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Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory


A/N: Long time no see, huh? This chapter totally sux, but oh well. R/R!!!

Chapter 33

Young Love

By: Rita Skeeter

Now, two weeks after the shocking revelation that none other than the-boy-who-lived, the savior of the wizarding world, had become engaged to long time friend and stunningly beautiful muggle-born Hermione Granger, the Daily Prophet has been given an exclusive interview with the young couple. The soon-to-be Potters (no wedding date has yet to be set, but rumor around the school says it may very well be over Christmas Holiday's) requested your's truly specifically for their interview. So with no further ado, here is the interview I conducted with the young lovers.

Rita Skeeter: Hello Harry, Hermione. It has been a long time, has it not?

Hermione Granger: Yes, last time we met was in fourth year, I believe.

Harry Potter: Yeah, I remember, you were always bugging me for an interview.

RS: Yes, well, um, a good reporter always needs to buzz around for the best possible information.

HG: <laughing lightly> Yes, you are very good at buzzing around for the details aren't you Rita?

RS: Yes, well, now on to the story of the year. You two are engaged now, yes?

HP: Yes! We are engaged, it's not a rumor, it's true. <He turns and gives a loving smile to his wife-to-be> Whew, it feels great to finally get that one off my chest.

HG: Yes, you have no idea how annoying it can be to be constantly questioned about it. That's one of the reasons we decided to give this interview.

RS: Okay, now that that is out of the way, Harry, when exactly did you propose to Miss Granger?

HP: <smiling, presumably from the happiness of the memory> Well I had originally intended to ask her on her birthday, but most unfortunately, I was - unable to ask her then, I was in no condition.

RS: I presume this was the time that you spent in the Hogwarts infirmary after your duel at the Chudley Cannons Quidditch Match?

HP: Yes.

RS: Could you give us any details of that duel?

HP: <long pause> I don't believe that is the subject of this interview, so I have nothing to say about it other than, no, I did not duel with my mate Ron Weasley, we were dueling a man that is to remain unnamed.

RS: I see…now back on topic, Miss Granger, how was the proposal? Was it perfect?

HG: <smiling> Yes, I couldn't have asked for more. It was so romantic, and sweet. <she looks at her fiancée, who blushes>

RS: So now, for the question of the century, why so soon? How are you sure that you two are 'meant' for one another?

HG: You can't really describe what we have…it's just…perfect.

HP: Yeah, we always seem to know what the other is thinking, we sort of complete one another.

RS: <frowning slightly in confusion> Complete each other? How?

HG: Well…it's hard to explain really, but I'll try my best. Harry and I are very similar in our personalities, we like a lot of the same things. But where we differ in our interests, the other one sort of fills that in. do you know what I mean?

RS: <still confused> No, I'm sorry, I think I may get the basic concept though. Do you have anything to add Harry?

HP: Yes, well, what Hermione's trying to say, is where one of us may have a fault, the other is there to fill the void. What I lack in motivation for studying and schoolwork, Hermione knows how to get me to fix that. Like what Hermione doesn't understand about quidditch, I'm there to show her. What one of us can't do alone, the two of us can do together.

RS: Hmm, yes, I do believe I understand now. Like in the game of chess, where a castle may only go horizontally and vertically, it is limited. A bishop may be able to go diagonally, but is limited to that. Together, they create the queen, which is not limited at all.

<the two youngsters share an amused glance before breaking out in laughter>

HP: I'm sorry, it's an inside joke. But yes, that's correct, that's exactly how we feel.

RS: Okay then. So now, why so soon? Why not wait until after Hogwarts.

HP: <his face suddenly serious> Hermione and I are in the forefront of the war against he-who-must-not-be-named (Potter actually spoke the name in this instance, something only few wizards or witches in the world are brave enough to do, including the headmaster of Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore) and neither of us know if we'll make it out alive. We want the world to know how much we loved one another if one of us should not make it.

RS: <nodding in understanding> I understand. How do you feel about this war Harry, Hermione? Why would two young children such as yourselves be at the forefront of it?

<the two share a look, apparently speaking without words, but only by knowing the other's facial expressions>

HP: Well…I don't think we can give you much information there, except for the fact that we will be in this war and we will be on the front lines and he-who-must-not-be-named (once again the abomination's name was spoken) will be defeated.

RS: You seem very confident that you-know-who will be defeated.

HG: We are, unlike he-who-must-not-be-named (once again the dark lord's name was spoken, this reporter was mildly shocked that such a young girl had the courage to say the name, but then I would expect nothing less from the future Mrs. Potter) we have something to fight for.

RS: And what might that be?

HP: <smiling at Hermione> Each other. Love, friendship, and everything in-between. He-who-must-not-be-named (the true name was spoken) has no one that loves him, or cares for him. I almost pity him for that. His death eaters do not like him, they loath him, but they love the power that he brings to them. In return for their service, he gives them power. As he-who-must-not-be-named (by now I was nearly getting used to hearing the dark lord's name being used) once told me, 'There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it.' That is the motto that the death eaters live by, they believe in it, but I do not. They think only 'pure blood' wizards are worthy of having power. <Harry smiles wickedly and looks me dead in the eye> Are you ready for a real bombshell?

RS: <excited> Yes, very much so.

HP: <grins> Let me tell you a small story then. A young man, Tom Riddle, met a woman one night in the small town of Little Hangleton. He loved this woman and eventually she bared his child. Before the baby was born though, this woman revealed to Tom that she was a witch, and that it was likely that their soon-to-be-son was going to be a wizard. The man was scared of the idea of wizards and witches, and he promptly fled, leaving the woman and the unborn baby. The baby was born sometime later, and the mother died in childbirth, but not before giving a name, Tom Marvolo Riddle.

RS: How sad.

HP: Yes, but that is only part of the story. So Tom is raised in a muggle orphanage, where he is picked on and abused by the other children. Tom begins to resent them for this. Then, when he's eleven years old, he gets his Hogwarts letter. Tom was sorted into Slytherin and became the most brilliant student the school had ever seen. But this wasn't enough for Tom. He wanted power, he wanted revenge on the father that left him to a horrible ten years at a muggle orphanage, as well as revenge on the children of that orphanage. When Tom graduated, he fell deeply into the dark arts, undergoing many dangerous, magical transformations until he was near-immortal. Not even the killing curse could kill him. This was when he went back to Little Hangleton, and murdered his father and his family. After this, Lord You-Know-What (the name was once again spokes, but the daily prophet does not allow that word in it's publishing's) was born.

RS: <in shock> Wow, that is quite some story Harry.

HG: <smiling at fiancee> Yes, it is. Ironic isn't it? The man who is known as the biggest pureblood advocate in the world is only a half-blood himself.

RS: Yes, very ironic indeed. But it seems we have swayed from the original topic of your engagement. Have you decided whether this will be a large wedding or a small one?

HP: Oh, a small one for sure. Only our very closest friends and family will be invited. The service will probably only have perhaps fifty to one hundred people in attendance.

RS: I see, have you two decided on a date?

HG: Well, we aren't too sure yet, but most likely we'll have it over Christmas vacations.

RS: Where do you plan on having it?

HP: <smiling mysteriously> Wouldn't you like to know?

<we all laugh>

RS: So are we going to be expecting any baby Potter's anytime soon?

<they both blush brilliantly at the question>

HG: Um, no, definitely not until after he-who-must-not-be-named (the true name was spoken yet again) is defeated. It would be completely unfair to a child to grow up while its parents are fighting in a war.

RS: So you are both saving yourselves for marriage then?

HP: <frowning> I don't believe that's any of your business Rita. Or anyone else's for that matter.

RS: Very well, a good reporter knows when she has pushed too far. That's all the questions I have for you. So good day then.

<Harry and Hermione nod politely and the interview is finished>

So there you have it, fellow wizards and witches, reported by yours truly, we now have all of the answers of the world's most famous couple that everyone has been dying for. I hope that you all enjoyed the interview and I believe we all wish Harry and Hermione a long, lovely marriage.

Harry sighed slightly as he put the newspaper down. They were in mid-October now, and after getting fed up with all of the rumors surrounding their relationship, Harry and Hermione finally sent Rita Skeeter an owl promising an exclusive interview. They agreed that if Rita wrote a nice article, all fact and no fiction, that they would sign a wizard's contract to never tell Rita's secret, as long as she promised to never write anything derogatory about them again.

The article was excepted as well as could be hoped for, finally killing all the rumor's and crushing many young Harry Potter groupies dreams. Hermione stopped getting hate mail from all of the jealous women in the wizarding world, and girls stopped coming up to Harry in the hallways and explaining to him why they were better for him than Hermione.

But the big bombshell of the interview, the fact that Lord Voldemort was only a half-blood, brought out an outrage in the wizarding world. All of the pure-blooded families that had been supporting what Voldemort was doing by getting rid of the mudbloods and half-bloods were suddenly at a loss for words that their hero was a fraud.

Harry was sure that this article had caused an outrage in Voldemort's ranks, he had felt his scar burning over the last few days, no doubt caused by Voldemort murdering those who had risen to oppose him once they had learned of his heritage.

Hermione sighed next to him, her head resting on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it Harry, no matter what we do, there's still going to be people that hate us for being together. So there's no use in getting all worked up about it."

Harry smiled and looked at his fiancee, knowing that she was right. "Yeah, I know. So, you have any interesting stories for me today?"

"Hmm," Hermione said thoughtfully. "Well before transfiguration today some third year Hufflepuff came up to me and asked if I would help her make a love potion, because I obviously had experience at it."

A few weeks ago, this statement would have sent Harry off the edge, but now, he was used to this sort of thing. He laughed. "So what did you tell her?"

"Nothing, I just laughed and told her that I've never brewed a love potion in my life and that I was sorry that I couldn't help her. I just said that the best way to win a man's heart is to always be there for him."

Harry smiled at her. "Well isn't that the truth."


A few days later Harry found himself in the tunnel of the Quidditch stadium, ready to come out and lead his team to victory over Ravenclaw.

"Okay guys, now listen up." Ron said, and instantly all eyes were on him. "Ravenclaw has nothing on us, we all know that. We are stronger in every position. I just want to see a lot of precision passing, and watch for that long ball that Seymore likes to throw from his goal hoops every once and a while. Davies is pretty decent as a chaser, but the rest of them are nothing to worry about."

He turned to Harry. "Harry, you know Cho's out to get you, so you better watch your back out there."

Harry nodded, understanding what Ron was saying. Things between the two of them had never really been mended after their breakup the year before. Cho was certainly not happy about the engagement, so she was sure to be playing rough today.

"Alright team, that's it. Now let's go take our first step to the quidditch cup!"

A/N: I rpomise the next chapter will be better, I just haven't been in the writing mood lately, so sorry.
