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Stories by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

  1. Divination Made Easy by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    The summer before fourth year Harry looks to an unusual source of inspiration to make his divination homework easier. Pre-ship.

  2. Remembered Past by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    Just got reminded of this fic by my beta, I never did get around to posting it. Oops. Remus remembers on an important day.

  3. A Map of Good Intentions by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    “I can’t believe I’m talking to an inanimate object.” Hermione muttered under her breath. Apparently the map heard. “Mr. Padfoot does not appreciate being referred to as an inanimate object.”

  4. Cercle De L'Amour by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    A winter night at Hogwarts. This was written way back in 2002, so it is very pre-OOtP

  5. Silent Interactions by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    The latest escapee from the farm. Harry and Hermione share a quiet moment. Not necessarily a part of any other series.

  6. Erised by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    PWP. Not necessarily a part of my previous series. A one-shot look at Harry and Hermione post-Hogwarts.

  7. Brat by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    That little Potter brat! Companion to Why, What, and Angel, part 4 of the series.

  8. Angel by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    She's an angel. Companion to "Why?" and "What?"

  9. What? by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    A companion piece to Why?

  10. Why? by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    Hermione ponders why.

  11. The Phoenix and The Griffin by Suzanne of Dragons Breath

    Year Seven-The final battle. Written pre OOP.