Disclaimer:- I don't own Harry Potter or anyone and anything related.
Author's note:- Thanks to auror_lumos09 for beta read this chapter.
"So deal" Harry said bringing his right hand forward for a shake.
"Deal" Hermione said while shaking his hand firmly.
They both were quiet for some time, thinking about what to say and what to do next. Hermione couldn't believe that it was actually happening. Never once in her life, had she thought that one day she would be talking to Harry Potter and in her own backyard no less. Unexpectedly, she burst out laughing.
"What?" Harry asked with astonishment.
"Oh nothing, it's just that, I never ever thought that I would meet you, and today, here I am, conspiring with you regarding this whole fake dating scenario. Who would have thought that one day you would be standing in my backyard talking to me? I mean people like you don't join together with the people like me." Hermione said trying to explain her point.
Harry grimaced a bit at her explanation.
"What you mean by people like me?" Harry asked sharply.
"Oh don't take it the wrong way. What I mean is…" Hermione paused trying to find the appropriate words. "I mean, come on, you are the famous Harry Potter and I am just the unknown geek Hermione Granger. We don't belong to the same league. It's an unsaid rule of every school. The popular ones don't associate with the un-popular ones." Hermione said in the best way she could.
Harry was astounded for the next few seconds, and then he did the most unexpected thing. He started laughing at her explanation.
"Who told you all these things?" Harry asked with an amused voice.
Hermione just shrugged. "It's just how I've seen it work in my school since my childhood days. Popular kids bully those who are not like them. Why do you think Cho and I don't get along? Hell! Even Romilda and I don't get along, despite being cousins. It has been like this since we were like, 4 year old kids. She always insults me and I retort back." Hermione said, at the same time becoming lost in the memories of her childhood.
Harry simply looked at her intently. What she said was probably right. He had once seen his cousin, Dudley Dursely, bullying some younger kids in his neighborhood. But was he himself, really the kind of boy who bullied others?
`Does she think that I am also one of them?' Harry mused, feeling a bit disturbed. What if Hermione thought that he was also the kind of a guy who believed himself to be above others?
"Do you think I'm the same as them?" Harry asked before he could process what he was saying.
Hermione simply shrugged. "I don't know much about you and looking at the fact that you have gotten yourself into a bet upon me…I don't know what to think about you." Hermione said bluntly.
Harry suddenly felt as though he should prove himself to Hermione. To show that he wasn't like those who insulted, hurt and bullied others. However, instead of explaining to her that he wasn't a bad guy, he became defensive.
"Then why did you agree to help me?" Harry asked feeling a bit irritated.
Hermione merely stared at him, unable to answer his question. She knew that it was mainly to get back at Cho, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt like this was not the only reason. To be truthful, she didn't know why she agreed to help him.
'But I just can't say this to him; he would think I've gone nuts.' Hermione thought exasperated. "It's because I want to get back at Cho. She has made my life a complete hell in school." Hermione answered feebly.
Harry gave her a look, which said, 'I don't believe a word you said.'
"So, what do we do now?" Hermione asked, changing the subject.
Harry simply shrugged his shoulders. "Tell others that we are dating." He replied.
Hermione nodded and started thinking about what could be done. Suddenly an idea popped in her mind. She smiled complacently to herself.
"Why are you smiling?" Harry asked curiously.
Hermione looked at him with an exciting glint in her eyes. "I think you're right. Let's go and tell my mum that we are dating." Hermione said animatedly.
"You want to tell your mum?" Harry asked in a stunned voice.
"Of course, I don't want her to find out through someone else. Especially when I already told her we weren't dating, when she asked if we were. Also, I can't wait to see Romilda's face." Hermione said with a smug look on her own face.
"Aren't we being naughty now?" Harry asked in teasing voice.
"Oh be quiet." Hermione said as she dragged him inside.
Harry couldn't believe what he did. He actually told this girl about the bet and much to his bewilderment, she agreed to help him. He was surely dreaming or had gone mad. Hermione Granger, who was always so short with him, on both occasions they met, first at the Christmas Party and then at the New Year's Ball.
The more he thought about why he told her the truth, he felt more confused. He knew if he had tried harder, he would have made her believe that he was interested in her. Somehow, looking at her, he didn't want to lie to her. About the 'interest' part, he wasn't sure anymore if he was really applying the 'not interested' theory, on her or not. Now he wasn't certain anymore about his feelings.
'Ugh…why can't she be like other girls? It would have been so much easier.' Harry mused annoyed as Hermione dragged him inside.
It wasn't just Harry who was confused about what exactly was happening between him and Hermione. Hermione was also feeling very baffled while thinking about the same thing.
She was a bit disorientated. Why did she agree to help Harry? Moreover, to her amazement, Harry actually told her about the bet. That was another thing which made her very confused. She knew that she should have been angry with Harry for getting into a bet concerning her. But strangely, only a little, a very little part of her was feeling angry, which was almost unrecognizable. A larger part of her was kind of thrilled with the anticipation of dating Harry Potter even if it was a fake relationship.
Hermione found her mum and Romilda in the kitchen. They both were sitting there, definitely waiting for Harry and Hermione to show up.
"Hey mum," Hermione said timidly, as she and Harry entered the kitchen.
Jane looked up at both of them and smiled. She gestured both of them to sit.
"So I think you both are done with the talking. Romilda was restless, and was coming to join you before I stopped her." Jane said with a chuckle. Hermione looked at Romilda who had turned red due to embarrassment.
"Of course, she's always so worried about me after all." Hermione said in a sugary voice while looking at her cousin.
Hermione was sure that her cousin would have been trying to eavesdrop. Thanks to her mum's unintentional interruption, Romilda didn't hear anything.
'I should have been more careful.' Hermione thought.
"Well mum, we have something to tell you." Hermione said nervously looking at her mum.
"What is it?" Jane asked curiously.
Millions of thoughts were running through Hermione's mind. She knew if her mum knew about the fake date thing, she would not be happy with her, and would probably be disappointed. But it was one chance for Hermione to do something out of the line, something reckless. Luna always told her that she always played safe, that she never took risks.
'I'll tell mum later, but for now, I'll enjoy this. After all, I also have some right to be a little bit naughty. I just hope she won't get mad at me whenever I tell her the truth.' Hermione mused feeling a little guilty. Smiling Hermione looked at her mum.
"Mum, Harry and I are together." She said nonchalantly.
Jane smiled at them. She was about to speak but was interrupted before she could even start.
"What!" Romilda exclaimed loudly.
Harry, Hermione and Jane looked at her. Harry and Jane were had bewildered looks on their faces, while Hermione was smiling smugly at Romilda.
'Ha! That's what I was waiting for.' Hermione thought, while inwardly, smiling wickedly.
"Do you have any problems with this?" Hermione asked innocently.
"What? Oh no. Of course not, no problems." Romilda replied awkwardly.
Hermione simply nodded and looked back at her mum.
Harry hadn't said anything since he came in the kitchen with Hermione. He was in kind of a dazed state. He wasn't sure what to do and say, so he simply let Hermione lead the conversation.
"So you finally admit that you both have been dating." Jane said, clearly looking pleased with her-self.
"No mum we have not been dating." Hermione said frustratingly. She had told the same thing to her mum this morning.
"Actually, I just asked her out." Harry spoke before Jane could say anything to Hermione.
Jane looked at Harry with a surprised look. "Oh" she said.
"Yes mum, we weren't dating before today or to be more exact, not before a few minutes back, when he asked me." Hermione said in calm voice.
"It's still good news dear." Jane said with a wide smile on her face.
To Hermione's relief Jane didn't ask any further questions.
"Where are my manners? Harry dear, would you like to have something?" Jane asked.
"Err…thank you Mrs. Granger, but I think I should leave now." Harry replied tentatively.
Jane looked a bit disappointed at this. "Ok, maybe next time." Jane said with a smile.
"Thank you Mrs. Granger." Harry said as he got up to leave.
"Bye Romilda." Harry said looking at Hermione's cousin
"Bye." Romilda said looking a bit taken aback.
"I'll come with you." Hermione said as she got up with Harry.
Hermione led him towards the front door. Once they both were outside, Hermione closed the door behind her.
Harry raised his eyebrows at her.
"We have to be more careful or Romilda might find out what's going on." Hermione said explaining her action. Harry simply nodded.
"It went well, back inside. You must be happy seeing your cousin's reaction." Harry said with a humorous look in his eyes.
Hermione simply rolled her eyes. "You noticed." She said.
"Of course I did. How could I miss it?" Harry said, laughing at his new fake girlfriend.
Hermione hit him playfully on the arm. "Git," she murmured.
"It's the first time that you haven't made a sarcastic remark to something I said." Harry said.
"I don't make any sarcastic remarks." Hermione replied indignantly, though not sounding very angry either.
Harry didn't say anything but simply looked at the unusual, yet interesting,brunette in front of him.
'These three months are going to be very interesting' Harry mused.
"It's for 3 months. Today is the 1st of January, so it means this bet will be over on 1st of April." Hermione said thoughtfully.
"Yeah," Harry said feeling a little bit disappointed.(Though, he didn't know the reason for feeling like this.)
"Give me your number. I'll call you later." Harry said.
"You want my home number?" Hermione asked perplexedly.
"No, your cell number, so that I can call you. I can't call you on your landline in case your father picks up the phone and I can't always come to your place to meet you either. Plus we will have to plan what we are going to do next." Harry said.
"I don't have a personal cell." Hermione said. Harry looked a bit surprised at this.
"How about this, give me your number. I'll call you. This is not the place to talk about all this. We have to be careful about Romilda as well." Hermione said in rushed voice.
"Ok" Harry replied. Hermione went inside and came back with a piece of paper and a pen in her hand.
After giving his cell number to Hermione, Harry made his way to leave, but then he stopped.
"Hermione, are you going to tell Luna about our deal?" Harry asked.
Hermione thought for a moment about what to say. "Does Ron know about it?" she asked in return.
"Yes." Harry replied.
"Then I think it would be better if Luna knows as well. I don't want any problems to occur between them because of us." Hermione replied.
"I think you are right. But are you sure she won't tell anyone?" Harry asked.
"Of course she won't. I trust her completely." Hermione said in a factual tone.
"It's settled then." Harry said.
"Yeah, I'll call you later then." Hermione said.
Harry simply nodded. "Bye" he said.
"Bye" Hermione replied.
With that Harry left the Granger's residence.
"You are doing what?" Robert exclaimed loudly.
"Relax Rob." Jane said in soothing voice, rubbing her husband's back.
(It was during the nighttime of the same day Harry asked Hermione out.)
Hermione and her parents were sitting in the living room as Hermione told her father that she and Harry Potter were dating now. (Romilda was already in her bedroom)
"Yes dad, I am dating Harry Potter." Hermione said in a calm voice. She knew if any problem arose from her father, her mum would see to it.
"But when did it all start?" Robert asked looking puzzled.
"He asked her out this morning." Jane interrupted before Hermione could speak.
"B…But she is still a little girl." Robert said stuttering a bit. He just couldn't believe that his daughter had grown up so quickly, that she had started to date boys.
"I am not so little anymore Dad." Hermione said with a hint of smile in her voice.
Robert looked at his daughter and then his wife with a helpless look.
"She has grown up." Jane said knowingly.
"Well I didn't want her to grow up so fast." Robert murmured. He was always very protective of his daughter. He still remembered whenever Hermione used to ask why other students in her class teased her. Sometimes she used to cry over things like that. She used to think that others didn't want to be her friends.
Robert never liked to see his daughter sad or crying. He always tried to tell her that she was better than those who teased her and they were jealous of the vast knowledge she possessed. But it was difficult to explain those things to a little Hermione.
But thanks to fate, she grew out of those silly sad things and grew up to be a pretty, intelligent and kind girl. Now there was another problem for him as a father.
Hearing her say that she was dating a boy was something, Robert wasn't prepared to face yet.
"Don't worry dad. I'll be fine." Hermione said squeezing her father's hand.
"I just don't want you to get hurt. If that boy hurts you…" Robert never got to finish his sentence as Hermione spoke in between.
"Don't worry dad. If he hurts me I'll kick his butt straight out of England." Hermione said in laughing voice. Jane smiled at the father- daughter conversation.
"Now that, that matter is solved, let's get some sleep now." Jane said, "We have to open the dentistry tomorrow."
Robert checked the time. "Yeah it's already too late. It was a tiring but a very funny day with James." He said with a silly grin on his face. Jane and Hermione shared a look and rolled their eyes.
"I still find it hard to believe that you went on an adventurous trip." Hermione said with bewilderment.
"So do I." Robert said with a laugh.
"Goodnight dear." He said while kissing Hermione on forehead, the three of them got up to leave for their beds.
Troubles never ceased to bother Hermione. Unfortunately, for her, she lost the number Harry had given her. Now she had no way to contact him. It had already been two days since their last meeting. She was not able to call him even once. Nor has she been able to talk to Luna.
Today was the day she had to go back to school. The holidays were over and she was sure Romilda had already told Cho about her and Harry. She didn't know what would happen in school. Surely, Cho would be plotting some kind of scheme against her.
Hermione and Romilda, along with Robert and Jane were sitting in the kitchen having their breakfast. Once they were done,
"So are you ready to leave?" Romilda asked Hermione. Hermione looked at Romilda with a surprised expression. Romilda never asked her that before.
'Something must be happening at school today.' Hermione thought with dread 'Whatever it is, I have to be prepared for it.'
"Yeah I'm ready. Let's go." Hermione replied confidently.
They were about to leave when doorbell rang. Jane went to open the door.
"Hermione," Jane called from the living room.
"Yeah Mum?" Hermione replied as she made her way to living room. Robert and Romilda followed her out of the kitchen.
"Look who's here to meet you." Jane said as Hermione arrived in living room.
Hermione was shocked to see Harry there.
"What are you doing here?" she asked bluntly.
Harry looked at her and smiled. "I was just passing nearby, so I thought I could take you to your school." Harry said. His eyes shifted from Hermione to Robert who was standing behind Hermione. He was looking at Harry with a peculiar expression on his face.
"Good morning Mr. Granger." Harry said nervously.
Hermione turned around and looked at her father. He hadn't replied yet. "Dad," Hermione hissed in low tone.
"Good Morning Harry," Robert replied.
"So, I heard you're dating my daughter." Robert said brusquely.
"Umm… yes sir." Harry replied apprehensively, not knowing what would happen next.
Robert nodded with a thoughtful expression. "Okay. I have already talked to Hermione about this and I want to only say one thing to you. Don't ever give me a reason to hit you." Robert said with a stony expression.
Harry gulped fretfully and nodded.
"Robert, Hermione is a big girl now and can look after her-self. You don't have to talk to Harry like this." Jane said austerely.
"But Jane…" Robert stuttered under his wife's stony gaze. "You're probably right…" He murmured.
Hermione smiled at her dear father and stepped closer to him."Do not worry dad. I'll be careful not to get hurt." Hermione said in a low voice, so that only her father could hear. Robert smiled and nodded.
"So can I drop Hermione off to her school?" Harry asked, looking warily at Jane and Robert.
"Sure dear." Jane said with a smile. With that, she left the living room, dragging a reluctant Robert with her.
"Let's go." Harry said looking at flabbergasted Hermione.
Suddenly a thought, or more like a wicked idea, popped in Hermione's mind.
"Romilda would you like to come with us?" Hermione asked pleasantly, as she looked at Romilda who was standing there with a stunned look on her face.
Harry looked at Hermione with a confused expression. Hermione was looking at Romilda waiting for her answer.
'Now why is she inviting her cousin?' Harry thought bewilderedly.
"Romilda…" Hermione called.
"Umm…yeah I would love to. But only if Harry doesn't have any problem." She replied trying to sound shy.
"No problem with it." Harry said in a distracted voice. Romilda smiled in return and made her way outside.
Hermione made to follow her but Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
"Ouch!" Hermione cried. "You should be careful. My father is still at home." Hermione said mockingly and smirked at him. Harry simply rolled his eyes.
"Care to tell me why you invited your cousin? We have to pretend that we want to be alone together." Harry whispered in a demanding voice.
Hermione winked at him playfully. "You'll see." She said and left the living room to go out.
'Wow! I really did that.' Hermione thought dazedly, thinking about her playful talking and winking. She never did that before, especially with a boy.
'What brought this on?' she continued with her musings, moving towards the door.
Outside the house, a BMW M3 convertible was parked.
"What took you so long?" Romilda said with a maddening superiority. Hermione simply gave a mischievous smile. "What do you think?" she said giving a suggestive look to her cousin.
'Let her think whatever she wants.' Hermione thought.
Largely to Romilda's annoyance, Hermione sat in front with Harry and Romilda had to sit behind. Moreover, Harry had opened the door for Hermione in gentlemanly way. This was like rubbing salt in an open wound to Romilda.
"I missed you so much." Harry said to Hermione while driving the car. Both Hermione and Romilda looked at Harry.
"I…I missed you too." Hermione stammered. Harry looked at her, grinning roguishly. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. Hermione could feel her cheeks getting warm.
Romilda was fuming in the back seat without realizing that Harry could see her in rear view mirror. Hermione also noticed Romilda's face and smiled inwardly. Her plan to invite Romilda on the drive had worked well.
Hermione kept stealing glances at Harry when she was sure he wasn't looking. He was looking as gorgeous as ever especially with his untamed hair and his mischievous emerald eyes, which were attracting her even more. But she was still trying to figure out why he came to her house this morning. Surely, they hadn't talked in the last two days to decide what exactly to do.
'Then why did he show up?' Hermione thought.
Finally, they reached to the school. As soon as the car stopped, Romilda quickly got out of the car and left without saying anything.
Hermione started laughing at this. She looked at Harry who was looking at her with an amused expression on his face. Hermione quickly looked away.
"Why did you come to my place?" Hermione asked a few minutes later.
Harry frowned. "We are supposed to be together. So I thought that it would look good if I took you to school." He said.
In all honesty, he didn't know why he was at her place this morning. Ron had told him that Beauxbatons Academy was opening today after a long Christmas vacation. Therefore, without thinking, he drove all the way to Hermione's place and by the time he realized this, he was already ringing the doorbell of Grangers.
"I know. What I mean is that we didn't decide anything as I lost your number and was not able to call you." Hermione tried to explain to him.
Harry nodded. "But how did you know that today my school was going to reopen." Hermione asked.
Harry simply shrugged. "Luna told Ron, and Ron told me, as he was also going to come to drop off Luna." Harry said.
Finally, they both got out of the car.
"Oh my God," Luna said in melodic voice as she came and stood next to Hermione. (Ron was there with her.)
Luna looked at Harry and Hermione with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"This is just so perfect and romantic, I and Ron and you and Harry." Luna said looking at Hermione.
"I think we should go inside." Hermione said, ignoring her friend's observation.
'Ok" Luna said. She turned and kissed Ron lightly on the lips. Ron grinned at her and kissed her firmly.
Hermione made a gagging noise. Luna pulled away from Ron and hit Hermione playfully.
Hermione simply laughed. She turned to Harry who was quiet. "Thanks for the lift Harry. See you later." Hermione said and turned to leave with Luna.
Hermione had just taken two steps ahead when a hand gripped her wrist and she was pulled back. Next second, she found Harry's lips pressed firmly to hers.
Harry had been fascinated by Hermione this morning. He saw a new playful side of her, and by the look on her face, he could tell that she wasn't aware of this new side of hers either.
Today she was looking very endearing in her crisp, collared white shirt, dark blue jeans and dark black hooded jacket that was open in the front. She was looking nice, but her curly hair tied in a low ponytail and few tendrils framing her face made her look stunning. Moreover, her soft looking full lips were looking very striking against her face that had turned slightly pink due to the cold wind.
To anyone else she might have looked like a bookworm due to the heavy bag, which was clinging on her shoulder. However, for him, he could think of only one thing. How badly he wanted to kiss her. Before he could consider what he was doing, Hermione was already in his arms.
Hermione was too shocked to realize that she was getting her first kiss. Harry's lips were pressed against hers. She felt sensations running through her body she had never felt before. She could feel Harry's arms around her waist holding her tightly against him. He had almost lifted her from the ground. Instinctively she started moving her lips against him and gripped his shirt tightly.
After some time Harry pulled back. They both were breathless. Hermione stared at him.She was still in his arms. Harry's grip loosened a bit but he didn't let her go.
They both realized that they had gained an audience. Hermione stepped out of Harry's arms and looked around. Many students were looking at her and Harry. Few of them were applauding and making catcalls. Cho and her gang were amongst the crowd, anger written over their faces.
Hermione looked at Harry. He was also looking around and seemed to notice Cho and her followers.
Cho came straight to Hermione and stood in front of her, glaring at her with an intimidating look in her eyes.
"What the hell were you thinking Bushy?" Cho said conceitedly. "Just because Ronald may have bad taste in girlfriends, like your Loony friend, doesn't mean my Harry would have the same bad taste." Cho said.
Ron was about to retort back but Luna gripped his hand, shaking her head indicating no.
Cho gave an attractive smile to Harry.
"Am I not right Harry?" Cho addressed to Harry very sweetly. Harry simply looked at her not saying anything.
Everyone was quiet. They were watching the scene Cho was creating.
"And how do you know that he doesn't like me? And your Harry? As far as I know he's not even dating you." Hermione said with a mock pleasant voice.
Cho looked fiercely at Hermione and then she laughed in her melodious voice. "Do you think he would actually date something like you?" Cho asked with a smirk.
Hermione glared at her and looked towards Romilda who was standing behind Cho. She knew Romilda would have told Cho about her dating Harry. Hermione looked at her with a challenging look and Romilda quickly looked away from her.
'Traitorous cousin of mine.' Hermione thought bitterly.
"You, as well as everyone here, know that Harry would never go as low as you. He's just doing it to make me jealous." Cho said, flipping her shiny black hair over her shoulder.
"Come on Harry, there's no need for you to associate with this." Cho said sanctimoniously, pointing towards Hermione in an insulting way.
Hermione froze for a minute. She knew Harry and Cho had dated in the past but nobody knew why they broke up.
'Is it possible that he's using me to make Cho jealous?' Hermione thought as uncertainty filled her mind.
"Now baby, tell her where she belongs." Cho cooed to Harry as she stood next to him holding his hand.
Hermione looked at Harry. She was feeling doubtful but tried not to show it on her face.
Harry simply grinned at Hermione and stepped forward, getting out of Cho's grip. He wrapped his hand around Hermione's waist and looked at a shocked Cho.
"I think it's you, who needs to know where you belong." Harry said knowingly.
"W…what you mean?" Cho stuttered, all her arrogance forgotten.
"What I mean is that Hermione is my girlfriend. And I am sure you would not want to get on my bad side by insulting her." Harry said as he pulled Hermione a little closer.
Hermione didn't know what was going on around her. As soon as Harry's hand slipped around her waist, she again felt the unknown sensations going through her whole body. The kiss that she had shared with Harry only a few moments back had made her more aware of Harry's touch.
"Oh really, then prove it." Cho said snootily, crossing her arms across her chest.
"I already did it Cho." Harry said dismissively. "But if you want, I would do it again." Harry said audaciously.
Harry looked at Hermione who had an unfocused look in her eyes.
Harry tugged at her hand to get her attention. Hermione looked at him with same distracted look. Harry raised his eyebrows as an impish grin made its way onto his face. He leaned towards Hermione's face.
'Oh God he's going to kiss me again. What should I do?' Hermione thought frenziedly.
'Pull back, pull back' Hermione's mind was screaming at her, but her treacherous body wasn't listening. She wanted to feel his lips against her once again. A debate was going on between her mind and heart.
Mind: - Pull Back
Heart: - No, just do it.
Mind: - It's all just pretense. Pull back.
Heart: - You don't know that. Just go ahead with this. You know you want this.
And before mind could reply Harry's lips were once again on hers. Her whole mind shut down. Before she knew what she was doing, her hands automatically went to Harry's hair grabbing a fistful of it as she kissed him back. This time more firmly.
Harry pulled back slightly and looked at her with a strange expression on his face.
'There Hermione, you finally scared him off with your inexperienced tactics in kissing.' Hermione thought a bit dejectedly. She was about to pull back, but Harry's grip tightened around her as he once again crushed his lips against her. Hermione heard someone moaning softly. Then she realized it was her who was moaning.
'And now I am turning into a sexual creature.' A far away thought passed though Hermione's mind but quickly squashed it as she continued kissing, after all now she was an experienced kisser, even though it was an experience of just one kiss.
Finally feeling very breathless, Hermione pulled back. She hadn't gone this long without breathing in her life before. This kiss was even longer than the first one. She looked in the piercing green eyes of the boy she was kissing a moment back.
His eyes were staring back. There was something in his eyes, but she couldn't point out what it was.
Harry loosened his grip on Hermione and looked at Cho, who at the moment, was fuming with anger, her face completely red.
"I think that solves your problem." Harry said to Cho with a smirk on his face.
Cho stomped her foot angrily and marched away in the school, Parvati, Romilda and Lavender following her. Lavender glowered at Ron before walking away, who was grinning widely at his best friend.
"That was one hell of a kiss mate." Ron said cheerfully, patting Harry's back.
"Ooooooooooh yes Hermione, it looked so hot." Luna squeaked happily.
Hermione smiled nervously at Luna and once again stepped back from Harry's arms. They both looked at each other, not knowing what to say.
'Damn hormones. You told her; there would be almost no kissing. Then you just go ahead and kiss her, not just a peck, but a firm kiss. Thank god she pulled back, otherwise I might have frenched her. Don't feel very surprised if she slaps you and never talks to you ever again' Harry thought fearing how Hermione would react.
'But her lips were so soft. Damn. Damn. Damn Harry, control yourself.' Harry slapped himself mentally.
Crowd had started dissipating. Some were still goggling at Hermione as though if they had never seen her before.
"Way to go Granger" a group of seniors said as they were making their way into the school.
Some were giving her and Luna thumbs up, and some were looking at them with disgust. Clearly, they were Cho supporters.
"Well," Harry started, interrupting, unnerving silence between him and Hermione.
Hermione looked at him.
"Come on Ron. Won't you walk me into the school?" Luna said with a dreamy look in her eyes as she looked at Ron. Today it looked like fate was Ron's favor. As slow as he was on taking hints sometimes, today wasn't that day. He immediately took the hint Luna was giving him.
"Yes, of course. Come on; let's see that Cho and lavender does not create any other problems for you." Ron said as he led Luna to the school.
Then Harry and Hermione were left alone.
"Umm…" Hermione started, but quickly went quiet. Harry looked at her and could see the conflict in her eyes.
"That…that was …." Harry was about to say amazing, but stopped himself in time.
"That was to show everyone that we are together." Harry said moving his hand through his already messy hair.
'But you kissed her twice you fool.' Harry contemplated in his head.
Hermione simply nodded her head but then she frowned.
"But why did you kiss me twice?" Hermione asked.
"I already told you that." Harry said.
"I understand why you kissed me the second time. But why did you kiss me the first time?" Hermione asked infuriatingly.
Hermione was feeling frustrated. Harry surely didn't want to kiss her, he already said that when they agreed to work together for the bet. Then why did he kiss her now? It was obvious why he kissed her the second time, to convince Cho that they were together so that she would not suspect anything. Yet that kiss didn't felt like any pretense. It felt real, at least to her. She wasn't sure about Harry, and what he felt.
'Maybe he was just pretending in front of others as well or maybe he had already seen Cho there. Nah, Cho wasn't there, she would have already interrupted….' Hermione's musings went on.
"If I'm not wrong, you kissed me back." Harry said gallingly.
'Why doesn't she just drop it? Tsk…Tsk… Harry…you kiss a girl without any reason, she's bound to ask you.' Harry cogitated in his mind.
"That's not the point here. It was you who started it and we are talking about why exactly you kissed me." Hermione replied getting annoyed.
They both scowled at each other.
'Wow! One moment we're kissing and the next we're fighting. What if she attacked me? I should better leave before anyone catches us fighting with each other.' Harry thought.
"I am leaving." Harry said, ignoring Hermione's question.
"You didn't answer my question." Hermione said maddeningly.
"Maybe I don't want to. Figure it out by yourself. You seem smart enough to do it." Harry said with an arrogant smirk and walked back to his car.
Hermione growled and walked inside her school angrily.
'That prat, scum-bag, rotten git! How dare he walk away like this? Who the hell is he? He just kisses me out of nowhere and then doesn't explain why he did that. What does he take me for? That ...' Hermione kept calling Harry different names in her mind as she made her way to her class.
"Hey Hermione," Ron said who was making his way out of the school.
"Yeah?" Hermione said absentmindedly. Then she noticed it was Ron.
"Luna is already in the class." Ron said "And by the way I didn't know you could kiss like that. What was it they say about the quiet ones?" Ron said with a teasing grin.
Hermione glared at him. Seeing her expression, Ron quickly backed off.
"I better leave; Harry is most likely waiting for me. Bye." With that, Ron quickly walked outside the school leaving a furious Hermione behind.
Hermione went to her class and sat in her seat next to Luna.
Luna was about to say something, but seeing Hermione's mood she decided not to talk.
Author's note:- Hope you enjoy it. Give your reviews.