Fifth Element Muggles
Achilles (68)
Aeschylus (64)
St. Afra - early Christian martyr, to a Horcrux (62)
St. Thomas Aquinas (66)
Muhammad ibn MÅ«sÄ al-KhwÄrizmÄ« - author of al-Kitab al-Mukhtasar fi Hisab al-Jabr wa'l-Muqabala (11)
Anaxagoras (64)
Archimedes (66)
Aristotle (11, 64, 65)
King Arthur (Camelot) (66, 74)
Asclepius - Greek demigod of medicine (51, 63, 64)
Atahualpa (22)
Sebastian Bach (18)
Béla Bartók (18)
Basilides - 2nd Century heretic and Gnostic (73, 87)
Bayonetta (fictional) (73)
Venerable Bede (33)
Ludwig von Beethoven (10, 11, 16, 18, 23, 42)
Harry Belafonte (50)
Pat Benetar (50)
Tony Blair (60, 82)
Shimon ben Yohai, author of Sefer ha-Zohar (11)
Anne Boleyn (52)
James Bond (fictional) (52)
Bono (50)
Satyendra Bose - physicist (58)
Camilla Parker Bowles (28)
Johannes Brahms (18, 23, 33)
Claudius Britannicus - Roman emperor who conquered Britain (35)
Peter Brooke - Tory MP for Knightsbridge (65)
Henry Brougham - 19th Century Lord Chancellor (66)
William Bush (airline co-pilot) (28)
Julius Caesar (24, 48, 64, 79)
Will Carling - romantically linked to Lady Diana (82)
Jimmy Carter (18)
Casanova (25)
Cassandra (mythological seer) (73)
Agatha Castelreigh - Hermione's childhood friend (35)
Neville Chamberlain (1)
Prince Charles (current Prince of Wales) (15, 81, 82)
King Charles VII (France) (26)
King Charles X (France) (26)
Winston Churchill (Squib) (8, 23, 26, 73)
Cleopatra (Cliodna of Petra) (47)
Bill Clinton (23)
King Cnut (83)
David Copperfield (8)
Croesus (17)
Oliver Cromwell (15)
Bing Crosby (50)
Aleister Crowley - occultist (52)
Edwina Currie - paramour of PM Major (39)
Salvador Dali (59)
Charles Darwin (73)
Leonardo da Vinci (63, 65, 66, 71, 84)
Madame Defarge (fictional) (51)
Charles deGaulle (81)
Lady/Princess Diana (Hufflepuff 1979) (15, 25, 34, 64, 81, 82, 87)
Celine Dion (57)
Walt Disney (10)
Benjamin D'Israeli (actually wizard) (6, 7, 8, 39)
Sir Francis Drake (6)
Jaime EchevarrÃa (head of Opus Dei) (26, 58, 81)
Adolf Eichmann (63, 73)
Albert Einstein (55, 58)
Queen Elizabeth I (6, 57)
Eratosthenes (64)
M.C. Escher (64)
Euclid (64)
Dodi Fayed (owner of Harrods, lover of Lady Diana) (81)
Atticus Finch (movie character) (50)
Benjamin Franklin (actually wizard) (8, 26, 46)
José Gener - cigar maker (55)
David Lloyd George (18)
St. George (29, 78)
Kahil Gibran (66)
William Gladstone (39)
Al Gore (57)
Edwin O. Granger (Hermione's father, alias Edward Farmer) (3, 7, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 44, 47, 50, 62, 64, 88)
Eva LaFayette-Granger (Hermione's mother) (3, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 56, 88)
Lord Greystroke (Tarzan) (57)
Ken Griffey Jr. (baseball player) (88)
Ken Griffey Sr. (baseball player) (88)
Che Guevara (55)
Queen Guinevere (Camelot) (47, 66)
Gulliver (literary character) (67)
Calouste Gulbenkian - early oil baron (47, 54, 76, 78)
Prince Harry (Henry) (15, 50, 82)
Helen of Troy (47, 50)
King Henry V (50)
King Henry VIII (47)
Katharine Hepburn (50)
James Hewitt - romantically linked to Lady Diana (82)
Shere Hite (20)
Adolph Hitler (42, 45, 63, 73)
Harry Hotspur (fictional) (50)
Harry Houdini (50)
Whitney Houston (81)
Hypatia (64)
Judas Iscariot (actually a wizard) (64, 70)
King James I (10)
Nana Jane (Hermione's grandmother) (88)
Jesus (28, 62, 64, 65, 66, 70)
Ste. Joan of Arc (26, 83)
Elton John (32)
King John (signer of Magna Carta) (8)
Magic Johnson (29)
Joseph of Arimathaea (66)
Hasnat Khan - romantically linked to Lady Diana (82)
Ernst Kaltenbrunner - Nazi seller of gold (60)
Alfred Kinsey (20)
Fritz Kreisler - composer (33)
Marquis de LaFayette (50)
Jean-Baptiste LaMarck (73)
Sir Lancelot (Camelot) (47)
John Lennon (18)
Charles Lindbergh (79)
Johanna Lindsey - romantic novelist (39)
King Louis VIII (France) (26)
(Mad) King Ludwig II (Bavaria) (81)
Bela Lugosi (52)
David Macaulay - author of The Way Things Work (11)
Lachlan Macquarie - Australian founding father (44)
Mary Magdelene (64)
Simon Magus (64)
John Major - British prime minister (36, 39, 52, 60, 78, 82)
Charles Manners-Sutton - 19th Century House Speaker (66)
Mao Tse-dong (3)
Bob Marley (6)
Karl Marx (61)
Mary of Bethany ("Mary Beth") (64)
Jonathan Mayfair (airline pilot) (28, 45)
John "Muggsy" McGraw (baseball manager) (6)
Menander (64)
Josef Mengele (73)
Michelangelo (63, 71)
Mildred ??? - Glastonberry Muggle (66)
Mohammed (65)
Mordred (Camelot) (47)
Sean Moore - member of MI5 (5)
Mgsr. Morrith (58)
Napoleon Bonaparte (actually wizard) (8, 57, 68)
Stevie Nix (22)
Nostradamus (73)
Thomas Palmer - Australian founding father (44)
Paracelsus (Auroleus Phillipus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim) - alchemist, physician and author of The Joy of Potions, by (11, 76, 80, 82)
St. Peter (64, 65, 70)
Édith Piaf (53, 82)
Plato (20)
Pliny (64)
Marco Polo (actually a wizard) (5, 30, 31)
Michael Portillo (Tory politician) (78)
Gregory Potemkin (38)
Elvis Presley (52)
Prester John (Muggle myth) (31, 33)
Sergei Prokofiev (24, 25)
Captain Queeg (16)
Rasputin (actually a wizard) (32)
Maurice Ravel (24, 25)
Red Baron (Manfred von Richtofen) (20)
King Richard I (8)
Alex Rodriguez (baseball player) (88)
J.K. Rowling (17)
Erwin Schrödinger - scientist, creator of cat thought experiment in quantum physics (9)
St. Sebastian (66)
William Shakespeare (50, 80, 84)
Eugene Shoemaker - comet hunter (47, 57)
Dmitri Shostakovich (18)
Frank Sinatra (50, 61)
Socrates (61)
Sophocles (64, 67)
??? Spacil - Nazi seller of gold (60)
Ziggy Stardust - David Bowie persona (61)
Strabo (64)
Joseph Swenson - Muggle tourist in Hawaii (88)
Pyotr Tchaikovsky (18, 22, 23, 42, 85)
Margaret Thatcher (32, 60, 78)
Apostle Thomas (66)
Uma Thurman (22)
Renata Tebaldi - soprano (84)
Timur (Tamerlane) (75)
Hermes Trismegistos - alchemist and author of The Emerald Tablet (11)
Harry Truman (50)
Barbara Tuchman (actually a witch) - author of Patterns of Darkness & Light: The Magical History of the Twentieth Century (11)
St. Valentine (66)
Vincent Van Gogh (72)
Rembrandt van Rijn (63, 71)
Tibor Varga (Hermione's childhood music instructor) (18)
Giuseppe Verdi (24)
Queen Victoria (23)
Helmuth Von Moltke (75)
Richard Wagner (23)
Thomas (Tommy) Walker - fictional character from "Tommy" (40)
Saint Walpurga (62)
H.G. Wells (45)
Simon Wiesenthal (87)
William Wilberforce (7, 42, 66, 73)
Edwin O. Wilson (3)
Tiger Woods (47)
St. Francis Xavier (66)
William B. Yeats (88)