Unofficial Portkey Archive

One Hot Summer by Ryoko Blue

One Hot Summer

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: All original Harry Potter characters belong to J.K. Rowlings, not me. *sigh* Oh well.

One Hot Summer

Chapter 9-It's a Celebration

Mrs. Weasley came out of her room and walked into the living room, where Mr. Weasley, Fred and George, Harry and Ron were waiting. Mrs. Weasley looked so proud and happy.

Mr. Weasley looked up at his wife, "are we ready to go yet?"

"In a minute, Hermione is still getting into her gown. The way it looked on the hanger was really pretty.

"Why do girls have to take so long in getting ready for functions like these?" Ron said.

"Oh just be patient Ron, we aren't in that much of a rush." Mr. Weasley said with a smile.

Harry glanced about the boys; he could have sworn that Ron just glared at him. But it was so quick that he just dismissed it. He noticed that Ron seemed a little tense, for the red head's fists were clinched at his sides. Perhaps he was just nervous about the party. Oh well Harry shrugged.

Ron held his eyes straight, glaring at the door. Right now he really hated Harry, how dare he take something that he wanted. He always did that. Hermione was to be his, not Harry's. He wanted to hurt him, really bad. But he kept himself calm. He was about to turn to Harry and throw him another glare but Hermione came through the arch way. She was in a strapless gown made of dark blue velvet, it hugged her form perfectly flowing down to her matching shoes. She was wearing a diamond chocker around her neck and her hair was pulled back in a neat bun with a diamond ring fitting around her dark hair. Ron's eyes widened as he felt himself reacting to her, he started fidgeting about, and wiggling around trying to get comfortable.

Fred and George noticed their brother's reaction to Hermione and they immediately both had a plan, they started whispering among themselves.

Ron tilted his head to the side, 'I wonder how easy it would be to get her out of that gown, bet I could do it really fast.' He shifted again. Ron heard a loud and amazed "WOW" from next to him.

Everyone turned and looked at Harry, he even heard some sniggering as he felt the redness of embarrassment rush to his cheeks. 'I think they heard me.' He thought to himself. He shook his head, trying to ignore the laughing Weasleys. He looked at Hermione seeing her face flushing as well; she was looking towards the ground.

"Do I really look that good?" She asked.

"Yes." Mostly everyone replied.

Hermione couldn't help the smile that graced her face; she lifted her head and found Harry just staring at her like he was in some kind of trance. She was smiling brighter now.

Harry inwardly groaned, 'God she looks beautiful!' It took all his willpower not to grab her right then and kiss her senseless. His fists clinched at his sides with the feelings of utter frustration traveled through him. He wanted her so much right now, that maybe they should just skip the party all together. Oh but that gown on her was breathtaking, she looked like royalty. She looked much too good to be with him. 'But she is with you, she loves you. That's right, she's actually mine. Mine to hold, mine to kiss. Her heart is mine, she loves me. I am hers. Hers to hold, hers to kiss. I love her. I love her smile, I love her fluffy hair, I love her thoughts. I love it when she can ease my pain, I love the way she bites her lip when she's concentrating. I LOVE HERMIONE!!' Harry smiled without realizing how big his smile had gotten.

Mr. Weasley cleared his voice, which still didn't break Harry's concentration on Hermione. He smiled knowingly; he too often stares at his wife like that. The clock on the mantel dinged a few times and he was shaken from his thoughts. It was time to go. "Well then, if we are ready we should head on over." Mr. Weasley replied cheerfully.

Ron was going to act, he was going to walk proudly with Hermione to the party. He stepped towards Hermione but Harry beat him to it by gently taking her hand, Hermione gave Harry a soft smile.

"Would you allow me to escort you to the celebration my lady?" Harry offered sweetly.

"Oh I would be honored good sir." She replied with a smile keeping with his playful tone. The two of them headed towards the fireplace.

Ron felt himself twitching, as he stared at the back of their heads. 'No I must keep control, I'll get mine. I will that's a promise.' He too walked towards the fireplace where Ron shouted Percy Weasley's House and he disappeared into the flames.

The Weasley's followed by Harry and Hermione stepped out of the fireplace and into a grand ballroom where couples were dancing all over the place. Percy came forth from the crowd of people who were gathered around a very pregnant Penelope. She was smiling brightly and having a really good time while holding a glass of cranberry juice. Mrs. Weasley went right over to her and embraced her daughter-in-law. They started talking.

Percy stepped up to his father and gave him a stiff hug and then pulled back looking at his brothers, his eyes narrowed in Fred and George's direction "Please no pranks tonight, this night is really important to me." His voice was trimmed with authority.

"We'll see." Fred replied with a smirk

George gave off an identical smirk.

Percy looked at his other brother Ron, who was very tense. "Is everything alright Ronald? You seem distressed."

"Oh no Percy, everything is just fine." Ron answered through gritted teeth 'it's not everyday you find out your too best friends are fucking behind your back.' Ron forced a smile. He spotted a table full of food, that's just what he needed. "I think I'll help myself to the buffet table." Ron passed through the crowd and disappeared. He was gone.

Percy was going around talking to his guests as he gave a polite nod to both Harry and Hermione who still had their hands clasped together. He gave a smile then turned his attention directly to Hermione. "I heard you turned down Head Girl, I was wondering if it was just a rumor."

"Oh it's no rumor, I did turn it down." Hermione smiled, she felt Harry's thumb rubbing against her hand affectionately. She felt her heart flutter with his simple touch.

"Why did you do such a thing? It's a great honor to be head of class. You get your own room away from other noisy students." Percy wondered, he was glad he didn't turn it down. Often he wondered why anyone would turn down Head of Class, especially if they wanted to go far in life.

"It's also a lot of work; I don't want to always be working. Especially my last year. I worked totally hard non stop I want to enjoy my last year. I let life pass me by because I was studying all the time." Hermione said politely.

"Well it's your decision, but you do know it looks good on records in looking for a career." Percy offered with some kind of smile, if he were able to smile.

Hermione often wondered if his face would crack if he smiled. She saw him turn and go join his wife with the other guests.

Harry sighed caused Hermione to turn and look at him, he sighed again. "You know maybe you should have been head girl, you get your own room." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Harry, that would be misuse of the privilege."

"Yeah I know but I want to be able to express my love for you, and well we just can't do that with other people around." Harry said wanting to take her in his arms right now and just prove how much he loved her, but they were surrounded by people.

Hermione smiled, "Oh we'll figure something out."

Harry grabbed Hermione's hand firmly and started pulling her towards the floor where there were people dancing and twirling their dates around. "Come and share a dance with me." He offered with a bright smile.

"I thought you couldn't dance." Hermione's eyes narrowed with amusement and suspicion.

"I have improved since fourth year Hermione," Harry started twirling her around just to prove it.

Hermione was twirled gracefully, she was spun around and then brought close against Harry's chest without a problem. "Well aren't you full of surprises." She smiled.

Harry nodded, "you had better believe it." He loved the feel of the velvet under his hand, it was so soft. They danced in a series of fast paced waltzes and finally a romantic soft and slow melody began to play. Harry let out a sigh of regret, he wanted to hold her closer but they still hadn't told anyone about their relationship. But perhaps tonight they should. Harry thought. He hated keeping these secrets from his friends and what he considered his family. It was agreed he would talk it over with Hermione tonight, and then they would both tell Ron and the others. He held her a little bit closer.

He could smell her heavenly strawberry scent as it tickled his nose, Harry's eyes closed as he just stood there holding her, and letting the warmth of her surround him. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" Harry whispered into her ear.

Hermione jumped was startled a bit as she didn't know exactly when she was pulled closer to him. Perhaps it was just natural to be this close.

Harry quietly chuckled "did I scare you?"

Hermione looked up at him, "I just didn't notice we had gotten this close."

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. I like being close to you." Harry bent slightly wanting to kiss her so badly, it was such a strain to not be able too.

Hermione's heart pounded, she wanted to feel his lips on hers and she didn't care any more of people would see. She wanted to shout to the world she loved Harry with all her heart and soul. Their mouths drew closer as if pulled by a powerful magnet when Harry felt someone tap him on the shoulder. Broken out of his tender moment with Hermione he was slightly irritated. Harry turned to find Ron standing there. "Yes Ron what is it?" He asked his voice trimmed with annoyance.

"I was just wondering if I could cut in a moment. After all Hermione is my friend too." Ron replied with just the same tone that Harry used.

Harry looked at Hermione who sighed and nodded solemnly. Harry reluctantly let her go so that Ron could have his dance. "I'll just be over at the refreshment table, I'm a bit thirsty anyway." Harry took a deep breath as he quickly made his way over to the refreshment table. He grabbed a glass of punch and downed it quickly; he grabbed another and sipped at it slowly this time. He turned and leaned against the table. It turned out he had a view of Hermione and Ron.

Ron smiled, "so are you having fun this evening?" He asked politely.

"Yes I am, how about you?" She looked up, staring at him oddly; his skin color was changing colors, like a rainbow. "Uh Ron, there is something wrong with you."

"What?" Ron looked at her confused.

Hermione started sniggering, "oh never mind." She turned her head slightly and saw Ron's brothers Fred and George laughing and putting some kind of liquid also into Percy's drink for he was not paying attention. Hermione knew that the twins must have put something into Ron's drink as well. "Ron you know that we will always be friends right, I mean no matter what happens." She said very seriously.

"I know that Herm, I know that. Friends forever right?"

"Right." She smiled.

Ron pulled her closer and hugged her tightly, he and Hermione danced in small circles as she held onto her friend. Ron turned and he could see Harry, he smirked slightly as his hands slowly wandered lower, almost enough to where Hermione couldn't feel a thing. Ron caught Harry's eye, he was looking at him oddly. Ron's hands wandered lower where they were pressed against her rear end as he looked right at Harry. Harry was squeezing the glass so hard that it looked like it was going to break.

Hermione's eyes widened in shock as she felt his hands on her bottom, but were then quickly removed and back up around her waste. She shook her head, thinking that was probably an accident, those things happen all the time, right? She suddenly didn't feel too comfortable around Ron.

Fred and George were in the kitchen as they grabbed a squeeze bottle of mayonnaise.

"Did you see that? Ron got his cheap feel." Fred said in disappointment. "He wasn't supposed to get anything on his plan right."

"I agree brother; we have to make him suffer now." George said squeezing a little water in it to make it look milky white. "This should do it." He placed a lid on the container. A blonde in a short, tight dress walked into the kitchen.

"Um they are out of drinks, do you know where we can get more?" She asked with a flip of her hair.

Fred stepped up to the blonde, "Oh we can help you, if you help us." He smirked.

The blonde smiled, "what would you like me to do?" She asked seductively.

George told the girl the plan, she started giggling. "Do you have one?" He asked pulling back from her, the blonde nodded. "Okay give it to me." George watched her digging into her red purse and pulled out a small package handing it to him.

Fred and George both smirked.

As George continued with the plan, Fred spoke to the blonde

"Now you have to appear totally serious." Fred said.

"Oh I'm a good actress, you can count on me." She said with a smile. George handed her the container and she winked at the twins and went about to take care of business.

While still dancing with Ron, Hermione saw a blonde girl in tight, short red dress coming their way; she was holding a container in her hand. The blonde looked angry and sad at the same time.

"So this is what you have left me for?" The blonde said, her eyes brimming with fire.

"What? Who are you?" Ron said completely confused, he stopped dancing and stepped back from Hermione.

"Oh now you don't know who I am, is that the game you've been playing. You gave me the best experience of my life and this is how you treat me after. I should have known." The blonde said.

"Look I have no idea who you are, honestly I don't." Ron said as he looked down at Hermione who appeared just as confused as he was. "You believe me don't you Hermione, I don't know who this girl is." He noticed he was getting quite the audience, people were staring at them. He was very nervous.

"Well fine, if that's how you want it to be." The blonde opened the container, "Here sweetie you left this over at my flat." She shoved the container into his outstretched hand and turned fleeing the scene.

Ron saw what looked like a muggle condom but it look used and there was some milky looking substance around it and on it. He felt ill.

Hermione looked at Ron in bitter anger, "Oh Ron that is so disgusting, how could you treat that girl so callously? You sleep with her and then treat her like that?!"

"Hermione I have never seen that girl a day in my life, I most certainly didn't sleep with her."

"Oh really, the proof is staring me in the face how dare you deny it." Hermione turned and walked from him.

"But I didn't…" Ron felt two hands pat his shoulders; he turned to find his brother's Fred and George laughing. He turned around to face them. "Why are you this to me, first the fairies now these pranks and what was this? That wasn't funny. That was stupid." Ron was glaring he was so mad he looked like he would explode. "Why are you tormenting me?"

"Two words smart ass. 'Ron's Plan'." Fred answered with a grin.

Ron's eyes widened, 'They know.'

"That's right dear brother, we know. We know of your so called plan. Now that is stupid." George said. "It's fun to play with you Ron, you are just so easy." Both Fred and George walked away from Ron.

The crowd started gathering around Percy for some reason he was dancing the Can-Can and singing at the top of his lungs. There were three fairies flying around him sprinkling him with a pink colored dust causing him to take form of the now dead singer Elvis Presley along with the full hip movements. He was in the middle of a medley of 'The King's' greatest hits.

Ron spotted the fairies as he glared at them, 'well at least they aren't picking on me this time.' His thoughts were interrupted as the fairies came towards him; he took off running from them. The fairies cornered him and started giggling maniacally. They threw some orange dust on him which caused him to hear 'Stayin' Alive' by the BeeGees(A/N: Hope I spelled their name right) and start dancing like John Travolta from Saturday Night Fever. The fairies giggled and darted away.

The twins by now were practically rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter, the saw their mother glaring at them. The twins looked at each other 'uh-oh' they thought at the same time and took off in a run as Mrs. Weasley came after them.

Harry was walking through the house when he found Hermione coming towards him. He went right up to her and took her hand. "We have to talk." He said very seriously.

"What's wrong?" Hermione was concerned.

Harry glanced around the hall; he brought her to a door and opened it. They stepped inside the room, and the lights automatically lit up. They were in a bathroom.

"What are we doing in here?" Hermione asked.

"Why did you let Ron grab your… ass?" He asked with his arms folded across his chest. He hated this feeling of jealousy he had.

"It was just an accident." She answered.

His angry jealous feelings subsided; she was confused as well he could see it in her eyes. "I'm not so sure about that." Harry leaned against the counter.

"Well I don't think he meant to grab my butt." She glanced around, "but then again I'm not really sure either."

"I'm gonna go talk to him." Harry said as he straightened and headed towards the door. Hermione quickly grabbed his arm.

"Harry no, don't. It was probably an accident and I'm sure he's embarrassed enough as it is. You don't want to go and make it worse for him do you?" Hermione had a pleading look in her eyes.

"But I don't think-" He was cut off in mid sentence seeing her looking concerned that they were making assumptions, when they didn't have all the facts.

"Alright, I won't go talk to him." He shook his head with a smile, "You know you can make me do just about anything."

"It's just I don't want to assume anything when it comes to Ron, he's been acting very odd lately. In fact he's probably looking for us." Hermione reached for the doorknob but Harry quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Oh Hermione we don't have to rush off to meet Ron so quickly, we finally have a moment alone without busybodies crowding over us."

She looked up at him, "Whatever you are thinking about you can just forget it." Hermione was firm "This is a bathroom for heaven sakes, it's someone else's house at that." She reminded.

He moved so that she was standing with her back to the door "I don't care if it was a prison cell in Azkaban." Harry smiled, "As long as we are together why should it matter where we spend our time?" He wrapped his arms around her drawing her closer. Harry leaned his forehead against hers.

"It doesn't matter." She answered quietly. Hermione closed her eyes simply enjoying the closeness. She felt the soft touch of his lips, hers parted.

He was kissing her full and deep pulling her away from the door and up against him; Harry heard her moan and her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him even more against her. He groaned feeling him pressed against the soft of her body, one hand slid down her back and her arms tightened feeling his hand cradle her bottom. She let out another moan as intoxicating as the last one making Harry kiss her harder, his tongue stroking hard against hers hungrily, wanting to taste her mouth, her lips. Drowning in the essence of the passion.

Harry wanted to feel more then just her gown under his hands; he slowly lifted his hand against the back of her dress and found the zipper. He started pulling it down so that her back was exposed to the air and his heated touch. Harry's hand was on her back and to his great surprise she wasn't wearing a brassier not even a strapless one. He groaned louder pushing her up against the counter. He pulled his mouth from hers, glancing about her face. Her eyes were still closed and they fluttered open.

Hermione looked up at him confused, "why did you stop?"

"I don't know if you wanted more or not." He tried to control the fast beating of his heart.

Her hands flattened against his chest, "I want more, I want all of you." She kissed his jaw. Her lips gliding down her neck where she undid the first few buttons of his shirt, she felt his hands on her bare back, and slide down. There was that material, as much as he liked the velvet he would much rather feel her. His arms went around her waist where he lifted her and sat her on the counter. Hermione helped him rid her of the gown as it was tough to get into, it was tough to get out off. Harry started tugging on it really hard, which caused Hermione to laugh for the darn thing wasn't budging.

Finally the material gave way and was thrown to the floor. She stood up off the counter, where all that she was wearing was her black panties, which were a bit sheer and were made of a soft material. Hermione grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him against her. Her fingers quickly went to the belt of his slacks where she started to undo the clasp.

"Eager are we?" Harry teased.

"Well unless you don't want-" She was cut off by his mouth taking hers, he pulled back.

"Oh I want to alright." Keeping his heated intense on her, Harry lifted her and lowered her to the floor which wasn't as cold as it looked. He settled himself over her, Harry felt her tugging at the waistband of his slacks. "What?" He looked down at her innocently.

"What do you think, I want them off." She smirked.

He smirked, "As you wish." He leaned down and kissed her full on the mouth, the tip of his tongue lightly stroking against her lips wanting in. She opened and his tongue thrust inside her mouth coming together with hers. Her heart fluttered as he teased her mouth slowly, gently giving her just enough then pulling back. She groaned in frustration when he lifted himself up over her. He searched her eyes, and gave her a smile.

Harry kissed her again, slowly and lovingly his fingers caressed the upper curves of her breasts and then lower, his fingers lightly trailed over the hardening tips. Her breathing increased, her heart raced. She loved the feel of his hands on her. Hermione gasped loudly into his mouth where he drank in the beautiful sound. His hands moved, his palms slightly possessive covered over the soft mounds as he was rewarded with another soft moan of delight and want. Harry remembered that they were in a bathroom, he sure hoped no one had to use it.

"Hermione, as much as I would love to take my time and worship you, as you truly deserve we are in a bathroom."

"You had better not stop, or else I would be very upset." She smiled.

"But what about-" He was cut off as she brought his mouth down to hers and kissed him.

Hermione pushed against him, "then we'll just have to hurry."

Harry didn't like hurrying, "That's just not right, we should really wait."

She sighed with disappointment, "Alright, you seem to know what's best." Hermione smiled and tried to get up but he pushed her back down on the floor, she was confused. "What are you doing?"

"This." His hand was between her thighs, and his finger stroked against her opening and he heard Hermione's loud cry.

"What-what are you doing?" She was breathless, "I thought you said."

"I did say that, but I've been dying to touch you all night." His breathing was hard while he continued to stroke and caress her. Harry's lips touched the side of her neck, and his finger pressed inside her, she gave out a soft squeak. His lips wandered down the length of her body.

She lifted herself up a little as Harry slipped off her panties, "Harry, I-don't think-this is-" Hermione saw him lift his head looking up at her.

"Shhh." He said with a smile.

Hermione didn't really have any control over her body as she felt his fingers thrusting in and out of her, in quick, almost graceful motions. Hermione pressed herself down against the floor as she felt his fingers move from her body, only to be replaced by a gentle flick of his tongue. "Oh God." She breathed out. "Harry, please I want you, not this."

Harry pulled back, he lost it. Her begging him like that would get her just about whatever she wanted. And she wanted him. He quickly removed his clothing and he positioned himself against her entrance. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, please." She answered.

He pushed himself inside her.

Harry's eyes closed, he was already deep within her. Thrusting and pressing more and more into her soft snug body. He moaned loudly feeling her meeting his rhythm eagerly, desperately. She lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around him, and Harry moaned again at the sensations, the hot feelings running though him. Harder he thrust into her, making her shift and shake with pleasure in passion he filled her completely. He bent and kissed her hard, so hard he was worried if he would bruise her lips, but she didn't seem to care because she was kissing him back just as hard, just as strong. Her fingers clutched his shoulders, and she pulled him against her.

Harry felt her breasts tight against his chest making him gasp loudly. She seemed to be controlling his movements, his emotions for once. The hungered need to feel her, to touch her. To fill her. He heard her voice loudly as it echoed in the bathroom, much too loud for being in someone else's house, someone would surely hear. His mouth covered hers completely as her cries were muffled. He continued his almost violent thrusting into her.

At the almost exact same time, the two of them gave off loud cries of release into each other's mouth, which was a good thing that it was muffled for the sound definitely would have brought attention to the bathroom. Harry had finally collapsed against her, both breathing hard. She smiled through her euphoria; the heavens had welcomed her for just a moment. She saw Harry looking at her. Searching her eyes, her soul, her heart.

He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her slowly. His body still tingling it was a glorious feeling, being with her. He had never felt more complete. Even if it was fast and quick or slow and sensuous. No matter what he would always cherish the feel of her. He pulled his mouth from hers and lifted a hand caressing her cheek, her nose. Tracing her lips with his finger.

"Harry." She said breaking the glorious silence. "We have to get out of here now."

"I know." Harry sighed. He rolled off of her and grabbed for his clothing. Hermione grabbed for hers too and they dressed.

Harry opened the door carefully, he looked out. Luckily no one was standing there. "Coast is clear." Harry said back to Hermione and he took her hand and they made their way from the bathroom and headed down the hall.

Ron came from around the corner, he crossed his arms over his chest. So it was them in there. He was so mad, so angry. He followed them down back to the party.

Hermione went off by herself go to and talk to Mrs. Weasley which just left Harry alone, he sat down in a chair and ran his hands through his hair. Ron came up do him.

"Hello Harry." Ron said through clinched teeth.

"Hey Ron." Harry said, he looked up at him. His eyes narrowed in suspicion he had to know what Ron was doing when he grabbed Hermione. He swore he saw Ron look right at him and do that. "Ron I couldn't help but notice when you were dancing with Hermione that you, oh I don't know. Grabbed her ass!!" He stood enraged. "Now Hermione thinks it was just an accident, but what I saw you do. It was no accident."

Ron's fists clinched, "That's right it wasn't an accident, I did grab her ass." He smirked.

Harry wanted to hurt him, but he restrained himself. "Why did you do that?"

"Because I wanted too."

"You crossed over the line with her Ron, she's is not a toy. She is a human being with feelings." Harry pointed out.

"As if you haven't been taking advantage of her yourself, you think you can preach to me?" Ron glared.

"I'm not taking advantage of her." Harry glared back.

"Right, you're just fucking her." Ron was rude.

Harry's fists clinched at his sides.

"I know Harry, you and Hermione have been at it like rabbits. I am not blind. Sure I wanted her ass too, but you beat me to it."

"Ron this isn't contest, it's not a game."

"Oh yeah, what's the difference if I go after her or you." Ron looked down at Harry, fire was blazing in his eyes.

"Cause I love her!" Harry shouted. A few guests stopped talking and stood watching the scene.

"You love her? That's-" Ron was boiling over. "You always get everything I want, but not this time. You couldn't possibly love her. I want her, she will be mine I can promise you that Harry Potter, I will prove to you that you won't have everything."

"Ron, stay away from her."

"Oh is Harry jealous that he's not man enough to compete with me?" Ron spoke to him as if he were a child.

"It was never a competition Ron, never. This isn't about us. It's about her. Hermione made her own choice I didn't make her choose." Harry said, as he calmed down a bit. Ron was still his friend.

"Well it looks like I'll have to do something about that, she will see you beating me up and then she'll call you an asshole and leave you." Ron said.

"Huh?" Harry was confused. Ron's fist shot forward but Harry who had great reflexes moved out of the way. "Ron what are you doing?" Ron struck again, but Harry dodged it. He didn't want to fight Ron, that was stupid.

"Come on fight like a man." Ron shouted, he threw a few punches Harry dodging every single one. "What's the matter with you, you wimp?"

"Me? What's the matter with you?" Harry shook his head.

Ron was tired of trying to hit Harry, nothing was working. He decided to charge him, Through frustration Ron let out a mighty roar and charged after Harry. He ran at full speed, but Harry moved out of the way and Ron smashed his head against the wall and fell back unconscious.

Hermione came running up and passed through the crowd. "Oh my god, what happened?"

"Ron here well knocked himself out." Harry said as he looked down at his unconscious friend. He then turned to Hermione, "Hermione, he knows. About you and I."

Hermione gasped. "Oh my."

"He tried to kick my ass." Harry said.

Mr. Weasley passed through the crowd, "Well Ron." He said looking down at his unconscious son. "He always overreacts. I would wake him, but it's probably better if he's out." He looked at Harry. "Don't let Ron get to you, he'll get over it." Mr. Weasley winked

Fred and George who was part of the crowd turned to each other.

"Fred, this prank has gone of far enough. It's time to end it." George said seriously.

Fred sighed, "I suppose you're right, but hey it was fun while it lasted right?" Fred smirked.

"Yeah it was great." George sniggered.

The twins started laughing, as they remembered the whole thing.

"But one last big -POW to end it." Fred said with an all knowing smirk.

"Oh please enlighten me dear brother?" George asked.

Fred and George went off talking amongst themselves.

The Weasleys, Harry and Hermione stepped out of the fireplace into the living room. Mr. Weasley brought Ron up to his room and tucked him into bed, he would have quite a headache in the morning.

Hermione shook her head as she walked up the stairs with Harry next to her, "I can't believe he would try to have you beat him up, that sounds so absurd." Hermione said.

"I don't know what he was thinking, he's really lost it." Harry answered.

"Well he probably just needs a good night's rest, everything will look better in the morning, it always does." She smiled and headed towards the door to Ginny's room. She saw something lying on the floor next to her door. It was a piece of parchment. "Hey what's this?" Hermione picked it up.

"I don't know." Harry said looking at the folded piece of parchment.

Hermione unfolded it the parchment and gasped.


Well that's it for chapter 9 stay tuned for Chapter 10-Discoveries. Read and review, thanks Ryoko.