Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

Cheesy actor voice: Previously on One Hot Summer:

The feel of her lips were so soft he wanted more but a thought popped into his head. This is your friend, you can't kiss her. Stop!! He listened and immediately pulled away. What was happening? He stared at her in shock; he couldn't believe he just did that. Harry quickly stood, "I'm sorry, I have to go." He quickly turned and tore open the door and it seemed that he was running away from her.

What had just happened? Hermione thought. She was confused at the way Harry just looked at her in complete horror and ran away from her. As if she had some kind of disease. She felt hurt and crossed her arms over her bosom, hugging herself thinking that there must be something wrong with me. She stood up slowly from the swing and opened the door and carried herself up to her room.

Cheesy actor voice again: Now Chapter 5-It's No Illusion

A/N: Sorry I just couldn't resist the cheesy actor voice.

One Hot Summer

Chapter 5-It's no Illusion

Hermione tossed and turned in her bed; there was no way she could sleep. Too many thoughts had been plaguing her. 'Why him? Why now? And what in the hell was wrong with me?' Hermione turned over to face the blank wall "You're nothing." Her mind said. 'That's not true, I'm smart.' She argued back. 'Being smart doesn't get you everything.' Hermione sighed looking up at the dark ceiling. "I never wanted everything." She said in a soft whisper.

'That's not what's bothering you.' Her mind said in an annoying voice 'You've fallen for your best friend, that's what's bothering you.' Hermione put the pillow over her face hoping to keep her thoughts from speaking to her, but it did no such luck. 'And the way he ran away from you in absolute horror proves that-' Hermione sat up straight shouting "Shut up!!" The voices stopped bothering her; she put the pillow back down on the bed and rested her head upon it. In an instant her eyes closed and she drifted to sleep.

On the other side of the hall in Ron's room, a similar situation was going on. Harry was still wide-awake regretting what he had done earlier. 'Why did I have to do that? Why couldn't I stop myself? Why in the hell did I kiss my best friend?' Harry turned over and faced the window; the stars were twinkling brightly. "You're an idiot." His mind said. ' That's not true, I'm careful.' He argued back. 'Being careful doesn't get you everything.' Harry sighed turning over on his back and looking up at the dark ceiling. "I never wanted everything." He said out loud in a soft whisper.

'That's not what's bothering you.' His mind said in an annoying voice 'You've fallen for your best friend, that's what's bothering you.' Harry grabbed the pillow from underneath his head and put it over his face to try and stop the annoying thoughts from speaking to him, but that didn't work very well. 'You love her. No I don't. You love her. No I don't. You love her. NO I DON'T!! YOU LOVE H-' Harry sat up straight shouting "Shut up!!" The voices stopped bothering him; he looked over to Ron's bed and hoped he didn't wake him. He put the pillow back down on the bed, yawning largely. Harry's head finally hit the pillow and he was out like a light.

Ron stirred and woke to Harry shouting at someone to shut up, Ron looked about the room yet no one was in there. He shrugged, thinking that Harry but be having some sort of weird dream that makes him shout out in the middle of it. Either that or the boy had gone completely off his rocker. Ron turned over on his bed clutching his pillow, pretending that the soft goose down pillow was his desire, Hermione. He nestled his head into its softness and sleep washed over him. -He was sitting at a table drumming his fingernails along the table; he kept looking over at the clock, hour after hour passed. It wasn't until an hour later that the front door opened and Hermione came through, her hair was all disheveled and her makeup had definitely been smeared. He stood "Where have you been, it's three thirty in the morning, and don't tell me it was a long work night." He pointed at her accusingly.

"Ron, you know I've been having an affair."

"You what?!" Ron said gaping at her as if she grew another eye.

"Don't look so shocked, you were the one that set us up. You told me that it would please you if I was with another man."

"When did I say that?" Ron crossed his arms.

"Oh don't play dumb, since you lost your penis in that terrible shuffleboard accident, you said it would please you if I was getting action from another man, you even said you wanted to watch."

A loud annoying game show host voice seemed to fill the room, "Today is your lucky day Ron Weasley." The room started to change a large score board appeared with flashing lights. And a game show, Alex Trebek walked out from behind a wall. "Welcome Ron Weasley to Who's Screwing My Wife. Now the object of the game is to guess in three guesses or less who's been screwing your wife. Are you ready to play?"

Ron felt confused, "I, I, I guess so."

"Good, now first of all you have to sit here." Alex pointed to the chair.

Ron nodded and made his way over to the chair and sat down. He saw Hermione standing on a round blue stage with a spotlight on her, she was winking and blowing kisses into the crowd that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Okay Ron, you and him have been friends since first year and he is knows as The-Boy-Who--Lived. Who is he?" Alex said "And please take your time to think about it."

"I don't need three guesses, I know who it is." Ron said his eyes narrowing. "It's Harry Potter." He said bitterly. Ron heard a bunch of dings and buzzers going off as Harry came out from around the corner with a happy smile oh his face and stand next to Hermione.

"That's correct, you've won Ron, you've won the grand prize." Alex said

"Which is?" Ron was almost afraid to ask.

"You get to watch who's been screwing your wife." Alex said.

"What?!" Ron shrieked as he saw Harry and Hermione turn to each other and their arms wound around each other. Harry pulled her close and covered her mouth with his; with lightning reflexes Hermione's dress was off of her and on the floor along with Harry's clothes.

Ron struggled in the chair to get up, but he found himself stuck to the seat, which caused him to look down at see why he was stuck. He heard loud satisfying moans and gasps. When Ron looked up he was nearly blinded. Hermione had her legs wrapped rightly around Harry's waist and he was already driving hard into her, every time he plunged in deeper, she clung to him tight, and tighter as he went faster and harder into her. She threw her head back and she let out a-Ron's eyes popped open the sun was barely up, he could see the yellows and oranges of dawn. He turned over on his side facing away from the window. What was with these dreams, why has he been having dreams of Harry and Hermione engaging in things that he wanted to do himself? Ron then closed his eyes to try and sleep again.

The next day Ron suggested that the three of them should finish up their homework, both Harry and Hermione agreed. They were sitting at the kitchen table. Ron noticed there was something off between Harry and Hermione; they weren't even speaking to each other. Boy, Hermione still must be mad at Harry for the other day. He shook his head and went back to work.

Harry had decided that the best thing to do in this kind of a situation, is ignore it and maybe it will go away. And that's exactly what he was going to do. Ignore Hermione until she forgot about it. That's right, don't talk to her, and don't even look at her. Don't even acknowledge that you know she is in the room, sitting across from you at the table.

Hermione sighed, wondering why Harry was ignoring her. Was her kiss really that bad? Did she disgust him so much that he couldn't even look at her? She sighed again and continued reading her book. Not only was she sad but she was getting a little mad too, what kind of a friend would ignore you like this? They've been through too much together, and now he was just going to throw almost seven years of friendship away because of one stupid, little kiss. She wasn't going to sit here and let him keep ignoring her like this.

Now was the time for Ron to put his next plan into action, he put his quill down on the table and accidentally knocked it off with his elbow. He looked at Hermione who was standing. "Uh, do you think you could get my quill for me."

Hermione glared down at Ron, from her standing position. "Get it your damn self." And she picked up her book and stormed from the kitchen. And she roughly pushed the screen door open and walked outside.

Ron with a strange statement on his face looked over at Harry, "Well that was uncalled for."

Harry simply shrugged his shoulders, and looked in the direction that Hermione gone. Nope he wasn't going to go after her, he was just going to sit there. That's right, that's right.

Hermione walked a bit into the yard and passed a great oak tree where she sat down to relax in its offered shade. She took a deep breath and opened her book to read. Three fairies darted above her head, and one landed on her book, getting her attention. Hermione smiled down at the fairy. "And what is it that you want?" She said and the fairy smiled pointing upward. Two of them were creating some kind of material; it looked like an ancient roman style gown right out of thin air. Hermione looked down at the fairy. "Oh no, I'm to old to play dress up." She said.

The fairy started to pout, the little person's bottom lip started to quiver. Hermione felt bad. She tilted her head to the side and took in a deep breath. "Oh all right fine." The little fairy's face brightened up and it flew up into the air doing some kind of back flip in the air. Hermione was soon wearing the gown.

One fairy insisted on braiding Hermione's hair while the two others made a ring of daisies and placed it on top of her head. Hermione took a deep breath and went back to reading. It was time to set the right scenery, and the fairies created a pond next to the tree with water lilies lying on the surface of the water. Next they created a soft misty atmosphere if light purples, pinks, and oranges, it seemed that little sparkles were also in the mix of colors.

The three fairies then darted away from Hermione and towards the house where they greeted the other three. They gave each other a nod and went inside.

The six fairies swarmed into the kitchen where Harry and Ron will still working on their homework. Three of them watched as Harry put his wand down on the table, and they went for it. Harry stretched up a minute he looked to the side and saw the fairies pick up his wand. "Hey, stop that! Leave it alone!" He tried to grab for it, but they zoomed across the table out of his reach.

Ron reached for Harry's wand and the fairies, but he missed grabbing handfuls of nothing but air. The other three fairies, started flying circles around Ron, tight circles to where he had to pull his arms in an hold them down straight. He felt something tighten and go around him. When the fairies stopped circling him, he found himself in a strong binding. A tiny, thin rope was around him at least three times in three different places, his legs, his middle and his chest. He couldn't move very well. Two of the fairies started giggling as they spun him around.

He went around and around until he got so dizzy that he fell backwards onto the ground. The fairies giggled and one started braiding his hair. He couldn't swat at them this time.

The three fairies holding Harry's wand was flying about the room, Harry made several attempts into getting his wand back. He was no match for them; they were too fast; he would have to outsmart them. He watched them heading for the screen door and he followed after slowly, he had plenty of time.

Harry followed the fairies outside, he came upon something he had never seen before at the Burrow, he wondered where it came from. The air was misty with color and sparkles as he neared the pond. He saw someone sitting on the ground, by an oak tree and a small pond. The person was reading, it had to be Hermione. He stepped closer, she was wearing something different, for some reason it made him want to get a better look 'WOW!' All his thoughts spoke at once.

The world seemed to be in slow motion as Hermione turned the page of her book and continued reading. Her hair was braided showing off her lovely face, her legs were tucked and curled around and slightly to the side. Her arms were bare as there were no sleeves on her gown, which scooped down in front. Not enough to be obscene, just enough to enhance what she had.

Harry stepped towards her again, Crack! He stepped on some kind of branch and Hermione's head snapped around and she saw him. He stood there, not moving. Harry watched as Hermione got to her feet, her white gown cascaded down her legs, covering them. Around her waste was a simple belt of spun silver.

Hermione wondered why he was standing there, did he come to talk to her about what happened? She couldn't figure out what he was up to. But he just stood there, much like what he was doing inside the house. Just staying silent and ignoring her. She couldn't take that anymore. It seemed as if he didn't even want to be her friend anymore, That had to be it, he came to tell her that their friendship was over. Fine if that's what he wanted, that's what he'll get. She shook her head glancing down at the grass-covered ground.

Harry waited, he saw her head shake slowly back and forth. She turned around, her back to him. He knew she was going to leave. 'Do something!!' His mind shouted. He was so confused, what could he do. 'She's leaving.' His mind paused. 'Forever.' It said in a quiet voice. He watched her walking away from him; she didn't get very far when a light seemed to flash on in his mind. "Hermione, wait a minute!" He shouted to her.

Hermione didn't stop; she didn't turn around to face him. She just kept on walking.

Harry knew she could be stubborn, so he started walking after her, it seemed to him as he tried to catch up to her that she quickened her pace. He didn't like this; it was as if she was running away from him, she started to go faster. She even changed directions, her legs carrying her faster away. She was going to leave him, alone. 'NO WAY!!' He picked up his pace; she was not going to get away. He saw her break out into a full-blown run, as now did he.

His legs carried him faster as they were longer, and he finally reached her he out ran her and jumped in front of her causing her to stop. She tried to go around him, but he still managed to stand in her way.

"Leave me alone." She said still trying to get around him.

Harry shook his head, "No."

"Yes, get out of my way." She tried to turn around and go in the opposite direction, but he spun around her and again was in her way. "Would you stop this? Just let me pass." She was irritated.

"No." Harry said, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to show his determination.

"Harry, if you don't let me pass I will be forced to hurt you." She said in a very serious tone.

"Just tell me one thing, why were you running away from me?"

"Cause I'm done with you, you're confusing the hell out of me and I don't like it. I don't like feeling-" She cut herself off, she didn't have to explain anything to him. "It's not worth it to me, okay. Now don't try to stop me and let me pass."

"You think you're the only one confused, well you are so wrong there."

Hermione took a deep breath, "Look I just don't care anymore. I'm tired and I just want, well I want." She glanced down at her feet, "I just don't want anything to do with you." She turned away.

"You're a terrible liar Hermione." Harry knew she didn't mean anything of what she was saying, she was only masking her emotions, he had made her feel really bad and worthless he knew that now. He was going to correct his mistake.

"Well there you have it; I'm not perfect as you all say I am." Hermione started to walk away, tears were swelling in her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.

Harry started after her again.

Hermione was almost out the house she realized that she had run around the property in a way that she ended up near the side of the house instead of the front. She moved to go around to the front when some one grabbed her arm and pushed her gently against the wall. She was tired of this she kept telling him to leave her alone, but he just wasn't listening. Hermione looked up at him, her eyes narrowed and her temper boiling. "Why can't you just leave me alone, like a normal person? Why can't you just go away?"

"Cause I don't want to go away." Harry said quietly.

"I'm tired of this, I don't like to play games like this. I'm not Parvati, I'm not Lavender and I'm not Ginny. I don't like what you're doing now stop it and leave me alone!"

"All right, I'll leave you alone. If you do one thing." He was very serious.

"What's that?" Hermione was exhausted.

"Let me kiss you." Harry said quietly.

Hermione shook her head, "Have you lost your mind?"

"No." He simply said.

"Well, no, no you can't." Hermione said quickly. She remembered what it was like the first time. The absolute look of horror on his face, oh she didn't want to see that again, ever.

He stared directly into her eyes "Just let me." He inched closer to her, effectively pinning her to the wall. His hands framed her face.

"No." She lightly shook her head back and forth.

"Yes." He whispered as his mouth neared hers, hovering inches above.

"No." She whispered lightly her heartbeat raced and she felt her chest tighten.

"Just once?" He asked still hovering so very close. He wouldn't kiss her until he had her say yes.

Hermione wanted to say no but the words that came out of her mouth were "Yes."

He didn't wait any longer, his mouth closed over hers. He kissed her softly as first, just his lips lightly playing against hers. Oh this felt so wonderful, her lips were so soft like silk roses. But he still didn't want to push her, so he pulled back. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her eyes slowly opened.

Harry searched her eyes; a question was in his own. He wanted to do it again, and he saw in her eyes that she wanted also wanted too. Maybe less than a second passed as his mouth was once again on hers, but this time it was different. His kiss was a bit harder and a little more confident, they fell back against the side of the house and Hermione opened her mouth on a gasp as she was pressed up against the house.

She felt his tongue enter her mouth and touch hers, sending a pleasant tingly sensation through her entire body. She felt herself responding and returning his kiss, her heart was reeling, and her head was spinning. She loved this feeling, and wanted more. She felt his tongue rake hers in his urgency.


Ahhh I know I'm leaving you in the middle of the kissing scene. *snigger* don't worry it's all good. Well I hope you stay tuned for chapter 6. Please read and review thanks, Ryoko