Fifth Element Spells
Abortifacient Potion - invented by Professor Snape (13, 47)
Activus natatus - spell for activating the Château's swimming pool (64)
Adaugeo ala Opressus - incantation for creating a strong shock wave (68)
Affinity severing charm (long Latin incantation) (37)
Aging Potion - ingredient for Elixir of Evolution (73)
Air-Freshening Charm (65)
Alkahest - potion that turns solids into water (52, 62, 68, 72, 73)
Alkalicious - conjures salt (49)
Alohochuto - opens a parachute, intended for self use, but Harry used it on Hermione (12)
Fertilising Charm (Amanurensis) - conjures liquid manure (73)
Analgesic Potion (30)
Anchoring Charm (49)
Anti-Alcohol Hex - used on the punchbowl at Harry's birthday party (22)
Anti-Collision Charm - Valkyrie equipment (12)
Anti-Glare Charm (77)
Anti-Alcohol Potion (82)
Anti-Hangover Potion (19)
Anti-Inertial Cushioning Charm - Valkyrie equipment (12)
Anti-Sunburn Charm ("Hypoviolettæ") (88)
Apparicio verbatim - calls up a ghostly, but otherwise exact, three-dimensional copy of a person (1, 88)
Aparecium [location, item] - summons specified items from a specified location (7, 9, 15, 19, 23, 25, 48, 80, 83)
Aparecium parachutio (reddish orange) - makes a parachute appear, intended for self use, but Harry used it on Hermione (12)
Aparecium portratus - summons Godric Gryffindor to his portrait; also requiring burning some Floo powder (5, 8, 84)
Apis - conjures a swarm of bees (49, 68)
A Priori Charm ("A priori") - restores something to its previous condition (20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 39, 43, 49, 56, 58, 64, 65, 78, 80, 81, 86, 88)
Aquas Charm ("Aqueous") - covers surfaces with shallow water (49, 52)
Aquapulsis - spell for female masturbation (71)
Aquavisio Charm - provided perfect underwater vision (15, 77)
Arachneortia - incantation for spell that shoots spider silk (43, 52)
Area Confundus (81)
Area dividing curse (name and incantation unknown) - used by Voldemort at Stonehenge (68)
Argentilleaux (French spell creating silvery light (82)
Artificial Lighting Charms - for nighttime Quidditch (74)
Astranimbius - incantation for the twinkling mist charm first seen in the maze in Book 4 (58)
Atramentum - incantation for spell that produces a stream of ink (48)
Attractivus - spell that attacts one thing to another (79)
Audibilising Charm (incantation, Audibilius) - makes heart beats/breathing audible (20, 49)
Auditory Enhancement Draught (40)
Auror Assisto - incantation for the Auror Assist signal (red crosses) (23, 68, 69)
Aurorus Accio [name of person's] ring - spell to summon a partner Auror's ring (28, 38)
Autopurgus Charm - self purgative (33)
Babble Breath Broth - fake potion (really Coca Cola) (47)
Barbed wire restraining spell - name and incantation unknown (8, 20, 23, 85)
Bard's Bile for Boils (magical use for Farmer's Reducer) (40)
Bee Sting Hex (30)
Benetrus - spell that makes one sing like Pat Benetar (50)
Blinding Hex (84)
Blood Boiling Hex (68)
Boiling Charm (18)
Bombardo - drops hard objects, such as ball bearings (49, 68, 86)
Bone Breaker Hex ("Osteo Pulvisæ") (68, 85)
Bonorus - spell that makes one sing like Bono (50)
Bow Shock Curse - spell used by Voldemort near the end of the Battle of Stonehenge (71)
Brain frying curse (Lesson 128) ("Cephalus Fricassus") - (14, 85)
Breathing spell - name and incantation unknown (72)
Burn Healing Charm (36)
"Butt" Bogey Hex - Ginny used on Malfoy in Book 5 (15)
Calligraphy spell (name and incantation unknown) - adapted by Luna (63)
Cannonade Curse - used by Draco on a Howler (31)
Cartwheel spell - name and incantation unknown - causes victim to turn cartwheels (16)
Catena - incantation to conjure a chain (68)
Cathedrus - spell for Transfiguring furniture (77)
Celebritas - incantation for the song "Fame" (61)
Celsio - heating charm for water, red cone, used for Auror power test (5, 56)
Charmonium Chelation - attempted by Americans on Hermione (41)
Chilling Charm (82)
Chinese Legilimency - entering someone's mind (20, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 51)
Chinese Occlumency (25)
Chinese Tracking Charm (74)
Cleaning Spell (Immaculatous) (80)
Clearing Concoction - makes solid surfaces transparent (58)
Cleaving Spell - for separating out Horcruxes (76)
Cloaking Charm (66)
Cloaking magic - goblin (67, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Colix vestmentae - spell that packs away a complicated set of clothing, ready to be used again; lasts for 24 hours (14, 15, 57)
Colouration Charm - changes the color of something (17)
Comprobo - detects working of Veritaserum (62)
Compulsion Charm (87)
Concealment Charm - simple charm for concealing inanimate objects (16, 48, 49, 88)
Concealment spell (unspecified) - used by Voldemort on his Horcruxes (62)
Conjunctivus remax - curse reversing joints (64)
Contraceptive Charm (Embry-no) (31, 81)
Contraceptive Potion (53)
Cooling Charm (13, 41, 49, 66, 67, 74, 88)
Counter-Addiction Potion (37)
Cutting Curse (Seco) (68, 86)
Dark Fire of Tu Fan (Me `chi ba bchad pa) - fiery purple cord, spell Dolohov used to injure Hermione at Department of Mysteries, from Tibet, used to kill, overloads nervous system, can be cast silently, created affinity between Harry and Hermione (5, 6, 17, 18, 30, 32, 34, 64, 68, 70, 85, 86)
Death Slide conjuring spell - name and incantation unknown (49)
Debruising Charm (3)
Defæcens Potion - personal cleansing (33)
Demagifying Ritual - for draining corpses of magical power (38, 87)
Dermameld Charm - for closing cuts (86)
Dessicatus - drying spell, Drought Charm (1, 3, 19, 49, 74, 86)
Detecting Charm - used by Dumbledore to locate Horcruxes (66)
Devolvus - spell that rolls up the surface of the ground (49, 85)
Disanimation - reversal of animagus ability (43)
Disassociatus Hex - causes mixtures to dissolve into their component parts (16)
Disassocius - relatively low power severing charm (12)
Disentangling Charm (57)
Disflagratus - incantation for stopping Weasley fireworks (16)
Disinfecting Charm - incantation unknown (16)
Disolfactorus Charm - prevents odors from escaping (27)
Disorientation Hex - category of spells that are harmless but use loud noises or bright lights to disorient the target (17, 41, 85)
Displia - removes folds and creases from paper or parchment (9, 11, 14, 15, 22, 32, 82, 83, 86)
Distraction Hex (51)
Distransmutation - reverses Animagus abilities (47)
Distribution Charm (Dididio) - for distributing things to a group (72)
Dizzying Jinx (49)
Donation of Timur (Animus, dominus, reliquat….) (75)
Door Locking Charm (French) ("Colix porti") (82)
Dousing Hex (39, 68)
Draught of Despair - Ginny uses on Hermione (72, 76, 79, 80, 86, 87, 88)
Drilling Charm (37)
Druid spell to cleanse evil ("Dado chan'ar choestwit am byth, fami chan'ar fur-fa-fennaut, d'ata am buro `cha bllwc….") (68)
Duplicating Charm (72)
Duplicus Charm (Duplicus) - duplication spell for inanimate objects (3, 57)
Earschplittenloudenboomer - incantation for Caterwauling Charm (68)
Echoing Charm - disguises the direction of non-vocal sounds (49)
Egad's Blood Imitating Potion (magical use for Farmer's Reducer) (40)
Ejection Charm - Valkyrie equipment (12, 68)
Electrification Hex (Electrify) - sends an electrical charge at the target (49, 64)
Electus - incantation for a spell that selects among several options (73)
Elixir of Practically Permanent Priapism - potion used on Ron (67)
Elggum departo - Muggle-repelling charm, gold colored (7)
Elongus - incantation for making something (such as a bandage) longer (69)
Emballement - incantation for D.A. hex conjuring ball bearings (73)
Emparcho Dumbledorus - spell to convert ordinary paper for use by the magical scanner (3)
En circule - incantation for wrapping something in a circular fashion (69)
Encoloured Lumos - wandtip glows different colors (72)
Encolouro - Spell to change an object's color, with a silent wand twist determining the exact shade (3)
Enflagrate - generates intense flames (3, 7, 41, 74)
Enjoyment Elixir (82)
Escalatio Charm - for climbing steep cliffs (12)
Everlasting Elixir - ingredient for Elixir of Evolution (73)
Exat osteous - incantation for turning a body into a bone (67)
Excavating Charm - Excavato (17, 23, 36, 49, 76)
Elixir of Evolution (Darwin's Draught) - potion that causes animals to evolve (73)
Exorio Pervenius Corpus [name of person] - spell to summon corpses (28)
Expecto patronum publicus - incantation for using patronus as a public communication tool (76, 83, 84)
Eyelid paralyzing spell (name and incantation unknown) (85)
Face Fogging Charm (77, 79, 86)
Fastening Charm (63)
Ferrulious - incantation to conjure firewood (68)
Fertility Charm (88)
Fertility Potion (68, 69, 76)
Finale - incantation used to skip to the closing part of a song (61)
Fire breathing mosquito spell - name and incantation unknown - creates a swarm of fire-breathing mosquitoes (16)
Fire-Fighting Charms - names and incantations unknown (17, 49, 70)
Fitting Charm (86)
Flambus hex - makes one feel as if surrounded by flames (6, 41, 72, 79)
Fluorescio - incantation for spell producing ultraviolet light (65)
Fluvius Azote - conjures liquid nitrogen (49, 68, 72, 86)
Fluvius Charm - creates a stream of water from one's wand (16, 17, 49)
Fogging Charm - incantation unknown - covers the target with fog (14, 49)
Four-Corners Curse - draws and quarters the victim (24)
Frigidio - freezing spell (8, 49, 88)
Frigidio Maximus - maximum freezing spell (68, 69, 85, 86, 87)
Fumeus in aequora - incantation to play "Smoke on the Water" (61)
Furtim Charm - concealment charm for Valkyrie (12, 28, 68)
Garroting Gas spell - used by Snape in battle at Hogwarts (86)
Glacialis terra - turns the ground to ice (68)
Gravitas Charm - makes objects much heavier than they are (9)
Gravitational magic (72)
Hacking Hex (85)
Hair fall in curse ("Folliculus inverso") (Lesson 128) - name unknown (14, 64)
Hand chaining spell (Death Eater) (unknown) (85)
Handwriting alteration spell (unknown) (used by Voldemort) (54)
Hate Potion (41)
Healing Charm - unspecified, to fix a sprained ankle (28)
Heal Thyself Charm - to purge an infection (35)
Heating Charm ("Estus") (64, 86)
Heat Seaking Jinx (68)
Hellas Infernum - curse for producing Greek fire (17, 23, 41, 49, 68, 72, 86)
Helmet conjuring - spell unknown (13)
Hoarseness Hex (88)
Homing Charm (19, 88)
Hornetentious Hex - restraining spell that traps one in hornet swarm (8, 49, 79, 85, 86)
Hymenoepimecis maximus - conjures large parasitic wasps (49)
Hyperanimus Familiaris - the fourth of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35)
Idiotus Jinx - possible spell that hit Ron in Department of Mysteries (5, 85, 86)
Illuminating Charm (Illuminati) (75, 85)
Imago vestmentae - spell that fixes the organization of a complicated set of clothing; lasts for 24 hours (14, 15, 26)
Imagium Multiplicitus Charm ("Multiplicitus") - creates multiple images of the caster (13, 49, 68, 85)
Immobilising Curse (Immobilus) - immobilizes a person or an object (yellow) (12, 49)
Imperius Curse detecting spell - name and incantation unknown (16)
Incandens - charm that sets up a fiery shield around the caster (4, 6, 19, 72, 85)
Incarcerous ennervatus - incantation for version of Incarcerous hex that saps magic (86)
Incommunicadus Charm - isolates an area from all communication (34)
Incognitus Charm - (Incognitus) charm for making the caster unrecognizable (5, 16, 39, 48)
Indestructibility Charm - (19, 30, 38)
Infertility Hex (Lesson 128 spell) (80)
Inflammare - spell that generates intense fire (72, 81)
Igniting Spell (Ignitius) (79)
Insensibility Potion (29)
Instantermobile Charm - spell that automatically moves the caster out of the way of unforgivables, requires ability to Apparate; incantation is Xyzzy (8)
Intoxicans Hex - possible spell that hit Ron in Department of Mysteries (5)
Intrasecto - incantation for spell intersecting two wands (73)
Intrusion Charm (65)
Inverso Curse (Mobilicorpus Inverso) - flips person upside down (12, 13, 22, 49, 75)
Ispyro - incantation for catching snitch in simulator (66)
Itching Jinx (Psoriasea ) (15, 49)
Kineticus Charm - puts something in motion (14, 77, 79, 86)
Knot Untying Charm (21, 57)
Knot Tying Charm (49)
Levitation Charms (44)
Libera avis - incantation got Lynard Skynard's "Freebird" (61)
Liberius totalus - spell that liberated Dementors (34)
Liliaceous - spell for conjuring lilies (25, 26, 49)
Limb removing curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14, 85)
Locating spell (unspecified) - used by Voldemort to check his Horcruxes (62, 72)
Locating Charm (used to make Marauders' Map) (78)
Location Charm (for Auror partners) (28, 58)
Locatur - incanting for simple Location Charm (53)
Locus Personum - the second of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35)
Lumos maximus - generates a blinding light (49, 75, 88)
Lumos transcendære - incantation for spell that causes items to glow (53)
Lung exploding curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Lust detection spell (Solvo ut quod sileo intus….) (56)
Magical Activation Analysis - attempted by Americans on Hermione (41)
Magmacious Curse - generates molten lava (84)
Magneto Curse - binds opponents to large steel objects with magnetism (7)
Ma Huang - potion used to keep Mentanarus Minimus within intended limits (33, 35)
Maledictus omnia resuscitum (proper name of Voldemort's resurrection ritual (85)
Mapping Charm (used to make Marauders' Map) (78, 85)
Melting Charm (40)
Memory-Enhancing charms (72)
Mentanarus Curse (literally mental immersion) - curse that destroys the boundaries of the mind (21, 32, 33)
Mentanarus Minimus - the third of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35)
Mirror Charms (55, 59, 83, 85)
Mirror spell - name and incantation unknown - converts small objects into small mirrors (16)
Mobiliambulato - incantation to make inanimate objects walk (64)
Mobiliapparatus - incantation for moving a Muggle engine by magic (28)
Mobiliarca - incantation for moving a cage (68)
Mobiliauto - incantation used to move an automobile by magic (15)
Mobilitablus Charm - for moving a flat piece of wood by magic (15)
Mosquito Netting Charm (Transenna Culicidæ) (49, 68, 74)
Moving Forest spell - name and incantation unknown (16)
Mugglise - spell to convert wizard robes into Muggle clothes (16)
Mutatis mutandi - incantation to morph Draco's lust detecting jewelry (55)
Nail transfiguration - converts pine needles into nails, name and incantation unknown (9)
Nauseous Curse (Nauseo) - curse that makes one feel nauseous (6, 8, 13, 17, 64, 79)
Nerve restoration charm (34)
Nimbulus - incantation to create a cloud (86)
Nihilo incantatem - spell reversal incantation used by Hermione (80)
Nil intentatum reliquit (leave nothing unattempted), incantation to bind undertakers of a difficult task (30)
Nitroxyl - conjures nitrous oxide (49)
Nodarus Windsorus - ties a tie in a Windsor knot (17)
Nodus solvere - incantation for Knot Untying Charm (53)
Notice-Me-Now Charm (Animadverto iam) (71)
Novus Erus spell - gives Château Blackwalls proprietors control of its magic (64)
Obscuring Charm (Obscurus) - used to conceal nudity in uni-sex Quidditch locker rooms (40, 59, 77, 79)
Obvolvus Charm - for wrapping things in giftwrap (17)
Occulo Dextrous - misspoken curse putting the victim's eyeball into the right ear (41)
Occulus dextrous - curse that makes it appear as if right is straight ahead (6, 41)
Occulus inverso - curse that makes things appear upside-down (6)
Occulus reverso - curse that makes it appear as if behind is straight ahead (6)
Occulus sinistrous - curse that makes it appear as if left is straight ahead (6)
Omnius Leviosa - lifts a large number of objects at once (49)
Opening Charm (Patefacio) (30)
Operandi - incantation to activate Hogwarts emergency security protocols (49)
Orgasimos Charm ("Orgasimos") - spell that makes one have an orgasm, pink light (6, 7, 8, 50, 51, 64, 79)
Orientation Charms (60)
Osteo Pulvisæ - bone destroying curse (68)
Oxygen Impregnation Charm (36)
Page-Flipping Spell (keyed to particular words) (65)
Paint Stripping Potion (47)
Paralysis Potion - to be used on Harry, bright blue (36)
Paranoius - incantation for Black Sabbath's "Paranoid" (61)
Paraphilius - incantation for using a ball gag on a victim (84)
Paraplegius - healing spell inducing partial paralysis (69)
Pele's Revenge - unspecified Hawaiian curse (47)
Penetration Charm (Perfringo) - for tasks like driving nails without a hammer (68)
Percussive Charm (Rumpære) - spell that smashes mirrors (49)
Périmètre Charm (French Perimeter Charm) (82)
Permanent Dulling Charm (78)
Petrificus Ceteris - incantation of spell that paralyzes a specified area of the body (69, 84)
Petrificus cranius - incantation of spell that stops head movement (67)
Phosphære Inverso - inverts what colors the eye sees (49)
Placebus Charm ("Placebus") - a spell that travels and hits like a real spell, but doesn't do anything (6, 8)
Polyzooate Potion (48)
Pondopennius - incantation for Feather-Light Charm (14, 30, 42)
Portus Finite - completes a Portkey setting spell (16)
Portus Locatus - sets the location for a Portkey (16)
Portus Primus - primes an object to serve as a Portkey (16)
Portus Secundus - primes an object for the second location of a multiple use Portkey (16)
Portus Tempus - sets the timing for a Portkey (16)
Powdered Dreamless Sleep Potion (13)
Preservative Charm - to keep something from wearing out or being damaged (64, 66, 70)
Procrustean Hex (32)
Protego Omnibus - type of Protego shield that stops practically all incoming magic, but does not allow outgoing spells (35, 84, 86)
Protego physica - Protego shield that stops physical objects (49, 56, 68, 79, 81, 86)
Protego reversis - type of Protego shield that reverses spells cast at it (10, 73)
Proximal Perusing Charm - to sense entry through the Château's wards (71)
Proximity Sticking Charm - prevents something from getting very far away (57)
Psycho Patefacius - the first of four spells Hermione used to search for Harry (33, 35, 68, 69)
Puff the Magic Dragon - generates multiple, powerful Reductor Curses (23, 68)
Pulsus - incantation to remove dust (65)
Pulverising Curse ("Pulvis") (34, 86)
Punching Hex ("Pugilicus") (48, 49, 79)
Purgative Draught (38)
Purify - removes odors from the air (4, 75)
Pushing Hex (49)
Quadrastraintus incantation for full-body restraints (84)
Rain Repelling Charm (88)
Razus Charm - for shaving (Raz-me) (17, 87, 88)
Reddito ex sinicæ ut britannæ - incantation for translating Chinese into English (66)
Regurgito - vomiting hex (68, 85)
Repletus Urinus - gives the victim a full bladder (22)
Replico - duplicating spell for documents (11)
Replius - fills up a container with available liquid (22)
Restraint Charm - medical, substituting for a splint (86, 87)
Restorative Draught (37)
Restoro - counteracts a Concealment Charm (16)
Restoro vestmentae - restores to the wearer a complicated set of clothing that has been packed away; lasts for 24 hours (14)
Restraining Charm (40)
Reverse transubstantiation spell (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Reverso - incantation for spell that reverses direction of the revolving staircase to Dumbledore's office (34)
Reversus incantatem - spell reversal incantation used by Hermione (80)
Sacrifice of the Phoenix - Phoenicius Expiatus (36, 37, 40, 62, 85)
Sand Repelling Charm (88)
Santorini - incantation for a stream of santorum (79)
Saponoro - produces soapsuds (22)
Saponoro maximus - produces a large quantity of soapsuds (77)
Saw blade Transfiguration - name and incantation unknown - changes dried leaves into circular saw blades (16)
Scala ab ætherius - incantation for Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" (61)
Scanderus - conjures a large metal spring (49)
Scindus - incantation for a splintering charm (78)
Scintillating Charm ("Scintillius") (33, 64, 73)
Self-Cleansing Charm (66)
Self-Healing Charm (35)
Self-Paddling Charm (88)
Septiformus spell (long Latin incantation) - recalibrates a Time-Turner (33)
Shrinking Charm (30, 41)
Silver and Gold Charm - for use of the Prefect's Bathroom (54, 55, 61, 64, 74, 75)
Simultaneity Charm (52)
Sinatrus - spell making one sing like Frank Sinatra
Sinous Aquae - generates waves on water (49)
Skeleton to dust curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Sleeping Charm (English) ("Somnius") (84, 87)
Sleeping Charm (French) ("Endormi") (82)
Sleeping Charm (German) ("Schlafenzee") (84)
Sneezing Hex (49)
Sobering Charm (25, 82)
Sobering Solution (37)
Soundproofing Charm (27)
Specularis - conjures a mirror (57)
Specularis totalus - turns all surfaces to reflective mirrors (49, 53, 86)
Specularis totalus - French version ("Miroit absolute") (82)
Squeezing Spell (48)
Stabilising Charm (54, 67)
Sterilizing Charm (æsepticus) (80)
Stomach molten lead curse (Lesson 128) - name and incantation unknown (14)
Sufficio perfugium - incantation for "Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones (61)
Superfluid Transdermal Potion - overeffective sexual lubricant (52)
Surveillius confundo - Confunds hidden surveillance devices and spells (11, 14, 15, 25, 33)
Surveillius revelato - reveals hidden surveillance devices and spells (11, 15, 25, 33, 50, 53, 65, 69, 71, 74, 88)
Suspendeo - incantation for a Hover Charm (14)
Suturc Countercurse ("Suturc") - largely neutralizes the Cruciatus Curse (21, 31, 52, 53, 68, 80, 85)
Sweet Sixteen Additive - alcohol producing potion tied to age (52, 57, 58)
Taedus - spell for coating something in pitch (34)
Tantum per nex est principatus super nex - beginning of spell to create a Horcrux (48, 85)
Tarantridenquadrans - incantation for three/four dancing (63)
Terminium - spell reversal incantation used by Hermione (80)
Thixotropus - incantation for conjuring quicksand (45)
Tocsinnini - incantation for noisemaking charm (66)
Topical Anæsthetic Charm (54)
Track-Covering Charm (65)
Tracking Charm (49, 62, 77)
Traction Charm (42)
Transferable Charm - intermediate step in Portkey programming (16)
Translating Charm (64, 67)
Transubustantiare inverso - curse Harry shot at Voldemort (68)
Tremoros - curse that makes one feel as if the ground is shaking (6)
Tunnelling Charm - incantation Encavernous (74, 75, 78, 81, 82, 85)
Twisting Charm (87)
Ultrasonicus - incantation for creating a sonic boom (49, 86)
Unction of Gekosetæ - potion enabling user to climb like a gecko (72)
Vannoportus Charm - makes door transparent (7, 42)
Vaproso - curse that makes one think one is surrounded by hot steam (6, 48, 49)
Ventilation Charm - artificial breathing (40)
Veritavirtuous Charm - checks virginity (51)
Vermilius - produces vermilion ochre (23, 65)
Vibratio - produces vibrations; used in female masturbation (52, 71)
Vibrio - produces a nasty infection (52)
Virginity Restoring Potion (70)
Virility Potion (68)
Vox deflectus - incantation for spell that disguises the direction of one's voice (49)
Warming Charm - incantation Temperatus (60, 65, 66)
Warm and Dry charm - name and incantation unknown - makes a towel stay warm and dry no matter how much use (16)
Weight-Reversing Charm (45)