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The Power Within by MisCard

The Power Within


**~OK, here it is, the final chapter of The Power Within. I've worked for three straight days on this and I have to say I'm happy with the outcome. I feel I need to warn the faint of heart that there are some gory parts in this chapter. If you can't deal with graphic scenes of violence or explanations of childbirth, this chapter may not be for you. I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. It took a while to look up the Latin words I needed, but I think they make the chapter even better. Please leave a review and let me know what you think! Thank you again for reading my story, you guys are great!!! :) ~A quick note to my husband who is in the Navy and in Iraq right now: I love that you're taking time out to read my story and that even you are a fan. I'm proud of you love!!! Stay safe!!~**

Hermione woke up feeling horrible and wondering where she was. As she looked around, she noticed she was in a cage in a room that wasn't familiar to her. Suddenly, a horrendous pain shot through her stomach and she screamed, feeling like she was being torn in two. 'The baby' she thought, becoming scared 'it's not time. It's too early.' She rubbed her stomach, noticing how rock hard it felt. "Harry!" she yelled, knowing she probably wouldn't get an answer. Unfortunately, she did get and answer, but it sure wasn't from Harry.

"Aww, did the little mudblood get herself knocked up? And by wonder boy no less?" Hermione looked up to see Bellatrix Lestrange standing against a wall on the far side of the room. She started walking towards the cage Hermione was in laughing maniacally the whole time. When she reached the cage, she put her hands on two of the bars and just watched Hermione for a time. Hermione screamed and clutched her stomach as once again a contraction ripped through her body. Bellatrix just laughed harder at seeing her pain. "That's what happens when you spread your legs, you stupid mudblood. But don't worry, you won't have to raise the little brat. Once Potter finds out where you are and comes to save the day, he'll get the privilege of watching you give birth. Then he'll get to watch as we kill his wife and newborn son. Surely he'll be too grief stricken to fight my Master and will quickly join the two of you in the afterlife."

Hermione was not in any mood to listen to this lunatic's ranting and decided to tell her so. "Why don't you go play with your Master and leave me the hell alone, you crazy bitch!"

Bellatrix stood there for a second, surprised at the outburst. "I can't play with him right now, he's getting ready to play with Potter" she said, smiling at the look of fear that was now on Hermione's face. "Enjoy your labor pains mudblood, it'll be the only time you experience them. As soon as your husband gets here, you're dead."

While Remus and Harry stood staring at the Dark Mark in the sky, Professor Snape apparated in front of them seemingly out of breath. "Voldemort is awake" he panted out, looking at the two. Harry glared at him and pointed to the mark in the sky, and when Snape looked up he looked immediately back down. "Who's been killed?" he asked, fearing the answer.

"No one that we know of yet" said Remus "but Hermione's missing and she's gone into labor."

"WHAT?!" yelled Snape. He looked at Harry and said "weren't you watching her Potter?!"

Harry looked ready to kill Snape after that comment, so Remus stepped in and said "she was in the shop with Tonks and Ginny Weasley. She went into labor and Ginny came out here to get us. When we went inside, Tonks and the shopkeeper were unconscious and Hermione was gone."

Looking at Harry still, Snape said "obviously she was taken to lure you to Voldemort. I'll go try to find out where she's being kept."

"You do that" said Harry, speaking for the first time "and you tell anyone involved in this that they had better enjoy their last hours on earth because once I find them they're dead!"

After Bellatrix had left, Hermione lay on the floor of the cage, trying to remember the breathing techniques that Madam Pomfrey had showed her at her last check-up. Trying to calm herself as another contraction came and went, she was trying to count how many minutes were in-between. They seemed to be coming rather quickly even though her labor had just started. She didn't think she'd ever wanted to see Harry before like she wanted him by her now. She was scared, she was in pain and she was completely alone. She had no idea what she would do if the baby came before anyone came to save her. 'Please hurry Harry' she thought, laying there and crying as the pain tore through her once more.

Dumbledore had showed up about five minutes after Snape had disappeared. He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw the look on Harry's face. He didn't look sad or worried, he looked mad. He stood next to Remus with his arms down by his sides and his hands fisted. Harry was looking at the ground as Dumbledore walked up and he saw the fire burning in his eyes when he looked up at the Headmaster. He had gotten very good at controlling his ability, and the fact that he was controlling it now when his emotions were at their peak was amazing.

"Harry, I came as soon as I heard what happened. I just checked on Tonks and she's going to be ok; so is the shopkeeper" said Dumbledore.

"I don't give a damn if they're ok or not. Right now, all I want is my wife back with me, safe. Dumbledore, she went into labor right before they took her. For all I know she may be dead by now!"

Dumbledore looked surprised at that bit of information. "Tonks informed me of the situation. Harry, I came to find you to tell you that I think I have a way for you to find Hermione. We need to go back to my office quickly; if I'm right you'll be able to track her to wherever it is they're holding her. The only bad thing is that you will have to go alone."

"I'm fine with that. I've trained for this, and if it's the only way to get her and my son home safely then I'm all for it. Let's go!" Dumbledore motioned to a carriage behind him and the three made their way over to it. The carriage seemed to go faster than Harry had ever seen it go before, and for that he was grateful. They reached the castle and went up to Dumbledore's office. As they reached the gargoyle, they found Ron waiting there, pacing back and forth. "Ron, what are you doing here?" asked Harry.

"Ginny told me what happened. What can I do, I want to help" said Ron with a very troubled look on his face.

"Let's go into my office and discuss our options" said Dumbledore. They all went into the office and Dumbledore motioned for them to sit down. Remus and Ron took a seat, but Harry stood standing, almost bouncing on his feet. Dumbledore sat in his chair behind his desk and looked very seriously at Harry. "As I mentioned before Harry, I think there is a way for you to find your wife. It's going to be difficult, but I think you can do it."

Harry sat staring at him, waiting for him to tell him the plan and what he needed to do. As Dumbledore just sat there silent, Harry almost lost his composure completely. "Well!? What do I need to do? Every minute we waste gives them a minute more to murder Hermione and my son!" As Harry finished his sentence, he was yelling very loudly. He looked around the room to see the three of them just watching him and he felt like punching a wall or pulling his hair out. His family was in trouble. He was NOT going to lose them, they were his future and he planned for it to be a long one.

Finally, Dumbledore spoke "You have mentioned all of the incidents between you, Hermione and your son. I think if you were to concentrate, you could focus in on your son's fire magic and apparate yourself to where Hermione is."

Harry looked at him like he was nutters. "You expect me to concentrate and just 'poof!' go right to wherever she is? Have you lost it?!"

"No Harry, I have not 'lost' it, as you put it. There have been two instances already where you have connected with your son, and the last time Hermione was connected also. I think, since you two are the only ones on this earth that possess this magic inside of you, that you will be able to find them. You are going to have to calm down first though or it will never work" explained Dumbledore, trying to quell Harry's growing anger. "I think you and Mr. Weasley should go to the Room of Requirement to see if my idea works. Remus and I will stand outside the door; if you are successful Harry, then Mr. Weasley can tell us once you are gone."

Harry looked at Ron and realized Dumbledore was right; there was no one else that he would want with him at this moment. Ron was his best mate, and if anyone could help to calm him down, it would be him.

They made their way to the RoR and Harry walked back and forth in front of it three times. The door appeared and as he made to go inside, he noticed Dumbledore behind him waving his wand. "What are you doing?" Harry asked.

"I'm lowering the wards around the castle that prevent apparition. Now, in you go so you can find your wife and child. Good luck Harry" said Dumbledore.

Remus walked up to Harry and put his hand on his shoulder. "Keep your head on Harry, don't lose your temper, ok? Find Hermione and bring her back to us; I want to see that son of yours." Harry gave a curt nod and walked into the room, followed by Ron. The door closed and they walked into an almost empty room. There was a small mat in the middle of the floor and a chair by the mat. Ron looked at him and asked "do you have any idea what you need to do?"

"I think so; there's a spell I saw in one of Hermione's books, some kind of locator spell. I guess I'll try that first." Harry went to the mat and sat down cross legged on it. Drawing a deep breath he closed his eyes and tried to clear his head. He heard the chair scrape across the floor as Ron sat down, and then the room became silent. Harry put his hands on his knees and looked straight ahead, focusing himself completely. Picturing Hermione in his minds eye, he started reciting "reperire uxor, reperire filius, reperire uxor, reperire felius." He kept repeating this over and over again for what seemed like five minutes. Suddenly he stopped the chant and when Ron looked at him, he could see his eyes moving rapidly under his closed eyelids. "Ron, I can feel her. It feels like something inside of me is pulling..." he never finished the sentence because right before Ron's eyes, he disappeared. Ron ran out the door, almost crashing into Dumbledore. "He's gone, he just disapparated" he said, breathlessly.

Dumbledore looked from him to Remus and said "it's all up to Harry now."

If Hermione didn't already love her son so much, she would wish to die. The pain ripping through her body with every contraction was horrendous. It felt as though someone were ripping him out of her stomach and she couldn't tolerate the pain much longer. As she curled her body into a ball to ward off the pain, she felt a strange sensation almost in the back of her mind. Too tired to even wonder what it was, she closed her eyes and tried to rest between her contractions. Suddenly there was a faint 'pop' and she opened her eyes to see Harry sprawled out on the floor in front of her. "Harry?" she said, afraid what she was seeing wasn't real. Harry stirred a little and moved his head around in the direction of her voice.

"Hermione?" he said and groaned as if in pain.

"How did you get in here?" she asked, confused.

"I focused in on the baby's fire ability and it brought me here." He looked around and noticed the bars all around him. "Bloody hell, did I just apparate into a cage?"

"Yes, Bellatrix has already..." she curled up again as another contraction slammed through her body. "" she ground out as tears ran from her eyes.

"Hermione?!" said Harry, trying to pull himself off of the floor. The bit of apparition that brought him here seemed to have drained his body of energy because he felt like he weighed a ton. He pulled himself upright and crawled over to where she was laying on the floor. Pushing her sweat soaked hair out of her face, he noticed the pained expression she wore. He put his hand on her stomach and felt how hard it was. "Do they seem to be coming at regular intervals?" he asked, rubbing her belly lightly.

"No...they're really...erratic" she said, panting.

Suddenly, pain tore through Harry's scar and he clamped his hands over it, trying not to scream. He knew what that meant; Voldemort was close by. He must have sensed Harry was here and now he was coming for them. He heard the door to the room creak open and he looked up to see Voldemort standing in the doorway, his cold, red eyes glowing in the darkness. "Well, well Potter, I see you've finally joined us. Tell me, how did you get in here, hmm?" said Voldemort in a shrill, high pitched voice.

"Go to hell" ground out Harry, trying to fight off the pain in his scar.

"Now Potter, is that any way to talk to the person that is going to raise your son?" he asked, pleasure evident in his voice.

"Like hell you will" said Hermione looking at Voldemort with hate blazing in her eyes.

"Silence mudblood" said Voldemort, venom dripping off of every word.

Harry watched helplessly as Hermione screamed in pain, suffering another contraction. Harry felt fear course through every fiber of his being; she needed help NOW. He stood up unsteadily and put his palm out, facing the door to their prison. "What do you think you're doing Potter?" asked Voldemort, watching him suspiciously. Harry tried to think of a spell that would help him right now, but his brain felt like mush. When Harry just stood there like that, Voldemort lost his patience and cried "Crucio!"

Harry felt pain coursing through his body, and fell to his knees on the floor. After what seemed like an eternity, Voldemort released him from the curse and laughed. "You're pathetic Potter. You can't even protect your wife and unborn child." Harry gritted his teeth, feeling the effects of the curse start to diminish. He lay there trying to collect himself and when he heard Voldemort laughing at him he lost it. His anger sparked the fire within him and he felt power surge through his body. He stood up with a wild look in his eyes and held his hand out in front of him once more. "Excido Portas Maximus!" he yelled, and the door to the cage blew off of its hinges and flew across the room at the group of Death Eaters standing there. Voldemort looked at him surprised. "How did you do that?" he asked, watching as Harry walked towards him. "None of your damn business Tom" said Harry, glaring him down.

Harry saw movement out of the corner of his eye and noticed Bellatrix standing there. "Wee Potty Potter, always the hero. Just like your Godfather" she taunted. Harry looked at her, the hate he felt reflected in his eyes. "Ah, Bella. I've been waiting to see you again. You know, I'm usually not a violent person, but..." he moved his hand in a vertical line and yelled "Dehisco!" The death eaters watched in horror as Bellatrix Lestrange's body was cut in two. A few of them actually turned and retched at the sight. Harry looked around the group and noticed someone else he had waited to confront.

"Antonin Dolohov" he said, and noticed Hermione's head snap up at the name. "I have a score to settle with you too. Seems you attacked my wife in the Department of Ministries last year. I'd like to return the favor; Abscindo!" Harry cried, making a horizontal slicing motion with his hand. Everyone watched as Dolohov's head was severed from his body and rolled to the floor. Everyone stood paralyzed at the display they had just witnessed.

"What are you waiting for!" screamed Voldemort "kill him!" His Death Eaters stood staring at him for a moment and then all of them, save one, disapparated out of the room. "You cowards! Come back here!" screamed Voldemort, looking angrily around the room. Lucius Malfoy stood next to him trying to put on a brave face, but the fear still showed in his eyes. "Never mind, I will kill you myself! I'm tired of playing your stupid little games! REDUCTO!" Voldemort watched as his curse connected with the ground in front of Harry, blasting a hole in it and sending Harry flying. He landed a little ways away from Voldemort and Malfoy. He slowly picked himself up, and as he looked at Voldemort, his eyes shone red with his fire magic.

"I'm tired of your shit Voldemort. This ends today. Templis Ignes Inferre!" As he said this he held his palm out and turned in a complete circle. A ring of fire erupted around him; he had made himself a cage of fire for protection. Voldemort's eyes grew wide as he witnessed Harry's display of fire. "What's the matter Tom, didn't realize how powerful I really am? Flamma Grandis!" Out of Harry's palm flew a stream of fire, heading directly at Voldemort. He dove out of the way and the fire hit the wall behind him, setting it afire. "Inflammatio!" Harry shouted again, this time aiming for Malfoy. The fireball just missed Lucius's head and hit the ground behind him. "Where is your son Lucius? I owe him for opening his mouth to you. I guess I'll have to wait until I get back to school to pay him back." As Harry was talking, he didn't notice Voldemort get up off of the ground and aim his wand at him. "Avada Kedavra!" he roared and a green jet of light soared towards Harry. Harry didn't react in time and the curse hit him in the chest.

"HARRY!" screamed Hermione, still lying in the cage. She started crying as Harry collapsed onto the floor and the flames surrounding him died out.

"Finally!" said Voldemort, looking at Lucius. Hermione crawled over to where Harry lay and put her head on his chest, listening for any breathing sounds.

"Harry, wake up. C'mon love, you've got to be ok; your son and I need you" she cried, shaking him. She lay her hand over his heart, praying to feel it beating underneath her palm. When she felt nothing, she let out a wail of agony that would have broke the heart of anyone who had one. As it was, it didn't affect anyone else in the room.

"That's right, mudblood, your great and powerful husband is no more. You and your unborn son shall be joining him soon." Voldemort raised his wand, the beginning of the killing curse on his lips and he froze at the sight in front of him. A blue light had encircled the two teenagers laying on the floor. Coming out of his stupor, Voldemort once more raised his wand and yelled "Avada Kedavra!" The jet of green light once again sailed towards Hermione, and to everyone's surprise, deflected off of the blue shield. "WHAT?! How is that possible? There is no protection against the killing curse!" screamed Voldemort, enraged that he hadn't killed Hermione. As Hermione lay there wide eyed in surprise, she felt the palm of her hand that was over Harry's heart grow warm. When she looked at her hand, it glowed a bright red and she could feel heat coursing through her body. After glowing for a minute or two, the glow subsided and the heat died down. Once again Hermione's body was racked with a contraction and she balled her body up in pain.

"Hermione?" said a voice Hermione thought she would never hear again. She opened her eyes and saw Harry looking at her.

"Harry? You're alive? But how...?" she asked thoroughly confused.

"I don't know how it is I'm alive, but I have someone to take care of" Harry said and stood up. Voldemort looked at him in disbelief "why won't you people die?!!" he yelled in frustration.

"Because the good shall inherit the earth" said Harry, changing the Bible quote. Voldemort raised his wand at him yet again, but Harry put his hand in front of him and shouted "INTURNUS ACCENDO!!" Voldemort stopped dead in his tracks and Malfoy froze where he stood. Red flames burst out of Voldemorts chest and he screamed in pain. Harry watched as his entire body was consumed in flames from the inside out and turned to Malfoy. "Incarcerous!" said Harry, waving his hand toward Lucius and ropes materialized out of thin air. The ropes wrapped around Malfoy, binding his body which caused him to fall onto the floor. He opened his mouth to say something and Harry waved his hand again, saying "silencio!" Malfoy's mouth snapped shut and he glared daggers at Harry. "I'm going to let the Dementors take care of you Malfoy; let's see how you like spending the rest of your life in Azkaban as a hollow shell of a man."

Harry turned to Hermione and saw her still balled up on the floor. Putting his arms under her neck and knees, he lifted her against his chest. "Let's get you back to the castle love" said Harry, bending to plant a kiss on her sweat covered forehead. He looked once more to Lucius tied up on the floor and then to the smoldering pile of ash that had been Voldemort. "Good riddance!" he said and closed his eyes to concentrate on the hospital ward. With another soft 'pop' Harry left behind the carnage of Voldemort and his Death Eaters and found himself in the safety of the castle once again.

The minute he apparated into the hospital ward, he screamed for Madam Pomfrey and lay Hermione on the nearest bed. The nurse came bustling out of her office and when she saw Hermione obviously in great pain, she rushed to her bedside. "How long has she been in labor?" asked the nurse.

"I'm not sure; her water broke when we went to Hogsmeade and then Voldemort kidnapped her." The nurse looked at him with a frightened look on her face "Voldemort had her?"

"Yes, and we won't have to worry about him anymore, I made sure of that" said Harry as he walked towards the fireplace. Throwing in a handful of floo powder he shouted "Headmasters office" and stuck his head into the flames. He opened his eyes and saw Remus, Dumbledore and Ron all sitting there.

"Harry!" yelled Ron, who was the first to see him. "Where's Hermione? Is she ok?"

"She's in what seems to be hard labor. Could you guys come to the hospital ward?" asked Harry hurriedly.

"We will be there momentarily" answered Dumbledore. Harry nodded and pulled his head back into the ward. Not two seconds after he did this, the flames flared to life again and out stepped Dumbledore. Remus and Ron followed quickly after him, and just as Ron had stepped out they all heard Hermione scream in agony. Harry ran over to the side of her bed to see her red faced and grimacing in pain.

"Madam Pomfrey, what's wrong?" asked Harry, getting very worried.

"She's dilated to seven, but I fear she won't be having this baby naturally. Your son hasn't dropped into the birth canal at all Mr. Potter" explained the nurse while wiping Hermione's face with a wet cloth.

"What does that mean?" asked Harry, becoming angry with his lack of knowledge.

"It means that I'm going to have to do the muggle equivalent of a cesarean section" she explained. Harry's eyes grew wide "isn't that where you have to cut her stomach and take the baby out?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid so" said Madam Pomfrey. Harry looked at the men around him and noticed Ron's face had turned a greenish color. They were all drawn back to Hermione as she moaned "Harry?"

"I'm here love" he said grabbing her hand which he immediately regretted because another contraction washed over her and she squeezed it so hard he thought she might break it. Grimacing in pain, Harry kept hold of her hand until it was over. She finally eased up on her grip and looked at his face.

"I feel like I'm dying Harry" she whispered while tears leaked out of her eyes. He felt horrible knowing she was in so much pain and wasn't able to do anything to help her.

"Madam Pomfrey will take great care of you; it'll be over soon" he said soothingly. Just then, Madam Pomfrey walked up to the side of the bed.

"We need to get your son out now" said the nurse. "I'm going to draw the curtains" she said as she walked to one side of the curtain and pulled it around so they were blocked from view. Harry stood by Hermione's side and watched as Madam Pomfrey cast a spell to remove Hermione's clothes. Next she cast what sounded like a sanitizing spell and then looked at Harry. "Are you going to be able to handle this?" she asked seriously.

"After what I just witnessed and what I just did, I think I can handle this" said Harry just as seriously. Pomfrey cast a painkilling spell and pinched a little bit of skin on Hermione's leg.

"Did you feel that dear?" she asked Hermione.

"Feel what?" asked Hermione confused.

"Never mind dear, just relax and you'll be seeing your son soon" said Pomfrey. Hermione looked at Harry and smiled a small smile. He could tell she was just as nervous as he was, maybe more. "Ok, I'm going to start now" said the nurse looking at them to see if they were ready. When she noticed them both looking back at her with fearful looks on their faces, she gave them a small smile. "Everything will be just fine; here we go. Seiungo!" she said as she put the tip of her wand against Hermione's skin just above her pubic line. She drew a horizontal line with the wand and as she moved it Hermione's skin split apart. Once she had made the cut the length she wanted it, she put her wand on a tray floating next to her and used her gloved hands to pull the skin apart further. Realizing she wouldn't be able to pull it apart enough, she grabbed her wand once again and waving it over the cut said "distendo!" The cut stretched and held so that she could use both of her hands to reach inside and grab the baby.

She grabbed the baby's head with both hands and pulled gently. Harry watched in awe as she pulled his son's head out and stopped. Holding his head with one hand, she grabbed her wand with the other and said "Exsugo!" As soon as she said that, the ward was filled with the wonderful cries of their son. Madam Pomfrey pulled him the rest of the way out and waving her wand again said "Abstergeo!" The baby was cleaned off as soon as she said this and she took him in both her hands and lifted him up just enough so Hermione could see him. "It's definitely a boy!" said the nurse, smiling. She placed the baby gently on Hermione's stomach and set to work sealing up the cut in her stomach. After that was done and she was cleaned up, Madam Pomfrey took the baby and swaddled him in a blanket, then handed him to Harry. He wasn't really sure how to hold him so Pomfrey showed him the correct way and then turned back to Hermione. She waved her wand over Hermione, saying a spell that placed a gown on Hermione.

Harry sat holding their son, looking at his face in amazement. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, so he didn't know what color they were. He had Hermione's nose and what looked to be his mouth and chin. He had a patch of fuzzy black hair on his head that already looked like it would be just as unruly as Harry's. Harry looked down at Hermione to say something and noticed she had fallen asleep. After all she had been through that day, she deserved to rest for a while. He carried his son out of the curtained area out to where Dumbledore, Remus and Ron sat waiting. When they saw him walk out with the bundle in his arms, they all smiled and said their congratulations. He looked at Remus first and asked "would you like to hold him Grandpa?" Remus looked at him, surprised. His eyes seemed to mist over and all he could do was nod his head. Harry handed the baby over to him and Remus looked down at him and smiled. "He looks just like you did when you were born" said Remus proudly. He sat holding him for a little while, then went to hand him back to Harry. "Why don't you give him to Dumbledore to hold?" said Harry, noticing Dumbledore's pleased smile. He held the baby and looking at him said "you are already loved so much, little one. I fear you are going to be a handful, but I doubt you could be any worse than your father."

Harry looked at him, then to Ron who was laughing. He joined in the laughter which felt really good. "So Harry" said Ron "are you going to tell us what happened?"

Harry's expression turned serious. "In a nutshell, I killed Bellatrix, Dolohov and Voldemort. Lucius Malfoy is still tied up in the room we were in. I still don't know where we were exactly so I don't know where to tell the aurors to go to pick him up."

"I believe you were in Malfoy Manor" explained Dumbledore. "It's been said he has his own private dungeon in the basement of his home."

Harry's expression darkened as he thought about being in Malfoy's home. "I'm not proud of what I did, but I was so angry. They have caused so much pain; Bellatrix was taunting me with Sirius's death and Dolohov is the one who injured Hermione last year in the ministry. They were going to kill me, kill Hermione and then Voldemort was going to take my son to raise as his own. There was no way I was going to let that happen, and I kind of went crazy."

"What do you mean, Harry?" asked Ron, concerned.

"You don't want to know Ron. They are images that will haunt me for the rest of my life, but I did what I had to do to save my family." He took the baby back from Dumbledore and looked at him "you're safe now, little guy." The baby opened his eyes just a little bit, but it was enough for Harry to see that they were the exact same color as his. "He has my eyes" said Harry proudly looking at Ron. "Hey Godfather, you haven't held your Godson yet" he said smiling at the look on Ron's face.

"Me? You want me to be his Godfather?" asked Ron, not sure he heard correctly.

"Of course" said Harry as he handed the baby to Ron, showing him how to hold him. "We're going to ask Ginny to be his Godmother."

"She's going to bloody flip" said Ron, then realizing what he said, said "oops, better watch what I say huh?" He laughed along with Harry, then said to the baby "just wait until you get bigger and I can show you all sorts of tricks to pull on your parents."

Harry looked at him smiling and said "don't let Hermione hear you say that!" Turning to Dumbledore, he asked "Sir, would you be able to notify Hermione's parents and arrange for them to come for a visit?"

"Absolutely Harry. I'll get on that right away" said the Headmaster, getting up from his chair. "Congratulations again, Harry. Please tell Hermione for me when she wakes up."

"I will Sir, thank you" said Harry as he watched him leave. Ron got up also and said "Do you mind if I let everyone in the tower know that my Godson is here?"

"Not at all Ron; who knows when I'll be able to get up there again" he said, proud of the maturity Ron was showing at the moment. "Thanks for being here for me today mate; you'll never know how much I appreciate it."

"No trouble at all mate, I just wish I could have done more. I'll see you soon" said Ron as he got up and left the ward also.

Harry looked at Remus and said "I don't think I've ever been this happy; well maybe on my wedding day but it's too close to call."

Remus smiled and said "what did you mean when you called me Grandpa?"

"Exactly that, Remus. I told you, you're like a father to me and last I knew my son needs to get to know both his Grandpa's" said Harry. Remus looked at him proudly and said "I wish your parents could see you now Harry. They would be so proud of you and what you've done."

"I wish they were here too; luckily I have you and Dumbledore to help me in their place" Harry said then looked down at the baby again. "I had better go check on Hermione; will you be around for a while?"

"Absolutely! Dumbledore said I could stay in one of the guest quarters for a while" he replied.

"Great!" said Harry, then realized something. "I almost forgot, we've still got two weeks of school left."

"Ought to be interesting for the two of you, but maybe it will give you practice for next year" said Remus, then walked over and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Congratulations Papa."

"Thanks" said Harry and he watched him walk out the doors.

Three hours later Hermione had woke from her nap and Harry had handed the baby over to her. Right now she was trying to breast feed the baby while Madam Pomfrey tried to show her the correct way to do it. "I've read all the books on breast feeding Madam Pomfrey, I think I understand the technique."

"Hah! Reading how to do something in a book is entirely different from actually doing it in real life dear" said the nurse knowingly. Hermione glared angrily at her and continued to try to get the baby to latch on. Harry had gone to sit outside the curtains while the two argued over the proper way to breast feed his son. He almost felt sorry for him, caught between two arguing women when all he wanted to do was eat. Harry looked up as the doors to the ward opened and saw his in-laws walking towards him.

"Harry!" said her Mum happily, walking over and hugging him. "Congratulations! Are they in there?" she asked, pointing towards the curtain.

"Yes, Hermione is trying to breast feed the baby right now. She and Pomfrey are having a difference of opinion on how it's done" he said with a trace of humor.

"I'll go straighten them out" said her Mum and she walked behind the curtain.

"Congratulations Harry" said Robert Granger as he held his hand out to Harry. Harry grabbed and shook his hand and said "Thanks. It got a little scary for a while there, but Madam Pomfrey was great. She really knows her stuff."

They sat talking for a while as they heard the women arguing over how to feed his son. When it quieted down, Harry noticed Madam Pomfrey walk out from behind the curtain, muttering to herself about know-it-alls. He smiled at her frustration and peeked around the curtain. Hermione was sitting up in bed while her Mum sat next to her in a chair, holding their son. "Is it safe for your Dad to come in?" he asked.

"Sure, bring him in" said Hermione smiling. He turned and motioned for his father-in-law to follow him in. Robert saw his grandson and walked over next to his wife. "Wow, Harry he looks just like you" he said.

"He has my nose though" said Hermione, sounding almost disappointed.

"And a fine nose it is" said her Mum "it happens to be my nose too." They all sat there enjoying the time together with the baby when her Mum looked up at her suddenly. "What did you name him dear?" she asked.

Hermione looked at Harry and when he sighed and nodded she smiled a dazzling smile, knowing she had gotten her way. She looked at her Mum and Dad and said "Grandma, Grandpa I'd like you to meet Conlan Sirius Potter."

Miles away, Lucius Malfoy still lay bound to the floor, silenced by Potter's spell. He couldn't believe the way things had turned out; Voldemort was dead and Potter's mudblood child had probably been born by now. This is not the way things had been planned. Voldemort was supposed to kill Potter and the mudblood; he should be standing next to his Master as his second in command right now with witches and wizards bowing at their feet. As he sat lamenting over his fate, he noticed something rising out of the pile of ashes that once was the Dark Lord. He saw a grayish colored mass swirling above the ashes and then it started to move towards him. He knew at once what it was; it was the spirit of Voldemort. Much like the first time Potter had defeated him, his body was gone but his spirit had remained very much alive. It floated directly above him now and as he watched in awe Voldemort's spirit dove into his body. Lucius could feel Voldemort's spirit attach itself to his soul and shuddered at the sudden rush of power that ran through him. Noticing Voldemort's thoughts were in his mind, he knew they were both thinking the same thing; it was time to pay Potter back for what he did and together there was no way he would defeat them this time.

***Thank you again for taking the time to read my story. I am planning a sequel to my story and I'm hoping to start the first chapter in a few days. If you want to read it, please keep an eye out for it. I'm not sure what the title will be yet. BTW, the name Conlan means 'hero' and Sirius means 'scorching'. I felt the two names fit nicely with the fire ability and the fact that he saved his parents lives from the womb! :) Thanks for all the encouraging reviews, they're what kept me writing this story even when I wasn't sure where I wanted it to go.