Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well

One Hot Summer

Chapter 6- Oh My Love

Hermione loved this feeling, and wanted more. She felt his tongue rake hers in his urgency. The need for air became too much to bear and she pulled away. Her breathing was harsh, as was his.

Harry was watching her closely; he didn't like it at all when she was walking away from him like that. He knew something had changed, he didn't know exactly when this change occurred to him, he just knew that he didn't want to be without her. Harry wanted her to be the one that smiled back at him every morning. He actually wanted to hear the words I love you from her. "Hermione, please forgive me for last night and today, I was scared and I didn't know what to do."

Hermione glanced down at her feet, "I just don't know what to do anymore, I mean you can't erase that look you had on your face last night. You have no idea how much that hurt. It was like I was some kind of disgusting wretch that wasn't good enough for you."

"No, no. It wasn't that at all." He took her hand, "I was afraid that I over stepped my bounds as a friend. I didn't want to fall in love with you Hermione; I don't want to end up hurting you. You are not just some girl, you're my best friend -" He was interrupted.

"What?" Hermione said, "What did you just say?"

Harry felt confused, "That you're my best friend."

"No before that." Hermione looked up at him.

"I don't want to end up hurting you, cause you are-"

Hermione interrupted with a wave of her hand "No no, you said…" She paused taking in a breath. "Oh never mind, forget it." Hermione started to move away but Harry wouldn't let her, he held on to her hand tighter.

"Don't leave Hermione; please I really, really want to talk about this."

"It doesn't matter Harry, really. I know you don't want me bothering you. So if I do stay clear of you, you won't have to feel this way and you can move on with your life and go find someone who's more suited for you." She attempted to turn away again.

"Hermione, you are suited for me. No one else knows me like you do, you've seen me at my worst and my best."

"Don't say things you don't mean." Hermione looked away.

Harry quickly had her face in his hands and he was kissing her gently, he pulled back looking into her eyes. "I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it."

"But-" Hermione was cut off again.

"No buts Hermione." Harry said and in a quick movement he pulled Hermione to him, his arms wrapped around her crushing her against him. His mouth claimed hers and he felt her arms wrap around him.

Fred and George's mouths both dropped at the same time at them seeing both Harry and Hermione wrapped up in them selves. The twins had come out side to see why Hermione had viscously snapped at Ron earlier, and then they were going to laugh about it. They didn't expect to find Harry and Hermione totally going at it on the side of the house.

Fred and George both witnessed that Harry had Hermione pressed up against the house; her hands were in his hair, moving about towards his shoulders. One of Harry's hands couldn't be seen, although a strap on her gown had fallen off her shoulder and was hanging loosely on her arm. A lot of her hair had been messed and pulled from her braid.

George heard Hermione gasp as Harry pulled his mouth from hers, and pressed his mouth against her neck, kissing her slowly, lightly sucking on the tender flesh there.

Fred saw one of Harry's hands on her waist and the other was inside her- "Oh my God!! We're you expecting something like this?" Fred asked his brother.

"Well not really, but what did you expect? Everything Ron wanted to happen was happening with Harry. And I think they are just overcome with hormones to really understand what's going on." George said.

"Oh I don't think so dear brother, I think this has been building up for awhile." Fred said, and then his famous Weasley up-to-no-good smirk graced his face. "We should go and get Ron, this would be one of the greatest looks and disappointments on his face we could ever hope to achieve."

"I don't know Fred, this just seems cruel. Even for us." George said looking unsure.

"Oh come on George, you're not losing your edge are you?"


"Then come on, we have to do this." Fred said.

"What exactly will this teach Ron? The other things were just fine. But this, this is just right out horribly cruel." George liked a good prank, but this was going beyond pranks.

"Look I know he doesn't really love Hermione, he just thinks he does. We both know it's just lust. We are helping him get over his desire. Remember nothing on that list of his said anything about love. Now come on." Fred said and he started into the house.

George sighed, he suddenly felt really sorry for Ron. But he followed his brother anyway.

Fred and George walked into the living room to find Ron on the floor tied up with braided hair. There were sparkly lipstick marks all over his face. Ron lifted his head looking at his brothers.

"GET ME OUT OF THIS!!" Ron yelled.

Fred got a knife from the kitchen and went towards Ron, he quickly sliced through the roped and Ron got to his feet.

"Ron, have you been snogging the fairies?" George asked with a grin.

"What?" Ron felt confused.

"I mean sure, they are cute. But we always thought you would enjoy snogging with the same species." Fred said with a wink.

"What are you buffoons talking about?" Ron said his eyes narrowing.

"Ever hear of a mirror, go and see for yourself smart ass." Fred replied.

Ron grunted and headed towards the downstairs bathroom.

"Four, three, two" George counted on his fingers. "One."

"AHHH!! WHAT THE HELL?! DAMN DIRTY FAIRIES!!" Ron's voice echoed through the house.

Ron turned on the tap and water gushed out, he immediately cupped the water in his hands trying to get the lipstick off his face. He didn't notice the water turn green with gold and silver sparkles. He continued to wash his face with the water. As soon as he was done he turned off the tap, with his eyes closed he reached for the towel hanging on the rack.

He grabbed the towel and wiped his face dry. He opened his eyes to check out his reflection. "OH!!!!" He was so furious he couldn't even think of a- "FUCK!!" Ron shouted. Well then again maybe he could think of a word or two to say.

Ron raced out of the bathroom glaring at his brothers, "Look at what those stupid fairies have done, they ruined my face."

George was trying to hold in his laughter the best he could, "I'd say it's a vast improvement." George couldn't take it he doubled over and clutched his stomach, as he laughed so hard giving himself a stomachache.

Fred was laughing so hard; he noticed Ron's face sparkled brightly, not to mention it was also green.

Ron was so mad that he went up to his brothers and snapped the wet towel at Fred and George, getting them both in the rear end.

"OWWW!!" The twins said at the same time.

Ron threw the towel on the ground and raced out the door, he was going to go find Harry and Hermione.

The screen door banged loudly against the side of the house as he stepped out. He looked around. "Harry, Hermione. Where are you two?!" He shouted.

Harry and Hermione sprung apart as they heard Ron's voice so close to where they were. Hermione looked up at Harry she noticed his hair was messier than usual.

Harry glanced at Hermione, her lips were swollen and her face was flushed. Even some of her hair had been pulled from its braid. Her shoulder strap was hanging off her shoulder revealing the thin white bra strap. Harry quickly lifted the shoulder strap just as Ron rounded the corner.

Hermione immediately turned in the opposite direction as to continue situating herself without Ron seeing what she was doing.

"There you two are, I've been looking for you two for ages." Ron said with a smile.

"Ahh! Ron what happened?" Harry said trying to hold down his laughter at seeing Ron's green sparkly face."

"One word. Fairies." Ron said as he crossed his arms over his chest in irritation hearing Harry's chuckles of laughter. He looked over at Hermione whose back was turned to them. She still seemed mad. "Hermione can you please get over it? Harry didn't mean to walk in on you naked." Ron paused a minute. "And what are you wearing?" He thought it looked really silly on her, but he wasn't going to say anything

"The fairies wanted to play dress up, I was humoring them." She said with her back still towards him. "Besides, I kinda like it."

"Hermione? Please, please forgive Harry. This silly argument well it's not right. You two are supposed to be friends."

Hermione took a side-glance at Harry and saw him looking at her he gave her some kind of signal for her to play along. So she crossed her arms in front of her. "I don't know Ron, it was really embarrassing. How would you like it if someone you trusted walked in on you in your most vulnerable state?"

"Hermione please it was just an accident." Ron said as he stepped towards her he watched as she took another step away from him.

"Hey Ron, why don't you let me talk to Hermione a moment in private. I'm sure we can work past this argument." Harry said to Ron.

Ron nodded, "Sure I'll just go for a walk or something." He sure hoped his friends could get past this; it just wasn't the same with them at each others throats like that. Ron walked away from his friends.

Hermione turned to Harry, "Okay now what?"

"What?" Harry felt confused.

"What is going on with you and I?" Hermione said searching his eyes for an answer.

"Well I was hoping this would mean that you would be my girlfriend, for I am so deeply in love with you." Harry said softly.

Hermione just stared, "Well what do you say?" She heard Harry say. Hermione cleared her throat. "I hope you don't mind me saying yes to that, and that I am too in love with you." She looked down shyly, as her face increased in color.

Harry smiled then swept her up in his arms holding her tightly.

"Are we going to tell anyone?" Hermione asked looking into his eyes.

"I figure we'll wait a few days. You know how Ron can get with change. I think we should give him subtle hints that way it doesn't hit him full force. Do you know what I mean?"

Hermione nodded, "I think so." She held him tightly resting her cheek on his shoulder.

Harry sighed with content as he held her so close, his eyes closed as he breathed in the light strawberry scent of her hair.

Ron from afar saw them hugging, he figured they must have made up. It was a good thing, he couldn't take much more of Hermione's rude outbursts. He ran towards them "I'm glad to see that you two have finally resolved your problems."

Hermione pulled out of Harry's arms looking at Ron with a smile and almost broke down into hysterical laughter. "Oh great Merlin Ron, what in the world?"

"Why don't we go in and see what my mum is making for dinner." Ron said trying to change the subject. He noticed something was off as he scanned his friends; they looked differently at each other. "Oh no!" He said to himself. His worst nightmares were coming true. Ron's eyes narrowed. 'They must be in love with each other; I'll have to think of a way to keep them apart. She's mine Harry Potter. MINE. She may love you, but I will get to her first. FIRST HA. Beat that why don't you?'

A lovely dinner was made, Harry and Hermione kept giving each other quick glances across the table at one another. The Weasleys then took care of the dishes and they played a quick game of exploding snap while, Harry and Ron played a game of wizard's chess. Ron won, as usual.

Hermione yawned, "Well I'm heading up to bed, night all." She got to her feet, smiled at her two best friends and left the living room. Soon after Ron decided he was tired too. He walked up the stairs and instead of going to his room and stopped at Hermione's door. He lifted his hand to knock when something hit the back of his head hard and he fell to the floor. The giggling fairies each grabbed a piece of Ron and dragged him into his own room, and closed the door. He was not going to ruin their plans, no sir-ree.

Harry too decided to call it a night and climbed the stairs he looked over at the door of the room that Hermione was in. He didn't feel so sleepy anymore. Harry cautiously went over to the room and knocked lightly and the door. The door opened slowly and Hermione stood there in a dark blue shirt that only went down to her thighs. He couldn't help but stare at her long legs. Harry snapped out of his trance and looked into her eyes.

"Hermione, you probably think I'm a little forward and all, but-" Harry didn't have time to finish his thought as he was pulled against her.

"Just be quiet and get in here." She said

Harry's eyes went wide with shock for a moment, but then was replaced by his confident smile. He leaned in covering her mouth with his. Hermione's arms circled around him as he stepped inside the room, she had to back up some. Harry then reached for the door and pushed it closed. His arms then went around her and his hands flattened against her back.

Harry felt Hermione's mouth open underneath his, their tongues, met and tasted each other's, forming around every curve, heightening the senses. Hermione felt the wonderful sensations travel through her as she stood there. Harry held on to her tighter, which caused her lower body press and move up against his, and he let out a soft groan. Harry gently pushed her from him and looked her straight in the eye. "Hermione we have to talk about this."

Hermione nodded, "Okay." She took in a deep breath, hoping to will her heart from beating so fast.

Harry took Hermione's hand in his and led her over to the bed where the sat down on the end. "Now Hermione, I know you are still a virgin, but just how far have you been with any guy?" He hated asking this question, he really didn't want to know the answer.

"Well what do you mean?"

"There's so much two people can do together without going all the way." He said looking down at her hand, which was still in his.

"I think I know what you mean, the most I've done is basically just a lot of kissing. I almost touched a guy, you know on his-" Her face was turning bright red, she couldn't even finish what she was saying. "But I stopped. I was afraid I guess, and I just didn't go through with anything."

Harry thought she looked really cute when she blushed like that, he just smiled. "What made you afraid?"

"I'm not really sure," Hermione said looking away from him.

"Well there's really nothing to be afraid of." Harry said softly. "Here then, touch me."

Hermione's eyes grew wide and she tried to pull her hand from his, "No, no I-I couldn't."

Harry held onto her hand, "Why not?"

"I-I just can't do that, it's impossible."

He lifted his left hand and lightly cupped her cheek, and made tiny circles with his thumb "That's not true, you can do anything." Harry's lips softly touched hers. He knew it was more her mind that was telling her she couldn't do it, so he thought maybe to distract her a bit. So he pressed his lips harder against hers, and at the same time brought her hand down against his pants.

Hermione gave a soft gasp feeling her him, for some reason she couldn't bring herself to move it, is this what she was afraid of? Harry shifted a bit and she was pressed down against the softness of the bed, with him slightly on top of her. Hermione's heart was speeding up; Harry's mouth left hers to travel down her chin, to her neck. He heard her gasp and he smiled against the soft flesh in between her neck and shoulder. He ran his tongue up the side of her neck he felt her shiver slightly with delight. He lifted his head so he could look at her, he bend slightly and traced her lips with the tip of his tongue; she opened her mouth to him so he could kiss her properly. His tongue dipped into her mouth coming in contact with hers, flicking and commanding her to respond.

While he was kissing her, Harry let his fingers travel down her neck coming to the first button on her shirt. He pulled himself from her a bit. "If you don't want me to do something, tell me okay. Whatever you want me to do, I will."

Hermione reached up and removed his glasses and tossing them gently to the floor, "I just want to feel nice, and loved."

"You are loved Hermione, so very much." And with that he kissed her again.

Harry's hands went again to the buttons on her shirt, and undid them. He pushed the offending material out of his way. He lifted his mouth from hers; his lips touched her neck, traveling lower over her throat. He stopped inches above her breasts and his eyes caught the glorious site of her curved and full breasts once again. His hand covered her right breast and she gasped out loud. He looked at her watching her reaction, her eyes were blissfully closed. Harry watched her closely, she was so responsive. He teased the tip of her breast a bit watching her squirm around with delight, a small curved smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

He ran his tongue down the length of her neck, and throat. Down between the valley between her breasts. Harry lifted his head slightly and lightly circled her nipple with the tip of his tongue. She gave a deep throaty moan, and it made him want to please her more. He lifted his other hand and covered her other exposed breast teasing and causing her nipple to become erect, he moved his mouth over to the other and gave her a thorough worshiping.

Hermione was breathing hard; her nerves were all a flutter. Her mind was shut off and she was responding to everything Harry was doing, she had never felt anything remotely like this, and hoping it would never end.

Harry's hand then drifted lower over her tight belly, he lifted his head watching her again in case she wasn't too keen on the idea of him touching her so delicately and intimately. If she wanted him to stop she would tell him. His hand continued on down towards it's destination.

He lightly traced his fingers along the opening of her sex, pressing her panties so intimately against her, she gasped into his mouth. She felt his fingers now inside her panties caressing each fold of her silky softness. He inserted his finger into her warmth, and she ripped her mouth from his in her blissful cry. He inserted a second finger and she rocked her hips while his thumb teased the soft button that caused the cries of her aching need for him fill the room.

Harry shifted a bit and he gently pushed her legs apart to reveal the jewel of her body. He took in a breath as his tongue lightly flicked at her little button he heard her give of a cry of approval and he continued. His tongue also entered into the hot crevice of her body, then out again flicking against the little button of her desire.

He was bringing her higher and higher away from reality, faster and faster, in and out of her his fingers moved. She almost couldn't keep it in. Harry stopped immediately and lifted himself above her a bit. So he could look at her, and talk to her.

"Hermione if you want me to stop, now would be the time to say it. Cause in a second I won't be able to." Harry searched her eyes. He felt her hands on his waist and his shirt being pulled from inside the waistband of his jeans.

His shirt was off of him in an instant as well as the rest of his clothing, they were tossed to the floor. Harry looked at Hermione as he let her do whatever she wanted. He sat up pulling her with him. She was confused he could see it in her eyes. "Whatever you want to do, do it. Don't think about it. Just feel."


"Yes," Harry gave her a soft smile. "Just feel. No thinking allowed."

Hermione nodded, she timidly lifted her hand, which was shaking. She was very hesitant.

"Just feel Hermione, just feel." His tone was soft.

Hermione took in a breath and lifted her hand against his cheek. Harry closed his eyes.

Harry felt her other hand come and rest on his shoulder, and travel over his shoulder and down his arm. Hermione moved her hand back up to his shoulder and both her hands wandered down over his chest, she was so amazed at the smoothness and silky like feel of his skin that she gasped softly. She leaned in a pressed her lips to the column of his throat. Her right hand then traveled lower over his stomach, she was still a bit hesitant to venture lower. Hermione took in a breath; 'Don't be afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of.' She thought to herself and closed her eyes tight. Her hand covered over him and he let out a half gasp half moan. She pulled her hand away worried that she hurt him. "I'm sorry did I do something wrong."

"No." He grabbed her hand again; "No you did something very right."

"I just don't want to hurt you." She said quietly.

"You didn't." Harry then smiled a bit, "If you did something to hurt me I would tell you."

"Okay, let me do it again?" Hermione asked looking him in the eye.

"Whatever you want."

Hermione leaned in and pressed her lips against his, and her hand covered over him again. But this time she let her closed her fingers around him.

Harry's arms went around her and he pulled her against his chest as she handled him shyly and not really knowing what to do. He would make suggestions. "Move your hand up and down just a bit." He whispered softly into her ear.

She did what he suggested, hoping he either liked it or that she wasn't hurting him. "Like that?"

"Yes, just like that." He breathed out.

Hermione was amazed at the feel of him in her hand; she wondered what was so scary about this. She came to the conclusion that maybe it was the fact that the last person she attempted this with wasn't the one she was in love with. Maybe in the back of her mind, she knew it would have been a mistake. But this is different. It's not scary, it's not strange. In fact she rather liked doing this, and all it took was the right person.

"Hermione, you have to stop that now."

"Why? I like this." She smiled a bit.

Harry smiled back as much as he could; he was over come with his emotions and desire that it was almost impossible. "I'm glad you like doing this, but if you don't stop it will be over. And I don't want this to be over just yet, do you?"

Hermione stopped and shook her head. "No."

Harry quickly pressed his mouth against hers, and they fell back down against the mattress, he was completely on top of her. He kissed her slowly, as his hand again traveled down between her thighs. He rubbed her sensitive button with his fingers and she cried out into his mouth, the warmth was spreading over his fingers. Harry shifted again so that he thighs opened more; he moved his hand away and positioned himself at her entrance.

He lifted himself off of her a bit and put one hand on each side of her, holding himself up on shaky arms. Everything was sensitive and all his nerves were raw, he so wanted to take her, but he had to show just a little restraint. He had been with two virgins before, he knew the pain they felt. He wanted to make absolutely sure this is what she wanted because once he continued; she would no longer have this innocence. "Hermione, if you want to-" He was cut off when she hooked her arm around his neck and pulled herself up kissing him hard on the mouth.

She then pulled back from her kiss and looked him in the eye, "Make me yours Harry, please?"

He didn't have to be asked twice. Harry kissed her, his mouth nudging hers open and he pressed her back down onto the bed again. While still kissing her, he eased a path inside of her. Hermione gasped at this new feeling. Harry felt the barrier to her inner sanctuary and stopped, letting her get used to the feel of him there. She was so tight and warm, the satiny walls of her body closed around him. He had to fight every ounce of his instinct not to go any further until she was comfortable. "This is going to hurt some."

Hermione nodded her head, and she felt him push through. She cried out, her eyes squinted shut; tears were forming at the corners of her eyes. He waited again and watched Hermione open her eyes, which were filled with tears. He leaned down and kissed her softly then pulled back again. "I'm sorry Hermione."

"I-It's alright." She said with a tiny smile upon her lips. Hermione traced his cheek with two fingers, she saw him give her a reassuring smile and then he leaned down to capture her mouth with his once again. Harry started moving himself in and out of her slowly. And the pain that was once there faded more and more, until all that was left was the feeling of completeness.

Hermione found herself kissing him harder as she squeezed him tighter with her thighs as moving herself along with him on pure instinct. She felt him pick up his pace and she welcomed it. Harry's hands were on her legs and he wrapped them around his waist, and moved in deeper. They both let out gasps of approval, as he sunk more and more into her body.

He thrust harder and harder into her softness, as it formed around him. This was the most delicious feeling, much more then with anyone else. Maybe love did make a difference. Hermione rotated her hips, meeting his powerful thrusts as he pushed her sense higher and higher away. Her limbs clung to him so tightly, her arms around him and holding on, her legs squeezing around him and she even pulled him into her. Her mouth found his neck, wandering up to his mouth. Where she kissed him.

Hermione felt her chest tighten, her heart beating fast. The movement of him, bringing her closer and closer, faster and faster. Harry buried his face in between her neck and shoulder as he plunged into her with such a force he felt her body close tightly around him and Hermione arched her back, screaming out into the dark night. Everything around her felt small, as she was high above it all. She vaguely heard Harry who also reached his edge and then joined her voice creating a beautiful melody about the room.

Harry was breathing hard as was Hermione, trying to settle down from their recent visit to the heavens. His arms held her tight as his head was resting against her chest. He listened to the sounds of her heart as it was still beating. It belonged to him, he smiled. Hermione, his best friend and now lover. Was his.

He heard her breathing slow; he lifted his head a bit looking at her. She was asleep. Harry gazed at her; he gently lifted his fingers and traced her full lips with his index finger. They were still swollen from his kisses and the amount of sensations she had felt all through her body. He then rested his head back down against her chest. Harry reached for the blanket and pulled it over the both of them. Soon after, he too was asleep.


Okay that's it for chapter 6 I hope I made up for what I did to you guys cutting you off in the kiss last week. Do you forgive me? Stay tuned for Chapter 7