Fifth Element Muggle Things
17th Duke of Cambridge's Own Lancers (22)
55-gallon drum (52)
420 (reference to marijuana) (27)
999 - British equivalent of 911 (39)
A23 - major British road to Brighton (15)
A103 - road near Stonehenge (67)
A list - high school honors (20)
Abdominal aorta (69)
Accommodation address - secret address (44)
Advance Medical Directive and Enduring Power of Attorney - living will (39, 40, 41, 42, 85)
Ærogel (35, 80)
African Queen (movie) (50)
Agincourt - battle (23)
AIDS (26, 36, 82)
Air Canada (87, 88)
Air-guitar (87)
Ajax - Sophocles play (64)
Aladdin (movie) (27)
Albert Hall (24, 25)
Algol (variable star) (43)
Alhambra (49)
Allies (60)
Allt a Mhuilinn - Scottish valley (33, 36, 51, 70)
Alnwick Castle (63)
Aloha shirt (88)
Alpenbairisch - language (81)
Altavista (41)
Aluco tawny - type of owl - Athena (16, 80)
Amau fern (25)
Ammonia solution - ingredient in Snape's love potion (58)
Amoco Cadiz - supertanker that wrecked fouling French beaches (85)
Andromeda Galaxy - M31 (43)
Anglican Church (26)
Angostura (64)
Ann Summer - lingerie (52)
Antigone - Sophocles play (64)
Aotearoa - Maori for New Zealand (63, 88)
Aprila Atlantic - Eliza's motorbike, sky blue (9, 13, 16)
Aqua vitae (34)
Arabic (52)
Aramaic (ancient language) (70)
Arbela - battle (23)
Argon (44)
Arizona Memorial (88)
Armani (17, 18)
Arsenic (73)
Artichoke hearts (16)
Asparagus tips (18)
Athena (55)
Averted vision (42)
Auriga - constellation (57)
Autocue (teleprompter) (26, 56)
Autopen (18)
B747-400ER (airliner) (28, 66)
Baby back ribs (78)
Bäckenalm - Bavarian mountain range (73, 81)
Bagpipes (56)
Bale hook - agricultural device (31)
Bank of England (6, 13, 52, 66, 88)
Barbie doll (67)
Baseball (9, 88)
Basil Street (London street adjacent to Harrods) (81)
Bastille (59)
Battle of Anghiari - missing da Vinci painting (71, 84)
Battle of Cascina - missing Michelangelo painting (71)
BBC ("Beeb") (2)
BBC Four Cinema (20)
BDA Dental Advisory Group (32, 65, 78)
Beach naupaka (88)
Beachside Blast (Frutopia flavor) (88)
Beachy Head (cliffs of Dover) (69)
Bearer draft - payable to whomever presents it (44)
Beatles (6, 42, 50, 57, 61)
Beeb (BBC) (16)
Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (Ode to Joy) (10)
Belgrave Square (21)
Ben Nevis - Scottish mountain (33, 35, 36)
Bentley - auto (39)
Bermuda shorts (88)
Bermuda Triangle (66)
Betadine (24)
Bible (26)
Big Ben (20, 26, 68)
Bill of Attainder (88)
Bird of paradise flower (66)
Biro (25)
Black Diamond of Périgord - a truffle (33)
Black-eyed peas (78)
Black Heath (24, 25)
Black (Black's) powder (19)
Black Sabbath (rock group) (61)
Blackberry coffee creams - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Blackfriars Bridge (1)
The Blitz (28, 29, 38, 44, 72)
Blue morpho butterfly (iridescent blue tropical insect) (84)
Blues - seconal (29)
Bluestone (aka dolerite) - rock structures at Stonehenge (68)
BMW - auto (39)
Boeuf bourguignon (78)
Bomb shelter (71)
Book of Gates - Egyptian funerary, knowledge obtained from Druids (35)
Borg - Star Trek (19, 29)
Borgia Popes (81)
Bose-Einstein condensate (55, 61, 67, 69, 70, 72, 85, 86)
Botticino limestone (25)
Bourg Lachamps Chardonnay - award winning wine (47)
Bowling alley (18)
Brazilian wax (84)
Breathplay - sexual activity involving partial strangulation (63)
Bride of Frankenstein (57)
Bridges of Madison County - movie (20)
Bristol Channel (83)
British Airways (28)
British Library (9, 11)
British Museum (60)
British National Formulary (32)
Brompton Road (16)
Brown paper packing tape (80)
Brown University (RI) (16)
Bubblegum (88)
Buching - small Bavarian town (73)
Budvar - brand of European beer (59)
Burdizzo - castration device (31, 33)
Cadbury Chocolate Company - has a wizard division (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 24, 47, 57)
Cadmium (73, 81)
Cadogan Place (3, 17)
Cairn Gorm - Scottish mountain (60)
Calcium supplements (70, 73, 75, 76, 79)
Caledonian Road (London Tube stop) (65)
Cambridge University (16)
Camelot (74)
Caernarvon Castle (74)
Caprice chocolate ice - British popsicle (9)
Carbolic acid (32)
Carbon 14 ratio (81)
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (36)
Carn Mor Dearg - Scottish mountain (33)
Carotid artery (31)
Cat's eye (75)
Cathay-Pacific Airline (6)
CD player (15)
Cecil and Claude (British radio characters) (25)
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams - clearing house for discoveries of new, transient astronomical items (43)
Central nervous system (55)
Cerebrospinal fluid (68)
Chalcedony (60)
Chambered nautilus (17, 64, 66, 83)
Charge-coupled device (26)
Château Frontenac (63)
Chemotherapy (82)
Chequers - country house of British Prime Minister (10, 39, 73, 82)
Cherries vermicelli (75)
Chevrolet (88)
Chinese New Year (58, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 82)
Chocolate parfait mousse pie (16)
Civil Defence (28)
Clash (6)
Clifford Chance - Muggle law firm (63)
Club Med (47)
Coal Sack - dark nebula (43)
Coca Cola (47)
Cocaine (45)
Cockerels - rooster, a French national symbol (77)
Cocoa cashews - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Coesite - mineral formed under intense heat and pressure (36)
Colgate-Palmolive (32)
Collard greens (78)
Column inch - measure of size of newspaper story (51)
Comet C/1996S1 - Granger-Shoemaker (57)
Comet Hale-Bopp (43)
Comet Kopff (43)
Communism (45)
Confucianism (29)
Commonwealth Dental Association (7)
Concours Gold Medal - wine award (47)
Confession of Judgment (20, 51)
Conservative (Tory) Party (52, 78)
Control rod (56)
Cornish pasty (38)
Cosmological constant (55)
Counter-Reformation (26)
County Hall Island Block - location of Testing Authority (44, 83)
Crème brulée (84)
Crimean War (22)
Criminal Procedure & Investigation Act (62)
Crown Prosecution Service (32)
Crusades (58)
C-string (66)
Cubital vein (37)
Curia (Catholic hierarchy) (70)
Cypriot Templars (58, 70)
Dada poetry (31)
Daguerreotype (55)
Daily Mail (London newspaper) (10)
Dark energy (55)
Dark matter (55)
David and Goliath myth (52)
Declaration of Independence (8)
Declaration of the Rights of Man (8)
Degrees of freedom (maximum six) (71)
Demand curve - economic concept (77)
Dewey decimal system (42)
Differential diagnosis (40)
Dirty Harry - movie (31)
Disney World (5)
District line - underground line (16)
DNA (33, 49)
DNA helicase (53)
D-Notice - government request to suppress a news story (78)
Doctor Who (television show) (2)
Dolce & Gabbana - brand of suit Harry bought at Harrods (16)
Dopamine (88)
Double boiler (76)
Double-waterfall braids (88)
Dracula (7)
Drake Equation - concerning extraterrestrial life (55)
Dreadlocks (88) (venture capital candidate) (81)
Druids (24, 25, 33, 35, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 86, 87, 88)
Dry ice (44)
Dunreath - Opus Dei facility (58)
Durable medical equipment (87)
Dust devil (23)
The Eagle has landed (Apollo 11 announcement) (66)
Earls Court and Olympia - London convention center (60)
Edamame (78)
Eid (Muslim holiday) (58)
Eiffel Tower (69)
Electra - Sophocles play (64)
Electrical fence (68)
Electric shaver (17, 29, 30, 33)
Electroencephalograph (40)
Electromagnet (68)
Ellesmere Circle - commercial area near Manchester (62)
Elmina Castle (Ghana) (10, 16)
Endorphins (51, 87, 88)
Engineering and Mining Journal (87)
The English Patient - 1996 movie (16)
Enigma (WWII code-breaking project) (23)
Erinsborough (fictional Australian location) (87)
Eurasian owl (Viktor's) (83)
European swallow (65)
European Union (32, 39, 60)
Eurostar - chunnel train (29)
Eurovision (57)
Euston Station (9)
Everlast (brand of boxing equipment) (19)
Exodus 22:18 - "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (87)
Ex parte cease and desist order - temporary restraining order (42)
Ex parte writ of debt (83)
Falklands War (28)
Fantasia (Disney movie) (10)
Farsi (52)
Far Side (comic strip) (77)
Farmer's reducer (potassium ferricyanide) - used in invisible ink (40, 41, 62, 67, 88)
Fee taile/Fee taile special - archaic real estate status (20)
Femoral artery (69)
Femoral vein (69)
Feng shui (23, 41)
Fibonacci numbers (55)
Filial piety (xiao jing) (29, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 82)
Filet mignon (18)
Financial Times - British newspaper (32)
Fingerprints (58)
Finnan haddie (66)
Fireman's carry - means of moving someone (68)
First Fleet - to settle Australia (29)
First Scottish War of Independence (33)
Fish maw - swimming bladder in fish (71)
Fleet Street - British press (39, 44)
Football (19, 88)
Foot binding (63)
Force de frappe - French independent nuclear strike force (81)
Forward observation officer - artillery spotter (87)
French arts (oral sex) (27)
French Kilner jar (59)
French onion soup (16)
French Resistance (WWII) (26, 82)
French Revolution (50)
French tickler (26)
Fried chicken (78)
Frimley Park Hospital (24)
Frisbee (10, 15)
Fruitopia (88)
Full Monty - movie (33)
Fury RP (cue stick) (18)
Galena (lead ore) (81)
Gallipoli - battle (23)
Gangrene (69)
Gator's Gym - where Dudley works out (2, 3, 19, 20, 23, 26, 71)
Gecko (88)
Geiselstein - Bavarian mountain (73, 81)
General Certificates (20)
G-forces (68)
Ghillie brogues (56)
Gilbert & Sullivan (28)
Glacial erratic (35)
Glastonbury hawthorn (66)
Glastonbury Tor (66)
Glengarry bonnet (56)
Glow worm (60, 73, 74)
Gluonic plasma (36)
Gobi masala (Indian food) (78)
The Godfather (movie) (84)
Godiva - candymaker (77)
Golden Iris (fleur-de-lis oriflam) (26)
Golden Mean/Golden Ration (83, 87)
Gone with the Wind (movie) (52)
Good delivery bars - gold ingot tested for purity (60)
Google (venture capital candidate) (81)
Gordon Ramsay - fancy restaurant(16, 25)
GPS system (14)
The Graduate (movie) (81)
Grand Canyon (54)
Grave wax (29)
Great black shag (35, 83)
Greater London Junior Novice Marquess of Queensberry championship - Dudley's tournament (19)
Great Fire of London - 1666 (29)
Great Mortality - the Black Death (bubonic plague) (60, 63)
Green Absinthe - used in healing (37)
Green tea (78)
Grim's (Grime's) Graves - ancient mine (52)
Grits (78)
Grove Bard - Druid priest (25)
Grove Seer - Druid priest (25)
Guava (88)
Gucci (16)
Gum arabic (35)
Gunpowder Plot (10)
Gus Kuhn Norton - brand of Sirius' motorbike (14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 64, 67)
Hamlet (Shakespeare) (86)
Hardtack (68)
Hare Krishnas (41)
Harpy eagle (82)
Harrier (jump jet fighter) (28)
Harris Tweed (29)
Harrods - department store (16, 22, 81)
Harvard School of Dental Medicine - Hermione's father's alma mater (16, 32)
Hawaiian shirt (37)
Heathrow Airport (28, 29, 31, 66, 87, 88)
Heavy water (71)
Helium (44, 55, 58, 61, 67)
Henry V (Shakespeare play) (29)
High Force (waterfall) (57)
Hijab (40)
Holloway Road (London) (65)
Holy Grail (62, 66, 70)
Holy Roman Empire (81)
Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (44)
Honopu Valley (Valley of the Lost Tribes) (47, 87, 88)
Hope-Under-Dinmore - location of Gaunt property (77)
Hopi (Indian tribe) (55)
Hoplite (ancient Greek soldier) (57)
House of Commons (66)
Houses of Parliament (26)
Rafer Hoxworth - ship captain character in "Hawai'i" (13, 66)
Hoyo de Monterrey - premium Cuban cigars (55)
Hudson News (common airport shop) (88)
Huis Clos - Sartre play (53)
Humuhumunukunukuapua'a (Hawaiian fish) (47)
Hundred Years War (19, 60)
Hyde Park (21, 22)
Hydrangea (88)
Hydrofluoric acid (87)
Hydrogen peroxide (12)
HypaCool (athletic cooling pad) (79)
Hyssop (61)
IMAX cinema (66)
Immelman turn (12, 79)
Independence Day - 1996 movie (10, 16)
Inferior vena cava (69)
Influenza epidemic of 1918 (74)
Inland Revenue - British domestic taxation department (70)
In loco parentis - Muggle for acting as a parent (60)
Interflora (88)
International Association of Exorcists (87)
International Red Cross (60)
Internet (3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 26, 35, 39, 41, 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 61, 66, 70, 74, 78, 88)
In terrorem clause - disinherits anyone who challenges a will (51)
Iocane - fictional Muggle poison (62)
Iridium (60)
Irish Free State (10)
Irk (river) (39)
Irn Bru - British soft drink (9)
Ispir Gorge (66)
IV push (37)
Jacuzzi (81)
Jesuits (26)
Jetway (88)
Jimsonweed (25)
Jo'burg International Airport (87)
Joint (marijuana cigarette) (27)
Jubilee train - Underground line (16)
Jumbotron (32)
Juno (asteroid) (43)
Kachina doll (55)
Kalua pig (88)
Kamakaze (84)
Kaolin (81)
Karaoke (50)
Keema (Indian ground beef) (78)
Keema mutter (Indian food) (78)
Keema samosa (Indian food) (78)
Keltoi - ancient Celtic language (33, 39, 64, 67, 68, 69, 80, 86)
Kew (Royal Botanical) Gardens (23, 27, 86)
Killiechonate Castle - one of Voldemort's headquarters (33, 36, 38, 45, 51, 71)
Kimono (88)
Kings College Hospital (28)
Knickerbox - lingerie (52)
Koi - goldfish (25)
Kool-Aid (59)
Ko`olau and Pi`ilani - Muggle story about lepers in Hawai'i (7)
Koori - Australian aborigine tribe (40)
Lady Deathstrike (comic book character, porno nickname for Cho (29)
LAN Chile (88)
Landmines (20)
Lapis lazuli (35, 60, 73)
Lateran Museum (66)
Latex (72)
Lava lamp (55)
Law of Entails - archaic real property arrangements (20, 50, 51)
"The Lawsuit" (legal cartoon) (20)
Leatherman Award, by the British Society of Dental Hygiene & Therapy - won by Hermione's mother (16)
Le Bourget - French airfield (79)
Legos (10)
Lei (68)
Les Liaisons Dangereuses (movie) (23)
Letters of marque and reprisal - certificates that legalized piracy on enemy shipping in times of war (10)
Lexus - Eliza rented a silver one (15, 16)
Lilikoi (passion fruit) (53, 88)
Limbic system - possible seat of magic (42)
Limehouse Reach (28)
Limonade (drink) (57, 59)
Links of London - jewelry store (19)
Liquid helium (61)
Lis pendens (27, 54)
Little Whinging Apothecary (31)
Loadstone - ingredient for Snape's love potion (58)
Lobster tortellini (16)
Lolita doll (23)
London Eye - Ferris wheel (29)
London Fire Brigade (70)
Longwall roof support - mining scaffolding (81)
Louis XIII cognac (expensive) (27)
Lucozade - British equivalent of Gatorade (9)
M1 - major British roadway north from London (26)
M25 - major British roadway circling London (15, 28)
Mackintosh (mac) - raincoat (31)
Madame Butterfly (68)
Mad cow disease (36, 47)
Magna Carta (has magical codicil) (8)
Magnetite (88)
Maitre d' (16)
Major Oak (26)
Mallet's mortar - largest caliber cannon ever built (85)
Manchester United - football team (9, 13, 30)
Mandala - round Hindu or Buddhist religious drawing (65)
Maori - native New Zealanders (63)
Marathon Man - movie (88)
Marianne - French national symbol (40)
Marijuana (27, 44)
Martini (39)
Massive retaliation - nuclear deterrence strategy (81)
May Day (78)
May & Slaughter (law firm) (26)
McDonalds (22)
Meeting for Worship (25)
Melba toast (82)
Menehune Ditch - historic site on Kauai south shore (88)
Mercedes (15)
Mersenne primes (55)
Methamphetamine (39)
Meteoric iron (35, 54)
MI-5 - secret service (39)
Mickey Mouse (10)
Miguel's Boxing Club (19)
Miko - Japanese temple virgins (69)
Milky Way (9)
Mini-Hoover (hand held vacuum cleaner) (26, 27)
Mint white chocolate bark - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Miso soup (Japanese food) (78, 79)
Möbius strip (57, 71)
Mochi (78, 88)
Moldboard shin - agricultural device (31)
Molotov cocktail (26)
Molybdenum (81)
Mona Lisa (21)
Monte Python and the Holy Grail (movie) (62, 66)
Mongoose (88)
Mosaic Law - 40 lashes (33)
Moshing (22)
Motor (driving) insurance (13)
Mountain Master - triad office (67, 70)
Mountains of the Moon (66)
Multiplicative property of equality (55)
Murex - shell (88)
Murri - Australian aborigine tribe (40)
Muslim (59)
Muttertag (German Mothers' Day) (79)
Muumuu (88)
Na Pali - the northern shore of Kauai, featuring steep cliffs (88)
NASDAQ (52, 81)
National Health Service (NHS) (16, 18, 32, 39, 53, 80)
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (81)
Nature (magazine) (18)
Navier-Stokes equations - for fluid dynamics (55)
Nazis (26, 38, 60, 63, 73, 79, 80, 81, 87)
Neoprene (52)
Neuschwanstein Castle (Schloss) (81, 88)
Neutron polarity (Dr. Who reference) (75)
New Labour (78)
New Scotland Yard (32, 39, 58, 60, 62, 73, 87)
Nitrous oxide (49)
Nirvana (20, 27, 72)
Noble Eight-Fold Path - Buddhist (20)
Norman Conquest (62)
Norsemen (74)
Nuclear power (5, 55, 56)
Occam's razor (72)
Oedipus Colonus - Sophocles play (64)
Oedipus the King - Sophocles play (64)
Onyx (88)
Oracle Bones - ancient Chinese script (67, 70)
Oxytocin - hormone and ingredient in Snape's love potion (40, 58, 60)
Old English (33)
Olympic games (59)
"One Million Years BC" (movie) (57)
Onigiri (78)
Onion - website - Harry and Hermione give it to Luna (66, 67, 73, 78)
Opuntia (Barbary fig) (19)
Orangina (45)
Order of the Coif (legal society) (20)
Orion nebula - M42 (43)
Oscilloscope (40)
Oxford Street (London) (65)
Oxford University (29)
Paddington Station - London Tube stop (65)
Pakeha - white people (Maori language) (63)
Paleolithic Age (57)
Palimpsest (67)
Pandamus fruit (88)
Papuan Hawk Owl - exotic owl (16)
Papyrus (64)
Parliament buildings (9, 10)
Patchouli oil (62)
Pâté de foie gras (47)
Pavlova (53, 66, 78)
Pearl Harbor (88)
Mrs. Peel - TV character (49)
Pembroke table (47)
Pemmican (68)
Pentium Pro (23)
Peppermint (60)
Peppermint pigs (76)
Perseid meteor shower (26)
Perseus - constellation (57) (venture capital candidate) (81)
Peygros Forest - in France, near Beauxbatons (76)
Peyronie's disease (71)
Pheromones (53)
Phosphine (17)
Photo album (Hermione's) (18)
Picts (33, 35)
Pinacoteca (Vatican art museum) (70)
Pinocchio (22)
Planisphere - specialized astronomical chart (43)
Plantagenet (early English dynasty) (15)
Platypus - Luna's patronus (44)
Plumeria (88)
Polar coordinates (72, 83, 87)
Polaris - North Star (35)
Polaroid - camera (19)
Polystyrene (86, 87)
Polyurethane - plastic foam (77)
Polywater - scientific fraud converted to magic (71)
Pool table (18, 66, 79)
The Pope (58, 70, 78)
Mary Poppins (7)
Pork tempura (Japanese food) (78)
Portuguese black bean soup (88)
Postal voting (78)
Potatoes Lyonnais (16)
Poydras Street (New Orleans) (10)
Pratt & Whitney (28)
Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Work of God (Opus Dei) (26, 58, 87)
Prêt à Manger - European fast food chain (66)
Prime Meridian (83)
Primo - Hawaiian beer (88)
Prions (47)
Profumo/Keeler scandal (27)
Punji stakes (23)
Quakers (25)
QWERTY - typing keyboard (33)
Quarterstaff - fighting technique (30, 49)
Queen Scouts - British boy scouts (35)
Question Time - in Parliament (39)
Quetzalcoatlus - flying reptile (36, 68, 86)
Radar (66)
Radium (65, 85, 86)
Railroad spike (68)
Rainbow party (25)
Range Rover - auto (39)
Rapid eye movement (37)
Raspberry cream filled truffles - Muggle candy that Daphne gave Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Raspberry panna cotta (18)
Reduplication of malediction - religious punishment (58)
Regent Street (London) (65)
Cathédrale de Notre-Dame de Reims (24, 26)
Remembrance Day (22)
Renaissance (55, 81)
Riddler (someone who turns ripening Champagne bottles) (67)
Right of publicity (78)
Ring Nebula - M57 (43)
Riverdance (22)
Robert Dyas - UK retail store (70)
Rockport - shoe manufacturer (9)
Rocky Mountain oysters (9, 11)
Rogan josh (Indian food) (78)
Rohypnol (roofie) - date rape drug (87)
Rolex (6)
Rolling Stones (6, 61)
Rolls Royce (15, 16, 67)
Roman Catholic Church (26, 58, 65, 70, 73, 78, 87)
Roman conquest (of Britain) (63, 67, 74)
Romance language (33)
Romeo & Juliet (50)
Rosetta Stone (70)
Rotary tiller - agricultural device (31)
Rough Guide for Southeastern England - travel guide (66)
Rounders (similar to baseball) (88)
Royal African Company (10)
Royal Air Force (12)
Royal Army (25)
Royal Artillery Memorial (Hyde Park) (21)
Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew Gardens) (16, 20)
Royal Mail (18)
Royal Philharmonic (24, 25)
SAA (South African Airways) (87)
Saddle billet (86)
Saguaro cactus (55)
St. Andrews Day (72)
St. Elmo's fire (68)
St. George dragons - heraldry of England (6)
St. Paul's cathedral (9)
Salisbury Plain (25, 67, 70)
Salisbury steaks (79)
Samuel's - large British jewelry store (60)
Sandringham - royal summer palace (10, 16)
San Juan class (submarine) (56)
Santa Claus (6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 21)
Santorum - byproduct of anal sex (79)
Sarsen stone (69)
Sashimi (78)
Saville Row (16)
Sawed-off shotgun (31, 34, 35)
Saxons (62, 78)
Scarifier shank - agricultural device (31)
Scuba gear (13)
Seiche (French cuttlefish) (82)
Selenomethionine (82)
Serious Fraud Office (62, 65)
Serpentine (in Hyde Park) (21, 46, 47)
Setem of Seshat - priests of the Egyptian goddess Seshat (35)
Shangri-la Hotel (Hong Kong) - where Grangers stayed in Hong Kong (3, 4, 6, 7)
Shelter in place (37, 76)
Sherwood Forest (26)
Sherwood Forest Country Park (26)
Shiva - Hindu god (22, 57)
Shoah (Holocaust) (60, 63, 73, 81)
Shoahgelt - gold stolen by Nazis during the Holocaust (73)
Sicilian Defence - chess strategy (74)
Sickle-board mower - agricultural device (31)
Silver nitrate (82)
Silver Spur - type of Rolls Royce used on the night of the Ashrak (16, 26)
Silver sulfadiazine (82)
Simon Wiesenthal Center (87)
SING - female self defense (30)
Sinsemilla - seedless marijuana (27)
Sisyphus - Greek myth (29)
Sit shiva (41)
Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 (66)
Sleeping Beauty (46)
Sod's (Murphy's) Law (71, 79, 81, 88)
Solicitors' Overseas Practice Rules - governing entitlement to practice outside England and Wales (43)
Somme (WWI battle) (68)
Sonic hedgehog - gene named after Sega game character (74)
Sotheby's (66)
Spam (88)
Spanish Armada (6, 10)
Spanish Inquisition (72)
Special Air Services, 21st Regiment - British commando unit (39)
Speedo swimsuit (13, 41, 42, 43, 71)
Spencer/Marlborough family (81)
Spinach soufflé (18)
Spindrift - sea spray (69)
Sprite Z (45)
Star Chamber - secret legal proceedings (10)
Star of David (63)
Star Wars (11)
Stinging nettle (29)
Stishovite - mineral formed under intense heat and pressure (36)
Stonhenge (35, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88)
Stone Roses - British rock band (22)
Storm on the Sea of Galilee - lost painting by Rembrandt (71)
STP - fuel additive (52)
Strawberry guava (88)
String theory (82)
Strontium (81)
Stuka - airplane (31)
Subpoena ad testificandum (19)
Sumba Boobook - exotic owl (16)
Summerland - Druid afterlife (25)
Summer Triangle - bright star formation in summer sky, consisting of the stars Vega, Altair and Deneb (9, 43)
Superposition - being in two places at once, happens on a quantum scale in real life (9)
Surfactants - chemicals that solidify plastic foam (77)
Sushi (78)
Swastika (60, 61, 81)
Swatchmobile - tiny car (another name for "Smart Car") (84)
Swedish meatballs (27)
Swiss National Bank (60)
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis (81)
Syzygy Technologies (venture capital candidate) (81)
Tagalog (Philippines language) (88)
Takfir (Arabic term for accusing of apostasy) 58
Takoyaki (Japanese food) (79)
Tandoori chicken (Indian food) (78)
Tarot (45)
Tech Duinn - Druid house of the dead (25)
Tempura (Japanese food) (78)
Tenancy by the entireties - husband/wife property interest (60)
Ten-pee (pence) coin - 73
Tenth Legion (of Julius Caesar) (48)
Teriyaki (Japanese food) (78)
Terminator (movie) (82)
Tetrachloromethane (60)
Tex-Mex food (78)
TGV (French train) (24)
Thames (14)
Thirty Years War (19)
Tianhuang stone chop (23, 65)
Tiffany lamp (18)
Times of London (29)
Tinnitus - ringing in the ears (70)
Titan (moon of Saturn) (43)
Titanic (movie) (50)
Titanic (ship) (23, 50)
Tofu (78)
Topology (61)
Tonic/clonic seizure (37)
Toshiba laptop (23, 29, 30, 55, 63, 84, 87)
Tourist helicopter (88)
Tourmaline (gem) (57)
Tourniquet (37)
Tower Bridge (14)
Trafalgar Square (17)
Trainspotting (32)
Transference (53)
Transistor (56)
Treblinka - Nazi death camp (60, 63)
Triangulum Galaxy - M33 (43)
Trilithon - at Stonehenge (68)
Triton shell (88)
True Confessions (46)
True Cross (66)
Tufnell Park Tube stop (London) (65)
Tunguska explosion 1908 (36)
Turbo-beater (egg beater) (85)
Turkic (75)
Turkish Delight -Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Turnback Canyon (66)
Twelfth Night (18)
U-2 (rock group) (61)
Uluru (Ayers Rock) (66)
Unagi (Japanese food) (79)
Uncertainty Principle - concept that, on a sub-atomic level, it is not possible to know both position and direction with absolute accuracy (9)
Underground (Tube) - London subway system (9, 16, 17, 21, 23)
Under/over shotgun (24)
Underwood typewriter (30)
Union Bank (60)
Union Flag (13, 22, 25)
United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas' Hospitals (UMDS) - Hermione's mother's alma mater (16)
Universal gravitational equation (55)
Universal resource locator ("URL") (55)
Universal Sufi (40, 64)
Uriah Heep - rock band (22)
Urushiol oil - poison ivy extract (33)
VandeGraaff generator (36)
Varangian - designation of Durmstrang (28)
Vega (35)
Vehicular Assembly Building - NASA (54, 74)
Venetian Mask (57)
Ventilation hood (82)
Versace (57)
Vichyssoise (78)
Victoria Cross (22)
Victoria's Secret (3, 52)
Vidalia onions (64)
Viennese waltz (63)
Viking helmet (66)
Vikings (33)
Villa Marlier - Nazi manor house near Berlin (45)
Vinegaroon (85)
Vuvuzela (85)
Wall Street Journal (32)
Walnut marzipans - Muggle candy given Harry on Valentine's Day (75)
Walpurgis Night (62)
War of the Roses (10)
Warwick Castle (74)
Wasabi (78)
WebMD (52)
Wellies (boots) (27)
Westminster Abbey (6)
Westminster Station - underground station (16)
Wet suit (13)
Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot - WTF ("what the fuck") (44)
White-tailed tropic bird (88)
The Who (61)
Windows 95 (23)
World War I (Great War) (20, 23, 74)
World War II (23, 42, 45, 82)
Writ of habeas corpus (43)
Xistera - jai alai scoop (52, 67)
Y2K (32, 50, 81)
Yahoo (venture capital candidate) (81)
Y chromosome (12)
Yellow Jackets (barbiturates) (29)
Yellow Submarine (movie) (18, 42)
Zero point energy (Casimir force) - energy of empty space, essentially the same as "dark energy" in cosmology; in this fic, magic itself (9, 69)
Zeus (55)
Zinc (81)
Ziploc bag (76)
Zugzwang - chess term for every move being bad (84)