Fifth Element Miscellaneous Magical Items
Acquired Werewolf Syndrome (1)
Air Phoenix (75)
Alban Arthan - Druid equivalent to Christmas (66)
Alpha Astra - entity founded by Marauders that owns small house in Faroe Islands, bequeathed to Remus Lupin (51)
Alpha Mu Omega - wizard student honor society (4)
Alumni of Slytherin Society (6)
Anti-werewolf legislation (1, 4) - precludes werewolves from being guardians of children
Aquitaine-Ile de France House - Beauxbatons house (76)
Athena - Hermione's owl, a present from Harry (16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 30, 47, 52, 63, 67, 80, 87)
Aura reading - post N.E.W.T. skill possessed by Lilithu (79)
Auror Candidate School (4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 30, 56)
Auror Lesson #128 - various deadly spells (13, 14, 20, 33, 42, 53, 64, 68, 80, 83, 86)
Avalon - burial site of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere (66)
Battle of Avalon (Weird Sisters) (57)
Battle of Grim's Graves - wizard defeat of the goblins in 1437 (52)
Beamish Bewitched Building Company - contractor (66)
Belby Trophy - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Magical Creatures at Hogwarts, Harry won (11)
BerlitzMagical - producers of magical language learning materials (25, 74)
Black Oak Azkaban - Marauders' rock group (84)
Blackwalls Special Services Award - created by Harry (71)
Blaennant Manor - home of the Changs (67)
Blood Magic (65)
Boom-win - name (originally derogatory) for one of Harry's circle who fought at the Ministry, short for "bloody Order of Merlin winner" (37, 38, 40, 61, 78)
Brenhines o yr Coedwig - Druid high priestess, literally queen of the forest (74, 83)
Brythonic College of Covens - Druid organization (74)
Bull's Horns Attack Formation - Quidditch play (73)
Bunyip - magical monster (Australian) (68, 72)
Burbling - results of a WWW product (blowing colored bubbles that make rude remarks when bursting) (78)
Burgundy-Lorraine House - Beauxbatons house (82)
Carnivorous locusts - conjured during the Battle of Stonehenge (68, 70, 72)
Celtic zodiac walk - near Glastonbury (66)
Ceremonial Library - room at Hogwarts with important documents displayed; used for important meetings (8, 32, 33, 47, 51, 56, 63, 78, 86, 87)
Chairwoman of Internal Magic (36)
Chaldean Arithmancy (in base twelve) (80)
Charmonium - substance made from charmed quarks; source of wizards' ability to channel magic (9, 37, 55, 79)
Château Blackwalls - ancestral country estate of the Black family, inherited by Harry (1, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 27, 31, 47, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Château Blackwalls oak aged sauvignon blanc - fine magical wine (47)
Château Delacour (87)
Chyropt - flying bat-like creature hunted by goblins (51, 80)
Civil Division (of the Wizengamot) - handles civil litigation (43)
Class I Apparition - Apparition only to places that one has already been to (9)
Clocktock - language spoken by magical alarm clocks (17, 20)
Cockatrice beak - ingredient for one version of the Elixir of Evolution (73)
Continuing Healing Education (80)
Confederation Commendation - given annually for best overall O.W.L. score in west Europe region, Hermione won (11)
Crème bouquet wizard-food cake with vanilla frosting - Harry's birthday cake (22)
Crystal organ - goblin (14)
Death Eater Activity Alert Code (Voldometer) - color coded alert system (9, 16, 21, 25)
Declaration - formal Wizard courtship ritual (44, 48, 52, 61, 82)
Decree for Justifiable Confiscation - for seizure of property posing a threat to wizardkind (51)
Delilah's Den (at Samson's Option) (52)
Dementor action figure (23)
Demonic Quasi-Human Creatures - Seventh Year seminar (41)
Department of Magical Maladies (8)
Devil's Snare repellant (66)
Diagnostic runes - wizard medical devices (37)
D'Israeli, Braddock & Pickle - magical law firm of Blackie Howe (5, 6, 11, 13, 24, 25, 31, 64, 66, 73)
Domestic Magic (class at Hogwarts) (78, 84)
Double-ended newt skin - ingredient for one version of the Elixir of Evolution (73)
Dragon ambergris (38)
Dragon lens spyglass (67)
Dragon meat burgers (9)
Dynion Mwyn - Druid magic (69, 74)
Eagle's Mere - top of mountain overlooking Hogwarts; where Harry's parents were buried (38, 56)
Earth Phoenix (75)
Ebb and Flow knickers - from Lover's Touch (64)
Ebony root - potion ingredient, for Draught of Despair (72)
Empathy - an Empath's ability to feel and affect another's feelings merely by touch (32, 33, 65, 66, 68, 76, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85)
Endangerment Button - lets wearer know if someone else is endangered (66, 84)
Essence of Glumbumble - potion ingredient, for Draught of Despair (72)
European Paranormal Healers' Society (80)
Evanescing Lingerie (53, 57, 78)
Ever-blooming roses (66)
Ever-changing aloha shirt (88)
Fédération Aéronautique Magique - compiler of broom flying records (12)
Field-elves - enslaved elves that work in fields rather than as servants in houses, slightly larger and less intelligent than house-elves (10, 31, 63, 66, 71)
Fifth Estate - French magical parliament (29, 77, 82)
Fire Phoenix (75)
Firebolt Unlimited Ltd. - company that manufactures the Firebolt (16)
Firewizard - equivalent of Muggle firemen (72)
Fizzlips & Schwinn Wax Museum & Fantasy Souvenir Shop (52, 60, 73)
Flying guest mat (88)
Founders' Chamber - lowest level of Hogwarts, where the gnomon-cenotaph is found (34, 35, 68, 69, 70, 80, 86)
The Four Elements - wizard rock group (59)
Four Fingers of the Gods - geological formation near Godric's Hollow (19, 38)
Galdrar Institute - Icelandic magical institution (63)
Gallician Red-Wing (Draco gallicius) - dragon type (22)
Gathering of the Groves - Druid meeting on the summer solstice (74)
Gegælen Orcnéas - old name for
Gendarmerie Magicale - French Auror Corps (47)
Glastonbury Zodiac (66)
Goblin grey cloth - much more brightly colored in UV light, which goblins see (14)
Goblin Rebellion of 1496 (5)
Goblin runes - the written language of the goblins (14)
Grindelwald Reading - the tarot reading Grindelwald gave Hitler in 1936 (42, 45, 46, 63, 73)
Groupe d'Intervention - elite French Auror SWAT team (47, 76, 82, 87)
Gryffindor Prize - given annually for best O.W.L. performance in Gryffindor House, Hermione won (11)
Gwrtheyrn Society of Brython - magical group overseeing Stonehenge (67)
Harmonic Convergence - synchronized magic caused by mutual orgasm (59, 64, 66, 67, 82, 87, 88)
Headmaster's Award - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in any subject at Hogwarts, Harry won (11)
Healer's Oath - taken by Hermione (80, 86)
Hebdomadaire de Jeunes Sorcières - French version of Young Witch's Weekly (80)
Hogsmeade Shop - Harrods magical clothing department (16, 81)
Hogwartsade - Hogwarts Quidditch teams must drink it at matches (59)
Hogwarts Charter - document spelling out powers of Board of Governors (87)
Hogwarts millennium souvenir coffee cup (61)
Hogwarts Picked Nine - all-house Quidditch team (76, 77)
Hogwarts Stopping Service (30, 31)
Horrible Cross (crux horribilis) - early version of Horcrux (62)
House-elf suicide - if they cause their master's death (4)
Household Magic - taught in class on domestic magic (78)
Hydra-Headed squib - WWW adult product (72)
Hydroambulation - walking on water (72)
Hypomagusic shock - severe loss of magical force (37)
Industrial Floo (55)
Institute for Advanced Magic - located in Princeton, New Jersey, Hermione desires to go there after Hogwarts (9, 33)
Institution of Excellence - a research facility, Hogwarts was designated one for Hermione's lycanthropy research (8, 36, 47, 52, 54, 80, 82)
International fast owl (65, 67, 72, 88)
Inverted sandals - feels like walking on soft grass (66)
James Potter Memorial Hogwarts Quidditch Broom Fund/Trust (15, 16, 20, 35, 39, 40, 46, 47, 66, 75)
Jujube flesh (45)
Kabbalah - Jewish Divination (41, 45, 60, 81)
Kauri - large tree native to New Zealand (63)
Knight of the Realm - wizard warrior (6, 14)
Kraken - magical sea monster (47, 68, 72)
Kraken caviar (47)
Légion du Nostradamus (Chevalier) - French magical honor society (77)
Le Monde Magical - French equivalent of Daily Prophet (77)
Ley lines (60, 66, 83, 87)
Library Off-Site Storage (L.O.S.S.) - where Dumbledore hid the books (32, 33, 72, 79, 83)
Longbottom Castle (Neville's home) (63, 73)
Lover's Touch - magical lingerie (52, 53, 57, 64)
Luminescent rhododendron (46, 50)
Macker - a magical hacker who breaks wards for sport (65)
Magiarchs - earliest magical practitioners (35)
"Magic Moments" (The Four Warlocks) - wizard popular song (22)
Magical CD (22, 53)
Magical CD player (22, 23, 53)
Magical heating pad (79)
Magical-Muggle Mail Exchange ("MaMuME") (59)
Magical orthoses (73)
Magical vacuum (72)
The Magical Years - wizard parenting magazine, it published Harry's first "Santa Claus" letters, and sealed the fate of the kids that wrote them (11)
Magicoencephalogram - reads a wizard's magical brain waves (40)
Mágico Futuro…. - wizard school in Spain, full name unknown (20)
Magictose Mist - magical confection (55)
Magiwatt - measurement for magical radio power (19)
Mandrake-flour biscuits (9)
Map room (at Château Blackwalls) - (64, 65, 66, 71)
MARE - magical version of CARE (3)
Marlborough/Spencer Award - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Charms at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11)
Mathemagic (28)
Merlin Award - given annually for best overall Hogwarts O.W.L. score, Hermione won (11)
Merlin Magical Preserve - near Glastonbury (66)
Mimbletonia fruit - edible (9)
Ministère de la Magie - French Ministry of Magic (24)
Ministry flag (14, 25)
Ministry Flight Wing (12, 72, 77)
Ministry of Magic Auror Candidate School Training Group, author of The Pre-Auror Guidebook (11)
Ministry of Magic Scholarship - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in DADA at Hogwarts, Harry won (11)
Ministry of Magic War College (72)
Ministry Parks Commission (66)
Ministry Prosecution Service - wizard prosecutors (20)
Mixing magic - sexual practice among married wizards (59)
Mobile Auror Surgical Hospital (M.A.S.H.) (34)
Moses-Welday Emergency Dispensation - provision to add students to a house if too many in a year are lost; used for Slytherin after deaths of Crabbe, et al. (38)
Muggsy McGraw - one of Mrs. Figg's Kneazles (6)
Muggle Vicinage Violation - infraction for performing magic in the vicinity of Muggles (2, 3, 62, 66)
Multicolored ice cubes (22)
Multi-flavored whipped cream in a can (88)
Music dungeon - place at Hogwarts to play charmed musical instruments (61, 81)
National Auror's Cemetery (24, 25)
Necromancy - study of interaction between living and dead (9, 13, 24, 29, 36, 38, 39, 62, 65)
Non-stick, Apparating magical catheter (37)
Normandie/Bretagne House - Beauxbatons house (76)
Northern Veela (47)
Number 7 Privet Drive - Arabella Figg's residence (4)
Oceanix - remote Malfoy property in Wales (27, 31, 63, 64, 73)
Office of Escheats and Inheritances - part of Ministry Law Enforcement (10, 27, 34, 64)
O-Fish Alley - street near Diagon Alley (23)
O-mail (owl post) (4, 18, 19, 88)
Ordre Nationale de la Pucelle - French magical decoration (77)
Orphan's Division (of the Wizengamot) - handles child custody (43)
Ouroboros - snake eating own tail (45)
O.W.L. and Older Muggle Studies Non-Magical Bake-Off - annual Hogwarts event; where Ginny potioned Hermione (72, 78, 79, 84, 87)
Pacific Basin Magical Convention (88)
Pacific Magical Gathering (82, 87)
Pangolin spleen - potion ingredient, for Draught of Despair (72)
Paracelsus-Level Potions Kit - birthday gift for Ron (76)
Parseltongue Translator - device for understanding and speaking Parseltongue (73, 75, 83, 85)
Peer tutoring program (at Hogwarts) (52, 54, 58, 63, 72, 76, 87)
Phallic Rock - in Molok'ai (47, 88)
Pin the wings on the Hippogriff - party game (22)
Playwitch Magazine - offers reward for nude picture of Harry (6, 9, 13, 33, 50, 52)
Playwizard - magical lingerie (52)
Point Chaser (lead Chaser in Quidditch) (29)
Pomegranate juice - potion ingredient (45)
Potions Regulation Board (47)
Potterless Conspiracy (27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 75)
Polycharmacy - adverse synergistic effects from taking multiple potions at the same time (20, 75)
Polynesian Confederation of Covens (47, 63, 87, 88)
Pooka - Irish fairy creature (78)
Possessory Legilimency (20)
Potter generation skipping trusts - Harry's inheritance from his grandfather, available when he turns 17; three in number (4, 16)
"Potter's Marauders" (Four Broomsmen of the Apocalypse) - hit wizard song (22, 57)
Poxy Quidditch - mock Quidditch on a pinball machine (22)
Prefects' Carriage - car on the Hogwarts Express (34)
Presswizard - Employee of The Daily Prophet (78)
"Pride of Magic" - English wizard national anthem (25, 56)
Proprietor's Suite - master bedroom at Château Blackwalls (62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 71, 73, 79, 84, 85)
Pureblood privilege - immunity from testifying under Veritaserum, comes with being a Time Immemorial Pureblood (8, 10, 31)
Purebloods for Life - wizarding anti-choice group, headed by Narcissa Malfoy (13, 31)
Pythagorean Prize - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Arithmancy at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11)
Quidditch strategy board - Christmas present for Ron (66, 75)
Rainshield (60)
Rasputin's Revenge - wizard brand of vodka (22)
Ravenclaw Medal - given annually for most total O.W.L.s at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11, 73, 75, 76)
Recorded delivery owl - equivalent of registered mail (42)
Revolving Door - relatively seedy hotel in Hogsmeade, rents rooms by the hour (52)
Ring-tailed kappa - species of magical beast (74)
Roseleaf Goblin Rebellion - ended in 1437 by battle of Grim's Graves (52)
Rotfang - Hagrid's replacement boarhound after Fang's death (86)
Rwenzori Castle - tourist hotel (66)
Samson's Option - Hogsmeade sexually oriented shop and bookstore (52, 53, 56, 63, 64, 75, 78, 87)
Scarpin's Potions for All Purposes - supplier of potions ingredients to Snape (60, 76)
Scent-shifting massage lotion (64)
Scheduled (illegal) Potions (86)
Seacow pelvis (powdered) - ingredient for one version of the Elixir of Evolution (73)
Secret Admirer Missives - Weasley product (29, 35)
Self-bouncing trampoline (64)
Self-levitating stretcher (79)
Self-slicing trainer's tape (79)
Self-turning rollers (87)
Sempiternal dirk - goblin gift to Harry after battle of Hogwarts (74, 84, 85)
Senior Independent Work - Seventh Year independent study (9, 11, 13)
Seventh Pacific Basin Magical Cooperation Gathering - in Kauai, where Harry and Hermione get married (47, 76, 88)
Sisters of the Moon - elite group of Jewish witches; powerful seers; Weasleys believe they are lesbians and in blood libel (41, 45, 60, 61, 63, 72, 73, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 88)
Sitting stone - goblin chair (51, 70)
Skunk Sauce - food additive that causes extreme flatulence, a WWW product (8)
Sons of the Knights of the Goblin Rebellions - pureblood group opposed to equal rights for goblins (15, 54)
Sphinx re'em-hide rug (64)
Splitting/cutting - breaking spells into multiple beams of the same magic (16, 17)
Splonching - Apparating inside of a solid object (8, 9)
"Stirring the Cauldron of Love" (song played at masked ball) (57)
Strangler fig ash - potion ingredient (39)
Succession Room - the Minister's formal office, where Fudge met Harry (5)
Succubus - female sex vampire (41, 57, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 82)
Suicide Spyder - WWW invention, used during Battle of Stonehenge (67)
Swatch and Draper signature collection - Wizard clothing line (81)
Swimming pool - magical pool at Château Blackwalls (64)
Switch Scholarship - given annually for best O.W.L. marks in Transfiguration at Hogwarts, Hermione won (11)
Syncopated Sorcery - song played at masked ball (57)
Tarot cards (42, 63)
Teen Witches' Weekly (5, 7, 32, 80)
Tempered glass - tempered by magic (17)
Terrortours Travel Agency (66)
"The Third Spell's a Charm," (Toil and Trouble) - popular magical song (22)
Theoretical Apparition - advanced subject, Honoria Thurso has a degree in it (9)
Third-Party Wizard authorization - wizard health insurance procedure (34)
Thread of Life (48)
Three-dimensional Quidditch pinball machine (65)
Time Immemorial Pureblood - a pureblood who can trace ancestry back to the Reign of Richard I (8)
Tinctura Nucis Vomicæ - catalyzing agent for Snape's love potion (60)
Tohunga rongoa - Maori magical shaman (63)
Tohunga-ta-moko - Maori magical master tattoo artist (63)
Trafficante and Trollope's Wizard Workshop - charmers of magical motorcycles (67)
Transitory, Charmonium-Mediated, Epigenetic Phenomena (Department of) - St. Mungo's unit dealing with animagus and other internally generated transformations, headed by Hypatia Bosworth (37)
Transpotting kit (16)
Umbrella-sized hibiscus (88)
Voavanga seeds - potion ingredient (45)
Vorpal steel - goblin forged sword blade (74, 85, 88)
Wallachian Wyvern - dragon that guards the Potter/Black Gringotts vault (60)
Wanding range - like a shooting range, for spell practice (6)
Water Phoenix (75)
Watutsi magic (66)
Weasley Compound - another name for the Burrow (25)
Weasley Memorial Bog (left over from their departure in OOP (1, 33, 73)
Weasley Ward - personalized ward sold by Weasley twins (16)
Weasleys' Wanton Witches (brand and catalogue) (52, 80, 88)
West African Healing Convention (40)
"Which Witch Will It Be?" - wizard rock song by the Four Elements (59)
Winter flowering hawthorn petals - potion ingredient (66)
Witches' Wonderworks - magical lingerie (52)
Wizard Geographical Society - author of the Field Guide to Carnivorous and Other Dangerous Plants (11)
Wizard shares in Gringotts - means of wizards controlling the goblin bank (4, 6, 10, 14)
Wizbits - wizard breakfast cereal (20)
Wizland Revenue Department- wizard equivalent of Department of Inland Revenue (8, 29, 52)
Yareah Sisterhood - another name for Sisters of the Moon (45)