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Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Arithmetic Theory


Oh boy, I don't wanna even think about how much some of you are gonna hate me for posting an author's note, especially because the chapter was corrupted the first time I tried to post it, but I thought I'd try to clear the air a bit.

A lot of you, no doubt, are wondering why I can't find the time to write a little Harry Potter on the side of whatever it is that I do on a daily basis, am I right?

Well, the truth of the matter is, I am currently writing a novel, something that is taking up massive amounts of my time, and every time I try to get back to AT, a new idea hits me, like the whole quidditch cup thing.

I do know how this story ends, and I do really plan on finishing it up at some point, it's just tough with all of the other stuff circling around in my head.

For those of you that may wonder how serious I am about this book I'm writing (it's called 'The Imminence of Fate') I'll just give you a bit of description about it. It is part one of a three book set, entitled 'The Trilogy of Fate' and revolves around two boys as they travel the world searching for truth.

It starts out simple -- the boys come across a body in the woods by their home, the only identifying marks upon it being a golden nameplate round his neck and a shruiken lodged inside the throat. Time passes and the boys hold this secret to themselves…until someone comes looking for the lost man. Curiosity sets adventure into motion, but it doesn't take long until their search for truth evolves into a quest to find the true Fate of man itself, and whether it holds prosperity…or destruction.

Anyways, so that's what's been eating into my AT time, so if you're ever in a bookstore a few months from now and see a book entitled 'The Imminence of Fate' with a description close to that which I just gave you, at least you'll know all the delays in AT were worth something (and yes, I have had a few people read the thing for real, and have had publishers contact me about it, but I've done nothing so far in those regards…basically I'm trying to say 'this book is for real' without sounding arrogant, but oh well…).

Oh yeah -- but I have started writing the next AT chapter, by the way, it'll be up maybe tomorrow, maybe later, just depends how long I intend to make it.

Hope you guys have a better understanding now,

Player aka SoraSummers