Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

A/N: *sniffle, sniffle* yes, yes it is the end of OHS; this is the final and last chapter of this fic. It is hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful story. Well I'll leave you to read now, *sniffle* does anyone have a tissue?

One Hot Summer

Chapter 10-Discoveries; An Act For Revenge

"What is it?" Harry asked.

Hermione stared blankly, fire erupting in her eyes. "Why that big oaf-"

Harry wanted to see what was making her so upset so he attempted to take the parchment from her hand; he had ripped the corner trying to remove the parchment for she was holding it tightly. He scanned it over, at the top of the parchment it said Ron's Plan, and there was a list of things to do. Harry lifted his eyes looking at Hermione who was shaking with anger.

"I can't believe he would pull something like this? How juvenile, how, how RUDE!!!" She yelled. "Well this explains his very odd behavior this summer doesn't it?" Her voice trimmed with annoyance. Right now she wanted to kill Ron

Harry shook his head, glancing back at the paper. "He's out of his mind, as if this sort of thing would even work."

Hermione took the paper back from Harry, and continued to look at the list, "And what makes him think I would even have these same feelings, for him to even make a ridiculous list like this? Have I given him any inclination that I even wanted to date him, that I even had feelings more than friendship towards him?"

"No." Harry answered plainly, he thought a moment. "You know Ron said something to me earlier tonight, he said that I always get everything he wants, and he will prove that I won't have everything."

Hermione rolled his eyes, "So he doesn't even care about me like that? He just tries to get me because he thinks you get everything?" Hermione crossed her arms in bitter anger. "Some friend he turned out to be." She glared at the floor hatefully, an idea popped into her head and she turned to Harry with a smirk on her face. "I have an idea to get back at him, he wants me does he? Then fine."

"Hermione?" Harry was confused.

"Here I'll explain." Hermione said moving closer to Harry.


Ron woke from his night of restful slumber for the first time that whole summer, rubbing his head. There was a large bump and boy did it hurt. He sat up from his bed looking around his room noticing that Harry wasn't in bed, his eyes narrowed in jealousy as he thought about where Harry would be.

Harry was actually sitting on his bed under his invisibility cloak, Hermione had some kind of idea and he agreed that it would be the best source of punishment for their dear, dear friend. And it would prove in an instant if Ron were to remain their friend, or turn into an enemy.

Standing and stretching, Ron gave a giant yawn and proceeded to strip down from the clothes he was wearing last night, clad only in his underwear he heard a knock at the door and Hermione's voice from the other side.

"Ron, it's me can I come in?"

"Uh sure, just hold on a sec." He quickly scrambled into a pair of shorts as the door opened and Hermione stepped. He noticed something about her was different this morning, apart from her only wearing a black Chinese silk robe. She just seemed different to him for some reason. "If you're looking for Harry he's not in here." Ron said trying not to sound bitter, and he realized that his voice wasn't as angry sounding as it should have been.

Hermione closed the door behind her and turned around facing him, "I wasn't looking for Harry." She looked up at him, "I wanted to see you." Hermione stepped right up to him.

"Me?" Ron glanced around the room nervously, and then looked her in the eye. He noticed a different kind of light in her eyes; similar to that of which when he caught Hermione and Harry talking yesterday before the party.

She reached up and tapped him on the nose. "Yes you, silly." She smiled slyly, flirty.

Ron backed up a little she was making him very uncomfortable. "Why would you want to see me?"

"Well why not?" She asked innocently

He was confused. "Hermione, what's going on?"

"Do I have to be any more obvious?" Hermione sighed. "I suppose I have to be, so I'll be blunt. I want you Ron, I want you like crazy."

Ron's jaw dropped, this was it. She wanted him. He was about to go through the roof. Something was holding him back; he couldn't even take a step forward. All he could do was take a step back when she came towards him. 'Harry loves her, he obviously thinks she loves him.' His mind said. Ron looked at Hermione, "But what about Harry?"

"What about him?" She stepped closer to Ron.

"Well for one he cares about you." Ron stepped back, but this time ran into the wall. He was trapped.

"So do you." Hermione took a step towards him. "And who cares about Harry, it's you that I want." She saw Ron's eyes widen as she rested her hands on his shoulders, "What's the matter, don't you want me?"

Ron pushed her hands away. "No." he said.

Hermione smirked, "I don't believe you." She stepped right up to him.

He could feel the heat from her body close to his and he took in a gulp of air, "Herm-" His voice was oddly high pitched, "Hermione you…you can't do this, I mean Harry, he more than cares for you. He's in love with you." Ron said hoping he sounded confident.

"I'm confused Ron, what does Harry loving me have to do with you or I?" Hermione did not move away from him.

"This isn't right Hermione." Ron shook his head.

"Why not?" She pressed herself against him this time.

Ron's brain started to shut down, but he took in a deep breath. "Because Harry loves you and you love him. You two have something special, don't throw it away."

"Well why can't I have both of you?" She said her mouth next to his ear. "I know that he loves me and he thinks we are in a relationship, but I'm afraid that his idea of the relationship is one sided, I am only using him." Hermione glanced up at Ron with a smile across her face. "And since he's not in here, why don't we-" She was interrupted by Ron.

He pushed her back from him, looking at her in astonishment. "What is the matter with you?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked sweetly.

Ron was growing angry, "I won't be a part of this Hermione. Harry loves you and I will not let you hurt him like this."

"But what about you? What about your needs? Doesn't he get everything; don't you want to be the one to have something that he will never have?" Hermione said.

"No this is not what I want, not like this." Ron glared down at her, "Harry needs to know that you are not the girl he thinks you are, in fact I'm going to tell him."

"Oh who is he going to believe, you or me?" She laughed. "It's your word against mine."

"I wouldn't necessarily say that." Harry's voice was heard as he came into view taking off the invisibility cloak.

Hermione's jaw dropped, "What were you doing there?" She pointed to him with disgust.

"I had some suspicions about you and Ron, Hermione. So I decided to investigate a little." Harry said crossing his arms over his chest.

"You were spying on me?" Her hands planted firmly on her hips, she was so angry.

"Yes and it's a good thing I did, how wonderful it is to find that my two best friends were betraying me behind my back." Harry glared at both Ron and Hermione.

"That is not true." Ron said.

"Oh come off it Ron, I know the truth." Harry looked at Hermione, "I knew it was no accident that you let Ron grab your ass last night." He saw her close her eyes and look away, as if she were better than anyone else. Harry pointed at Ron, "Oh and don't even get me started on you."

"Harry I wouldn't do this to you, I don't know about her." Ron waved his hand bitterly in Hermione's direction.

"Oh your performance last night Ron, don't you remember it. How she was going to be yours, you promised me that she would be." Harry sighed, "I knew there was some jealous truth behind those words Ron, I could hear it in your voice."

Ron glanced down at his feet he felt really bad. He knew that he only wanted Hermione because he thought that Harry would never have her and he would be able to walk away with something, but he was wrong. Harry was desperately in love with Hermione, he could see it. Too bad they didn't see Hermione as a deceiver and a liar. Harry was so heartbroken. As he heard Harry step closer to Hermione, Ron lifted his head watching them.

"How could you do this?" Harry said sounding and also looking very sad. "You have everything I could give. And what, I wasn't enough?" A clear sense of desperation pierced his voice.

"Oh I'm so confused Harry, I am. I don't want to hurt you. But I thought that Ron also loved me too." She said looking down at the floor. "It's hard to choose between the both of you.

"What would make you think that Ron loves you the way I do." Harry asked.

"Well he wrote this." Hermione pulled out a piece of parchment and she began to read it out loud.

Ron stared at it in horror; Hermione had found his plan, but how? Two things popped instantly into his mind. Fred and George, they were the only ones to have known about his plan. He was going to kill them.

"Is there something you want to explain to us Ron?" Hermione said as she held the paper out for Ron to take.

"Ooh this dumb thing, well I…I uh." Ron couldn't think of anything to say.

"How about what in the hell possessed you to write such a thing?" Harry asked in anger. "Hermione is our friend; she deserves much more respect then this." He crumpled the parchment and tossed it to the floor.

"Respect?" Ron bellowed, he couldn't believe this, just a second ago they were in a heated argument and now Harry demands respect for his betraying girlfriend. "How can you even think about respecting her when she doesn't even respect you!" He shouted.

Hermione sighed, "Ron, wake up. That was an act. I knew Harry was in here, he knew what I was planning to do." She was glaring at him.

"You…you two tricked me!" Ron shouted.

"Not anymore than what you tried to do to me!" Hermione shouted back.

Ron glared. "But this is different."

"How is it different?" Hermione threw her arms up in the air; "You tried to trick me into bed."

"Yeah well you would have fallen for it, if it weren't for Fred and George messing up my whole plan." Ron blurted out without even thinking, but it was too late her already saw the flames erupt in her eyes. Her fist shot forward and bashed him hard in the stomach. He bent over clutching his aching tummy.

"Ron you are horrible." Hermione spat.

"I know…I know." He breathed out and sat down on his bed.

Hermione shook her head with disappointment as did Harry. "Come on Harry let's go." She said her voice shaking with the tears that were threatening to form. They headed for the door.

"Wait Harry, Hermione, please." Ron gasped out still in pain. They turned around giving him a-what-do-you-want-now look. Ron stood and approached them. "I'm sorry you guys, I'm sorry about the list, I'm sorry that I've been behaving like an ass. It's just I was blaming Harry for everything that went wrong with my life. I just thought that…well I don't know what I was thinking." Ron took a breath, "I wrote this list at the beginning of summer before you two were even invited here, but I was wrong to do that, you are right Harry. Hermione deserves respect and I certainly wasn't thinking of respecting her."

"Ron, what you did was very wrong. Trying to trick me. If I would have fallen for you, it wasn't going to be because of some silly list and a plan." Hermione said, with a bit more patience in her voice this time.

"But why does everything good happen to Harry?" Ron glanced at the floor.

Harry felt bad; Ron saw all the good things that happened to him. None of the bad. He had troubles just like everyone else. He wasn't perfect, but here Ron thinks that he is perfect. He understood why Ron wrote the plan list.

"Good things happen to you too Ron, you are just too blind with jealousy to notice them." Hermione answered.

"Oh like what?" Ron sat down on the side of his bed.

Harry and Hermione sat next to him, Ron in between them.

"Well I never wanted everyone that you liked Ron." Harry said. "There were a few that liked you and not me."

"Really?" Ron lifted his head.

"I know for a fact that Susan from Hufflepuff had a crush on you, well last year anyway." Hermione said.

"Well why didn't I know about this?" Ron said.

"Because you were angry that I was dating Lavender." Harry replied, "You didn't even really like Lavender."

Ron nodded, it was true although he couldn't say that he hadn't been attracted to Lavender, but he certainly wasn't really interested in her until he heard that Harry was interested in her.

"I am really sorry Hermione." Ron said to Hermione and then he turned to Harry. "Harry, about last night? I was just really angry and I said and did some things I clearly didn't mean. I hope you two can find someway to forgive me, I was out of line, way out of line."

Harry slapped him on the back, "I really would have beat the crap out of you if I had done what you said and fought you Ron. That proves how good a friend I am to you."

"Well I don't know, Hermione here throws a pretty good punch herself." He patted his stomach.

"You deserved that." Hermione said with a smile.

"I know I did, and it's not everyday I agree with anything you say Hermione." Ron chuckled.

"Just don't ever do anything like that again." Hermione said very seriously.

"I won't I promise." Ron said solemnly and both of Hermione's arms were around him, and she was holding him.

"You will always be my friend Ron." She spoke softly. "No matter what stupid things you do." She added slyly.

Ron laughed to himself; he had finally gotten his hug. The one he was supposed to get back when Hermione first arrived. He pulled out of her arms and stood. "I'm going down stairs and talk to my brothers; they have some serious explaining to do themselves." Ron left his room.

"So do you think he'll be okay?" Hermione asked looking through the open door.

"Yeah, he'll be alright." Harry smiled and stood. He went to the door and closed it, leaning against it. "I must say that was a very convincing performance with Ron." Harry said.

Hermione also stood. "Well mum said I would make a brilliant actress."

"Yes you would. For a second there I thought it was true, you were that convincing." Harry said and he stepped closer to her. "And this is a really nice added touch to your performance." He lifted his hand to her silk robe and lightly touched her shoulder.

"Oh this silly old thing," Hermione innocently looked towards the floor.

His arms went around her and pulled her to him and Hermione looked up at him, she pressed her lips softly against his in a sweet kiss, his hands traveled up and down her back, he did not feel a brassier strap through the silk, which meant she wasn't wearing one. Harry pulled back, and looked at her curiously. He opened the lapels of her robe and saw her bare shoulders.

Hermione leaned in close to his ear, "Yes it is exactly what you are thinking. I am completely naked under this robe". She smiled hearing his groan of frustration. Hermione pulled back and tried to turn away, but he caught her before she could and spun her around to face him.

Harry wasn't letting her get away that easily; his mouth came down on hers in a crushing passionate kiss. Hermione melted into his warmth as he kissed her, she felt a tugging at her waist and a moment later her robe was open and pushed off of her and tossed to the floor. Harry glanced about her, his finger traced her cheek and he leaned in kissing her again. His arms went around her, feeling her soft skin. He backed her over to his bed still locked in their kiss, his tongue slowly tasting the inside of her mouth, coming together hers in heated need. Hermione helped him shed the rest of his clothing and they fell together on the bed.

Harry looked down at her, she was smiling and her hand lifted to his cheek, where she caressed the side of his face tenderly. She so loved him; he could see it in her eyes. He was sure lucky that he had her in his life. "I love you." He said.

Her eyes filled with tears, "I know. I love you too." Hermione smiled, though the tears were falling.

"Hey, hey what's the matter?" Harry wondered if he said anything wrong.

"Nothing, I'm just really happy." She wiped her eyes with a slender finger.

Harry nodded; he searched her eyes before he lowered his lips to hers. Hermione's arms went around his neck as she pulled him more against her while their kiss deepened. His fingers wandering lower lightly brushed the side of her breast, and she moaned softly enjoying the feel of his fingers. Hermione tightened her hold on him. Harry's mouth moved from her mouth down her throat where she gave of a little sigh of approval when she felt his mouth close over her already sensitive nipple, and she was making soft, whimpering sounds at the sensations he was creating in her. Her fingers intertwined in his hair, pushing his head harder against her. She cried out when his other hand was between her thighs, his fingers thrusting into the silky softness of her body.

Her sounds were beautiful, as Harry continued bringing her higher to the heavens. The heat was building, Hermione couldn't think and she didn't want to. She just wanted to feel every thing, and loved every minute of it. Her hand closed around his erection and she heard him groan and pant, causing a smile to appear on her face. She loved hearing his reactions to her. She wanted him to feel just as good as he was making her feel.

Harry was breathing hard as Hermione aroused him; he felt her lips on his neck, shoulder and back against his lips, nudging his mouth open. He gave in to what she wanted. His kiss was hard and powerful, his tongue thrusting in and out of her mouth. He moved his hand from between her thighs to her hip where he caressed her skin with gentle fingers. Harry felt her legs wrap around his waist, which positioned him against her entrance.

"Harry…Now…Please." She practically begged.

Harry's hands where on her hot skin as he felt the tingles run through his body hearing the pure desire for him in her voice. In one swift move he pressed into her hot, tight body. They both gasped in amazement at the same time. No matter how many times they have done this, it was still an astonishing feeling.


"Ron! Ron, please let us down!" Fred screamed down at Ron from up in the air. There were fairies flying furiously around Fred and George's feet keeping the pair suspended in the air.

"He's going to pay for this." George said threateningly about Ron to Fred.

"Oh I don't think so dear brothers." Ron shouted up at them and sat down leaning up against the tree. Ron signaled to another set of fairies and they darted up sprinkling Fred and George with a bit of pink and green sparkly dust, they immediately broke out into Elvis and started singing 'The King's' greatest hits while the twins were turning a series of rainbow colors. He smiled nodding his head slowly. Oh this was only the beginning of his revenge for the pranks his brothers pulled on him this summer. He figured out the his brothers offered the fairies honey to help them, so he added strawberries and chocolate as well as the honey, the fairies couldn't pass that up, he was having the fairies do the exact same things that they did to him. He lifted a green paint ball in his hand and handed it to a fairy who was giggling.

The fairy took the paint ball and smacked it into Fred's face another fairy did the same thing to George's face. "Now whose faces are green?" He shouted up in laughter. He folded his arms behind his head and smirking slyly, almost evilly watching his brothers being tortured by fairies. They looked ready to kill him, it was perfect.


Harry moved in and out of her, his breathing increased as well as the beating of his heart. God she felt good, words couldn't explain how good she felt to him. Her body closing around him snugly, the rippling tingly feelings constantly running through him, the want and need to fill her with everything he was and even more. He would give her the moon if she asked for it. Harry relished in her voice moaning and gasping his name over and over again, it caused him to give her more of what she wanted, her pushing back against him so eagerly, meeting his rhythm just as wildly.

She wanted it, oh God she wanted it so bad. Hermione felt a tightening of her own body around him, hugging him tightly like a soft glove. Her breathing was harsh and her chest tightened as she neared the height of her desire. She felt him thrusting hard into her soft body, and her voice echoed in the room with the sounds of her immense pleasure. Hermione wrapped her legs tighter around him, wanting him deeper inside her. She felt him shift and move giving her exactly what she wanted and most desperately needed. Her heart pounded fiercely within her chest as he plunged harder and faster, going as much as he possibly could.

Her arms tightened hard around him and he was pulled even more against her, as she felt the rippling waves of her release wash over in. She had buried her face in between his neck and shoulder crying out at the same time as Harry did. The stars were sure bright even though it wasn't night. The feelings of utter completeness swept over surrounding the both of them in its glorious warmth.

Hermione felt Harry's slowing heart beating against her chest, it was a wonderful feeling. She stroked her fingers up and down his back soothingly and lingered about his dark hair for a moment before continuing to make him feel nice and relaxed while they both calmed down.

Harry lifted his head a bit staring down into her eyes, which shone with a brilliant light. She had lifted her fingers to his cheek and traced it a bit. Boy what a summer it has been, Hermione was here and she was everything he was looking for, everything that he needed. He did not want to think what life would be like without her.

"What a summer aye Harry." Hermione said softly with a smile, she was tired.

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"I'm relieved that it didn't get too hot this year, how about you?" Hermione said as she felt Harry move off of her and lay next to her.

"Oh I wouldn't necessarily say that Hermione," He gazed into her eyes, "I thought this summer was very hot indeed." He teased.

She grinned and Harry captured her mouth with his. Hermione enjoyed Harry's lips on hers as she melted against him. She sighed into his mouth as he softly kissed her.

Harry pulled back so he could look at her Ah yes. Harry thought it was a hot summer. He grinned wickedly and quickly grabbed her; he pulled her over him so that she was straddling her hips. Harry saw her smiling above him as she leaned in, kissing him hard. Oh yes it has definitely been one hot summer, and he hoped the summer would continue to be just as hot. And it was


Well that's it for One Hot Summer, I hope you enjoyed it. There is not a sequel planned, because well I can't think of one. LOL Take care and I hope your summer is just as hot as Harry and Hermione's is. :-) Remember read and review.

Later Babes,
