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One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: : No way are any of the original HP characters mine they totally belong to J.K. Rowlings. You are nuts to even think that I own this, where do you people get your information. Honestly :)

One Hot Summer

Chapter 7- The Morning After

Harry bolted up straight from a sound sleep; the light pinks had just begun to make an appearance over the horizon. He turned a bit and found Hermione still sleeping. "Hermione," He shook her gently speaking softly into her ear, "Hermione wake up."

Hermione was on her side and turned over, "Harry? What is it?"

"I think we made a mistake."

She shook her head, "What?" Even though it was really early she still comprehended everything he said and her eyes narrowed. "What?" She asked again just to be sure.

Harry was able to see the look of disbelief and betrayal in her eyes. "No, no." He said quickly. "It's not what your thinking, we are definitely not a mistake. It's the fact that we didn't perform any spell so that you couldn't get pregnant. And we didn't even use any Muggle form of birth control either." Harry was worried, he didn't want to be the one to ruin her youth with bringing a child into the world.

"Oh relax Harry, everything was taken care of before you came in here." She said turning over back on her side, still looking at him.

Harry grinned, "Why you little sneak."

Hermione smiled a little, "Well I didn't know when you would visit me the spell lasts for a good six weeks." She said with a wink, "So I did the spell last night just to play it safe."

Harry nodded in understanding; he wanted to stay there all night with her. But Ron would certainly have questions if he wasn't there in the morning. He didn't want his friend to find out the hard way that his two other friends were close. This would leave Ron feeling like the third wheel or uncomfortable around them. He wanted his best friend to be used to the idea and come to accept it. "I really should get back to Ron's room; do you think he noticed I was gone?" Harry said as he bent over the side and slipped into his underwear.

"I just hope we didn't wake anyone up that is my biggest concern." Hermione said quietly as she watched Harry putting his shirt on over his head.

Harry crawled along the floor feeling around in the semi-darkness for his glasses. He found the glasses and placed them on. He stood and looked down at Hermione whose eyes were gently drifting closed. He walked back to the bed and bent down placing a gentle kiss to her lips. "Good night." He whispered and picked up the rest of his clothing and shoes. Harry quietly started for the door, he opened it and looked up and down the hall and slipped outside. He closed the door behind him and swiftly hurried across the hall and opened the door to Ron's room. Harry crept inside. The door was closed behind him.

Three fairies came from around the corner lightly giggling; they flew quickly about Hermione's door, removing the silencing spell that was on the room. There was no way they were going to allow any interruptions to happen, while this was happening the three fairies in Ron's room were sprinkling him with some pink sparkly dust removing the sleeping spell that was on him. They darted towards the window and sat on the windowsill.

Ron tossed and turned then finally sat up rubbing his eyes, he was relieved that he had no horrible nightmares. He leaned over and lit the lamp to get a little more light in the room. He looked over at Harry's bed. Ron noticed Harry was asleep with some sort of goofy grin plastered across his face. He wondered what his friend was dreaming about. A fairy dropped down from the ceiling and blew out the lamp, she giggled and darted away. Ron just shrugged and lay back down against his pillow to get more sleep

* * *

Ron woke to the sounds of chirping birds; he glanced at the clock that said nine O'clock. He sat up and stretched. Ron could smell the breakfast scent floating about the room. His stomach was complaining so he got up and threw on an old black shirt and a pair of jeans. Ron loved Muggle clothing; he wondered why the Wizarding community just didn't switch over. He noticed that Harry wasn't in his bed. He's probably down at breakfast. Ron raced to the bathroom and quickly drug a comb through his hair, and brushed his teeth. He then made his way down to the kitchen

Mrs. Weasley saw her son come into the kitchen, "You're up awfully late dear." She said with a smile.

"What do you mean? It's only nine." Ron was confused.

"No dear it isn't, it's nearly noon." She kept in her chuckle.

Ron's eyes narrowed and he heard giggling coming from the archway. He turned his head and found the fairies waving at him with smirks on their faces, he ran towards them and the fairies took off each giving off a little shriek they flew way too high for Ron to reach. "I'll kill you stupid fairies if it's the last thing I ever do." He shouted throwing his fist up in the air shaking it at them.

"Is my little Ronniekins sick, do you need to see a doctor?" Mrs. Weasley asked as she came over to him pressing her hand against his forehead.

"No Mum, I'm fine, I'm fine." He pushed his mothers hand away from his face as she tried to smother him with motherly affection.

Mrs. Weasley stopped her assault and Ron stepped away from her, "Where's Harry and Hermione?"

"Oh they went out side." Mrs. Weasley said as she walked back into the kitchen and bent half way over the counter and continued to read her Better Witches n' Health cookbook.

Ron quickly raced towards the screen door and bolted through it, 'Where in the world could they be?' Ron thought. He looked in both directions, and started off towards the right.

"Hey Harry check this one out, this one is really pretty." Hermione said as she pointed to the flower with a butterfly on it, its wings changed colors and it was fascinating to see. She started writing on the scroll.

"Well I still like the purple and green one better." Harry said.

Hermione sat her book down on the grass and looked over at him, "Are you sure you're not bored of helping me look for butterflies?"

"Well it is for an important class Hermione, I just don't understand what made you decide to get into Entomology?"

Hermione got down low so that her rear end was up in the air; she put her face near the ground and studied a beetle with green and red stripes. "Let's just say I have a fascination with insects, I always have. I know most girls go running and screaming from anything creepy and crawly, but me on the other hand I love insects, they have a whole interesting society."

Harry turned around and faced her, seeing her in that position made him a little warm, he coughed. "Hermione, could you not do that?"

"Could I not do what?" She asked still studying the beetle. Then lifted her eyes to look at him.

"That." He pointed to her rear end up in the air.

"Harry I need to study the insects and I have to kneel like this, sorry if it makes you a bit uncomfortable, but it has to be done." Hermione said, then she smirked, "and then maybe I'm just doing this to torment you, you will never know." Hermione lifted herself onto her knees, so that she kneeling upright.

Harry walked over to her and bent sitting in the same position she was, "You know for someone as innocent as you are, you sure know how to tease a poor guy." He smiled.

"How innocent do you think I am?"

"Very." He moved closer to her.

"And are you going to be the one to corrupt my very innocent mind?" She let her eyes fall innocently away from his after a few seconds she met his gaze once more.

Harry closed the distance between them "Oh I hope so." He said with a grin. Harry moved in capturing her mouth with his. He felt her arms around him and pulling him against her. His lips pressed harder against hers and he felt her tongue touch his, which caused his arms to tighten around her.

He gently pressed her down against the soft grass, kissing her hard but gently. He felt her hands roaming about his back and finally her fingers reaching up into his hair. Harry gave a soft moan into her mouth, and let his hand travel down over her shirt barely brushing against her breast. He shifted a bit and his hand found its way underneath her shirt and upon the soft material covering her round, firm breast.

Hermione gasped feeling his hand on her breast that she squirmed a bit trying to feel more, her blasted brassiere was in the way. She wished she had enough nerve to just tear it from her body. Harry lifted his mouth from hers and pressed his lips against the side of her neck and then back again over her chin he pulled back a minute and Hermione reached up and removed his glasses and set them next to her. Harry moved a bit and he quickly lifted the hem of her shirt and pulled the clothing off of her, in an instant her brassiere was soon to follow.

She felt his hands on her breasts, Hermione breathed in a short breath as she felt her heartbeat quicken at his gentle touch. Hermione gave a soft gasp when she felt his lips cover over the sensitive tip of her breast. With his hand he teased her other breast by lightly tracing his fingers around the curve, over the nipple where the tips of his finger barely touched her. She knew he was teasing her like this, the frustration kept building.

Harry's mouth moved from her breast and he lifted his head looking at her, "Hermione…open your eyes." He said in short breaths. Harry saw her eyes flutter open and intensely held her gaze while his hand wandered down over her flat belly he came to another offending garment, if he had it his way they would never wear clothing at all. He brought his other hand down and very slowly unbuttoned her shorts. He heard her groan her frustration and he smiled a bit. He loved being able to torture her like this, besides she what fun would it be if it was always quick. What a pain it would be if someone came along and spoiled their time together.

Ron continued to walk over the property; well they were nowhere at this end of the property. So he decided to take a look on the other side. He called out for them several times but he got no answer. He started walking about the property some more, he felt the ground tremble a little, he shrugged and kept walking forward. The ground trembled again. This time Ron heard an angry snarling to the left of him, he slowly turned his head and saw a sight worse than in his dreams. There stood a very large, drooling furry brown spider. He stared for a moment, and then let out a very loud ear-piercing scream. His voice was high pitched and feminine sounding as he turned around and fled in the opposite direction, the spider was chasing after him.

What he didn't see were four fairies who were high fiving each other as Ron was running away screaming like a wild banshee. Three fairies followed slowly after him, while the other three made sure that no one came across and ruined their plans of true love.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" Harry said looking into her eyes.

"Yes." She breathed out.

Harry's hand was between her thighs almost touching her; he barely let his fingers brush over the hidden jewel of her body. "Say you love me." He said softly and he let his finger touch her just a little bit more causing her to cry out.

Hermione's emotions where overwhelming her, and she took in a breath, "I-I love you." She said her voice an enchanting melody.

He wanted to hear those words from her for the rest of his life, Harry leaned in more so his lips where mere inches from hers "Tell me you want me." His lips brushed lightly over hers and he pulled back a bit staring deeply into her eyes as if seeking out the inner depths of her soul.

"I want you Harry, I want you to love me." Hermione's voice was shaking with need; she felt his fingers completely touching her, rousing her desire.

"I do love you Hermione," Harry brought his mouth down against hers, kissing her with such a want and need of her. His tongue desperately seeking out hers in a frantic heat of hunger. Hunger to have her all to himself. For her heart to belong to him as his belonged to her. Harry loved this feeling; he never wanted this to be over. While he was still kissing her, his hand and fingers were still in between her thighs. His fingers caressing the delicate folds of her sex, teasing and tantalizing the sensitive button causing her gasps and cries to grow with the increasing pounding of her heart.

Hermione couldn't keep her cries of pleasure to herself, she felt him pull his hand away from her. She groaned again in her bitter frustration and buildup of wanting more. Her eyes brimming with the tears of her longing and need. She so wanted to relieve the aching strain of her need to feel release, so she attempted to bring her own hand down but Harry caught it before her hand reached its destination.

"Oh no you don't love," He supposed his torture worked a little too well. Harry felt really bad for making her feel like she would have to take care of herself. "I'll take care of you. I promise." He said in soothing tones as he positioned himself against the entrance of her body. Harry looked down at her; her eyes were closed tight as he saw tears trickle out of her eyes. Now he really felt bad. "I am so sorry Hermione, please don't cry."

"I-I can't help it. I just need-my emotions are all messed up." She said with a soft smile.

Harry smiled, "I know this is a powerful feeling, it tends to control us."

Hermione nodded, "Please don't think that it's anything you've done that's making me cry, I just never felt like this so all my emotions are running amok." She laughed lightly. She waited a few moments and before Harry had a chance to do anything she pressed her lower body against his and he slid inside her.

He was breathing hard feeling her snug around him, "I take it you want to continue?" Harry said with a grin.

"Yes." She breathed out in a soft whisper.

Harry bent down covering her mouth with his, kissing her. He started moving himself in and out of her gently. He still had to be somewhat careful in the beginning. But her body was so warm and inviting. He felt the silky folds of her closing around him that he let out a gasp of his own, he listened to her cries of pleasure with every thrust into her. He so wanted to please her, so he slowed his rhythm just a bit.

Hermione held on to him tightly as she kissed him back with such a fiery want and need that she no longer had control of what she was doing, her body was in control; her mind had gone on holiday. Her tongue was attacking his in such a rush of heat, hard and powerfully his tongue dueled along with hers as if fighting for control. Their mouths were pressing harder against each other's.

She felt his body move harder and stronger into hers she pulled her mouth from his. Her arms went around him as he slid further and further into her, harder and faster he moved. She pressed herself up so tightly against him, wanting, needing to reach the end.

Harry felt her legs clamp around his waist as he drove into her, she seemed to want more and more so he gave up on being soft and gentle, that wasn't what she wanted. Innocent or not his Hermione wanted her needs fulfilled and he would give her exactly what she wanted. As he thrust harder into her slick hot body, he felt her mouth against his neck, her lips on his throat. He could hear her breathing in his ear as that pushed him more and more. She made beautiful sounds. Beautiful cries and gasps.

As Harry continued pleasing her, he felt her body closing around him harder and tighter. She was approaching her edge, he could feel it. He picked up his pace a little bit more, driving in her as hard as he could. Her hands clutched at him, grabbing at his shoulders so hard that her fingernails dug into his skin. Her back arched so far off the ground that it appeared that she might break something; her wild scream of pleasure seemed to drown out every sound around them.

Her body was tight around him, so very tight that he felt himself approach his edge, with another hard plunge deep into her soft warmth, he let out a cry equal to Hermione's she was still calming down from her visit to the heavens. Completely exhausted he practically fell on her, almost crushing her under him. He listed quietly to the sounds of her heart, which was slowing to a more normal pace. He lifted up a bit and rested his chin on his hands looking at her.

Out of all the relationships he's had this one wasn't even in that category, it was far better than anything he had ever known. He had heard from Sirius to watch out for those innocent schoolgirl types, they were always the ones you would least expect to have that much energy, it was always difficult to give them exactly what they wanted. "Did I hurt you any?" Harry asked with concern, thinking that maybe he was just a little too rough with her.

Hermione smiled, "No, what makes you think that you did?"

Harry rolled over on his back, taking Hermione with him so that her head was lying on his chest. "Well I was going a little hard on you there, some girls can't take it like that."

She sighed, "Oh you didn't hurt me at all." Hermione lifted her head looking at him; she noticed red, fingernail marks in his skin. "But it looks like I hurt you."

He looked at her and followed her line of vision to his shoulders; he glanced at it as if it were no big deal. "It looks like you did."

"I am sorry Harry, I didn't know that I had done that." Hermione sat up half way, her hair dropping down over her shoulders.

"It's all right, you, love, are quite the wildcat," He said with a smile.

"I still feel really horrible, I don't want to hurt you like that." Hermione felt so ashamed that she couldn't even meet his gaze.

"Listen, these will heal. They will go away." Harry noticed she was looking towards the ground; he lifted his hand cupping her cheek causing her to look at him. "You are a very passionate young lady, and you can give me marks like this anytime you want." He said with a smirk.

"So I didn't do anything wrong?" She asked carefully.

"Being in love like this, well it's not really a test you don't get graded. You could never do anything wrong." Harry saw her smile, which in turn made him smile; she always had the prettiest smile.

Hermione leaned over pressing her lips against his in a soft and gentle kiss. She felt his hands reach up and grab a hold of her face keeping her in place. He wanted to feel her lips on his just a few minutes more. She tried to pull away, but he still wouldn't let her go. She started laughing while still held in the kiss, he too joined in on the laughter and they both pulled apart for air. "We should get back."

"But I want us to stay like this forever, wearing no clothes just laying her in each others arms, just enjoying all our time together." Harry said looking up into her eyes.

"I would love that, but-" Hermione was cut off by Harry placing a finger against her lips.

"I know, I know someday we'll be able to do that just not now." Harry smiled.

Hermione returned the smile and turned around to grab her clothing from off the ground as did Harry. They both quickly scrambled into their garments. Hermione picked up her scrolls and book. And they started back towards the house.

As they were walking Harry grabbed Hermione by the arm and swung her around pulling her against him, he was about to kiss her when Hermione turned her head at the last minute. He was about to ask what the matter was when Hermione said.

"Do you hear that? It sounds like someone screaming." Hermione looked up at Harry who looked like he was concentrating on the sound as well.

"Yes it does." Harry moved away from Hermione and listened harder for the sound, it sounded north from the house. "I'm going to go check it out." He started walking from her

"Well I'm coming with you." She said and he abruptly turned around facing her.

"No you stay here in case there's trouble." Harry said

Hermione's eyes narrowed, "No way, I'm coming with you and that's final." She sat her book and scrolls down on a large rock. She saw Harry shrug.

"All right fine, but if there's one ounce of trouble you run." Harry said very seriously.

"Agreed." Hermione answered, she and Harry started walking in the direction of the noise. They came upon Ron who was turned towards a large boulder screaming his head off. It was the weirdest sight the two of them had ever seen.

"I think he's lost his mind." Hermione said quietly looking up at Harry.

Harry nodded very slowly, "I'm beginning to agree with you." He stepped close to Ron and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Ron are you okay."

"Harry?" Ron lifted his face from the boulder looking at Harry.

"Yes Ron, it's me. You're best friend Harry." He spoke slowly. "Are you okay?"

"Spider, big, huge spider." Ron pointed at Hermione without turning around.

'Spider?' Hermione mouthed to Harry who just shrugged as if he had no clue to what Ron was talking about. Hermione glanced around on the ground; something was crawling about the leaves. She smiled and bent down holding the eight-legged cutie in her hand. "Ron, is this the spider you are talking about?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, yes!!" Ron shrieked still facing the boulder.

"Oh Ron this poor little thing couldn't hurt you," Hermione said with a chuckle. "It makes a great little friend." She patted it a bit, it tried to run off of her hand but she quickly caught it in her other hand. "Come on, take a look."

Ron looked at Harry for a moment who nodded; he slowly turned around and saw a really small spider in the palm of Hermione's hand. He pointed at the spider, "But-but that thing was huge, with drooling fangs and it was really furry. It was at least this big." Ron made a grand gesture with his long arms wide.

Hermione sighed, "Ron I think you're getting a little too much sun, perhaps we should go inside?" Hermione bent down and let the spider run off her hand. She wiped her hands off and stood back to her full height and started walking back towards the house.

"Yeah mate come on, I think the sun is getting to you." Harry patted Ron on the back then followed after Hermione.

Ron's mouth moved but he couldn't make sentences come out, he was so confused. He kept putting his finger in the air as if he was trying to say something. He shook his head, and started following after Harry and Hermione. He took a deep breath and got closer to them, he watched Hermione walking ahead of him. His gaze started at her heels, wandering up her legs, over her rear where his eyes lingered a moment then traveling up her back, that was a pretty shirt she was wearing, the light green looked good on her. He noticed the tag sticking up in the back; something was off about her shirt. It clicked in his head, it was on inside out. Strange he thought. He shrugged it off; she probably put it on that way this morning and just hasn't noticed it yet.

Ron watched as Harry reached out and touched Hermione on the shoulder, it looked almost like a soft caress, but in a moment Harry shouted "Tag you're it." And Harry ran away from Hermione as she got this silly grin on her face and started chasing after him. Ron shook his head he never understood those Muggle activities. They were chasing each other all over the yard.

Harry and Hermione were in a heavy fit of laughter by the time their chase had ended that they collapsed next to each other on the lawn in the back yard. Ron came over and lay down next to Hermione so that she was in between them.

"That spider really was huge." Ron said tilting his head looking at Hermione.

"Oh yes Ron, so scary. It's going to attack Antville any second now." Hermione teased.

"No I'm serious, it was very, very big. Almost like-" Ron paused thinking about that time in third year, he shivered.

"I'm so tired." Hermione said as she turned over on her side facing Harry, "I think I'll take short nap." She closed her eyes.

Ron stood up, "Well I'm hungry, and I'm going inside." He looked at Harry, "Are you coming Harry?"

Harry shook his head, "Nah, I think I'll take a nap too, its really nice out here and the sun is really warm."

"Suit yourself." Ron said and headed towards the screen door.

Ron neared the screen door when something made him turn around, he saw Harry who was on his side, the side of his face was in his hand which was propped up with him leaning on his elbow. He was looking down at Hermione who was already sleeping. Ron saw Harry move a piece of her hair away from her face and he leaned in kissing her lightly on the forehead. Ron's eyes narrowed in bitter anger and jealousy, he was about to go back over when Fred and George appeared on the other side of the door.

"Hey Ron you had better come and see this." Fred said and he opened the screen door.

George grabbed Ron by the arm and pulled him inside before he had a chance to say no.

After a few moments of watching Hermione sleep, Harry lay back down on his back and closed his eyes. He too was tired; it was a very exhausting afternoon. While his eyes closed he smiled. He hoped there would be more afternoons like that. And he finally drifted off to sleep.


Well that's it for chapter 7; I hope you all enjoyed it. Stay tuned for Chapter 8-Thoughts Of The Past. Read and Review, thanks, Ryoko