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One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

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One Hot Summer

Chapter 8:Thoughts of the past.

At about twelve noon after their well deserved nap, Hermione and Harry sat down with Ron at the kitchen table where Mrs. Weasley gave them a new dish out of her Better Witches ní Health magazine. The food looked a pasty green with little red dots on them.

Hermione looked down at the food, "ooh looks good Mrs. Weasley." She said trying not to throw up at the site of this strange dish.

"Oh it is good Hermione dear, Iím sure you will like it just fine."

"Yeah me too." Hermione lifted a fork full to her mouth and was about to take a bite when she remembered about her book she left outside earlier. The fork dropped from her hand and it hit the plate with a loud clink. "Oh dear I left my supplies outside on that rock, I had better go get them." Hermione said as she excused herself from the table.

"Uh, Iíll go with you in case you need help." Harry offered and he also stood up from the table. He followed Hermione out of the house.

The Weasleyís heard the screen door close and Fred turned to Ron.

"You know one would think they left together so they could go snog or shag or something like that. What do you think Ron?" Fred smiled.

"Oh Fred stop that kinda talk at the table, you know I disapprove." Mrs. Weasley said as she lifted a bite of her green meal to her mouth. He face immediately paled and she tasted something rather bitter, her lips puckered.

"Uh how is it Mum?" George asked with a hidden smirk.

Mrs. Weasley started chewing, very slowly. "Itís um interesting." She swallowed. Who was she kidding, it was nasty. She jumped up from her chair and headed towards the bathroom, the dang thing was coming back up.

"I suppose Mum didnít like our bitter butter seeds, what do you think Fred?"

"Oh I think they worked just fine, now she wonít try to feed us that health food crap ever again." Fred replied with a smile. He watched as Ron got up from his chair. "Where are you going?"

"Just for a walk." Ron said. "Iím not that hungry."

George pretended to faint, "not that hungry, since when are you not hungry?"

"Iím just not hungry alright." Ron was irritated as he headed out the door in search of his friends. He walked the path where the giant spider chased after him. Ron knew Hermione left her books on the boulder there when they were talking. He heard voices, namely Harry and Hermioneís voices, they werenít even whispering. Ron got nearer he could see them he watched as Harry had one arm around Hermione as she was leaning against the boulder. She looked very seriously up at him and he was nodding. He listened intently on what they were saying.

"So why did you pick me? Iím sure there are plenty of other more elegant girls that could have had your attention." Hermione looked up at him.

"I think somehow itís always just been you, sure Iíve had other relationships. But ours, yours and mine are deeper in some way." Harry leaned in closer and rested his forehead against hers, "and you are elegant Hermione, whoís to say you arenít. I want to spend the rest of my life just making you happy."

Hermione smiled "Oh Harry, you are just so sweet." She felt a blush creep on. "Are you sure that I am enough for you?"

"More then sure, love. More then sure."

"I just donít want you to wake up one morning and say hey, what was I thinking?" Hermione glanced at her feet.

He gently cupped her face with in his hands, and tilted her face upward so he could look into her eyes "Do you have no confidence in yourself Hermione, there will never be anyone else for me. You are it, now and hopefully once school is over, that you would be mine forever."

"Oh I hope so too." Hermione replied in a soft whisper.

Harry lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly. Hermione seemed to melt to him as her arms went around him pulling him closer. She felt the nudging against her lips and immediately opened her mouth giving him what he and she also wanted.

Ronís fists clinched at his sides so hard that his knuckles were turning white, ëhow dare they go around behind my back and do this.í Ron thought to himself, he would put in play some extra things in his plan tonight at the party. There was no way he was going to give up. Just because Harry seemed to have won her already, doesnít mean he doesnít completely have her. Ron smirked, oh yes he would have his chance and it would be tonight. Ron heard leaves crunching as he turned to find his two brothers heading in his direction.

"Ron, Mum said itís time to start getting read for Percy and Penelopeís fancy one year anniversary party."

"All right." Ron said and without looking back he started towards the house.

Fred and George sniggered at the kissing couple, they really didnít want to embarrass Harry or Hermione at all, they were doing this just to torture Ron and it was such fun.

"Harry, Hermione where are you two?" George shouted.

The two lovebirds broke apart immediately, Hermione grabbed her books and scrolls from off the boulder and she and Harry stood before them. Trying to act like they had not been caught doing something more then friend like.

"Yes." Hermione said, she felt a scratch in her throat and cleared it, "yes what is it?"

Fred smirked, he noted she looked pretty cute in that roman getup, too bad for Ron. He laughed to himself. "Our mum wants us all to get ready for Percyís party tonight, so we were told to fetch you." Fred smiled.

"Oh okay then." Harry answered. He turned and looked at Hermione. "this will be a lot of fun, donít you think?"

"Oh I hope so." Hermione replied as she and Harry followed the twins back inside.

* * *

After Harryís shower he went into Ronís bedroom and proceeded to get into his formal wear. The invitation said muggle formal wear only, no dress robes. Harry chuckled. "Leave it to Percy to have rules for his party." Harry said out loud but quietly to himself. He got into his formal suit and sat down, he had some time to think. And Hermioneís doubts came flooding back to him and he started thinking about his past school days:

*~*~ Begin Flashback~*~*

"Harry, Harry oh God guess what?" Ron said.

Harry who was sitting in the common room at Hogwarts in his sixth year looked up from his scroll as his best friend was getting his attention. "What?"

"Fred and George are coming back to school for a visit." Ron said. "Can you believe that? It's bad enough I have to live with them day in and day out, but now they are coming back to torment me."

"Ron, you don't know they are just coming to torment you." Hermione said who was sitting next to Harry. "Why would they just do that?"

"Simple Hermione, they are my brothers. They live to ruin my life." Ron shook his head back and forth.

Hermione heard the clock above the mantle ding, she looked up and smiled. "Ah seven O'clock. I gotta go guys."

Harry looked at her, "why where you going?"

"Justin is taking me to the astronomy tower; I have never been there with a boy before. Well like not like this on a date anyway."

"Hermione, you promised you would help me work on these charms." Harry said, with a bit of disappointment.

"I can help you when I get back later, after my date." She smiled and put her books into her bag. She rested her bag against the couch. "Well I'll see you soon." And she went towards the portrait hole.

"Since when did she become the social butterfly?" Ron spat.

"Well she is growing up Ron," Harry said returning to his scroll.

"Yeah but still, she shouldn't be dating Hufflepuffs." Ron said still staring towards the portrait that Hermione left through.

"As if my dating a Ravenclaw isn't the same thing?" Harry pointed out.

"But that's different, you're a guy you can date whoever you want." Ron smirked.

"Don't let Hermione hear you say that, you'll end up getting one of her long lectures." Harry laughed. "In fact I think I'll tell her what you said."

Ron was about to say something when the portrait swung open and two familiar look alikes stepped in. Harry smirked knowing that it was Fred and George, the twin terrors.

"Ah it's good to be back." Fred said as he threw his suitcase to the floor. "Time to spread our joy."

"Oh I agree dear brother." George replied with a smile.


"I'm not dating her anymore." Harry replied.

"Did you two, you know?" Ron asked.

"No, we just didn't click. I'm interested in someone else now anyway." Harry said.

Ron nodded, he so hoped it wasn't who he had his sights on. "Well who's the lucky girl?" Ron asked.

"I know it's going to sound silly, but I have a tiny crush on Lavender." He smiled.

"O-on Lavender?" Ron was disappointed it was the girl he had his sights on. "Why her?"

"Because she's hot." Hermione replied interrupting their conversation.

Both boys looked at her in shock.

"Oh so you think so do you?" Ron asked.

"No you idiot, I do not. I heard Harry talking about her to Dean just the other day." Hermione smiled at him. "Why do you like her Harry? It has to be something more then just her hotness."

"It is, she's not as flakey as you all think she is. Lavender has a small problem with confidence, she never thinks she can do anything right. But I have been spending some time with her, going over classes with her and believe it or not she is pretty smart." Harry replied.

"Okay Harry I believe you." Hermione said, "Hey are you ready to go to Hogsmeade with me, I have to pick up something for Justin's birthday."

"Yep, let's go." Harry said and he went with Hermione towards the portrait.

Ron couldn't believe it, Harry liked the same girl he did. What an outrage. What a load of- His thoughts were interrupted as he felt someone snake their arms around his neck. He knew who it was by the smell of her hair.

"Hello darling." She said into his ear.

Ron turned and found Lavender smiling at him, "what do you want?" He asked.

"You know." She answered.

"Lavender what kind of game is this, are you interested in Harry too?" Ron asked seriously.

"Oh sweetie, of course I am. I just have a hard time deciding between the both of you." Lavender smiled. "You are both so nice to me and treat me with respect. I can't help but love both of you, I just have to figure out who I love more."

"And how are you going to do that?" Ron asked.

Lavender sat down next to him on the couch, "Ron have you ever kissed a girl before?" She asked.

"Umm, well no." He admitted regretfully.

The twins poked their heads from around the corner and started talking amongst themselves.

"Did you bring them?" Fred asked quietly.

"Of course I did," George replied with a smile as he got out a very large box.

"Great give them to me." Fred said and he watched as his brother handed him the rocket.

"So this will be your first kiss Ron and it will be mine too. I want to us to share our first ones together." She smiled bashfully.

"Really, me? Not Harry, but me?" Ron was ecstatic.

"Yes you. So kiss me already." Lavender smiled and gently closed her eyes.

Ron licked his lips and moved in, his lips barely brushed hers when a rocket blazed past right in front of him and exploded, the room was filling with all kinds of sparks and colors. Both he and Lavender jumped back with a loud yell "AHHH!"

"Ron!!" Lavender was mad, "You are so mean, I hate you."

"Wha-what did I do?" Ron was confused.

"You think you can make a fool out of me, that was a mean joke you played on me Ron, I will never forgive you." Lavender sad and distressed she jumped up from the couch and ran out of the common room.

Ron heard snickering and laughing and he turned to find Fred and George rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter.

George pointed at Ron whose fists were clinched at his sides, "Well we wanted your first kiss to be explosive." George continued to laugh.

Fred, "I think they both saw fireworks." Fred laughed so hard that he looked like he would wet his pants.

Ron growled and took himself up to his room and slammed the door.

Harry and Hermione were coming back from Hogsmeade and they stepped through the secret passage.

"Oh Harry this is just the perfect gift for Justin, I'm so glad you were there to help me pick it out." She smiled down at the little wrapped box in her hand.

"I'm glad to be of help my friend." Harry grinned.

Without warning Hermione threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Harry wasn't shocked at this, she had become more emotional as she got older and he had gotten quite used to it. For some reason it was fun to hug her and he didn't mind in the least.

"Thank you Harry you're a good friend." She said

"So are you."

Hermione pulled back. "Well I'm going to give Justin his present, I'll see you later." She smiled and hurried off towards the Hufflepuff common room.

Harry continued walking and sounds of someone crying caught his attention, he stopped near a door and pressed his ear to the door and listened, sure enough someone was crying. He pushed the door open and he saw Lavender sitting on a desk, a tissue in her hand and tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Lavender, are you alright what happened?" Harry came inside and closed the door to give them privacy.

"Ron is so cruel."

"What did he do?" Harry sat next to her.

"He made a fool out of me, I told him I never kissed anyone before and he well he shot fireworks off at me." She wiped her tears away with her tissue. "He is such a child sometimes, I don't think he will ever grow up."

"I'm sorry about Ron, he can be a bit childish at times." Harry said patting her on the back.

"I don't even know why I wanted to kiss him, I'm not even really interested in him." Lavender sniffled.

"Who are you interested in?" Harry asked carefully, he wanted it to him.

"Oh it doesn't matter. He would never like me anyway. He probably thinks I'm a flake. I mean just cause I'm fascinated by Divination doesn't mean I'm a flake, does it?"

"No it doesn't." Harry answered, "And how do you know he doesn't like you, did you talk to him?" He watched her eyes, she seemed to be avoiding his. "Can I ask you a question?"

"What?" She looked up at him.

"Is it me?"

"Uh, I have to go." Lavender got up off the desk but Harry quickly grabbed her hand and she turned looking at him.

"I was kind of hoping that it was me." He said with a smile.

"You-you were?" Lavender was surprised.

"Yes, I really like you and I was so hoping that you liked me too."

Lavender was speechless. "you-you like me?"

Harry nodded.

"I never thought you would like me so I never said anything."

"Well I do like you Lavender, I've liked you for months." Harry glanced down at his feet.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked her eyes lit up with happiness.

Harry shrugged, "I'm not too good with expressing how I feel."

"Well we are alike in that regard." Lavender glanced at the floor, "so what happens now?"

"How about we spend sometime together, like a-a date maybe?" Harry asked. "This Saturday?"

Lavender smiled, "Oh I would love that. Saturday is going to be so much fun." Without thinking she leaned up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Her face flushed and she ran out of the room.

Harry watched her go and smiled, he was very happy.


Harry and Lavender had been dating for weeks, it was a fun and lovely relationship. Harry glanced about her face as she was eating lunch. He wondered if something was missing, but he also felt very happy around her.

Lavender looked up at him as she felt him staring at her. "Is something the matter?"

"Lavender, I've been thinking."

"Well so have I, I want, well.." She started blushing bright red. "I think, I want to you know."

Harry started blushing too, "Oh you want to." He couldn't help the bright red cheeks, as he thought about it. "Do you really want to, I mean I-"

"Well unless you don't want to I would understand." Lavender said interrupting him.

"Oh no, it's not that. It's just." He leaned forward so close so that only she could hear him, "I have never done that before." He said.

"Well neither have I," She glanced at her fingers, "Do you want to?" Lavender said in a quiet whisper.

Harry nodded slowly and he saw Lavender smile.

"Okay then tonight when Hermione leaves for her midnight snog with Justin-"

"She what?" Harry interrupted.

"Oh didn't you know? Hermione always leaves at about midnight and doesn't come back for hours. She told me in confidence of course not to tell Parvati, which I haven't. But she goes to spend quality time with Justin in the astronomy tower." Lavender replied with a smile. "Those two are just so adorable." She noticed he looked shocked. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes, yes of course." Harry smiled. "I just didn't think Hermione would do anything against the rules like that. Imagine sneaking out in the middle of the night like that for shame." He teased.

"Well her bed is right next to mine, so I hear when she's leaving and when she's coming back. But you can sneak into the girl's room my bed is second from the door, and then I'll make do with the silencing charm. What do you think?"

Harry smirked, "It seems like you've been planning this awhile."

"Well." Lavender's cheeks flushed an attractive pink, "Perhaps I do think about that sort of thing often so I created some sort of plan in my mind."

"So that's the plan then?" Harry asked just to be sure.

"Unless you have a better one?"

"No I don't." Harry replied honestly. "Well I gotta get to the library before Hermione checks out all the books, I need something on sour funguses and what their uses are." He leaned in a kissed her lightly on the lips and stood.

"Snape is just so gross when it comes to potion ingredients." Lavender felt sick.

"I'll see you later." Harry said with a smile and then headed for the library.


The door to the girl's dorm opened and a figure came through, Harry stood there in his invisibility cloak as he watched Hermione pull the hood up on her black cloak and look around in both directions.

'Oh Hermione I hope you know what you're doing?' Harry thought to himself. He then thought that what was he worried about Justin was harmless, he would treat her right. And besides Justin knew if he didn't treat her right Harry here would beat him to a pulp in seconds flat. Harry watched as Hermione moved from the door he quickly stood in the doorframe as Hermione practically flew down the stairs as if walking on air.

Hermione took one last look up at the girl's dorm door, it closed and she smiled. She left through the portrait hole off to meet her wonderful boyfriend in the astronomy tower.

Harry saw Lavender sit up from her bed and he walked closer to her. He quickly removed the cloak and he saw her smile. Lavender waved her wand around her speaking quietly, then with her dainty hand she motioned him over. Harry rushed to her side and sat down on her bed facing her. Lavender pulled the curtains around her bed and spoke the silencing charm. She set her wand outside of the curtains on the table next to the bed.

"alright I took care of everything necessary so we don't have any unexpected problems." Lavender said with a smile.

Harry figured she must have made sure that she would not end up getting pregnant. He tucked his legs under him and leaned forward. "Are you sure you want to do this Lavender? Because if you don't it's fine."

"No I want to." Lavender leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. She felt his arms go around her pulling her against him. Harry's mouth opened hers and he kissed her stronger, harder. The feelings were much different then before. They were used to giving each other slow and soft kisses, these were powerful and desperate. Desperate to feel. Desperate to taste. Desperate to learn. And most of all Desperate to please.

Harry's hands were shaking nervously as the wandered about her back, he gently pushed her back onto the bed. His hands and fingers moved over her, exploring every sensitive spot to her favorite place where she liked to be tickled. In an instant both their clothing where shed and they explored the first experiences between a man and a woman.


About two weeks have passed since Lavender and Harry shared their first experiences together, and they have been together a few more times after that.

Lavender heard a scream followed by a laugh coming from the Hufflepuff's table. She recognized the voice as Hermione's. She turned and saw the girl jump up from next to Justin with a large smile on her face. She had some white cream in her hand and she rubbed it all over Justin's face.

Harry also heard the commotion and looked over he saw what Hermione had done, and she was smiling so brightly. He saw Justin stand with a bowl of what looked like red jello in his hand and advanced towards his bushy haired friend with a smile on his face as well. He watched as Hermione turned and fled the Great Hall with Justin trailing after her with that bowl full of jello.

"They haven't even slept together yet." Lavender said disrupting Harry's friend watching.

"What?" Harry was sure they had, Hermione and Justin were so comfortable with each other. "Are you sure?"

"Positive, Hermione doesn't lie and I don't expect her to." Lavender replied. "Harry we have to talk."

"Uh-oh I know that tone." Harry said looking down into his plate.

"Harry, are you happy with me?" Lavender asked.

"Of course I am." Harry answered.

"No, honestly. Are you happy?" She asked again, her eyes staring right into his. "Because I'm not."

Harry felt like he couldn't hear, her voice sounded so far away. "What do you mean?"

"Harry darling I care about you, I do. But don't you feel that something is well missing?" Lavender was very serious.

Harry glanced down again, "I, I honestly don't know.

"I watch Hermione everyday, she is always so happy. Even though her and Justin only see each other for a few hours a day, she always looks like she's having a good time. And they haven't even been intimate yet. I look at us, our lives together and I don't feel the same happiness that I see in her."

Harry thought a minute, it was true Hermione and Justin did look ten times happier then he felt. Sure he noted that there was something just a little off about his and Lavender's relationship. She was right, something was missing. "So what do we do now?" He looked up at her.

"I think that we are no good like this, we will end up hating each other Harry. And I would never want us to hate each other. We should not be together, not like this anyway." Lavender's eyes were swelling with tears. "We should find whatever makes us feel complete."

"We're breaking up then." Harry glanced down to once again stare into his plate, he didn't want his eyes to start watering. So he pushed back the tears that were threatening to form. "You are right Lavender, we should find whatever or whoever makes us feel complete."

"I'm sorry Harry." Lavender sniffled.

"So am I, but it is for the best." He replied, if he didn't leave now the tears would definitely spill over. "Well it's been grand while it lasted." Harry smiled and he saw her smile just a little. He stood and quickly left the Great Hall.

Harry opened the doors and saw Justin and Hermione locked in a passionate embrace on the stairs. Hermione matched his height as she was on a step above him. Harry was very depressed and now that scene before him of a happy couple was just irritating him. "Will you two stop that for one minute!" Harry shouted.

Justin and Hermione pulled apart and looked at him astonished and shocked for using such a tone.

Hermione was about to speak her mind when she saw tears in his eyes, some had already trickled down his cheeks. Her heart softened, "Oh Harry what happened?"

Harry watched as Justin leaned over and whispered something in her ear, Justin pulled back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed back into the Great Hall. Harry approached her and looked her straight in the eye. "Lavender and I, we aren't together anymore."

Her arms quickly went around him, and she pulled him to her in a tight embrace. Hermione felt his arms also go around her just as tightly while she let him shed his tears on her shoulder. "I am so sorry Harry. You really cared about her didn't you?" She spoke softly into his ear as her fingers also threaded through his hair making him feel comfortable.

Harry nodded, "I did care about her. A lot" He sniffled.

Hermione moved her hand away an inch when Harry spoke again.

"Keep doing that, please?" He asked.

"What, this?" She moved her fingers through his hair again and he nodded. Hermione continued to massage his scalp with her gentle fingers. "Alright, whatever you want." She continued to speak soft soothing words into his ear, "You'll be alright Harry, I know you will."

They just stood there, Hermione easing his great sadness. Harry didn't know what he would do without her.


The months passed, as Harry had a few other relationships, nothing too much or too grand, all very nice and lovely relationships.

Both Ron and Harry were walking about the school grounds, it had been a few days since he and Ginny had parted ways. She said to him that he didn't seem happy with her, and that it appeared he was always looking for something else, and she just wasn't it. They haven't really talked to each other since.

Ron was a bit miffed every girl he wanted Harry seemed to snag up. It just wasn't fair. They both came across Hermione and Justin, Hermione was looking down at the ground her arms crossed protectively in front of her. Even though they were quite a distance away, the two weren't whispering, their voices carried over the grassy lawn.

"I understand, believe me." Hermione said.

"I am sorry Hermione, we just aren't right for each other." Justin said also glancing down. He lifted his hands and rested them on her arms.

She nodded, "I know." Hermione looked up at him with a tiny smile on her face. "We did have fun though didn't we?"

"Oh absolutely." Justin smiled, "I know you're better suited for someone else, and it isn't me. I don't know why I didn't see it before. But I see it now."

Now Hermione was confused. "What do you mean, I don't understand."

"You will, I'm sure given enough time you will come to understand what I mean." Justin lifted his hand and brushed her cheek with gentle fingers. "Well you were my first real girlfriend Hermione, and I your first real boyfriend. That is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life." He smiled. "I hope we can always be friends?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Hermione felt the tears start to form in her eyes.

"Oh don't cry Hermione, you know I'm weak against that." Justin smiled and he took her in his arms one last time.

"I'll be alright Justin, don't worry about me." She pulled back and looked up at him. "I am going to miss us though."

"So will I, but this is for the best. You will thank me later for it." He gave her a soft smile and kissed her lightly on the cheek. And turned to go.

Hermione sighed and she turned to walk away from hers and Justin's spot. She saw her two best friends coming towards her. "Hey guys," she said with a smile but her eyes were spilling with tears.

"Another relationship biting the dust." Harry said.

Hermione wiped her eyes, "Yes." She turned to Ron, "Can you give me and Harry a little space I kinda want to talk to him privately."

"Why can't I stick around, what do you have to say to him that you can't say in front of me?" Ron felt offended.

"It's mushy Ron, you would just end up leaving anyway." Hermione replied with a little half smile.

"You don't know that, try me." Ron said.

"Okay." Hermione, "Justin and I broke up, this was the first relationship I;ve ever had. I am going to miss him a lot."

"As much as I missed Lavender all those months ago?" Harry asked.

"Probably more so, I was with him for a long time I sort of got used to him being around, and now it's like I have this empty feeling. There's a big hole."

"Did you love him?" Harry asked carefully, he didn't want to overstep his bounds with getting into personal territory.

"I didn't think it was love yet, I mean it was pretty darn close. I don't know what its like to really be in love with someone, I guess there's no set rules for love, but how are we to even know what the feelings are suppose to be like." Hermione sighed. "I felt strongly for him, so strongly."

Harry quickly wrapped his arms around her, as his friend needed a hug. He pulled her close. "I know exactly what you mean, Lavender was the only girl that I really, really cared for. I mean sure other relationships came and went, and I was happy for awhile. But nothing will be the same-"

"I'm going back inside." Ron said interrupting. Hermione was right, this was getting far to emotional for him. He started walking ahead and he turned one last time. A thought popped into his head. He knew of someone Harry would never be able to have. Their best friend Hermione. That was it. He could win Hermione's affections and then he would finally have something that Harry didn't. Oh yes what an idea he had, and it wouldn't be that strange, they were already good friends. Now all he needed was a plan and Hermione would become his and not Harry's. With a smile Ron continued back towards the school.

"Don't worry Hermione, there will be someone else who is just perfect for you." Harry said with a smile.

"You think so?"

"I do, there is someone out there just for you and just for me too." He pushed her back from him a bit, and looked her in the eye. "We just have to figure out who that person is. Then these failed relationships will mean nothing in the end, because you have to wade through the wrong ones to get to the right one."

"You are getting smarter you know."

"I think your influence is rubbing off on me." He smiled.

"And that's a very good thing." Hermione returned the smile. And they stood there in each others arms talking about how miserable they had been.----

*~*~ End Flashback~*~*

The clock on Ronís nightstand said it was six thirty, Harry shook his head of the memories. He now knew for that it has always been Hermione, the one that heís loved. Even though he told her that outside, he felt it more so now. They were the ones always there for each other. Friends first, that was the important thing. Harry nodded agreeing with his thoughts. It was time to head down the stairs to the living room.


Ah sorry guys, not too much comedy in this chapter, more angsty if you ask me. Well anyway. There will be much more comedy in the next chapter. Chapter 9:Itís A Celebration. Many more of the twinís pranks in that one friends, I have really funny funny things planned. So I hope you stay tuned. Itís going to be fun. Read and Review thanks Ryoko