Unofficial Portkey Archive

Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory


WOW! The reviews and views at portkey are craziness! I've already got like a third of the views in one night here as I have in the last month in the other places this is posted! Thanx for the reviews, I love 'em!

Not much happens in this installment, but I'll probably put more up either tonight or tomorrow morning (depends on how anxious I am to get it all up here)

Okay, on with the story!



Chapter 4

Harry could do nothing but force his neck to bend slightly in a terrified nod. He knew he would be seeing his parents and Sirius tonight, and the thought terrified him. There was nothing in the world that he feared more than dementors, and there was good reason for that. He had nearly been kissed by two of them, not to mention the one that got Crouch Jr. in fourth year, inadvertently causing him a rough seven months of misery.

Dumbledore, an look of sympathy in his eyes, nodded and walked away. A very nervous auror approached him with a pair of enchanted handcuffs.

"Er, um, Mr. Potter sir, I uh, well I'm really sorry but - well, I mean, I, did I say I was sorry? Uh, anyways, I'll have to er, ask you, to, well, you know, um, put these on." He extended the handcuffs, an amused an confused expression on his face, for Harry had broken out laughing.

"Just call me Harry. No problem, I know what I did and I'll do my time for it. Don't sweat it, I don't hate you or anything." The man took a very noticeable sigh of relief, and spoke again. "Okay, well Harry, these handcuffs are also a portkey. Once securely fastened around your wrists they will transport you directly to Azkaban, where a team of aurors are waiting for you."

Harry nodded, and fastened the cuffs around his wrists. There was a pull at his navel and suddenly he was whisked forward, and he landed gracefully on the ground in Azkaban, smiling at his ability to stay on his feet.

Harry immediately felt the coldness and despair that filled the moist and musty corridors of Azkaban, but he smiled nonetheless, putting on a show for the - gasp - twenty aurors getting ready to escort him?

"Wow, you guys must think I'm really dangerous if you send this many people for me. I'm flattered really. Are you guys really that paranoid or is this another case of Fudge having a stick stuck up his ass?"

Harry heard a couple of muffled snorts in laughter at his joke, most of the aurors smiled at the boy-who-lived's ability to handle the dementors home.

"Come on Potter," Came a low, rasp voice, but with a hint of amusement. "We'll show you to your cell, it's in the 'VIP area' as we like to call it. It basically means that you'll have the highest amount of dementors of any cell outside, twenty, to be exact."

Harry snorted, succeeding in his attempts to stay cool and collected. "Please, I took down a hundred of them in third year by myself. I don't think twenty will be so hard. Of course, I don't have my wand this time, so it may be a little trickier. Oh well, I'll just have to use the famous 'Potter charm' I suppose. Melt their hearts with goodness you know. Then I can drink the water that comes from the iced-over hearts. That way I know that Fudge hasn't poisoned it or anything."

This got a few outright laughs from the aurors, but they stopped as Harry did at a cell containing a tall man with slick white hair, though he appeared rather sick from malnourishment and fright. Harry sneered at him.

"Lucius Malfoy."

"Harry Potter."

"Yeah, well, I just killed your son, so I'll be in here for a few days." Malfoy's eyes widened at Harry's lie. Harry knew that the man was to weak to realize that Harry was lying through his teeth.


"Oh yeah, definitely yes actually. You see, he was fairly upset that I had gotten you thrown in jail, so after I killed Voldemort," Lucius' eyes widened in horror, Harry had to fight hard to suppress a laugh. Some of the aurors behind him, although they had flinched at the dark lord's name, weren't able to control their laughter, but Malfoy didn't notice them.

"Yeah well anyway, he was trying to hex Hermione, you know, my muggle-born best friend, and she blocked his spells for a while before finally getting bored of it and stunning him. But that's where I came in. No one messes with my friend's and lives to tell the tale. Your son found that out the hard way. And now I'm here."

Without another word he spun on his heel and walked away, the aurors around him chuckling softly at Lucius' anguished scream that echoed throughout the entire prison.

Harry couldn't help but feel a little guilty for what he told Malfoy, but his demeanor had changed. He had come in here scared that the dementors would suck all of the happiness away leave him sad and depressed. But somehow Harry had fought all of that away, and as he was locked in his cell for the night - twenty dementors staring him down - the nightmares didn't come. Unbelievably - miraculously even - Harry's purity of heart kept the dementors from harming him.

"Mr. Harry Potter, you will stand." Harry stood, most all of his bravery from the night before vanquished and replaced with a nervous feeling in the pit of his stomach. Lupin gave him a smile of support from his left side, and Harry turned to his right and smiled at Hermione.

Much to Harry's distaste, she did not return the smile, but instead gave him an icy glare that pierced his skin and struck his very heart. That look told him all he needed to know. She could never love him. She would never feel the same way about him that he felt about her. Harry had denied it for so long, but after the events of the day before, he could deny it no more.

He was in love with Hermione.

He could feel his heart breaking at her cold shoulder, but his attention was reverted to the banging of the gavel. Amelia Bones would be his judge, whilst Hermione and Lupin were his 'lawyers' so to say. There was no prosecution, the evidence would be presented and they would present their case accordingly.

"Mr. Potter, you have been brought up on many counts for your acts yesterday, so I ask you how do you plea for each?"

She gave him an icy glare and continued.

"For destruction of public property?"

Hermione answered, "Not guilty."

Harry stared at her, dumbfounded. What was she playing at?

"Eight counts of attempted homicide?"

"Not guilty."

Judge Bones was even taken aback by this, but she continued.

"Use of under-age magic?"

Hermione's answer once again shocked the court.

"Not guilty."

Bones nodded slightly. "The defense may present their case."

Lupin stepped forward. "We will get the simplest out of the way first." He pulled a sealed envelope out, Harry stared at it, pondering what it could possibly be.

Lupin handed the envelope to Madam Bones, who opened it curiously. Her eyes flickered over it for a moment before she allowed a slight smile. Her next words shocked Harry and the court. "In light of this evidence - which is confidential and may not be read to this court - Mr. Potter is acquitted of the charge 'Use of Underage Wizardry'."

The room gasped and Harry felt slightly better. 'Well that saves a few years…' He thought to himself with a smile.

Hermione stepped forward next. "As for the destruction of public property, I would like to bring your attention to article four, paragraph two of the Muggle relations handbook. It reads;

Due to the fact that the muggle prime minister and his government are separate from our own, than no law broken under their laws may be reflected and tried in the Wizarding court system.

"Because Mr. Potter," Harry winced at Hermione's formal use of his name. "Does not in fact, live under the laws of the muggle world, and that our world has no law against destroying muggle property, this court has no power to punish Mr. Potter for his actions, as the property he destroyed was that of the muggle kind."

A surprised murmur rose throughout the courtroom. Harry couldn't believe it. Was it possible that he could get off?

Madam Bones smiled again. "Cleared."

Harry knew it would be okay now. He was two for two, and he was sure Hermione had the third one nailed as well, even if it was the hardest.

Hermione walked forward and took a deep breath. "Now for the third charge. After a simple Prior Incantatum spell, it was proven that the last form of magic used was the curse maximus reducto."

Harry heard a fury of whispering and gasping break out at these words. He blushed brightly. They all obviously thought that the magic was much to advanced for a simple teenager to use.

"Upon further review, it has been proven that the spell had been aimed at the ground underneath the muggles feet, and not at them directly. Furthermore, this powerful display of magic demonstrates that Mr. Potter is more than capable of using the death curse, avada kedavra, but he chose not to, aiming to scare rather than harm. Mr. Potter's power, amplified by the rage he felt at the time, was much stronger than he anticipated, the result hurling the muggles fifty feet in the air." There were a few more gasps at this. Hermione held up her hand.

"Furthermore, due to speed of this trial, certain laws must be brought into light. Article seven, paragraph six of the Wizardry Judiciary System Handbook states;

In a trial conducted less than twenty-four hours after the initial crime is committed, the charges against the defendant may be in no way altered.

This means that the charges may not be changed, so Mr. Potter may not be brought up on the charge of Inadvertently Injuring Muggles. Therefore this court has no charges to hold against Mr. Potter." She slammed her hand down on the desk as she finished, and Madam Bones smiled widely in spite of herself.

Harry tensed up, preparing for the worst…

"Cleared of all charges."

Harry's face split into a wide-mouthed grin, and he shared a tearful hug with Remus while the entire court cheered in ecstasy. He was cleared. He wasn't going back to Azkaban.

Harry turned to thank and hug Hermione, but he was somewhat unsurprised to see that she was already gone. He sighed deeply, his heart in pieces so small they could fit through the eye of a needle.

He fled the courtroom in tears, only his closest friends knowing exactly why.

Harry arrived at the Granger's house a few hours later, welcomed heartily by Mrs. Granger. "Harry, son, welcome to our home. Here, let me take those bags for you." She took his trunk before he could protest. Hermione's mother leaned in close and whispered, "Hermione's in her room, second door on the left on the third floor. I know she still cares for you deeply Harry, you just have to make her see how you feel as well."

Harry smiled and nodded, for once not denying the face that he was in love with his best friend.

He walked slowly to the staircase of the house, passing numerous family photos along the way. They were mostly muggle, but there was a random wizarding one thrown in every once and a while as well.

There was the photo of the trio after second year, and another of them after their fifth. There were a few muggle photos of Hermione and her parents on the beaches of France, one even had them at Normandy, the famous graveyard.

He smiled as he trudged up the blue-laden carpeted steps, savoring every part of the house as he did so.

Finally he reached Hermione's bedroom. He was sweating profusely, never having been so nervous in all of his life. He gulped hard and knocked twice.

"Come in." Said a cold voice that undoubtedly belonged to Hermione. Harry gulped again, he had never heard that voice directed at him before, it was usually reserved for Ron.

"Harry walked in and sat down next to Hermione on her bed. She wouldn't look at him, so he cupped her chin in his hands and forced her to look in his eyes. He spoke.

"I'm not going to say I'm sorry for what I did Hermione, because I'm not." Confusion flashed in her eyes briefly before they reverted to their natural state. He continued. "I will never be sorry for protecting you Hermione, I always have and always will. You are everything to me. Hermione, I should have said this a long time ago, but I was too blind to see it. Hermione, I'm in love with you."

Harry let out a breath that he didn't know that he had been holding. A look of sadness - not the emotion Harry had been hoping for - flashed through her eyes before she spoke, quietly and sadly.

"Harry, I don't feel the same way about you anymore."

Chapter 5

If Harry's heart could broken any more, it did. Harry didn't hold back, he let the tears come. The one and only girl that he would ever love didn't feel the same way about him, and it was all his fault.

"I-I'll get my things then. I-if you don't want me here then I'll leave, I can stay at Grimmauld Place for the rest of the summer. I-I'm sorry Hermione. I'll leave you alone now, if you never want to speak to me again, I understand."

Harry, trembling with tears, shakily rose to his feet and walked dejectedly to the door. He was stopped by a soft touch on his arm.

"Harry wait. Don't go. You don't understand." Harry turned around, he sniffed a little and looked at Hermione quizzically, she seemed to be nearing tears as well.

"Harry, you are the only boy I will ever love. I could never feel the same way about anyone else as I do for you. But after yesterday, I-I just need us to be friends again, no matter how much it hurts. After a while, hopefully we can try to be something more. But you really hurt me yesterday Harry." He opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. "I know you did it for me, but it scared me Harry. You were there, but you didn't see yourself. The only reason you're not in Azkaban is because of a flurry of loopholes. You weren't thinking. If I hadn't caught those guys they would all be dead now, and-and," Her voice began to crack. "And I w-would n-never have seen you again. I can't let that happen Harry. To the world or to me. The wizarding world needs you Harry, and I - I need you too. But if you can't learn to control your temper, then, well I don't know what I'll do. I can't be with you when you're like that Harry," Her tears were flowing freely now. "I love you, but if you can't control yourself I would have to leave you, never see you again. We would both be safer that way. Heart-broken, but safe. And I don't want that Harry, and neither do you. So for me, for us, please don't lash out at anyone like that again, not even Malfoy. If you do, I-I'll leave. I'll leave the wizarding world. I'll leave everything for you Harry, because I love you. And that way we would both be better off." She reached up and stroked his cheek.

"Please don't make me leave you Harry, please. Do this for me, do it because you love me. I'm not in love with the Harry from yesterday, I love the Harry that's right here, right now. So promise me Harry, that you will never do that again."

Harry wiped away her tears and whispered, "I promise."

Hermione smiled at him and they embraced, hugging each other with all of the might they could muster. After what seemed like hours they finally separated.

Hermione took a quick glance out the window and noticed that it had gotten dark. "Well, I think it's time for bed Harry." She extended her hand and smiled. "Friends?"

Harry smiled as he took it. "No, best friends."

Hermione grinned back at him, and Harry retreated to the Granger's spare bedroom. He entered his room and fell back on the bed, smiling.

Everything would be fine between the two of them, he just knew it. If he checked his temper, then he would be with Hermione forever.

He slowly drifted into the dream world, only one person occupying his dreams.

Harry woke up early the next morning, his body feeling much more rested and without the ach that he had been feeling everyday of the summer so far. He yawned and stretched his arms high into the air, grunting in a mixture of pain and pleasure at the stretch.

He walked over to the dresser that the Granger's had put in his room and pulled out a pair of running shorts from the bottom drawer and pulling them on, shedding his nightshirt down the laundry chute.

Slowly he crept to the door (after securing his wand in the small holster in the belt that he went no where without, a birthday present from Moody. CONSTANT VIGILANCE!) and walked carefully across the hallway to Hermione's bedroom. Being careful not to make the floor creak, he stopped at Hermione's door and tested the doorknob.

Hah! Unlocked. Grinning, he silently walked into her room and came up to the side of her bed. She looked so peaceful, sleeping with one arm under her pillow and the other draped over her stomach. Her chest was slowly rising up and down, and Harry just stared for a moment, drinking in all of her beauty.

Finally he shook his head of those thoughts and he shook her softly. "Hermione, come on, wake up. We're going for a run." "Mmm?" Was the only response she offered, and Harry nudged her a little more urgently. "Come on, no time to be lazy, get up lazy." "Noo, mummy, I don't wanna wake up yet."

Harry sighed. How would he wake her up? Then he got a brilliant idea. Slowly he crept back into his own room and pulled out his shaving cream, then returned to Hermione's room with it.

"Harry son, what are you doing?" Harry froze at Mr. Granger's voice, but he turned and gave him an evil grin anyways. He held up the shaving cream, and Hermione's father chuckled. "Wait right there, I'll go get my camera." Harry nodded with a smile, and waited until Mr. Granger returned with his camera and a very tired Mrs. Granger. Together they crept into Hermione's room.

Harry took each of the love of his life's hands and sprayed a solid amount of shaving cream into them. Then he took Hermione's bedside quill and tickled her nose with it.

She sniffed and moaned a little, then went back to deep sleep. Harry tickled her again, on the ear this time, and he had to try very hard to hold in his laughter when Hermione wiped a full hand of shaving cream all over the right side of her face.

Mr. Granger was holding his sides in silent laughter, while Hermione's mom was somehow keeping a neutral face. Harry raised the feather and tickled the other ear, and Hermione rubbed another handful of shaving cream onto her face.

Harry almost fell over in a fit of giggles, but he was able to raise the feather again and tickle her nose, causing Hermione to rub the rest of her face with shaving cream. Harry couldn't hold back anymore, he broke out in uncontrollable laughter, Mrs. Granger along with him, while Hermione's father stayed up just long enough to snap a picture of the sleeping beauty, the flash waking her up.

"Huh, what time is it? Hey, Harry why are you laughing?" Harry just fell to the ground and rolled over in laughter. Hermione shrugged and brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn. "What the bloody hell?" She withdrew her hand from her face as her parents fled the room, tripping over each other with laughter, camera still in hand.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" She screeched at him, leaping off her bed. "What did you do!?" Harry was laughing to hard to respond. "Oh, so it's gonna be like that huh? Well let's see what you think of this!"

She took a huge glob of shaving cream and smeared it into his face. Harry gasped and grabbed Hermione by the sides, tickling her mercilessly. "Oh! Harry <laugh> stop <laugh> please!" Harry stopped and pulled her on top of him, their faces suddenly inches apart.

There was no laughter now, and Harry wanted more than anything to kiss her, but he knew that she wouldn't like that. There eyes were connected, and reluctantly, cursing himself for ever hurting Hermione, he pulled himself up and smiled at her.

"Come on Mione, throw on some running clothes and we'll go for a run together." Hermione, smiling at Harry's ability to stop himself, nodded and shooed him from the room so that she could get ready.

Harry went to the loo and washed his face of all the shaving cream, then put the bottle back in his bag before going downstairs to wait for Hermione.

After a few moments he heard the stairs creaking and Harry turned around, his mouth falling open at the sight of his best friend. Hermione wore only a simple gray sports braw and running shorts that were less than twelve inches long. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she looked to Harry like everything that a girl should be.

Hermione giggled at Harry's reaction and headed for the front door. "You coming?" Harry shook himself out of his stupor and grinned at his best friend, then followed her out the door.

The day was young, the sun still hidden behind the ocean of trees surrounding Hermione's neighborhood. The weather was perfect, a little on the cool side, but after a few minutes the coolness would evaporate and leave them perfectly comfortable.

Harry smiled as he stretched, listening to the innocent chirping of birds and scurrying of leaves all over the street. He envied them all, they all had the ability to lead a perfectly normal and peaceful life, while he had to deal with the threats of Voldemort and the fate of the world on his shoulders.

"Alright, let's get going!" Hermione said cheerfully, heading off towards a forest path behind her house. Harry followed her, and they ran mostly in silence the entire time, only speaking every once and a while about how nice the weather was or how they were elated to have no homework for the holidays due to the fact that no one knew who would pass what N.E.W.T.S. so the teachers could not hand out assignments until the school year started.

They were walking back into the house when Harry remembered the riddle. He slapped himself on the head and ran up to his room, leaving a very confused Hermione buttering their toast in the kitchen.

"Hermione," He panted as he ran back into the room, riddle clutched in hand. "Do you think you could teach me Arithmancy?" Harry's question seemed to take Hermione completely off guard. "Huh? What? I mean, yes, of course Harry, but why?"

Harry smiled and pointed to the riddle. "First column, the first seven numbers. Do they mean anything to you?"

Hermione studied the parchment, her eyebrows scrunching up in deep concentration. "Zero, seven, three, one, one, nine, eight, zero." She shook her head in frustration. "No."

Harry grinned. "Well they mean something to me." Hermione's eyes lit up, Harry continued. "Look at it in groups, zero-seven, aka seven, three-one, aka thirty-one, one-nine-eight-zero, Nineteen eighty. Make any sense now?" Hermione, looking absolutely furious with herself, shook her head. "No, do you mind telling me?" Harry sighed in exasperation.

"Hermione, it's a date!" Her eyebrows rose in realization. "Seven Thirty-one Nineteen eighty, July 31, 1980! Hermione, that first column is my birthday!"

"Holy Merlin…"

Harry smiled at her. "Do you know what this means? This riddle is about me! Maybe it will fill in the holes that the prophecy left wide open!" He clapped his hand over his mouth after he said this. He hadn't wanted to tell her about the prophecy so soon.

"Harry, the prophecy was destroyed. What are you talking about?" Harry was lost in her chocolate-brown eyes, and he sighed, he couldn't keep the truth from her anymore.

"That was just a record, the true prophecy was told to Dumbledore, he finally told me what it was after the Department of Mysteries last year." Hermione's eyebrows went up in understanding. "So that's why…"

"…I was so angry with him and distant from you and Ron. Yes, it was. And now I'm going to tell you."

He recited the prophecy, and waited for Hermione to recognize what it meant. "But Harry, if that's true then you have to…or either, no! Harry tell me it's not true!" She had tears in her eyes now, and Harry nodded sadly.

"Yes Hermione, I either have to become a murderer or the victim of one. That's how the war will end." Hermione threw herself around him in a hug Mrs. Weasley would be proud of.

"Oh Harry, it's just not fair! All of the things you have to put up with! Why does everything happen to you? Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry!" She hugged him even harder, tears flowing into his bare chest. "Don't be sorry Hermione, it's okay, really. I know my destiny and I'm prepared for it."

Harry took a bite of toast, then changed the subject. "Hey Hermione, why don't we go to the pool today? I haven't been swimming in a while and I thought it would be fun. So what do you say?" She smiled at him, wiping her tears away. "I'd love to." Harry opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by the doorbell.

"Who would be here this early?" Hermione asked. Harry shrugged and they walked to the door, Harry fingering his wand. Hermione opened the door cautiously and burst into a fit of giggles.

A wizard trying to pose as a muggle stood at the front door. He wore a tight pink t-shirt that read 'Girl Power' on the front, and a pair of baggy jeans held up by a shoe string. Harry goggled at the man until he spoke.

"Mr. Potter, I presume?" Harry nodded. "I need you to sign here please, this verifies the transfer of all Sirius Black's belongings that he left you in his will."

Hermione gasped, but Harry, knowing this moment had been coming for a long time, nodded and signed the parchment, which vanished at his signature.

The man spoke again. "Okay now you have officially inherited the Black fortune of four million galleons," Hermione gasped, Harry looked thunderstruck. What would he ever do with that much money? "You have also inherited one enchanted Harley motorcycle, the residence of #12 Grimmauld Place, and any and all items inside of it. Good day sir." He nodded and apparated away, leaving Harry staring at Sirius' flying motorbike.

He turned and grinned at Hermione. "Well I guess we know how we'll be getting to the pool then." She smiled back and ran upstairs to get changed.

Ten minutes later they were off, both wearing only their swimsuits (Hermione's being an incredibly revealing strapless white bikini) and they rode to the local pool, as Hermione did not want to fly.

The bike was easy to handle, and they made it to the pool with no problems. No, the problems did not arrive until they walked onto the pool deck together. Harry was extremely angry with the fact that nearly every guy in the pool was gawking at Hermione, who just smiled and waved teasingly at them all while leading Harry to a couple of lawn chairs by the diving boards.

Hermione saw his clenched jaw and giggled at him as they sat down. "Now Harry, you know that you can't go losing your temper here right? If you do…" She let the sentence hang, and Harry understood the point fully.

He sighed and was about to lay back on the chair when a group of teenage guys approached Hermione, ignoring Harry completely.

"Hey there," Said a tall, black-haired blue-eyed stranger, eyeing Hermione in a way that made Harry feel very uncomfortable. "How would you like to come with us for some real fun? It doesn't look to exciting over here with this loser," He jerked his thumb at Harry, who tensed up, instinctively reaching for his wand hidden in the towel, but Hermione put a reassuring hand on his arm.

"Actually, I'm having a perfectly good time with Harry here. We were just discussing the harsh ramifications that England faced in the early thirteen hundreds due to their inept leadership. Perhaps you'd like to join us in conversation? I always do enjoy talking about the medieval times and the kings of the past, I find it so…exhilarating. Don't you agree?"

The group of guys looked nervously at each other, that most definitely wasn't the answer they were expecting.

"Er, no," The big one spoke up again. "We were actually hoping you'd like to come to a party tonight, at my place. You know, I've got plenty of alcohol and pot, we were all just going to get wasted and have some fun. But I guess you aren't the partying type are you?"

Hermione smiled and shook her head. "No I am not. I'd rather snuggle up on the couch with Harry and a good book any night than go to a party where I can have a bunch of drunk guys grope me and try to take my virginity."

The leader of the little group did not like that response at all. His eyes glared menacingly at Harry and then again at Hermione. "I've got a better idea. How about my friends and I beat the living hell out of your boyfriend here and then I take you in the alleyway and you lose your virginity that way?"

Harry leapt in front of Hermione. "If you even attempt to harm Hermione you'll force me to do something that we'll both regret." The menace in his tone was apparent to everyone. Hermione tried to pull Harry away, but he wasn't backing down. Suddenly one of the guys in the group gasped.

"Holy hell, you're Harry Potter!"

Harry wasn't sure who was more surprised at this, him or the group of guys. The boy who had spoken spoke again in a hushed voice. "Byron," He pulled the front guy back. "You know, you all know, what I am. And this guy is the most famous of my kind in the world. If you piss him off you'll be dead before you can say 'magic'."

Byron eyed Harry suspiciously. "I dunno Bradley, he looks pretty harmless to me." Harry snorted. "Really, I just got out of jail yesterday." Byron spun to look at his wizard friend, who nodded. Harry grinned maliciously, fingering the wand that he now held in his hands.

"Uh, okay, we'll just, g-go, then." Without another word they left, and Harry let out a sigh of relief, and Hermione smiled at him, giving him a small hug. "Harry I'm so happy that you didn't lose your temper, even though you did come rather close."

Harry smiled nervously and pulled Hermione closer. She had no idea how close he had just come to losing her forever. If Bradley hadn't been a wizard…

The rest of the day was without incident, and that night Harry and Hermione curled up together under a warm blanket and read Hogwarts: A History until they were both sound asleep.

Chapter 6

The next day (after the two of them both blushed brightly after realizing they fell asleep together) Harry and Hermione decided to pull out the physics book.

"Hmm, well according to this, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, and I know that many educated wizards have agreed with the muggles in this theory, and that magic is nothing more than us using this energy to create magic." Hermione stated matter-of-factly after the two had read for about an hour.

Harry scrunched his eyebrows together thoughtfully. "Well, if that's true, than why can't the killing curse be blocked?" Harry asked no one in particular, delving deep into thought and expressing his thoughts aloud.

"If energy can't be created or destroyed, then what happens to the energy used to kill someone? Or the magic that is used on anyone really? I guess the most logical conclusion is that magic is a transference of energy from one being to another. But energy is what makes life possible, so how could it possibly kill someone?"

Hermione stared at him, mouth hanging open slightly in awe. "Wow, Harry, that was really deep. I expect many scientists have been pondering that same question forever, but none of them exactly had the experience with it that you do did they?"

A light bulb turned on in Harry's head. "Of course! You're brilliant Hermione! That's what happened when I was a baby. My mother's protection saved me, and the curse that Voldemort used transferred some of his powers to me!"

Hermione gave him a strange, confused look. "I don't understand."

Harry turned and looked her dead in the eye. "Look, what happened to me proves that magic is simply the transference of energy. When the killing curse didn't work, the energy couldn't just dissipate, so it stayed with me! That's why I can speak Parselmouth! That's why I have so many of Voldemort's traits! The killing curse uses all the powers someone possesses and turns them against someone!"


Another light went on in his head. "That's how it kills someone Hermione! It overloads their system! There's to much energy for the body to handle, therefore the brain and body shut down!"

Hermione's mouth dropped in realization. "Oh my God…"

Harry was so desperately trying to figure out more of this puzzle that he paced the room, stalking back and forth, not even noticing that Hermione had left the room in a scramble.

When she came back she had to yell, "Harry!" many times before she finally got his attention, shoving a notebook and pen into his hands. At his confused expression she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Harry, write everything you just said down. We need to keep a record of this, don't you understand? You're on the verge of making a major scientific breakthrough!"

He nodded and started to jot notes on the piece of paper.

Energy is not created or destroyed…

Magic is the transference of energy from one being to another…

Killing Curse kills by overloading body with energy…

He paced some more. "Okay, so we know the killing curse is simply using all the power one possesses to overload another person's body and mind, the result being death."

Hermione nodded eagerly, waiting for Harry to come up with more. "So, in theory, the only way to survive the curse would be to either have such little energy left that the curse fills you up with it but does not have enough of it to kill you -" Hermione gasped.

"Harry," She whispered. "That means that the curse could-" "-Cure people who are on the verge of death, I know."

Harry jotted down another excited note.

Curse could be used to kill someone with very little energy left in them…

Harry shook his head. "But that doesn't really explain why all magic isn't the same. If it's just the transference of energy, why are there so many different spells and such that can be used for different reasons?"

Hermione's eyes lit up. "Maybe…maybe magic isn't just the transference of energy, but also the manipulation of it…"

Harry nodded excitedly.

Magic is both the transference and manipulation of energy…

"So by using different incantations, we are bending the energy to our will, making it do what we want it to." Harry continued on Hermione's train of thought, she replied with a nod.

"But all things must have a basis in energy in order to be manipulated. That's why no one can resurrect the dead, because there's no energy left, and therefore it cannot be manipulated to bring them back."

Hermione nodded again, deep in thought.

"But then why can we transfigure a rock or other things like that. They don't have any energy do they?"

Leave it to Hermione to point out the obvious holes in a theory.

"Well," Harry began, racking his brain for answers. "Maybe they do. What if all things on this planet carried energy? What if humans are just vessels for energy, and when we die, that energy returns to the soil and the earth, and eventually moves onto another person, and another. Like a never-ending cycle?"

"Hmm…" Hermione said, concentrating hard. She finally spoke up after a long silence. "Well, that would make sense, wouldn't it? All living things are vessels for energy, and all non-living things are…" "Where energy is stored?" Harry offered, resulting in a smile from Hermione. He returned it and turned back to the notebook.

All living things are a vessel for energy, allowing energy to move from place to place and circle the planet. All non-living things store energy, but why? And how?

The look in Hermione's eyes told Harry that she was thinking the same thing that he was. They both sighed.

"Well, I guess we've reached a roadblock here huh?" Harry said, rubbing his temples. Hermione smiled and stood, walking over to him. "Yeah…" She whispered, putting his hands down and massaging his temples herself. Harry smiled and returned the favor, slowly rubbing the woman he loved temples in a very caring manner. He just wanted to make sure that she wasn't feeling an ache in her head like he was from all of their hard thinking.

Her lips looked so inviting at that moment, but Harry knew that it was to early to act upon it. He had betrayed Hermione's trust, and he wouldn't do it again by making a move before she was ready. Instead he closed his eyes, swimming in the bliss that was the touch of Hermione on him, and he on her.

Slowly, reluctantly, they pulled apart, both knowing that if they didn't stop they may go to far.

"So…" Harry said, trying to break the uneasy silence. Hermione giggled. "Yeah…" "You know Hermione, I was thinking of owling Dumbledore and asking if I could take Arithmancy this year, you know, so we can work that riddle out together."

Hermione smiled at him. "That'd be great! And we'd get to spend even more time together that way!" Her cheeks flushed red after she said this, Harry suddenly took on a very serious tone, pulling her close to him.

"Mione," He whispered in her hear, inhaling her perfume as he brushed by her, making her shiver. "I'm so sorry. Not for defending you, but for losing control. I screwed up Hermione, and you know that I'll do anything I can to stop it from happening again."

She sniffed into his shirt, slowly looking up to face him. "I know Harry," She whispered, bringing a hand up to caress his cheek. "I overreacted, I really did, I'm so-" "No, Hermione," Harry said urgently, looking deep into her eyes, which were starting to fill with tears. "You were right, don't be sorry, please don't be. Even if you did overreact, it still has been the best thing for me. For us."

Hermione shivered at his last words. "If you hadn't made me control myself then I would lose it again and again until it finally hurt someone that I love. Like you."

Hermione wiped a tear away from her eyes and leaned in closer to Harry. "I know," She whispered, her hot breath now on Harry's lips, her face only inches from his. "But that won't happen now, I trust you. I know you won't lose your temper again, not even with Malfoy."

Their faces inched closer. "I love you, Hermione," Harry whispered, centimeters from her lips.

"I love you too, Harry."

Their lips finally met, for the first time they experienced the sensation of a kiss together. They stayed that way, just kissing softly in the living room, for what seemed like an eternity. The notebook lay forgotten on the carpet, the television buzzing in the background.

They finally broke apart Merlin knows when, and just stood smiling at one another for the longest time. Harry knew from the moment they started kissing that Hermione would be the last girl he ever kissed. There was no doubt in his mind, and by the look in her eyes, Harry knew Hermione was thinking the same thing.

He smiled and pulled her into a tight hug, wanting the moment to last forever.

Finally they pulled apart, an awkward silence greeting them. "Okay, well, um, so what do you want to do today?" Harry asked, not in the smoothest tone he had ever used.

Hermione smiled at him. "I don't know Harry, I just want to spend it with you." She hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Well then, why don't we go to Diagon Alley? We can get our school supplies and such. It'll be our first date!" Hermione giggled at Harry's statement and nodded her head.

"Okay, let me go freshen up a bit, then I'll be back down and we can take your motorcycle." Harry laughed. "What, are you going to go put on some of that perfume Ron gave you?"

Hermione gave Harry a disgusted look. "No Harry. I chucked that in the trash about a week after Ron gave it to me," Her eyes shifted to the ground and she shuffled her feet uncomfortably.

"Harry, Harry how are we going to tell him?" She asked, tears starting to form once again in her eyes. "We both know that he fancy's me, it'll break his heart to see us together, you know that."

Harry nodded, suddenly realizing all of the problems that this relationship was going to cause. "We'll tell him together Hermione. I know he'll take it badly at first, but he'll come around eventually. But Hermione," He took her hands and looked at her intently and seriously. "You have to understand that once Voldemort finds out that you and I are dating, you'll become number two on his hit 'people to kill list'. He's going to try and use you to get to me, and I hope you realize that."

Hermione nodded. "I do know that Harry. But I love you, and I'm not going to leave you. If Voldemort tries to get you, he'll have to get through me first. And you know how evil I can be, just ask Rita Skeeter." Harry snorted at the name. Rita Skeeter was a journalist who specialized in ruining people's lives. Hermione though, had her by the tail. She had figured out in fourth year that Skeeter was an animagi (a wizard or witch that can transform into an animal) and an unregistered one at that. Hermione had basically blackmailed her into writing a true story about Harry last year, and he knew that she wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

"Well the war's as good as over then," Harry replied with a smile, making Hermione flush red before turning to go get ready for their fist date.


I know, I know, not a lot of people like the way I wrote Azkaban, but that's just how I wanted it (it was meant for a bit of humor as well). I hope you liked the update as a whole though!

Next update will finally have the first duel!
