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Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory


A/N: The fate of the Longbottom's! It's a bit of a tearjerker, so beware!


Chapter 19

"Tonight!?" Harry exclaimed, aghast. "Wow Neville, first we were thinking that this would be a good Christmas gift, but now you're getting them back this week!"

Neville beamed, nodding vigorously. "Yeah, we can get the okay to give them the potion tonight, the Mungo's chief owes Dumbledore a favor, then we'll give it to them both, they'll sleep all night, when they wake up they'll remember everything and their brains will be normal, and gran will be there, and some of my parents old friends and other people and if the potion works well we'll probably get an order of merlin and that'll be cool and I'll be able to talk to my parents and then I can see them for real and I hope they like me and I dunno what they'll do when they get out and-"

"Whoa, slow down Neville," Harry said grinning. "You're rambling there, we get the picture. Are you sure that you want us to come there with you?"

Neville looked at him like he was insane. "Are you joking? Of course I want you there! If it weren't for you guys I'd never have gotten them back! I owe you so much!"

Harry laughed and threw his hands up in protest. "No, no Neville, you don't owe me anything." Harry's eyes grew wide, realizing he had something else to tell Neville as well.

"Neville," Harry said slowly, displaying the importance of what he was about to say. He glanced around and motioned to a nearby gardening shed. "Let's go in there real quick, there's something you need to know."

Neville gave him a confused look, as did Hermione before she realized what he was going to say, and she nodded approvingly with a smile.

They made their way into the shed (it was rather beaten down and probably hadn't been used in years). Harry turned to the door, pulling out his wand, and put a silencing and locking charm on the entrance. Harry eyed the nervous looking Neville powerfully.

"What I'm about to say doesn't leave this room."

Neville nodded slowly in response.

"Okay, you remember that prophecy we were tricked into obtaining at the Department of Mysteries last year?"

"The one I broke?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, but that was only the record of the prophecy, the actual prophecy was told to Dumbledore, and he still has it in a pensieve."

Neville's eyes widened, realizing that he was going to be let in on a huge secret.

So Harry told him the story, all about the prophecy, who it involved, and what it entailed. By the time Harry was finished, Neville's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"So, it could have been either of us?" He asked, astounded that he could have been the boy-who-lived instead of Harry. Harry nodded. "Well, then, and I don't mean to be rude, but why did he chose you? After all, you are a half-blood and I was a pure blood, not that that's better or anything, but isn't Voldemort all concerned with pure bloods?"

Harry was surprised that Neville had used the dark lord's true name, Voldemort, but he covered it quickly. Harry gave him a weak smile. "Because Tom Marvolo Riddle, the man who became Lord Voldemort, had a wizard mother, and a muggle father."

Neville's jaw dropped. "Lord Voldemort is a half-blood!?" Harry nodded, and Neville gave a small laugh. "Well, I wonder what his followers would say to that? He's one hell of a hypocrite then isn't he? Saying the whole world should be nothing but pure bloods. What a load of rubbish! He'd half to kill himself!"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, and unfortunately, none of his servants are brave enough to question him on it." Hermione gasped at this.

"Harry!" She said rapidly. "What if we wrote an anonymous column to the daily prophet about that! Just a quick note asking for an inquiry into whether or not he's a pure blood! Even if they can't prove it it'll still start and uproar, even in Voldemort's own troops! Some of his death eaters may even leave him!"

Harry nodded, wondering why he had never thought of this earlier. "Yeah," He said slowly, thinking. "We can look into it while we're at Mungo's tonight, in fact," The wheels started to turn as a plan formulated itself in his mind. "We can get the press there tomorrow morning for the results of the potion, and then we can make that announcement as a side note."

Neville was the one to point out the obvious. "Uh, Harry, where are we gonna get a reporter on such short notice, and why should they believe us?"

Harry turned and smiled at Hermione, who was grinning back. "I've gotta go write a quick letter, I'll see you back in the common room!" With that Hermione ran from the shed and left Harry and Neville alone to walk back.

"So, you guys are pretty serious huh?" Neville asked, looking at Harry.

He smiled. "Yeah, we are. I love her, and she loves me. There'll never be anyone else but her. Ever."

Neville nodded. "So, are you gonna ask her to marry you then?"

Harry stopped in his tracks, Neville walked a few paces ahead until realizing Harry was no longer with him, then circled around to come back. "Did I say something wrong?"

Harry shook his head slowly. "No, but, why would you suggest marriage so early?"

Neville shrugged. "Well, we're in a war now, and the six of us, you know, you, me, Hermione, Ron, Luna, and G-Ginny. I doubt if we all make it through alive, we're pretty much becoming the front line for the war. So if I were you guys, I'd wanna get married as soon as possible."

Harry took a moment to take in the words. It did make sense. However much he didn't want to think that Hermione would die, he couldn't deny the fact that it was possible. Harry was sure that Hermione felt the same way. He smiled to himself, realizing the obvious choice. He hadn't got a birthday present to go along with owl for Hermione yet anyways.

He turned to Neville. "You know what, you go back to the common room. I'm gonna head to Hogsmeade for a while." Neville grinned broadly. "I've got some shopping to do."

Neville waved him good-bye and Harry turned back to the entrance of the castle. "Accio Marauder!" He bellowed once he had reached the grounds, and his new broomstick flew into his outstretched palm a few seconds later. He boarded it and flew to Hogsmeade.

It only took about five minutes to reach the only fully magical settlement in Britain. (Due to the fact that his new broom was probably the fastest one in the world) When he landed, he walked the streets until he found what he was looking for.

Jorsten's Jewelers

Harry smiled and walked into the store, a bell signaling his presence. An old woman came out and smiled at him from behind the counter. "How may I help you son?" She asked in a polite, business-like tone.

Harry lowered his eyes to the floor and shifted uneasily. "I'd, er, like to by an engagement ring actually." The lady looked at him questionably, and Harry finally met her gaze. She gasped, obviously realizing who he was.

Harry explained himself. "Look, I'm the number one target in this war, and my friends are right up there with me. I dunno how long any of us are gonna live, so I want to do this soon so that everyone will remember me and Hermione as we were - husband and wife."

The shop clerk nodded slowly. "And I assume that you don't want this story to leak out?" Harry nodded. "Well obviously, I won't tell anyone. Now, may I help you choose a ring?"

Harry nodded again. "Yeah, Hermione won't want anything fancy, but she'll want it nice. She always says that she loves my eyes, so I guess an emerald would be the best choice. I don't want it to big though, is there anyway I could get an adjustable charm on it, so that Hermione can change it to the size that she wants?"

The shop keeper nodded while pulling out a beautiful emerald ring. It was perfect. Hermione would love it. "I'll take it."

The witch smiled at him. "Okay, that will be fifty-seven galleons, six sickles, and four knuts."

Harry gasped in shock. He hadn't brought any money!

The old witch laughed. "We have a direct flu to Gringott's in the back, would you care to use it?"

He breathed out a sigh of relief and responded a quick affirmative and the old woman led him past all of the beautiful necklaces, bracelets, and earrings and into a dusty room that was occupied solely by a large fireplace. 'I'll definitely be coming back here again,' Harry thought with a grin.

"Here you go sonny, just walk into the fireplace and you'll be immediately transferred to Gringott's. You won't need any flu powder or anything, it'll just whisk you straight away when you stand in it properly."

Harry walked into the fireplace and stood in the middle of a magical circle, and immediately he felt himself being whisked away (just like the flu, only without it) and he landed less-than-gracefully on the floor of another fireplace in Gringott's.

Harry made his way to the head goblin and asked, "Er, could I please get some money out of my vault? I believe my key is still here."

The goblin looked over him slowly. "Griphook! Take Mr. Potter to his new vault, number 912!" A smaller goblin nodded and beckoned Harry to come over to where he was by a cart that would take him to his vault.

Without a word Harry was whisked away to his vault at breakneck speed. The journey was much quicker this time, and when they reached his vault, there was a great surprise waiting him.

A huge Norwegian Richback Dragon sat in front of his vault.

Harry was expecting problems, but the dragon saw Griphook and moved to the side, laying down sleepily. Harry assumed there must be some kind of charm that radiated off of the goblins that told the dragon they were meant to be there.

Harry was torn from his thoughts when the vault door was opened. His jaw dropped. There were tens of thousands of stacks of galleons. The room had to have been at least the size of a football field, nearly all covered in galleons, with some sickles and knuts there as well.

"Would you like you vault statistics, Mr. Potter?" Griphook asked, seemingly eager to share the facts, as his voice had a slightly lighter tone than that which goblin's usually employed.

Awed at the site, he could only nod. "Mr. Potter is currently in possession of, 8.6 million galleons, 1.2 million sickles, and .85 million knuts. In total, this adds up to approximately 9.31 million galleons. How many do you wish to withdraw?"

Harry stuttered for a moment. "Uh…well…l-let's see…I g-guess I c-could u-use some spending m-money." The goblin chuckled, and Harry looked at him thoughtfully. "Is there anyway I could get, like, a checkbook or something? That way I don't have to come here all the time, I can just write out the amount at the store?"

The goblin eyed him for a moment in confusion, then finally nodded in understanding. "Do you mean you wish to obtain a Gringott's Instant-Purchase Quill? It is an enchanted quill that you only need to write the amount of money needed, and the precise name of the store for the money to be transferred to, on a piece of parchment? The quill is charmed so that only the person who purchases it may use it, and is accepted world-wide, only in the magical world, of course. The charge for one is one thousand galleons."

Harry nodded. "I'll take one. Could I get it right away?"

The goblin nodded and they returned to the cart, taking off to an unknown destination for the quill.

About thirty minutes later, Harry appeared back in Jorsten's Jeweler's with the quill in hand. The old lady saw him and smiled.

"My, my, you must be quite the wealthy young man to own one of those." She smiled sweetly at him.

"Er, yeah, you could say that."

She smiled at him. "Ah, I remember when your father came to buy his own girlfriend a ring, very similar to that one you have there."

Harry looked up from the parchment in astonishment when he finished writing the balance transfer on it. "My dad bought his ring here? When? How?"

The lady chuckled. "He was just the same as you are, though I don't doubt you have much more money than he did. Did anyone ever tell you how your father made his fortune?"

Harry's ears perked up at this. He loved finding new things out about his father. "No, do you know?"

The lady sighed sadly. "No, I am afraid I do not. Quite the mystery, it is. I was just hoping that you knew."

"oh." Harry responded. He left the joke stop shortly afterwards, and after making a few more important stops, flew back to the castle on his broomstick.

He didn't want to be caught by Hermione, so he flew straight to his dorm window, which was thankfully open, and he settled inside of it.


'Damn.' Harry turned to see Ron sitting on the edge of his bed, looking at Harry expectedly.

"Well? Where were you? What were you doing?"

Harry sighed. It's not like he could hide this from Ron forever. He pulled the box out of his pocket and tossed it to Ron.

Ron opened it and gasped. "Harry!" He grinned. "How are we gonna break it to Hermione?"

Harry laughed and threw a pillow at his red-headed best friend. Ron joined in the laughter and tossed the ring back to Harry. "So when are you gonna ask her?"

"Her birthday."

Ron groaned and rolled his eyes. "You know, you can't just propose to her every time you can't think of something to give her for her birthday."

Harry tossed another pillow at Ron, which he caught easily. 'Damned Seer' Harry thought with a smirk. Harry jumped up and headed for the door, motioning at Ron. "Come on," He said to Ron's look of confusion. "Let's go save Neville's folks."

Ten minutes later they were standing in Dumbledore's office, getting ready to leave. "Harry," Dumbledore asked forcefully. "I believe you flew to Hogsmeade without permission today, may I implore what the reason for that was?"

Ron and Neville snickered while Hermione gave him an aghast look. "Harry! How could you! There are people all over looking for you! What if-"

"Hermione, please stop." Harry cut her off and returned his gaze to Dumbledore. "Hmm, I don't want certain people in this room to know why, so," Harry grinned. "So you can use legilmens on me and I'll use occlumency to show you the image of what I was doing!"

Dumbledore nodded, smiling. "Very well. Legilmens!"

Without warning, Harry was seeing flashes of memories.

Sirius in the Shrieking Shack…


Sirius falling through the veil…

Urrg! Harry you can do this….

Hermione being hit from Dolohov…

Come on…

Him and Hermione sharing their first kiss…

Yes, getting there, come on…

His conversation with Neville…


Purchasing the ring in the jeweler shop…

Finally the memories were gone, and Harry wobbled for a moment before righting himself. Dumbledore smiled. "Very well Harry, but you still must be punished for your actions. Therefore you will be having a one half-hour detention every Friday evening with me for the rest of the school year."

Harry stared at him. It wasn't that bad was it?

Dumbledore smiled. "Which is where we will help you with you occlumency." Everyone in the room grinned. Dumbledore was the coolest Headmaster anyone could ever ask for.

"Now, if you will all take a hold of Fawkes here, we will go to St. Mungo's."

Everyone did as they were told and suddenly Harry was being whisked away to the greatest magical hospital in the world.

Chapter 20

Harry landed with a thud in the opening hall of St. Mungo's Hospital. The hospital was bristling with activity, witches and wizards running every-which way doing their business.

But there was only two people Harry cared about at the moment. "Come now," Dumbledore said, leading the way past the front desk (everyone ignoring the looks of awe people were sending them, it wasn't everyday that a witch or wizard got to se both Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore walking down a hospital corridor) and to the left wing of the hospital.

The Longbottom's had been moved so to avoid any unwanted attention (which Harry was grateful for, he didn't know what he would do if Lockheart saw him and started pestering him for autographs again) during the procedure.

They finally reached a small room in the last hallway of the left wing, passing many curious portraits and patients along the way, and they stepped inside, Neville clutching two vials to his chest as if his life depended on them.

Inside they found Frank and Alice, both staring aimlessly out the window, and Neville's grandmother in a rocking chair nearby, her face lighting up when they came in.

"Neville dear, you told me it was important to meet here tonight, but I don't understand," She glanced at everyone in the room. "Why must we be moved and why are all of these people here?" She smiled at them reassuringly. "Not that I mind of course, I'm only curious."

Harry smiled and nodded to Neville, who stepped forward and held out the two vials of potion. "Gran, Harry, Hermione, and myself created a potion in the last few days, and we're sure that it will relieve the tension in mum and dad's brains," His eyes welled up with tears. "They'll be okay again."

Grandma Longbottom dropped her jaw, unable to make a coherent sound. Finally, she spoke, eyes sparkling with tears and hope. "Dumbledore,' She whispered. "Is this true?"

The wise old man smiled and nodded. "Yes, Alicia, it is true."

The old lady broke into sobs and hurled herself at Neville, hugging him with all of her might. "Oh Neville!" She sobbed. "I'm so proud of you! And your parents will be as well, of course!"

Neville began to cry as well, and Alicia preceded to give a hug to everyone in the room. When she was done, there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Finally, Neville pulled out the vials and handed them to his parents. "Please, drink up and you'll feel better in the morning." He grinned a little, loving how true that statement was.

His parents, whom cared about nothing, shrugged and drank the potion down without a second thought (not that they were capable of thought in the first place). A few minutes later they were sleeping peacefully in their beds.

"Okay, I guess me and gran will stay with them over night." He smiled at his grandmother. "And gran, if they start to sweat and thrash in their sleep, that's a good thing, it means the potion is kicking in. So don't worry."

His grandmother smiled and waved to everyone who left at that moment. Harry sighed when they were back in the hallway. "So I guess it's to the meeting now huh," Harry asked somewhat dejectedly.

Hermione perked up. "Ooh, yeah, is Kingsley going to be there? I would love it ever so much to learn a few more of those powerful spells!"

Ron nearly fell to the ground in laughter while Hermione looked confusedly at her boyfriend, who was only able to hold back his laughter out of fear that Hermione would use one of these new spells on him tonight.

"What did I say?"

Dumbledore broke in. "It is no matter. Come now, we need to get to the meeting. I would be ever so upset if we were late!" He finished with a twinkle in his eye.

Harry and Ron fell to the ground in laughter, clutching their stomachs. Dumbledore was chuckling to himself, seemingly pleased with his joke. Hermione Just stared at him, beet-faced, mouth agape for a moment. She wasn't sure if it was wise to retort at a wizard of Dumbledore's stature and power.

"Yes, well," She said, walking with a smile. "I'm surprised you even let us know about the training tonight, rather than keeping it a secret." She finished with a smirk, and Ron and Harry were almost too surprised to laugh.

'That one was a little below the belt, but funny, nonetheless.' Harry thought, and he started to chuckle.

"Ah yes, Miss Granger. I may have well kept it a secret, but I feared it may interfere with your study schedule."

Hermione blushed again and once again Harry and Ron were clutching their sides in laughter. 'I should put this in my pensieve,' Harry thought. 'I don't ever want to forget this!'

"Would that be the study schedule you set up for me in fourth year, when my grades dropped slightly, or the one I set myself in fifth, which raised my marks considerably?"

Ron and Harry had to hold on to one another to stand. This was just to great.

Dumbledore smiled mysteriously. "I believe the latter, because that one has the allotted 'Harry' time in it as well."

Now both Harry and Hermione blushed, and Ron was beside himself with laughter. Finally they reached the area where they would portkey out.

"Will you all grab onto this please?" Dumbledore said, pulling an Occlumency book out of his pocket. "It will transport you straight to your meeting location."

They all nodded and took hold of the book. A few seconds later Harry was once again being pulled forward through space until he finally landed next to Hermione in the Forbidden Forest.

"Kriptify!" A voice bellowed, and Harry set straight into action. He grabbed Ron and Hermione's robes, roaring, "Afrio!" He had his wand pointed at the ground, and the banishing charm flung the trio fifty feet up into the air.

"Dissando! Dissando! Dissando!" He bellowed, tapping each of their heads with his wand as he did so, disillusioning them.

"Break up! Accio!" Harry used the summoning charm to pull himself onto the nearest tree. From his new vantage point, Harry could see the shady forms of Mad-Eye Moody and Kingsley sulking on the ground.

"Where did they go! They couldn't have dissaparated!" Kingsley said. Moody only grunted in response. Once they split up, Moody heading towards Harry and Kingsley towards where Ron and Hermione were hiding, he broke into action again.

Jumping from his tree, he landed softly behind Moody, using a quick and quiet banishing charm to push himself up slightly before he hit, allowing him to softly drop. Before Moody could react, Harry bellowed, "Visione obscure!"

The spell hit the seasoned auror in the middle of the eyes as he spun around, now looking dizzily, as Harry had put a double-vision hex on him.

"Impressive Potter," He growled, then he yelled, "Fuera onsando!"

Harry felt an invisible curse hit him, but he felt nothing. He waited until he could get a good shot in, then bellowed, "Kriptify!"

A split second later Moody yelled the full-body bind jinx, and Harry was horrified to see that while he had yelled the incantation for the ultimate stunner, the wand had cast the double-vision hex again.

Moody's jinx flew straight through Harry's curse and hit him square on the chest. Harry fell flat on his back in defeat.

Moody came over and loomed over him, smiling. "Very good boy, just not good enough." Harry couldn't answer, he just looked at Mad-Eye in confusion. The old man laughed. "Fuera onsando, much like priori incantatum, only much more useful. It causes the wand to cast its previous spell no matter what the incantation or wand movement. Dead useful, it is."

Moody waved his wand and released the ropes binding Harry's arms and legs, then offered him a hand up. Harry took it, yelling, "Stupefy!"

The stunner caught Moody dead in the chest, and he was instantly knocked out. Harry grinned and revived Moody, but not before muttering, "Audoblo intenso," increasing the sensitivity of Mad-Eye's ears.

Harry grinned at Mad-Eye as he woke. "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"

Mad-Eye winced and held his ears, scowling for a moment at Harry before giving him a small smile. "Very good Potter, I see I've been getting through to you. Now let us go and find the others without any more hostilities, yes?"

Harry nodded and followed the old man to where Kingsley and Hermione were, dueling. Ron was knocked out at Shacklebolt's feet, but the seasoned auror didn't seem to be able to get the better of Hermione. Harry grinned and leaned up against a tree muttering to Moody, "Where's the popcorn when you need it?" Moody gave him a toothy smile as they watched the duel.

"Kriptify!" Roared Kingsley, desperately trying to catch Hermione off guard. She daftly side-stepped the stunner, inching closer to Kingsley.

"Urrggh! Petrificus Totalis!"


Kingsley's full-body jinx was sent back at him, and Hermione took the time that Kingsley used to dodge the rebound to morph into her phoenix form and fly quickly behind him and revert to herself. She spun to disarm Kingsley but he was to fast.

"Blazar acuzar!" He bellowed, swinging his light blade swiftly to Hermione, and stopping it inches from her neck. She sighed and put up her hands in defeat.

"Okay, you guys win, I guess."

Kingsley gave a triumphant smile and whooped while Hermione revived Ron and Harry went over to see how they were.

"Don't get so excited just yet Shacklebolt," Moody growled.

"Oh yeah, and why's that?"

"Because a sixteen year-old girl with one week of training just pushed you to your limits in a duel. Potter here did the same to myself before I got him. You've been an auror, for what, ten years?"

The large black-haired auror's smile faltered to nothingness. "Well when you put it that way…" He said, sounding embarrassed. Harry and Hermione exchanged identical smirks.

Moody clasped his hands together. "Alright, when Lovegood gets here with Tonks and Lupin her and Ron will continue their animagus training, and tonight Harry and Hermione, you will be practicing new spells with Kingsley and myself."

An hour later Harry was yawning as he blasted a clay pot into a thousand pieces and then repaired it. Then he did it again. And again. And again. Apparently Moody wanted them to 'perfect every aspect of the spell'. so after using stupefy for twenty minutes, they had moved on to rictify and then kriptify. Now they were using reducto and reparo repeatedly until Moody felt they had had enough practice.

After another hour of practicing the blasting curse, then the ultimate blasting curse, maximus reducto, they had finally gotten into something new.

"Now Miss Granger, Mr. Potter, the next spell you'll learn is the most difficult of any we have taught you yet. It is called the 'Inanimate Life Curse'. It temporarily transfigures inanimate items - such as a coat rack or statue - into a living being that will obey you're every command. I believe you have seen this in action, Mr. Potter."

Harry looked at him, perplexed, for a moment before recalling that night in the Department of Mysteries. 'So that's the spell Dumbledore used,' He thought. 'Without it, I'd be dead right now.'

Harry smiled and nodded. "Yeah, Albus saved my life with it." Once again Harry found himself at ease using the headmaster's name without even realizing it.

Moody smiled. "Yes, that is it exactly. Now, watch this." Mad-Eye waved his wand up once, saying, "Fracen," Then back down while saying, "Comparen," He finally brought his wand up in a spiraling motion and completed the spell, muttering, "Trido."

He turned and smiled, the small figurine he had been using as a target moved wherever his wand pointed. Moody sighed. "It's about the only thing we've got to fight the killing curse. Just move an object in the way to take the blow. Fracen Comparen Trido is all we've got."

Harry and Hermione shared a knowing glance. They were still trying to figure out a counter-curse to it. If they could cure Neville's parents, why not stop the killing curse?

The next hour was spent of Harry and Hermione unsuccessfully trying to use the Inanimate Life Curse. Moody told them not to worry and that no one gets it on their first night of trying. He just told them to practice it during the day and they would eventually get it.

They got to the common room after a three and a half hour session completely exhausted. "Uhhh," Harry moaned, collapsing on the common room couch, Hermione right next to him. "I'm not moving." Harry stated. He was much to tired to even think of going up to his dormitory.

"Mmm, me too." Hermione said, nuzzling her face in Harry's chest while wrapping her arms around his middle. Harry did the same, kissing his girlfriend softly on the forehead.

"Night Mione. I love you."

Hermione didn't answer, as she was already asleep. Harry groaned inwardly, realizing that they had classes the next day and that they would be getting up extra early to visit the Longbottom's, and then that night he would be making his pensieve.

Harry didn't feel that he had the right to complain though, or that he even wanted to. The Longbottom's were cured, he wanted to see them wake up. His pensieve would set straight everything that had been perceived wrongly in the last few years.

He smiled. He may be having long days, but at least they were good ones. With this he fell into a peaceful slumber.

Chapter 21

Harry woke up early the next morning to find that Hermione had already gone. He sat up quickly and immediately regretted it when a spark of pain shot up his legs, through his back, down his arms, and into his neck.

He moved one leg to try and make it more comfortable but then…"Ahh!" He yelped, frantically twitching his leg to make the pain go away. "Cramp!" Moving his leg around wildly didn't sever its purpose though, as soon he had a cramp in his neck as well.

Harry groaned and was on his feet, dancing frantically to make the cramps go away. He heard a soft giggle come from behind him. "Geez Harry, I didn't think there was going to be a ball this year."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Shut up Scarlet. Will you give me a massage? Please? I really need one."

He turned around to see Hermione scrunching her nose at him. "Okay, but go take a shower first, you're all smelly."

Harry smirked at her as he walked by to the boys showers. "Yeah, and who did I sleep next to last night? I guess the smell just rubbed off then." He slammed the bathroom door behind him before Hermione could come up with a retort.

Whistling, he walked to the shower and pulled off his robes, stepping into the hot water that now cascaded down his entire body. It was early enough that no one was awake yet, so Harry enjoyed the peace and quiet of the Gryffindor shower room until he heard the bathroom door open.

"Oh Harry," Came Hermione's voice, and Harry slipped on the wet ground beneath him and fell.


He heard Hermione chuckle and a quick movement. He peeked his head out of the shower to see Hermione giving him a mischievous grin, Harry's robes in one hand while her other rested just above the lever to flush one of the toilets.

Harry immediately noticed his dilemma. There was no way to escape the water inside of the shower as the space was to small, and he couldn't step out lest Hermione see him naked. He gave her a scared look. "You wouldn't…"

She gave him an innocent smirk. "You shouldn't have called me smelly." And she pulled the lever down, immediately flushing the toilet and making Harry feel like he was bathing on the sun.

"OWWW!!!" Harry screamed, and he heard Hermione giggle uncontrollably. The water was unbearable. Oh he would get Hermione for this. So he did the last thing she ever would have expected him to.

He stepped out of the shower, completely starkers, and walked straight over to Hermione, who was now gaping at him, unable to speak. Harry was very comfortable with his body, it was only Hermione after all, she would be seeing him like this eventually anyways, so he cranked up his courage and went through with it.

He smirked at Hermione when he reached her, pulling the towel out of her hands and drying his hair off with it, then wrapping it around his waist. "Thanks for handing me my towel Hermione," He said simply, then picked her up in a bone-crushing hug, pressing his soaked body up against her clean and dry clothes.

She gasped, "Harry!" As he whirled her around in a circle before finally setting her back down on the ground, just as wet as he was in her school robes.

He smiled at her and left the bathroom, smirking to himself while Hermione followed in his wake, unbelieving of what he just did. "Harry," She began, but Harry cut her off.

"I know," He said, smirking at her. "You feel bad that you've seen me completely starkers and now you want me to see you starkers too, you can show me tonight, if you want." He grinned and took the steps up to his dormitory three at a time, leaving a stricken Hermione behind.

Ten minutes later he was back downstairs on the Gryffindor couch, moaning in pleasure as Hermione worked her delicate hands through all of the knots on his back and neck. "Mmm, Hermione. Has anyone ever told you that you could be a masseuse?"

Hermione sighed and leaned into him, trailing a few butterfly kisses along his neck. "It just feels better to you knowing that I'm the one doing it. Listen Harry, about this morning, and tonight, I…"

She was cut off by Harry's laughter. "Mione, come on, I was just joking. I know you're not comfortable doing that, I'll wait as long as you want before you let me see you starkers."

He felt her smile against his back. "Yes, I suppose. You know that I want to wait until marriage to have sex, right?" Harry groaned but nodded his head. Hermione lowered her voice to a more seductive tone. "But that doesn't mean there aren't other things we could do…"

Harry stiffened noticeably as a shiver ran down his back. He spun around to face her. "Are you saying that you want to…"

He was silenced by Hermione's finger over his lips. "Shh, I love you Harry, and I want to show you that, but I want to wait to go all the way until marriage. Until then…" She gave Harry a very seductive smile, and he gulped loudly.

"O-okay H-Hermione. Why d-don't we talk about this later, okay?"

She nodded and they rose from the couch and walked to Dumbledore's office together, ready to go see Neville's cured parents. While on the way out, only one thought was on Harry's mind, 'Thank god for baggy robes as a school uniform…'


Twenty minutes later Harry was walking hand in hand with Hermione through the drafty corridors of St. Mungo's. Ron had slept in at the castle, and it seemed that nothing could possibly wake him, so they left him there and traveled to Mungo's with just Dumbledore.

When they entered the room, Neville looked up from his chair and beamed at them, while his gran smiled softly. "They were thrashing and sweating all night Harry," He said excitedly. "They should wake up any second now. I'm so excited!"

Harry laughed. If anyone else had heard this conversation, they'd've thought that Neville was insane for being excited that his parents had thrashed in their sleep all through the night. Only a select few knew that that meant the Longbottom's were going to be cured.

After a few moments of excited talk, Alice started to come to in her bed. "Huh? Where, am I?"

Her mother sprinted to her bedside as fast as her scrawny old legs could take her. Tears were flowing freely down her face. "Do you know who I am?" She had a tone of utmost hope.

Alice snorted. "Of course I do. I only had to live with you for seventeen years. Where am I mum?"



Cried Neville and his gran, both of them throwing themselves on top of a very confused Alice. "Mum, who is this boy? And why is he calling me mum?"

Neville began to cry hysterically while his gran tried to explain the situation. "Alice, dear, you were attacked by a band of death eaters, the Lestranges, Barty Crouch Jr., they-" She choked on her words. "they tortured you into insanity. You've been insane for sixteen years. But you're better now."

Alice gaped at her mother. "Are you sure I'm the one who needs to be in Mungo's? No, it can't be! Frank and I were going to visit James and Lily's grave tomorrow. Then we were going to go over our notes, try and figure out why Sirius betrayed them, no, I don't believe it!"

Harry stepped forward. "I'm sorry Mrs. Longbottom, but it's true."

Alice spun her head to face Harry and gasped, clasping a hand over her mouth. "No, it can't be…Harry? Harry Potter?"

Harry nodded grimly and lifted up his raven-black hair, revealing his lightning bolt scar. Alice gasped as tears began to well up in her eyes. "Oh Merlin…"

Neville wiped away his tears and stepped up to his mother. "Please mum," He sobbed, hugging her. "Please tell me that you know it's me. Please mum, I've wanted to talk to you, to know you, for so long. Please tell me you know who I am."

Alice looked Neville over, her face scrunched in concentration. She framed his face in her hands, looking at him deeply. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she pulled him into a fierce hug. "NEVILLE!"


There wasn't a dry tear in the house, everyone crying at the reunion. Soon enough, Frank awoke from his bed next to Alice. "The bloody hell is going on here…" He started, then he gasped when he laid his eyes on the person nearest to him…Harry.

"J-James?" Harry's eyes welled up with tears and he shook his head, once again lifting his hair out of the way. Frank gasped again. "No, impossible…Harry? But how? You must be sixteen by now, you were just a baby the last time I saw you a few months ago…"

"Frank, dear, I think we've missed a lot," Alice said, pushing Neville forward. "Look Frank, he looks just like you…"

Frank had tears falling freely now. "N-Neville?"

Neville nodded, eyes filled with free-flowing tears. "DAD!" He flung himself around his father in a fierce hug, which the elder Longbottom returned with vigor.

As they separated, Frank wiped his eyes and stammered, "B-But I don't understand. Are you really here? Are you using a time turner? And, wait…" He took in his surroundings. "Why the bloody hell am I in a hospital?!"

Alice laid a reassuring hand on top of her husbands. "Honey, this is going to be tough to absorb, but it is the truth." She took a deep breath. "We were torture by Crouch and the Lestranges Frank. We've been trapped inside our own minds in this bloody hospital for sixteen years."

Frank glanced all around the room before finally laying his eyes on Dumbledore. "Explain."

For the next three hours Dumbledore explained, in explicit detail, everything that had happened since they had been rendered insane. Harry and the others jumped in at various points to help explain things better.

Their reactions were priceless. They were both astounded, but somewhat relieved when they were told the truth about Sirius. Frank had shook his head and said, "I just couldn't believe that Sirius had done that. All the evidence pointed to it, but, I just was unable to fathom how Sirius could have betrayed the Potter's. Now I know."

They told them all about the tri-wizard tournament and Voldemort's rebirth, which sent them both to tears, though they were proud of Harry for surviving a duel with the dark lord.

They cried when they were told of Sirius' demise and the Department of Mysteries Battle. Finally everything was told, and Frank Longbottom looked at Hermione strangely.

"Okay, I know that you," He pointed at Harry. "Are James and Lily's son. That's Dumbledore obviously," He said, jerking a thumb at the old wizard. "This her is my boy Neville," He gave his son a manly hug. "And that is my mother-in-law," He said, pointing at Alice's mother.

He looked pointedly at Hermione. "Who are you?"

"I'm, I'm Hermione Granger," She replied in a squeaky voice. Frank frowned at her.

"Granger huh? I don't remember any Granger's in the old Order. Do you Alice?" His wife shook her head.

"Oh!" Hermione said quickly. "I'm a muggle-born. I'm in the same year as Harry and Neville. Harry's been my best friend ever since first year and now," She gave Harry a nervous grin.

Harry pulled her to him and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. "And now she's my girlfriend." He said with pride, beaming at Hermione. It was evident to anyone watching that they were very much in love.

The moment lasted for quite some time until Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I believe that we now need to think of an appropriate way to reintroduce the two of you into the public. Any ideas?"

"I've got one," Hermione said pointedly. Everyone turned to stare at her. "Well, Harry's going to make this big pensieve, so why not reintroduce them at that event?"

There was a murmur of agreement in the room, and Harry squeezed Hermione's hand to show his support. She beamed at him and laid her head on his shoulder.

It was decided that they would announce the Longbottom's return that Wednesday night right after Harry's pensieve showed. They also believed that this was a good way to secure Arthur's position as the Minister of Magic.

Harry and Hermione (Neville was going to stay with his parents for the day and start to get caught up with them) portkeyed back to Hogwarts right around lunchtime.

They walked into the great hall together and found a seat at the Gryffindor table next to Ron and Katrina, who were laughing happily and obviously enjoying one another's company. Harry and Hermione smiled at them as they sat down.

"Where have you two been all day?" Katrina inquired. "You missed a great transfiguration lesson!"

Hermione spoke up quickly, casting a quick glance at Ron. "We were visiting some old friend's of Harry's parents at the hospital. They've been sick for a while but they're all better now."

Harry grinned at Hermione's ability to tell the truth and give no information away. Ron was smiling broadly, as he had obviously understood the cryptic message and now knew that the Longbottom's had been cured.

"Yes, well, that's nice." Katrina said, sounding a bit put out. "But we learned a little about metamorphagus in McGonogall's today, and guess what?" She paused for suspense, grinning madly. "I have metamorphagus abilities! Isn't that grand!"

Harry gave her a smile and nodded, while Hermione responded with a plethora of information about metamorphagi and all about how much she had read about them.

Harry turned to Ron and they talked quidditch for the rest of the lunch period before finally leaving for Advanced Weapons training, desperately awaiting the days ahead, particularly Wednesday.


A/N: Hah! No cliffhanger this time! Okay, there'll only be one more 3 chapter installment before it calms down and I start only putting up one chapter at a time as I write them. Also, I got a horrible report card, so I'm grounded during the week now, so the update's are gonna slow down, probably only two or three a week.

Preview: The next generation of marauders, but they may not be who you think, a large-scale duel with an unexpected guest and an unexpected outcome.