Fifth Element Wizards
Eban Accrington - first year student sorted into Ravenclaw (34)
Amanda ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Leonora Ampersand - ghostwriter who is a real ghost (63)
Angie ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Annie ??? - Muggle born member of Château Blackwalls staff (64, 67, 71)
Anniston - Death Eater, survived explosion (36)
Theophila Ascot - Order member (21)
Samuel Ashburton - Fifth Year Hufflepuff, testified against Umbridge (31)
Arthur C. Asimov - Hogwarts Muggle Studies professor (11, 57, 61)
Vadim Aspinwall - author of book on cooking with poisonous mushrooms (65)
Alexander Ayers - first year student sorted into Slytherin (34)
??? Bagman - Ludo's brother, a sports agent (47)
Johnny Bao - traitorous wizard hired by Creeveys (74)
Calvin Beamish - first year student sorted into Gryffindor (34)
Sylvanius Beasley - lawyer hired by Hermione's mother (43)
Nicola Belby - N.E.W.T. examiner who attended a Slug Club party (40)
Simon Belby - author of Expert's Guide to the Physiognomic Characteristics of Magical Fowl (81)
Audrey Bellmore - Ministry clerk, killed by Voldemort booby trap (28)
Clement Birkenshaw - one of several persons Shak recommended as possible replacements for Jerry McAllister (70)
Algol Black - head of Black family in 1600s (9)
Dubhe Black - member of Black family in 1300s, twin of Merak (9)
Merak Black - member of Black family in 1300s, twin of Dubhe (9, 26, 58, 70)
Cassius Blake - inheritor of Gulbenkian oil fortune, Slytherin who consorted with Muggles (47, 54)
Rindelaub Helios Borgin - one of the founders of Borgin & Burkes (43, 54, 62, 83)
Hypatia Bosworth - healer specializing in animal transformations (37, 43, 85)
Jacqueline Bouffant - former head of Department of Muggle Affairs (6)
Clifton Branstone - Auror participating in debriefing (5, 17, 34, 36, 56)
Lisen Broh - experimented with Fifth Element, invented Killing Curse, dabbled in Horcruxes (11, 55, 62)
Eliza Marie Brookings - court reporter and Harry's summer romantic interest, killed by Draco Malfoy during Harry's kidnapping (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 79, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88)
Chipley Broome - alias used by Severus Snape (60)
Rhiannon Buckingham - Seventh-Year Ravenclaw (41, 76)
Patricia Byrd - Death Eater participating in raids on Beauxbatons and Château Blackwalls (76, 84)
Smedley Cambo - 5th Year Slytherin, one of Draco's new henchmen (72, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87)
Matilda Campbell - Auror who interrogated Cho Chang under Veritaserum (70)
Candace ??? - Bellatrix Lestrange's caregiver (71, 84, 85)
Andrew Carluke - one of Harry's Auror instructors (6, 8, 12, 30, 74)
??? Carmichael - father of Edward, member of Wizengamot (47)
??? Carmichael - mother of Edward, owns largest custom robe shop in Britain (47)
Jessica Carmichael - Fourth Year Gryffindor, Ginny's friend (40, 80)
Ambrosia Carteret - French witch who attained 16 O.W.L.s (11)
Evelyn Cavendish - first year student sorted into Gryffindor (34)
Jia mu (mother) Chang (Cho's mother) (70, 73)
Yan fu (father) Chang (Cho's father) (29, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 82)
Kahina Cohen - Sisters of the Moon operative and crystal ball seller (63)
Kelly Comerford - friend and fellow Gryffindor fifth year friend of Ginny's (80, 82, 84)
Ward Connerly - recent Hogwarts graduate (71)
??? Constantanon - French Minister for Magic (82)
The Contact (Dolores Umbridge) (27)
Waldo Copperfield - barrister for the Wizengamot, prosecutor of Umbridge (8, 78)
Europa Corcaroli - married into Black family, dates unknown (9)
Desiderata Coterel - sent Harry love-potioned Valentine's sweets (75)
Antoine Crewkerne - invented a form of STP as a sexual lubricant (52)
Sally Crowninshield - sent Harry a birthday present (21)
Avalon Danvers - one of Gryffindor girls missing in Harry's year (19, 20, 22, 30, 35, 46, 57, 60)
Luc Dassault - French Auror Lieutenant-Colonel, liaison to British Aurors (47, 76)
??? Davies - father of Roger, large Diagon Alley landowner
Madame Appoline Delacour - Fleur's mother (24, 26, 53)
Maréchal Delacour - Fleur's father (14, 24, 25, 26, 53, 82)
Ann Derek (Ravenclaw) (78)
Appoline Deschutes - Beauxbatons fourth-year, lived through attack (76)
Devorah ??? - Sister of the Moon member in Bavaria (81)
Carmella Dewey - barrister for the Wizengamot, prosecutor of Umbridge (8)
Astra Disley - member of Château Blackwalls staff (64)
Theodora Doddinghurst - Auror participating in debriefing (5, 56)
Loxos Dromit - Senior Druid of Luna's nemeton (74, 87)
Druantia - Celtic tree goddess (68)
Muriel Dumbledore - Dumbledore's wife (55)
Percival Dumbledore - Dumbledore's son (55)
??? Dunstan - Beth's father; magical ambassador to Russia (47)
Beth Dunstan - Slytherin Seventh Year, member of Inquisitorial Squad (15, 47)
Etienne Duvalier - Beauxbatons student, Luna's date for Masked Ball (57)
Edgar ??? - Auror at the Burrow on New Years (68)
Electra ??? - Luna's managing editor for The Quibbler (52)
Emmanuelle Elphick - seventh year Hufflepuff, pre-healer (79)
Emil ??? - member of the Château's staff
Alvin Farnsworth - N.E.W.T. examiner who attended a Slug Club party (40)
Sylvanius Farrow - Order member (21, 34)
Brentworth Fenwick - Order member (26)
Graciana Ferers (Ginny's alias in exile) (87)
Éamon Finnigan - first year student sorted into Gryffindor (34)
??? Fitzwarlock - Death Eater participating in raid on Beauxbatons (76)
Joachim Fizzlips - deceased partner in Fizzlips & Schwinn (52)
Husqvarna Flodden - Senior manager, wizard division of Cadbury Chocolates (4, 24, 47)
Jennifer Fontaine - wizard child from Liverpool who wrote Harry; later killed by Death Eaters (6, 11, 23, 24, 26)
Dorothy Gale - DME invigilator (84)
Michelle Glamorgan (75)
Kitai Gorod - dabbled in Fifth Element, caused explosion blamed on comet strike in 1908 (11)
Murgatroyd Goyle - Gregg's father (29, 30)
Betsy Greengrass - one of Harry's Auror instructors, mother of Daphne (6, 9, 16, 20, 30)
Gregor - the gargoyle who guards Dumbledore's office (38)
Wulfric Gryffindor - signer of magical codicil to Magna Carta (8)
Exton Gwyce - Auror who attended Fiendfyre suppression demonstration (72)
Jazeera (Jazzy) al-Habibi - Gryffindor Third Year; Harry's successor as Seeker (40, 43, 46, 49, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 84, 86, 88)
Julian Haldane - fourth year Hufflepuff; Ginny's stand-in date at Masked Ball (57)
Hugo Halliburton - one of Harry's Auror instructors (5, 6, 9, 17)
Albert E. Hawking - Author of Arithmancy Made Easy (11, 80)
Ima Hogg - High level, ultimately traitorous Château employee (64, 71, 72, 73, 81, 84, 85, 87)
Blackstone "Blackie" Howe - partner at magical law firm D'Israeli, Braddock & Pickle; Harry's lawyer (5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 43, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 60, 61, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 82, 87, 88)
Abigail Huckabee - author of unnamed "definitive" history of recent magic (21)
Healer Huckleberry - inventor of self-walking crutches (49)
Hubert Huddleston - author of wizard sex medicine book (52)
Paracelsus Huxley - eminent Healer (34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 55, 56, 69, 70, 71, 76, 80, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Izakoff (opposing summer Quidditch player) (47)
Jason ??? - Auror present for both the altercation on Privet Drive and Hermione's hoaxed murder (49)
Jauterita - Lithuanian witch (57)
"Johnson" - Unspeakable participating in training Harry (21, 56)
"Jackson" - Unspeakable participating in training Harry; a witch (21, 72)
"Jones" - Unspeakable participating in debriefing, and later training Harry (5, 21)
KateandSpence - Couple in Snape's year at Hogwarts; his love potion split them up (60)
Kung Meng-tse "Lao Kung" - old Chinese wizard, friend of Dumbledore, mentor to Harry, dies of pancreatic cancer (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 74, 76, 82, 86)
Minister Laignel - French minister killed by sexually amplified stunner (59)
Laurence ??? (Hogsmeade Shop sales assistant) (81)
Morgan le Fay (Morgaine) (71)
Candice LeMelle - Beauxbatons fourth-year, died in attack (76)
Roland Lestrange - father of Rodolphus (62)
Francis Loincloth - former head of the Department of Magical Education (6)
??? Louth - Death Eater who tried to execute Harry (37)
Tuan Mac Cairill - Irish wizard, possible metamorphmagus, author of Transfiguring Oneself (11)
Wynda MacFusty - head girl in Harry's second year, junior Auror (77)
Lilithu Mandelbrot - Daphne Greengrass' aunt and leader of the Sisters of the Moon (72, 73, 79, 80, 81, 84, 87)
Clarity Mankiller - optometrist for Harry's new glasses (24)
Alphonse Mannock - one of Harry and Hermione's flight instructors (12, 15, 25, 33, 41, 56, 57, 68, 69, 72, 74)
Gaston Mannock - Alphonse's twin brother (32, 33, 41, 56)
Marian ??? - shop assistant at Samson's Option (52)
Tristan Marlowe - Slytherin Beater, D.A. sympathizer (59, 72)
Cheryl Markham - one of Harry and Hermione's flight instructors (12)
Constance Marpeth - Gryffindor Fifth Year (15, 56, 59, 80)
Morgan Maryknoll - Seventh Year Gryffindor (35, 37)
Matilda - Merlin's mother (21)
Jerry McAllister - Harry's estate manager (62, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 81, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88)
Alixander Meadows - Order member (26)
Liko Mee (alias for Cho Chang) (26, 28, 29, 32, 57, 67)
Guillaume Ménière - Beauxbatons Head Boy (57)
Solomon Mensong - Malfoy's lawyer at Black hearing (31, 83)
Deputy Merriweather - process server (43)
Minnie - unicorn foal (31)
Moose Montague - Slytherin Seventh year, member of Inquisitorial Squad, at Denmark Quidditch camp (15)
Manfred Murgatroyd - author of major wizard medical text (40)
Samuel Murgatroyd - an Associate Warlock of the Wizengamot (6)
Westbrook Murrow - Daily Prophet stringer (29)
Fosdick Napier - Death Eater (29, 33, 67)
Maxmillian Nott - Death Eater, Ted Nott's father (31)
Dristine O'Connell - Seventh year Hufflepuff (78)
Manongia O Kaeaea - Maori representative, tattoo expert (63, 88)
Oswald the Amorphous - wizard whose portrait is in the dungeon level at Hogwarts (61)
Tabitha Palsgraf - co-author of The Better Homes & Gardens Complete Magical Guide (11)
Macquarie Palmer - Australian fifth-year Ravenclaw (44, 72)
Van Lingle Park - new Slytherin Sixth Year, Quidditch player, uses music room (56, 59, 61)
??? Paxman - Death Eater participating in raid on Beauxbatons (76)
Cromwell Peakes - presided over Death Eater trial (32)
Orville Pemberton - new Order member (15)
Oscar Plimpton - Blackwalls footman (63, 64)
Abraham Potter - Harry's paternal grandfather (4)
Edna Potter - senile great aunt (56)
Ian Potter - Potter ancestor who moved to Australia (29)
Mary Potter - Potter ancestor who moved to Australia (29)
Yura Pratt - Auror who attended Fiendfyre suppression demonstration (72)
Titania Prod - seventh year Hufflepuff (57, 61, 78)
Emmeline Puckle - Jerry McAllister's Muggle-born love interest (62, 71, 73)
Quimby Quirke - Auror participating in debriefing (5)
Roscoe Rabatin - owner of the Nimbus Racing Broom Company (47, 48)
Dustin Redford - active Auror (16)
Abigail Rosen - seer, Riddle love interest and victim (29, 36, 45, 63, 73, 80)
Gandolfus Rottweiler - author of Animagus Workbook (11)
Roxanne ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Bartram Rumpole - D'Israeli, Braddock lawyer who represented Hermione at Black hearing (31)
Congolia Samson - former head of Department of Mysteries (6)
Newt Scamander II - editorialized against goblin rights (15)
Barton Schell - Fourth Year Ravenclaw (55)
Samantha Schlafley - co-author of The Better Homes & Gardens Complete Magical Guide (11)
Schwinn (52, 53)
Charlotte Scrimgeour - wife of Rufus (56)
Gondolfo Sherlock - author of crucial article (32, 33)
Artemus Sandpiper - owner of the Tutshill Tornadoes (47)
??? Simmons - mortgagor of property visited by Bladvak (77)
Sally Simpson - Fifth Year Hufflepuff (76)
Destin Sizemore - recent Hogwarts graduate (71)
Gretchen Sklary - Squib literacy teacher for house-elves; murdered by Voldemort (77, 81, 84)
"Smith" - Unspeakable participating in debriefing, and later training Harry (5, 21, 56)
"Smithson" - Unspeakable participating in training Harry (21)
Sophocles ??? - Luna's cousin (64)
Preston Spott - 5th Year Slytherin, one of Draco's new henchmen (72, 76, 79, 80, 85, 86, 87)
Minister ??? Stambolev - Bulgarian Minister for Magic (87)
Cameron Stanbury - owner of Eeylops Owl Emporium (16)
Jonathan Swanage - wizard child from Somerset who wrote Harry; later killed by Death Eaters (6, 11, 23, 24)
Europa Sydenham - WWN Vice-President for Special Events (19)
Sydney ??? - sales assistant at Twilfit & Tatting's (66)
Demetrius Tarbert - head of the Department of Magical Education (4, 87)
Rodney Taunton - reserve Gryffindor Beater, fifth year (59)
Tess ??? - sales assistant at Quality Quidditch Supplies (66)
Madeline Thackery - editorialized in support of goblin rights (15)
Honoria Thurso - Unspeakable, one of Harry's/Hermione's Apparition instructors (9)
Samuel Toke - Ravenclaw Beater, on all-school team (72)
Llewellyn Tredegar - Malfoy retainer, overseer of Oceanix (27)
Cécile Trousseau - Beauxbatons student (57)
Lucinda Trucipp - older court reporter, betrays Eliza to Death Eaters (15, 16, 27, 51)
Philander Tweed - Terrortours sales assistant and Death Eater sympathizer (66)
Erma Underwood - Slytherin fourth year, backup Beater (59)
Unidentified Unspeakable - puts recording device on Harry during Auror power testing (5)
Virginia Valentine - Hufflepuff Fourth Year, reserve Seeker (41, 79)
??? Vaisey - Death Eater, father of Slytherin Quidditch player (55, 75)
Valerie ??? - witch who sent Harry Valentine's sweets spiked with Love Potion (75)
Wesley Warrington - Slytherin Seventh year, member of Inquisitorial Squad (15)
Roland Weasley - Weasley ancestor owing Gringotts for failed business venture (80)
Malcolm Wheeler - former head of Department of Magical Transportation (6)
Dorian White - Teen Witches Weekly interviewer (80)
Constantine Widdershins - portrait at Hogwarts (74)
Ernie Wilmot - works for Teen Witches Weekly (80)
John Oliver Wilson - fictitious name consisting of the middle names of three Marauders other than Sirius (51)
Waldorf "Weird Wally" Wilson - WWN DJ (19, 22)
Isabella Wing - Blackie Howe's secretary (20, 24)
Camille Wrexham - one of Harry's Auror instructors (5, 6, 8, 16)
Clarence Younger - wizard attorney (63)
Omertà Youssoupov - author (32)
Marona Zelandowicz - Gryffindor girl in Harry's year, Jewish (22, 30, 41, 43, 57, 79, 81)
Alfred Ziff - manservant at Château Blackwalls (66)
Fritz Zwicky, III - first year student sorted into Ravenclaw (34)