Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

One Hot Summer

Chapter 3-Ronnella

Fred and George finished up the dishes from dinner as Harry, Hermione and Ron went outside. The three of them had already helped with the cleanup enough; their part of the work was done, so they went to relax. As soon as the front screen closed Fred leaned closer to George so that only he could hear him.

"I've been thinking about this plan of Ron's, and well I think plan number twelve should be put into action tonight as well."

George looked at him oddly, "Why is that?"

"It would just seem funnier, and besides. It would make Ron extra angry. Well earlier this afternoon when Harry and Hermione were on the ground together, that look on Ron's face was just priceless, so imagine how he would look if he-"

George finished before him, "If he missed his chance to see Hermione naked cause it was all the way down at number twelve." George laughed, "Brilliant my brother, brilliant." George put his finger to his chin, "I've been also thinking, let Ron have his moment alone with Hermione tonight, so it doesn't look like there's something or someone messing up his plans. Since it's so early in his plan, he probably won't even try anything with her, besides if he does we can always have the fairies drop a bucket of water on them.

Fred nodded, "Yeah good idea, we don't want Ron getting suspicious of us."

"Good then, I'll call Harry in here to help us finish with the dishes, it should take a good half hour. Giving him his alone time with Hermione." He walked to the screen door and shouted out it. "Hey Harry, do you think you can give us a hand in here. There's still so much to do and we need some help."

"Yeah sure." Harry said as he stood up from porch swing and headed inside.

Ron's eyes lit up, he was alone with Hermione at last. He looked over at her, half of her was already bathed in moonlight, now to think of something to say that would interest her. He had just the thing, appeal to her academics. "So are you glad about making Head Girl?"

Hermione looked over at Ron oddly, "I told you already that I declined Head Girl."

Ron felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"Do you not listen to me at all?" Hermione was feeling slightly irritated she didn't know why Ron never listened to her; Harry listened to her all the time.

"Oh that's right, I remember now." Ron said with a smile.

"Okay then, why did I decline Head Girl?" She crossed her arms over her bosom.

"Uh, uh." Ron couldn't think, he didn't know what she said. It was true he didn't listen to her at all through dinner, he kept staring at her lips as they moved and wondered what it would be like if he kissed her. He didn't hear a word she had said. They heard a voice shout through the screen door.

"Because she's wants to relax a little bit this year Ron. Even though she still wants to make top marks she wants to take it a little easy. It's the last year of school you know." Harry shouted reciting the same exact words Hermione had said at dinner and he went back to dishes.

Hermione lifted an eyebrow looking at Ron tapping her foot on the wood planks waiting for his answer. When she realized she wasn't going to get one she shook her head and turned away, looking in the other direction.

Ron felt himself start to sweat, 'Great going moron,' he insulted himself. "Oh Hermione I'm sorry I wasn't listening, but you know how I get around food." He was hoping she would forgive him. He saw her body relax and she turned to face him.

"Yes I know how you are around food, it's still no excuse not to listen when you personally asked me during dinner if I had made Head Girl." Her arms were still crossed in front of her.

"I'm sorry, I really am." He gave her a pouty look, pleading for her to forgive him.

Hermione couldn't help it; he looked so funny that way that she cracked a smile. "Okay Ron, stop that I forgive your behavior." She saw him smile and she turned back in the other direction, she was watching a few fairies dancing about the air and giggling.

Ron stared at Hermione, oh she was so close. He could kiss her right now and no one could stop him. Harry was inside with Fred and George, he finally had his moment, and he was going to take it. Nothing would mess this up now. He leaned in closer, and closer all he would have to do was say her name she would turn and he would plant one right on the lips. Closer and closer he came until the ropes of the swing busted and CRASH!!! Both of them landed on the ground.

Ron looked up from lying on his back and what he saw above him were three fairies giggling looking down at him. He closed his eyes willing himself not to shout out his frustration. He looked over at Hermione who seemed stunned from her fall. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah I'm fine." Hermione got to her feet and brushed the dust off of her shorts. "Boy what luck huh?" She looked up at the torn ropes, "Well it looks like it was only a matter of time before this was going to happen, these ropes are so old."

Ron stood up "Yeah sure." His voice was quiet.

"I'm gonna go in and see if Harry and your brothers need some more help." She turned around but Ron yelled after her.

"No wait!" He shouted and Hermione quickly spun on her heels.

"What is it?" Hermione's voice held concern since he shouted so desperately after her.

"Uh, uh." Ron's hands went behind his back, as he couldn't think of what to say. He felt a small tapping on his shoulder and something was shoved into his hand. He felt around a bit with his fingers, it was a flower. He pulled his hands from behind his back as three fairies flew past him hovering about near Hermione. "I have a flower for you."

Hermione gave him an odd look, "You're giving me a flower?"

"Yep." Ron smiled and held the flower out to her.

She stepped forward carefully and took the simple white flower in her hand; she decided to see what it scent it was. Hermione lifted the white flower to her nose and a burst of sparkly blue paint sprayed out all over her face and clothes. Ron's eyes went wide with horror.

"RON!! Uh! I should have known." She shouted, glaring she threw the flower down and stomped on it, crushing it into paste. "When are you going to grow up!!?" She turned on her heels and threw open the screen door it banged on the outside of the house. Her angry footsteps carried her quickly up the stairs; the last thing that was heard was a door slamming.

Ron looked up at the fairies who were giggling "Why are you doing this to me?!" He shouted at them, but they just kept right on laughing. One fairy blew him a kiss and they all darted away. George, Fred and Harry came rushing outside.

"Ron what happened, why was Hermione so angry?" Harry asked, he didn't see what happened to her.

Ron pointed towards the ground at the smashed flower, "I gave Hermione a flower and well it kind sprayed blue paint in her face."

Fred and George just about fell over with laughter.

"Ron you gave her one of our Weasley Power Flowers?" Fred said.

"Excellent prank little brother." George said patting Ron on the back.

"I didn't mean too, I thought she was hurt from the fall and I gave her a flower to make her feel better." Ron said shaking his head; he had enough of this day. "I'm going to bed." He turned and went inside the house and straight to his room, he heard the shower on in the bathroom. 'No Ron that's plan number twelve, besides she'll probably curse you at this time. Better wait.' He agreed with himself and went into his room.

George, Fred and Harry went back inside the house. "Hey Harry we want to show you our new product, how about coming into our room for a bit?"

Harry nodded, "All right." He said with a smile.

And they all went up the stairs, and quickly without letting Harry notice George opened the door to Ron's bedroom leaving it slightly ajar, and they rushed into their own, Fred heard the shower stop and George noticed that the bedroom door to Ginny's room shut quietly.

Fred looked through the drawers "Uh I can't find the yellow egg, " He stood straight, "I think it might be in Ginny's room, we were discussing it with her last before she left for Paris."

"You know I think you're right Fred." George said turning to Harry, "Would you mind taking a quick leap over to Ginny's room and retrieve the egg I think I recall it last being on her dresser."

"Yeah, sure." Harry made for the door but turned around to face the twins as they were continuing to look for the rest of their product. He decided that his question could wait he went out into the hall towards Ginny's bedroom. Harry knocked lightly on the door. "Hermione, you in there?" He heard a yeah and another faint noise that sounded like come in.

Harry opened the door and his eyes went wide and his face flushed as standing before him was Hermione and boy did she look good naked. Her breasts were round and full, her tummy was firm and trim. Her thighs were shapely and her- His thoughts were cut off by Hermione's scream.

"AHHHH!!!!" Hermione covered herself quickly with the towel "HARRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!"

He couldn't stop starring at her "Oh Hermione, I am soooo sorry I didn't mean, I thought you said-" The door slammed in his face not letting him continue apologizing. Not even a second later Ron came barreling out his room cause of Hermione's loud piercing scream.

"What happened? I heard Hermione scream and-" Ron saw Harry turn from Ginny's door.

"I-I just saw something." Harry cleared his throat.

"What?" Ron was worried, what did Harry see? Was Hermione hurt? He had to know. "What did you see?" Harry looked as if he hadn't heard a word Ron said, he seemed dazed. Ron grabbed Harry by the shoulders, "What happened?" That seemed to shake Harry out of his daze, well maybe just a little bit.

"Hermione-naked-saw-I." Harry said, and for some reason he forgot all about the twin's project and went into Ron's room.

Ron stood there piecing together what Harry said, it then struck him. "OH NO!!" He banged his fists against the wall. He went right into his room and flumped down roughly on his bed. 'WHY IS MY PLAN GOING TO SHIT!!' He screamed to himself, everything that he wanted to happen to him was happening to Harry. He looked over at the other bed in his room, 'Does he have a plan too?' His mind asked. 'No, these are just accidents. He's innocent; he's your friend Ron. Harry wouldn't have a plan; he doesn't even know you like Hermione so why would he have a plan.' Okay Ron thought, okay Harry doesn't have a plan. Okay tomorrow he was taking Harry and Hermione to the pond for swimming; at least he would get to see her in a bathing suit. Yes, yes. All will be fine, he still had a quite a lot on his list. Tomorrow would be better.

Ron nestled himself into his covers, he pulled them tightly around himself and began drifting off into his dreams, hopefully this time they would not be about Harry and Hermione, just as he was falling asleep he kept saying to himself, Me and Hermione, me and Hermione. Me and Hermione. -His ankles and wrists were bound to something rather sticky. He looked up and saw a person on a white horse coming towards him. It looked like a medieval knight. He looked down at his feet and noticed he was in a pink gown. "What the Hell?" He shouted, he looked closer to his chest and relieved that he didn't have breasts, at least he was still a man, but a man in a dress.

The knight on the horse came towards him and dismounted, "Fear not fair Ronnella. I Lady Hermione, Knightress, of the Round Table have to come to set you free." She said pulling out a sword.

They heard a snarling noise coming from above them and a large spider dropped down, Ronnella started shrieking like a girl.

"No mere spider is a match for Lady Hermione, HA-HA!!" She ran and jumped on its back, the spider started bucking around trying to knock the knightress off. Lady Hermione lifted her sword and plunged it into the neck of the spider; it squealed and sank to the ground dead. Lady Hermione jumped off of the dead spider and started towards Ronnella. "I have vanquished the evil Orn."

"Oh my heroine." Ronnella said in a cheesy voice.

A large smile crept upon Lady Hermione's face as she neared him, she was going to kiss him, and she leaned in. His lips quivered with anticipation, almost there, one second more.

"Halt noble Lady." A powerful said from behind them.

Lady Hermione turned around seeing a very striking young man atop a black steed. "Just who are you and why have you disrupted my moment of bravery." She asked with her held up high.

The young man jumped down from his horse and stood in front of Lady Hermione. "I am Sir Harry and I am a wandering knight, always on the search for those in need of my protection."

"Well Sir Harry, I am Lady Hermione, Knightress of the Round Table. I'm in no need of such protection."

"On the contrary noble Lady, that right there," Sir Harry pointed to Ronnella, "which you were about to kiss is an evil demon, and therefore it must be destroyed."

"An evil demon," Lady Hermione looked back at Ronnella.

"No I'm not." Ronnella said he tried to move forward, but he found himself still bound to the spider's web.

"Yes, an evil demon. If you would have kissed it, you would be dead now. You are quite lucky I came along."

Lady Hermione glared at Ronnella, no wait, the evil demon. She turned back to Sir Harry. "How pray tell are we to kill such a foul demon from Hell?"

"Well since it is evil, only during the act of love can such an evil be vanquished." Sir Harry replied with a serious statement on his face.

"Then let us rid the world of this, evil."

Sir Harry nodded and leaned in kissing her hard. His tongue met hers in a powerfully, heated kiss. They sank to the ground with him on top of her; quickly their clothing was discarded. He lowered his mouth to hers and began another assault upon her wonderful, full soft lips. His hands found her breasts and he teased them a bit, and she moaned into his mouth.

Her thighs parted and he entered her. She gave off a soft cry of approval as they slowly began to move together. Harder and faster they moved, each of their voices reaching new heights as they pushed themselves to reach that moment in time. She was almost there, her heart was beating fast and Ron woke up sitting straight in his bed. He was breathing so hard that it caused him to choke. He lit a candle on his nightstand, such a relief he was in his room and not bound to a stupid spider's web wearing a dress. He looked down on the other side of the room and noticed that Harry wasn't in his bed. Where on earth could he be? He would go find him.

Ron stood at the top of the stairs watching Hermione who was sitting outside on the newly repaired porch swing and Harry who was standing next to the door, debating if he should go out side.

Hermione was swinging gently on the porch swing, the screen door opened and closed with a clag. Hermione abruptly turned around seeing Harry come out side. She unconsciously crossed her arms over her bosom. "What are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Couldn't sleep, you?" Harry tried to avoid looking at her completely.

Hermione shook her head, "Neither could I." The silence was awkward. She sighed looking down into her lap. "I'm sorry for screaming at you."

Harry looked up, "No I'm sorry for walking in on you, I should have listened more."

"No, no it's my fault." Hermione replied. "I realize that it was an accident and I shouldn't have over reacted. After all it's only skin right?" Hermione said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah but I invaded your privacy, you had every right to be angry." Harry said shuffling his feet about.

"Well from the look on your face it was an accident, now if you had planned that on purpose, then I would be very angry." Hermione said looking up at him.

"Well you don't have to worry about that, I did not plan on walking in on you like that." Harry said sincerely. "Mostly because I respect you as my friend, I would never do something to take advantage of you like that."

Hermione smiled and moved over, "Do you want to sit?"

Harry nodded with a smile and sat down next to Hermione, they slowly began to swing back and forth. There was a silence about the two of them until Hermione broke it.

"So from a normal guy's point of view and not my best friend's, how did I look?" Hermione said looking straight ahead; she couldn't bring herself to really look at him.

Harry's face flushed, he couldn't help it. He kept his face staring ahead too. "On a scale of one to ten, I'd say ten. You looked…" he took a breath and cleared his throat. "You looked really, really good." He took a deep breath.

Hermione felt herself flush bright red; she couldn't help the shy smile gracing her face.

Ron looked out the door at Harry and Hermione, they were sitting awfully close and he didn't like it.

Harry finally turned looking at Hermione, which caused her to look at him. They started leaning closer to each other until their lips shyly met. Harry teased her lips with the tip of his tongue until hers opened allowing him entrance. His mouth hardened against hers, and they were kissing full and hard leaving no room to think. Harry's fingers went to the buttons on her nightshirt and he started fumbling with them. Ron tried to open the screen door so that they would stop, but the door wouldn't move. He jiggled it roughly, but it still didn't budge. Surely they could hear him messing with the door but they still didn't stop.

Ron started banging his head hard on the wood of the screen door, "Hermione, Harry!!" He shouted out the door but they still didn't hear him, "Stop that, you can't be doing that!! NO!! NO!!"-AHHH! Something cold and wet splashed against him and causing Ron to sit up straight in his bed. The fairies were giggling above him holding a bucket of water and zoomed from the room.

Ron wiped his wet hair from off his forehead, "those damn fairies." He said quietly to himself. He reached over and lit the lamp; he looked around the room, mostly over at Harry's bed. And there was his best friend sleeping soundly. He leaned back down with the light still on, now that was a very strange dream he thought to himself. He turned over and blew out the candle and started back to sleep.


Ah a double dream, which one do you think will happen? Tee hee stay tuned for chapter 3 A day At The Waterhole. Read and review thanks, Ryoko.