Fifth Element Gobbledegook
Aksistar - CEO (32, 51)
Alakar - command to drop camouflage and stop hiding (46, 53)
Alama - you're welcome (25)
Alat santar ("drop under") - command for cloaking magic to go underfoot (67)
Albopitz - clankers for keeping dragons away (60)
Alitserat - victory ceremony (70, 74, 80, 84)
Amanplat - a goblin midday hour (51)
Amdaklah - to look forward to (14)
Angar - always, perpetual (70)
Angar goblansk-inim kanskala - goblin army victory slogan (70)
Anyor - command to stand up (45, 42, 54, 60, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Arak - release; let go (41, 43)
Arakkilli - goblin wrist coverings (plural) (41, 43, 88)
Arbit aras balam - it's all right (51)
Ardan - to ally with (14)
Asak - goblin commoner's greeting to royalty (51, 52, 60)
Asakisim - goblin royalty's greeting to a commoner (52, 60)
Ashrak - alliance ceremony (6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 32, 38, 51, 57, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 82, 88)
Ashrakadan - treaty signatory at an Ashrak (6, 14)
Asi - I (14)
Asi amdaklah Gablankansta tallof ardan - I am looking forward to being forever allied with the Goblin Nation (14)
Asi Impatok Ragnok amdaklah qam slag - I am looking forward to meeting King Ragnok (14)
Asi Inklak mandalah - I speak English (88)
Asi vrakici kram samduk - I will try my best (14)
Asi vrakici kram sos Voldemort rasho - I will try my best to help defeat Voldemort (14)
Aksey kastorik - cease being hidden (ends concealment charm) (88)
Asterlik - goblin hunting weapon, a cross between a circular saw blade and a Frisbee (51, 52, 68, 70, 80, 87)
Bashu - command to camouflage oneself (46)
Bor - he/him (41)
Calco - job, task (14)
Calido - to want (14)
Callagos - to think (14)
Callagosto tavi - What do you think? (14)
Drasuk - regent (16)
Estim marat porstu - I have question for your (54)
Fiz - forty (51)
Fiz-lit Amanplat, resturlak da Krasmol - Forty-five minutes after the hour of Amanplat, on the seventeenth of the month of Krasmol (51)
Gablankansta - the Goblin Nation (14, 51, 67, 74, 80, 81, 88)
Gablansk-inim - the goblin army (70)
Gamblad - mirror membrane used for transportation (73)
Gradnuk - thank you (14, 25, 41, 43, 51, 86)
Granz - stop (imperative) (86)
Graskii - award of military decorations (70)
Impatok - king (1, 14, 41, 52, 53, 54, 70, 74, 88)
Impateki - queen (74)
Impratrax - crown prince (14)
Impratraxis - goblin prince not next in line for throne (14, 15, 32, 41, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 80, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Imprexa - goblin princess (88)
Imprexii - princesses ("ii" is a pluralizer in Gobbledegook) (14, 74, 80)
Ixks - vanish, goblin incantation (67, 83)
Iziz - troops/men (52)
Jistiri - former female lover (80, 87)
Kanskala - victory/to be victorious (70)
Karpasinat - goblin spell for goblin cloaking magic (67, 73, 85)
Kasamak - command to turn into boulders (52)
Kastor - to complete (14)
Kastor calco, sav tasi calido - Finish the job, all those who want to (14)
Krak - roughly, we're done, or it's over (51)
Krasmol - goblin month, equivalent to September (51)
Lanaman - goblin general staff
Leshtal - goblin command to mold armour to the user (67)
Mafaswele - robes for a princess (54, 60)
Manmak (plural, manmakod) - rune-covered signet ring symbolizing goblin citizenship (14, 20, 41, 45, 53, 60, 61, 68, 84, 86, 88)
Melchikor - liberty (command to discharge soldiers) (74)
Pashkak - regiment (70)
Quas baram ses-tov? - Who are you? (54)
Quastri - goblin concubine, not suitable for marriage (51, 60, 80)
Ramsus akadak - Righteous warrior (74)
Rank of Distinction, First Class (Goblin medal awarded Hermione) (74)
Rasho - to defeat (14)
Resturlak - month (51)
Ristrop - sword blade (74)
Rodlaak - Goblin month including mid-July (5)
Rop - six (51)
Sagatak - congratulations/well done (72)
Samduk - to do something nonspecific (14)
Santar - underneath (67)
Sav - all (14)
Savini - a prince's consort, used to refer to Hermione (51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 64, 68, 69, 74, 77, 80, 87, 88)
Semat - kneel (imperative) (74)
Semlit - stay (imperative) (74)
Sempiternal League - league of goblin immortals (74, 84, 85)
Slaphadorii - translators (70)
Sos - to help or assist (14)
Splixat - goblin mirror transportation device (72, 73, 81, 86, 87, 88)
Splixatisii - makers (plural) of splixii (73)
Splixii - plural for goblin mirror transportation devices (72, 73, 88)
Spraska arad - forward to victory (68)
Stansir - above ground (74)
Sylimps - goblin charm (45, 86)
Tallof - forever (14)
Tasi - those (14)
Tavi - familiar form of "you" (14)
Thomat - command to turn on lights (60)
Tladimax - symbol of goblin citizenship, cut into the forearm (6, 14, 41, 60, 61, 67, 70, 86, 88)
Ulululululu - goblin battle charge (68, 69, 70)
Vladaskat - right to support in battle (6, 14)
Yam rimikat - I can surprise (74)