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Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory


A/N: Sorry for the major delay, but it's hard to write while you're grounded! Thanks for the reviews, keep 'em comin'! Happy Easter!



Chapter 29

Harry and Hermione walked into the Great Hall for breakfast hand in hand the next morning, and made their way immediately to the far end of the Gryffindor table where the rest of the Victor's were chatting away excitedly.

"Morning," Harry said with a yawn, taking a seat next to Ron while Hermione sat on his right, leaning her head on his shoulder as she ate her toast absent-mindedly.

"Morning," Came the reply of most of the others. Harry noticed that Neville and Dean were exchanging nervous looks with one another, and wondered what it was all about until he saw Dean constantly glancing at Ginny uncomfortably.

"Erm, Furball, could I talk to you alone for a moment please?" Dean said, and the whole table tensed. Ginny - oblivious to the fact that Dean was getting ready to break up with her - followed him happily out into the hall.

When they were gone, Harry raised an eyebrow to Ron. "Furball?"

Ron shrugged. "You know, cat animagus, cat lover, acts like a cat all the time, Furball just seemed to fit right."

Harry nodded his head in acknowledgement, realizing that the name fit her perfectly. He then pointed with his fork at Parvati and Lavender. "So what name do we have for the gossip twins?"

Lavender smiled happily. "Well because I'm a Unicorn animagus, I got stuck with the name Yuni, you know, just short for Unicorn, and I thought it sounded pretty."

Harry smiled and turned to Parvati. "So what's your name?"

Parvati turned and scowled at Seamus, who smirked back at her. "Hey, when you named me Rumpy, I told you I'd get you back!" He turned to Harry while Parvati looked away pouting, arms folded across her chest. "Well I figured that since Lavender and Parvati are inseparable, if one uses the first part of the word 'Unicorn', than the other should use the second part."

He puffed his chest out proudly. "The name fits her personality also, in my opinion. Don't you think so…Corny?"

Parvati flushed red while the others giggled at the absurd name. Hermione nodded her head towards Parvati between giggles. "Yes, I think it suits you very well, Corny!"


Harry was surprised when he arrived at the meeting that night to find not Mad-Eye or Kingsley, but only McGonogall and Tonks. "Wotcher Harry," Tonks said with a wink as they walked up to them.

Hermione was the first to speak the question on all their minds. "Where are Kingsley and Shacklebolt tonight?"

"Oh, Moody had to sign some false documents to make it look like he was returning to being a full-time auror. Kingsley went with him and they were going to do some research for a week or two before coming back and teaching you all. So until then, we'll be focusing solely on your animagus transformations." McGonogall replied, holding up a hand to stop Hermione's impending question.

"Yes, Miss Granger, I know that you and Mr. Potter have become very advanced in your animagus transformations, but you still have not perfected them. Not to mention, I believe Mr. Potter," She turned her head to look at Harry. "Had the idea of performing an intentional partial animagus transformation. A very interesting idea indeed. You and Miss Granger will be working with me tonight whilst the rest of you continue your training with Nymphadora."

Tonks stared daggers at McGonogall's back as she walked off with Harry and Hermione while the rest of the victors came up to her.

"Okay, you first Miss Granger. I want you to assume your phoenix form, then fly a circle around the area," She motioned a circle with her finger around the enclosed meeting area. "And I want to hear you attempt to sing the phoenix song."

Hermione's eyes widened at the mention of the song. "Is that…possible professor?" She asked in an awestruck voice. "I mean, can I really sing in animagus form?"

McGonogall gave her a tight smile. "I would have thought that your little run-in with Mr. Potter's animagus form last week gave you the answer to that?"

Hermione blushed and nodded, then focused on her phoenix form. Harry smiled at her as her face grew out into a beak and her brown locks turned red and then transformed into feathers. Her body shriveled up as her torso shrunk, her arms scrunching inwards as they became wings.

After only a few short seconds, Hermione had completely transformed. She flapped her wings a few times and flew upwards and around the encircled area. Lavender and Parvati pointed and squealed in delight, waving excitedly at Hermione while Dean and Seamus looked on in awe. Ginny, Neville, Ron, and Luna exchanged knowing smirks, having all seen her transform before.

Hermione finished her circle and landed on Harry's shoulder, then opened her beak to sing. A pleasant melody erupted from the small firebird, but it was no where near as soothing as a normal phoenix cry.

Harry got a sudden inspiration and leant down gently, plucking a sharp rock off the ground. He showed the rock to phoenix-Hermione, who looked at him with what Harry assumed to be a confused expression, and then brought it to his skin and sliced a small cut on the top of his forearm.

He winced at the pain, but then turned to Hermione and smiled, offering the arm to her. The phoenix, in obvious understanding, leant over and began to cry on the wound. There was a pleasurable tingling sensation, and slowly, after perhaps twenty tears, the wound was completely healed.

Harry smiled at Hermione as she flew off of his shoulder and landed gracefully in front of him, then transformed back to a very tired Hermione. "That was pretty good Scarlet," Harry said with a grin.

Hermione gave him a small smile as she leaned into him for support, which he gladly gave. McGonogall smiled at them amusedly before offering her input. "Yes Miss Granger, that was most impressive. Your flying was flawless, beautifully done." Hermione beamed, although it hurt her to smile as she was so tired. "However, your song still needs much improvement, as do your healing tears. But most of all, you need to raise your endurance. I would suggest a lap around the quidditch pitch every morning, as well as a few laps in the pool before bed and you should get your endurance up fairly quickly."

McGonogall pursed her lips thoughtfully. "As of now, I would say that you could hold your phoenix form for perhaps two hours. Very good yes, but the greatest of animagus can hold their forms for days at a time, and I expect the two of you to become some of the best wizards there ever have been, so I will be very strict in my criticism."

She turned to Harry, and Hermione took the opportunity to beam at the praise. "Mr. Potter, if you will."

Harry looked at her oddly for a moment. "Er, professor, I transform into a basilisk, so don't you need to protect yourself?"

The Gryffindor Head of House made an impatient movement with her hands. "No, Dumbledore has warded the area so that your stare will not be lethal, or even harmful, to anyone. Now, transform! And don't revert back until told!"

Harry nodded his head and he immediately shot upwards into the air, feeling a sickening sensation as his teeth grew immensely as his jaw bone disappeared. Suddenly his arms and legs were gone, and only a long, slimy tail remained.

Harry threw his head back and let out a mighty roar in Parseltongue. "Snitch! Where are you buddy? I'm stuck as a snake for a while, and I'd like to have someone to talk to!"

Almost instantly, Snitch appeared in front of him, eliciting a gasp of surprise from McGonogall, and a grin from Hermione. Or at least he though that it was a grin, the basilisk's eyesight wasn't the greatest.

"Harry, how are you? I was just admiring the view of the lake, as I do every fortnight. We have not spoken in many days, is there anything that I may be able to assist you with?"

"Hmm," Harry replied, thinking. "Well you could tell me what this 'connection' between us that you're always talking about is. It's really starting to annoy me that you know what it is and I don't"

The gold-plated dragon chuckled. "No Harry, that is information that you cannot know. Our connection will be discovered to you only when the time is correct. Then you will know the true extent of our powers."

Harry tried to frown, but found that it was impossible to do so without a jawbone. "Our powers? What do you mean, 'our' powers. Do I have more that I don't know about yet?"

"Alas, I fear I have spoken to much," Snitch replied. "I must make my leave now before I allow you to much information. You are not strong enough to know the extent of your power, Harry Potter. If you tried to use this power, you would die."

With that, Snitch disappeared and Harry felt anger rising inside of him. Why was he kept in the dark about everything? What were these powers? How could they possibly kill him? Was there magic out there that was too powerful for a wizard to use? Was it possible that he could someday use these powers? Would these questions ever end?

Harry was in a foul mood ten minutes later when he was signaled to revert back to his human form. He felt slightly dizzy and tired, but was able to support himself without much trouble.

"What did Snitch have to say?" Hermione asked interestedly.

"Never you mind." Harry snapped, not realizing the rudeness of his tone. Hermione gave him a penetrating glare and grabbed hold of his arm like a mother in labor, pulling him forcefully into the forest, away from prying eyes.

About fifty meters in, Hermione turned around with tears in her eyes. She caught Harry completely off guard by slapping him forcefully across the face.

Harry cupped his cheek in his hand to dull the pain while staring in disbelief at Hermione, who was rigid with anger.

"Don't you ever take that tone with me again Harold James Potter!" She was literally shaking with anger, her tears pouring without any sign of being wiped away. "I love you Harry and I don't ever want you talking to me like that ever again." She moved her hand up to stroke his cheek where she had hit him.

"I realize what Snitch told you probably upset you, but it could not have possibly upset you more than your tone with me upset me." She wiped away her tears now, sniffling. "I love you so much that it hurts me to see you in pain, and it hurts me even more to put you through pain like I just did. But I don't ever want to hear that tone of voice from you again, you have no idea how much it hurt. It was as if you didn't even care that I existed, and if you ever left me…"

She couldn't finish her sentence as she began to sob uncontrollably. Harry pulled her to his chest, horrified at what he had done to her, angry with himself for making her feel this way. Before he knew it, he was crying himself.

"I'm so sorry," He whispered, kissing her forehead. "I was just being stupid, and impulsive. I was mad at Snitch and I took it out on you. I had no right to do that, I'm sorry. I promise I'll never make you feel this way again."

Hermione looked up at him and smiled through her tears. She leaned in close to him, Harry could feel her hot breath on his lips. "That's all you needed to say Harry, thank you. I love you." She leaned in the rest of the way and kissed him full on the lips, sealing his apology.

They broke apart some time later, both desperate for air. "Now tell me Harry. What was it that Snitch said?"

Harry quickly relayed the entire conversation to her, hoping that she would have an idea. She smiled lightly, getting that look in her eye that Harry knew all to well.

"I guess we'll be spending some time in the library then, huh?" Harry said before Hermione could, eliciting a smile from his soon-to-be-fiancée. they kissed again briefly before returning to the anxious group.

There were multiple sighs of relief from the adults and the Victors when they saw Harry and Hermione walking back with smiles, hand in hand, snuggling against each other.

"Well Mr. Potter," Professor McGonogall said when everyone returned to their previous activities. "That was a very good transformation, flawless, I'd say." Hermione beamed at Harry in pride. "I do believe it is time for us to attempt your partial transformation. But this will have to wait until tomorrow, as we are out of time for tonight."

They smiled at the professor and took their leave, wanting a nice, quiet stroll back to the castle, just the two of them.


The next day and the second weekend of the school year passed uneventfully, Harry was still unable to transform only his eyes, though he was making progress. Frank and Alice were possibly the best DADA professors they had ever had, and were without doubt the most fun. Even the Slytherins had a hard time admitting that they disliked the couple.

At noon on Monday, Harry and Ron were sitting excitedly in the headmaster's office, each clutching a Chudley Cannons ticket. "The tickets will activate as portkey's in 4...3...2...1..."

With an uncomfortable pull at his navel, Harry was whisked away to Chudley and the Chudley Cannon's professional Quidditch stadium.

Harry stared in awe at the pitch, the sky a perfect bright blue, the grass greener than Harry had ever seen. He and Ron excitedly found their seats amidst a cloud of Cannon supporters.

"Hello, witches and wizards, and welcome to the fifth fixture of the season featuring the Applebee Arrows versus your own Chudley Cannons!"

The announcer paused to allow for all of the cheers. "And here come the Arrows; Connelly, Avery, Masterson, Johnson, Heskey, Smith, and Shearer!"

Mild clapping came from the sparse Arrow supporters.

"And now, you're very own, Chudley Cannons! Larsson, Frieberg, Henderson, Highfill, Kennedy, Witt, and Kickhaaaam!"

The crowd exploded and a few short moments later, the game began!

"Larsson to Frieberg to Larsson, ooh, nice feint there, he drops the quaffle to Highfill, she shoots! No! a brilliant Qualdger attack by Arrows beater Masterson, he knocked the quaffle off course by hitting it with a bludger! Connelly on the ball now…"

Harry was up and screaming a few minutes later, getting amused looks from the spectators around them and uncontrollable laughter from Ron. "ARE YOU BLIND??? THE SNITCH IS RIGHT THERE! CAN'T YOU SEE IT??? NO! WRONG WAY! COME ON! YES! NOW YOU SEE IT!" The Cannon seeker veered the opposite way of where the snitch was.


Harry sat back down in his seat angrily, most of the people around him laughing earnestly, Ron beside himself and in tears from laughter. "Harry, that was hilarious! The look on the seekers faces! And you saw the snitch while they didn't! Priceless!"

Harry didn't think it too funny though, and twenty minutes later he was up and yelling again, pointing at the snitch frantically! "COME ON! MALFOY COULD CATCH THAT THING IN HIS FARRET FORM!" Ron fell over in laughter again. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE IT??? DO YOU NEED A SIGN THAT READS 'SNITCH IS HERE'???"

It was almost four hours later when the Applebee seeker caught the snitch, Harry unable to say anything on the count of his throat being hoarse from screaming.

Ron wiped his eyes as the people around him left, grumbling about how if the teenager in the stands had been seeker they would have won the match four hours ago. "Well, we lost, but that was priceless! Happy birthday Harry!"

"Birthday present? I was under the impression that your birthday was in July, Potter. But no matter, I can give you a late 'present' as well."

Harry spun to see the man standing behind him.



A/N: First Cliffhanger in a while eh? I hope you liked it, especially the quidditch part where Harry was screaming at the seekers lol, I loved writing that. R/R!

Preview: A duel (duh!), a bed in the hospital wing becomes occupied, some late-night studying, and fluff, of course.