Fifth Element Books & Documents
1001 Tastiest Recipes for Poisonous Fungi, by Vadim Aspinwall (book in Black library) (65)
"A Case Study of the Sacrifice of the Phoenix Used to Counteract Magical Spontaneous Combustion" - by Paracelsus Huxley (medical article about Hermione) (80)
Advanced Gingivitis Treatment with Illustrations (Muggle) (18)
al-Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wa'l-Muqabala, by Muhammad ibn MÅ«sÄ al-KhwÄrizmÄ« (Wenlock translation) - Sixth Year N.E.W.T Arithmancy textbook, the word "algebra" is derived from the title (11)
Ancient Magic for Modern Times - about wandless and persistent magic (5)
Anglo-French Magical Concordat of 1939 (1)
Animagus Workbook, by Gandolfus Rottweiler - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Transfiguration textbook (11)
Animal Farm, by George Orwell (Muggle) (45)
Annals of Clinical Healing - medical journal (80)
Arithmancy Made Easy, by Albert E. Hawking - Sixth Year elective Arithmancy textbook (11, 80)
Auror's Guide to Survival Magic - book for summer Auror training (5)
Auror's Handbook of Offensive and Defensive Magic, with workbook - book for summer Auror training (5)
The Better Homes & Gardens Complete Magical Guide, by Samantha Schlafley and Tabitha Palsgraf - Sixth Year elective Domestic Charms textbook (11)
The Better Part of Valour: Living to Fight Another Day (22)
Beyond Fornication Under Consent of the King, "A User's Guide to Sexual Practices Banned as Witchcraft by Muggle Henry VIII" (author not stated) (52)
Black Ivory: A History of British Slavery (Muggle) (22, 26)
Bleak House, Dickens (Muggle) (10)
Book of Merlin - compendium of spells (5, 14, 38)
A Brief History of Time - by Stephen Hawking (Muggle) (88)
Burnham's Celestial Handbook, by Robert Burnham, Jr. (Muggle) (43)
Coming Of Age: Twenty Readings For Young Wizards, by Alfred Bragge (66)
The Compleat Druid: Spells & Rituals - anonymous (Druid) (63, 66)
Compleat Handbook of Sexual Enchantments & Related Magical Maladies by Hubert Huddleston
Confronting the Faceless: Creative Defences to Dark Magic, Alastor Moody - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. DADA textbook (11)
The Crosses of Horror - from Salvation to Damnation (author unknown) (62)
Dark Mages of the Twentieth Century (55)
The Dark Magic of East Asia Over the Centuries (author unknown) (32)
Dark Magic of the Himalayas, by Prester John (31, 33)
Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes (Muggle) (47)
Electricity: Principles and Applications Author unknown (Muggle) (3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 30, 55)
The Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistos - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Potions textbook (Muggle) (11, 39)
Energised Enthusiasm, by Aleister Crowley (Muggle) (52)
Epic of Hsemaglig (goblin literature) (41, 42)
Everything You Wanted to Know About Restricted Classification Beasts But Were Afraid to Ask, by Uric the Oddball - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Magical Creatures textbook (11, 58)
Exegetica, by Basilides (Muggle) (73)
Expert's Guide to the Physiognomic Characteristics of Magical Fowl, by Simon Belby (81)
Familial Affinities Amongst Death Eater Victims: A Five-Year Follow Up Study, by All-England Healing Society (30)
Field Guide to Carnivorous and Other Dangerous Plants, by the Wizard Geographical Society - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Herbology textbook (11)
Goblin Treaty of 1996 - signed by Harry (14, 15, 20, 47, 49)
Great Treaty of 1648 - ending goblin/wizard hostilities (6)
Grindelwald: The Early Years (55)
"Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine" (Muggle) (23)
Hawai'i, by James Michener (Muggle) (13, 66, 88)
High Times Encyclopædia of Recreational Drugs (Muggle) (37)
The Joy of Potions, by Auroleus Phillipus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Potions textbook (11, 39, 48, 58, 80)
The Lexicon Encyclopædia of Spells (Steve Vander Ark)
Life Unto Death & Death Unto Life: Adventures in Practical Necromancy, by Hecate Digitalis - Hermione read parts at Grimmauld between 4th and 5th year (9, 65, 66)
Light and Darkness: A Comparative Study of Unicorns and Leithifolds, by Newt Scamander - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Magical Creatures textbook (11)
Magick Most Evile, by unknown - title in Black library (65)
Making Magic: An Introduction to Sexuality for Young Wizards and Witches, by Shere Kinsey (20)
Manfred Murgatroyd's Principles of Internal Magic (40)
Marco's Millions, by Marco Polo (30)
Medicinal Potions and Charms: A Holistic Approach to Healing author unknown (23)
Mind-Bending Curses, by Omertà Youssoupov (32)
The Number of All Things, by Bridget Wenlock - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Arithmancy textbook (11)
Nurmengard: The Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord Grindelwald (55)
Paracelsus' Pantheon of Potions - Potions compendium (40)
Patterns of Darkness & Light: The Magical History of the Twentieth Century, by Barbara Tuchman - Sixth Year elective History of Magic textbook (11)
The Pre-Auror Guidebook, by the Ministry of Magic Auror Candidate School Training Group - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. DADA textbook (11)
Porisms, by Euclid (Muggle) (64)
Quintessence: A Quest, by Nicholas Flamel - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Charms textbook (11)
Regularisation Treaty of 1844 - establishing current wizard/goblin relationship, including wizard control of Gringotts (6)
The Second Coming, by W.B. Yeats (Muggle) (88)
Sefer ha-Zohar, by Shimon ben Yohai (De Leon translation) (Muggle) - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Arithmancy textbook (11)
Sorcerers of Death's Construction, by unknown - title in Black library (65)
Southland Times, Muggle newspaper in Invercargill NZ (88)
"Superpositional Conflict and Coordination of the Phrenic Communication Amongst Identical Magical Essences: A Case Study" published in Irish Journal of Magical Physicks, by Gondolfo Sherlock (32, 33)
Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens (Muggle) (51)
Transfiguration of Living Things, by Minerva McGonagall - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Transfiguration textbook (11, 48, 77)
Transfiguring Oneself, by Tuan Mac Cairill - Sixth Year N.E.W.T. Transfiguration textbook (11)
Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll (Muggle) (79)
Truth of the Cross/Gospel of Truth, anonymous - to be exchanged for the Hufflepuff Cup (58, 64, 65, 66, 70, 73, 78, 87)
Two Millennia of Treasures: The Glastonbury Grail Collection (Muggle) (66)
The Way Things Work, by David Macaulay (Muggle) - Sixth Year Elective Muggle Studies textbook (11)
Wizarding Equality Treaty of 1836 (1, 6, 8)
A Wizarding History of Empire-Building (55)