Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

One Hot Summer

Chapter 2-In Hermione's Trunk

"So is Ginny really in Paris?" Hermione said with a far off look in her eye.

"Yep." Fred said, he sat down on the bed.

"Oh I would love to study in France; maybe I'll spend some time there after I graduate Hogwarts." She sighed while holding a shirt in her hand. "How's the joke shop coming?"

"Oh fine, fine." George said from inside the closet he opened Hermione's truck. "Wow look at all this neat stuff." He wasn't referring to her school supplies that's for sure.

He noticed that Hermione's taste in undergarments were of satin and silk. Very, very sexy. He thought to himself, a thought popped into his head and he wondered who would get to see these. An mischievous grin graced his face as he pulled out the list, So Ron wants to check out Hermione's underwear, well then he shall George started sniggering quietly.

Hermione heard a knock on the open bedroom door, she turned and found Ron step inside. She gave him a smile. "Hey Ron, what's up?" She was holding a purple button up shirt in her left hand and a clothes hanger in her right hand.

"Nothing much, just came to see if you needed help with anything." He grinned. Ron noticed Fred sitting on the bed his legs crossed underneath him. He looked around for the other Terror Twin but didn't see him.

She shook her head, "nope, I pretty much have everything under control. But thanks for asking."

"Hermione you actually wear these?" said George as he popped out of the closet holding a blue thong in his hand.

Ron's face went bright red, seeing the blue silk in between George's fingers. He was brought back to reality when Hermione ripped her undergarments from George's hand and shoved them behind her back. "They were a gag gift from my friend who lives across the street from me; she knows I would never wear these. She was helping me pack my trunk and must have slipped them in." Hermione argued.

"Right Hermione." George said with a wink, "I believe you."

Hermione's jaw dropped in disbelief. "It's the truth, I would never wear such a thing." She said shaking her head with disgust.

"Why not, they look very appealing." George said crossing his arms over his chest; he glanced over at Ron who was if it were possible turning an even brighter shade of red.

"Well for your information, they are very uncomfortable." She tossed the thong into her open trunk which was on the ground next to George's feet. "How would you like it if every time you took a step you would have to pick it out of in between your ass?"

"So you're saying you've actually worn them?" George said.

Hermione's face increased in color. "Alright, so I've worn them once." She stuck her finger in the air "but only once, and I certainly didn't want to take them to school with me."

Ron had a vision of Hermione standing in front of him wearing only that blue thong, he shook his head, he hated the color blue. A cheesy grin appeared on his face when he imagined her in a black thong. He sighed causing three heads to snap in his direction giving him an odd expression. Ron noticed Hermione, George and Fred staring at him and he straightened his posture.

"Is everything alright Ron, you look a little flushed." Fred said with a smirk.

"No." Ron's voice cracked, he cleared his throat. "No, I'm fine."

Harry walked into the room looking at everyone who was in Ginny's room. "What are all of you doing in here?" He asked with a smile.

Hermione smiled back at him, "well Fred and George were just helping me unpack my things."

"Ah, that's nice of them." He said with sincerity. "Do you need some more help?" Harry offered with a friendly smile.

"I think everything is getting taken care of, I probably don't need anymore help. But if you want you can get out my homework supplies and set them on the bed for me."

Harry nodded "alright then." He went over to Hermione's trunk and pulled out her school supplies and carried them over to the bed.

Ron felt odd, he just asked to help and she brushed him off. He looked at Fred who seemed to be holding in laughter. "What's so funny?"

Fred noticed six fairies enter the bedroom hovering above Ron's head. He thought quickly. "I was just noticing that the fairies have taken a liking to you Ronnie." He pointed up above Ron's head.

Ron looked up as the fairies were sprinkling sparkly dust on top of him, turning his hair from red to a nice shade of green and gold. "Ahhhh! Get these damn things away from me." He heard the fairies giggling while he waved his arms frantically in the air. The fairies started drifting away from him, yet one of them came back and gave him a good kick in the cheek then darted away still giggling

"Oow!!" Ron said rubbing his cheek

Hermione glared at Ron "Leave them alone Ron, they are just fairies and they are not really hurting you."

"Leave them alone? Leave them alone? They are the ones terrorizing me." Ron said pointing a finger at his chest.

Hermione shook her head as fairies were sprinkling her own hair with colored mist turning it a nice shade of light pink and orange.

Harry smiled, "that's a good look for you."

Hermione stifled a giggle herself, "oh yeah what about you? Mister blue and yellow hair." She pointed to the top of his head.

Harry moved over to the mirror and sure enough his hair was a mix of blue and yellow. "I rather like it." He said with a silly grin on his face. Harry heard the mirror whistle in appreciation and he jumped back

"Hey Hermione, what's this for?" George asked as he pulled out a long red rope from her trunk. "Do you tie people up and whip them with this." George whipped the air with the rope.

Ron's pulse charged up hearing about that, he couldn't help it just the thought of Hermione in black leather clinging to her every curve, standing in black vinyl spiked heels whipping that rope around got him all hot and bothered. The palms of his hands started sweating and he looked over at Hermione and gulped down a breath of air.

"NO!!!" Hermione squealed. She took a deep breath. "George, it's a red licorice rope. It's candy, you eat it."

"Aw, I still bet you could tie someone up and smack them around with it." George wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"I could not, it would break." She said calmly.

"Oooh so you've tried it before?" Fred took a quick look at Ron then winked at George. "I can just see you the mighty bookworm on the outside, but underneath, when the lights go out you become the powerfully seductive Dominatrix."

Ron was moving around as he felt himself unable to stop the very wonderful images popping into his head. He stepped closer to her having the need to at least touch her, it was becoming too much to bear.

Harry uncomfortably ran his hand through his hair, "uh, could we not talk about that anymore." He said quietly under his breath hoping that no one heard him, he too couldn't help the imagery his mind was forming and he took a deep breath.

"What was that Harry? Did you say something?" George asked knowing perfectly well what was on his mind.

"And no Fred I've never tried anything like that, I've actually never thought of anything like that." Hermione said as she stepped near to her trunk. She hung up the shirt she was holding in the closet.

The fairies flew next to George, they wanted the licorice rope. He played a little tug of war with the fairies, he heard them giggling and cheering each other on. George finally let go and the fairies thought they won shouting in triumph as they flew about the room with the licorice rope in their little hands.

Ron seemed to hover towards Hermione when a fairies sped by him, he felt the end of the licorice rope whip against his rear end. "Eeoow!" He started rubbing his hand along the now bruised area trying to soothe the pain. He looked over and saw that the fairies were actually starting to wreck havoc. He saw one of them appear to be whispering into Fred's ear as one of the other fairies was in the process of stealing Harry's glasses.

"Hey, give those back." Harry said jumping up for his glasses while the fairy just hovered in the air barely above his reach.

"Here let me help." Hermione said also jumping up and down trying to reach Harry's glasses.

Ron feeling left out decided to lend a hand also, he quickly rushed over to the fairy and almost grabbed the glasses from the fairy but it zoomed up higher away from him.

The fairies decided to have a little fun and started zooming around the room creating a thick purple, pink and orange sparkly mist, you couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. All you heard from the mist was a lot of ow's and hey-don't-do-that's

When the mist settled Ron didn't like it when he saw that Harry and Hermione were pushed together with the licorice rope securely around the both of them, binding the two to each other. They were struggling in the rope as the fairies were giggling in the process of flying gracefully about the room.

Ron attempted to get to Harry and Hermione to release them of the binding and one of the fairies darted from the bedroom.

Harry and Hermione were struggling to get out of the licorice rope which is usually a pretty easy thing to rip in half, but for some reason it felt as strong as iron. Which was also really distracting since every time they would struggle a bit their bodies would press a little closer together which would send wonderful tingly feelings through both of them.

Ron was moving quickly over to Harry and Hermione when the fairy returned holding a small bag of marbles from Ron's bedroom. The fairy opened the bag and dumped the marbles out on the floor, the round orbs went rolling in all directions. Ron was going so fast that he stepped on some and slipped falling down knocking into both Harry and Hermione causing them both to also fall to the floor.

Harry fell on something soft yet very comfortable, he was lost for a moment. He planted his hands down firmly to try and push himself off the ground.

"Um," Hermione's voice cracked a little. "Harry would you kindly remove your hands from my person."

"Huh?" He then remembered that him and Hermione were stuck together and that she was probably the soft thing he was lying on. It didn't register in his mind that he had his hands on her-" His concentration was broken by Hermione's voice.

"Harry, hands move them." She was growing angry.

He realized where his hands must be and he pulled them away quickly his face growing red very quickly. "Oh, I'm sooo sorry, Hermione I didn't realize-" He was interrupted

"Harry just get off of me, so I can get up." Her voice was trimmed with irritation

Harry started to struggle a bit to try and stand but that only made the situation worse, that actually felt really nice he felt his body start to react to her in this position. He sure hoped she couldn't feel his reaction to her at this moment.

Hermione's face flushed bright red she was about to say what was on her mind when Fred and George appeared next to them, they snapped the licorice rope in half and helped Harry off of Hermione.

The fairy dropped Harry's glasses in his lap and he put them on and got to his feet. He couldn't bring himself to look at Hermione, hopefully she didn't notice.

Ron was steaming by now, this was certainly not his day.

Hermione looked at the four boys, "I think I'll go and see if your mum needs help with anything." Hermione said as her voice quivered with embarrassment, she quickly darted from the room.

"Uh, yeah I need to, to. Go and uh take care of something." Harry said quickly as he too left the room in haste.

Ron shook his head in disbelief, two of his plans had failed, well the third should be a success. After dinner tonight he would get some alone time with Hermione, and with that thought he left the room and went into his own.

Fred and George doubled over in hysterical laughter.

"That was soo funny, did you see the look on Ron's many faces." Fred said as he pulled out the list from pocket handing it to George.

George walked over to Ginny's nightstand and picked up a quill and dipped it into the ink, he looked at plan number two. "well I think we got the help Hermione unpack and sneak in cheap feel plans out of the way." He crossed out numbers two and three on the list. "And well her and Harry were on the ground together I think that was better than a measly ole hug don't you?" George said looking at his brother. "Hh by the way how did you get the fairies to agree to help us?"

"I promised them all the honey they could eat." Fred said with a smirk. "You know how fairies love the stuff."

"Yeah," George nodded.

"So what's next on the list?" Fred asked with a cheesy grin.

"After dinner spend some alone time with Hermione." George started chuckling.

"Yep I don't think Ron's gonna be getting his alone time at all." Fred joined in on the laughter.

Ron needed a nap to wash away this horrible day, he laid back on his bed and looked up at the ceiling, within a few minutes his eyes closed and he drifted off to the world of dreams- the gentle waves washed up onto the sandy beach, Hermione was coming towards him with a lovely smile on her face and her hand waving gracefully in the air. Her thin, white practically see through dress ruffled delicately behind her as she finally reached him, he was standing on a soft beach towel he had been waiting for her.

"Hello-" She was cut off when a finger was pressed to her lips.

"Shhh, don't talk." He pulled his finger away and his mouth claimed hers with a hot and vibrant need. His tongue twirled with hers like a soft ballet and they sank to the ground with him on top of her.

She felt his mouth travel down her neck, between her breasts and over her belly. He glanced up at her a moment and saw a brilliant light in her eyes, it was desire and love all mixed into one. He slowly lifted the hem of her dress he wasn't shocked to see that she wasn't wearing anything underneath.

He returned his gaze to what he wanted to see, he gently pushed her legs apart to reveal the jewel of her body. He took in a breath as his tongue lightly flicked at her little button he heard her give of a soft moan of approval and he continued. His mouth worked wonders on her as she felt his tongue also enter into the hot crevice of her body, she started to shake as he moved about trying to please her.

She was breathing hard, faster and faster she clutched the towel within her fingers as she felt the world fade away, her blissful cries filled the air in all it's radiance.

He crawled back on top of her looking into her eyes.

"Oh make love to me," She said her voice coming out in short breaths. "Harry, I need you, make love to me now." "-NO!! NO!! NO!! Harry! Hermione! NOOO!" Ron tossed and turned hard in his bed his shouts filling the room.

Harry was shaking him hard on the shoulder. "Ron, Ron wake up! Wake up!"

"NOOOO!" Ron turned once more and THUD!!! He landed on the floor flat on his back, hard "OOOW!" Ron shouted up at the ceiling from on the floor. Harry and Hermione's heads both came into view, they were looking down at him.

Hermione was trying not to laugh from Ron falling off the bed. "Ron, are you alright?"

"You two are horrible." Ron said pointing up at them a look of absolute anger plastered across his face.

Both Harry and Hermione looked at each other and then back at Ron oddly.

"Ron, what are you talking about?" Harry asked obviously very confused.

He looked around, he was in his room not on the beach. It was a dream. He was so relieved. "Oh, nothing. I was just having a nightmare." He confessed.

"What was it about?" Hermione said crouching down next to him.

"Uh." Ron hesitated there was no way he was going to tell her. "Nothing, it doesn't matter, besides I can barely remember now. Is dinner ready? I'm starved." He jumped up from the floor and raced out the door.

Hermione looked up at Harry, "Harry is it just me or is he just getting stranger?"

Harry shook his head with amusement, "It's not you, he's definitely getting stranger." He said with a smile. Harry held out his hand and Hermione grabbed it, she felt the same tingly sensation she did a few hours ago as he pulled her to her feet.

They stood there starring at each other for a moment, Hermione was lost in his deep, emerald pools. She was lost for the moment. She shook her head and pulled her hand from his "Uh, dinner." She said and quickly turned and left the room, Harry followed after her.

Was he loosing his mind, he so wanted to stand there and kiss her senseless. He shouldn't be thinking about his best friend that way. He watched her walking ahead of him, he sighed. It was hopeless, he would put those thoughts from his head. He agreed no more thinking about Hermione Granger, no more.


Hee hee Ron fell off the bed. Well stay tuned for Chapter 3 it will be out as soon as possible depending on my Soul Scepter and it's sequels schedule. Please Read and review, Thanks Ryoko

A/N: Thanks to all my reviewers, I love you all. *kiss kiss*