind of hesitation or trepidation.
After her first visit to Potter Manor with Lily Potter, Hermione went there thrice in next two weeks. She had grown closer to both Lily and Florence. She knew that they approved of her as Harry's girlfriend. Things were turning very serious. What had started just as a game was now turning out to be a very serious matter.
Granger as well as Potter, both the families were involved in Harry and Hermione's relationship. Unintentionally both Harry and Hermione had brought their families in this matter.
While Hermione's parents (okay, not her dad, although he had started easing up a bit towards Harry) were happy with her relationship with Harry. And Harry's family had welcomed Hermione in their circle with open arms.
Hermione knew when she and Harry would break up, both the families would be hurt and disappointed by their decision.
Time of the bet was close to end. Hermione's guilt feelings were burdening her heart and that's why right now she was pacing back and forth outside the study room, where her mum was doing some work. It was the Tuesday night of the third week of the March, and standing outside the study room, Hermione was trying to figure out how to talk with her mum.
Hermione knocked on the door and opened it slightly, peering inside.
"Hey mum, can I come in?" Hermione asked. Jane looked up from the couch and looked at her daughter.
"Come in," She said putting aside the files, she was working on.
Hermione moved inside the room and closed the door behind her. She came and stood in front of Jane. She was feeling very nervous, but she knew she had to do it. She hadn't talked to Harry about this, and had no idea how he would react to this move of hers. She just hoped he wouldn't think that she had broken his trust.
However, now was not the time to think about that, it was time to concentrate on what to say to her mum, who was looking back at her expectantly.
"Hermione, what is it?" Jane asked, motioning Hermione to come and sit next to her. However, Hermione remained standing and by the look on face of her daughter, Jane knew it was something very important.
"Mum, I want to tell you something." Hermione said looking stressed.
"What is it dear?" Jane asked calmly.
Jane grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her on the couch next to her.
However, instead of speaking, Hermione launched herself in the comforting arms of her mother. Jane looked surprised, but gathered her daughter in her arms, rubbing her back soothingly. Hermione didn't cry, she just held onto her mother.
"Hermione, what happened love?" Jane asked her daughter as she pulled back from her.
"Mum, I have to tell you something and it's very important. You might get mad at me for this." Hermione said anxiously.
Jane frowned at what her daughter said. She cupped Hermione's cheek and spoke, "Hermione, tell me what happened."
Hermione closed her eyes for a second and took a deep breath.
"Mum, Harry and I are not dating." Hermione whispered. It took a moment for Jane to process what Hermione said.
"What?" Jane said looking confused, "What you mean, you are not dating?"
Hermione gathered all her courage and started speaking from the start, when Harry had told her about the bet and how she had agreed to help him win the bet.
Hermione also told her mum about the conversation she had with Harry in the kitchen when he had come home with her to work on his project.
By the time Hermione finished her tale, Jane was completely speechless. She felt as though if whole world was turned upside down. She felt a wave of anger rising inside her. However, looking at the miserable look on her daughter's face all her rage simply melted away.
"I am disappointed with you Hermione. Why did you and Harry do this and why didn't you tell me this before?" Jane asked looking disappointed.
Hermione was feeling terrible. She hated to see the upset look on her mum's face.
"It had just started as a joke. To be truth I didn't think it was such a big deal. I mean it was just a stupid bet, you know just kind of a game, nothing serious. We didn't mean to hurt anyone. But then you, dad, Harry's parents, his grandparents, everyone got involved in this and things just became so complicated. I was so overwhelmed, so I decided to tell you. I am really very very sorry mum. Please forgive me" Hermione said regretfully as tears welled up in her eyes.
Jane nodded trying to understand Hermione's point of view.
"How are things between you and Harry? You both seem to get along well. Did he know that you were going to tell me about the bet?" Jane asked in a gentle voice, wiping away the tears from Hermione's eyes.
"No, he doesn't know." Hermione replied.
"Well, then you better inform him about this and if possible, ask him to tell the truth to his parents as well." Jane said thoughtfully.
Hermione merely nodded. "I will tell him." She said hoping Harry would not be angry with her.
Jane didn't say anything for some time. She just stared at her daughter thinking about all the things she told her. She was hurt that Hermione had lied to her. She had been happy when her daughter had started dating Harry and the changes it had brought in her personality, and from whatever she had seen of Harry's personality and nature, she knew he was a nice young man.
It was not hard to look at him in the bad light after knowing about the bet. However, the thing that he didn't lie to Hermione and even offered to cancel the bet realizing that Hermione was not comfortable lying to her parents, spoke volumes about his character and perhaps about his feelings towards Hermione.
Jane had the inkling that Hermione had more than friendly feelings for Harry. She just decided to test the waters.
"Did Harry try to take your advantage?" Jane asked sternly.
"What?" Hermione said looking bewildered, "Of course not, mum. Harry would never do that. He has been very nice to me since the very first day. He even stood up for me in front of Cho and her friends when they were making fun of me. In fact we have become very good friends now." She said passionately.
She thought it wasn't necessary how Harry had stood up for her against Cho and her friends in front of the whole school. Hermione blushed at the memory. It looked like Jane had noticed the look on her daughter's face.
"Are you sure, you're just friends?" Jane asked teasingly, putting an arm around Hermione's shoulder pulling her closer.
"Yes mum, we're just friends." Hermione said trying to sound convincing.
"Really, then why do I feel like there's something more than just friendship?" Jane asked poking Hermione on the side.
Hermione just laughed as a light shade of blush painted across her cheek.
"You like him. Don't you?" Jane said with a motherly smile on her face.
Hermione just shrugged her shoulders. She didn't feel awkward in admitting her feelings in front of her mum.
"It doesn't matter. He doesn't feel the same for me." Hermione said feeling a little lost. Even though something was telling her that she might be wrong in her assessment towards Harry's feelings for her.
"Well, I would say don't jump to the conclusions straightaway." Jane said with a knowing look in her eyes.
Hermione threw a questioning glance towards her mother.
"Do you think he likes me?" Hermione asked feeling a bubble of hope rising in her heart.
"Who knows?" Jane said with a wink, making Hermione laugh.
They both continued to chat and have a good mother-daughter time for next couple of hours.
Author's Note: - So what do you think? Tell me through your reviews.
(And the description of the living room at Potter Manor is not my own idea. I found it on a site.)