Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

One Hot Summer

Chapter 4-A day at the Waterhole

Harry and Ron both sat down to breakfast across from Fred and George. Mrs. Weasley was pouring a final glass of orange juice, which was probably for Hermione but she was not at the table yet.

Ron was about to ask his mother where Hermione was when she came into the kitchen. She was in a long tanktop and almost knee length shorts. It was very unflattering. Ron wondered why she was going through all this trouble not to show off what she indeed had. He could see through most of her clothes that she had an exceptional body. Hermione sat down at the table next to Fred without saying anything. Ron smiled brightly. "Good Morning Hermione."

"Mm" Hermione said in a sort of non committal noise. She immediately lifted the glass of orange juice to her lips.

"Bad morning?" George asked looking over at her from Fred's other side.

"Try bad night, and I don't want to talk about it," Hermione said as she glanced down at her empty plate, she wished breakfast was over soon, she wanted to get to the waterhole and swim her embarrassment from last night away.

Harry couldn't help but stare at her, the flashes of her being naked was still fresh in his mind. He blinked a couple of times to try and get the images to stop popping in and out of his head. He noticed Hermione wasn't looking at him or even acknowledging his presence at the table. Why can't she understand it was just an accident, he didn't mean to walk in on her.

Hermione felt Harry's eyes on her from across the table she lifted her head meeting his gaze, he seemed startled. She leaned over the table closer to him. "Stop staring at me." She demanded quietly.

"I'm sorry." Harry said in the same quiet tone Hermione used. "I know you're probably embarrassed and a little miffed at me, but it was an accident."

"A little miffed? Try a lot." Hermione didn't really believe it was just an accident, she wanted to scream and shout at him, but she also didn't want to say something that she would regret. "Just don't talk to me." She leaned back in her chair and unconsciously crossed her arms over her bosom as if to protect herself from wandering eyes.

Mrs. Weasley filled the teenager's plates with food and they started in on the delicious meal.

The Community Watering hole was within walking distance. Fred, George, Ron, Harry and Hermione finally arrived. The picked a spot on the sandy beach which was filled with people, families, and singles that were out looking for dates. The group set up their belongings.

Hermione quickly stripped off her shirt and skirt, revealing a light blue one piece swim suit.

Ron was disappointed. He was hoping for a two piece at least, he sighed with his regret yet he was thankful that bathing suits still clung to her every curve. He thought he saw her cheeks flush as she made a mad dash for the water. She didn't even turn around to see if any of the boys wanted to join her for a swim. He looked over at Harry, "boy she's pretty steamed at you isn't she?" He was suddenly really glad that he didn't walk in on her naked, or else it would be himself that she was mad at. And he wanted to be with her and realized that pretending to walk in on her was probably not the best plan on the list.

"Well I kinda deserve it." Harry said, "I mean I see her point in being angry with me, even though it was an accident. But I do understand."

"I wouldn't worry about it Harry, just let her cool off and then she'll probably start talking to you again." Ron said with a smile

George nodded "I agree, of course she might not be mad at you at all."

Both Harry and Ron looked at George in confusion.

"I mean how do you know she isn't secretly flattered that you Harry Potter saw her naked, what if she was planning that?" Fred said with a secret smirk. "What if she wants to sleep with you?" Fred wiggled his eyebrows

Ron felt himself burn with jealousy, 'what if she had?' His brain shouted. 'But she wouldn't do that, Hermione in an innocent.' His head argued. Ron nodded to himself agreeing with his second thought.

"I don't think so Fred." Harry said, "Hermione isn't like that."

"How do you know?" George asked with a smile.

"I've known her for the past seven years almost, and she just wouldn't do anything like that. Hermione is not one to plan and scheme to get someone in the sack, it would take a real asshole to plan anything like that."

Ron coughed, clearing his throat "Well I'm gonna go for a swim now." And he stripped down to his swim suit and too headed for the water. The other boys were soon to follow.

After a while of swimming, Hermione dried off and wrapped her towel around her waist and tied it securely, she slipped on her flip flops and grabbed her little money purse and headed towards the Snack & Juice bar.

The Snack & Juice bar wasn't too crowded with people as she sat up on the bar stool, the bartender behind the counter looked at her with a smile. "What can I get for you?"

Hermione put her finger against her chin in thought, looking up at the menu board that was placed above the bar tender's head. "A Banana, Orange Fizzy please." She got out the cost of the drink and placed the coins on the bar. Within a few seconds her banana orange Fizzy topped with whipped cream and orange sprinkles was sat before her. She put the straw in her mouth and started drinking down the delicious juice. She felt a group of eyes on her and she turned her head to find three young boys sitting a few barstools away from her. She didn't want to be rude so she gave them a polite smile and a slight nod and returned to her drink.

That was all the invitation the boys needed and they got up from their stools and moved over to where she is.

"Hello." One of them said with a smile and he sat down on the stool next to her.

Hermione dropped her straw back in her drink, "Hello." She returned the smile.

One of the other boys sat down in another stool that was on the opposite side of her, the last boy just stood. The one to her right spoke again.

"I'm Zach, and this is Bryant and Tom." He said pointing to the other two.

Hermione gave them each a polite nod. "Hello."

"We haven't seen you here before." Zach said. "Do you live around here?"

"Oh no, I'm just visiting a friend for the summer." Hermione said.

"Really, how fascinating." Zach said.

Fred, George, Harry and Ron were drying off.

Fred and George looked around for Hermione but didn't see her anywhere. "Where's Hermione?" They both said at the same time. Each of the boys looked around for her, the checked the water she wasn't there. They asked a girl to go into the girl's restroom to ask if Hermione was in there, she wasn't there either.

George then spotted her up at the Snack & Juice bar talking animatedly with three guys. "Look there she is." George pointed up at the bar.

Harry watched her for a moment and he felt an odd tightness in his stomach, it felt as if someone was twisting his insides into knots.

"Hey! Isn't Zach and his gang?" Fred said recognizing the trio Hermione was talking with. "She needs us let's go."

"Why?" Harry said more bitterly then he normally would. "She looks like she's having a grand time." He was sarcastic.

Ron thought it Harry's tone was odd, but it really didn't matter. He didn't like other guys messing in on his plans.

"Well Zach and his gang usually prey on the innocent; they can spot a virgin a mile away." George said.

"Well let's go then." Harry said and the four of them started up towards the bar when Ron tripped over something ,his eyes closed automatically and he went down landing face first into something really soft. Ron heard a loud woman's scream in his ear.

Fred, George and Harry turned around hearing the woman's scream and what they saw almost made them double over in laughter. In between hysterical laughter Fred and George offered to help Ron and Harry should to and see to Hermione. Harry nodded and was on his way up to the juice bar.

The loud scream was very annoying as Ron opened his eyes, he found his face buried into a woman's bosom. His face flushed bright red as he started to stand. The lady had reached her purse and started bashing him on the head with it. "Ow! Ow! Lady calm down, it was an accident." It was clear she didn't hear him cause she was still hitting him on the head with her purse. Fred and George were at his side in an instant.

A very large six foot six man with hard, firm muscles was behind the woman, "what's the problem here honey?" He said cracking his knuckles, looking at the three red heads.

"Brock, this boy was feeling me up." She said looking up at her husband.

"Is that so?!" Brock said, his eyes narrowed.

"Now we don't want any trouble." Fred said as the three of them took a step back all together. Brock just continued to narrow his eyes and crack his knuckles menacingly. Without warning he reached for them.

Harry was coming upon Hermione and her new friends, he could hear the conversation. And it was one he didn't really like, he knew what other men thought and from true from her point of view, sure the conversation was probably innocent. Yet he would put a stop to it. Hermione's conversation with them seemed to sound very inappropriate to Harry.

"Well it's dirty, but I like it." She said with a smile.

"You do?" Zach said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, but you do have to worry about germs you know." Hermione replied as she took another sip of her drink.

"Oh I bet." Bryant said

"I usually have to take a shower when I'm done. It just gets all over, and it's really sticky." Hermione replied. "But then the showers aren't very sanitary in public.

"Well if you wanted to do it here, the showers in this place are very sanitary. Would you like to see them? We could give you a private showing." Zach said with smile.

Hermione was about to say something when Harry stepped up to her side. "What's this about the showers, are they really that clean?" He said looking at the three boys. "I know I would like to see how clean the showers are here."

Ron, George and Fred finally caught up to Harry and were standing behind him. Harry heard them come up behind him and he pointed back with his thumb in their direction. "I'm sure even Fred, George and Ron would like to check out these sanitary showers with you three." He was hinting to the Zach and his gang to hit the road or else there would be trouble.

Zach held a secret glare, "Weasleys" He spoke softly and silently spat. "No thanks. Maybe some other time." He looked at Hermione "We'll see you around." Zach jerked his chin and Bryant and Tom both followed Zach away from the juice bar.

Harry turned around to the Weasleys and practically jumped back in shock, they each had two black eyes and not to mention other bruises. "What happened to you three?" Harry scanned each of their faces.

George cleared his throat. "There was uh, a misunderstanding." He wiped his nose which hurt.

Hermione took in a breath, "Harry why did you interrupt my conversation, that was very rude." She said crossing her arms in front of her.

Harry looked at Hermione for a moment then looked at the Weasleys, "can I have a moment alone with Hermione here."

Fred and George nodded.

Ron didn't want do leave Harry alone with Hermione. Whatever he wanted to say he could say it in front of him too. He was determined to stay, he felt two pairs of hands on his arms and his brothers were dragging him away.

Harry turned back to Hermione with a smile. "Hermione, you were being taken advantage of I had to step in."

"Oh I was not, we were just having a friendly conversation." Hermione said looking away from him, her nose in the air.

"A friendly conversation that probably could have gotten you into trouble." Harry said glancing about her face.

"I didn't need your help Harry; I can take care of myself." Hermione replied glaring at him.

"Hermione, those boys were all over you. Couldn't you see that was not a situation that you had control in."

"I am always in control." Hermione glanced down at her fingers as she twirled them

Harry sighed, "Hermione answer me this, you are still a virgin, right?"

Hermione looked up at him with an offended gasp and a glare in her eyes. "That is none of your business."

"Just answer the question." Harry said exasperated.

"So what if I am?" Hermione said as she looked away from him.

"Well I don't want to be rude to you but you need to hear this. It's for your own good." He took a breath and then began again. "You are innocent Hermione. Those boys would have said anything to make you trust them. You were not in control, at all. I know, I heard, and I saw, they would have taken you somewhere private and then well, let's just say you wouldn't be a virgin anymore."

Hermione's eyes narrowed in anger and she stood, "like I said Harry, I am always in control." She realized that yes Harry was right, she did not have that situation under control and she very well could have gotten into serious trouble. But she was going to be stubborn. "I don't always need you to come running to save my butt, I can do it for myself." She picked up her money purse from off the bar and stalked away from him.

Harry grunted and banged his head down on the bar, "why won't she listen to reason." He said quietly mostly to himself.

"Hey kid you were right" the bar tender said with a smile and Harry lifted his head looking at him. The bartender smiled again, "don't beat yourself up for it. She'll come around." The bartender said with a smile.

Harry shook his head and stood up from the bar he went off to find the Weasleys.

After a long day the group finally made it back to the burrow, dinner was served and eaten. Dishes were cleared and cleaned.

Hermione wanted some time to herself, she told no one to bother her as she went outside and sat down on the newly repaired porch swing to watch the last remaining colors of the sunset to disappear into the darkness of night. She swung back and forth a gently, closing her eyes simply humming to herself. She heard a noise behind her and saw Harry looking out the screen door at her. "What do you want?" She said with an irritated tone.

"Hermione." He sighed. "We really need to talk."

"I don't want to talk to you Harry." Hermione said continuing to swing herself gently. "I just want to be left alone."

"Please, Hermione." He was almost pleading. "This strain on our friendship, well it's not good. And friends talk things out, and get past their problems. You might even feel better after." He hoped she at least give him five minutes.

Hermione let out a breath of air. "All right, but I'm not going in there, you have to come out here."

That was good enough for him, Harry opened the screen door and stepped outside into to cool summer evening. "First of all Hermione, I wanted to say how sorry I am for well walking in on you last night, I know your still mad at me for that. But you need to know that it was just an accident. I would never take advantage of you like that, why do you believe that I would?" He looked at the back of her head which was lowered.

Hermione sighed turning around to face him; she rested her arm on the back of the swing. "I don't know Harry; there have been a lot of strange things happening this summer. I'm just confused. I should have known that you would never want to walk in on me naked." She looked down at her fingers.

Harry looked at her "Now I never said that I didn't want to walk in on you naked, I just said I didn't plan on it." He grinned.

Hermione gasped, "Harry you flirt." She sat there shocked for a moment, but then laughed a bit, the tension in her released. "Do you want to sit?" She asked.

Harry nodded with a smile and Hermione moved over so he could sit beside her.

Harry sat next to her and began to swing gently.

"And well I have a confession to make." Hermione said.

"What's that?" Harry said, he turned looking at her.

"You were right about this afternoon, I didn't have any control of that situation." She said glancing down into her lap. "How did you know to come and well save my butt?" She smiled a bit.

"Hermione, I will always look out for you. You should know that by now. Almost seven years of friendship should have taught you that already." He said with a half smile.

"Well, I am glad you were there for me." Hermione said looking into his eyes.

Their gazes locked, holding for what seemed like an eternity. Harry didn't know what made him do it, maybe it was something in her eyes that was commanding him. But he felt himself leaning closer to her, he couldn't stop himself if he wanted to, and he didn't. His lips descended on hers in a soft, sweet kiss, just holding it for a moment. The feel of her lips were so soft he wanted more but a thought popped into his head. This is your friend, you can't kiss her. Stop!! He listened an immediately pulled away. What was happening? He stared at her in shock, he couldn't believe he just did that.

Harry quickly stood, "I'm sorry, I have to go." He quickly turned and tore open the door and it seemed that he was running away from her.

What had just happened? Hermione thought. She was confused at the way Harry just looked at her in complete horror and ran away from her. As if she had some kind of disease. She felt hurt and crossed her arms over her bosom, hugging herself thinking that there must be something wrong with me. She stood up slowly from the swing and opened the door and carried herself up to her room.

What she didn't see were the fairies that were hovering above her, not in a happy glow. They were sad. One of the lifted it's head in an idea, she turned to her fellow fairies and started telling them her plan.


Well no fairy pranks, Ron seems to make disasters well enough on his own, LOL. Well not to worry the fairies will return in the next chapter. So stay tuned for Chapter 5

Read and review, thanks Ryoko