Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

And a big fat thank you to my buddy NAPPA who helped me kill my plot bunny. Thanks a mill NAPPA. Go and read his fics Septanic Dueling and Tangled Fates. They are excellent!!!!

One Hot Summer

Chapter 1-Ron's Plans

"Right here?" He teased.

"Oh yes please, right there." She purred and his hand continued to travel down over her belly.

"You sure Hermione?" He leaned in closer and ran his tongue up the side of her neck as his hand neared his prize.

She felt his fingers barely pass over the hem of her panties to rest inches on the mound just above her sex. She started to squirm from his light teasing. "yes." She breathed out

"Tell me what you want." He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes, he lowered his head and traced her lips with the tip of his tongue, she opened her mouth to him so he could kiss her properly. His tongue dipped into her mouth coming in contact with hers, flicking and commanding her to respond. She did while pushing her lower body into his hand.

He lightly traced his fingers along the opening of her sex, pressing her panties so intimately against her, she gasped into his mouth. She felt his fingers now inside her panties caressing each fold of her silky softness. He inserted his finger into her warmth, and she ripped her mouth from his in her blissful cry. He inserted a second finger and she rocked her hips while his thumb teased the soft button that caused the cries of her aching need for him fill the room. He was bringing her higher and higher away from reality, faster and faster, in and out of her his fingers moved. She couldn't keep it in, she screamed out "HARRY!!!" in absolute pleasure-AHHHHHH!!! NOOOO!!! Came the loud scream from Ron as he woke in a cold sweat, and holding his pillow so tightly against his chest. He glanced about his pitch black, room. Ron's eyes adjusted to the dark, he had never had such a horrible nightmare in his life. It should have been him in the dream, he thought. He leaned over and lit the candle on his nightstand. There were several pictures sitting on his nightstand of himself, Hermione, and Harry. The three best friends.

Ron swung his feet over the side of the bed, and stood up. The wooden floor was cold as he walked across the room to his small desk. He opened the drawer and pulled out some letters that he had gotten from his friends over the past summer. It was only one month until they had to be back at school for their seventh, and final year at Hogwarts. There was nothing in the way of a good year.

Last year was a triumph his best friend Harry Potter, with the help of the Order of the Phoenix they had finally defeated the Dark Lord Voldemort. All was well; nothing was keeping Harry from living with Sirius as his name had been cleared. There was nothing standing in his way of him and his desire, not to mention best friend Hermione Granger. Although she didn't know she was his girl, but she would be soon enough. Ron sighed deeply and sat down in his chair glancing out at the dark night. He picked up the first letter it was from Harry.


Sirius said it would be alright if I stayed the rest of the summer with you, I'll be there tomorrow around noon, I'll be arriving by floo powder. See you then.


Ron placed the letter down on his desk and pulled out the second one, it was from Hermione.

Dear Ron,

Thank you for inviting me to stay with you and your family, my parents said it would be alright if I stayed for the rest of the summer, but someone in your family would have to pick me up since they have no idea how to get to your house. I'm positive that your mother or father or any of your brothers could floo to my house. So if you would send someone to retrieve me around noon it would be grand.

You're friend,


P.S. Did you know Harry is coming as well? This is going to be so much fun.

Ron pulled out another sheet of parchment, it was a list of things to do, mainly his list of things to do to Hermione while she was here. He chuckled lightly while reading, he had a brilliant plan to make the witch of his desires well his.

1. Give Hermione big hug when she arrives

2. Help Hermione unpack her things and check out her underwear

3. Get another hug for helping unpack and sneak in cheap feel.

4. Get some alone time with Hermione after dinner

5. Next day take Hermione and Harry to the pond for swimming, check out Hermione in Bathing suit.

6. Next day offer for the three of us to do rest of summer homework and praise her intelligence.

7. Pretend to not understand something and have her lean on me so I can touch her.

8. Pretend to drop quill under table, I'll ask her retrieve it and she will. I'll get a good view of her ass.

9. Wait a few days then continue with plan.

10. Go to Percy's One year fancy anniversary party, tell Hermione how pretty she looks. Hoping for low neck gown to be able to see more of her. At end of party give quick kiss on the cheek.

11. Next day Kiss Hermione again.

12. Next day wait till Hermione is out of shower and in the room, walk in on her

naked and pretend to be sorry.

13. Next day take Harry and Hermione on a picnic Pretend to fall and land on


14. Next day Give Hermione big kiss tell her my feelings for her.

15. Wait a few days giving her time to think

16. She's mine. Sleep with Hermione.

Ron glanced his list over, he should have no problems he looked over at his clock only ten hours till Hermione and Harry arrive. He decided to go back to sleep, or at least try to. He did not want to have another nightmare like the one he woke up from. He crawled back in under his covers and blew out the candle and closed his eyes to sleep.

Something jumped on his bed, "Wake up Ronnie." The voice said

Ron stirred he knew who that annoying voice belonged to, "Fred, go away." He said turning over to go back to sleep. He felt something else jump onto his bed.

"Ron, up, up, up."

Ron squinted his eyes shut tighter, "Not you too George? Just leave me alone." He sat up a bit. "Both of you get out of my room!" He took one of his pillows and threw it at George.

"Fine," George said and Ron leaned back against his pillows for another chance in the dream world. George was about to flick Ron in the ear when his something caught his attention. He looked up seeing his brother signaling to him. George looked at his brother oddly and moved over to Fred who was near Ron's desk. Fred pointed down to the list with a jerk of his chin. Check it out Fred mouthed to his brother in silence.

George scanned the list and started laughing quietly to himself "Someone has a crush." George whispered to his brother.

"Obviously." Fred smirked crossing his arms over his chest.

"I wonder what Hermione would say to reading something like this?" George said.

Fred looked right at his brother, "I think we need to teach our brother a lesson."

"That he shouldn't be thinking about his best friend that way?" George asked.

"No, that he shouldn't leave lists of how to get a girl in bed lying around where just anyone could pick them up." Fred grinned.

"You think we should mess up his plans?" George asked already knowing the answer, his mouth was watering with just the thought of it.

"Naturally, and I have the perfect plan for our dear brother's plan. Quick let's write this down to be able refer back to it." Fred replied as he quietly got out another sheet of parchment and George got the quill out and they began writing down Ron's list.

"You know it's kinda dumb to even write a list like this, what if the female he was working on came across it?"

"We can save that for the finale." Fred said.

"Oh that is just so cruel." George paused, "I like it." George said with a devilish smirk.

Fred folded up the completed list and put it in his pocket just as they heard their mother's voice shout up the stairs at them. "Ronald are you up yet?"

"Not yet." Fred whispered as him and George chuckled lightly. They heard Ron start to shift and move.

Ron stirred again violently shaken from his dreams, he sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Yes, yes I'm up." He shouted sleepily and he stood up from his bed Fred and George left the room and he proceeded to get ready for the day. He looked over at the clock, it was an hour till his friends would arrive, he then wondered why his family let him sleep so late. He quickly got dressed and headed down stairs.

Harry was the first to arrive and Ron jumped up from the couch to greet his friend. "Hiya Harry."

Harry smiled seeing his friend coming towards him with a huge grin on his face. "Hey Ron, how's your summer been?" He sure looks like he's in a good mood. Harry thought to himself

"It's been Alright I suppose, but now my best friends are coming to stay with me I'm sure my fun will pick up." Ron said with a hidden smile. Oh yes indeed. He thought while trying to hold in a snigger.

"So, what do we do first?" Harry asked as he looked around the room. He always loved coming here. It felt like he was part of a real family before he moved in with Sirius.

"Well we still have to wait for Hermione, she's not here yet." Ron said with a smile.

"Not yet, Hermione is usually always on time." Harry said with a half grin.

"Well my mum went to pick her up, she probably got to talking with Hermione's parents I swear she's getting almost as bad as Dad is."

Harry chuckled. He saw Fred and George come into the room with smiles etched across their faces.

"Hey Harry, you made it. No problems with the planning in getting here I trust?" George said with a smirk.

"Uh yeah," He gave the twins an odd look. "It wasn't that hard to get here, I just flooed in. I can't apparate yet."

"I can't believe the ministry won't make an exception for you to be able to apparate, after all you are the-"Fred was interrupted by Harry.

"No really, its fine. Rules are rules and they aren't meant to me broken." Harry said with a smirk. "Unless you have a really good reason." He added.

"Are you kidding, rules are always meant to be broken." George said with a wide grin reaching from ear to ear.

Mrs. Weasley and Hermione with her trunk came through the fireplace and landed with a thud in the room. Mrs. Weasley brushed off her robes with her hands noticing Harry had arrived.

"Hallo Harry nice to see you made it." She said with a kind smile.

"Yes." Harry said with a nod.

Hermione dragged her trunk behind her as she stepped out of the fireplace more. "This dang thing just gets heavier and heavier." She complained.

Ron and Harry both noticed that nothing had really changed a lot with Hermione over the summer, she still had the same bushy hair bit it was pulled up in a banana clip, showing off her pretty face. She was in a pair of thigh high jean shorts and a green v-neck t-shirt, nothing too flashy just simple and casual.

Both boys felt themselves smiling while watching her pulling her trunk behind her trying to get more into the room.

Ron let his eyes wander about her, she looked firm and trim. He let his gaze travel about her long legs which were toned with slight muscle, not that she overly worked out, just enough to be appealing. Ron looked over at Harry noticing him doing the same thing, he felt himself scowl a bit and then returned his gaze to watching Hermione.

Hermione gave up on her trunk and finally looked up at the boys, "well this is going to be some fun isn't it?" She said with a smile. Hermione first stepped up to Harry throwing her arms around him in a big friendly embrace. "Is everything all right with you?"

Harry hesitated a moment before his arms went around her and tightened. He gave off a soft sigh that no one could hear while holding her to him "Yeah, great." He said quietly.

She smiled "Uh, Harry you can let go now." Hermione said with obvious amusement in her voice.

"Oh, right." Harry dropped his arms from around her and stepped back a little. "Sorry." He felt slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine."

Ron was scowling in bitter anger by now, remember the plan? His mind shouted and he calmed a bit Right, right he said back to himself. If I just stick to the plan she will soon be mine. Okay time for my hug now. He looked at Hermione and a smile graced his face as she saw him smile back at him. "Hey Hermione."

"Ron." She said with a nod and she stepped up to him going to give him a similar greeting.

Ron was ready for it, he was almost there. She was stepping so close, almost in his arms. Something was violently thrown and an orb rushed past his head to break against the wall BOOM!!! CRASH!!!

"AHH!" Hermione jumped almost tripping back from the noise that startled her. She was in luck that Harry had stepped forward and caught her or she would have had one bruised bottom.

"Hey thanks Harry." She said with a smile.

"No problem Hermione, I'll always be here to catch you." Harry returned the smile but he also wanted to slam his palm over his mouth for saying that last part. Hopefully she wouldn't notice.

Hermione noticed his words wondering what he meant, but she just shrugged it off. Oh well she didn't need to think about that now. She glanced over at Fred and George who were laughing hysterically. Hermione shook her head, "will they ever grow up?" She mumbled to herself. Thinking that one day those pranks of theirs are really going to hurt someone.

But nothing really bad happened as fairies seemed to come out of broken glass orbs and fly about the room giggling. One landed in Ron's hair and immediately began to braid the short strands into tiny braids. It seemed that someone let off a bunch of fireworks in the living room and Fred and George looked up with grins on their faces.

"Get off me!" Ron waved his hand furiously at the fairy, the fairy got a bit peeved and bit him on the finger. "OOOW!!! Damn fairy." He stuck his bloody finger in his mouth to relieve the pain.

"Oh Ron I think they're sweet." Hermione beamed. As fairies seemed to swarm around her and dance about the air in a circle while creating a sparkly mist as they danced.

"Sorry, just trying out our new line of Weasley Fairy Fireworks." George was smiling but he hid a devilish smirk.

"I happen to think this is your best invention yet George." Hermione praised even though she didn't approve of their pranks, this one was a better one.

Harry glanced up as a fairy was braiding his hair, he didn't really mind. Maybe it would improve the way it was always messy. "Interesting." He said quietly.

Hermione gently brushed the fairy away began to take out the little braid in Harry's hair. "There now, much better." She said with a smile.

Harry gave her a half grin but couldn't think of anything to say back to her. There was an odd silence about the room.

"Well." Fred said breaking silence. "Let's help Hermione up to Ginny's room."

Fred went to her trunk and picked it up.

Without warning George then lifted Hermione and threw her over his shoulder. "My Lady your royal transportation is ready. Lead the way Sir Fredrick."

"Certainly Sir George," Fred said and began to carry her trunk up the stairs. George followed with Hermione.

"George I can walk you know."

"Nonsense My Lady, those delicate tootsies shall not touch a speck of dust." And he continued to carry her up the stairs.

Hermione was looking back at Harry and Ron, the shrugged with a half grin. She went with the flow.

Both Ron and Harry were scowling at Fred and George. They both turned looking at each other the same expression mirrored in the other's gaze, they dropped the scowl immediately. Hoping that the other didn't notice.

Harry shook his head and picked up his trunk heading up to Ron's room.

Ron shook his head back and forth, well so what if number one of his plan didn't go accordingly, he still had a month to get to Hermione. Yes everything was fine, all was well. He wouldn't worry. The next item on the plan was ready to put into play. Yes by the end of the month he would have his prize.


Well that's the end of chapter 1, I know this chapter was mostly in Ron's POV but it was his plan, and I needed to get a little info on what he wants to do. The rest of the chapters will be all of their POV's. Well I hope you continue reading. Chapter 2 will be out in about a week. I still have Soul Scepter and its sequels to write. I had to get this idea out in fan fiction form or else I would have gone NUTS!! :-) Happy reading. Read and Review thanks Ryoko.